Quickly cook beans. How to cook beans correctly: culinary advice

All year round, we try to eat more vegetables. We can say that we cannot do a single dish without their use.

  • How to speed up the cooking process while maintaining all the beneficial properties of this product?
  • How to quickly feed your family and reduce the time spent in the kitchen?

Experienced housewives know the answers to these questions. And today we will reveal several secrets of this secret. Let's talk about the most commonly used vegetables in cooking and more.

How to cook beets faster

We share secrets on how to cook beets faster. Boiled beets are suitable for preparing various dishes.

The roots of this vegetable contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body.

How to cook beets, and not spend 1.5 or 2 hours cooking them. And at the same time preserve color, nutrients and taste?

There are several ways to quickly cook beets.

Prepare the beets for cooking - wash them well. Do not cut off the tails, do not cut out the eyes, and try not to disturb the integrity of the root crop, otherwise the beets will lose both color and taste.

Now let's cook, here are 3 different ways:

  1. You can instantly boil beets in the microwave. In just 10 minutes we can prepare it. To do this, put the beets in a plastic bag, twist them tightly to ensure a tight seal and put them in the microwave. Turn on for 8 - 10 minutes (depending on the size of the tuber). Done.
  2. Place the beets in a saucepan with cold water and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar (to preserve the color), bring to a boil, cook for 30 - 40 minutes. After this, remove from heat, drain the boiling water and place under cold water until the tuber is completely cooled. As a result of the temperature difference, the beets reach readiness.
  3. You can cook beets in another way for a short time. Pour cold water (with 1 tbsp vinegar) over the beets and let it boil. Boil a little and add cold water. And so several times during cooking until the root vegetable is cooked. This takes 30 - 40 minutes.

And one more thing: when cooking, always add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. This will speed up the cooking process.

How to cook beans faster

Don't know how to cook beans faster? Legumes are among the most important food products. They have high nutritional value and a unique composition of microelements, which is simply irreplaceable for the prevention of vitamin deficiency.

First, decide what color beans you are going to cook. The fact is that colored beans take less time to cook than white beans. Also, if possible, soak it overnight. This will speed up the cooking process.

    1. way: Cook white beans. Place the beans in the pan and add water - just enough to cover the top of the beans. Place on the fire and let the beans simmer a little (5 - 10 minutes). Then add cold water. And we repeat this several times. Temperature changes cause beans to cook much faster. This cooking method is also suitable for cooking colored beans.
    1. way: Cook the red beans. During cooking, add a little soda to the water. On the tip of a knife, no more, otherwise your beans will boil. In the same way, you can reduce the cooking time for white beans.
  1. way: When the water with the beans boils, pour all the boiling water from the pan and pour in cold water. Let it boil and repeat the procedure.

Some useful tips:
The beans are salted at the end of cooking, otherwise they will be hard;
During cooking, do not cover tightly with a lid, otherwise the beans will darken.

How to cook peas faster

A few little secrets on how to cook peas faster. Peas are a source of protein and can be used as a substitute for meat.

It is well absorbed by the body. Peas are used to prepare soups and main courses.

Peas are a legume crop. That’s why it’s cooked like beans:

  • It is advisable to soak it overnight;
  • The temperature difference will cook it much faster;
  • Add a little soda (0.5 tsp per 3 liters of water);
  • You can add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil to the water - a protective film will appear on top and this will help cook the legumes faster;
  • You need to salt the peas at the beginning of cooking.
  • And yet, peas in halves swell and do not cook as slowly as whole ones. The chopped one is cooked for 40 - 60 minutes, and the whole one - from 1 hour. 20 min to 1 hour. 40 minutes.

How to cook potatoes faster

Potatoes are one of the most important and most consumed food products.

Few people do not know that beans are a rich source of plant proteins. It is easily absorbed by the body. And bean dishes turn out amazingly tasty, satisfying and healthy. It’s not for nothing that during fasting they are consumed instead of meat.

Beans are not eaten raw. And the fact of how much time it takes to prepare it takes many housewives by surprise. I want to do everything quickly and correctly.

Cooking methods

To save time, beans can be cooked without pre-soaking. There are several proven methods.

  • First way

Based on the creation of temperature differences. It sounds creepy, of course, but it works for sure. Before cooking beans, you need to sort them out, throw away spoiled ones and rinse them under running cold water. To cook, select the largest and deepest pan and place the beans in it.

Pour enough water into the container so that it is 3-5 centimeters higher than the beans. Then it needs to be brought to a boil over medium heat and cooked for 15 minutes.

After this, drain all the water. Then fill the pan with cold. Let it boil again, drain again and fill the pan with new water for the third time. After the last portion boils, cook the beans for 30-40 minutes. You can also partially refresh boiled water by adding a few tablespoons of cold water during the cooking process. Being exposed to sudden changes in temperature, the bean product takes much less time to cook.

  • Second way.

This involves adding soda or lemon juice to cold water. This method will not be to everyone's taste. It is important to calculate the proportions correctly here. Otherwise, the product may very quickly end up in the trash.

How long will it take in this case until the product is completely ready? About two hours. Let us remember that the beans take about 4 hours to cook without soaking. The difference is obvious.

  • Third way.

One of the most effective methods to cook beans quickly and deliciously without pre-soaking is to add a dry seaweed leaf to the water. How long will it take to cook the beans in this case? About 40 minutes.

  • Fourth way.

The bean product will cook quickly and without additional ingredients if you salt it at the end of cooking.

To determine whether the product is ready or not, you need to use the “Three Beans” method: try three beans at the same time. It is important to know that poorly cooked beans contain substances harmful to the body.

The cooking speed also depends on the variety, shelf life, size of beans and water quality.

Cooking features

Red beans should be cooked for approximately three hours without pre-soaking. Do you know how much time you will save if you leave it in water overnight? Up to two hours. That is why it is recommended to soak the red variety of legumes.

Add garlic or bay leaf to red beans for flavor. It is usually used in dietary dishes.

Features of cooking white beans

How long does it take to prepare this variety? From 30 to 50 minutes. White beans cook quickly and without pre-soaking. Therefore, it is most often used for making soups.

You can cook beans not only in a saucepan on the stove, but also in a microwave, slow cooker, or double boiler. However, soaking in water is a must. How long does this process take? Typically from 8 to 10 hours.

Benefits of soaking beans:

  • the product preparation time is halved;
  • excess starch is washed off from the surface of the beans;
  • the product becomes much softer and more delicate in taste;
  • beans soaked in water are better absorbed by the body;
  • promotes the breakdown of complex sugars, which lead to intestinal problems.

  • Beans should be cooked with the lid open, otherwise they will change color;
  • a properly prepared product should be soft;
  • if beans are needed for soup, then they need to be cooked in a separate bowl;
  • If you add salt at the beginning of cooking, the beans will be tough.

Beans are considered not only a nutritious product, but also a reliable assistant in the fight against many diseases.

Useful properties of the product:

  • used to prevent the appearance of tartar;
  • promotes rapid cure of tuberculosis;
  • is a good diuretic;
  • beans are useful for diseases of the urinary system, rheumatism, hypertension;
  • serves as a rejuvenating agent;
  • is an excellent wound healing agent;
  • helps with gastritis, fatty liver.

It should be noted that beans do not lose their nutritional and medicinal properties as a result of heat treatment. Therefore, its regular use will have a beneficial effect on your health and general condition.

Today, red beans have gained particular popularity in the cuisines of different countries. In addition, it can easily be grown in your own garden or summer cottage or purchased in a store.

But despite this prevalence, many are wary of such an “overseas” protein food product. Therefore, there is a need to talk in more detail about the rules for its preparation.

How to cook red beans with soaking

Housewives who decide to prepare a dish with the addition of red beans must first soak the grains in cold water.

And this action is performed for several reasons:

  • Soaking allows you to partially get rid of toxic substances found in the skin covering the pulp;
  • The beans increase in size (approximately 2 times);
  • The time of the cooking process itself is reduced;
  • Excess starch is eliminated (it is located on the bean surface);
  • In the future, the product will not be subject to strong overcooking processes;
  • The beans are well absorbed and will not cause bloating (like white beans, complex sugars - oligosaccharides - are excreted along with water).

To prepare red beans, not only saucepans are used, but also pressure cookers, thick-bottomed saucepans, duck pots, and various types of household appliances.

To answer the question: “How long to cook red beans with soaking,” you need to decide on the kitchen appliance in which you plan to cook.

How to cook red beans on the stove

Before soaking the bean grains in neutral cold water for 6 hours, they are still sorted and washed. The calculation corresponds to one cup of beans per 3 cups of water (same as in relation).

It is necessary to change the water every three hours to avoid souring by filling the beans with new water. True, red beans can be soaked without constant rinsing just overnight.

Before cooking, the grains are washed under cold running water, drained in a colander.

Fill the container with beans only with clean, almost ice-cold water and place on high heat, bringing to a boil. It is not customary to drain boiled water, but just add a tablespoon of cold water every 15 minutes. The main thing is that the cooking process here is continuous.

The beans are cooked for a total of 1.5–2 hours. After this time, you need to try the beans.

If it is hard, it means the beans are not cooked and should be cooked for at least half an hour.

How to cook red beans in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, red beans are not boiled, but rather stewed. A relative convenience in this case is the fact that you can cook as much as half a kilo of beans at a time in a five-liter bowl. It also takes at least two hours to prepare. But the spices must be added at the same time as the beans. In this case, the product should be covered with water one centimeter from above.

Like boiled beans, beans cooked in a slow cooker should be tasted and not in a hurry to put on a plate if they are tough.

How to cook red beans in a steamer

In this case, a special steamer bowl is used for swollen red beans. There are no special differences in preparation from the white variation - you should monitor the water level in the bowl and promptly drain the resulting liquid from the pan. Yes, and the timer will have to be set for 3–3.5 hours at a not too high heat setting of 80–85 degrees.

How to cook red beans in the microwave

It must be said that when using any type of beans, this method remains the fastest and most effective. To prepare it, you need to take glassware and a small amount of water.

Cooking takes place in maximum heat mode, and the timer is set for 10 minutes (no more).

How and how much to cook red beans without soaking

Often, no one has time to pre-soak beans. Or they simply forget to soak them even overnight. As a result, in most cases it is necessary to prepare exclusive dishes from dry red beans.

According to many culinary specialists, such an “unpleasant” factor will not hurt at all. After all, many dishes should be characterized by the presence of whole, uncooked beans, which are easy to bite and reveal their soft internal structure to the consumer.

Of course, you can find a number of ways to cook red beans without pre-soaking. True, in order not to waste extra time and effort, it is recommended:

  • Use a slow cooker and “stew” the beans in it for 3.5 hours, adding only 1–1.5 measuring cups of dry beans and filling them with two cups of water;
  • Cook in a saucepan (or pressure cooker), without stirring or covering with a lid, for 2–2.5 hours without changing the water, only adding it to maintain balance;
  • Simmer in a thick-walled duck pot, again without disturbing, but adding a little vegetable oil.

It turns out that red beans, which have a thick skin, will not change their shape at all and will remain whole until the end of cooking.

What can you cook with red beans?

Of course, beans are almost always added to soups. But in the case of its red variety, vegetable and, especially, meat stews become more tasty and satisfying.

For example, along with the most common Mexican dish, boiled (or stewed) red beans in combination with pork are gaining popularity.

For this dish, you need to cook the red beans separately until fully cooked.

Pieces of pork are first fried in vegetable oil along with bay leaf and garlic in a deep frying pan. Then tomatoes and carrots are placed here, a small amount of water is added. The frying pan is placed on a not very high heat, and this whole “mixture” is simmered for 30 minutes. After this time, the fire does not turn off, and beans are added to the meat, which should also be heated (the required time is no more than 10 minutes).

This dish would be a good addition to potatoes, or it could become a culinary dish of its own. But in any functional role it is very tasty.

As you can see, red beans do not require much cooking skill. The most important thing when cooking beans is to remember that any beans require time to cook. Once boiling, this may take an hour or more. But modern kitchen appliances are ready to help you.

The cooking time for beans also depends on the beans themselves, their variety, size and degree of ripeness. There is no need to rush or turn up the heat. It still won't speed up the cooking time. In addition, you can cook the beans in advance, when you have more time and don’t need to rush anywhere, and store the cooked beans in the refrigerator or freeze. And you only need a few minutes to prepare a dish with beans.

Beans are one of the most delicious and healthy members of the legume family. However, like all its brothers, it has the only drawback - a long cooking time. Today we will talk about how to significantly reduce it without compromising the taste and appearance of the grains, we will offer several options for quickly cooking beans in a pan on the stove, and we will also tell you how to cook them in the microwave.

How to quickly cook red beans without soaking?

As you know, soaking beans significantly speeds up the cooking process. But what to do if for some reason you were unable to soak the beans in advance? You should not refuse to prepare the planned dish or wait long and tediously for the beans to cook without prior preparation. There are other ways to speed up the softening of grains. This recipe is about how to cook red beans without soaking.


  • red beans – 210 g;
  • purified water – 1.8-2.2 l;
  • table salt - to taste.


We wash the red beans thoroughly, put them in a saucepan and fill them with purified water so that it only slightly covers the contents. Let the beans boil, add a little more cold water and bring to a boil again. We do this until the bean grains soften. And this will happen approximately thirty to forty minutes from the moment of the first boil, depending on the type of beans. Temperature changes will speed up the cooking process of the legumes. Add salt to the beans at the end of cooking to taste.

How to quickly cook white or red beans in the microwave?

It's no secret that a microwave oven allows you to save a lot of time if you cook dishes in it. And cooking beans is no exception. Even without pre-soaking, the grains quickly become soft. About all the nuances of such preparation in this recipe.


  • white or red beans – 210 g;
  • purified water – 700 ml;
  • table salt - to taste.


We wash white or red beans thoroughly, put them in a container suitable for cooking in a microwave oven, fill them with purified water, set the device to maximum power and set the timer for ten minutes. After this, mix the beans in a bowl with a spoon, return to the microwave and extend cooking for another fifteen minutes. Five minutes before the end of the process, add salt to taste.

How to quickly cook dried beans for salad, borscht or soup?

Another effective way to quickly cook beans, which is perfect for preparing the base for, or soup. The miracle remedy that accelerates the softening of grains is, in this case, the most common sugar.


  • white or red beans – 200 g;
  • purified water – 950 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 25 g;
  • table salt - to taste.


Pour washed white or red beans with cold, purified water and set to cook on the stove. After When it comes to a full boil, add granulated sugar, stir until all the sweet crystals dissolve and from this moment cook the red beans for thirty, and the white beans for forty minutes. After this, add some salt to the contents of the dish and boil for another five minutes.

With any of the quick cooking options, it is not recommended to cover the pan during the entire cooking process, as the bean grains may darken and become unattractive in appearance. This is especially true for cooking white beans. Also, as you have already noticed from the recipe descriptions, beans should be salted only at the end of cooking, otherwise you are unlikely to be able to quickly soften the grains.

Beans are universal in their composition; they are one of the ten most healthy foods. Despite its low calorie content, this legume is very nutritious and irreplaceable for consumption; it contains all the valuable substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. By eating beans, you replenish your body with a large amount of vitamins, microelements and easily digestible nutritious vegetable protein. After reading the article, you will learn how to cook beans correctly and quickly in order to fully enjoy their taste and fill your body with all the useful substances.

To make cooking beans hassle-free and correct, take note of a few rules:
  • Having decided what type of beans you want to cook, sort them out, remove the poor quality ones, and rinse them thoroughly. Remember that mixing bean varieties is not recommended due to their different cooking times.
  • Choose cooking utensils based on the fact that the beans increase in volume up to 3 times during the cooking process. The amount of water should be 2-3 times the volume of the main product.
  • When cooking beans, do not cover the pan with a lid - the product will darken. Add a spoonful of sugar and 2-3 tbsp to boiling water. l. sunflower or olive oil - this will express the taste of the beans.
  • If at the end of cooking you want to get soft, boiled beans, salt them at the end of cooking. If you do this at the beginning, you will prolong the cooking time and the resulting product will be tough.
  • Monitor the water level in the pan; if the amount is not enough, add only boiling water. If you add a large amount of cold water, the beans may crack.
Quickly cooking beans involves pre-soaking them in water for 8-10 hours. However, this process is not perceived with enthusiasm by housewives, since the water should be changed every 2-3 hours due to the possible onset of fermentation. There are several options for quickly cooking legumes:
  • It doesn't take long to cook green or green beans. It is cooked in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, with the lid of the pan open. The cooked beans should be soft and slightly crunchy. The overcooked product has an unexpressed taste and a broken structure. To preserve the color of the beans, add a small amount of citric acid to the water during cooking.
  • To quickly cook light-colored beans, during the cooking process, when the water boils, add a little cold water to the boiling water every 5-10 minutes - the temperature difference will speed up the cooking. The product will be ready in 1.5-2 hours.
  • To quickly cook red beans, you will need a little longer time and pre-soaking for a few hours, since they are slightly denser than white beans (they are softer in texture, so soaking them before cooking is not necessary).
  • Both light and dark varieties of legumes will cook faster if you replace the boiled water with fresh water each time during the cooking process. Usually 3-4 boils will be enough for the product to cook.
  • You can add a little soda to boiling water with beans. Do this carefully, as adding too much baking soda can ruin the appearance and quality of the prepared product.
  • Bring the water with the beans to a boil, then remove from the heat, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 2-3 hours. After this, cook the product as usual.

It is known that legumes stimulate the process of gas formation. To prevent the production and accumulation of gases in the intestines when cooking beans, add mint or garden thyme leaves to the water. Remember that it is not recommended to eat half-raw beans in order to avoid possible poisoning and undesirable consequences from the gastrointestinal tract.