How long after you can drive after drinking alcohol? Data on main spirits

PROMILLE is a value that reflects the level of alcohol in the blood. How does it relate to the amount of drinking? The formula is simple: 0.1 ppm is achieved by consuming 0.1 g of ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of human weight. Accordingly, the concentration allowed, according to the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences, of 0.3 ppm means that for every kilogram of the driver’s weight there will be 0.3 g pure alcohol. This is what you should proceed from when calculating how much of a particular alcoholic drink you can drink before getting behind the wheel.

Just keep in mind: such calculations are quite approximate, since they do not take into account our individual characteristics. After all, the body of each individual person, as our expert, head of the toxicology laboratory of the National Scientific Center for Narcology Vladimir Nuzhny reminds, can absorb ethanol faster or, conversely, slower.

For example, let’s see how much alcohol an “average” person weighing 100 kg can afford before a trip so that, according to the new rules, he does not lose his driver’s license for 1.5-2 years?

To simplify the calculations, let's take dry wine. On average it contains 10% ethanol. That is, after drinking 100 g of wine, 10 g of pure alcohol will enter the blood of a person weighing 100 kg. Which corresponds to 0.1 ppm. This means that in order not to exceed the legal limit of 0.3 ppm, this motorist can drink no more than 300 g of dry wine (and no longer drink other alcoholic beverages).

Attentive readers probably remember: in one of the previous materials on this topic, we mentioned that not all alcohol ingested enters the bloodstream. According to Vladimir Nazhny, up to 20% of ethyl alcohol is broken down in the human stomach and does not affect the overall picture of intoxication. In our current calculations, we deliberately did not take into account this head start that alcohol gives the body, since here again there are individual differences, and quite large ones at that. According to doctors, each person has his own “own” share of alcohol broken down in the stomach: for one, 15% of the alcohol consumed does not enter the bloodstream, for another - 10%, for a third - only 5%.

Have you gone too far?

WHAT to do if the permitted dose of alcohol is exceeded? How long will it take to get behind the wheel if there is not 0.3 ppm in the blood, but 0.5, 0.7 or 1.5 ppm? This period can also be calculated.

Medical fact: A healthy adult male eliminates alcohol from the body at an average rate of 0.1 ppm per hour. For women, this process takes a little longer: every hour they get rid of 0.085 ppm. In other words, it turns out that a man with a blood alcohol content of, say, 0.8 ppm can get behind the wheel in five hours, and a woman in about 6.5. In a similar way, you can calculate the time required to achieve permissible norm at 0.3 ppm, and at a more serious stage of intoxication.

However, these calculations cannot serve as a general “instruction for use” - again, they do not take into account the individual characteristics of the body. different people. In addition, the period of sobering up may vary depending on many factors: how tired the person is, what kind of alcohol he consumed, etc. The body’s “training” to drink alcohol also plays a significant role. By the way, in chronic alcoholics, narcologists say, the process of breaking down ethanol occurs almost twice as fast as in normal people.

“Greetings from a big hangover”

MORNING after the feast. Headache, thirst, state of weakness.. In short, a hangover. A consequence of alcohol poisoning in the body with accompanying dehydration, metabolic disorders, water-salt and acid-base balances... There is no longer any alcohol in the blood, but it contains products of its breakdown, which cause these unpleasant consequences.

According to doctors, it is impossible to detect a hangover using instruments: breathalyzers will show zero alcohol content in the body. But does this mean that you can safely drive in this form? Not at all!

At the same time, the indicators of a person’s reaction and attention are approximately the same as during alcohol intoxication medium degree gravity. Therefore, driving a car with a hangover is no less, and in some cases even more dangerous, than after drinking a certain amount of alcoholic beverages, says Vladimir Nuzhny.

Secondly, if you are stopped by a traffic police inspector, he is unlikely to delve into such subtleties as whether you are drunk or simply suffering from a hangover. Yes, the breathalyzer will show “zero ppm,” but the traffic cop sees the driver’s trembling hands and feels the fumes emanating from him. So, it will still send to medical examination. After all, the decision to confiscate a driver’s license is made on the basis of the verdict of narcologists: whether a state of intoxication has been recorded or not. And they have the right to judge this not only by instrument readings, but also by external signs(bad breath, redness of the skin, shaking limbs, etc.). There's probably no need to explain further...

This, by the way, also applies to the norm of 0.3 ppm. You know that you did not exceed it, but doctors may have a different opinion. After all, there are no clear rules on how to determine the state of intoxication based on secondary signs - they must be approved by government decree. At the time of going to press, this document had not yet been signed. Therefore, now everything depends on the decision of a particular doctor: one will issue a conclusion that “the fact of alcohol consumption has been established, the state of intoxication has not been recorded,” - in this case the driver remains with his license. And another may indicate in the examination report that the motorist was “under the influence” - then he will have to part with his driver’s license for 1.5-2 years.

Thus, in our opinion, it makes sense not to use the 0.3 ppm relaxation for now. It is better to avoid drinking alcohol before traveling, at least until all gaps in the legislation are eliminated.

What is 0.3 ppm based on a person's weight?
Weight Beer (5%) Dry wine (10%) Vermouth, fortified Vodka, cognac (40%) Pure alcohol
50 kg 300 g 150 g 75 g 38 g 15 g
60 kg 330 g 165 g 84 g 42 g 16 g
70 kg 360 g 180 g 90 g 45 g 18 g
80 kg 400 g 200 g 100 g 50 g 20 g
90 kg 540 g 270 g 135 g 67 g 27 g
100 kg 600 g 300 g 150 g 75 g 30 g
110 kg 660 g 330 g 165 g 82 g 33 g
120 kg 720 g 360 g 180 g 90 g 36 g

A glass on the way

Every motorist had to drink exclusively juice or mineral water in a restaurant when he was “driving.” From July 1, a glass of wine or a glass of cognac is acceptable. How do restaurateurs themselves feel about this innovation? And are they planning to offer breathalyzers to guests so that they can make sure that they have not exceeded the limit?

Igor Bukharov, co-owner of the Nostalzhi restaurant:

To drink or not to drink is up to the guest to decide. Personally, I am against drinking and driving, even if only a little. If a person is responsible, he won’t drink, and if he doesn’t care, then it won’t even occur to him to ask the waiter for a breathalyzer. We can provide the client with delivery services home by car with a driver. We have had it for a long time and it is in demand.

Roman Rozhnikovsky, owner of the Grabli restaurant chain:

I'm not very happy about this law. Any opportunity to have a little drink crosses out the prohibition to which I have accustomed myself for some time now: not a drop while driving. All my acquaintances and friends also immediately make a decision - to drink or not to drink and, in accordance with this, leave their car or take a driver, or order a taxi. Recently, a huge amount of work has been carried out to introduce the truth into people’s consciousness that a drunk driver is a criminal, and this is a crime, first of all, against himself and his loved ones. It would be a shame if everything was destroyed...

Andrey Dellos, owner of the restaurants “Pushkin”, “Turandot” and others:

I don't have a clear opinion on this matter. On the one hand, any amount of alcohol dulls the driver’s reaction. On the other hand, if we're talking about O healthy person, then his attention will still not dull to the level of the elderly and sick. As a restaurateur, I believe that whether to drink or not to drink is the personal responsibility of our guests. If suddenly people start asking for breathalyzers to be given to them along with their bill, maybe we will introduce such a service. And so, we have a solid fleet of cars with drivers who are ready to take our guests home. However, it is unlikely that a person, after drinking a glass of wine, will ask for a driver. This is more likely for those who have drained more than one glass.

Author Edition Klaxon No. 12 2008

Hello again! Despite the strict ban on drinking alcohol while driving and impressive fines, each of us has to go to feasts. Sometimes you have to get behind the wheel, but you are not completely sure whether the alcohol vapors have disappeared from your body. Moreover, this indicator is quite individual and depends on body weight and age, gender and the type of drinks that we drink. So, in this article we will talk about how long it takes for alcohol to dissipate.

In many ways, in order to answer such a question, it is necessary to take into account what physical form a person is in. Harmoniously developed, athletic people who are not overweight absorb alcohol faster than others. This means that it will disappear from the body faster. Even emotional condition, as doctors say, can influence this criterion. Metabolic processes occur more quickly when the patient is in a state of shock or psychological trauma. In fact, it turns out that he long time drinks and cannot get drunk. Nevertheless, alcohols still accumulate in his body.

It is believed that the vapors from light drinks quickly completely leave our blood. But this does not mean that after drinking beer you can chew chewing gum and immediately get behind the wheel. For example, if a person’s body weight is 90 kg, and he drank a glass of beer of normal strength, then it will finally disappear after 1.5 hours. Action strong beer increases to 4 hours - that’s exactly how long it will take to completely neutralize it.

Data on main spirits

The same applies to regular or sparkling wines. Both champagne and traditional wine will leave the body for at least an hour, and this is when we are talking about just 100 grams. Things get even more complicated with spirits. Almost all types of such alcohol (be it vodka, rum, whiskey, cognac) take a long time to dissipate: 100 grams drunk will be absorbed within at least 4 hours.
In more detail the influence of alcohol and the speed at which it leaves human body, the table shows:

What’s interesting is that there is practically no difference for the driver, except taste qualities- what kind of wine to drink: red or white. The time it takes for it to leave the body is almost the same. One of the most popular drinks Our fellow citizens have beer. So, for a middle-aged man of average build, after drinking 1.5 liters of this intoxicating drink, an hour later the blood alcohol content will be 0.61 ppm. After 3 hours, this value will be halved, and the content will reach zero after 6.5 hours. Keep in mind that a slight odor of alcohol may still linger on your breath if you do not have a hearty breakfast.

And alcohol vapors are analyzed by the breathalyzer that the traffic police officers are armed with. I have previously written material on the topic.

Other interesting learning features

The result alcohol intoxication is a combination of processes and disorders (neurological, mental, autonomic). Small doses strong drinks can lift your mood, improve your emotional background, relieve tension, create a feeling of cheerfulness and carefreeness. Such sensations are still temporary, and are replaced by depression, loss of control, and aggressiveness.

There is a difference between whether the driver is a man or a woman. This is another one interesting feature. The fact is that their bodies process alcohol vapors over different periods of time. It is believed that a woman is able to absorb 0.1% per hour, while for male body this figure is slightly higher and amounts to 0.15%/hour.

How to speed up the breakdown of alcohol

Sometimes there is a need to forcibly remove alcohol as quickly as possible - for example, there is a need to drive in the very near future. However, you should not overuse such events. For immediate sobering up, you will need to do the following:

  • take a cold shower, or better yet, pour a bucket on yourself ice water and rub thoroughly;
  • It is very useful to do it yourself or ask relatives to perform a foot massage;
  • Brushing your teeth or chewing peppermint leaves will help;
  • use any means to provoke vomiting so that the alcohol comes out as quickly as possible (the most useful method is immediately after drinking, before it has time to be absorbed into the blood);
  • You can have a drink at the end of all events strong tea or coffee.

But remember the most important thing - there is no place for a drunk driver!

This method cannot be called guaranteed. It is more likely to help someone who has recently drunk a small dose of weak alcohol. In all other cases, you can achieve short-term (no more than half an hour) sobering up of the body. As we see, dear friends, not so fast alcohol taken leaves the blood. This means that it is better not to drink strong drinks if you are going to be driving in the next few hours, so as not to challenge the results of the examination later. You will also be interested in what the driver may face. Be careful on the road! We'll hear you in new notes on automotive topics!

To determine the time when you can drive after drinking, you need to remember what kind of alcohol was taken the day before and in what doses. Alcohol varies in strength, so it is eliminated from the body at different rates.

But even knowing these parameters does not give a definite answer when you can drive a car. The period of elimination of ethyl alcohol residues is an individual aspect, depending on the characteristics of each person’s body, weight, age, gender and even the presence of diseases. For example, alcohol has a stronger effect on women, so the time after which you can get behind the wheel is not the same for them as for men.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

It is safe to drive a car when there are no ethanol residues in the body. The table shows the rate of elimination of alcohol from the blood in men, depending on the strength and volume of alcohol consumed:

For women, the time must be increased by 20%, as well as for those people who have chronic diseases or pathologies that are in the acute stage. Please remember that after use strong alcohol the body will require a longer period to cleanse. There are other average statistical data showing the excretion of ethyl alcohol:

How to calculate it yourself

  • Floor. In women, 0.08 ppm is excreted in 60 minutes, in men - 0.1.
  • Health status. Liver diseases stop the cleansing process, so withdrawal may take 2-3 days.
  • Mental condition. If a person who has drunk alcohol does not sleep for a long time or is depressed, then 0.05 ppm of ethanol is excreted per hour.
  • Weight. In people with large body weight, the cleansing process occurs faster.
  • Stomach contents. It is recommended to eat a hearty meal before drinking alcohol. Cleansing the body on an empty stomach takes longer.
  • Age. Young people have an easier time eliminating alcohol than older people due to the speed of physiological reactions and metabolism.
  • Quality of drinks. Cheap alcohol contains more toxic substances that have a destructive effect on the body. Therefore, recovery will take longer.

It is worth remembering that it is not recommended to mix drinks with different strength levels, as the removal of ethanol will be slowed down. Parameters such as the speed and duration of alcohol consumption are also displayed on the time after which it will be possible to get behind the wheel:

  • when drinking alcohol quickly, the load on the internal organs suddenly increases, thereby slowing down the cleansing process;
  • with a binge that lasted 7 days, the body needs much more time to recover from alcohol intoxication.

Acceptable rate

The tables provided do not mean that you can drive after the specified time. After drinking, it is advisable to stay overnight or call a taxi. This is necessary for safety.

The thing is that the rate at which people break down alcohol is different. The amount of alcohol consumed is reflected in the reaction from 0.2 ppm. The danger of driving after drinking alcohol depends on the level of alcohol in the blood:

  • 0.5 ppm - it becomes difficult to determine the speed of passing cars;
  • 1.2 ppm - attention is distracted, the driver inadequately assesses the situation in the side mirrors;
  • more than 1.2 ppm - a person is unable to control the situation on the road;
  • 4 ppm - the highest figure deaths when driving while intoxicated.

According to the law Russian Federation, you can drive after a binge only if the alcohol content does not exceed the norm. This means that the exhaled air should contain no more than 0.16 ppm. Otherwise, the driver faces deprivation of his license.

To speed up the withdrawal of alcohol, you need to:

  • drink herbal teas;
  • take a walk in the fresh air;
  • have breakfast vegetable soup or eat noodles in chicken broth;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • drink plenty of fluids.

Sweating profusely will help the body cleanse itself. But you should not exercise while intoxicated. Physical exercise in this case will have a negative impact on the heart.

Memo to the driver:When can you drive after drinking?

Driver's wisdom says: "Don't drink and drive, it's more comfortable on the hood." It’s hard to disagree with this, especially if moderate libations occur after the car is put in the garage and you no longer plan to drive today. But what about tomorrow? Is it possible to drive after yesterday? Or is it better to go on business by public transport? Let's figure it out.

text: Oleg Slavin / 01/02/2018

What is fume

So, you, a respectable citizen, yesterday evening took two hundred and fifty grams of white milk on your chest for the health of your neighbor in the garage, and today you are going to go to work by car. You seem to feel as usual, and your head is clear, but for some reason your wife turned away from you when you tried to kiss her before leaving, and the children somehow frowned with disgust while talking to you at breakfast, and even your beloved dog looked at you from the corner of the hallway reproachfully.

It's a matter of fumes. We call fumes the smell of alcohol emanating from a person who has allowed himself alcoholic drink the day before. As a rule, it is fumes that become the main reason for being tested for alcohol intoxication when meeting with traffic police officers. And it is because of him that a fairly large part of truly law-abiding drivers, who never dreamed of driving drunk, are deprived of their driver’s licenses. What do you need to know to avoid getting into such a situation and becoming a pedestrian for a period of one and a half to two years?

Let's start with the fact that fumes are a natural reaction of the human body to alcohol. In fact, the body in this way tries to get rid of ethyl alcohol that is alien to it by all means. accessible ways, removing it from the body through breathing, sweat, and other biological fluids. And this same ethyl alcohol accumulates, as soon as it enters the stomach, in almost all organs. The exception is muscles and fat, although if the libations were plentiful, then they too will take on some part of this “joy”. Ethyl alcohol takes the longest time to be eliminated from the liver, kidneys and brain.

How much alcohol is removed from the body

Even the most experienced narcologist will not be able to tell you unequivocally when a particular dose of alcohol will completely disappear from the body. The fact is that this process depends on many factors that need to be taken into account. First of all, it depends on body weight and general physical condition. If the drinker is in good health and body, then the alcohol will disappear from his body much faster than that of a goner suffering from chronic diseases. So, for example, 100 grams of vodka in a person whose body weight is 60 kg will be eliminated from the body in approximately 6 hours, and the same “one hundred grams per shot” in a person weighing 100 kg – in 3.5 hours.

The quantity and strength of the drink also influence the process of alcohol elimination. A banal glass of beer with a strength of 4% will dissipate in only 2.5 hours, but if you raise the strength to 6%, this process will take almost 4 hours. Colored drinks also take longer to be eliminated from the body: cognac or whiskey stays in the body longer than vodka. All other things being equal, the difference is about half an hour.

The removal of alcohol from the body also depends quite seriously on the drinking experience. The more often a “pro” breastfeeds, the longer alcohol leaves his body. The fact is that those who “don’t sit down at the table without a bottle” experience quite serious stress on the liver. Let us remember that ethanol is a poison for the body, so its elimination is the body’s primary task. The main organ that does this is the liver. When alcohol enters the bloodstream, it produces the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which helps break down ethanol molecules into safe carbon dioxide and water. At frequent use alcoholic drinks, ethanol accumulates in liver cells and causes liver obesity. The process itself is not dangerous, the danger is that the tissue becomes scarred if not treated in a timely manner, and after a certain period of time the organ cannot break down alcohol normally.

For women, this norm is two times less. By the way, from female body ethanol is excreted almost twice as long as in men, and their tendency to alcoholism is higher. And it is much more difficult to treat with them than with men.

How to drink alcohol correctly

The snack also affects how quickly alcohol is eliminated from the body. Yes, she is during the feast, according to folk wisdom, really “lowers the temperature,” but this same alcohol with a snack also lingers in the body much longer, especially if the food was fatty.

Fatty foods, in addition to alcohol, themselves load the liver and pancreas, plus the lump of undigested food in the stomach accumulates the drink, so that the drinker, unbeknownst to himself, can seriously overdo it with all the ensuing consequences. In this regard, it is better to snack not on barbecue and Olivier, but on vegetables and fruits. These products contain acids that are necessary for the initial breakdown of alcohol.

For example, it’s best to have vodka as a snack sauerkraut, and wine with fruit. But pickled cucumbers will only increase intoxication, because the vinegar contained in the marinade significantly slows down the process of alcohol oxidation.

Nevertheless, it is possible to approximately calculate how soon you can get behind the wheel after a certain amount of alcohol. There are corresponding tables for this. And they are based on the formula of Eric Mateo Prohet Widmark. It is thanks to the efforts of this Swedish researcher and the formula he derived that today, with a high degree of probability, it is possible to calculate when and after how many grams of drink a person will sober up.

Based on the same formula, there are many computer programs and applications for smartphones that allow you to roughly assess your prospects for tomorrow. More precisely, the breathalyzer will answer the question whether you can drive today or not.

Of course, ideally it should be professional, but household models also do a good job of determining whether a person is drunk or not. They often fib with ppm, but if only zeros appear on the display, then these readings can be trusted.

From a medical point of view, only a blood test will give a comprehensive verdict on whether the alcohol has left your body or not.

It should be borne in mind that alcohol completely leaves the blood only after 21 days. That is, in reality - virtually never...

The time when you can drive after drinking beer depends on the drinker’s body and the amount of alcohol consumed. One bottle of 0.5 liters is removed in 2-3 hours. A liter or a half of beer takes longer to dissipate and does not allow you to drive on the same day.

After two or three liters, the beer will take a long time to come out and may remain in the body in the morning. 4, 5 liters or more of beer will dissipate throughout the next day, and you can get behind the wheel only after a day, and not the next day.

Tables for beer removal from the body

  • What to pay attention to
  • How long does beer disappear from a man’s body: table
  • How long does beer disappear from a woman’s body: table
  • What you should pay attention to

    To determine how long after you can get behind the wheel of a car, you should use the calculations below or. The numbers show the approximate time it takes for alcohol to leave the body depending on weight, gender, height and the presence of snacks. Calculations are indicative in nature and are relevant for beer and beer drinks.

    The time it takes to eliminate alcohol is influenced by factors not taken into account in the calculations: individual characteristics of the body and internal organs, presence of alcoholism, experience and regularity of drinking, chronic diseases. What matters is the difference in degrees in various beers and beer drinks - the degree may differ by two or more times. In order not to have problems with the law while driving a car, it is advisable to add 20-30% to the specified time.

    Eating plenty of high-quality snacks, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking activated carbon or other sorbents overnight. You should not drive if you still feel drunk, have symptoms of a hangover, or have bad breath.

    For the calculations, we used beer of 5% strength - average. When drinking stronger beer, or drinking it on a full stomach, the time it takes to remove beer from the body will increase by 10-30%.

    Table of beer weathering from the body of men

    As you can see from the tables, the rate of alcohol elimination varies greatly depending on gender and weight. One bottle of beer disappears from the body in an average of 2-4 hours. A liter of beer (2 bottles) from 4 to 8 hours. After two, three or more liters of beer, you should not drive either on your rest day or the next morning.