What is added to minced meat for cutlets? The main secrets and recipes for delicious homemade cutlets

Did you know that the cutlet is French? Of course, not in the banal form in which it often appears on our tables, but many, many decades ago it came to us precisely from refined and sophisticated France. Then the “young lady” looked like a piece juicy beef on the bone (“cotelette” translated into Russian means “rib” - it was this part of the carcass that was taken to prepare the dish).

Over time, the Russian people began to transform the “French woman” to suit their tastes and ideas of beauty - they began to beat the meat, and after years they even turned it into minced meat. Removing the bone accordingly. So the “foreign” fashionista became a Russian cutlet.

What are cutlets made from at home? Pork, beef, chicken, turkey? Also probably fish, seafood, liver, mushrooms. There are often recipes with cereals and vegetables. And I’m sure every housewife has her own proprietary secret delicious cutlets.

I have no secrets. There are rules that I, of course, do not always follow, but if we are talking about cutlets from the “you can swallow your tongue” category, then I follow them strictly. Today we are talking about meat cutlets Oh.

So, ten tips on how to how to cook delicious meat cutlets.

1. Minced meat - only homemade. No purchase compromises, even if they are of a thousand times proven quality.

2. Meat is of high quality. “The third grade is not a waste” will do, but we’ll leave it for regular cutlets, everyday, and for local culinary masterpiece buy a good pork butt at the market, veal tenderloin. Pork is fattier, beef or veal is lean.

3. Minced meat - freshly prepared. Of course, you can take it out of the freezer and defrost it, in this version you will also get cutlets, no one argues, but we are talking about tasty and juicy cutlets Oh yes? Then we take out a meat grinder and grind the minced meat.

4. You can cut it. Small. As small as it gets. In this version, meat fibers are not crushed by the circle-knives of the meat grinder, retaining more juice. But this advice is, let’s say, theoretical; I don’t have enough patience for such delights.

4. Bread. Necessarily. Thanks to it, the juice that is released from the meat during frying remains in the cutlets, being absorbed into the bun. By the way, about the bun. It’s not at all necessary - there are lovers and rye bread. I am a conservative: I take three or four slices of the day before yesterday’s loaf (for 500 g of minced meat), cut off the crusts, pour milk (or low-fat cream - so that it’s completely “ah!”). When the crumb gets wet, I squeeze out the bread.

5. Egg. Do not add. It makes the minced meat denser and harder. I don't like. It is usually taken to ensure that the cutlets do not fall apart during the cooking process, but to prevent such incidents, I have another secret hidden in my pocket, so I simply don’t add it.

6. Other additives.

Onion. Necessary. It's juicy, it's flavorful. You can also add a few cloves of garlic. It's not for everyone, but we like it. You can have a lot of onions - some amateurs, like my husband, manage to make quite nice cutlets, despite the fact that the share of onions is a third of the total volume of minced meat. I can not do that. I limit myself to one large onion per half kilo of meat.

I grind the onion together with the meat in a meat grinder. Can be grated. Cutting is also possible, but I don’t like it when onion comrades are found in homogeneous minced meat.

If the meat is very lean, it is good to add a little lard or other fat - again for the juiciness of the cutlets.

Vegetables - all to your taste. However, if we are talking about meat cutlets, then I recommend saving pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, potatoes and other goodies for the next portion.

Spices - I don’t recognize anything except black pepper. But again in classic version. In general, you can add whatever you think goes well with the meat.

7. Stir. With diligence and care, this is the key to ensuring that the cutlets are uniformly juicy, tasty and delicious in all places.

8. Recapture. Necessarily. A lot of. You scoop the minced meat into your palms, raise your arms and forcefully throw the meat back into the bowl. So - at least 15 times. And better than 30. Then not a single cutlet of yours will fall apart during the frying process.

9. Place butter or a piece of ice in the middle of the cutlet.

I think this is unnecessary shenanigans. If the minced meat is of high quality, fresh and quite fatty, no amount of oil and ice will make it even tastier, it will only add work. If you doubt that you are lucky enough to buy the “right” cutlet meat, bother with butter or ice.

We sculpt with hands dipped in water so that it does not stick.

The correct frying pan is with a thick bottom. Cast iron is ideal.

Breading - optional. My mood sometimes takes flour, sometimes semolina, sometimes crackers. And most often - without any breading at all.

The oil is hot, the frying pan is clean. After each frying batch, thoroughly remove any burnt marks.

Fire is close to minimal.

Fry on both sides. When you press ready cutlets should ooze a little. On the cut - grayish. Not red, not pink.

I wish you good luck in preparing delicious meat cutlets and in addition I offer you more several proven recipes for delicious colettes from Zest:

It would seem, well, what could be easier than cutlets? Add soaked white bread, an egg and a small onion to the minced meat, add salt and pepper - and fry yourself some excellent cutlets. However, for some housewives they somehow fall apart in the pan, while for others they turn out a little dry. Your secret on how to cook perfect, fluffy and tender cutlets, the chef of the restaurant Dr. shares with MIR 24 readers. Zhivago.

The first secret. Prepare the minced meat yourself!

() You will never get such delicious cutlets from store-bought minced meat as from homemade minced meat, personally minced in a meat grinder. Moreover, the most best cutlets are obtained by mixing two or, as in our recipe, as many as three types of meat.

Ingredients for cutlets from three types meat

Beef pulp - 300 g Lamb pulp - 300 g Chicken pulp - 300 g White bread - 150 g Milk - 150 g Fried onion - 180 g Cream - 100 g Salt - to taste

Pepper - to taste

Butter - 100 g The second secret. Proper bread and fried onions () White bread - important component minced meat, and it did not appear in the cutlet recipe for reasons of economy. Soaked in milk white loaf gives the fansh juiciness and tenderness, without it the minced meat will turn out to be a kebab, not fluffy cutlet. For minced meat, it is better to take slightly dried, yesterday’s bread, since soft and fresh bread gives the minced meat a slightly noticeable sourness. Remove all the crusts from it, cut into pieces and soak in cold milk. As for the onion, it needs to be cut into cubes and lightly fried in vegetable oil, and then put into a meat grinder and minced together with the meat. This will give the minced meat an additional very pleasant flavor nuance.

The third secret. Butter and cream

() Some housewives add lard or fat to the minced meat. Because when the fat melts during frying, it gives the cutlets juiciness. However, the cutlets turn out much more elastic and tender if you replace the fat with cream and add another piece of softened butter. Cream must be added to the minced meat in two stages. After the meat, onions and bread are minced, add half the cream, salt and pepper, mix everything well with your hands, then add the remaining cream, knead the minced meat again. Finally, add the softened butter that is almost starting to melt. After this, the minced meat must be kneaded until smooth and beaten. Then cover the dishes cling film and leave in the refrigerator for an hour.

The fourth secret. Crushed ice () When the minced meat is well cooled, the most unusual and most interesting begins. We add crushed ice to the minced meat! This is a real life hack that allows you to make the cutlets fluffy and literally oozing with juice and steam. It's not difficult to do, and the results are amazing! For half a kilo of minced meat, take 5-6 standard ice cubes from refrigerated molds, put them in a plastic bag and quickly crush them with a kitchen hammer to about 2-3 mm.

We take out a bowl of minced meat from the freezer, add crushed ice there, quickly, so that the ice does not melt from the warmth of your hands, knead all the ingredients (the pieces of ice should be distributed evenly throughout the entire mass of minced meat!), and very quickly form the cutlets.

Pieces of ice in the minced meat begin to melt during frying, and small voids form in the minced meat, which are filled with steam and make the cutlet fluffier and juicier.

Since it is not possible to fry all the cutlets at once, it is better to, having shaped them, return them to the freezer and wait for your turn. Otherwise, the ice in them will begin to melt.

Secret five. How to fry

() Frying cutlets is not difficult. The main thing is to place them in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil, and fry for quite a while. high fire until golden brown, without turning down the heat.

Then turn it over, let the crust set on the other side, cover the frying pan with a lid and reduce the heat so that the cutlets gradually reach readiness and fry inside.

The second cooking option is to quickly fry them in a frying pan on both sides until golden brown, and then place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes until done.

You can serve them with a mixed salad, or with mashed potatoes just like when I was a child with my grandmother!

Minced meat is quite rightly considered one of the best options for a family lunch. You can make several of them different ways. Most often, such cutlets are baked in the oven, fried in a pan or steamed. They go well with almost any side dish and are made from simple, easily available ingredients.

To prepare such a dish, you need to use only fresh meat. It is desirable that this be the sirloin edge of the front part of the carcass. To make the finished cutlets softer and juicier, it is recommended to make minced meat from several types of meat. Depending on the specific recipe, onions, garlic, soaked bread, raw eggs, grated potatoes, kefir or sour cream.

To do tender cutlets scroll through a meat grinder twice. Then it is thoroughly kneaded and beaten. To finished goods turned out softer, add a little warm to the minced meat boiled water, a pinch of soda or small piece butter. It is advisable to form the cutlets with wet palms. Otherwise, the minced meat may stick to your hands. For frying products, it is best to use a thick-bottomed frying pan, generously greased with heated vegetable oil.

Classic version

Fried juicy and tender beef cutlets, prepared according to the recipe described below, are ideal for both adults and children. baby food. Therefore, they can be safely submitted to family dinner or dinner. To prepare them you will need:

  • 700 grams of lean ground beef.
  • 150 milliliters of clean water.
  • Raw chicken egg.
  • A couple of slices white bread.
  • Salt and spices.

Additionally, you should have vegetable oil on hand for frying the cutlets.

Process description

It should be noted that the recipe for tender minced meat cutlets is so simple that even inexperienced housewife, who had never prepared such dishes before. The technology itself can be divided into several main stages.

First of all, you need to deal with the bread. It is soaked briefly in filtered water or cow's milk, and then squeezed out and combined with the finished ground beef. A raw chicken egg, salt and spices are also added there. Mix everything thoroughly with your hands until smooth.

From the resulting mass, oblong cutlets are formed and fried in vegetable oil. As soon as a golden brown crust appears on the surface of the products, cover the frying pan with a lid and reduce the heat.

Option with cheese

This recipe will definitely interest those who love oven-baked dishes. Since such juicy and tender cutlets are prepared from not quite standard set ingredients, check in advance that you have everything you need on hand. This time you will need:

  • A kilo of ground beef.
  • A couple of slices of stale bread.
  • Large onion.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Raw chicken eggs.
  • 120 grams of easy-melting hard cheese.
  • 80 milliliters heavy cream.
  • Salt and spices.

As additional ingredients usually use breadcrumbs and any vegetable oil.

Cooking technology

Slices of bread are briefly soaked in cream. Literally after a few minutes they are squeezed out and combined with the finished ground beef. This is where the raw egg is sent, chopped garlic, salt and spices. Mix everything vigorously with your hands. Add grated cheese to the resulting mass.

Using wet palms, form approximately identical cutlets from the finished minced meat and bread them in breadcrumbs. The resulting products are fried in vegetable oil for two minutes on each side and transferred to a baking sheet. Then the future tender cutlets are sent to the oven. They are baked at standard one hundred and eighty degrees. After just a quarter of an hour they can be served. Mashed potatoes or fresh vegetable salads are most often used as a side dish.

Option with semolina

Using the technology described below, you can quickly and without special troubles make cutlets (tender). The recipe for their preparation will be a real godsend for those who did not have bread on hand, but found semolina. To create minced meat you will need:

  • Half a kilo of pork pulp.
  • Medium bulb.
  • 3 tablespoons of semolina (heaped).
  • A couple of small potatoes.
  • 5-6 tablespoons of cow's milk.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Large chicken egg.
  • Salt and spices.

In addition, you should make sure in advance that at the right time you have deodorized vegetable oil and a little in your kitchen. wheat flour. These ingredients will be needed to bread and fry juicy and tender cutlets.


Pour semolina into a small bowl, pour warm milk and leave for a while room temperature. While it swells, you can work on the remaining components. The washed and chopped pork is passed through a meat grinder along with peeled onions and potatoes. A raw egg is driven into the resulting minced meat and chopped garlic is added. All this is seasoned with salt and spices, and then combined with the swollen cereal and kneaded intensively. Then practically ready minced meat beat on the bottom of a bowl or on a work surface.

From the resulting dense, soft and elastic mass With wet hands, pinch off pieces of the desired size and form them into cutlets. The larger the semi-finished product, the juicier it will be. ready dish. Future products are breaded in flour, sent to a hot frying pan and fried on both sides until golden crust. The browned tender cutlets are brought to readiness. To do this, they are simply baked in the oven or stewed in small quantity water. They go great with almost any side dish. But most often they are served with boiled rice, mashed potatoes or vegetable salad.

Option with mayonnaise

To prepare juicy and tender cutlets, the recipe with photos of which can be seen below, you will need simple and easily accessible products. Before you begin the process, double-check that you have on hand:

  • Half a kilo of pork and beef.
  • A couple of onions.
  • Medium potato.
  • 100 grams of white bread.
  • A pair of raw chicken eggs.
  • A glass of milk.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  • Salt and spices.

Also stock up in advance. fresh dill and any vegetable oil.

Cooking algorithm

At the initial stage, you should deal with the meat. It is washed and cut into small pieces. Pork and beef prepared in this way are ground using a meat grinder or blender along with peeled potatoes, onions and soaked bread. Add chopped garlic to the resulting mass, pre-beaten chicken eggs, salt and spices. Mix everything vigorously and begin to form oblong cutlets. It is important that they are approximately the same size. To raw minced meat does not stick to the palms, it is advisable to wet your hands with cold water.

The resulting semi-finished products are sent to a heated frying pan, the bottom of which is generously greased with vegetable oil, and fried for several minutes on each side. They are served with pasta, any crumbly porridge, boiled potatoes or vegetable salads.

Tender chicken cutlets: recipe

  • A kilo of chicken pulp.
  • 4 onions.
  • A couple of raw eggs.
  • A glass of oatmeal.
  • A bunch of green onions.
  • Salt and spices.

Washed and chopped chicken is ground in a meat grinder along with the cleaned onions. Add eggs to the bowl with the resulting minced meat and cereals. All this is salted, seasoned with spices and kneaded thoroughly. Small cutlets are formed from the resulting mass and sent to a slow cooker or double boiler. In just half an hour they can be served. In this case, any vegetables are used as a side dish.

Chopped chicken breast cutlets

Tender and juicy products are made only from fresh and high-quality ingredients. Therefore, before you start cooking, be sure to go to the store and buy everything you need. In this case, you should have at hand:

  • 800 grams of chicken breasts.
  • 4 tablespoons each potato starch and sour cream.
  • 3 raw chicken eggs.
  • Medium sized white onion.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, spices, herbs and vegetable oil.

Washed and dried chicken meat is cut into small pieces and combined with chopped onion. Chopped herbs and garlic passed through a special press are also sent there. Raw eggs, sour cream and starch are added to the resulting mass. All this is salted, seasoned with spices and mixed carefully.

Spoon the resulting minced meat into a hot frying pan with vegetable oil poured into the bottom and fry for several minutes on each side. After this, browned chopped chicken cutlets placed on beautiful plate and served on the table.

Option with cheese

These tasty and juicy cutlets are made from minced pork with the addition of additional ingredients. To prepare them you will need:

  • 100 grams stale white of bread.
  • Half a kilo of minced pork.
  • 4 tablespoons cow's milk.
  • 150 grams of feta cheese.
  • Salt, herbs and spices.

Place the slices in a bowl and pour fresh milk and leave for a few minutes. When they are soft enough, they are lightly squeezed by hand and combined with minced pork. All this is salted, seasoned with spices and mixed. The resulting mass is divided into eight approximately equal parts and flattened. Place a small piece of feta cheese in the middle of each flatbread, sprinkle with chopped dill and form cutlets.

The resulting semi-finished products are placed on a baking sheet, wrapped in foil and sent to the oven. They are baked at standard one hundred and eighty degrees for no longer than forty minutes. Besides, similar dish can be cooked not only in the oven, but also in a frying pan. In this case, fried minced pork cutlets with the addition of feta cheese will have an appetizing golden brown crust. However, they will turn out to be higher in calories. In order to get rid of excess fat, immediately after removing from the frying pan, they are placed on paper napkins and only then served on the table. Most often used as a side dish boiled potatoes, any crumbly porridge, pasta, fresh or baked vegetables.

The secret of delicious, juicy and fluffy cutlets

Grandma's secrets:
For each thick flatbread of minced meat, place a piece of ice (from a special cube mold). Form the flatbread into a patty (just quickly) and fry in a frying pan. Place the finished ones in a saucepan and put them in the oven that has just been turned off.
In order for the minced meat to be tender and juicy, you need to “knock it out”, namely, take it like dough and throw it on the table as best you can (Before this, place the minced meat in a bag).
A real cutlet It should fit into a man’s palm like a glove.

Ground meat
Most often, cutlets are made from a mixture of beef and pork. More tender ones are obtained with the addition of chicken, and such a combination as pork and chicken is simply delicious. For example, I most like minced chicken cutlets, especially with mushrooms.
For ordinary homemade cutlets, use a 50/50 mixture - half a portion of beef, half a portion of minced pork.
If you replace beef with chicken, you will get even more tender and cheerful cutlets.
It is best to buy the meat yourself and then make minced meat.

White bread or roll is taken somewhere 1:3 from the amount of minced meat, no less. Soak the bread in milk for 15-20 minutes. If the crust on the bun is too hard, it is better to cut it off. Zetem, drain extra milk, beat the bun in a blender until smooth (you can, in principle, knead it with your hands)

Add two or three yolks to the mashed and whipped bun into a homogeneous mass. I don’t recommend adding whites - they are what make the cutlets tough! Salt, pepper, add herbs to taste, leave to brew.

Peel the onion and chop finely. Quickly blanch in a heated frying pan and, after cooling, add to the mixture.

Now add the minced meat and knead vigorously with both hands. Each drop of minced meat should pass through your fingers several times. Some housewives put everything through a meat grinder again, some hit it forcefully on the table, some put it in the refrigerator after all the procedures... The finished minced meat should not be dry, rather, on the contrary, watery. If it is dry, add a little water (boiling water) or milk.

A few more secrets:
1. Add a spoon or two of sour cream. This is also done to make the minced meat softer and juicier.
2. Dilute the minced meat with boiling water. All for the same juiciness. It's a paradox, but it helps! I can’t explain why this happens, but the cutlets from this execution turn out really juicy!
3. Add ungrated potatoes to the minced meat. I use this secret with pleasure, especially when there is little white bread.
4. When frying, dip the cutlets in batter (a mixture of milk, eggs and flour). The batter prevents the juice from leaking out.
5. You can add overcooked carrots and raw finely chopped cabbage - it turns out very tasty.
6. Some housewives replace milk meat broth, and a loaf of bread.
7. Add finely chopped dill and other greens to the minced meat.

When the minced meat is ready, heat a frying pan (preferably with thick walls) and form cutlets. To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, dip them in water periodically.

Fry on both sides until crispy and place in a frying pan (without fat!). You can squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic on top if you like. Close the lid and simmer a little in a preheated oven over low heat for about 15 minutes. Done!

Bon appetit!

Today I suggest you prepare juicy and tasty cutlets. Which? Choose according to your taste! I can offer you step by step recipe cutlets made from minced turkey, pork, chicken and pollock, with the addition of cabbage and potatoes, and even cutlets without bread. You can make it in a frying pan, or you can cook it in the oven. I decided to collect in one place the most popular recipes, to spread out and organize the information a little, it’s convenient when everything is at hand.

Simple secrets of tasty and juicy cutlets.

But first, let's determine what principles of preparing cutlets allow them to turn out juicy and tasty, regardless of the type of minced meat and accompanying spices. Maybe, for experienced housewives These rules will seem banal and “as old as time,” but not everyone is born “in a chef’s hat and apron”—young and beginners sometimes need to say simple things.

And it’s not a fact that they seem so obvious to them!

    • Of course, you can make cutlets without bread... But the question is: will this dish be called cutlets? After all, bread, which we first soak in water or milk and then add to the minced meat for cutlets, is an essential ingredient in almost any recipe for delicious homemade cutlets. And the point here is not about saving on minced meat, as some people think! Bread allows you to make minced meat softer, juicier, and tastier. But we're talking about not about ready-made minced meat bought in a store (you’ll never guess what’s already been added to it!), but about pure minced meat that you’ve just made with your own hands from a natural piece of meat;
    • Water (milk, cream, mineral water), must be present in the minced meat for cutlets. It is moisture that makes the cutlets juicy and soft. The more fatty component in this liquid, the tastier and more tender (but the more high-calorie our cutlets will be!). The water must be cooled to an icy state. The rule, again, is only suitable for freshly prepared natural minced meat made from meat, without additives from cunning manufacturers of “semi-finished products”.
    • Not everyone knows that in addition to adding cold milk to the minced meat, ice water or even mineral water, such minced meat must be beaten off. This is done very simply - as with dough, scoop up handfuls of minced meat and throw it back into the bowl, do this 15-20 times. The liquid is absorbed into the minced meat and the cutlets turn out very juicy. It would be good to give the minced meat some time to stand - about half an hour, or maybe more;
    • It is for juiciness that cabbage, potatoes, and onions are added to the minced meatballs. Moreover, you need to chop them very finely (do not turn them through a meat grinder or in a blender, it is important to chop them very finely”). Although there are, of course, recipes that suggest running these additives through a meat grinder or passing them through a blender, it seems to me that here we are talking more about saving cooking time than about improving the taste of the dish;

And of course, the quality of the meat from which the minced meat for the cutlets is made is very important for the quality of the final product. It is impossible to make tasty cutlets from old, dry, frozen or, God forbid, rancid meat with any additives or “magic” ingredients... Although the cooks of some school canteens would argue with me now...

For these wonderful, juicy and tasty cutlets we need ground turkey ( turkey meat), as well as the following simple ingredients.

  • turkey fillet (or any minced meat) - 1 kg
  • loaf (bread) - 150g
  • milk - 150g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • onions - 2 pcs
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • sunflower oil for frying
  • garlic - optional
1 If you make the minced meat yourself, cut the turkey fillet into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Some people immediately turn the peeled onion to speed up the process, but if you chop the onion finely and finely and add it to the finished minced meat, the cutlets will turn out juicier. 2 Soak the bread in warm milk or water. Many people advise cutting off the crusts, but if you turn the meat through a meat grinder, then you can add the bread there too - into the meat grinder, and the crusts will not bother us. If you add bread directly to the prepared minced meat, it is easier to knead it when there are no crusts. 3 When the turkey meat, onion and bread are already mixed in the minced meat, add one egg, salt and pepper. Mix everything and beat the minced meat in the same way as you beat the dough, about a minute is enough - this way our cutlets will not fall apart and crawl in the pan, but will be strong, elastic and appetizing. 4 Place the frying pan on the stove, add a little vegetable oil and heat well. With wet hands, form a ball of minced meat with your hands, slightly flatten it on both sides, give it the desired shape - round or pie shape, and send it to the hot frying pan. You can roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs, flour or egg white, but you can do without it - the cutlets will still have good shape, beautiful golden roast and delicious crispy crust. 1 Fry the cutlets on one side until golden brown, turn them over and cover with a lid. Under the lid, the cutlets will steam and reach readiness. As soon as you cover with a lid, reduce the heat to low and watch for readiness. Usually, such cutlets are cooked on the fire for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the cutlets.

All! Delicious and juicy homemade turkey cutlets are ready! Bon appetit!

Very tender minced chicken cutlets - let's reveal the secret of amazing juiciness.

In principle, you can easily take the previous recipe, replace the minced turkey with chicken and cook delicious chicken cutlets. But we will go a different way! Let's add delicious products to our list of ingredients and improve the taste even more radically!

Look at what products we need, prepare them, and let's go cook and learn new secrets juicy minced meat for cutlets.


  • Minced chicken – 500 g
  • White bread - 3 slices
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Cream 35% - 4 tbsp.
  • Milk – 100 ml
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Salt, black pepper to taste
  • For breading - dry bread crumbs, breadcrumbs or flour
1 Minced meat you can take ready ( good quality, without unnecessary additives), or you can cook it yourself from any parts of the chicken, even from the breast - our cutlets won’t be dry anyway - we know the secret 🙂 2 Cut off the crusts of the bread, cut it into cubes and soak in warm milk. Chop the onion and garlic as finely as possible and add to the minced chicken. 3 Add the egg, soaked bread squeezed out of the milk, salt and pepper. Let's mix everything. Add cold cream and thoroughly, preferably by hand, knead the minced chicken until smooth. 4 Now let’s take our main “secret” ingredient, which will provide our minced chicken special juiciness and fluffiness - frozen butter. Let's rub it on coarse grater into the minced meat, stir quickly (before it melts!) and quickly start frying. By the way, you definitely need to fry these cutlets over low heat, then the oil inside will be distributed throughout the minced meat as needed, evenly, and will not leak out. 5 Place the frying pan with oil on heat, and while it is heating up, form the cutlets of the shape we need. To make them as beautiful as in the photo, roll them in breadcrumbs or dry bread crumbs. But it can also be simply in flour. 6 We fry our chicken cutlets on both sides and, what is important for this particular recipe, do not close the lid!

The most delicious and tender chicken cutlets are ready. Serve them with any salad, herbs, vegetables or any other type of side dish - it won’t make them any less tasty :-))

Minced pork cutlets with cabbage - “Lazy cabbage rolls”.

Pork tastes great with cabbage, so for the so-called “ lazy cabbage rolls", but essentially - cutlets from minced meat with cabbage, we’ll choose that one. Pork, as a rule, is quite fatty in composition, so let’s “dilute” it with lean cabbage and the total will be just right :) In terms of proportions, take minced pork and cabbage in equal parts.

I suggest you make this recipe not only “lazy”, but also quick - we will grind all our additives with a blender until it becomes mushy.

To coat the cutlets, we will use cornmeal - then we will get a beautiful yellow tint to our cutlets, look how they look in the photo. If there is no such torment, but there is corn grits- Grind it in a coffee grinder or blender and get the desired product.

Let's take the following products:

  • minced pork - 300g
  • cabbage - 300g
  • onion - 1 head
  • egg - 1 piece
  • seasonings and salt - to taste
  • corn flour - for breading vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking process:

1 We prepare everything according to the usual scheme. The only difference in this recipe is that we chop the onion and cabbage in a blender. After chopping, lightly squeeze out excess juice from the cabbage. Beat the egg into the onion before chopping. 2 Salt and pepper the minced meat and knead thoroughly. Form cutlets, roll in corn flour and put it on a hot frying pan with oil. We lay it out carefully, because... The minced meat turns out to be tender not only in taste, but also in consistency - until the cutlets are fried, they do not hold their shape very confidently. 3 It is better not to close the lid. When both sides are browned, consider it ready. Pork cutlets with cabbage according to this recipe are very soft and tasty!

Minced meat cutlets with potatoes - video recipe.

Do you think that housewives add bread, cabbage, and potatoes to minced cutlet to save money? So you haven’t tried real minced meat cutlets with potatoes - they’re oh-so delicious!


  • minced meat - 1 kg.
  • raw potatoes - 4 pcs. (average)
  • onion - 1-2 pcs.
  • egg - 1 piece
  • seasonings and salt - to taste
  • cold water - 2-3 tbsp.

But the essence of the preparation does not change! This recipe differs from the previous recipe only in that raw cabbage need to be replaced with raw, finely grated potatoes. I won’t even describe the rest - do everything exactly the same, I’ll just indicate the possible proportions of the products.

But, if suddenly something still doesn’t work out, watch this short video, which shows step by step the process of preparing these particular cutlets - with potatoes and minced meat.

Mixed minced meat cutlets in the oven - a step-by-step recipe with detailed photos.

I can’t pass up such a recipe as minced meat cutlets baked in the oven. For those who don’t really like fatty foods (and we must admit that cutlets fried in a frying pan are a rather high-calorie dish with big amount fat and “harmful” cholesterol crust) - cutlets in the oven will be an excellent replacement. They are still very tasty and juicy, look very appetizing, and also save the housewife not only oil, but also time. After all, you don’t need to stand at the stove - just load everything into the oven, set the temperature and note the time.


  • minced meat – 1 kg. (chicken – 700 g and pork + beef – 300 g),
  • white bread (crumb) – 1 piece,
  • onion – 150 g.,
  • potatoes – 150 g.,
  • garlic – 1 tooth,
  • egg – 1 pc.,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • kefir (sour cream, cream) – 1 tbsp.,
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  • water – 0.5+0.5 cups.

The process of cooking cutlets in the oven:

1 piece of white bread (it is better to cut off the crusts) pour about half a glass cold water. While the bread is soaking, take the garlic and onions, peeled, and briefly swirl in a blender. Add the soaked bread to the onion without squeezing it out of the water and mix everything again with a blender.
2 minced meat this recipe taken in the following proportions: chicken - almost 2/3 of the volume, and pork and beef - equally, 1/3 of the total volume. But you can take more pork if you want more fat content; in general, choose the proportions to your taste. 3 Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and add to the minced meat. I squeeze the potatoes a little to remove them excess starch, but you don’t have to do this.
4 Add here onion mixture, let's break the egg. Add salt and black pepper to taste. For juiciness, add a little kefir (you can add milk, sour cream). Mix the minced meat thoroughly and beat it so that our cutlets do not fall apart and are as juicy and fluffy as possible. This is very important stage preparing minced meat for any cutlets.

5 Cover the oven tray with parchment and grease it a little sunflower oil. We form cutlets and place them on a sheet. You can additionally beat off the minced meat by tossing the cutlet from one palm to the other. You can roll the cutlets in breading or flour.
6 We send to hot oven(190-200 degrees) for 20 minutes. For juiciness, add half a cup directly to the sheet hot water and put it in the oven again until golden brown. Do not turn the cutlets over during baking.

These are so beautiful and in moderation diet cutlets we got it. It's very simple and quick way preparing delicious and juicy cutlets - be sure to try this cooking option.

Pollock fish cutlets without bread - Not only tasty, but also healthy!

Continuing the topic more healthy eating I want to offer you wonderful recipe fish cutlets - cutlets made from minced pollock. Pollock is an excellent choice for fish cutlets: it is not an expensive type of fish, but has few bones, no need to peel scales, and as for useful properties(content of vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, minerals and trace elements) - in no way inferior to expensive varieties of fish.

The only complaint about pollock is that the minced meat can turn out a little dry.For those who do not have enough fat content, you can roll an additional piece into the minced meat lard or add a couple of tablespoons to the minced meat olive oil. It is generally typical for fish cutlets to take low-fat varieties white fish, but at the same time increase the fat content with separate additives.

By the way, another original and “tasty” way to add fat content to dry fish (and not only fish) mince. Directly in the frying pan, put a piece of frozen butter into the already prepared cutlets, press it in so that it is inside the minced meat. During cooking, the butter will melt and give excellent creamy taste dish!

But, if we talk about the benefits of such a product as fish cutlets(and this is by all standards dietary dish!), then you don’t need to add anything, no additional fats are required. This recipe also calls for a small amount of oil in the pan and the absence of bread and flour in the cutlets.

If there are no special dishes with non-stick coating, in which you can fry almost without oil - you can cook such cutlets in the oven, you can steam them, whichever you prefer.

I still like the cutlets to look more browned; a small, slightly toasted crust won’t hurt, the main thing is to cook over very moderate heat and with a small amount of oil.


  • minced pollock - 1.3 kg.
  • onions – 3 pcs.medium size
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • garlic – 3 cloves
  • egg – 3 pcs.
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste

Step-by-step recipe for making pollock cutlets:

1 Grind the pollock fillet and peeled potatoes through a meat grinder. It is better not to twist the onion, as all its juice will go into the liquid, which we squeeze out during the cooking process. All the onion juice will go to waste! It’s better to finely chop the onion with a knife - this way it will be preserved in our fish cutlets and juiciness and taste. 2 Mix minced pollock, potatoes, chopped onions, eggs, garlic and seasonings. Please note that we prepare these cutlets without bread! Mix everything thoroughly. 3 The minced meat turns out very raw. To prevent the cutlets from falling apart too much, squeeze excess liquid into a separate bowl when forming cutlets. Here the juiciness of the cutlets will be given to us by pieces of potato and onion pieces. But in order to reduce excessive moisture separation, it is necessary, just as in previous recipes, stir the minced meat for a long time and thoroughly before frying, also beating it and throwing it into a bowl. This way we will improve the connection between the minced meat and the egg and create greater “stickiness”; the cutlets will not fall apart too much. 4 We do not bread the cutlets so as not to add flour to our dietary recipe. But you can roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs or flour if you wish.

5 Fry in a small amount of oil, without a lid, over low heat until golden brown, turning during cooking. Fish cutlets cook very quickly. But you can further steam them after frying under the lid, adding a little water.

Let me remind you that in this recipe, for the sake of health benefits and increasing the “dietary value” of our dish, we excluded bread completely. But according to tradition, in classic recipe For fish cutlets, bread must be added, and in fish cutlets, the bread is usually soaked in milk, and not in water. Still, fish cutlets require more gentle handling :)

What type of cutlets do you cook? What type of minced meat and additives do you prefer? Share your successful finds and favorite recipes for minced meat cutlets in the comments!