Why is ice cream a favorite treat in summer and winter? Ice cream - benefits and harm.

It's no secret that ice cream has no special nutritional value. But have you ever thought that this frozen treat contains some health benefits? Since ice cream is a dairy product, this means that it contains elements that are beneficial to health. What are the benefits of ice cream? This question will be of interest to all women in the world, perhaps not only them, since everyone likes ice cream, and to hear positive traits about your favorite delicacy - good news.

Perhaps ice cream poses significant health risks? After all, in every product you can find both positive and negative factors affecting health. Having understood this, we can answer the question: is ice cream good or bad?

It is always important to pay attention to the ice cream label when purchasing, as it contains the contents of the product, from which you can determine the health benefits, as well as minimize the risks of harmful components. Most often, the influencing factors on health are: calorie content, sugar level, fat saturation. But don't forget about the expiration date! If you notice that there is frost on the ice cream, this indicates that the product is not fresh. Frost can be caused by re-freezing the product, which means that the ice cream has lost its taste qualities.

Ice cream - good or bad?

Be that as it may, it is impossible to clearly determine between the health benefits and harms of ice cream, since they can be present in this product at the same time. Therefore, the expression will be relevant here - everything is useful in moderation.

Ice cream can be of completely different types, which is why it is impossible to clearly identify the advantages or disadvantages of this frozen product. It can be soft or hard, but this is a question of the method of production. The difference between them is that soft is stored at a temperature not lower than -5°C, and hard at -25°C and below. Differences in ice cream are also classified according to the degree of fat content: milk, cream, ice cream or fruit and berry.

Pros of ice cream

Ice cream is a product rich in milk content, which means it contains lactoferrin and a cytokine. These substances have a positive effect on your health by improving immune function. This is far from full list substances indicating the benefits of ice cream:

  1. Calcium. First of all, in every dairy product contains calcium, which is good for bones. Surprisingly, 99% of the calcium in the body is found in our bones and teeth. When the body does not get enough calcium per day, it begins to consume it from the place where it is stored, that is, from the bones and teeth. This interaction is destructive to the bones, as a result of which they begin to weaken and become more fragile. Regular intake of calcium from ice cream or other dairy products can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and calcium deficiency diseases, which lead to frequent bone fractures.
  2. Not only is calcium good for your bones and teeth, but it also plays a role in weight loss. That is why diets that include ice cream as a base have become favorites for many women. Studies have shown that diets high in calcium lead to weight loss. Calcium has excellent property regulate fat metabolism, so when dieting it is recommended to take foods with a high calcium content.
  3. Protein. Like many other dairy products, ice cream is a source of protein. Protein is beneficial for blood, muscles, cartilage and skin. This substance is responsible for the structure of human connective tissue. Hair and nails are made entirely of protein. Ice cream is one of many options for replenishing protein in the body. But positive effect will only occur with moderate consumption.
  4. For those who regularly exercise, ice cream can be used as a muscle restorative after workouts. With the addition of healthy fruits, nuts, vegetables and food additives, ice cream can be converted into health cocktail, used after stress received during training.
  5. Vitamins. Ice cream typically contains vitamins A, B2 and B12. Vitamin A is important for healthy skin, bone metabolism and immune function. In addition, vitamin A is responsible for retinal function in low light and color vision. Vitamins B2 and B12 are involved in energy metabolism, regulation of proteins and carbohydrates, and destruction of fats in the body.

​The dangers of ice cream

Ice cream is often a high-calorie product, which is why abuse of this dessert leads to weight gain. Ice cream should not be consumed when peptic ulcers stomach and chronic gastritis. If a person often suffers respiratory diseases, then eating ice cream is not particularly recommended for him. Factors prohibiting the consumption of ice cream:

  1. Ice cream may have a high sugar content and is therefore prohibited for diabetics.
  2. If a person has high cholesterol levels, then foods containing animal fats are prohibited. Some frozen foods, including ice cream, are made with these fats.
  3. It is not recommended to consume ice cream flavored with lemon, strawberry and other flavorings. They contain many essences that are not natural.
  4. Ice cream can cause short-term headaches. If you look at the statistics, you can find out that when eating ice cream, 1/3 of people suffer from a headache. This is explained by a too rapid decrease in body temperature: the blood vessels narrow, thereby limiting the flow of blood in the brain, causing headaches.
  5. If frost is noticed on the ice cream, this means that the measures were not followed necessary freezing product. Frost on ice cream is a signal not to purchase or consume this product.

How to choose the most delicious and natural ice cream from a huge assortment - watch in the following video:

We must always remember the importance moderate consumption ice cream Ice cream can be beneficial, but overdoing it will only cause harm. Always coordinate your health status with ice cream consumption. Read the composition! Considering simple rules, you will receive only useful qualities and, of course, pleasure from this snow delicacy. Usually the harm and benefits of this product are of little interest to the buyer, since people get pleasure from it, first of all!

Ice cream, no doubt best treat V summer heat. Vanilla and chocolate, in cups or on a stick, with syrup or chocolate chips. The variety of types of ice cream today is so great that even the most demanding buyer will find the right ice cream for himself. By the way, for special gourmets there are smoked ribs, French fries and other unusual products.

Many buyers evaluate not only the taste of the product, but also it, and they do exactly the right thing, since today stores offer a large number of ice cream made using a substitute milk fat, palm oil, artificial colors, flavors and other ingredients that are unhealthy for humans. For this reason, most people who care about their health are of the opinion that ice cream is harmful. Now we’ll talk about ice cream and try to figure out what kind of ice cream it will be healthy treat for adults and children, and which one should be avoided.

The first ice cream was made in Ancient China. In those days, this delicacy was frozen juices or fruits that saved people in extreme heat. Ice cream appeared in Europe only several centuries later, and in the 17th century the first ice cream parlor opened in France, after which it began to gain even greater popularity, which has survived to this day. As its popularity grew, so did the number of recipes for making the sweet dessert, but the composition of ice cream remained natural and healthy for a long time, and the use of artificial additives began not so long ago.

Those times have not yet been forgotten when ice cream could only be bought in large stores in Moscow. Then it was considered truly a delicacy, for which people traveled distances without thinking for a second. Many years have passed since then, but the taste of that same Soviet ice cream is still remembered. What has changed since those times: ice cream or the people themselves?

Ice cream and figure – are these concepts compatible?

Almost all types of ice cream are quite high in calories, which causes many who watch their figure to refuse this delicacy. However, now there are many alternative options ice cream that will not only not harm your figure, but will also be healthy.

Fruit ice cream (sorbet or sherbet) is exactly what those losing weight choose in the sultry heat. It is frozen juice or berry puree and all kinds of additives. This ice cream does not contain fat, which significantly reduces its calorie content, but at the same time, the taste of the dessert does not suffer from this.

It is another option that does not contain many calories. It is prepared with milk and sugar, there is not so much fat in it that you can worry about your figure, and therefore dairy ice cream becomes a priority for those who do not want to gain weight.

Creamy ice cream is already a little higher in calories because, as the name suggests, it contains cream. The most bold looking ice cream is a favorite ice cream for many, as manufacturers add butter to its composition to give it that same consistency and unforgettable taste.

Thus, even those who tirelessly watch their figure can find something for themselves suitable look a wonderful summer treat. And if you make it a habit to eat ice cream and other desserts in the first half of the day, then adding extra centimeters to your waist is definitely not a threat.

The fact that ice cream is not a hindrance for your figure is also evidenced by the popular summer ice cream diet, which includes 3–4 cups of your favorite ice cream in its menu, which must be consumed during the day. This diet is not recommended for more than three days, since nutrients, found in ice cream, is still not enough for the full functioning of the body. People who have any health problems should not follow a diet based on eating ice cream, so as not to aggravate the existing situation. Even if you consider yourself completely healthy, consult your doctor before starting any diet.

What are the dangers of ice cream?

But when choosing ice cream, you need to consider not only its calorie content, you need to take into account many other indicators, since some ice cream can do more harm than good. Consider these indicators:

  1. Usually, harmful qualities ice cream are related to its composition. Before purchasing, you need to make sure that it does not contain chemical flavors, sweeteners, and is made without vegetable fat and other harmful substances.
  2. A large amount of sugar has never benefited anyone, so ice cream consumption should be moderate, and it is better to exclude other desserts from your menu.
  3. Vegetable fat instead of milk fat is a fairly common replacement, which reduces the calorie content of the product. However, it has long been proven that milk fat substitute is extremely harmful to health, and the manufacturer, replacing natural oils vegetable fat, simply reduces the cost of the product.
  4. For some people, eating ice cream may cause headache. This is due to the fact that not all people can experience a sharp change in body temperature asymptomatically. In this case, it is better not to risk your own health and prefer other desserts to ice cream.
  5. Ice cream is considered a rather heavy food, so it is advisable to consume it separately from the main meal and only in small portions. The permissible frequency of eating cold treats, at which the body will receive more benefit than harm – 2 – 3 times a week.

What's healthy about ice cream?

Now let's move on to the beneficial properties of ice cream. It has already been said a little higher that, than more natural composition ice cream, the more beneficial it will be for the human body. And it doesn’t matter at all what state of aggregation it is in: soft or hardened.

  1. A high-quality dessert should contain natural milk and dairy products, which are rich in animal proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other substances, which also contain many vitamins and amino acids. Ice cream, which contains natural dairy products, is the key to healthy teeth and bones, as well as nervous system, it also supports metabolism and improves immunity.
  2. The main value and benefit of ice cream is its high calcium content, a mineral that supports not only the health of teeth and bones, but also prevents osteoporosis. Calcium takes part in the process of hematopoiesis and functioning of cardio-vascular system in general, it also regulates exchange and metabolic processes body and creates favorable conditions for the absorption of the most important vitamin B12.
  3. Vitamin A and vitamin E, contained in large quantities in ice cream, also have a beneficial effect on the body, they prevent the destructive effects of free radicals, take care of youthful skin and strengthen the immune system.
  4. Chocolate ice cream lovers can be sure that their body receives enough vitamin B. This vitamin is extremely important for the nervous system. Thanks to it, resistance to stress increases, which is becoming very relevant in our time.
  5. Ice cream contains large amounts of serotonin, the hormone of joy. Thanks to it, after eating a serving of ice cream, you can notice an increase in mood and overall activity, improved sleep and appetite.
  6. Ice cream is an excellent prevention of sore throat, and this great benefit for good health. It sounds paradoxical, but it is true. Thanks to its hardening effect, periodic consumption of ice cream can reduce the risk of developing a sore throat. Of course, you shouldn’t eat ice cream outside in winter or when you already have a cold.
  7. Ice cream is also good for the digestive system. Nowadays you can find in stores enriched with bifidobacteria. Eating such a delicacy can improve the intestinal microflora and improve the functioning of the entire digestive tract.

Today everyone can eat ice cream, even those who suffer diabetes mellitus, the main thing is to find special ice cream with a sweetener, produced specifically for people with this disease.

What is the healthiest ice cream?

Many people are interested in the question, which ice cream is the healthiest? There can be only one answer - the one you prepared with your own hands. Homemade ice cream can also be delicious, and understanding that only best products, makes it even tastier. We offer a choice of two ice cream recipes that can be improved and modified to suit your taste.

Homemade vanilla ice cream recipe

To make three servings of ice cream you will need:

  • 300 ml milk;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • 90 g sugar;
  • 35 g milk powder;
  • 10 g corn starch;
  • bag vanilla sugar or vanilla.

First you need to mix powdered milk, sugar and vanillin in a saucepan. Then take 50 ml of milk and dilute starch in it. Mix the remaining 250 ml of milk with cream, diluted starch and the resulting dry mixture. The entire composition must be boiled until thickened, then poured into a container for freezing and left to cool at room temperature. After cooling completely, place in the freezer, removing and stirring the dessert every half hour. After complete freezing, you can remove the finished ice cream from the refrigerator and, after 15-20 minutes of keeping it at room temperature, serve it to the table. The serving can be decorated by adding various fruits, berries, syrup, chocolate, and, in general, your favorite additives to the ice cream.

Homemade strawberry and kiwi ice cream recipe

You can also make popsicles at home. For 5 servings dietary treat you will need:

  • 200 g strawberries;
  • 3 pieces kiwi;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice;
  • 150 ml water.

Before you start cooking, you need to make sure that the strawberries and kiwis are sufficiently ripe and soft, then we move on to the process itself. First of all, you need to pour sugar into the water and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, then turn off the stove and add to the mixture lemon juice. Peel and mash strawberries and kiwis in a separate bowl using a crusher or blender. Add the first half of the syrup to the resulting strawberry mass, and the second half to the kiwi mass. Then take the ice cream molds and fill them halfway with strawberry puree. Place in the freezer for half an hour so that the puree “sets” a little. Then carefully pour the kiwi puree over the strawberries. Freeze the mixture until completely frozen, 3-4 hours. Once completely frozen, let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes and serve. beautiful presentation. For the most patient, we can offer the option of striped ice cream, which can be prepared according to the same principle, alternating several layers of puree.

As you can see, healthy ice cream is not so difficult to make on your own, in return the housewife will certainly receive many compliments, especially if you want to please children and adults with a sweet tooth.

Without it tasty treat summer is indispensable. However, we often eat ice cream not only during the hot season, but buy dessert all year round. And for some reason it is not at all customary to talk about its beneficial qualities. In generally accepted opinions, there are only two legends - cold sweetness spoils the figure and gives rise to a sore throat. Meanwhile, not all ice cream is equally harmful. So today we’ll talk about the benefits.

From the history

Ice cream is a rather ancient delicacy. It is believed to be over 4,000 years old! Even in Ancient China, facts were mentioned about how residents sold a cold delicacy to noble guests as a dessert for a rich table. However, this dish only vaguely resembled what is considered ice cream today - the ancient “ice cream” was snow and ground ice mixed with pieces of fresh oranges, lemons and pomegranate seeds.

In the writings of King Solomon, archaeologists have found several references to dessert in the form of chilled juices. However, it is impossible to say with certainty that this was another ice cream prototype.

As for European countries, the introduction to ice cream occurred at the beginning of the 14th century thanks to the traveler Marco Polo. It was he who first wrote about this dessert in one of his travel journals. There is also a version that it was he who first brought ice cream to Europe from the East - more precisely, a recipe for sherbet, which instantly became popular dish among aristocrats and served on the table of the royal nobility.

At first, ice production was so expensive that only rich and wealthy Europeans could afford ice cream, but gradually the situation changed. In 1718, Mrs. Mary Eales's collection of recipes was published in London, which included the first printed recipe for ice cream. Since then, ice cream has become national menu different countries.

IN Kievan Rus ice cream was finely shaved frozen milk; a little later it was replaced with cottage cheese with the addition of raisins. IN modern interpretation Ice cream appeared in Russia only in the mid-18th century.

Studying the composition

Today, for the production of ice cream they use following components:

Natural milk (at least 10% fat)
Dry milk residues (proteins, casein, whey, etc.)
Sugar (sucrose and glucose syrup)
Flavor and emulsion stabilizers
Water (about 55%)

Various fruit components can also be used as additives. However, the above composition is the main component of every ice cream, with the exception of fruit ice and sherbet.

Ice cream often contains cream and butter. As for food additives, they are usually used to add a particular taste, as well as to increase the shelf life of the product.

Fruit and berry desserts contain 30% sugar. This ice cream is made from natural fruit purees and juices. It has less calories - about 110kcal in 100g compared to dairy analogues that have 227-250kcal.

Famous and most delicious view ice cream - ice cream - used to be made exclusively from milk. But today, unfortunately, many manufacturers began to use vegetable fats, gelatin, starch and emulsifiers. This dessert, alas, differs in taste and is less healthy.

Beneficial features

Proponents of the cold dessert believe that beneficial features ice cream enclosed in chemical composition product. Since it is produced from milk, it therefore contains vitamins A, B, P, E and D, as well as microelements such as iron, magnesium and potassium.

Therefore, the benefits of ice cream should be discussed only if
if it is made from natural ingredients and not substitutes
natural ingredients analogues in the form vegetable fats.


When a person enjoys ice cream, the body begins to produce the “hormone of joy” - serotonin. Therefore, ice cream can safely be called a helper against bad mood and depression.

It is believed that ice cream is useful for women during pregnancy, as it contains lactose, mineral salts and easily digestible proteins, and most importantly, calcium, which is so necessary for a woman in an “interesting position.” It is also believed that a cold dessert can help relieve PMS symptoms.

Even for people suffering from diabetes, they created a special type of ice cream based on soy milk products. This dessert also contains a sweetener and uses a minimum of fat. Some doctors recommend ice cream for diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as for those who have undergone abdominal surgery.

More recently, a new type of ice cream has become popular - yogurt-based. This dessert is considered the most healthy, as it contains bifidobacteria, which improve the functioning of the digestive system and strengthen the immune system.

Harm and contraindications

Despite all the benefits, ice cream is not always recommended for consumption.

For example, people with high cholesterol should avoid foods that contain animal fats.

Research has shown that too frequent use Eating ice cream can cause headaches. Such a sensational fact, at first glance, seems absurd. However, doctors are sure that every third person on the planet suffers from this disease precisely because of an addiction to cold dessert. The thing is that when it is eaten, especially at a fast pace, the body temperature decreases slightly, which can lead to vasoconstriction - and less blood begins to flow to the brain. It is this process that causes pain.

People with coronary heart disease, as well as those suffering from atherosclerosis and caries, should avoid eating ice cream.

As for children, for whom ice cream is one of the main treats, dessert should be given several hours after eating, since cold product may make it difficult to digest food.

Myths about ice cream

Myth 1. Dessert hurts your throat.

On the contrary, otolaryngologists recommend enjoying ice cream in order to harden and increase immunity from sore throat and other colds. The throat, in their opinion, should be accustomed to the temperature contrast. After such “training”, no disease is scary! Therefore, you should not blame ice cream for sudden sore throats. But to really not do any harm, you should bite off the dessert in very small pieces.

Myth 2. There are no vitamins in ice cream

This statement can only be partially called a myth. Indeed, there is practically no benefit in products made from vegetable fats, but desserts made from natural milk– a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for the body. Therefore, when choosing ice cream, you should carefully study its composition.

Myth 3. Ice cream makes you gain weight

On the one hand, this is not a myth at all, because dessert really can be high in calories, but on the other hand, ice cream alone is to blame for the reason for the gain. extra pounds completely wrong.

It's all about quantity consumed products, that is, in the daily calorie intake. It is also worth making a comparison: 100g of cold dessert contains from 130 to 250 kcal, and the same portion of cake contains about 450 kcal. The difference is proof that this statement is a myth.

How to choose the right ice cream

You should carefully study the packaging and become familiar with the composition. Dairy ice cream generally contains between 3% and 8% fat, and the amount of sugar should not exceed 20%. IN creamy product a little differently: 10% fat and 15% sugar, while a classic ice cream is characterized by 15% fat and 14% sugar.

High-quality ice cream should not contain vegetable fats. If the composition contains palm or Coconut oil, it is better to leave such a product on the counter.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to choose a dessert without stabilizers in its composition. But still, it is better to give preference natural additives, avoiding artificial analogues such as gelatin.

Real chocolate ice cream must contain at least 2.5% cocoa and 6% natural chocolate ingredients.

The appearance of the ice cream is also very important. The product should not be wrinkled. If the shape of the dessert is broken, this may indicate that it has been defrosted and frozen again more than once, which is why it no longer bears any benefit, and in some cases can become a breeding ground for microbes formed in an environment favorable to them.

A high-quality ice cream does not have a snow-white color. If it looks perfectly white, it most likely contains soy concentrates, and it is better to avoid consuming such a product.

If you enjoy ice cream “wisely,” its benefits are obvious. However, do not forget about the “fly in the ointment” and approach the choice of cold dessert carefully so as not to harm your health.

A cold summer treat - ice cream - is loved by both children and adults alike. In search of coolness in the midst of the heat, hold multi-colored candy wrappers in your hands, waffle cones and you always want glasses, but is there any benefit from a cold dessert? And could ice cream be the cause of your summer sick leave? We understand and answer all questions.

Ice cream and colds

If you were scared as a child (and you support this tradition) that ice cream can cause a sore throat, then it’s time to debunk the myths. Acute tonsillitis or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis (this is a sore throat) is caused by streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogens, but not by cold.

However, ice cream can cause other infections: due to improper storage, it sometimes contains the bacterium listeria, which causes an intestinal infection (listeriosis) with all the ensuing consequences - from eating disorders to dehydration.

And specialists from the State Laboratory of Hesse (Germany) conducted a study of the product for the presence of pathogenic bacteria and identified salmonella and other microbes. According to scientists, the reason for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria is non-compliance temperature regime, repeated freezing and defrosting.

As for sore throats and ice cream, hypothermia actually causes vasoconstriction and disrupts the protective barrier of the mucous membranes. In other words, when you eat a cold treat, your immunity decreases slightly, but this is not dangerous for a healthy person. And sometimes it’s even useful: for example, doctors abroad often prescribe ice cream just to relieve sore throats during sore throats and colds - cooling the mucous membrane dulls unpleasant symptoms.

Ice cream and headaches

At first glance, ice cream and headaches are not related. However, the effect of “brain freezing” is known. This is the name for short-term discomfort caused by a sudden increase in blood flow in the anterior cerebral artery of the brain after eating cold foods. The discomfort disappears as soon as the artery returns to normal.

There are also a number of studies showing a connection between brain freeze and migraines. Those who frequently experience migraines are more susceptible to cold headaches than those who have never suffered from migraines. So, ice cream could theoretically trigger the development of migraines. However, this is clearly not a reason to refuse the treat.

If only because Japanese scientists are sure that ice cream improves brain function. Those who started their day with a few spoons of ice cream significantly improved their reaction speed, memory and ability to perceive information.

Ice cream and indigestion

Problems with the digestive system when eating ice cream are not always the “merit” of manufacturers who do not monitor the storage conditions of products. Sometimes bloating, pain, diarrhea and flatulence may indicate intolerance milk sugar(lactose).

Lactose intolerance is much more common than you might think. In the European part of Russia, it is observed in 16–18% of the adult population. If you notice its symptoms in yourself, see a specialist and choose fruit ice instead of ice cream.

Ice cream and excess weight

What should the presenters definitely not forget about? healthy image life, this is about the energy value of a cold dessert. In 100 g creamy ice cream- up to 250 kcal. In addition, the ice cream contains quite a lot of fat.

Fruit ice will be much less high in calories (only 79 kcal per 100 g), however, these colorful cold desserts are not so healthy - often instead of natural juices with fiber, manufacturers use nectars diluted with water high content Sahara. There is little harm from such desserts (if you do not eat several at a time), but there is no benefit either.

The main danger of sorbets is sugar syrup, which is added to fruit puree or juice. If there is no syrup (or alcohol, which may also be present in such desserts), then feel free to choose sorbet as an escape from the heat. The hope is that it will contain more vitamins from fruits, which are known to retain their beneficial properties when frozen.

Ice cream isn't that bad if you don't overdo it. summer dessert. Buy sweets in waffle cups and colorful packaging in trusted places, pay attention to storage conditions, date of manufacture and your own diagnoses, so that harmless summer fun does not turn into serious health problems.

Maria Ruskova

Photo istockphoto.com

Both children and adults love to enjoy delicious and sweet ice cream on a hot summer day. However, few people know how to do it correctly so as not to harm their health and benefit from a snack maximum benefit. You should start by getting to know the components of ice cream, the features and properties of the product, and its dosages. In conclusion, everyone can prepare their favorite dessert at home, using only natural ingredients that do not harm the body!

Composition and benefits of ice cream

Ice cream is a product with high calorie content, especially if it contains various toppings and fillers. However, in addition to fats and various sugars, the ice cream contains many vitamins and microelements. They have a beneficial effect on digestive system and promote rapid absorption of all nutrients. To prepare the dessert, available and inexpensive products, so the price is ready product very low. At the same time, do not forget to read the label so as not to fall for the manufacturer’s bait and not buy ice cream with preservatives, emulsifiers and flavor enhancers.

Chemical composition table

NutrientQuantity per 100 g
Calorie content232 kcal
Squirrels3.7 g
Fats15 g
Carbohydrates20.4 g
Organic acids0.1 g
Water60 g
Ash0.8 g
Vitamin A94 mcg
Retinol0.086 mg
Beta Carotene0.045 mg
Vitamin B10.03 mg
Vitamin B20.21 mg
Vitamin C0.4 mg
Vitamin E0.4 mg
Vitamin PP0.7 mg
Niacin0.1 mg
Potassium162 mg
Calcium159 mg
Magnesium21 mg
Sodium50 mg
Phosphorus114 mg
Iron0.2 mg
Digestible carbohydrates
Sugars (mono-, di-)20.4 g
Cholesterol44 mg
Saturated fatty acids9.4 mg

Beneficial features

Ice cream is considered one of the best representatives of the dairy product group. With it, a large number of amino acids enter the human body, minerals and vitamins. The product also often contains nuts, berries, honey and chocolate, which help stimulate brain activity and concentrate attention.

IMPORTANT! Fruit and berry delicacies contain less cholesterol than those prepared in butter(animal fats). If you have immune or cardiovascular diseases, it is better to choose them.

In the company of ice cream, a person can even overcome depression. In the process of eating dessert, the production of the joy hormone - serotonin - accelerates, which lifts your mood and improves your well-being. The dish is also known for a number of other beneficial properties:

  • causes a surge of strength and energy;
  • hardens the throat;
  • quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger;
  • relieves tension;
  • normalizes sleep.

FACT! The cold treat helps women get pregnant. The product contains fats that are beneficial for ovulation. Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health proved that girls who did not consume ice cream in their diet became pregnant 25% less often than those with a sweet tooth.

Contraindications and harm

No matter how many advantages your favorite dessert has, you should not forget about its harm. The product contains a large amount of cholesterol and sugar. This can cause blockage of blood vessels, slagging, and increased blood glucose levels. Manufacturers also often reduce the cost of dessert by adding unhealthy flavors, dyes, and preservatives. When eating outside, add germs, dust, dirt and exhaust fumes to the list. If you do enjoy ice cream, then only make it yourself and indoors.


  • diabetes;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • caries.

Side effects

You have to eat ice cream in public places quickly so that the product does not have time to melt. This can cause many side effects, especially in people who have contraindications, weak immunity or migraine. Deterioration in health is accompanied by:

  • headache due to limited access of oxygen to the brain;
  • a sharp decrease in body temperature;
  • narrowing of blood vessels.

CAREFULLY! Fruit ice is full of flavors and bright colors, which indicates a large number of dyes and flavors in the composition. In children and adults, such a delicacy can provoke an allergic reaction.

How to eat ice cream

Even in excellent health, ice cream should be included in the diet no more than 2-3 times a week. The optimal serving size is 1 ball, decorated with nuts, berries or fresh fruit to taste. However, you should not try to replace a full meal with it or serve it as a dessert. Afternoon snack - the most good time for its use. This will not affect the digestion process, and the delicacy itself will be completely absorbed.

FACT! Defined permissible quantity ice cream per week - 150 g. Experts say that this is exactly how much an adult needs to get benefit and joy from the treat at the same time.

Weight different types is different:

  • 1 popsicle - 100 g;
  • 1 ball of ice cream - 50 g;
  • 1 “sandwich” briquette - 90 g;
  • 1 waffle cup- 80 g;
  • 1 stick of fruit ice without glaze - 50 g.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Ice cream is a specific product that does not come with instructions for use. However, lovers of ice cream and fruit ice should know about what diseases you can treat yourself to sweets, and when it is prohibited.

Table: norms for ice cream consumption for various diseases and other conditions

DiseasesStandards of use
Fever, runny noseForbidden.
Post-workout, dryingAfter a busy workout in the gym, you are allowed to eat 1-2 glasses of creme brulee, but not more than 2-3 times a week. During the drying period, the dosage can be increased to the desired amount by waiting fasting day. Typically, athletes arrange it once every 1–2 weeks.
Sore throat, cough, sore throatIt is allowed to eat softened but cold ice cream. A serving of 150 g can be eaten throughout the day or distributed over several doses throughout the week. The product must be natural, without chocolate, fruit or other fillers.
Mantoux graftingTo exclude an allergic reaction for several days after vaccination, you can only consume natural product, does not contain dyes or fillers. Dosage according to the weekly norm.
HaemorrhoidsCold ice cream improves rectal activity and is an effective prevention of obesity during sedentary work. A single serving size should not exceed 50 g.
GoutIn this case, creamy ice cream is especially useful. It is recommended to add nuts (except peanuts), natural caramel, fresh fruits. Dosage according to the weekly norm.
After removal of tonsils, adenoidsYou can enjoy ice cream within 30 minutes after surgery room temperature. Slightly melted ice cream or fruit ice will help stop residual bleeding and reduce the temperature in the surgical area. It is recommended to eat a 50-gram portion within a few hours without swallowing large, cold pieces of ice cream.
BracesOnly melted ice cream at room temperature is allowed. Dosages are standard.
After gallbladder removalIt is better to reduce consumption to 1 time per week. It is better to cool a 50 g portion to room temperature. This will prevent narrowing of the bile ducts.

Can you get sick from it?

Colds and sore throats are the most harmless things that eating ice cream can lead to. You should especially beware of this product in hot weather. Sudden changes in body temperature have a negative impact on overall well-being. To be on the safe side, eat cold desserts slowly.

IMPORTANT! Eating ice cream too often can also cause atherosclerosis, diabetes or obesity. Be sure to use moderation when choosing this type of sweet!

Is it possible to get poisoned

Real ice cream has a short shelf life. If you eat an expired product, you can get seriously poisoned or get away with a slight disorder. In addition, the cause of the disease can be raw materials Low quality, improper storage and transportation of products.

IMPORTANT! Re-frozen products can be distinguished by their irregular shape and lack of vacuum in the packaging.

Nuances of use

Pregnancy, childhood, various diseases- all these conditions are temporary. The changes that occur in the body require careful selection of food products and have their own characteristics of their consumption.

During pregnancy

Ice cream for expectant mothers is a source of positive emotions and pleasant memories. The taste of dessert has a calming effect, reduces a woman’s anxiety and stress. In addition, the sweet contains about 300 kcal, which helps to gain weight during pregnancy.

ADVICE! Frequent nosebleeds are a normal reaction of the body to bearing a child. You can solve the problem with a piece of ice cream.

Do not forget that you can only get benefits from a natural and properly prepared dessert. It is best to give preference to cold desserts made from high-quality cream, milk or sour cream. Products with emulsifiers, a high percentage of dyes and flavors, and stabilizers in their composition are prohibited.

The size of a single serving is 50–60 g, and the permissible weekly consumption rate is 100–200 g. Pregnant women can enjoy ice cream at any time. Contraindications apply only in the following cases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tendency to be overweight and quickly gain weight;
  • hypertension and toxicosis in later stages;
  • kidney problems and serious pathologies.

IMPORTANT! Don’t forget to check the tightness of the packaging and the shelf life of the ice cream. During pregnancy, the risk of contracting salmonellosis, listeriosis, or poisoning is very high.

When breastfeeding

Milk quality during breastfeeding depends to a large extent on what the mother eats. The diet excludes a large number of allergenic foods: chocolate, honey, nuts, many fruits and sweets. However, a woman can still treat herself to some desserts. For example, natural ice cream without fillers. The following waters are allowed to be consumed:

  • cream;
  • creamy;
  • dairy

It is better to avoid fruit sorbets, especially if they contain artificial ingredients.

The dosage should be moderate. You are allowed to eat one serving per day, no more than 2 times a week. You can divide the daily amount into two parts, using half in the morning and the other in the evening. The product must be fresh. If desired, you can add berries or fruits allowed by the diet.

IMPORTANT! Ice cream is introduced into the diet gradually, no earlier than 1 month after the birth of the child. After each use of dessert, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s reaction.

For children

Ice cream should be sweet and a rare addition to children's diet, and not its main part. The basic rules for using the product are very simple and it is not difficult to adhere to them:

  1. Ice cream is introduced into the diet from the age of 3 in small portions.
  2. At one time, a child can eat no more than 100 ml of ice cream.
  3. Melted ice cream is not recommended for children. This increases stress on the throat and stomach.
  4. Frequency of use: 2–3 times a week. Replace on other days sweet dessert fruits, berries.
  5. In order not to spoil your child’s appetite, give ice cream for an afternoon snack.
  6. After eating, be sure to monitor the process of brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth. The procedure will reduce the risk of developing caries.

According to Komarovsky, ice cream is used to gradually harden a child’s throat. This should be done starting from 1 teaspoon per day. The product is given twice a day until the serving size is 50 g. The procedure should begin with soft ice cream. The child must completely absorb each piece. At the same time, the apartment should be warm to avoid sudden temperature changes.

For diseases

Ice cream is an auxiliary remedy for the treatment of sore throat, tonsillitis or after removal of tonsils. Serving size does not differ from diet healthy people and is 150 g per week. Under the influence of cold and fat, blood vessels narrow, which allows localization inflammatory process. The size of the tonsils also decreases and the healing process is accelerated.

For a sore throat, ice cream helps remove plaque from the tonsils. Toxic substances and pus dissolve in fats. Cold helps eliminate irritation and reduce pain.

IMPORTANT! After eating ice cream, you should rinse oral cavity water. The sugar that remains after dessert is a source of pathogenic bacteria.

When losing weight

Ice cream is a very high-calorie and fatty product. It is not for nothing that its list of contraindications includes a tendency to be overweight and obesity. Problems with overweight can only be made worse by regular use such a dessert. However, even here there are “loopholes” for those with a sweet tooth, which allow them to pamper themselves with their favorite delicacy.

Natural milk ice cream contains only 2.8–3.5% fat content. The dessert is easily digestible and contains a variety of useful substances. This can be given to children, eaten during weight loss and pregnancy. At the same time, on a diet you should refrain from chocolate glaze, condensed milk and various fillers that increase the calorie content of food.

You can freeze it at home fruit sorbets, yoghurts and serve as ice cream. To prepare cold desserts, you should give preference to berries or fruits that are light in calories. Depending on the season, watermelon, pear, plum, kiwi, citrus fruits and apples are suitable.

Do ice cream make you fat?

You can only get better from low-quality ice cream or its overuse. Artificial components in the composition delay the digestion of food, while natural ones promote this process. Calcium, various amino acids, vitamins and enzymes contained in milk dessert have a beneficial effect on metabolism, strengthen bones and reduce blood pressure. To ensure that your reflection in the mirror continues to please you with your slimness, adhere to the principle of the golden mean and consume ice cream within normal limits.

"Cold" diet

The diet, which contains ice cream, is developed according to all principles proper nutrition. Ice cream is the only source of fat in it, while the rest of the food replenishes the supply of proteins and carbohydrates. This allows you to maintain normal metabolism and simplifies the process of digestion of food. You can stay on this diet for no more than 3–5 days. Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with apple, tea, 100 g ice cream;
  • Dinner: pea soup, 2 slices of bread, vegetable salad and boiled egg, 100 g ice cream;
  • Dinner: boiled dietary meat (chicken, turkey), rice, vegetable salad with olive oil dressing.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

Making ice cream at home will cost much less than buying it in a store. At the same time, the useful potential of such a product increases several times. All family members can be involved in the process.

Ice cream according to GOST


  • 350 ml cream 33% fat;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 3 pcs. egg yolks;
  • vanilla sugar to taste.


  1. Heat the milk on the stove.
  2. In a separate container, grind the yolks, sugar and vanillin.
  3. Enter the mixture into warm milk and cook over low heat until the mixture thickens.
  4. Beat cold cream with a mixer until stiff peaks form.
  5. Add the milk-yolk mixture to the cream and stir.
  6. Pour the ice cream into the mold and place it in freezer for 1 hour.
  7. Mix all ingredients again and place in the freezer until completely frozen.



  • 2 pcs. ripe banana;
  • 100 ml almond milk.


  1. Peel, slice and freeze bananas.
  2. Place bananas in a blender and pour almond milk and beat.
  3. Place the homogeneous mass in a bowl, decorate at your discretion and serve.