What is the difference between espresso and americano: which is stronger, the recipes. Ristretto coffee - a tart and rich drink

The recipe for this drink appeared during the Second World War and later became a popular type of coffee around the world. The term "Americano" and the method of its preparation were invented by Italians, offended by the fact that the Americans opposed the traditional for them the simplest filtered coffee to the noble classic espresso. In every Italian bar, soldiers from America during that war wanted to find the notorious "Joe's Cup" (in the USA this is the slang name for coffee), which was familiar to them at home. To get out of the situation, Italian baristas decided to try to make an appropriate drink using a coffee machine. The result of these experiments was the emergence of a new type of drink that has become incredibly popular these days. Surprisingly, but in the States themselves, the Americano spread and gained fame only in the 90s with the development of the Starbucks cafe chain.

Varieties of americano and methods of obtaining it

The typical American, talking about coffee, means a drink made with a filter type coffee maker or else. This type of American coffee is brewed at a temperature of 85 ° C, and the final estimated volume is 220 ml, which is almost twice the size accepted in Europe.

Coffee works according to a simple principle - heated water from above is fed to a paper filter, which contains ground coffee, and each drop falls into the cup under its own weight. That is why coffee makers with this design are called drip. Another name, also reflecting the principle of their action, is filter. And the typical American drink itself is often called filter coffee. It rather resembles an infusion, because pressure is not used to prepare it as is done when brewing espresso.

As for the Americano in a variant adapted for Europe (no less common in Russia), it is typical for it to dilute espresso with boiling water. Accordingly, the temperature can already vary from 85 to 92 degrees, and the volume of finished coffee is slightly less than the classic American one - 120 ml. Americano made from espresso comes in three varieties:

Video: American Coffee

  1. Classic Italian. Hot water is simply added to the finished espresso. The end result is a drink volume of 120 ml, and a temperature of 84-92 degrees.
  2. More modern American Scandinavian. In this case, espresso is already poured into the water. The final volume and temperature are the same as in the Italian version.
  3. European democratic way of filing. The volume and temperature are similar to the first two options, but the difference is that both espresso and hot water are served separately.

The first "Italian" method of producing Americano is obtained by diluting espresso with water, which means that the foam formed on its surface disappears. That is why the absence of cream in the finished drink obtained by this method cannot be a visual quality indicator of the finished drink.

Another option (Swedish) implies an excellent method of making Americano: first, hot water is poured into a coffee cup, and then pre-brewed espresso is added to it. Thanks to this, the foam will remain in the resulting drink. Actually, it is enough to install a cup with pre-filled water in the coffee machine, and it will already add espresso. Other parameters for both "Swedish" Americano and "Italian" are absolutely identical. And, although they hardly differ, some connoisseurs confidently assert that the taste of the first sip of "Scandinavian" is softer and richer.

Well, now the third option is becoming popular, consisting in a separate form of serving - a separate glass of hot water will be brought with the ready espresso. With such a presentation, everyone independently decides how and in what proportions to mix the Americano. Accordingly, the taste of the drink will be highly individual.

And when the espresso is served with cold water, there is no need to mix them. This serving option will help you get a better taste of the true taste of the coffee. In this case, a couple of sips from a glass of cold water prepares the taste receptors for a better perception of the exquisite taste of the drink.
For many people, the appeal of Americano lies in the fact that this drink is not as strong and not as concentrated as Italian espresso. There is no way to brew “weak” coffee in the espresso machine. And you can actually get a result similar to American filter coffee in one way - mix espresso with water. Although it is believed that classic "filtered" coffee is still tastier and healthier than American.

Video: Coffee Americano lessons from a famous barista

So what are the differences between classic espresso and popular Americano?

  1. Americano is a type of coffee with a higher water content, which naturally affects its taste and aroma. The concentration is less, and the coffee smell is not as pronounced as that of a traditional Italian drink.
  2. The type of serving is also different, which depends on the degree of strength and output volume. For espresso, a small coffee cup is traditionally used, and for an Americano, the shape is similar, but twice as large.
  3. A distinctive feature of espresso is a thick and delicate foam on the surface. This is not typical for Americano.
  4. They drink espresso right away, which is called “without leaving the counter,” without waiting for it to cool down and lose its aroma. But Americano is usually carried in glasses with a lid and slowly sipped through a special hole in it.

What temperature the espresso is served at is very important, and therefore, if the waiter brought you a warm drink, you can naturally demand to replace it with a hot one. It should be noted that filter coffee is prepared by brewing ground coffee in water heated to the required degree, and, therefore, the finished drink will be more extracted and have a uniform taste. Americano is still a product of a mixture of classic espresso and water (in fact, it is watered down coffee). That is why it has noticeably less coffee substance and the strength of the finished drink is lower.

Usually Americano can be characterized by the term - watery. But one should not classify such a characteristic as negative. This is the consistency of this popular drink - it has a low density. In general, according to this indicator, you can distribute the types of coffee in descending order:, filter, French press and at the end of the Americano. Someone prefers coffee with a lower density, and someone with a higher gravity. And sometimes different types of drink are relevant depending on external factors: weather, in the end, mood.

How can you really spoil an Americano?

It is not uncommon for Russian bars or as an American to have a kind of “wrong” coffee drink that was prepared in a coffee machine using a longer extraction (instead of the usual infusion time of 25 seconds, it is 50 or longer). Such a drink will taste bitter and have a burnt taste. A characteristic feature of a low-quality Americano is an empty taste and a distinctly sour aftertaste. When setting the extraction time 30-45 sec. it turns out not Americano, but a completely different Italian drink - espresso lungo. Such a "long espresso" is prepared as follows: 60 ml of water heated to 90 degrees under pressure is passed through 7 g of finely ground coffee (1 tablespoon).

Video: Americano and Long Black Coffee Recipe

Homemade Americano recipe

This process does not contain any difficulties, it is quite simple. What you need:
  • Freshly ground coffee in the amount of 7-9 g.
  • Hot water - 125 ml.

Cooking method

We put a medium-sized cup in the coffee machine and start the espresso preparation process. When there is 30 ml of coffee in the cup, turn off the machine and add 125 ml of water. We get a great Americano.

Good day, readers of the site! Coffee is prepared according to a variety of recipes that differ in their composition and preparation method. It is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish how espresso differs from American coffee. Almost everyone has heard both the name and the other, but only true gourmets and lovers of this drink understand the differences in them.

Coffee has become a must-have breakfast for many people. And this did not happen for nothing. It helps to wake up, invigorates and improves mood, allows you to tune in the right mood and start the day successfully.

To understand what is so remarkable about Americano coffee, it is worth considering this drink in more detail, and also tell some of the recipes for its preparation.

What is Americano coffee and how it differs from espresso

Even people who are constantly on diets can afford a drink, since American coffee has a very low calorie content, only 27 kcal per 100 ml.

However, the calorie content of American coffee with sugar will be higher due to the addition of the latter. Therefore, if you are slimming and want to enjoy the drink, then you should consume it without sugar.

Americano coffee, whose history dates back to World War II, became popular all over the world years later. Surprisingly, the term "Americano" was coined by Italians, who were offended by the fact that in America, instead of espresso, they use regular filter coffee.

Italians were constantly on the lookout for the drink they were used to at home. So, one day they decided to prepare a delicacy using a coffee machine and thereby contributed to the emergence of a new type of coffee, which is currently very popular.

By the way, oddly enough, this drink became popular in America many years later, only in the early 90s, when Starbucks cafe chains were opened here.

A cup of Americano coffee differs from an espresso cup in the increased volume of water

Americano and espresso coffee differ in the concentration of coffee. So, Americano is essentially the same espresso, but diluted with water. If we talk about which of these drinks invigorates better, then the answer will be the same - the same, because the same amount of coffee is taken. A serving of Americano will simply be larger due to the increased amount of water in it. So for espresso, they take about 50 ml of water, and the volume of American coffee is 150 ml.

It is worth taking a closer look at the differences between these two, almost identical drinks:

  • Americano has a significantly higher water content than espresso. Of course, the taste of these delicacies is completely different. So, in espresso it is more pronounced, and in americano the concentration is lower. However, this does not affect the invigorating properties. Both delicacies are equally invigorating and energizing;
  • Served in different ways. For espresso, a small cup is used, and for an Americano, a large one;
  • Espresso has a very thick foam, which is not at all typical for the second delicacy;
  • It is customary to drink espresso hot, as they say, without leaving the "cash register", but the pleasure with Americano can be pulled longer.

Types of Americano

There are several ways to prepare this invigorating delicacy, and they all depend on where exactly it is prepared. Here, there are differences in the preparation technology itself, in which order the water and coffee are added. So, there are 3 main types:

  • Italian - first, espresso is prepared, then the drink is topped up with hot water to the required volume;
  • European - a portion of coffee and separate hot water are served. The consumer of the drink will add coffee himself to the required volume for his taste;
  • Scandinavian - hot water is poured into a cup, followed by a prepared espresso.

By the way, the taste of the delicacy depends on the preparation method. If you do not like foam on its surface, then the Italian way will be the ideal option for you. The Scandinavian method contributes to the appearance of foam. What exactly to choose is up to you.

Americano recipes

If you prefer conservative recipes, then you will definitely like Americano coffee, the composition of which will be classic, that is, water, coffee and that's it. If you prefer to conjure over the drink and improve it, then you can experiment with the base and add cream, some kind of alcohol, various syrups, honey, spices, and more to it.

Homemade Americano, like from the best coffee shop

Lovers of this delicacy are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to make Americano coffee at home in the same way as the best baristas make it? Yes, you can, but you need to understand that you need to use only real good coffee.

Only by using it can you prepare a truly delicious drink. If you are not ready to search for a good product, then you should not waste time preparing a "likeness" that can taste bad enough.

The Americano coffee recipe at home has the following: fill the turk with water (about 220 ml), boil it and cool slightly.

Add 1 tsp. ground good coffee and put it back on the stove. Boil, but do not bring to a boil, so heating should be kept to a minimum. Remove the finished drink from the stove and let it settle a little so that the coffee grounds fall to the bottom. Pour the drink into a cup.

The ingredients for making Americano coffee at home are very simple and affordable.

However, the preparation of Americano coffee can also be entrusted to a coffee machine, which already has a special program for this. In this case, your participation in the manufacture of delicacies will be minimal, you just need to load the raw materials and press the required button.

Here you need to take into account the advice of baristas who know a lot about different types of coffee. They recommend preparing an espresso in a coffee machine and then diluting it with hot water to the required amount.

The drink prepared on the recommendation of the barista has the most intense taste and aroma. It would seem that there should not be a difference at once to pour in all the water or divide it. However, the taste of the delicacy is lost if it is prepared in a coffee machine by adding all the water at once.

If you prefer large portions of the drink, you can make a double Americano coffee. How to cook it? To do this, you will need to double the amount of ingredients (this applies to both water and ground coffee).

For lovers of unusual, but delicious drinks, you can prepare Americano with marshmallows.

This delicacy will appeal to those with a sweet tooth who are ready to drink it all the time. You can also prepare this version of Americano coffee, the recipe of which is based on the classic one, also at home. This will require good grain or ground coffee (2 tsp), 50 g marshmallows, 200 ml of water. Sometimes true sweet tooths also add sugar, but mostly the sweetness of marshmallows is enough.

First you need to make Americano coffee according to the classic recipe given above. Then strain and pour into a large cup. Place marshmallows on top of the drink, which will immediately begin to melt, so the treat should be hot. As soon as the marshmallows melt, the treat can be served to the table.

Flavoring additives

The taste of the same drink may differ if you add spices or something else to it. So you can make Americano coffee with milk, as well as with the following popular ingredients:

  • Cream. If you do not like an overly harsh aroma of a coffee drink, then this additive will smooth out the harsh taste and add creamy notes to the delicacy;
  • Mint syrup or liquor. For lovers of pleasantly refreshing drinks;
  • Fruit liqueurs. They will allow you to give the drink a variety of tastes, add some sweetness and allow the delicacy to play in a new way;
  • Cinnamon and other spices. They diversify the taste, make it unique with oriental notes.

The choice of drinking classic Americano coffee or adding new ingredients to it is up to you. Only you yourself can decide what exactly you might like, as soon as you know your taste preferences. However, if you do not like the harsh taste of a delicacy, then you should supplement the drink with additives in accordance with your taste, for example, cream, some kind of syrup, liqueur and others. It is worth noting that if you follow the calorie content of products, then due to the new components, the delicacy will acquire a decent amount of them and make it sufficiently high in calories. Until next time!

What is the difference between the most popular types of coffee: latte, cappuccino, espresso and americano? Which one is tastier, stronger and contains less caffeine?

The taste and aroma of hot coffee is the best way to start your day. This is exactly what coffee fans think, of whom this drink is becoming more and more. But not all of them know how espresso differs from Americano or latte from cappuccino.

So that, without hesitation, every time to accurately choose a drink for yourself, you need to know from what and how different types of coffee are prepared.

- a coffee drink that is traditionally served for breakfast. It contains espresso (3 parts) and milk (1 part). A special feature of this coffee cocktail can be considered the preparation method. The drink is poured as follows: one part of coffee and three parts of frothed milk warmed up to a temperature of 70˚C are poured into a glass or a large cup. But they do it as carefully as possible to prevent mixing of liquids. Milk turns out to be the lowest layer, followed by coffee, and milk froth on top.

Various syrups can diversify the taste of latte, the addition of which is also permissible when preparing this drink. Art decorations on foam are considered the top of the skill in serving the drink.

The standard serving of latte in Europe is 200 ml, in America it is 500 ml.

Latte macchiato- a kind of latte, translated means "stained milk." Immediately latte macchiato was exclusively a children's drink, but over time it fell in love with adults and gained popularity in Europe. A drink is prepared by adding espresso to milk, decorated with grated chocolate, and served in a tall transparent irish glass.

Video: How to Make the Right Latte

Prepared from espresso and frothy milk, taken in a 1: 2 ratio, without adding sugar or other sweeteners. The difference between latte and cappuccino is also that latte requires hot milk and cappuccino chilled milk (4 ° C).

Both drinks must be prepared so that there are no air bubbles in the froth. But if a latte has light and airy froth, then a cappuccino has a dense one.

Latte and cappuccino differ in taste and aroma. Latte is delicate and light, while the taste and aroma of cappuccino is quite pronounced.

The "layering" of drinks is ensured by different densities of liquids: the densest milk is always at the bottom, and the lightest and least dense foam is always on top. It is important that the liquids are not mixed during the preparation process.

Latte and cappuccino foam will turn out to be airy only if it is prepared using a special apparatus.

Video: How to make cappuccino

- a drink that was first obtained from a coffee machine in 1901 in Italy. The principle of its preparation was to run water and steam under pressure through crushed coffee beans. This strong coffee drink quickly gained popularity and became fashionable in Italy and abroad. The development was patented by the creator in 1902, and after 2 years the coffee machines began to be produced in large quantities.

Video: How to make an espresso correctly

To prepare 1 cup of strong, aromatic espresso, you need 7 g of coffee and 30 ml of water. To prepare espresso-doppio, the amount of coffee is doubled, and the amount of water is left the same. Espersso lungo has a mild taste and low aroma, as only 4 g of coffee per 30 ml of water is used for its preparation.

The hallmark of a good coffee is the froth on the surface. If there are holes in the foam, it means that the cooking technology has been violated.

- in fact, it is an espresso diluted with water 1: 1. The taste of Americano is not as bright and pronounced as that of espresso, but its lack of bitterness and a minimum of caffeine made this drink popular among adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

There are two ways to cook Americano:

  • In Italian. Coffee is brewed in a coffee maker for no more than 25 seconds. After that, hot, but not boiling water is added to the drink (1: 1). If you brew the coffee for longer, the Americano will come out too bitter and strong. The foam is not preserved.
  • Swedish. Bring water to a boil and remove from heat. Espresso is brewed in 20-25 seconds and added to a cup of prepared water. Americano prepared this way is milder in taste. The coffee crema is retained on the finished beverage.

Video: How to cook Americano properly

Coffee is served in cups or irish glasses:

  • latte - 60 ml, latte macchiato - 250-300 ml or in an irish glass 240-360 ml
  • cappuccino - in a 180 ml expanding cup
  • espresso - 60 ml thick cup
  • double espresso - 100 ml
  • espresso lungo - 90-100ml
  • espresso-corretto - 250-500ml
  • espresso romano - 60 ml
  • espresso makito - 60 ml
  • Americano - 150 ml.

What is tastier than latte or cappuccino, espresso and americano?

To choose the most delicious drink, you need to remember your own taste preferences:

  • Anyone who loves a sweet coffee cocktail with milk and airy foam will love the delicate latte. Sweet syrups are often used for its preparation.
  • The dense milk froth and the absence of sugar in the cappuccino give the drink a sophistication and a special rich aroma, which can also be appreciated by coffee lovers.
  • A lover of strong black aromatic coffee needs to choose between espresso and espresso-doppio.
  • For those who like weak coffee without milk, you can try Americano or Espresso Lungo.

The strongest coffee - espresso... Espresso can only be stronger espresso dopio, for the preparation of which they take twice as much coffee.

- this is a diluted espresso, so it certainly cannot be called strong.

It is believed that Americano was invented by Italians. During the war, they prepared coffee for the American military, to which they were accustomed at home. At a time when Americans rejoiced in the taste and aroma of the drink, Italians laughed at them, because they believed that in America people could not know what real coffee tasted like.

Latte and cappuccino obtained by adding milk to espresso using a special technology. These two drinks taste very differently. Cappuccino is stronger than latte, so it has a stronger bitterness and aroma.

Where is more milk: cappuccino or latte?

As part of cappuccino equal parts milk, foam and espresso. As part of latte 2 parts milk, 1 part froth and 1 part espresso. It means that more milk in latte... Accordingly, this drink contains less caffeine, since the concentration of coffee in it is less and milk - more than in cappuccino.

One of the versions of the origin of cappuccino tells about the Capuchin monks, who fell in love with the "drink of the devil" (this is what religious people called coffee) that they could not refuse it. To "cleanse" the coffee from the negative, the monks decided to add milk and hand-whipped foam to the drink. In honor of the creators, the drink was named "cappuccino" (consonant with "capuchin").

Where is the more crema in cappuccino or latte, espresso and americano?

There is a lot of froth in a cappuccino... It is thick and dense so that it can withstand a weight of 5-6 g.

Differs in lightness and airiness and there is also a lot of it in the cup. It is fluffy and tender, completely unlike the froth in a cappuccino. The foam of the latte is so light that it can be used to make figures, three-dimensional patterns and inscriptions. This decor will last for at least 10 minutes, if, of course, the latte is prepared correctly.

Made according to the classic recipe, it does not foam. To maintain a dense foam on the surface of the Americano, you should cook it in Swedish: add espresso to the water.

Those who have not been able to make their choice should try all types of coffee. Once, having recognized the taste and aroma of "your" coffee drink, you will fall in love with it forever.

Video: What kind of coffee to drink? Varieties of coffee

Americano, by and large, is not as independent a type of coffee as it is just a classic espresso, diluted with hot water. It owes its appearance (and name) to the desire of Americans to enjoy drinking black coffee without going beyond the limits imposed by the rules of a healthy lifestyle. It is also quite plausible that the version that “Americano” is a dismissive name given by the Italians to the drink into which the Americans turned strong espresso by adding water to it. But I must admit that today this drink has gained the greatest popularity all over the world. To the question: "Which is stronger, American coffee or espresso?" - usually answer that, of course, Americano. It is also believed that Americano is healthier for the body, since the caffeine content in it is reduced. But it should be noted that the last statement is very, very controversial. To draw conclusions, we will dwell in more detail on the consideration of the recipe and the nuances of preparing a popular drink.

The main types of americano

Amators will say that, by and large, there is no significant difference between the existing types of Americano, but real gourmets will argue with them and prove that the difference between the Swedish and Italian versions is easy to feel already during the first sip. In their opinion, the Scandinavian version has an incomparably more delicate and richer taste.

The European kind of Americano - and not a kind at all, but just a way of serving the drink, leaving us complete freedom of choice - how and in what ratio to dilute espresso with water. Nevertheless, the classification of American coffee into three types is present and widely used, get acquainted with it:

  1. Classic Italian Americano. This recipe assumes that a portion of the finished espresso will be diluted with hot water. But if one of the main and obligatory characteristics for the quality of espresso is a dense cream (foam), then the addition of water destroys it and foam ceases to be an indispensable component in Italian Americano.
  2. Scandinavian Americano (also known as "Swedish"). This Americano coffee recipe differs from the classic one in the sequence of actions - first, hot water is poured into the cup, and espresso is added in the second step. Thus, the cream (foam) is retained in the drink. In this case, a cup of hot water can be placed directly under the dispenser of the coffee machine to fill it with ready-made espresso.
  3. European Democratic Americano. 120 ml water heated to 84-92 degrees is served separately, and ready-made espresso is served separately. This serving method is used today in many bars, restaurants and professional coffee houses.

Many people, due to personal preferences, refuse to drink strong and concentrated classic Italian espresso with an intense taste, choosing a softer Americano recipe for themselves, or even preferring Americano with milk. Returning to the question of the degree of "usefulness" of this or that type of drink, it should be noted that in none of the preparation options does the caffeine content in one portion change. We can only talk about the degree of its concentration in the cup. The espresso machine is not intended for brewing stronger or weaker coffee, so you can prepare an analogue of American filter coffee only by diluting the result with water. So to the question: "What is the difference between Americano and Espresso?" - there is an unambiguous answer - only in the amount of water and in the concentration of caffeine.

How to cook Americano properly

The technology for making Americano is extremely simple, it is a much less laborious task than, for example, making coffee in capsules or brewing coffee in a Turk on a "sandpit". By and large, all that is required is to have a coffee maker or coffee machine. As for serving a drink on the table, it is customary all over the world to do this in cylindrical mugs with a volume of 150 to 200 ml.

Some consider pure arabica to be the ideal composition for Americano coffee, while others prefer to use a mixture of light and medium roasted arabica and robusta beans. It's a matter of taste, so don't argue. Fine grinding is not suitable for Americano, you need to choose medium or coarse. The brands that make coffee for drip coffee makers usually mark their product packages with a special sign, which depicts a filter coffee maker.

Cooling down, Americano largely loses its aroma, so many pouring coffee makers have a special heater to keep the finished Americano coffee in a volumetric glass flask at the optimal temperature.

Let's emphasize the features of making Americano:

  • You cannot continue brewing coffee in the machine after 25 seconds.
  • Dilute coffee with water heated to about 92 degrees.
  • The optimal ratio of water to espresso is one to one.
  • For 100-120 ml of water, you will need 14-16 grams of coffee.

How you can spoil the taste of Americano

In Ukraine, in some bars and coffee houses you can be served under the guise of a real Americano a slightly different drink, prepared by increasing the coffee extraction period, when the spill lasts not 25, but about 50 seconds. You will be able to understand that the drink is not prepared well enough due to its characteristic burnt aftertaste, which also has bitter notes. If the bitterness is strong enough, the taste is not full, and the aftertaste remains in the form of sourness, your Americano is spoiled. And it is not just not tasty enough, but also harmful, due to the content of carcinogens and resins in it. Another sign of the low quality of the drink is whitish spots on the coffee crema.

So, the following factors can negatively affect the taste of Americano with or without milk (and simply spoil it):

  • Increased extraction time when preparing in a coffee machine.
  • Use for grinding low-quality or poorly roasted grain.
  • Excessive amount of water.
  • Using coffee powder that is left in the machine from the previous batch.

Prepared in compliance with the Americano technology, it will have a mild and rich taste, as well as a pleasant unobtrusive aroma. Violation of the preparation method or the use of low-quality ingredients, at best, will make the drink liquid, watery and tasteless.

How you can improve the Americano recipe

Lovers of milk coffee drinks can safely add milk or cream to Americano. In this case, the taste will become even softer and more delicate. The recipe for cold americano also has its fans, the composition of which, in this case, will include a portion of not hot, but cold water or an impressive amount of ice cubes.

If no honey, sugar, cream, or caramel syrups are added to the coffee, the calorie content of the American will be extremely low. So if you're on a diet and carefully counting calories, Americano made from water and coffee alone is your drink. But each of the additional ingredients (even if it crosses the Americano out of the category of diet products) is able to make its taste and aroma brighter and richer. Continuing experimenting with additives, you can try adding whipped cream and grated chocolate to the recipe, turning the Americano into a dessert, liqueurs or other alcohol, turning a coffee drink into a cocktail, as well as spices that radically change the usual taste. Coffee gourmets like to joke that the only thing coffee doesn't go well with is kefir. So the PapiGutto company recommends that you do not limit your imagination and cook Americano in accordance with your own taste preferences and mood.

shopper Ada Fox

Coffee and espresso are both beverages from the same plant: coffee. Whether the coffee beans turn into aromatic coffee or rich espresso depends on the method of processing.

The difference between coffee and espresso lies in the length of time the beans are roasted. Typically a coffee roast takes about 13 minutes, while an espresso roast takes about 20 minutes. Of course, times may vary depending on the type of coffee and the roaster model. The appearance of the coffee beans and espresso beans is also different. Expresso beans have a darker color and a shiny surface due to the long roasting time. The gloss is due to the oils in the green coffee beans coming to the surface during the roasting process. The relatively short roast gives the beans a lighter color and matte finish.

In addition, espresso beans have a slightly sour taste. The fact is that the acids contained in coffee beans decompose during roasting, therefore, due to the longer roasting, the sourness in espresso beans is often practically absent. Many of those with a stomach that is sensitive to acidity prefer espresso.

Cooking - Differences in Pressure and Grind

Besides roasting green beans, the difference between coffee and espresso lies in the preparation. The method of preparing espresso was invented with the aim of speeding up the process of making coffee in bars. For this, pressure is used when preparing the drink. For espresso, water flows through the ground coffee at a pressure of at least 9 bar. The water temperature is usually 88 - 94 ° C. For the preparation of coffee, water with a higher temperature is usually used - 92 - 96 ° C and the drink is prepared without high pressure. By the way, it is the high pressure that is the reason why paper filters are not used when preparing espresso. The paper just doesn't hold up to pressure.

Another important difference is grind. For espresso, it should be much finer than for coffee. This is due to a much faster preparation of the drink - only 25-30 seconds. Thus, the contact of the ground coffee with hot water is much shorter. Passing hot water under high pressure through very finely ground coffee results in more efficient extraction. Thus, when preparing espresso, about 24% of all substances are extracted from coffee beans, while, as in preparing coffee, only 17%. It can also take up to 6 minutes to prepare coffee.

Which drink contains the most caffeine?

There is a common misconception that a cup of espresso contains more caffeine. In fact, the opposite is true. This is because espresso beans have a lower caffeine content due to the longer roasting time. In addition, the volume of a typical espresso cup is only 30 ml. Therefore, although there is less caffeine in one cup of espresso, its concentration is higher. The reason for this is the ratio of water to ground coffee. When preparing an espresso, less water is used for 1 milligram of ground coffee. Of course, with the same volume of drinks, a cup of espresso will contain more caffeine. However, if you take standard cups (25-30 ml for espresso and 150 ml for coffee), then a cup of coffee contains more caffeine.

Filter coffee and espresso: what's the difference?

Let's start with the definition. Filter coffee or American style coffee (not to be confused with Americano) is the easiest and most popular type of coffee to prepare. A beverage obtained by simply pouring (no pressure applied) hot water through the ground coffee.

If you put filter coffee and espresso side by side, you will immediately notice the difference in taste and appearance. Espresso has a more intense flavor and aroma. In addition, a good espresso has a long-lasting golden foam, which is called cream in Italian. The cream is formed by the high pressure of the water and is therefore absent from the filter coffee.