Homemade wine made from sour jam. Preparation of the constituent components

Every year, thrifty housewives have at least a few jars of last year's jam left over. I don’t want to eat it anymore, since something new has been prepared, but throw it away natural product, for the preparation of which effort and money were spent, it’s a pity.

I suggest the next solution is to make homemade wine from jam. We will consider the recipe and technology further.

I advise you to find a three-liter jar in advance, nylon cover, gauze and a medical rubber glove (a water seal can be installed instead). In this recipe we will do without yeast, since wine yeast is difficult to get, and ordinary pressed or dry yeast is not used in winemaking, turning the wine into an ordinary mash. The role of yeast will be played by raisins, on the surface of which the necessary fungi live.

For cooking homemade wine suitable for jam made from apples, currants, raspberries, strawberries, plums, cherries and others fruit crops. But I don't recommend mixing different types jam in one drink: lost in the mixture unique taste each berry. It's better to make several separate servings.


  • jam – 1 liter;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • unwashed raisins – 100 grams;
  • sugar – 10-100 grams per liter of water (optional).

The amount of water depends on the sugar content in the jam (natural in the raw material and added during the cooking process). We must strive to ensure that the sugar content in the wort does not exceed 20%. If necessary, dilute with more water. If the jam is not initially sweet, you can add more sugar.

Recipe for wine from old jam

1. Wash a three-liter jar with soda, rinse several times with warm water, then sterilize by pouring a little boiling water. This will kill pathogens that could spoil the wine.

2. Transfer the jam to a jar, add water and sugar (if necessary), add unwashed raisins. Stir until smooth. Instead of raisins, you can use any unwashed fresh berries, which must first be crushed.

3. Cover the jar with gauze to protect against flies, transfer to a warm (18-25°C) dark place or cover with a thick cloth. Leave for 5 days, stir once a day with a clean hand or a wooden tool. After 8-20 hours, signs of fermentation should appear: hissing, foam and a slight sour smell. This means that everything is going fine.

4. Remove the pulp (floated pulp) from the surface, strain the contents of the jar through gauze folded in several layers. Pour the filtered wort into a clean jar, previously washed with soda and boiling water. The container can be filled to a maximum of 75% of the volume, so that there is room for foam and carbon dioxide that will appear during fermentation.

5. Make a hole in one of the fingers of the medical glove with a needle, and then put the glove itself on the neck of the jar. To ensure that the structure holds better and does not fall off during fermentation, tie the neck with a rope over the glove.

An alternative way is to install a water seal. There is no difference between these two options. If you make homemade wines all the time, it is better to build a water seal; it is universal; in other cases, a glove (a new one each time) will do.

6. Place the jar in a dark, warm place for 30-60 days. Fermentation will end when the inflated glove is completely deflated or the water seal does not produce bubbles for several days. The wine itself should become lighter, and sediment will appear at the bottom.

Attention! If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the moment the water seal is installed, the jam wine must be drained without touching the sediment at the bottom. Then put it under the water seal again to ferment. If this is not done, the drink may taste bitter.

7 . Drain the fermented young wine from the sediment. To taste, if desired, add sugar for sweetness or vodka (alcohol) to increase the strength (2-15% of volume). Fortified wine Made from jam, it stores better, but is not as aromatic and has a harsher taste.

Pour the drink into clean containers, preferably filling them up to the neck so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close tightly and transfer to the basement or refrigerator. Keep for at least 2-3 months(preferably 5-6). The optimal temperature is 6-16°C.

First, once every 20-25 days, then less often when sediment appears in a layer of 2-5 cm, filter the wine by pouring it into another container. Sitting on lees for a long time can lead to bitterness. The finished drink (the sediment no longer appears) can be poured into bottles and hermetically sealed with corks.

The strength of the prepared wine is 10-13%. Shelf life when stored in a basement or refrigerator is up to 3 years.

It's time to make jam, but there are still jars from last season on the shelves. Do you want to try new recipes or cook your favorite ones, but the availability of last year’s unused product is stopping you? There is a solution: start making wine from jam. This way you will empty the container and proceed with new preparations with a clear conscience. The time has come to prepare jam, but there are still jars from last season on the shelves. Do you want to try new recipes or cook your favorite ones, but the availability of last year’s unused product is stopping you? There is a solution: start making wine from jam. This way you will empty the container and proceed with new preparations with a clear conscience.

This recipe for homemade jam wine is simple and will not require additional costs. If you want the wine to be tasty, you just need to be patient and follow the recipe exactly. You'll see - everything will work out!

Basic terms and devices

Sometimes the terms of winemakers seem incomprehensible to an uninitiated person, and the process itself is very complicated. However, it is very easy to make wine from jam at home, and a simple recipe will be an excellent help for this. If you look carefully, there is nothing complicated or confusing here.

So, first things first, let’s look at the basic terms and understand the devices.

The entire process of wine formation is divided into several stages:

  1. Formation of pulp, while all the ingredients are mixed and the container is left for several days in a warm place under or without a lid, but covered with a cloth on top (no third-party particles should get into the wort). The duration of this stage is up to 10 days.
  2. Fermentation. During this period it will be necessary special device(water seal) and fermentation room - a dark room with a stable temperature of 22–24 C. This period will take about 50 days.
  3. Maturation of wine. This period of time depends on how strong your endurance is. The longer the young wine sits in the cold, the tastier it will be. On average, this process takes from 2 to 3 months, and the room temperature should not exceed +16 C.

Between the main stages there will be several intermediate ones, which different recipes Wines made from jam are different and will be discussed separately.

Now about the devices

To prepare the drink, you will need a container for wine from jam; it is better to use glass jars or bottles. They allow you to control the fermentation process and do not produce foreign odors.

You can use barrels or enamel dishes (but here during fermentation it will be problematic to arrange a water seal).

You cannot use plastic or aluminum utensils for these purposes - the wine will develop an additional smell and taste (not always pleasant), and in some cases ethanol will react with plastic and substances harmful to humans will be formed (you can simply get poisoned).

Before making homemade wine from jam, be sure to make sure that there is no mold in the containers with jam.

How to install a water seal? To do this you can take thin tube from the drip system (new) and insert one end into the nylon cover. The other one needs to be placed in a glass of water (½ full). This shutter is good for ordinary glass jars, here the tube is disposable, and the lid can be used many times, only by changing the tubes.

You can buy a special factory-made closure, usually it is suitable for bottles and cans, it all depends on the crust.

If all this is too difficult, then take an ordinary medical glove and pierce a hole in your finger with a gypsy needle, and then put it on the jar. Under the influence of gases, the glove will inflate and act as a water seal. It can only be used once.

Important Rules

Be sure to sterilize all containers and equipment

Before making wine from jam at home, you will need to carefully wash with soda and sterilize (boil and steam) all containers and devices that will be used. This way the wine will not receive any unwanted or foreign odors.

Jars or other fermentation containers are filled no more than 4/5 of the volume. It’s even better to leave 2/5 of the container unfilled. And this is so that there is room for foam and bubbles, otherwise they will rise too high and clog the water seal.

Cooking technology

Before making wine from old jam, carefully study the technology and think about where each stage of creation will take place. delicious drink. It is also important to stock up on the necessary containers and accessories or make them.

1st stage

Mixing ingredients and forming wort

This is the mixing of ingredients and the formation of wort. For wort, the water must be boiled and then cooled to a warm state (+25C).

This process can be organized in the usual enamel pan or in a 3-liter jar. It is better to store the container not in the apartment, but in a pantry or on the balcony, but to start the process you need a temperature of +18–25. The container is covered with cotton cloth or gauze to prevent insects from entering.

First, mix all the ingredients very well. During the fermentation process, the jam will rise to the top and begin to make noise; it needs to be stirred twice a day for better distribution of the yeast.

When the pulp begins to rise, it is filtered through cheesecloth (preferably in 2-3 layers), squeezed well and the pulp is thrown away.

2nd stage

Formation of young wine. The resulting liquid is poured into sterile glass containers and sealed with a water seal, filling them as indicated above.

The containers are kept for 1.5 to 3 months, depending on the recipe, for preparing wine from jam in a darkened room (necessarily without direct sunlight) at a temperature not exceeding +23C.

The fermentation process is considered complete when the glove falls off or bubbles stop coming from the water in the glass.

If after 50 days the process is still intense, then you need to remove the water seal and pour the contents into a clean container without affecting the sediment. The new container is closed with a clean water seal and the wine is allowed to ferment, otherwise it will become bitter.

3rd stage

Excerpt. It is needed so that the wine receives its own unique taste and aroma. When the fermentation process is complete, the wine is drained from the sediment (3-4 layers of gauze) into a clean container. In case of large sediment, the procedure is performed several times at intervals (3–4 days).

After the sediment is removed, the young wine is placed in a dark, cool (+16) room for 1.5–3 months. Then it can be served to the table.

The strength of this drink is about 10 0.
It should be served slightly chilled; it goes well with dessert.

You can also use yeast or ethyl alcohol, then you will get a stronger drink.

Simple recipes

If you are making homemade wine from jam for the first time, you need to choose a simple recipe. Here are some recipes from different varieties jam.

Tip: to make the wine tasty, combine sweet and sour fruits, for example: raspberries and gooseberries.

Wine from jam is prepared in a 1:1 ratio of water and jam; raisins are added to each liter of jam (they cannot be washed so as not to remove the yeast). Raisins play the role of yeast.

If you make homemade wine from jam, you can even use sour, spoiled jam, but you cannot use moldy jam (the wine will have an unpleasant aftertaste).


  • Apple stock – 1.5 kg;
  • Water – 1.5 l;
  • Raisins – 1 handful;
  • Granulated sugar – 0.2 kg.

The easiest to prepare. It turns out moderately sweet and aromatic.
For the recipe you need to take equal parts water and jam, as well as a handful of raisins. To these ingredients you need to add ½ cup granulated sugar and mix everything well.

Leave the mixture to prepare the wort for 5–6 days in a warm place, stirring 2 times a day. When the jam rises and begins to make noise (this may be a little earlier if it’s warm), the pulp is filtered out, and the wort is poured into glass containers, add another 100 g of sugar and close with a water seal.

Then you need to put the containers in a warm place for fermentation; when the bubbles stop appearing, the young wine is ready. All that remains is to decant it through 3-4 layers of gauze (do not touch the sediment), and then place it in a cold place for ripening for at least 2 months.


  • Raspberry preparation – 2.5 kg;
  • Water – 2.5 l;
  • Sugar – 0.1 kg.

Here all the sugar is added when preparing the wort. This wine needs to be kept in the cold for at least one and a half months.

Easy to make into a great liqueur. To do this, after the young wine is removed from the water seal and drained from the sediment, add another 100–150 g of sugar for each liter of water (if you want a very sweet liqueur), less sugar will make the liqueur less sweet.


  • Currant stock – 1.5 kg;
  • Cherry leaves – 5–7 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 0.1 kg;
  • Raisins – 60 g.

Currant wine has an original taste, thanks to cherry leaves.

We prepare the wort from the proposed ingredients. It can be closed with a lid and just stirred for 7-10 days, 2 times a day.

Then strain the pulp through cheesecloth and leave the sediment at the bottom. We arrange the shutter in a container filled ¾ with wort.

After the process is completed, the young wine will become clearer (this will take up to 40 days), it can be drained from the lees and aged (at least 1.5 months).

Wine made from currant jam is perfectly stored in a cool place; the longer it sits, the richer the taste and aroma will be. It can be stored for 2–3 years.


Often, neat housewives do not understand what to do with deposits of jam that have been stored for a long time on the shelves of a cellar or closet, being candied and fermented. However, stocks are found non-standard application- prepare wine from fermented jam. For this purpose, ordinary, candied and fermented jam, confiture or jam is suitable.

Preparation of the constituent components

Before making wine from fermented jam at home, prepare a fermentation tank. The size of the container is determined by the amount of product being processed. Presumably, one liter of jam will require the same amount of water. The container maintains space for the release of foam and carbon dioxide. They choose glass containers because when wine comes into contact with metal and polymer, it absorbs the smell of plastic and iron. The best option- a glass bottle with a volume of three or ten liters.

Homemade wine from fermented jam is poured into glass bottles or wooden barrels. The wine is sealed with cork stoppers, allowing the drink to “breathe” and infuse wonderfully. Homemade wine is stored in a darkened room, and even bottled finished wine in dark glass bottles.

Water seal: characteristics and types

To make wine from jam, you need a water seal, which:

  • removes carbon dioxide released during fermentation,
  • does not allow oxygen to enter the container,
  • works as a pointer to switch to the next phase of the process.

You can buy the shutter at a department store or make it yourself. Three types of water seals are used: from a rubber glove, industrial production, homemade from a straw and a jar.

Rubber glove water seal

The glove is put on the bottle, a hole is pierced to release gases, and a valve is obtained to reduce the pressure. If the glove deflates and falls, then fermentation is over.

Industrial water seal

This type of water seal is productive and cheap. He looks like simple cover, but in the middle there is a small depression that is filled with water. Carbon dioxide passes through the water; if there are no bubbles in the water, then the fermentation process is over. A water seal of this design is used many times.

A water seal made from a thin tube and a jar of water

To make it, you will need a lid with a hole into which a plastic or rubber hose is inserted, and a jar of water. One end of the hoses is lowered into water, and the other, 4-5 cm, is passed through the wine must. If the gas stops bubbling in the water, then fermentation has stopped. The main thing is to make a tight connection between the lid and the hoses. The holes around the tube are sealed with plasticine or modeling mass.

If you have prepared the ingredients, then you can think about how to make homemade wine from fermented jam.

Manufacturing stages

Choose jams or confitures from which homemade wine is made, without mold. This is the only strict rule, or the output will not be a product with quality properties. Wine is prepared using jams from different varieties of fruits and berries, since such a mixture will add an unusual taste and aroma to homemade wine from fermented jam.

The method of preparing wine is simple and consists of eight steps:

  • Add one glass of sugar per six liters of solution to a solution of equal volumes of confiture and lukewarm boiled water (proportion one to one) and mix thoroughly.
  • Add two handfuls (200-250 grams) of unwashed raisins or grapes to the mixture. Characteristic wine yeasts on berry skins include natural fermentation, transitioning to jam.

  • The container with the solution is placed in a dark and warm corner.
  • When the mixture floats to the top, the grounds are carefully separated from the mash, which is then filtered into a bottle or jar. A typical recipe for homemade wine from fermented jam involves adding an identical volume of sugar to the mash at this stage of production.
  • A water seal is placed on the neck of the bottle.
  • Fermentation lasts at a temperature of plus 25-27 degrees and stops when the release of carbon dioxide bubbles is completed.
  • Trying not to stir the grounds, the wine is carefully poured into bottles using a thin hose. For greater purification, use a filter.
  • The bottles are capped and stored in a cool, dark room to mature for 60 days.

Wine made from candied and fermented jam

To make wine from fermented jam you will need:

  • Missing jam - 1.5 liters.
  • Boiled water - 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 200 grams.
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon.

Raisins are not washed or soaked. Boil water, cool to 40 degrees. Pour into a five-liter jar, add a liter of jam, half the sugar and raisins. Mix thoroughly. Place a glove on the neck of the bottle, which is securely fastened. On one finger of the gloves, a hole is pierced with a needle to allow gas to escape.

If you don’t have one large jar, then take two three-liter jars, having mixed the ingredients in the pan in advance. The container with mash is placed in a warm, dark place for 14 days. Then the bottle is opened, the mixture is expressed through a filter and another half of the sugar is added. The wine is poured into a clean five-liter container and again left for 90 days for final fermentation.

The finished wine is bottled without shaking the sediment. Bottles of wine are stored in a cold basement or pantry. This wine is stronger than in the previous recipe, due to the sugar added during the preparation of the drink.

As it turned out, stale jams and confitures are turned into glorious homemade wine, not inferior in taste properties purchased, factory-made drinks. In addition, no material investment is required. The price of raisins and sugar is low compared to expensive, sometimes not natural, wines.

Wine made from jam with cane sugar

Let's consider, if the jam has fermented, how to make wine with cane sugar. Addition cane sugar When preparing wine, it gives an aromatic and fancy flavor to the drink. For a good fermentation process, voluminous containers are prepared in order to obtain an aromatic and high-quality wine as a result.

Take the following ingredients: 1 liter of jam or confiture, 1 liter of boiled water and 100 grams of cane sugar.

Cooking method with cane sugar:

  • Mix jam and water in a container, then pour into the resulting mixture cane sugar. The solution is thoroughly stirred and covered. plastic cover or a rubber glove.
  • The container is placed in a dark corner for 60 days.
  • Then the mash is cleaned of the settled jam mixture and filtered through multilayer gauze.
  • Then the liquid is poured into clean bottles and stored for another 40 days in a darkened room. When the wine has aged, try the resulting alcohol.

Wine made from jam with yeast


  • Dry yeast 10 grams.
  • Jam or confiture from berries or fruits 1 kg 300 grams.
  • Boiled water 2.3 liters.
  • A handful of raisins.

The jam is collected from different types of jars and a mixture of berries and fruits is obtained, as long as it is sweet. Such wine does not last for a long time; the taste of alcohol gradually only worsens, not like wines made from grapes.

How to make wine from fermented jam with yeast:

  1. Pour water and jam into a container, mix thoroughly and taste to obtain a strong sugar solution. If the concentration is insufficient, add more sugar.
  2. Place the container on the fire, wait until it boils and remove from the stove.
  3. Cool to 20 degrees and filter through a fine mesh or gauze. Filtering is necessary so that the mixture of berries and fruits does not litter the water seal.
  4. After filtering the mash, pour two ladlefuls of mash into a cup. Slowly add dry yeast, mix thoroughly until smooth, cover with a lid and place in a warm place for 20 minutes to activate the yeast.
  5. Pour the infused mixture from a cup into a glass container, add filtered mash into the bottle and mix thoroughly. The bottle is not filled to the neck, but rather retains space for the liquid to ferment.
  6. Place a lid with a water seal and a tube on the bottle, lower the edge of the tube into the water in the plastic bottle.
  7. Cover the constructed device with cloth and place it in a place where the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere is 25 degrees.
  8. After three days, watch how the fermentation procedure develops. If air bubbles rise continuously, the mixture is still vigorously fermenting and the alcohol is not ready. Typically, wine made from jam is usable after 7 days.
  9. If the movement of bubbles stops and grounds fall into the bottom of the bottle, then taste the drink. The wine comes out sweet and sour, low-carbonated and with a hint of alcohol.
  10. Cool the drink, filter out the settled grounds and pour into bottles. Throw five raisins into each bottle and refrigerate for 24-48 hours.

How to store wine

To ensure that homemade wine from fermented jam does not disappear, you need to properly preserve the drink. It's not just for saving taste qualities, but also for long-term preservation of alcohol.

A drink made from fermented jam or confiture is preserved according to the following principles:

  • Prepared alcohol is poured only into clean bottles. It is better if the containers are made of dark glass.
  • The ideal temperature for storage is considered to be 10-12 degrees.
  • To produce a truly appetizing and fragrant wine alcohol, the wine is subjected to mandatory aging. Usually the procedure takes 1.5-3 months.
  • It is essential that during storage the bottles are placed in a horizontal position. Protect bottles from sudden temperature changes and vibration.

Having learned everything about making delicious candied and fermented jam homemade wine, housewives use a variety of recommendations based on their cooking experiments using all kinds of spices. Having studied the recipe for wine from fermented jam, make a fermentation solution from simple or fermented jam and jam, infuse under a water seal, filter and store the prepared jam product at home.

In any home there will always be a couple of jars of last year’s jam, which is a pity to throw away, but you don’t want to eat, and it doesn’t make sense, because very soon a new fruit and berry harvest will ripen. So that the jam itself and the time and effort spent on it are not wasted, you can make it yourself excellent wine- this way you will preserve last year’s preparations, while at the same time saving money spent on purchasing alcohol for the holidays and upcoming celebrations. Homemade wine made from jam has a number of advantages - after all, by getting rid of additional costs, you at the same time gain confidence in the quality of the drink you made yourself.


Wine made from sour jam

Sour and old jam with expired After expiration date, it loses its smell and brightness of color, becoming unsuitable for consumption, but it is quite suitable for making homemade wine.

You will need:

  • 3 kg jam;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 250 grams of sugar.

First, prepare a container that is optimal for the future wort (a large bottle or glass jar is ideal for this purpose), then put the jam in the prepared container and fill it with warm water. Then about one hundred twenty-five grams of sugar (half of required norm) and thoroughly mix its contents, then put a rubber glove on the neck of the container and leave for further fermentation in a warm and dark place for ten days.

After the completion of the ten-day fermentation period, sediment will appear at the bottom of the container, so before pouring the wine into clean glass bottles for further infusion, it is passed through gauze. After straining the resulting wine, add the remaining sugar and mix the drink thoroughly before leaving it to infuse. The full fermentation cycle will be completed after three months, which is when the wine should be drained from the sediment and poured into prepared bottles, after which they must be carefully and tightly closed.

This wine is different pleasant smell and taste, besides, it is stored for a long time. It is recommended to give the resulting drink time to mature (about two to three months), this will make it even softer.

Making wine from jam with yeast

There are many methods for making wine from jam at home; they are distinguished by both the final product and the time it takes to ferment the drink. The recipe below for making wine from jam with yeast is notable in that it requires less time for fermentation, and the recipe itself is applicable to any jam, regardless of the fruit or berry raw materials from which it was made.

You will need:

  • 1 liter of jam;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 grams of yeast starter;
  • sugar (add it according to your taste and discretion).

The resulting wine will not have any foreign odors or tastes if you strictly follow the simple sequence of its preparation. The first thing you will need is yeast starter. To make it, mix 200-250 grams of fresh raspberries and about half a glass of sugar, pour the mixture with water room temperature and leave in a warm place for three days. If you don’t have fresh raspberries, make a starter using yeast; both wine yeast and dry yeast are suitable for this; you will need from seven to ten grams of it per hundred grams of water. After mixing water with yeast, place the container with the resulting mixture in a warm place.

After two to three hours, start preparing the wine wort by mixing the jam and wine in any convenient container until they form a homogeneous mass. After this, put the starter into the existing mixture, thoroughly mix the entire contents of the container again and add the yeast mixture to it. Then the container should be tightly closed and placed in a dark place for a period of seven to ten days.

After the allotted time has passed, the berries will appear at the top, and you will need to carefully collect them, then pour the resulting liquid into a glass container. A thin rubber glove with one puncture is pulled over the neck of this container and placed in a warm place for sixty days.

After sixty days, the young wine that has become transparent is drained from the sediment and poured into prepared glass bottles. For its final ripening, it is recommended to put the drink in a cool place for another sixty days.

Wine made from currant jam

Home making process quality wine from currant jam It’s not complicated and the process won’t take too much time. To do this you will need:

  • 3 liters of currant jam;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 4-5 cherry leaves;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons raisins.

Adding three to five freshly picked cherry tree leaves to the drink will add richness and flavor to the wine. pleasant aroma. To begin with, you will need three liter jar, which should be washed thoroughly and rinsed two or three times with warm water. Then the container must be treated with boiling water, for which a liter of water must be boiled and then allowed to cool.

Place jam, raisins, cherry leaves and sugar in a prepared glass container, filling them with water and mixing thoroughly. Afterwards, the container must be closed with a nylon lid and placed in a warm place. After ten days, remove the lid and remove all the floating berries. Strain the resulting wort and pour into another container, then put a rubber glove on the neck of which, after which the container is placed in a dark place for forty days.

The end of fermentation (this should happen at the end of the forty-day period mentioned above) will be indicated by the fall of the inflated glove, and the drink itself in the container will become transparent by this time. Pour the wine into glass bottles prepared in advance and place in a dark place for sixty days to fully mature.

Homemade wine made from cherry jam

This wine should taste pleasant and sweet, however, it distinctive features are not only taste and aroma, but also ease of preparation - even an inexperienced winemaker can successfully carry out and complete this process. You will need:

  • liter of cherry jam (pitted);
  • liter of water;
  • 150-175 grams of raisins.

Jam and raisins are placed in a container of suitable size and filled with water, then stirred, after which the container is closed and placed in a dark place for ten days. After the specified period, open the jar and collect the floating pulp, strain the wort, and then pour it into another container. First put a rubber glove on the neck of the jar and place it in a dark place for another forty days. When the specified period comes to an end, the glove will fall off and fall on its side, this will be a sign of the end of fermentation.

Young wine usually has a bright transparent hue. It should be carefully poured into prepared glass bottles for permanent storage. As a rule, for full maturation, wine is placed in a cool place for sixty days.

Strawberry jam wine

Homemade strawberry jam wine is light and nice smell, the process of its production is simple, and the strength of such wines is about 11%. To prepare the drink you will need:

  • liter of jam;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 150 grams of raisins.

The jam must be thoroughly mixed with water until the final homogeneous mass is obtained. Afterwards, pre-soaked raisins are added to the resulting mixture, from which the white coating should not be removed - it is this that ensures subsequent fermentation of the wine wort. Next, pour the mixture into a glass container of the required size and put a pierced rubber glove on its neck. After this, leave the container in a dark place for ten days.

The young wine is filtered through cheesecloth, after which it is poured into prepared glass bottles, closing them tightly and neatly. Then these bottles are placed in a cool place for three (or four) days, which completes the preparation process - after this short period the drink will be completely ready for consumption.

Jam made from all kinds of fruits and berries is an excellent delicacy that allows you to extend summer. What could be better than a cup of hot tea with aromatic sweet berries? cold winter. Cook the right and beautiful jam- this is great art. Unfortunately, even experienced housewives Troubles may happen with homemade preparations. It seems that the recipe was proven, and the jam was prepared according to all the rules, but the lid swelled, or even flew off, and from finished product sounds unpleasant sour smell. This means only one thing: the product is spoiled and cannot be eaten. Many housewives are interested: if the jam has fermented, what to do? It's a shame to throw it away. We will talk about this in the article.

Why did the bank "explode"?

The main reason why the jar exploded was due to insufficient heat treatment: our mothers and grandmothers cooked the jam for a long time, so fermentation was a rare unpleasant event. Nowadays, five-minute jam is more common, and this requires additional measures when preparing berries for future use:

  • Sterilization of jars and lids is mandatory;
  • reliable twisting, because it is the air that promotes the development of microorganisms;
  • strictly following the recipe, lack of sugar leads to spoilage of the jam;
  • proper storage, the place should not be too warm, optimal temperature- no higher than 12 - 15 degrees.

If the jam has fermented, what should I do?

If the owner realized it in time, it was moldy and the sour smell was not too noticeable, then the situation can be corrected quite easily. Using a colander, you need to separate the syrup from the berries, then add sugar to the solution at the rate of 1 cup of sand per 1 liter of syrup, and boil it all. When a drop of syrup begins to hold its shape, add berries to the bowl and cook for another 15-20 minutes. The jam has been saved, but it should be consumed immediately.

If the jam has fermented, what should I do? To correct a very sour product, you can add soda during additional cooking; 1 teaspoon is enough for one liter of jam.

Not recommended for consumption moldy jam. Certainly, upper layer You can remove the mold and finish the ill-fated jar, but in this case you shouldn’t be greedy. The fact is that the mold that affects the product consists of threads. The visible part is formed on the surface, and the invisible one penetrates deeper. It is impossible to determine by eye how spoiled the jam is, and food contaminated with mold spores can cause significant harm to health.

The main reasons for this problem are saving sugar, reducing cooking time and packaging the jam in wet jars. By the way, many housewives mistakenly believe that any berries are suitable for jam, even with visible defects, they say, everything will be digested anyway. This is wrong. The berries must be selected very carefully, and any damaged ones should be thrown away.

The indicator of jam readiness is the transparency of the product and the uniform arrangement of the berries in the syrup. If the fruits float on the surface or, conversely, are located at the bottom, this means that the sweet delicacy is not ready, and cooking should be continued.

If the jam has fermented, what should I do? There is another wonderful way to process it - to make delicious homemade wine. You will kill two birds with one stone: your work will not be in vain and you will get additional pleasure. The rules of winemaking in this case are almost the same for all berries. The jam should be poured into a large jar, add water, approximately the same volume, granulated sugar and some raisins. Sugar needs about half a glass per 3 liters of mixture, and raisins - about 1 tablespoon.

Mix everything, put a rubber glove on the jar and place the container in a warm place for three weeks. At the end of this period, the solution is filtered, a little more sugar is added and the drink is bottled. After 2-3 months the wine is ready.

What to do if currants and strawberries have fermented? This will be discussed further.

Blackcurrant jam wine

Blackcurrant berries are usually not boiled, but simply ground with sugar to preserve vitamins. If the storage location is chosen incorrectly, then this particular product is most often susceptible to fermentation. So, it’s fermented, what to do? Now you don’t know whether to be upset or happy. After all, currant jam produces excellent aromatic wine, which is easy to prepare at home.

If you have 1.5 liters of jam, then add the same amount of warm water and 100 g of granulated sugar. The amount of sugar can be slightly changed, it all depends on the sweetness of the raw materials. But you should definitely add sugar, this necessary condition the start of fermentation. The container is placed in a warm place, the readiness of the mash is determined by the location of the berry pulp: it should be on the surface. The liquid is filtered into prepared jars and left until the wine is completely ripe for another 3 months. The jars must be washed and, if possible, sterilized to avoid vinegar.

The finished product will contain sediment to prevent the wine from becoming cloudy. It must be poured into bottles carefully, using a flexible straw.

Blackcurrant jam wine (2 recipe)

If you have last year's uneaten supplies of blackcurrant jam, then in the summer you can make aromatic and beautiful wine from it. For one liter of jam you will need 2 liters of water, 200 g of rice and 200 g of fresh grapes. Place all these products in a clean glass container. Any rice is suitable - long grain or round, it doesn’t matter. The grapes do not need to be washed, but in this case you should be sure that they have not been treated with chemicals. Mix the products, put a rubber glove on the neck of the jar and place the dishes in a dark place. Don't forget to puncture the glove with a sharp needle. A fallen glove will tell you about the end of fermentation. After about 3 weeks, the finished wine can be filtered and bottled.

Raspberry jam wine

Fermented raspberry jam, what to do? Again, the wine from such a product will turn out simply amazing! To prepare it, you should adhere to the following proportion: for 1 liter of jam you need 1 liter of water and 100 g of raisins. Pour the jam and water into a convenient jar, which should be at room temperature, add the raisins. It is better not to wash raisins; they will serve as a kind of catalyst for the start of fermentation.

A jar, closed with a tight lid, will stand in a warm place for about 10 days. Then the contents are filtered and poured back into a clean jar, onto which we put on a rubber glove. Once the glove has fallen off and the liquid has become clear, the wine is almost ready. Using a rubber tube, it is bottled and infused in a dark place for about 2 months. It is better to store it horizontally, real winemakers. If everything is done exactly according to the recipe, the result will be a high-quality wine of 10-12 percent strength.

Strawberry jam tincture

Fermented Strawberry jam, what to do? You can make wine from such a product using previous recipe, or make a tincture: mix 100 grams of vodka with 1 tablespoon. Let this mixture stand for a day, and then add another half liter of vodka. To add a special aroma, you can add vanillin on the tip of a knife and citric acid. The tincture is ready.

Nowadays, it is very difficult to surprise anyone with such a delicacy as jam, even from the most exotic fruits and berries. But use such an unpleasant phenomenon as a fermented product to your advantage and surprise your guests with a delicious aromatic wine. After all, it is not at all necessary to tell what it was prepared from.

Bon appetit!