Roast with bell pepper. Roast with bell peppers and pork Roast with tomatoes and peppers and potatoes

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Cooking time : 35 min
Roast pork with bell pepper is quick and easy to prepare. It turns out very tasty and satisfying biscuits. This roast can be served for both lunch and dinner. And spices will bring a little exotic taste.

Preparation description:

Roast with bell pepper can be prepared from any meat. The principle is simple. Separately, fry the meat and bell peppers, as well as other vegetables, then mix, add spices and your favorite sauce and simmer. If you don't have tiriyaki sauce or ginger, substitute them. You can take soy sauce, chili, if you like spicy.
How to cook roast with bell pepper?
1. Rinse the bell pepper, remove the stalk and seed box. Cut into strips.
2. Peel the carrots, rinse and cut into strips.
3. Cut the pork neck into cubes across the fibers. Beat off and also cut into thin strips.
4. In a frying pan, preferably a wok, drop vegetable oil and heat strongly.
5. Fry the meat, stirring, for 8-10 minutes. Put on a plate for a while.
6. In the same hot pan with vegetable oil, separately fry the carrots and bell peppers. Add canned pineapple chunks if desired. Then fry, stirring, also no more than 10 minutes.
7. Prepare the sauce. In a bowl, mix tiriyaki, water, starch and ground ginger (a teaspoon).
8. Add meat and sauce to vegetables, mix and simmer for another 10 minutes over low heat.
Roast with bell pepper is ready! Serve with rice.
Bon appetit!

Purpose: For lunch / For dinner
Main Ingredient: Meat / Vegetables / Pork / Peppers
Dish: Hot dishes / Roast Ingredients:

  • Pork (neck) - 300 Grams
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1-2 Pieces
  • Carrots - 1-2 Pieces
  • Ginger - to taste
  • Tiriyaki sauce - 80 milliliters
  • Water - 100 milliliters
  • Potato starch - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Canned pineapples - - To taste (You can not add.)

Servings: 2

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Roast is a hearty family dish for all seasons. Previously, roasts were cooked in an oven in a cast-iron - they put all the products at once and simmered in the oven heat until cooked, until the potatoes and meat were very soft. Even vegetable oil was not always used, it was in short supply. Usually everything was cooked in animal fat.

Today, in the absence of an oven, we will cook a roast in a cauldron on the stove. For a special sweetness and brightness, add bell pepper. I added to the hot tomato puree, which can be replaced with diluted tomato paste or fresh tomatoes.

In fact, for cooking roast with bell peppers and pork, we need the most common products. I added soy sauce myself. It will give the dish a special smell and taste.

Peel all vegetables.

Cut the pork into pieces and fry in hot oil until lightly browned. Then salt.

Coarsely chop the bell pepper and onion, chop the garlic.

Add potato wedges to meat. Sprinkle them immediately with salt and spices so that the potatoes become soft faster. Simmer everything under the lid.

After five minutes of frying, pour soy sauce into the cauldron. Fry for another 7 minutes, remembering to periodically stir the contents of the cauldron.

Then add bell pepper, onion and garlic. Salt a little more. Bring the dish under the lid almost to readiness. If it turns out dry, then pour in half a glass of hot water. In order not to add water, you need to increase the amount of vegetable oil.

And finally, add tomato puree or paste, mix. Keep on fire for another 5 minutes, and the roast with bell pepper and pork is ready.


The other day, my husband was slipped a flabby pepper in the store, which I would not dare to eat just like that. And it’s a pity to throw away food, especially considering today’s prices ... But if you subject the peppers to heat treatment, you can safely eat them. Moreover, it turns out very tasty pork fried with bell pepper. This dish is truly royal!

This recipe is not at all complicated, and while cooking around the apartment there is such an amazing aroma that all households can't wait for dinner. It is the bell pepper that gives the flavor to the dish.

If you have a couple of tomatoes lying around in the refrigerator, you can also put them into cooking - rub through a grater or finely chop. But not necessarily, pork with bell peppers is so deliciously delicious!


  • Pork - 600-700 gr.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt pepper


  1. Wash the pepper, remove the core with seeds and cut into thin strips.

  2. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Finely chop the garlic

  3. Rinse the pork, cut into long strips - almost like goulash, but a little thicker and more authentic.

  4. Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that it covers the bottom and heat. Fry onion and garlic over high heat until golden brown.

  5. Add pork and fry for 15 minutes over high heat, stirring occasionally. Then another 10 minutes over medium heat. Make sure the meat doesn't burn.

  6. Add bell pepper, pepper and salt the dish. Finely chopped tomatoes can be added if available, but not required. Stir and simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes. If the meat burns, you can add a little water.

  7. Delicious and fragrant pork with bell pepper is ready! You can serve it with noodles or mashed potatoes.

  8. Bon appetit!

Roast pork with bell pepper is quick and easy to prepare. It turns out very tasty and satisfying biscuits. This roast can be served for both lunch and dinner. And spices will bring a little exotic taste.

Servings: 2

A simple homemade bell pepper roast recipe step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 35 minutes. Contains only 99 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 9 minutes
  • Cooking time: 35 min
  • Amount of calories: 99 kilocalories
  • Servings: 2 servings
  • Reason: For lunch
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Hot dishes, Roast

Ingredients for two servings

  • Pork (neck) - 300 Grams
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1-2 Pieces
  • Carrots - 1-2 Pieces
  • Ginger - - To taste
  • Tiriyaki sauce - 80 milliliters
  • Water - 100 milliliters
  • Potato starch - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 Art. spoons
  • Canned pineapples - - To taste (You can not add.)

Step by step cooking

  1. Roast with bell pepper can be prepared from any meat. The principle is simple. Separately, fry the meat and bell peppers, as well as other vegetables, then mix, add spices and your favorite sauce and simmer. If you don't have tiriyaki sauce or ginger, substitute them. You can take soy sauce, chili, if you like spicy.
  2. How to cook roast with bell pepper?
  3. Rinse the bell pepper, remove the stalk and seed box. Cut into strips.
  4. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into strips.
  5. Cut the pork neck into strips across the grain. Beat off and also cut into thin strips.
  6. In a frying pan, preferably a wok, drip vegetable oil and heat strongly.
  7. Fry the meat, stirring, for 8-10 minutes. Put on a plate for a while.
  8. In the same hot pan with vegetable oil, separately fry the carrots and bell peppers. Add canned pineapple chunks if desired. Then fry, stirring, also no more than 10 minutes.
  9. Prepare the sauce. In a bowl, mix tiriyaki, water, starch and ground ginger (a teaspoon).
  10. Add the meat and sauce to the vegetables, mix and then simmer for another 10 minutes over low heat.
  11. Roast with bell pepper is ready! Serve with rice.
  12. Bon appetit!

Indulge in the taste of fresh summer vegetables and cook roast pork, potatoes, sweet peppers and tomatoes. Step by step recipe with photos. Video recipe.

Roast is prepared from any type of meat: pork, beef, veal, lamb, chicken ... At the same time, potatoes are most often preferred as a companion product, because it does not interrupt the taste characteristics of meat, but harmoniously complements and emphasizes it. In addition, sweet peppers, garlic, carrots, onions, tomatoes and other vegetables are ideal accompaniments for meat and potatoes. Roast can be cooked in a variety of ways. For example, in pots, on an open fire, in a pan, in an oven. Today we are preparing a simple recipe that will delight relatives not only on weekdays, but also on holidays! Delightfully colorful, fragrant, hearty and tasty second course - roast with pork, potatoes, sweet peppers and tomatoes in a large saucepan on the stove.

Roast cooking technology is usually the same. First, the meat is fried in hot oil. Then vegetables are added to it, which are also fried. Products are poured with tomato sauce and stewed. However, changes to the recipes are possible. If you want to cook a dietary dish, then do not fry the food, but immediately send it to stew in one pan. You can also fill the dish instead of tomato paste, sour cream or stew in your own juice.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 305 kcal.
  • Servings - 4-5
  • Cooking time - 2 hours


  • Meat (any variety) - 400 g
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 1-2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Hot pepper - 0.5 pod
  • Black ground pepper - a pinch
  • Sweet bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Greens (any) - bunch

Step by step cooking roast with pork, potatoes, sweet peppers and tomatoes, recipe with photo:

1. peel, wash and cut into cubes. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and add the onion. Pass it over medium heat for 5 minutes.

2. Wash the meat, cut off the film with veins, cut into cubes and send to the pan with the onion. Continue frying over medium heat until golden brown.

3. clean from the seed box, remove the partitions, wash, cut into cubes and send to the pan with the meat. Stir and continue frying for 5-7 minutes.

4. peel, wash, cut into cubes and send to the pan.

5. clean, wash, cut and add to all foods.

6. Fry the food for 15 minutes until golden brown.

7. Transfer the vegetables to a comfortable large saucepan with thick walls and a bottom. Twist the tomatoes to a puree consistency and send to the products.

8. Place finely chopped garlic, hot peppers and chopped greens in a saucepan.

9. Stir the food, boil and simmer under the lid over low heat for 1 hour. Season with salt and black pepper 15 minutes before cooking. Serve the finished roast with pork, potatoes, sweet peppers and tomatoes to the table hot.

See also the video recipe on how to cook roast pork with sweet peppers and tomatoes.

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