The ten most disgusting dishes. Unusual food: the most disgusting food in the world

If you are hungry now or planning to grab a snack in the near future, we strongly recommend that you do not watch this post. Today we present you with the ten most disgusting dishes.

(10 photos total)

1. Kopalhem, he is a rotten deer.

The absolute winner in our ranking. Sometimes a whale, a seal (kiwiak) or a walrus appears instead. The decomposed corpses of animals are loved by almost all northern peoples. In Scandinavia, they eat the corpse of a shark. The recipes for this wonderful dish at different nations differ little from each other - the animal is buried in the ground, and after a few months they are dug up. By this time, putrefactive bacteria have turned soft tissue into a gray, slimy mass. Kopalchem ​​is deadly for Europeans because of the cadaveric poison - cadaverine, putrescine and neurin.

2. Escamoles

Escamoles are larvae of ants of the genus Liometopum found on the roots of agave. V Mexican cuisine, escamoles are considered a delicacy, sometimes they are also called "insect caviar". This dish with the consistency of cottage cheese tastes like butter, with a nutty flavor. To get escamoles, you need to dig to a depth of 8 meters, where there are ant nests full of larvae. In the words of one grub collector, “Escamoles hunters have a special man with a brush who sweeps the ants off them while they dig. I heard that some are smeared pork fat through which ants cannot bite. " It should be noted that ant bites are extremely painful, so such work may well be classified as truly extreme.

3. Surströmming

Surströmming is a Swedish national product that is a tinned herring that smells like it is usually eaten on outdoors... The recipe for this dish is as follows. Gutted herring, but with appendix and caviar, is placed in vats with brine to remove blood and fat. Then the herring is salted, placed in an open dish and left to sour. During this process, their own enzymes and bacteria form, among others, propionic, oil and acetic acid as well as hydrogen sulfide. Then the herring is placed in cans... The fish continues to sour even after being placed in a jar. Therefore, Swedish gourmets recommend opening the jar under water or on the street, because there is a risk of splashing juice around everything. Usually a sandwich is made with surstroemming and other ingredients. Served with boiled potatoes and chopped onions. Other common ingredients: gräddfil (fermented milk fat or sour cream), green onions and sometimes a tomato.

Philippine National Fast Food. Taken duck egg with an almost formed duckling, and then cooked. Then a hole is made in the shell through which you can drink ready-made broth... Sometimes a merchant street food serves salt to the balut and onion sauce... Despite the presence of an embryo, the balut tastes like an ordinary egg.

5. Centenary eggs

Centenary eggs are a dish Chinese food from duck, chicken or quail eggs which are kept in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, lime and rice straw for a period ranging from several weeks to several months. After the completion of the process, the yolk becomes dark green, creamy, with a strong smell of sulfur and ammonia, like rotten egg while the protein turns dark brown, clear jelly with a barely perceptible aroma and taste. Centenary eggs can be eaten on their own or sliced ​​as ingredients in Chinese dishes. Whichever method you choose, you still eat a rotten egg.

Japan is the birthplace of everything strange in our world, from advertisements, TV shows, to national products... Here, for example, natto - fermented soya beans... The hay stick is added to the vat and the fermentation process begins. Over the course of a day, soybeans transform from good hard beans into a slimy filamentous mass with a powerful smell of ammonia. For unknown reasons, the taste of natto does not match the smell - it is bitter and salty.

7. Blood soup

In Vietnamese, this dish is called tiết canh. It is made from fresh blood of ducks, geese or pigs with the addition of nuts and fragrant herbs... The soup is popular in North Vietnam, where it is consumed with alcoholic beverages... Fresh blood soup has a very strange consistency and a strange metallic taste. Tourists are usually discouraged from consuming it due to the risk of contracting the H5N1 avian influenza.

8. Tuna eye

The eye is simply gigantic, disgusting in appearance and not at all conducive to eating, opens a rating of the most terrible delicacies that satisfy the desires of gourmets. It is a miracle culinary arts can be found only in Japan, which is not at all a cause for grief. The only one possible way eat this goo-covered glassy thing - swallow immediately as soon as it gets in your mouth, and try not to think about it again. Otherwise, the consequences will be very predictable.

9. Seal stuffed with seagulls

One of the finest delicacies of the sub-arctic peoples on display at the Christmas table. Kiwiak is the name of a seal carcass stuffed with seagulls, and here is a recipe for its preparation for those who want to taste: You will need a decapitated seal carcass, the uncleaned belly of which is filled with plucked seagulls. The semi-finished product is placed in permafrost for seven months. Throughout this time, the enzymes of the decaying bird corpses will work hard with the seal intestines. The dish is ready, you can eat. Symnecrosis of winged and pinnipeds tastes like a sharp, sharp old cheese.

10. "Three squeaks of a rat"

Another exotic Chinese dish can be called the favorite food of the Chinese nobility, which is called "Three squeaks of the rat." To prepare it, you only need a sauce and one live pregnant rat. Rat fetuses are served alive on a platter. The first squeak of the rats makes when the gourmet takes it with chopsticks, the second when it is dipped in sauce. The third and last squeak is heard when the rat begins to chew. This dish has inspired many great Chinese poets. And all Chinese emperors, without exception, enjoyed this luxury on especially solemn occasions.

Undoubtedly, a person does not represent his Everyday life without food. Even in prehistoric times, he got his own food. But by eating the same food, a person wants to cook something unusual in order to diversify his diet.

The culture of every nation has traditional dishes... Personally, I am not a fan of any national cuisine, and I prefer Russian. Perhaps you will also be interested in the Top 10 best Russian cuisine recipes. In fact, food has become a diverse and integral part of every culture.

If you like to travel around the world, then you probably already managed to get acquainted with different cultures and you are a connoisseur national dishes different countries... Check out our article 10 National Fast Foods to Try. You've probably noticed that each kitchen is beautiful in its own way. However, I present the list 10 dishes that could be considered "culinary blunders".

Bitter gourd with shrimp is a dish that is cooked in China. Due to the specific taste, there are few connoisseurs of such a product in the world. Even cooked, it is disgusting not only in taste and smell, but also outward appearance... And if you add shrimp to it, then you will not find a more disgusting combination anywhere else.

Curry is native to India. I won't say that I am not happy with a dish called curry. But in this case, I can't say that I like the combination of curry and butter. The dish turns out to be fatty, liquid and completely tasteless.

Originally from China, dessert made from dried frog fallopian tubes... The reproductive organs of amphibians can increase 10-15 times after dehydration in the process of rehydration. Finally, a little sugar is added to this dish. Hasma is sold dried.

This dish originated in Italy. Cheese made from sheep milk, famous for containing insect larvae. If a person eats cheese, the larvae pass through digestive system and are in the intestines for some time. Direct violation sanitary standards and the cheese is banned in the EU countries, but available on the black market nonetheless. Cheese can be found in the ranking.

Quite disgusting dish. Typically, bull genitals are used as dry dog ​​food in many Western countries. V eastern countries it is used with cheese or in fried... The Chinese believe that the dish improves the quality of the skin and prolongs life.

The dish is made from salted or dried whitefish and lye. Its name literally translates as lye fish; soda is used in cooking. If you want to try this dish, make sure it is not overcooked. The finished lutefisk has a jelly-like structure.

Ant larvae collected from the roots of agave grown in Mexico. They have a somewhat spicy buttery taste. To obtain escamole, people have to dig the ground up to 60 cm in order to get to the nest with the larvae.

A traditional Iraqi dish made from a sheep's head, stomach and legs, these ingredients are used to make soup and serve with bread. The most delicious ingredients- cheeks and tongues.

Pacha is popular in Kuwait and several other Gulf countries. In Iran it is called “ Calais Pacha". Iranians eat it for breakfast. The composition includes the head of lambs, tongues and hooves. It is flavored with lemon and cinnamon. The Egyptians have a version of this dish called " Kawari».

In fact, the dish doesn’t taste so bad if you don’t know what was served to you. It is a mountain of oysters and bovine eggs fried in oil.

Balut - a boiled duck egg in which the embryo has formed... The dish is common in the Philippines and Vietnam. It rightfully earns the status of the most disgusting food in the world. Having peeled it from the shell, you will see the motionless body of a duck embryo, small bones, feathers, beak.

Alternative TOP-10 of the most disgusting dishes.

Most people are likely to refuse if they are offered to taste fried cricket in sauce or fried pork blood. Nevertheless, these dishes are very popular in some countries. And it must be given credit that these are not the most disgustingly weird foods that people cook and eat.

25. Fish "Yin Yang"

Fish "Yin Yang" - sea ​​dish in which the fish is deep-fried but remains alive after being cooked. The dish is especially popular in Taiwan and China, but has been heavily criticized around the world for being cruel to fish.

24. Moth larvae

One of the most famous products food in the Australian bush is also one of the more elusive. Moth larvae can only be found in central Australia.

23. Tuna Eye

Tuna eyeballs are said to taste like squid and are considered a delicacy in Japan (where even doctors claim they are very healthy), but the only problem is how to eat a dish that looks at you.

A favorite dish in the Southwestern United States is fried rattlesnake... It is said to taste a bit like frog legs. Experts advise that before cooking, the meat should be boiled to separate it from the bones. Then you need to dip it in eggs and cover with a mixture of salt, flour and bread crumbs and then fry.

21. Shirako

Shirako - japanese delicacy that will never become popular in the West. These are ... milk or bags of cod semen. The dish is said to have a buttery and sweet-creamy flavor.

20. Sannakchi

Sannakji is a delicacy that only a few tourists who have visited Korea dare to try. This delicacy consists of wiggling and wiggling pieces little octopus seasoned sesame oil... A live octopus is cut into small pieces and immediately served on the table to keep the muscles contracting while eating. This dish is quite dangerous to eat, as there is a risk of suffocation (the contracting muscles can block the air flow).

19. Pork blood

In Hungary, when a pig is slaughtered, its blood is not simply drained as usual. It is fried with onions and served with warm, fresh bread.

18. Mongolian Budog

it strange dish popular in Mongolia. It is made from a marmot or goat cooked in its own skin and stuffed with hot stones in the stomach.

17. Millennium Egg

The name can be misleading as these eggs are not that old anymore. The so-called "millennial egg" in China is made by storing eggs in a mixture of ash, salt, quicklime, rice husks and clay for several weeks or even months. As it is easy to imagine, this "delicacy" just stinks unimaginably and inside is black and green jelly.

16. Kiwiak

Kiwiak is a traditional Eskimo dish used by the Inuit in Greenland during the winter. They make it from birds of auk (and in feathers), with which they stuff the carcass of a seal or walrus with a ripped belly. After that, the carcass is buried in the ground for 7-18 months. Birds literally ferment during this time. After the carcass is dug up, feathers and skin are removed from the birds and eaten raw at birthdays and weddings.

15. Jing Lead

Jing Lid is one of the most common snack insects in Thailand. They are 4 cm long crickets, deep-fried and seasoned with Golden Mountain sauce and pepper. Those who have tried this appetizer claim that it is very tasty.

14. Fugu

This dish is not at all nasty, like most of this list. But it is one of the deadliest foods in the world (and yet people continue to eat it). Fugu's intestines, ovaries, and liver contain a poison called tetrodotoxin, which is 1200 times more deadly than cyanide. The toxin is so strong that it lethal dose less than a pinhead in volume, and one fish has enough venom to kill thirty people.

13. Frog legs

Few overpower themselves and try this French delicacy... Those who have tried it claim that the legs resemble chicken in texture and fish in taste.

12. Fried tarantulas

In many parts of the world, the vast majority of people are either afraid or disgusted by tarantulas. In Cambodia, however, they are popular dish... They are literally burned in a fire and soaked in oil.

11. Escamoles

Escamoles are edible ant larvae that live in the roots of the blue agave (from which mezcal is made in Mexico). It has been a popular dish in the region since the time of the Aztecs. But tourists usually just "shy away" from it.

10. Durian

Native to Malaysia and Indonesia, the fruit is arguably the most controversial fruit in the world. Some people like it very much, others just can't stand it. Those who dislike it describe the durian as "a completely rotten, mushy onion." And the smell has been compared to a mixture of pork feces, onions and socks after the gym. The smell is so strong that many hotels and public institutions in South-East Asia ban durians on their territory.

9. Dragon in the flame of passion

This dish may sound awe-inspiring and exotic, but the whimsical name masks its true origins. The most unusual dish on the menu of Guolizhuang Restaurant in Beijing, "Dragon in Flame of Passion," is a fried yak penis served on a large platter.

8. Crocodile

Everyone knows that crocodile skin is used to make shoes and wallets, but in some parts of the world, such as Australia and Africa, crocodiles are a popular dish. They are rumored to taste like a cross between chicken and crab.

7. Heart of a cobra

Next dish definitely not for the faint of heart. Cobra Heart - A dish from northern Vietnam that includes blood and a still beating cobra heart (yes, no typo here - still a living and beating heart). A complete lunch includes a cobra heart placed in a glass filled with blood and poison). After that, several dishes are served, made from the remains of a cobra.

6. Kasu Marzu

Kasu marzu ( rotten cheese) - traditional sheep cheese made by locals in Sardinia, Italy. Cheese makers leave it outside for flies to lay their eggs in. The larvae hatched from the eggs break down the fat in the cheese and cause it to ferment. Needless to say, it is simply unrealistic to cleanse the cheese of white worms before eating it, since the casu marzu is literally teeming with them.

5. Bushmit

The term refers to wild meat that has been caught in developing regions of the world such as West Africa. This truly bizarre dish is made with a variety of wild animals, including bats, rats, and monkeys that are smoked, dried, or salted.

Bondecs are steamed or boiled silkworm pupae, which are then seasoned and eaten as a snack. Oddly enough, this is one of the most popular products in Korean cuisine.

1. Balut

This popular Filipino snack is an already developed duck embryo that is boiled alive in an egg and eaten right with its feathers, cartilage and beak. Balut is considered "the most disgusting or weirdest food" in many countries of the world.

It is much more pleasant to taste, if, of course, you have a big sum.

Fancy food: the most disgusting dishes in the world

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Sometimes you can be horrified to learn what people are eating. Man is a terribly omnivorous animal. But what he sometimes chooses for himself as food is simply disgusting. We will tell you about the most disgusting dishes that are prepared in some countries and served as a delicacy.

Kasu Marzu

It is also called "larval cheese". Casu marzu is a cheese produced in Sardinia from goat milk... At the very beginning of the fermentation of the cheese, larvae are introduced into it cheese flies... Within weeks, the larvae grow and feed there. After the fats are broken down, the cheese acquires special taste... When it comes time to eat the ripe cheese, the larvae are carefully removed, although some choose to eat it that way, believing they add a spicy flavor to the cheese.

You can be sure that you are served a hard-boiled egg until you begin to peel it. It's actually a hard-boiled duck embryo. Balut is considered a delicacy in many Asian countries. This dish is prepared like this. A fertilized duck egg is left in a warm place for eight days for the embryo to develop, then it is thrown into boiling water and served with a pinch of salt and a slice of lemon.

Basically, these are offal, ground, salted, seasoned with spices and preservatives. This is not a stew in our understanding, but most likely raw liver sausage.

Partially Rotten Salmon Heads

Also called "stinking heads", these heads are up to full readiness should lie in damp ground for several weeks. They are dug up a few days before complete decomposition and prepared from them "aspic stinky fish". Serve chilled.

it favorite dish North Americans. It is not difficult to cook it: catch a moose; chop off his nose; scald it with boiling water to make it easier to skin it; and cook the meat with spices until it breaks down into a jelly-like mass. Pour this slurry into a mold, cool and serve.

This is another of the most disgusting delicacies in the world. A dish from Thailand, bat soup, is a wonderful piece of art that involves boiling the meat until tender. Then it is ground with herbs and the soup is ready. Bat soup came from Palau, USA.

You can enjoy its taste while the little head looks straight at you. This dish can kill you, or lead to illness, as bats are known to carry a large number of diseases.

In China, this dessert is considered the perfect end to a meal. Hasma is being prepared from the reproductive organs of reptiles. In water, they swell 10-15 times, with quick cooking a little sugar is added there to add sweetness.


A traditional Scottish dish is nothing more than just one type of sausage. Haggis is prepared from sheep's lungs, liver and heart. And although all this does not look very appetizing, the Scots give a grudge that after trying haggis at least once, you will ask for more.

Chicken scallop dishes are very popular in France and Italy. They are prepared for them spicy sauces and broths.

The blood of pigs or cattle is collected and undergoes a coagulation process, then oat or barley grits and sweet potato... Pork or cow gut is stuffed with it, boiled. The dish is served on the table in the form of a spiral. Many people prefer to eat this blood sausage together with the skin formed from the intestines during cooking.