Chacha - what kind of drink is it. Chacha - temperamental Caucasian vodka made from grapes

Many countries of the world are proud of their alcoholic beverages of various strengths and compositions. And what is chacha: how many degrees are in it, in which country is it produced? Let's try to understand these questions and find answers to them.


Each drink that has been aged for many years has its own soul. There are original alcoholic drinks in almost every country. Everyone knows whiskey and gin, many know the taste of tequila and sake, and they drink vodka, rum and cognac all over the world. Chacha can also be added to these drinks. Chacha is a Georgian drink. It has a number of advantages: it has a completely unique taste, is a symbol of Georgia.

How to cook it at home and how many degrees can this drink contain? Among many drinks, chacha occupies a special place. This strong alcoholic drink referred to as brandy. Grappa in Italy and rakia among the southern Slavs are considered its analogues. The history of the Georgian drink comes from antiquity. The locals in Georgia have passed down the secrets of making the drink by word of mouth for many generations. Chacha is made from grapes that have been grown in Georgia for about 7 thousand years. A drink is obtained from unripened grape brushes and a squeeze of ripe grapes by distillation.

Georgian chacha

How many degrees are in a laughing drink? Its strength reaches 60 degrees. Even Stalin, at a conference in Yalta, praised this " the best vodka"Churchill and Roosevelt, although he himself drank dry wine. Chacha, along with suluguni and khachapuri, became a patented Georgian brand in 2011. Some still consider this drink moonshine. But this is far from the case: sugar and yeast are not involved in its preparation.

For cooking take those bunches of grapes that are not suitable for making wine. The cake left over from the production of wine is also used. The grapes must be Rkatsiteli, Isabella and Kachich. Sometimes they use figs or cherry plums. For a special flavor, mixes of grapes or unpressed berries are added. Distillation is most often double, less often triple. As a result of this process, the fortress reaches 80 degrees. A ready-made drink of any strength is usually not diluted with anything. To achieve a pleasant cognac color, oak bark and walnuts are only added to it.

At the factories, alcohol after distillation is diluted to the degrees required by the technology. To acquire taste and smell, alcohol is kept in oak containers. After that, the drink is bottled. Special packaging is also available for sale through specialized departments and stores.

Check the drink next folk way. Chacha is poured into a container (in a cup, in a glass), a finger is dipped in it and set on fire. If after burning the finger did not get burned, the drink is of high quality.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of exposure. alcoholic beverages per person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


According to the rules of preparation, you need to take cake and grape waste of certain varieties. Yeast should be only natural, in no case alcohol. No sugar is added either. The ingredients are as follows:

  • cake and grape waste - 25 kg;
  • spring water - 50 l.

The grapes are not washed, the bones are not removed from it. Place all this in a container of the required size (about 100 liters). Add water and stir with a wooden spatula. Place the container in a dark place, the temperature in which should be 22-30 degrees. It is advisable to take a container with a water seal. Then comes fermentation, which can last even 2-3 months. Braga needs to be stirred every 3 days, otherwise it will be covered with a layer of mold. Braga is ready for processing at the time when gas bubbles stop emitting from it. After its distillation, the finished drink can be filtered through gauze.

Grape pomace for making chacha

At the beginning of the distillation, you need to collect and pour out a few grams, which are considered to be of poor quality. The main fraction must be constantly checked with an alcohol meter. When the fortress drops to 40 degrees, the distillation stops. The resulting liquid is diluted with water and distilled again. As a result, we get a pure drink that does not need to be diluted.

On the basis of the finished drink, you can make cocktails "Tbilisi Fix" and "Georgian Peach". To prepare "Tbilisi Fix" you will need the following ingredients:

  • chacha - 50 g;
  • cherry liqueur - 45 g;
  • lemon juice - 30 g;
  • sugar - 5 g.

Fill a cocktail container with ice cubes, pour sugar into it and pour in the rest. Mix everything thoroughly.

Various types of Chacha

For "Georgian peach" take the following:

  • chacha - 60 g;
  • - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 10 g.

All ingredients are mixed in a shaker with ice and poured into glasses.

You can just dilute with orange or lemon juice and drink.

When drinking chacha, the consciousness at first remains quite clear and sober, but then suddenly intoxication sets in. The hangover is completely gone. There are certain rules for drinking this alcohol:

  1. Grappa is poured into special glasses or brandy dishes. Chacha is drunk from vodka glasses.
  2. The temperature of its serving depends on the quality of the drink. Higher quality samples are drunk at room temperature. The rest must be cooled to 5-10 degrees.
  3. Drink the drink in small (30-50 g) portions. Every self-respecting host in the house keeps a bottle of chacha for guests, especially for Russians.
  4. Residents of Western Georgia eat sweet dishes, the Eastern part of the region - salty. Well suited for this purpose are satsivi, kebabs, khachapuri, salads, chakhokhbili, sauerkraut, vegetables and fruits, hard cheeses.
  5. In Abkhazia, chacha is washed down with dry wine. However, this leads to a severe hangover.


Chacha is a national Caucasian drink made from grapes. Some residents make it from figs and cherry plums, persimmons and mulberries, peaches and tangerines. The drink may turn out delicious, but it's not exactly chacha. It is not recommended to drink it in large doses. Intoxication comes suddenly and at any moment of the feast. There may even be complete loss of memory.

Drink special Chacha

There is no official strength standard for this product.

Its average strength remains in the range from 65 to 90 degrees. If it is bottled for sale through a distribution network, the fortress is usually brought to 45-70 degrees.

For the distillation of mash, any equipment is used, even ordinary alcohol mashine. In production conditions apply distillation columns. You can buy it only in Georgia or Abkhazia, as there are still few large manufacturers. The cost of chacha is quite high - 700-1200 rubles per 0.5 liter bottle.

Drinking a drink from ordinary vodka glasses in small portions. It is better to cool it to 10 degrees before use. Snacks can be anything sweet or savory. Abkhazians put everything that can be found in the house on the table. For Georgians, this is chakhokhbili, khachapuri, satsivi. Sauerkraut and barbecue are good. Many people love to eat cheese.

And some secrets...

Russian scientists of the Department of Biotechnology have created a drug that can help in the treatment of alcoholism in just 1 month. The main difference of the drug is ITS 100% NATURALITY, which means efficiency and safety for life:
  • Eliminates psychological cravings
  • Eliminates breakdowns and depression
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A COURSE ADMINISTRATION IN ONLY 30 DAYS PROVIDES A COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM OF ALCOHOL. The unique ALKOBARRIER complex is by far the most effective in the fight against alcohol addiction.

Traditionally, chacha is made from alcohol and grapes. In Georgia, they have adapted to add figs, cherry plums, mulberry fruits or tangerines to the drink during its production. All this indicates that the drink in small quantities contained useful elements and vitamins. The following minerals can be found in chacha: potassium, calcium, sodium, iron and some others.

Chacha cannot be attributed to high-calorie foods, but it is not a diet drink either. In small quantities, chacha is not capable of harming the figure, but if it is abused, problems will appear much more serious than a couple of extra pounds.

The benefits of chacha

Chacha has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. It is also able to remove the existing puffiness. Proved that regular use This drink in small quantities helps to improve blood circulation, normalize digestion and restore the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Chacha helps to improve the functioning of the digestive organs, while normalizing metabolism and increasing arterial pressure. In winter, this drink will help to warm up quickly. Well helps chacha fight the flu or colds, but not in pure form, and added to hot tea, along with honey and lemon.

The use of chacha

Traditionally, chacha is drunk in its pure form. However, not everyone can drink such a strong drink, so many use chacha to prepare other various less alcoholic cocktails. Chacha can be safely mixed with almost any alcoholic beverage. Chacha goes well with ice and fresh fruit.

In winter, there was a tradition in Georgia every morning, the peasants drank a tiny cup of chacha. Moreover, in the west of Georgia, this drink is usually eaten with something sweet, but in its eastern part, on the contrary, they eat various pickles.

It is necessary to have a bite of chacha, because it is a very strong drink. High-quality chacha is served on the table room temperature, if the drink is second-rate, then it is cooled to five or ten degrees.

Chacha harm

Like any other alcoholic drink, chacha misuse can do great harm. First of all, do not forget that alcohol is addictive. Chacha is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, a tendency to allergies, children under the age of eighteen.

In no case should you drink alcohol during pregnancy and lactation. You can not drink tea if available peptic ulcer, mental disorder, severe cardiovascular disease and in oncology.


Caucasian hearts have been conquered by chachas for many centuries. This strong alcohol has long been familiar to citizens of the post-Soviet space.

Today the whole world knows about chacha, but few know the history of this drink. Consider how a colorful drink was born and how to properly prepare chacha.

What it is?

Chacha is a strong alcohol that belongs to fruit distillates. It is customary to put the drink on a par with brandy and cognac. However, it is still different from the classic Armagnac.

The strength of the drink depends on its origin. Home distillates contain approximately 50-60 degrees. Store options are somewhat easier. Their strength ranges from 40-55 degrees. If you wish, you can also find the strongest drink - 70 degrees are invariably present in it, but you practically don’t feel it when you drink it, since the basis for the drink is soft-tasting and essentially insidious fruits.

The classic version of chacha fascinates with soft tart taste and unobtrusive aftertaste with hints of dried fruit. There are also varieties of this drink infused with herbs, spices and other ingredients. Such a drink will have an appropriate taste.


Every nation has national strong alcohol. Italians brag about grappa, southern Slavs treat their guests with brandy, but Georgians treat respected chachas.

The history of this drink goes back to ancient times. Even in ancient times, the local population cultivated grapes, and also prepared all kinds of drinks from it. It is believed that the first chacha was created over seven thousand years ago!

The Georgians themselves joke that the alembic was created much later than the Georgian chacha itself. And it is not surprising, because the initial stage of preparing a drink is squeezing juice for wine. And only after fermentation, the pulp is separated and strong chacha is prepared from it.

By the way, in modern history drinking was also noted. In 2011, chacha, like suluguni, was officially recognized as a national Georgian brand.

How are they prepared?

The story about the recipe and cooking technology should start with a note: chacha is not vodka. Despite the fact that its degree is similar to the "little white", it is preparing Georgian drink otherwise, and the taste of it is significantly different.

Classical chacha is made from grapes. The pomace obtained during the preparation of wine is the product for creating the drink. After fermentation of grape raw materials, winemakers separate the pulp from the mash. The first ingredient becomes the main component of chacha.

In each region of Georgia, a different grape variety is used for cooking. Western regions prefer to squeeze out Rkatsiteli, while northerners prefer Kalich and Isabella.

The recipe for making chacha is divided into two types:

According to the method of preparation, it can be concluded that chacha belongs to pomace brandy.

In addition to the classic grape version, there are other varieties. Today, the drink is made from any available fruit. Having visited the Georgian outback, you can try apricot, peach, cherry plum tincture, as well as a product made from persimmon, cherry and fig. Even walnut membranes are used to make booze.

How do they check?

There is a very interesting way checking which chacha you got. It is still not recommended to use it, and now you will understand why.

Georgians say that you should dip your finger into the finished drink and ... set it on fire. If the liquid burned out, but did not burn the skin of the hand, the drink is considered to be of high quality. If you got a burn, then you got fake alcohol.


Before preparing a drink at home, you need to decide on what to insist on chacha. We advise you to cook classic version grape drink.

To prepare a drink ancient recipe it is advised to use grapes of the varieties indicated above. Also, you should not use alcohol yeast, because, according to tradition, grape juice should be fermented with natural yeast. Classic recipe I don't recommend adding sugar.

For cooking you will need:

  • Grape pomace: pomace, unripe bunches and ridges in the amount of 25 kg;
  • Pure spring water - 50 l.

Berries should not be washed before cooking. Their skin contains natural yeast that activate fermentation. If the harvest took place in rainy weather, then a handful of raisins are added to the juice as compensation.

Squeezing juice from grapes should be done carefully. You can not damage the bones, otherwise the wort will turn out bitter and overly tart. Branches and seeds from the cake do not need to be removed.

A container is prepared for fermentation, the volume corresponding to the amount of raw materials. Suitable barrel up to 100 liters. The squeezed berries are poured into it along with the cake, after which water is added. As a result, another 20% of free space should remain in the barrel, which will later be filled with carbon dioxide.

The container must be brought into a room with a temperature in the range from 22 to 30 degrees. With more low temperatures fermentation may be too slow or not start at all. Sunlight on the container is also undesirable.

A water seal should be installed on the barrel. This device will allow the emitted carbon dioxide to leave the container, but will not let air inside.

The fermentation will take a long time. As a rule, it ends only after two or three months. Every two days, the pulp should be stirred with a wooden spoon. If this is not done, then the floating dry “cap” will gradually deteriorate and become moldy. In the language of winemakers, this means that the wine material is “sick”.

The end of fermentation can be seen by the number of bubbles that are released through the water seal. Gradually, their number will decrease, and later they will completely disappear. This means that the mash is ready. After that, there are two options:

  • Braga can be strained through cheesecloth to clean;
  • The resulting liquid is not filtered in order to preserve coarse particles.

Each of the methods has its supporters, so you need to choose the one that you personally like.

Chacha should be distilled in a regular cube. It is customary to remove the first portion, since it is considered unhealthy. The bulk of the released product should be constantly checked for strength. To do this, you can use an alcohol meter or simply drip a few drops on a saucer and set fire to it. If the chacha is on fire, it means that its degree is not lower than 40. As soon as the fortress falls below 40, the liquid intake is stopped. The subsequent fraction is collected separately from the main mass.

To get a pure drink, the resulting liquid should be diluted and distilled a second time using the same technology. The resulting drink can be diluted to 45 degrees or left as is.

If you want to make cognac from chacha at home, then the finished product should be infused in oak barrels. The duration of exposure depends on the specific recipe.

How to drink and what to eat

The use of chacha can be divided into several ways:

As an appetizer, Georgian and Armenian cuisine. You can drink the drink with both cold and hot treats, as well as sweets.

Caucasians are true connoisseurs of both gourmet cuisine and no less spicy alcohol. At large celebrations, guests are often invited to try the traditional high - chacha. Despite its strength, Georgian vodka, as it is sometimes called, has earned the love of many people around the world.


Chacha - national drink from grapes for the owners of "hot blood", which, according to modern estimates classified as brandy due to its high alcohol content. Although chacha is consumed almost throughout the entire territory of the Caucasus, it is made exclusively in Georgia and Abkhazia, since it is in these countries that the climate allows growing the necessary grape varieties. In Georgia, these are Rkatsiteli, in Abkhazia - Kachich and Isabella. It is these species that form the basis for the preparation of classic recipe, which is significantly different from those offered by distilleries to their customers.

The drink itself is quite insidious, its taste softened by berries and fruits, especially if it was obtained as a result of the second or third distillation, does not allow you to fully feel the strength and high alcohol content in it.


The history of this type of grape brandy goes back to ancient times, when people learned to make wine from grapes. Somewhat later, the pomace remaining after making wine was used, and as a result of their fermentation, alcoholic beverages with more high content alcohol. Even the name "chacha" literally translates as "grape pomace". Chacha is made both on a large industrial scale and at home. Fans and true connoisseurs of this drink will give preference to the so-called "bush" production, where the recipe has been tested by many generations and retained a piece of antiquity and traditions. And it is home-made chacha that can not be diluted with water to reduce the strength, which in its pure form reaches 70 degrees. A diluted drink becomes a little softer and does not exceed 60 degrees.

Due to the high alcohol content, chacha is not recommended to be washed down with either plain or sparkling water. Alcohol on contact with water releases a large number of heat, which can adversely affect the health of the person consuming it.

Grape brandy is one of the first distilled alcoholic products. The distillation process itself can be repeated several times, and with each distillation the drink becomes softer, which will enable true connoisseurs to feel and appreciate the bouquet to the fullest.

The number of distillations can be determined by the color of the liquid. So Georgian vodka after three distillations has a gentle yellow, while the product of one distillation will have a brighter and more saturated hue.

To make real Georgian chacha, you need to follow traditional recipe, in which a vessel for ready-made mash plays a very important role:

  1. Grape pomace is placed in a container, tightly closed to prevent dust, dirt or small objects from entering;
  2. The mass should ferment for about 3 months, this will give the drink more strength and astringency;
  3. The resulting mash is distilled, and then put on fire in a special copper cauldron with a spout.

For a classic recipe, use lightly unripe grapes because it reduces acidity. Thanks to this nuance, the drink will have more soft taste, although it will remain the same strong.

Cooking at home

It is quite easy to reproduce a traditional Caucasian drink at home, despite the laboriousness of some processes. This does not require any special knowledge or skills, it is enough just to have a distillation apparatus like moonshine.

Although chacha is often called moonshine, it is completely different drinks. For do not use yeast or sugar, unlike moonshine.

The production of chacha has its own secrets, knowing which greatly increases the chance proper cooking drink:

  • Picking up. It is better to harvest grapes in dry weather. Precipitation will wash away the yeast from the peel, as when washing berries.
  • Berries. In no case do they need to be washed or cleaned, since it is on the peel that the yeast “live”. If you wash it or remove it altogether, the fermentation process simply cannot occur.
  • Water. Can not use plain water from the tap, in this recipe they take only bottled, but even it must be carefully filtered.
  • Temperature. It should vary from 15 to 20 degrees, otherwise the aroma will be lost during the fermentation process, and the finished product will no longer smell so pleasant. Pre-chilled berries will ferment faster.
  • Fermentation. In order for fermentation to proceed properly, it is necessary to control the process every day. Mix thoroughly every day. For at least 2 months of fermentation, the mass should invariably gurgle, as soon as the gurgle stops and the grapes settle to the bottom, the process is complete.

After the berries have fermented, you can proceed to the direct preparation of the drink:

  • Braga must be cleaned of cake, separate the liquid.
  • The liquid can already be distilled, not forgetting to carefully monitor the indicators. Heating should be slow, and the first 12% finished product must be drained. This part will be pure alcohol, it should not be used, except in medical purposes. Using an alcohol meter, it is easy to determine the moment when excess alcohol is drained, the indicator on the device should be 40-45 degrees.
  • To make the taste softer, it is necessary to re-distill the liquid. But before that, it is imperative to dilute it with water and clean it with potassium permanganate or activated charcoal.

When cleaning, it is important to remember: the slower the filtration with charcoal or potassium permanganate, the cleaner the finished product will be.

  • Pour the finished drink into a bottle and let it brew. Ideally, chacha should wait in the wings for about 2 weeks.

To check the quality of Georgian vodka, you can dip your finger into it and set it on fire. If the flame burned out, but the finger was not burned, this indicates high quality product.


There are many varieties of chacha, depending on the ingredients in the composition. In addition to grape pomace, various fruits can be used for manufacturing, most often these are:

  • figs;
  • tangerines;
  • plum or cherry plum.

They can insist on various herbs, which gives Georgian vodka spicy notes and unsurpassed aroma.

One of the most common cooking options is tangerine chacha. Citrus pulp is added to the grapes in a container where the fermentation process will take place. When the mash is ready, the distillation will not differ from the standard one, however, the tangerine juice will add refinement to the taste and lightness citrus aroma drink.

How to drink

Chacha, like vodka, is usually drunk from glasses. There is no need to dilute it, since the taste is very mild, the high strength of the drink is practically not felt. However, in order not to get tipsy, it is recommended to have a snack in the quantities appropriate to the degree; traditional Georgian pkhali, churchkhela or pickles are perfect for this. Grape brandy helps to warm up quickly in cold weather, one glass will be enough for this.

The aged drink is served at room temperature. If exposure has not been made, it is better to cool.

Unlike Georgia, it is customary to drink chacha in Abkhazia. However, only a person with a colossal supply of health can afford such experiments. Chacha is washed down with dry wine, where two glasses of brandy account for a glass of wine. But you also need to eat plentifully in order to prevent excessive intoxication.

Benefit and harm

Grape vodka has a number of useful properties because it is completely natural. The warming properties are great for cold and flu symptoms, and it also has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The indisputable advantages include the normalization of digestion and metabolism, chacha copes well with edema. As part of brandy, it has a large number of trace elements and minerals that have a positive effect on the body.

But despite the benefits of this drink, it is worth noting that there are a number of contraindications and some dangers. Drinking Georgian vodka is not recommended for pregnant women, children and people who have problems with the digestive or cardiovascular system as well as high blood pressure.

Home-made chacha can pose a great danger if filtering is neglected. Poorly refined alcohol can contain dangerous toxic substances, which can lead to poisoning or more serious consequences.

Chacha, prepared according to the classic recipe, is significantly different from the drink bought in the store. Only traditional vodka Georgians pleasant taste And light fragrance berries will help you feel the charm of the Caucasus. And snacks on the table and close people around will complement the atmosphere of comfort and joy, because it is not for nothing that this drink is called in tune with the perky dance.

There are very rare alcoholic drinks in the world. One of them is widespread in the southern regions of Russia. On the entire coast of the Black Sea, you can buy a one and a half liter bottle of chacha from your hands. amazing drink is sold on every corner from the hands and at the same time it is not presented at all in the shop windows.


Chacha is not the most widely known alcoholic drink. It is very common in the North Caucasus and almost unknown outside former USSR. At the same time, outside the Caucasus, chacha is most often called.

In reference books and encyclopedias, chacha is called grape brandy. This is a highly controversial statement for two reasons. Firstly, brandy is aged in oak barrels, and secondly, chacha is made not only from grapes.

The drink is sometimes called Georgian, but chacha is widespread far beyond the borders of Georgia. You can try it not only in Transcaucasia, but almost along the entire Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. Georgia patented the name of the product, which did not prevent Abkhazia from engaging in the industrial production of chacha.

During the Great Patriotic War at the Yalta Conference of the Allies, Joseph Stalin presented a bottle of chacha to Roosevelt and Churchill.

It is important to know!

The devastating effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


To say "modes of production" would be incorrect. Chacha is produced industrial way in very small volumes. Basically, chacha is prepared at home.

Since the drink is homemade, and even traditional, the methods of its preparation differ not only in different countries but also within the same locality. The most common chacha, perhaps, grape. However, chacha is made from almost all fruits growing in the North Caucasian region: from tangerines, apricots, peaches, apples, pears, figs.

Perhaps it would be more correct to call all these drinks fruit moonshine or brandy, but in the Caucasus everything is strong fruit drinks called in one word - chacha. Locals do not like comparisons with vodka and moonshine. Chacha is original.

Chacha is not made from fruit juice. Grape juice goes to wine, the rest fruit juices drink in its pure form or canned for the winter. Chacha is made from cake - what remains after pressing. The pulp is diluted with water. Grape pomace begins to ferment itself, yeast must be added to others.

When the mash is infused, it is distilled. Once or twice, there is no strict rule. With double distillation, a product with a high alcohol content (up to 70%) is obtained, sometimes it is diluted with water up to 40-50%, sometimes an increased strength is left. Again, there are no hard and fast rules here.

Georgia and Abkhazia switched to industrial production chachi. If home-made chacha resembles moonshine by the method of preparation, then industrial chacha is grape vodka. The technology in the industry is strictly regulated and the result is predictable with high accuracy.


Locals consider chacha an aperitif and drink one glass before lunch or dinner. In addition, chacha is considered a healthy drink and a person can drink a glass or two just like that, without snacking, on a cold rainy day.

Chacha is often used and more traditional for strong drinks way - at holidays, feasts and events. It is widely believed that in different parts Georgians eat chacha in different ways. Like, in the west of Georgia - sweet snacks, and in the east - pickles. It's more of a rumour, actually it's rare.

Chacha can be eaten with any favorite dish or product. The taste and aftertaste of chacha is very close to the others. fruit moonshine. For example, tangerine chacha has a pronounced alcohol taste and a soft citrus aftertaste without sweetness.


This debate is hotter than religion or football. Especially given the temperament of the main carriers of the cooking recipe. ABOUT the right recipe"Real" chacha can be argued to the point of hoarseness.

Disputes are caused by the grape variety from which chacha can be prepared. An even bigger question is whether chacha can be considered not from chacha grapes. What part of the cake to use for fermentation, what should be the degree of ripeness of the berries and even the material of the dishes.

If you drive away the chacha once, then there will be a lot left in it. fusel oils. And the double run chacha has a consistency close to wine spirit. How many times do you need to drive the correct chacha? After a double run, the fortress of chacha can reach up to 70%. Should it be diluted with water to the classic 40% or at least to a moderate 50%? Or does real chacha simply have to be above 60% of the fortress?

The main secret of the real correct chacha recipe is that it does not exist.

Each owner is free to make his own changes to the recipe. Chacha is very different for everyone in many ways. Only its original name remains common.

But that's what a colorful authentic chacha is good for. This is not a bar drink. If you are in the North Caucasus, be sure to try at least a glass of chacha. Perhaps this local drink is one of the sights of the Caucasus.

And some secrets...

Russian scientists of the Department of Biotechnology have created a drug that can help in the treatment of alcoholism in just 1 month. The main difference of the drug is ITS 100% NATURALITY, which means efficiency and safety for life:
  • Eliminates psychological cravings
  • Eliminates breakdowns and depression
  • Protects liver cells from damage
  • Gets out of heavy drinking in 24 HOURS
  • COMPLETE RELEASE from alcoholism, regardless of the stage!
  • Very affordable price.. only 990 rubles!
A COURSE ADMINISTRATION IN ONLY 30 DAYS PROVIDES A COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM OF ALCOHOL. The unique ALKOBARRIER complex is by far the most effective in the fight against alcohol addiction.