Baby food for newborns. Which mixtures are better? Reviews, ratings, testimonials, prices, listings without palm oil and goat milk

Many people who buy milk and other dairy products know that they often contain palm oil, which acts as a cheap fat substitute. There is an opinion that this is a harmful product. Parents of young children pay attention to the composition, trying to choose baby formulas without palm oil. Are their fears justified? What kind of product is this, is it useful or not?

Currently, it has begun to be added to dairy products and various semi-finished products. In the media you can find a number of articles declaring the inadmissibility of consuming palm fat. It is believed that diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity can develop from it. But in fact, this is not true.

Due to the low cost of palm oil, it is used by manufacturers of most food products, including infant formula.

Facts and myths

  1. Oil palm grows in Indonesia and Malaysia. It is its fruits that serve as raw materials for the production of oil. The fruits are pressed and the resulting mass is processed. There is a lot of fat. It is cheap, so it is often used in the food industry. The product contains more vitamins E and A than any other oil. Fats from it are perfectly absorbed by humans - approximately 95%. This figure is higher than that of cow's milk fats.
  2. In ancient Egypt, palm oil was used to produce food. It was already considered a very useful product for the body. It is not true that it is not absorbed by the digestive system. Its digestibility is very high. Formulas without palm oil are no more beneficial for a child.
  3. The main health hazard when using vegetable fat in cooking is associated with the consumption of saturated fat in large doses. They increase cholesterol, promote the formation of plaques in blood vessels, and pollute them. The most dangerous saturated fats are trans fats or hydrogenated lipids. The rest of the fats can be consumed. Trans fats are produced by transforming vegetable oil into a solid or semi-solid state. They are used to prepare cheap desserts and semi-finished products. Palm oil is semi-solid in nature. There is no need to hydrogenate it. It is better to exclude semi-finished products, store-bought desserts and baked goods from the menu of a nursing mother.
  4. It is not true that European manufacturers do not use this product in the manufacture of infant formula. It is present in food, but on the label it is designated as vegetable fat, without specifying its origin. This error will soon be corrected and the packages will be marked with a specific fat.

The main danger in terms of increasing blood cholesterol is store-bought sweet pastries and desserts - it is better not for a nursing mother to consume them

Who to believe?

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There is no exact data on whether palm oil is really dangerous for a baby’s health, but you should not use unverified speculation when choosing baby food. Trust scientifically proven facts. If the formula contains another vegetable oil and you feed your baby formula without palm oil, eating it is no more beneficial.

Why did manufacturers start using this product? The baby gets used to feeding on mother's milk, and the product for artificial feeding is made on the basis of cow's milk. It differs significantly in the content and proportions of various substances from the female one. To equalize the contents of the mixture with a woman’s breast milk, vegetable fats and their fractions are used in its production.

Are there palm oil free blends?

These palm oil-free blends use other types of vegetable fats. Semilak contains soy, coconut and safflower fats. The fact that these are formulas without palm oil does not eliminate their main drawback - breast milk is not similar in content. They are not very adapted to infant digestion, since they contain equal amounts of casein and whey proteins. Breast milk has more whey proteins. What should you feed your baby after lactation ends? Is there any way to get out of this situation? Modern food industry and medicine provide such a way out. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How dangerous is the product under discussion?

Olein and super olein, which manufacturers add to baby food, are not vegetable oil itself, but its fractions. The presence of a large amount of palmitic acid in fat protects the product from oxidation. This property distinguishes palm oil from known vegetable fats, constituting its advantage, since oxidation leads to spoilage of the product and the formation of harmful substances in it. The use of other vegetable oils does not achieve the same goal, so sunflower or olive oils are more dangerous for the baby.

What data do opponents of adding palm fat to products use? Scientific evidence suggests that palmitic acid combines with calcium to form calcium soap. It is not absorbed by the child’s digestive system and is excreted. A lack of calcium, some of which has reacted with palmitic acid, leads to underdevelopment and brittleness of bones. To this it can be argued that such acid is present in any vegetable oil. Therefore, the process occurs in any case.


To solve this problem, scientists have invented modified palm oil. A product containing it can be fed to a child with the same success as a formula without palm oil.

The modified product differs from the usual one in that it does not react with calcium and the latter is easily absorbed by the child’s body. Special processing allows the same to be done with other vegetable fats, after which they also do not harm the development of the baby’s skeletal system. In addition, processing helps to bring the composition of vegetable fats closer to the fats of human breast milk.

A set of modified vegetable fats is part of the Materna mixture. It is not very popular among young parents due to its high cost. Cheaper, better analogues, the production of which uses the same technology, can be used to feed a newborn. Their list:

  • "Heinz Infanta 1"
  • "Celia anticolic"
  • "Hipp comfort"
  • "Cabrita Gold 1"
  • “Humana anticolic.”

Nutrilon Comfort 1 is one of the safe infant formulas with modified vegetable oils

So, let’s summarize the above: palm oil fractions are currently used in the production of mixtures. This modification contains much less fat in the product.

Palm oil is present in very small quantities in baby food, although this was not the case before 2000. Science has moved forward, making food safer. Conclusion - you shouldn’t chase formula without palm oil.

The mixtures contain many different substances, the benefits of which are obvious. For example, they contain 1.5 times more calcium than human breast milk. Scientists take into account the lower absorption of calcium from dairy foods compared to mother's milk. In addition, vitamins are added to infant formula to improve calcium absorption. The probiotics included in the composition will help with diarrhea.

You should not chase exclusively those formulas that do not contain palm oil - modern products are quite safe and contain more calcium than breast milk

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

The well-known pediatrician does not consider the product under discussion to be harmful. He recommends using modern baby formulas without palm oil to feed a baby with the same success as with palm oil if the mother stops lactation for any reason. The doctor writes that products for small children are specially adapted to the baby’s body, unlike cow’s milk. They will not harm the baby. Komarovsky notes that mother's breast milk is also not completely absorbed by the newborn. Conclusion - the problems that arise with a baby's digestion during artificial feeding are similar to the problems during breastfeeding.

GMOs in infant nutrition

Another question that concerns young mothers and fathers is whether there are GMOs in infant formula. GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. These are living organisms and plants that have improved DNA.

DNA is modified by the genes of various organisms to obtain any beneficial properties. If we are talking, for example, about wheat, then in this way they are trying to make it drought-resistant and develop immunity to diseases. GMIs are made from such organisms - ingredients for use in the production of products for the purpose of longer storage.

Most parents are afraid that baby food may contain GMOs. Fortunately, all manufacturers on the market carefully control their raw materials and prevent this from happening.

Many doctors believe that GM foods should not be given to children. They can cause food poisoning and allergies. Treatment of children with antibiotics after taking GMOs may not have the desired effect. Although the harmfulness of GMOs has not been fully proven, the customs union has developed technical regulations TR CU 021/2011 “On food products.” It specifies the inadmissibility of using GMOs for the production of products for young mothers and pregnant women, as well as baby food.

All countries of the customs union comply with this regulation. There is only one problem here - an error of 0.9% is allowed. That is, if the amount of GMOs in a product is less than 0.9%, then this is considered a technical error and is not accepted as a reason to ban the distribution of the product.

In December 2015, popular baby foods were examined for the presence of GMOs. It was revealed that such products as:

  • “Agusha - 1”, (we recommend reading:)
  • “Nestle NAN 1 Premium”, (we recommend reading:)
  • "Similac Premium 1"
  • "Nutrilak Soya 1",
  • "Baby-1"

suitable for use in feeding infants; their manufacturers do not introduce GMOs into their products. Nestle, which has previously been found to be using GMOs, is now releasing a edible NAN blend. We can safely say that these are baby formulas without any GMOs.

Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus on whether palm oil is beneficial or harmful to the body. That is why many mothers whose children are bottle-fed prefer to purchase formulas that do not contain this product. However, manufacturers, knowing this, sometimes remain silent about its content or designate it in other terms. That is why today we will find out what infant formulas without palm oil exist; we will provide a list of them at the end of the article, and first we will find out what this product is.

General information about palm oil

What is palm oil?

Palm oil is an oil obtained from the fruit of the oil palm tree, which grows in tropical countries. It has a red tint and a specific smell and taste. It began to be included in many food products, including milk and even baby formula, because it is a very cheap raw material compared to other analogues. In addition, it has found wide application in industrial production. It is an integral part of many cosmetics, candles and even biofuels.

The benefits and harms of palm oil

As we have already said, scientists have not yet come to an agreement on this issue. There are many supporters of palm oil who claim that it is good for the body. They base their conclusions on the fact that this product is rich in many substances beneficial to the body. Thanks to these substances, harmful free radicals are removed from the body. In addition, this oil helps strengthen bones, teeth, nails and hair. However, this is only on one side.

If we consider another point of view, namely, the dangers of palm oil, then its supporters argue that the product contains a large amount of cholesterol, so it should not be consumed by either children or adults. In addition, it removes calcium from the body and this property has been clinically proven. That is why it is not recommended for children. A growing body especially needs calcium, since this mineral is involved in the formation of the skeletal system and many organs. If it is not supplied in sufficient quantities, the baby will grow poorly, he will have problems with his teeth - and these are not all the problems associated with calcium deficiency. In addition, palm oil causes constipation and colic in the baby. It also provokes constant regurgitation and even “fountain” regurgitation. Knowing all this, most mothers opt for those formulas that do not contain palm oil.

You will find an overview of popular brands of baby food in the article.

Infant formula: There are products without palm oil

Baby products without palm oil

Features of mixtures without palm oil

Infant formulas without palm oil, the list of which is not too long, belong to the premium class. They contain prebiotics and probiotics, which have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. They help cope with intestinal colic, which very often torments newborns. Note that since they do not contain palm oil, the baby does not have problems with stool.

In addition, they contain an IQ complex. It contributes to the normal development of the baby’s brain and has a positive effect on his vision. This complex also includes a substance called lutein. The body cannot produce it on its own for a year after the baby is born. That is why it is important that the child receives it from the outside. Only mother's milk and formulas adapted for it can provide a baby with lutein.

List of palm oil free blends

Nanny Classic

This mixture arrives on Russian shelves from New Zealand. It contains substances such as Omega-3, Omega-6, lactose, coconut, canola and sunflower oil, whole goat milk powder, and marine fat. This product is suitable even for babies prone to allergic reactions and for those children whose bodies reject cow's milk.

The average cost is 320 rubles per 100 grams.


The country of origin of this product is the Netherlands. This mixture is recommended for:

  1. The baby has allergic reactions.
  2. Problems with assimilation of incoming food.
  3. Before preparing for or after surgery.

This mixture contains lipids, corn oil and many other useful substances.

The average cost of this product is 270 rubles per 100 grams.

Similac Isomil

This mixture comes to us from Denmark. It belongs to the category of medicinal, as it is recommended for feeding children prone to allergies and for those babies whose bodies reject cow's milk.

The average cost of this mixture is 110 rubles per 100 grams.

Similac Premium

This mixture, like the previous one, comes to us from Denmark. It is intended for feeding babies from the first days of their birth. It contains substances that provide the child with full mental and physical development.

The average cost of the product is 110 rubles per 100 grams.

According to many researchers, baby formulas without palm oil, a list of some of which we have given above, are more beneficial for the baby than a similar product that contains this oil. Knowing all this, you can choose the most suitable option for your child.

Breastfeeding ensures the proper development of a healthy baby. Breast milk is believed to provide support and protection against disease during growth. The opinions of modern mothers about which baby food is best for newborns are divided. Those for whom the disadvantages of breastfeeding are obvious, or due to the lack of such an opportunity, are convinced of the correctness of using formula.

Breast milk contains essential nutrients and substances. Their complex is necessary for the growth of the baby. The benefits of breastfeeding are not only immediate, but extend into the future. Its consequences manifest themselves in the future, positively affecting the child’s body.


  • Breast milk is completely sterile, provides antimicrobial protection, and has the best temperature for nutrition.
  • If preparing the formula requires additional steps and compliance with the rules, then breastfeeding is always at hand.
  • Children grow strong, are not susceptible to infections, and digest the food they receive well.
  • Studies have shown that breastfed babies develop faster and have better memory and vision. They suffer less from cardiovascular and allergic diseases.

Modern women are convinced of the inconvenience that breastfeeding creates.

At the same time, they forget that the process also has benefits for the mother; it consists of the following:

What kind of baby food for newborns is it, which is better and more economical? Savings are a significant argument in favor of breastfeeding. The family budget is saved, breast milk does not require preparation, it is available.

Disadvantages of breastfeeding:

  • For the first 4 months, the mother requires a strict diet, excluding raw vegetables and fruits, fried and spicy foods, and sweets. It contains restrictions on the content of rice and pasta.
  • The baby may damage the nipple, causing pain to the mother. Treatment, compresses, protection during lactation are required.
  • Excess or stagnation of milk is a situation that causes chest pain and fever. At the same time, it is not advisable for a woman to get sick during lactation, since it is forbidden to take any medications.
  • The period of breastfeeding is dependent on a certain schedule, which cannot be changed. The mother is attached to the baby and cannot be away for more than 2-3 hours.
  • Psychological addiction to the feeding process occurs not only in the baby, but also in the mother. A timely decision to switch a child to a different diet becomes difficult.

Artificial feeding

There are good reasons to formula feed your baby.

Among them:

  • insufficiency or absence of milk in the breast;
  • difficult childbirth, when a woman needs time to recuperate;
  • mandatory medication intake;
  • infectious diseases of women.


The undeniable advantages of natural lactation cannot be refuted, but modern infant feeding formulas also have their positive aspects.

  • The mixture takes longer to digest. Feeding frequency decreases.
  • The mother is more free; other family members or a nanny can feed the child.
  • Bottle feeding clearly shows the amount of food your baby needs. Health problems will be immediately noticeable by a decrease in appetite.
  • Your baby's allergies depend on food. A breastfeeding woman needs to completely review her diet to identify the allergen. When artificial feeding, you just need to change the mixture.


Composition of adapted mixtures

Adapted mixtures have the correct ratio of whey and casein proteins, calcium, and phosphorus.

Modern adapted mixtures contain the following important elements:

  • Iodine. At the beginning of life, a child needs 100 mcg of iodine to normalize metabolism.
  • Taurine, polyunsaturated acids develop the nervous system and brain functioning. The norm of taurine per day for newborns is up to 50 mg.
  • Nucleotides strengthen the immune system.
  • Probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, lutein, dietary fiber.

Baby food for newborns contains proteins important for health and growth. To choose which is better, you should pay attention to their ratio of whey and casein proteins. Proportions: 80/20; 70/30; 60/40; 50/50 (the latter value is acceptable, but not recommended).

There should be more whey proteins than casein proteins. The composition with this ratio is similar in content and benefits to breast milk.

The ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 acids is within 10/1 or 7/1. Deviation from these proportions leads to disruption of the child’s metabolism.

Adapted milk formulas:

  • Nestle NAN;
  • Nutricia Nutrilon;
  • Hipp;
  • Semper;
  • Alfare (Nestle);
  • Baby;
  • Enfamil;
  • Friso (Friso), Frisolac, Frisopep, Friso soy, Friso vom;
  • Nestogen.

Fortified mixtures

Feeding using enriched formulas nourishes and improves the baby's health. Among them are compositions with increased or decreased content of one or another element, which can be adjusted to the individual characteristics of the body.

Hypoallergenic formulas contain broken down, partially processed protein. Nutrition is required for children prone to allergies and rashes. The composition is designated "HA". Product representatives: hypoallergenic Nutrilon and NAN.

Soy lactose-free nutrition for newborns is suitable for difficulties with the absorption of proteins and lactose. This is Nutrilon Soy; NAN Lactose-free; Frisosoy; Similac Isomil.

A mixture with bifidobacteria will solve the baby's digestive problems. Antireflux mixtures (AR), which contain starch and gum, will help the baby with difficulties in absorbing nutrition. Among them: Enfamil AR, Nutilak AR, Nutrilon AR. For constipation, use formulations enriched with lactulose with bifidobacteria, for example, Detolact Bifidus.

Mixtures enriched with additional iron are used to increase hemoglobin levels in cases of iron deficiency and anemia. These are Similac Premium, Enfamil Premium.

Rating of adapted formulas for newborns

  1. Nutrilon 1 Premium

Flaws: Contains no probiotics.

  1. Humana Expert 1

Flaws: No probiotics.

  1. NAN-1 Optipro
  • protein proportions 70/30, identical to early lactation, good for newborns;
  • probiotics, a complex of beneficial components;
  • no palm oil.

Flaws: increased lactose levels; without prebiotics.

  1. Similac Premium 1
  • no palm oil;
  • minerals, vitamins, amino acids, nucleotides, probiotics, prebiotics.

Flaw: 50/50 protein ratio, not recommended for newborns.

  1. Friso Frisolac 1

Flaw: No probiotics.

About palm oil and goat milk

Nutrition using goat's milk is a worthy competitor to other mixtures. It is similar to mother's milk and does not cause allergies. Protein is easier to digest in the intestines and does not create a burden on the stomach. Product examples: Nanny; Cabrita; Mamako.

Palm oil is a common element in milk formulas. It is most often accompanied by controversial opinions and numerous rumors.

Which baby food for newborns is better - without palm oil or with it? Pediatricians advise mothers not to rush to conclusions and draw information only from trusted sources. The term “palm oil” can refer to products of various compositions.

Baby food oil goes through numerous stages of testing and purification, maintaining its naturalness, and is not classified as a technical oil. It is a natural herbal product from the fruits of the oil palm. Its natural property is the ability to be stored for a long time without oxidation, without chemical treatment.

Breast milk contains palmitic acid, which is necessary for the baby’s energy and health. Palm oil is a natural source of palmitic acid. It is added to infant formula to create a composition identical to breast milk.

Palm oil contains:

  • Agusha;
  • Hipp (HiPP);
  • Bellact;
  • Nestozhen;
  • Nan;
  • Baby.
  • Nanny;
  • Similac;
  • Kabrita;
  • Heinz;
  • Nutrilon.

Cooking rules and feeding regimens

To dilute mixtures, it is recommended to use natural, purified water. Compliance with the dosage is the main thing, since changing it up or down leads to dyspeptic disorders and colic.

Warm water heated to 50 degrees is poured into a sterile bottle, then the mixture is diluted in it. Higher temperatures may destroy the beneficial properties of the mixture.

The mixture is mixed by shaking until a homogeneous consistency without lumps. Feeding temperature is not higher than 37 degrees. The opening should be optimal so that the child can get food with little effort. If the hole in the nipple is enlarged and the formula flows out easily, the baby's stomach quickly stretches.

The feeding regimen and the amount of formula are calculated by the pediatrician. The calculation depends on body weight, not on the age of the child.

Weight Age Amount of mixture per day
3.5 kg0-10 days70 ml
4-5 kg10 days - 2 months1/5 of the child's weight
5-6 kg2-4 months1/6 weight
6-7 kg4-6 months1/7 weight
7-11 kg6-12 months1/8 weight

Review of formulas for premature babies

Low birth weight, premature babies are especially in need of nutrients. Special nutrition has been developed for such babies, which is determined by the prefix “Pre”. These are higher calorie compositions with an increased amount of protein substances.

The compositions contain more whey proteins due to the poor digestibility of casein and the occurrence of an amino acid imbalance in weak children. Baby food PreNAN, PreNAN 0 contains split protein, which facilitates digestion and eliminates the occurrence of allergies.

Formulas for premature babies:

It is believed that to eliminate the risk of bacterial penetration from the outside, it is better to use liquid formulas for feeding premature babies.

The feeding schedule depends on several factors:

  • general condition of the child;
  • level of prematurity;
  • weight of the newborn.

The norm of nutrition is 7 or 8 times a day, with a break of 3 hours. If the child cannot swallow or suck, feeding is done through a tube. As soon as the baby gets stronger, gradual complementary feeding with formula or breast milk begins.

A pediatrician can advise which baby food for newborns will be best for the child. He will calculate the norm and feeding schedule. Many mixtures have a similar composition and quality; to make the right choice, you should rely on the child’s health, age, tendency or resistance to allergies.

The new mixture is given in small portions, with a gradual increase, carefully monitoring the condition of the skin and the baby’s well-being.

Video about infant formula for newborns

Which formula is the best?

How to choose the right baby formula:

You have a healthy and strong baby. It is impossible to describe in words the happiness of the parents of a newborn! And now the next stage in a mother’s life begins, no less important - feeding the baby. The healthiest and tastiest thing for a baby is, of course, mother's milk. However, it often happens that the mother loses it. There are many reasons for this, but that is not what we are talking about today.

Today we will talk about artificial feeding and what baby formulas there are without palm oil and how it is harmful for babies.

Why is palm oil added to baby formula?

The properties of milk from a nursing mother are truly unique. It consists of many microelements that contribute to the healthy development of the child, his growth and weight gain. Among these elements are vitamins, minerals and so-called fatty acids. There are more than a dozen names for these acids, but there is one - palmitic or, as it is also called, hexadecanic acid, which makes up 25% of all fats in mother's milk.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that for the harmonious development of a child, fats are a very important element. After all, it is not only an energy resource for the baby’s body, but also a building material for cells. So, by the age of two, 60% of the dry weight of the baby’s brain is fat. But it's all about breast milk. But what should we give to children whose mothers do not have milk?

Special artificial milk formulas have been developed for them. And here the main task of manufacturers is to try to bring the quality of artificial nutrition closer to that of breast milk. For this purpose, fats, both vegetable and dairy, are added to feeding mixtures. In their composition you can also see oil from the vegetable fruits of the oil palm tree, known to us as palm oil. It compares favorably with other vegetable fats with its increased level of hexadecanoic acid.

Why are palm oil-free formulas safer for babies?

It probably won’t be a revelation to say that in recent years, palm vegetable oil has often been accused of harming human health. There are constant discussions about this on the pages of newspapers, magazines, and, naturally, on television. It has gotten to the point where just the mere mention of palm oil on product packaging makes buyers nervous, and such a product becomes of little interest to consumers. Especially when it comes to infant formula for feeding.

Is this true or a myth started by competitors? Or is it better to take an extra lap around the city out of harm’s way, but find baby formula for your beloved child without palm vegetable oil, and also without GMOs? Let's figure it out.

We briefly tried to explain to you the reason for using palm oil in baby food. Now let's talk about its harm. The main harm caused by vegetable palm oil is to provoke the loss of calcium in the child’s body. Researchers have compared that when feeding formulas containing palm oil, calcium absorption is 10-20% worse. This is explained by the structure of the fat molecule of palm vegetable oil. Hexadecanoic acid in it is located on the side and is easily split off, combining with calcium. This leads to the formation of calcium salts, which contributes to constipation in the child.

In the milk of a nursing mother, palmitic acid is located in the central position of the fat molecule, and therefore does not harm. Naturally, baby food manufacturers are trying to reduce the negative effect and are looking for new formulas. Recently, a so-called beta-palmitate has been developed, where the hexadecanoic acid is located similar to that of a nursing mother's milk.

To answer the question of which palm oil-free baby formula is best, consider a list of the most popular products.

List and characteristics of popular products

The product's name

Country of Origin



Contains soy lecithin.


Contains prebiotics that improve digestion.

Contains soy lecithin and skim milk powder.

New Zealand

Contains encapsulated fish oil.

Nutrilon Pronutra 1


Contains prebiotics to naturally strengthen the immune system.

Contains beta palmitate.

Contains elements that stimulate digestion.

Contains soy lecithin and beta palmitate.


Contains omega acids and bifidobacteria.

Contains structured vegetable oil.

In conclusion, we would like to once again remind you of the importance of the best nutrition for a baby in the first six months after birth, when the foundations for its further development are laid. That is why the price of food should not be a determining factor when purchasing. The main thing is its quality. If the infant formula is palm oil-free and GMO-free, then you can rest assured about the health of your baby.

What dangers do mixtures with palm oil and GMOs pose? Expert opinion and advice from specialists on choosing safe substitutes.

Breast milk is a unique product created by wise nature. It contains all the substances necessary for the baby: fats and microelements, vitamins and food enzymes. By receiving mother's milk, the baby grows and develops correctly. But what if for some reason breastfeeding is impossible? The solution is to use adapted infant formula. At the same time, caring parents want their child to receive high-quality baby food without palm oil and GMOs.

What do experts think about this and what products do they recommend? Why is palm oil dangerous and for what purpose do manufacturers add it to products for children?

Why choose a non-GMO and palm oil blend

Most breast milk substitutes contain palm oil. Why is it added to infant formula? Breast milk is saturated with fats (fatty acids), there are more than a dozen of them. Palmitic or hexadanoic acid makes up 1/4 of all fats in breast milk.

And fats are both building blocks for cells and the most important energy resource for the body. And in order to bring the composition of artificial substitutes closer to breast milk, vegetable and milk fats are introduced into them. Palm oil is most often used for these purposes; it is obtained from the fruits of the oil palm. It is characterized by a high content of hexadanoic acid.

But a wary and sometimes very negative attitude has developed towards products containing palm oil. Indeed, an excess of fatty acids and cholesterol, and its rather high melting point in the body makes this component not the best in baby food. In addition, studies have found that this product interferes with the normal absorption of calcium, which negatively affects the growth and development of the child and impairs the functioning of the baby’s digestive system.

Therefore, most parents choose baby formulas without palm oil. But in addition to it, substitutes may also contain other components that pose a danger to the health of the newborn. For example, genetically modified ingredients. How to choose high-quality and safe food for your baby? What to look for?

Types of infant formulas without palm oil

Experts say: when using baby food without palm and coconut oil, the absorption of calcium and fats in the body of newborns is significantly improved by about 20-25%. And specialists from the Research Institute of Nutrition (Moscow) say that infant formula with palm oil is quite safe and recommend it for feeding children under one year of age and older. The main thing is that the manufacturer does not exceed the permissible dosage of components.

Based on the composition of the product, artificial milk substitutes are divided into the following types:

  • antireflux;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • with prebiotics;
  • low-lactose - or lactose-free;
  • soy;
  • fermented milk

Antireflux substitutes are recommended for newborns who experience frequent regurgitation during feeding. Hypoallergenic ones are prescribed to children who are at risk of possible food allergies. Products with prebiotics have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If an infant is lactose intolerant, low-lactose or lactose-free substitutes are prescribed.

Which baby formula does not contain palm oil?

Only 2 manufacturers do not use palm oil in the production of their products, manufactured under the brands and Nanny. Nutrilon, Kabrita and Heinz took a different path. Their products contain beta palmitate, a substance with a modified structure of palmitic acid. Thanks to this, calcium is absorbed much better, which has a beneficial effect on bone mineralization, as well as the mental and physical development of infants.

Palm oil is completely excluded from the production of Similak and Nanny infant formulas

List of infant formulas without palm oil

If you are interested in a list of safe baby food without pure palm oil, we can recommend:

  • Nanny. Made in New Zealand. Hypoallergenic product based on goat's milk;
  • Similak. Made in Denmark. Contains elements beneficial for digestion;
  • Heinz. Created in the USA. Enriched with elements that activate digestion;
  • Cabrita. The product is produced in the Netherlands, containing omega acids and beneficial bacteria;
  • Nutrilon. Contains prebiotics. Produced in the Netherlands.

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Unfortunately, among the presented manufacturers there are no domestic brands, and the price for the presented brands is quite high. But if you care about your child’s health, then at least during the first 6 months, try to buy high-quality and safe food for the baby.

The best baby formula

In a number of formulas without palm fat, you can choose food for both healthy babies and children with allergies and for those who are too light or lactose intolerant, or have dysfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Let's look at the main characteristics of Similac palm oil-based infant formulas:

Name of mixture without palm oil Characteristics Child's age
Similac Premium 1, 2, 3 Added prebiotics and probiotics. The mixture is enriched with minerals and macroelements. As close as possible to breast milk. Has a beneficial effect on digestion from 0 to 18 months.
Similac 1, 2 Recommended for healthy children on artificial/mixed feeding. Enriched with prebiotics. from 6-12 months
Similac GA 1, 2 Hypoallergenic adapted mixture. Normalizes digestion and improves immunity. Prescribed for possible food allergies and for preventive purposes. from 6-12 months
Similac PediaSure vanilla, chocolate With prebiotics and vitamin-mineral complex. Improved taste. from 12 months
Similac Isomil Made from soy protein with antioxidants and prebiotics. Reduces regurgitation, prevents gas formation and colic. Recommended for newborns with allergies to cow's milk protein and lactose intolerance.
Similac Low Lactose Prebiotics included. Normalizes digestion. For newborns who react negatively to lactose.
Similac 1 Antireflux Enriched with a complex of nutritional elements. Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For newborns with frequent regurgitation.
Similac NeoSure Enriched with a full range of nutrients. Promotes rapid growth of the child. Premature and low birth weight babies born weighing less than 1.8 kg.

Infant formulas without palm oil are presented in the Nanny product line, made from goat milk. This healthy milk is closer in composition to breast milk compared to cow's milk. Thanks to the balanced protein and prebiotics included in the composition, such nutrition will be useful for healthy babies and children with low weight or prematurity.

What is the best baby formula? Experts recommend those that contain prebiotics and vitamin-mineral complexes. At the same time, we should not forget about the individual characteristics of the baby. And in order not to make a mistake when choosing baby food, be sure to consult a pediatrician.


To ensure your baby grows healthy and develops properly, give preference to infant formula without palm oil. This will facilitate the complete absorption of calcium, have a beneficial effect on the digestion process and support the baby’s immunity. Substitutes of this type are recommended for children from birth to 18 months.

Of the best universal mixtures without palm fat, we recommend the following:

  • Similac Premium;
  • Similac Isomil;
  • Similac 1 Antireflux;
  • Nanny Classic.

Russian customers are also offered adapted substitutes with a modified structure of palm oil; the component is indicated in the composition as beta palmitate. Such products are produced by Heinz, Kabrita, Nutrilon. The named substitutes are close to breast milk in composition, do not contain GMOs, and therefore are completely safe for children.