What to do to prevent the pan from sticking. Why food burns and how to use a frying pan correctly: cast iron, aluminum and non-stick

11/22/2018 3,406 views

Fried food lovers sooner or later ask the question: “What can I do to prevent the pan from burning?” The smell of burning, smoke, long attempts to wash damaged dishes - all this interferes with the enjoyment of cooking. And utensils, which inevitably begin to deteriorate from long-term use, become a separate unnecessary expense item.

To prevent your dinners from burning, it’s enough to know a few simple ways to avoid it. Everyone knows how to wash dishes and remove odors, but it would be much better to learn how to avoid burning in advance. To do this, you need to understand why this happens and what to do.

For what reasons can a frying pan burn?

Uncoated utensils are cheaper, but much more capricious. Burn marks only appear on cookware made from porous, absorbent materials that are not coated with enamel or a protective non-stick layer. These include, for example, cast iron and aluminum. Enameled or Teflon cookware rarely burns even after long use.

In the case of utensils without a protective coating, the porous material quickly creates problems. When cooking, small food particles become trapped in these microscopic pores. Getting stuck there, they burn due to the long heat at the bottom of the dish, other particles stick to them and the same thing happens to them. As a result, you end up with spoiled food and nerves.

What to do if the pan burns?

If your cookware does not have a non-stick coating, there is no way to fix it permanently. But often housewives believe that even if pancakes burn on cast iron cookware, they still turn out tastier. Non-stick utensils cannot be permanently altered, but oil or salt can be temporarily clogged with open pores to create a smooth, non-stick surface. It won't be permanent, but it will be a great temporary solution.

If you need to get rid of burning dishes made of porous materials, carry out a simple treatment. After this procedure, food will not burn for several weeks:

  • Wash the pan, dry it and place it on low heat.
  • Then fill it halfway with sunflower oil and heat it for 40 minutes or longer.
  • Then pour it out and remove any remaining fat with paper towels or napkins.

Thanks to this treatment, hot oil will fill the pores in the metal and the bottom will become smooth. The dishes can be used after a couple of days. Many people don't like the smell of hot oil or are afraid to do so because of small children or pets. If you are one of them, try heating the pan with salt to prevent it from burning - this will give a completely similar effect. Pour it onto a heated frying pan in a layer of about a centimeter and a half. Heat for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, thoroughly clean the surface of the dishes with napkins, trying to remove all of it, but do not rub or scratch with your nails. After 2-3 days, when the coating has completely set, you can use it.

After calcination, you cannot temporarily wash the pan; this will destroy the protective coating created during processing. The utensils will have to be calcined regularly, since the layer of oil or salt is short-lived; after about fifteen uses, the coating will deteriorate and will no longer protect food. Enameled cookware cannot be heated; the treatment will destroy the surface and make it unsuitable for use.

Made of aluminum

Pans made from such a capricious material often cause complaints and problems. Aluminum is quite friable and easily absorbs food particles, but cookware made from this material remains popular, it is familiar and convenient in cooking. You can avoid any problems with burning by using regular treatment using this method:

  1. Clean and dry the pan thoroughly.
  2. Pour unrefined sunflower oil, completely covering the bottom. Don't forget to coat the walls.
  3. Add two tablespoons of regular salt and stir.
  4. Place the bowl with the mixture over medium heat.
  5. Remove when the first noticeable smoke appears. Do not bring it to a boil: splashes of hot oil can burn, and extra time will not improve the effect of processing.
  6. Let it cool with the mixture inside, and then pour it out. Wipe dry with napkins or towels.

Now the frying pan can be used for cooking about fifteen more times, after which it will start to burn again. When this happens, simply repeat the procedure.


If you have problems with a frying pan with a ceramic coating and it often burns, calcining it with salt and oil will have no effect - the enamel coating of the frying pan is finely porous, treatment will not change anything.

It is possible to improve its condition somewhat: rinse thoroughly, dry and generously grease the surface on which you are cooking with sunflower oil. Leave it for 15 minutes. Then remove the fat with napkins. If it doesn’t help, then it’s now only suitable for stewing. All you have to do is say goodbye to the pancake pan that has started to burn.

This is one of the features of ceramic utensils - they are very capricious. It should not be washed in the dishwasher, used with abrasive cleaners, rubbed with hard brushes or sponges, or used with metal utensils on it. Many reviews from owners of such frying pans confirm that even when processed every 10-15 uses, after the first six months of cooking, the utensils rapidly lose their protective properties, and food begins to spoil.

Non-stick coating

The situation is even more complicated when a difficulty arises where it should not have appeared. But the name non-stick pans does not guarantee eternal service. In fact, such a coating loses its non-stick ability over time and this is normal. The planned service life of the average utensil with a protective coating is from one to three years. Fry in a stainless steel frying pan so that nothing burns easily, following simple manipulations. But if a Teflon or non-stick frying pan starts to burn, this means that the protective layer has been destroyed. It is no longer possible to restore it. Don’t feel sorry for damaged dishes and better buy new ones.

Myths about a damaged coating on a non-stick frying pan allegedly capable of genocide of a small family remain just myths. Numerous studies have shown that polytetrafluoroethylene, now used in non-stick coatings, is harmless. The same material is often used in prosthetics in the field of vascular surgery and in the manufacture of packaging for drops in the nose and eyes. The scope of application of this material is enormous.

Obviously, it cannot harm a person even with the closest contact. You should change damaged non-stick cookware if everything burns, and not because you are afraid of dangerous emissions. Nowadays, low-quality, harmful frying pans can only be found from unknown manufacturers who offer too cheap products. You shouldn’t expect real certificates and high quality from market outlets and tiny stalls. You can no longer find them in large or specialized stores.

Video: what to do to prevent the pan from burning?

How to cook food correctly so that it does not stick in the pan?

It is necessary not only to process utensils for culinary delights in advance, but also to do it correctly. To ensure that your food doesn’t burn and is perfectly tasty, we have written down a few culinary tips for you:

  • Adjust the temperature. It is better to fry vegetables over medium or low heat, fish is the same, but meat will need a higher heat.
  • It is important to pre-condition the pan before cooking.
  • Stainless steel utensils should be preheated before frying.
  • Use a flame spreader if you are cooking on a gas stove and the frying pan has a large diameter. You will get evenly cooked food without undercooked or burnt parts.
  • Place food on an already heated surface when the oil gives off a slight smell: pour it into a hot frying pan or put it in a cold frying pan and heat it at the same time. In fact, there are no differences.
  • You should not put food in a large layer on the frying pan - it releases juice, and as a result the dish either stews or sticks.
  • Do not fry wet foods. Meat, fish, vegetables, any food should either be allowed to dry or wiped with paper towels.
  • Cook foods at room temperature. Vegetables, meat and fish fresh from the refrigerator are more likely to burn and will be less tasty when cooked.

By following these simple rules, you will make your work in the kitchen a pleasure, it will cook easier and more evenly and will not spoil. No more fuss with wiping off the hated burnt residue from the bottom of the pan, unpleasant burnt odors or nasty tastes from food. Just clean dishes, aromatic food and a satisfied housewife.

For what reasons can a frying pan burn and will annealing help?

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Ecology of life. Lifehack: It's no secret that working in the kitchen brings the most trouble when it comes to cleaning. A burnt pan can add to the difficulty. We cook and clean the kitchen several times a day and it often takes a lot of effort and time. Those who love to cook know dozens of gastronomic secrets that make their life much easier, but others, as a rule, experience only difficulties and stress.

It's no secret that the kitchen is the most stressful place to work when it comes to cleaning. A burnt pan can add to the difficulty.

We cook and clean the kitchen several times a day and it often takes a lot of effort and time.

Those who love to cook know dozens of gastronomic secrets that make their life much easier, but others, as a rule, experience only difficulties and stress.

For example, when washing dishes, it is often difficult to remove excess grease and food that easily sticks to the pan.

Besides, there is nothing worse than spending a lot of time preparing a dish only to have it burn tightly to the bottom of the pan.

To help you avoid these problems, today we are dedicating our article to 9 interesting tricks that will help you avoid food burning. Write it down!

1. Use olive oil

A small amount of oil on the bottom of the pan is one of the most effective ways to keep food from burning.

Pour some oil into the pan and spread it evenly with a paper towel to cover the entire bottom.

Before you start frying, you need to wait until the pan is hot (not until the oil starts to burn, of course).

2. Add a little salt

If the pan is made of aluminum, food will stick to it more easily because it is a porous material.

In order to prevent this, you need to apply a thin layer of sunflower oil and add a handful of salt, spreading it over the entire surface.

Try not to overdo it with salt, as it can make the food taste worse. If you feel you have added too much, remove the excess with a napkin before the pan heats up.

3. Use apple cider vinegar

Aluminum and other porous materials should be "sealed" before you start cooking to prevent food from sticking.

A good option is to coat the bottom with oil and, after heating, add a little vinegar.

It must evaporate completely over low heat before you begin the cooking process.

4. Use natural butter

Natural oil contains important nutrients for our body, and the oily compounds make it easier to cook without burning.

Depending on its origin, the oil can be a source of essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Use a small teaspoon of butter to grease the pan before cooking scrambled eggs, sausages and croquettes.

To prevent burning, do not overheat the pan and add a pinch of salt.

5. Avoid using metal spatulas and spoons

If you are cooking on a non-stick pan, you should not use metal spoons or spatulas because they can damage the coating and cause wear and tear.

Instead, you can buy wooden spatulas, or those made of nylon or plastic, which do not create scratches on its surface and hence prevent food from sticking.

6. Do not use metal jaws

Such wire or simply hard sponges can enlarge the pores in aluminum pans and scratch the coating on non-stick ones.

Use soft sponges or brushes to keep your pans in good condition.

7. Avoid storing pans inside each other

If you have Teflon pans, never store them inside each other. This material is very sensitive to any touch and can be easily damaged when stored in this way.

8. Dry the pan thoroughly before storing

After you've washed your pans, let them air dry before storing them in a cabinet.

Residual moisture can cause mold and cause food to burn.

9. Always grease your pan.

The main key to keeping food from sticking to the pan is to always coat the bottom with a little fat or oil.

If you notice that the pan is dry again, add a small amount of oil and spread it over the bottom by tilting the pan.

This might interest you:

Follow these simple tips and you will see that you can cook without extra effort, because your food will no longer stick to the pan.

At the same time, you will not only get beautiful and tasty dishes, but also save time when washing dishes and your pans will look perfect, without a single stain. published

It is very important for every housewife that the kitchen items she uses every day are of high quality and durable. Among the essentials, i.e. various utensils, the most important place being occupied by frying pans.

Knowing about durability and reliability, many women choose it for their daily needs in the kitchen. A frying pan is a thing during the purchase of which you cannot think about saving money, because it turns into such a desirable platform for realizing all kinds of culinary fantasies that only allow you to realize your skills and culinary talent.

The advantage of a cast iron frying pan is that the oil heated in it forms a natural coating that has the ability to prevent food from burning. But it is known that all dishes or other household items need careful handling and careful care, especially if we expect to use them for more than a year or two.

Naturally, our cast iron frying pan requires all of the above, because proper use of it will allow you to enjoy cooked, and most importantly not burnt, food for a long time.

But there are situations when for some reason the pan still burns. You will ask yourself the question “What should I do?”, and we are ready to answer you and share useful tips on the proper use and care of cast iron cookware.

When a happy day has come and you have bought a cast iron frying pan, you need to take certain actions as a result of which nothing will burn to the bottom of the frying pan during frying. We are talking about a special non-stick coating.

What needs to be done for this? First of all, we rinse the dishes very thoroughly with hot water, then wipe them dry with a towel. Cover the bottom of the frying pan with coarse salt, approximately one centimeter thick, then heat it on the stove or in the oven for an hour, stirring all the time. Pour out the used salt, and carefully grease the surface inside the pan with vegetable oil (or fat), which helps the pan become more resistant to burning with each use.

ATTENTION! Remember: the peculiarity of cast iron is the uniform distribution of heat over the entire surface of the frying pan (!), be careful and careful, be sure to use cloth oven mitts.

Thus, the more often you use a cast iron frying pan, the faster and more stable its non-stick coating, created by your own hands, will become.

But if even after this the food burns, then you will have to heat the pan again. Now, before doing this, we are faced with the task of first thoroughly cleaning the frying pan from food that has burned on its coating, because the frying pan is no longer “from the store”, but has been used.

For cleaning, you can use detergents and, after rinsing the dishes thoroughly, dry them. Next comes the already familiar procedure of lubricating with vegetable oil, but this time you can’t get by with just the inner bottom of the dish. We also cover the outside. Place the pan in the oven, turning it upside down.

We can do this with a frying pan whose handles are made not of wood, but of metal, for example. To be on the safe side in case of melted butter leaking, you can place a sheet of foil under the cast iron pan.

The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees, and the dishes should be heated for an hour. The hood must be running all this time. When the time is up, turn off the oven, but leave the pan inside until it cools completely.

The first time after we have baked the dishes in order to fix the coating, it is best to cook food in a frying pan that is quite fatty and does not contain excess acid or liquid. Well, if as a result of constant frying in a frying pan, food still sticks and burns, you need to first soak the frying pan with water before washing and it is advisable(!) to wash it. no detergents, you can add a little salt, but nothing more.

A pancake frying pan, which is a capricious and demanding thing, requires even more careful use and the most attentive care. But baking pancakes can still be a pleasant experience for both you and your frying pan; you just need to take care of it first and spend some time calcining it (in this case, more than an hour; you can use kitchen salt).

Thanks to these steps, even the very first pancakes in your culinary practice will turn out to be very successful, as they say, “finger-licking good!”

If you use metal brushes when washing or to remove food residues from a frying pan, you will never protect yourself from constant burning!!! You can achieve the goal of not having food stick to the pan in future use only by learning how to wash it correctly and carefully.

The best effect can be achieved if you soak the dishes by pouring hot water into them and waiting for half an hour or an hour. This makes it easy to clean the pan from food residues using a soft sponge, usually used for washing all dishes. Also, with this care you will protect the frying pan from scratches and other damage to the surface that is possible when using a metal brush.

Cleaning products will also not bring any benefit, no matter how strange it may sound and does not negate our firm convictions to the contrary. After all, when they are used together with food debris, metal particles are also removed, and this “helps” in further stable burning.

Therefore, it is better to avoid using cleaning products, even well-known brands, and replace them with a weak solution of soda (baking soda). The water temperature should be hot to such a level that your hand can handle it normally. It is best to use a sponge, as already mentioned, that is soft and not with an abrasive surface.

After each wash, it would be a good idea to wipe cast iron frying pans dry with a towel and coat them with vegetable oil.

Advantages of stainless steel cookware:

  • does not interact with food products, such as tomatoes and wine
  • in such dishes you can prepare excellent sauces by dissolving products using caramelization

Disadvantages of stainless steel:

  • Stainless steel heats up unevenly
  • very often different foods stick to the surface of stainless steel cookware if precautions are not taken
Why does food stick to stainless steel cookware?

Burning of food is caused by chemical reactions that occur between the food and the metal from which the frying pan is made. Protein-rich foods are especially prone to sticking because proteins are able to form complexes with metal atoms, such as iron in the pan.

What to do to prevent the pan from burning - use hot oil

Since heated oil is a liquid, it fills indentations and small cracks on the surface of the pan. Although the frying pan seems even and smooth, at the microscopic level, even on the smoothest metal surface you can find gouges and scratches. Hot oil is less viscous than cold oil, so it immediately fills all the recesses.

If you add a small amount of oil to a hot frying pan, it heats up very quickly, frying the outer layer of the food, and the water evaporates, forming a layer of steam that “lifts” the food above the oil film and prevents it from sticking to the hot surface. If the oil is not hot enough, there will be no steam effect and the food will stick to the pan.

Why does oil “hiss”?

The hissing sound occurs because water evaporates from the surface of the oil. When the sizzling stops, the oil will heat up very quickly, so you need to be careful not to burn the food.

Food is fried when the oil temperature rises to 100 degrees or more. The byproduct of this process is water, and even when the food is frying, we will hear a hissing sound. Once the food is completely cooked, the water will not evaporate and the sizzling sounds will stop.

    1. Make sure the surface of the pan is clean. Small stuck food particles can cause food to further stick to the surface of the pan.
    2. Make sure that the surface of the food you will be frying is dry and not very cold. It is better to leave food from the refrigerator at room temperature for a while. Cold meats easily stick to the surface of stainless steel pans when cooking. Remember that if there is water on the surface of the food, it can lower the temperature of the oil, which promotes burning. You can either blot the surface of the food with a napkin, or in the case of fish that is not skinned, run the blade of a knife across the surface of the skin to remove excess moisture. This method will also help you cook fish with a crispy skin. NOTE: Some cooks prefer to add a little oil to the surface of the dry ingredients to prevent them from sticking to the pan.
    3. Make sure the oil is hot. Either add cold oil to a hot pan, or start cooking by heating a cold pan and cold oil. Both methods are equally good, but most people prefer to add cold oil to a hot pan. The advantage of this method is that you need to add one and a half times less oil to a hot frying pan than to a cold one, since the oil covers the surface better. Hot oil is less viscous and spreads immediately. You will also need less oil to fill microcracks on the surface and provide a barrier between the food and the pan. In addition, this way the oil will heat up faster and will not be used up quickly. NOTE: Some cooks still prefer to add cold oil to a cold pan because it will be easier to tell when the pan has reached the desired temperature.

Here are some tips on how to tell when the pan is hot enough for food to stick to the surface.

  • The oil should “ripple” and spread fairly quickly over the surface. If the pan has been hot enough, this process will only take a few seconds.
  • It is best to place food in the pan before the oil begins to burn. If you wait too long, the pan will become very hot, the oil will burn and darken, and may damage the surface of the pan.
  • If you want to check if the pan is hot enough, you can drop a few drops of water, which should evaporate immediately, or a larger drop will sizzle and float on the surface due to its own steam.
      With time and experience, you will learn to determine exactly when to put food in the heated oil.
  1. Do not put too much food in the pan as this will lower the temperature and release more liquid. If too much moisture gets into the butter, it won't be able to reach the temperature needed for caramelization. As a result, the food will cook unevenly. It's best to cook food in small batches, preheating the pan and adding oil if necessary after each batch. Also, unless otherwise indicated in the cooking technology, there is no need to cover the pan with a lid, as in this case the steam can soften the food. Ideally, fried food should have a crispy exterior, although this will depend more on the food item (fried steak tends to have a crispy exterior, whereas fried carrots do not)
  2. Don't turn food too quickly. Even if the food sticks a little to the pan, it most likely won’t last long, so don’t worry. If you are using a stainless steel frying pan and the food is sticking to the surface, then you need to reduce the heat a little and try turning the food again. The only exception is chopped vegetables, which must be constantly stirred so that they do not burn. Don't forget to add oil to them so they don't stick to the pan and cook evenly, and the pan should be very hot all the time.
  3. Listen: you should hear the pan sizzling, not splattering. The sizzling sound means there is still water in the pan and the food won't burn. As soon as the hissing stops, the food is starting to burn. If food is properly fried in a small amount of oil, then it will have a crispy outside and soft inside. When the oil temperature is too low, the cooking process does not produce enough steam and the food becomes very greasy after absorbing a lot of oil. When food is fried in a small amount of oil, when heated, it brings the liquid inside the food to a boil, which then escapes as steam. The steam prevents the oil from getting inside the food and making it greasy, so the food will be soft and juicy on the inside, but crispy on the outside.
Which frying pan is better to choose

If you want to fry your food well, you need to choose a quality frying pan. It is worth paying attention to the frying pan made from stainless steel and aluminum plate. Such a frying pan will distribute heat evenly, and the food will not burn, since heating and cooling of the surface occurs very quickly. A fairly heavy metal plate ensures that the bottom of the pan remains flat and does not deform during use. After all, if the bottom is uneven, then the food will fry unevenly. Some cooks prefer to use a cast iron skillet for searing, but it is not suitable for making sauces.

We hope that our tips helped you find out what to do to prevent the pan from burning.

Be that as it may, no matter what super-non-stick Teflon frying pans Kulibin engineers create, the old cast iron frying pan is truly a classic. Heating the oil in the pan creates a natural non-stick coating. Cast iron kitchen utensils have absorbed all the best qualities - ease of maintenance and durability. But sometimes, for reasons unknown to us, our favorite frying pan “fails.” If you are not going to send it to a well-deserved rest for this reason, but do not intend to put up with the fact that a cast-iron frying pan burns, we will tell you what to do in this article. We have put together several methods for you to care for and treat cast iron cookware - both to correct the problem and to prevent it from happening in the future.

What is the need to season a cast iron frying pan?

Metal frying pans go on sale using some kind of protective coating in the form of grease. This protects the pan from external damage.

Under the influence of external factors, a cast iron vessel becomes corroded. Therefore, before use, it must be washed and calcined, otherwise:

  • After some time, the food will burn and a thick layer of soot will form, and removing the soot is quite a task.
  • All protective lubricants are chemicals, and a layer of this chemical will constantly be absorbed into your food.
  • Under the influence of the above factors, your vessel will become unusable ahead of time, and you will be wondering what to do if a cast-iron frying pan burns.

Important! Calcination of cast iron vessels is also necessary for uniform heating of the surface during the entire service life. And this directly affects the quality of cooking.

First wash after purchase

In this regard, we will not open America to you, and we will not tell you any new wisdom. Therefore, to wash a cast iron frying pan:

  1. Make a warm soapy solution.
  2. Wash both sides of the dishes thoroughly using a sponge.
  3. Rinse several times under warm running water.
  4. Wipe dry and dry.

Heat up the frying pan - 3 ways

In order to heat such a vessel before use, you need to consider some points:

Let it sit for at least one hour before use and proceed. A cast iron frying pan is at your disposal.

Method 1

A very simple way, without wasting time and effort. The following manipulations must be done:

  1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees C.
  2. Place the frying pan into the oven.
  3. Wait 3 hours of continuous heat treatment.
  4. Turn off the oven and let the pan cool in it.

Important! This calcination option will not work if the frying pan has a non-removable handle.

Method 2

On the surface of the frying pan you need to create a non-stick coating from vegetable oil under high temperature. This procedure can be carried out in the oven or on the stove:

  1. Wash the pan and wipe dry.
  2. Pour salt into it at least 1 centimeter thick.
  3. Pierce on the stove or oven for at least one hour.
  4. Then pour in salt and grease with vegetable oil.

Important! An indisputable fact is that the more often a cast iron frying pan is used, the better its non-stick surface will be.

Method 3

To prevent the pan from burning, there is a time-tested method. The procedure is the most labor-intensive, but effective.

Proceed this way:

  1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees C.
  2. Place the frying pan in it and bring it to the same temperature.
  3. Then carefully take it out.
  4. Wet the entire surface with vegetable oil.
  5. Place back into the oven.
  6. Wait for the oil to burn out and turn off the oven.
  7. Remove the cast iron frying pan after it has cooled completely.

Important! To avoid smoke in the kitchen, turn on the hood and open the window. And to avoid burns when working with a hot frying pan, use thick oven mitts.

  1. Under no circumstances should you allow thick deposits to form on the pan.
  2. Wash the pan regularly and wipe dry after each use.
  3. To store a cast iron frying pan, choose a dry, dark place so that there is not the slightest reason for corrosion to form.
  4. To maintain shine, you need to dry it well after use.

We told you about the proper care and storage of a cast iron frying pan. We hope our tips will help you. But what to do if you missed the moment, and your kitchen appliance is burnt, and you are faced with the question of how to clean a cast iron frying pan.

Cleaning the frying pan

To clean such dishes at home quickly, cheaply and efficiently, we will use old grandmother’s methods. Most homemade cleaners will do the job and help keep your cast iron skillet from sticking.

Required ingredients:

Lemon acid

Citric acid has a wide range of uses. It is incredibly effective and completely safe in cleaning procedures. Suitable for the following vessels:

  1. Wash the pan under running warm water.
  2. Sprinkle the entire surface with citric acid.
  3. Wait 3-5 minutes for the citric acid to be well absorbed into the porous structure of the cast iron.
  4. Then remove everything with a damp cloth.
  5. Rinse as usual.

Mustard powder

Using mustard powder you will remove the most stubborn fat and prevent your cast iron frying pan from burning:

  • If you need to get rid of fat from the surface inside the cookware, you need to melt it first.
  • Then drain it and wipe the surface of the pan with mustard powder.
  • After 25 minutes, rinse with plenty of running water.

Table vinegar and soda:

  1. Mix 9% table vinegar in equal proportions with soda.
  2. A chemical reaction will occur, resulting in the formation of a paste.
  3. Rub the entire surface of the pan and leave it like that for 30 minutes.

The paste will eat away all the carbon deposits and you can easily remove it with the hard side of a washing sponge.

Glue and soap

Truly an ancient grandmother's method - this was the most effective and widespread recipe, and it works:

  • Rub laundry soap on a coarse grater - this will dissolve it in water faster.
  • Prepare a large container so that your frying pan can fit into it.
  • Fill with water and bring to a boil.
  • Add soap shavings in the amount of one frayed bar.
  • Also add a small tube of PVA glue.
  • Mix this “compost” thoroughly.
  • Lower the cast iron skillet and simmer for 2-3 hours.
  • If the deposit is large, then the boiling time of the kitchen appliance can be increased.
  • After boiling, let the kitchen appliance cool, and you can easily wash off all the carbon deposits from the surface of the frying pan using a sponge.

It happens that you seem to store a cast-iron frying pan correctly and take care of it, but when frying pancakes, incidents happen. The pancakes burn and don’t want to come off. So, don't use a new pan to cook pancakes. This is the whole secret of why pancakes burn. Even if you have carried out all the necessary procedures with a new cast-iron frying pan, it will 100% fail to cope with the task. Only an old, proven frying pan can do this, as confirmed by many housewives. Each of them has its own characteristics, methods, and tricks for preparing pancakes.