Brown tomatoes for the winter - recipes for a gourmet menu. Save what's valuable: step-by-step recipes for preparing salted tomatoes

Pickling vegetables has always been the best way prepare them for future use. Thanks to a large number salt and lactic acid keep vegetables well long time, because it is salt that kills many putrefactive bacteria, due to which vegetables are normal conditions spoil.

Almost any vegetables can be salted: cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes.

The technology for pickling some vegetables - for example, cucumbers and tomatoes - is almost the same. But there are some features that housewives should be aware of.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Plum-shaped tomatoes are best suited for pickling - such as Fakel, Humbert, New Transnistria, De Barao, Mayak, Titan, Volgogradsky, Ermak, Gribovsky, Bison. These tomatoes have a thick skin, they are fleshy and are not so deformed when salted.
  • From ripe tomatoes products are obtained excellent quality, but they are often deformed during the salting process, so such tomatoes must be handled very carefully.
  • Pickles from tomatoes of pink ripeness and blanzhevoy are not damaged during pickling and in finished form they turn out very tasty. Often salted green tomatoes, as well as fruits of milky ripeness.
  • Unlike cucumbers, which can be pickled in large barrels, it is advisable to pickle tomatoes in a small container. In it they will not crumple under their own weight. That's why the best container For pickling tomatoes, glass jars with a capacity of 3 to 10 liters are used.
  • The technology for pickling tomatoes is the same as for cucumbers. But due to the fact that tomatoes contain more sugar, a little more salt is required for pickling them. For ripe tomatoes, prepare brine at the rate of 500-700 g of salt per 10 liters of water. For brown and green tomatoes For 10 liters of water take 600-800 g of salt.
  • Calculating the amount of tomatoes and brine is easy. When the tomatoes are packed tightly into the jar, half of its volume remains for brine. For example, in liter jar 500-600 g of tomatoes and 500 ml of brine are placed in three-liter jar fits 1.5 kg of tomatoes and 1.5 liters of brine. Of course, there may be an error of 100 ml or 100 g in one direction or the other. It all depends on the size of the tomatoes and the packing density.
  • Tomatoes have a pronounced taste and aroma, so for pickling them spicy herbs it takes half as much as for cucumbers. The most commonly used are dill, garlic, red pepper, leaves black currant, celery, parsley, tarragon. Along with this greenery, cherry or oak leaves, rich in tannins, are added. Thanks to them, the tomatoes are strong and elastic.
  • Tomatoes, especially unripe ones, contain solanine, so fermentation proceeds more slowly than that of cucumbers, and at a temperature of 15-20° it ends in about 2 weeks.
  • There are many recipes for salted tomatoes. They can be spicy, non-spicy, with sweet pepper, garlic, with cherry and blackcurrant leaves. They are salted in tomato juice, with mustard, cinnamon and even sugar.
  • Salted tomatoes are stored in glass jars in a room with an air temperature from 0 to 2°. Tomatoes are ready in about 1-1.5 months.

Salted tomatoes in jars: classic

  • red tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • red pepper - pod;
  • black currant leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • green dill – 50 g;
  • celery, parsley, tarragon - 15 g.

For the brine:

  • water – 1.5 l;
  • salt – 50-60 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare clean jars.
  • Make the brine. For this purpose in small quantity hot water dissolve the salt. Mix with the rest cold water. After the brine has settled, strain it through a linen cloth.
  • For pickling, select strong red or pink tomatoes one size. Wash thoroughly in a basin, changing the water several times, or under the tap. Remove the stems.
  • Wash all greens well. Let the water drain.
  • Place 1/3 of all the greens at the bottom of the jar. Place the tomatoes tightly, layering with spices, being careful not to crush them.
  • Fill with brine. Place the jars in a room with an air temperature of 15-20°. Close nylon covers. Leave for 2 weeks. During this time, lactic acid fermentation will occur: the brine will become cloudy, part of it will be absorbed into the tomatoes.
  • Free the surface of the tomatoes from mold and foam. Add fresh saline solution up to the neck of the jars.
  • Seal the jars hermetically with sterile lids and put them in a cold room or put them in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes with garlic, mild in jars


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • horseradish root – 20 g;
  • garlic – 150 g;
  • tarragon – 25 g;
  • hot pepper - several small pods according to the number of jars.

For the brine:

  • water – 8 l;
  • salt – 400 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the brine in advance. Dissolve the salt in the water, let the brine settle. Strain.
  • Select strong tomatoes. Wash in cold water. Remove the stems.
  • Peel the garlic and rinse in water. Cut large cloves in half.
  • Peel the horseradish root and wash under running water. Cut into slices. Wash the greens and peppers.
  • Place the tomatoes tightly in the jars, layering with herbs and spices. Place one pepper in each jar.
  • Fill with brine and close with nylon lids. Leave in a warm place for 12 days.
  • Then remove any mold or foam from the surface of the tomatoes. Add fresh brine to the jars. Roll up hermetically or close with regular lids and lower into the cellar.

Note: To make the tomatoes spicy, increase the amount of horseradish, and put the peppers in the jars in cut form. It is recommended to put dill in these tomatoes: for 10 kg of tomatoes you will need 200 g of dill. For 8 liters of water, take 600 g of salt.

Salted tomatoes with sweet peppers in jars


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • garlic – 30 g;
  • dill greens – 150 g;
  • sweet capsicum – 250 g;
  • hot pepper - several small pods according to the number of jars.

For the brine:

  • water – 8 l;
  • salt – 500 g.

Cooking method

  • Make the brine. Dissolve salt in water. Let the brine settle, then filter it through a cloth.
  • Prepare clean jars with lids.
  • Select ripe, firm tomatoes. Wash. Remove the stems.
  • Peel the garlic and wash it.
  • Wash the bell pepper, cut in half, remove the seeds. Cut the halves into long slices. Rinse the dill with cold water.
  • Place tomatoes in jars, layering with herbs, garlic and pepper slices.
  • Fill with brine. Leave for 10-12 days in a warm (up to 20°) place.
  • After lactic acid fermentation is complete, remove foam and possible mold from the surface of the tomatoes. Fill the jars with new brine. Close the lids and put them in the cellar. Or seal it tightly.

Salted tomatoes in tomato juice in jars


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • black currant leaves – 250 g;
  • tomato puree – 10 kg;
  • salt – 300 g;
  • dry mustard – 1 tsp.

Method of use

  • Select strong ones ripe tomatoes. Wash well and remove stems.
  • Prepare the tomato mass. To do this, take overripe, cracked tomatoes. Wash them. Twist through a meat grinder. If you want puree without skin and seeds, rub it through a sieve.
  • Prepare clean jars with lids.
  • Wash the greens.
  • Mix salt with mustard.
  • Place currant leaves at the bottom of the jars. Place a layer of tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt mixture. Add currant leaves again. Place tomatoes on them. When you fill half the jar, pour the tomato mixture over the tomatoes. Repeat layers with leaf, tomatoes, salt.
  • Upper layer Cover the tomatoes with currant leaves. Fill the jar to the top with tomato mixture.
  • Close the jars with lids and leave for 6 days at an air temperature of 15-20°. Then top up the jars with tomato. Close with nylon lids. Store in a cool place.

Salted tomatoes with cinnamon in jars


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • Bay leaf– 5 g;
  • cinnamon – 1.5 tsp.

For the brine:

  • water – 8 l;
  • salt – 500 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the brine in advance. To do this, dissolve salt in water. When the brine has settled, strain it.
  • Select red, firm tomatoes. Wash them. Remove the stems.
  • Pack the tomatoes tightly into the jars, but do not crush them. Place a bay leaf and cinnamon into each jar, distributing equally among the entire number of tomatoes.
  • Fill with brine. Close with nylon lids. Leave for 10-12 days in a room at an air temperature of 15-20°.
  • After this time, remove foam and possible mold from the surface of the tomatoes. Top up the jars with freshly prepared saline solution. Store in a cool place.

Green salted tomatoes in jars


  • green tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • dill greens – 200 g;
  • black currant leaves – 100 g;
  • sugar – 200 g.

For the brine:

  • water – 5 l;
  • salt – 250 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the brine in advance. When it has settled, strain.
  • Select green tomatoes and wash them. Remove the stems.
  • Wash the greens.
  • Drop the tomatoes in small batches into boiling water and blanch for 1-2 minutes. Cool quickly under running water. You can do without heat treatment, but in this case the tomatoes will be a bit harsh.
  • Place cold tomatoes tightly in clean jars, topping with herbs. Pour sugar into each jar.
  • Fill with brine. Leave in a warm place to ferment for 6-7 days. Add fresh brine. Close with nylon lids. Store in a cool place.

Salted tomatoes in their own juice in jars


  • red tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • currant leaves – 30-40 pcs.;
  • tomato mass – 10 kg;
  • salt – 500 g.

Cooking method

  • Wash the ripe tomatoes and remove the stems.
  • Rinse freshly picked currant leaves in clean water.
  • Place currant leaves at the bottom of clean jars. Place the tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt. Add currant leaves again, then tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt again. Fill all the jars this way.
  • Prepare tomato mass from overripe tomatoes, which you first wash in cold water. Pour it over the tomatoes.
  • Close the jars with lids and keep them indoors at 15-20° for about 6-7 days. When fermentation is over, transfer to a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator.

Salted tomatoes with cloves in jars

Ingredients (for a three-liter jar):

  • tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • dill - 2 umbrellas;
  • parsley - 2 sprigs;
  • black pepper – 5 peas;
  • allspice – 2 peas;
  • cloves – 2-3 buds;
  • cherry and black currant leaves - 3 leaves each;
  • mustard seeds – 1 tsp;
  • hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves.

For the brine:

  • water – 2 l;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tsp.

Cooking method

  • For pickling, select red ripe plum-shaped tomatoes with thick skin. Wash thoroughly. Remove the stems.
  • Rinse generously cold water dill, parsley, cherry and currant leaves.
  • Peel the garlic and wash it. Wash the pepper pods and cut off the dried part of the stalk. Do not damage the flesh, otherwise the tomatoes will turn out spicy.
  • Prepare clean jars with lids.
  • Place some of the spices at the bottom of each jar. Then fill the jars with tomatoes. Place pepper between the fruits. Cover the top layer of tomatoes with herbs. Sprinkle mustard seeds.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and bay leaf. Boil the brine for 5 minutes. Remove it from the stove and cool.
  • Pour cold brine over the tomatoes. Cover with plastic lids.
  • Place the jars in a cool place for 3 weeks.

Note to the hostess

You can change any of these recipes to your taste by using instead of one spice plant other. But do not reduce the amount of salt, otherwise the tomatoes may turn sour. Also, do not neglect the rules of sanitation. By fulfilling all the requirements, you will end up with delicious salted tomatoes.

Tomatoes, salted in a bucket or barrel for the winter, were common in villages not so long ago. These are the most delicious and healthy tomatoes- they are fermented due to the lactic acid formed, and have a slightly sharp, sweet and sour taste. Such tomatoes - great snack To boiled potatoes, kebabs. They have one drawback - they “puff” too quickly, i.e. lose elasticity, fill with gas and burst, therefore, when opening a bucket or jar. These tomatoes should be eaten as soon as possible - preferably on the first day.

When tomatoes were salted in barrels, they simply went down to the cellar or basement, where they were kept cool, collected the tomatoes in a cup, and covered the rest again with gauze and a wooden mug - they were always there, as if they had just been cooked. In a city apartment, to prepare salted tomatoes for the winter in a bucket, I recommend taking small plastic buckets for pickling.

For pickling, we will prepare strong, maybe slightly unripe, tomatoes, dill, garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves, horseradish and currant leaves, salt and water.

First we'll make the brine. Boil water, take salt depending on the size of the tomatoes - 1-2 tablespoons. If the tomatoes are large, then more brine will remain between them, which means you need more salt. Immediately add bay leaf and peppercorns to the water. Boil the brine and leave it to cool in a cold place - on the balcony, for example.

Let's prepare plastic buckets - rinse them well and dry them, rinse the tomatoes and herbs. Let the water drain too.

Place chopped horseradish leaves and currant leaves on the bottom of the bucket (if you pickle in the fall, you can take dried herbs or make do with what you have), dill, chopped garlic.

Then we pierce the tomatoes with a toothpick at the base of the stalk - this will allow the tomatoes to be salted more evenly, they have a very thick peel. Stuff the free space with herbs and garlic cloves - they will also turn out delicious.

Fill with slightly warm or completely cooled brine.

We close the tomatoes with lids, you can put them under pressure for the first 1-2 days. When the fermentation process has passed - after 3-4 days (this will be noticeable by the cloudiness of the brine and the absence of bubbles), take the salted tomatoes in a bucket to a cold place for the winter - to a permanent storage place.

You can try in a week and a half (you can try earlier, lightly salted tomatoes very tasty too!).

How often do green tomatoes remain in our harvest at the end of the season? Unripe varieties of these vegetables proper preparation adds piquancy to dishes thanks to its sweet and sour taste. Difficulties in proper salting practically does not arise, but the main points in the proportions and combinations of vegetables with each other must be taken into account. Get ready to learn how to pickle green tomatoes correctly.

At huge variety For recipes for unripe tomatoes, we will consider the most common and delicious ones, as well as the simplest recipe for cold pickling green tomatoes.

This cooking method is suitable for those who like firm tomatoes. They turn out very juicy, tasty and crispy. Perfectly used both as an appetizer for the table and for cutting into salads. Let's take a closer look at how to cold salt green tomatoes.


  • cold boiled water 8 l;
  • 400-500 gr. table salt.
  • green tomatoes - 11-12 kg;
  • bay leaf - 15 sheets;
  • sugar - 250 gr.;
  • mint leaves, dill and parsley - 350 g;
  • ground black pepper - 2 tbsp;
  • fresh cherry leaves, red or black currant - 150-200 gr.

How to cold pickle green tomatoes:

This recipe makes the tomatoes quite firm. Therefore, if you prefer soft fruits, then before pickling, you need to boil them in water for about two to three minutes.

  1. We wash and clean the vegetables.
  2. Place some of all the spices on the bottom of the prepared container or barrel.
  3. On top of the spices is a layer of densely packed fruits, on top of which are more spices. Maintain this order until all products are completely used.
  4. Don't forget to sprinkle everything with sugar and shake the container slightly to distribute all the seasonings evenly.
  5. Pour brine on top.
  6. Cover the container with a tight lid so that it does not open.


  • green tomatoes - 7-8 kg;
  • red and green bell pepper- 1.5-2 kg;
  • eggplants - 1 kg;
  • quince - 1-1.2 kg;
  • pears - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic -5-6 cloves;
  • medium volume bulbs - 10 pcs.;
  • red hot pepper -100 gr.;
  • table salt - 1 glass;
  • any greens - 1 cup;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil refined - 2 cups.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Wash all food.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into pieces.
  3. Salt the tomatoes and place in a dark place for 6-7 hours in a separate container to remove excess bitterness.
  4. Drain the resulting juice from the tomatoes.
  5. Grind vegetables using a meat grinder: quince, Bell pepper, onions, zucchini, eggplant, garlic.
  6. Mix the resulting vegetable mixture well.
  7. Cook the finished mixture over the fire for an hour, stirring constantly.
  8. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press and add to the mixture.
  9. Finely chop all the greens and hot peppers.
  10. Add pepper and herbs to vegetables.
  11. Continue cooking all the vegetables for another hour.
  12. Add sugar, vegetable oil and table salt.
  13. We give ready mixture boil on fire 2-3 times.
  14. Adjika is ready. Pour it into ready-made sterilized jars. Let's roll up.

Once the dish has cooled down it is ready to eat.

Thanks to the large number delicious recipes for preparing green tomatoes, we don’t have to worry about the remains of our harvests unripe fruits. And not only that, the storehouse of vitamins contained in these vegetables will help us stay healthy for many years.

Enjoy your meal!

When the vegetable harvesting season begins, every housewife is looking for ways to preserve as much as possible. useful properties. There is an opinion that the most correct preparation- this is fermentation. Previously, this was the only way to prepare vegetables for the winter.

In the article we will look at several ways to make it in a saucepan and their beneficial properties. Try to find your own version of the blank.

The benefits of pickled tomatoes

To date, it has been scientifically proven that such a preparation produces many useful properties. When vegetables are fermented, they release lactic acid. It breaks down fiber, and due to this, the body absorbs foods better.
The bacteria that form during fermentation become fermented milk. The stomach and intestines work better, as they are saturated with microflora. There is an opinion that pickled vegetables are much healthier than store-bought yogurt. Vitamins are completely preserved, unlike preservation, which must be boiled.

Thanks to this, the immune system is strengthened, blood sugar becomes lower, and digestion improves. Brine also has many beneficial properties. With its help, the body can improve its health. It is also useful to wipe the skin and face with brine, as it smooths out wrinkles and rejuvenates the human body. Of course, nothing will happen after the first time; you need to practice rubbing for at least two weeks to achieve results.

Cold pickled tomatoes recipe

It's simple, tasty and affordable snack. Supermarkets offer variety pickled vegetables. However, I want my own, homemade and useful. Each housewife does it differently pickled tomatoes in a saucepan.

To prepare the products:

Medium tomatoes - 1 kg 700 g;
. garlic - 5 cloves;
. horseradish - 1 leaf;
. dill umbrella - 1 pc.;
. cherry and currant leaves - 1 pc.;
. vinegar - 20 ml;
. salt - 45 g;
. sugar - 15 g.

Ingredients are indicated per three-liter saucepan. To prepare pickled tomatoes in a saucepan, first wash the vegetables thoroughly. Place them on a towel, then wipe them dry. In the place where the stalk is located, you need to make a puncture.

Place horseradish and dill in the bottom of the pan. Now fill the container tightly with tomatoes. The recipe states the approximate amount of vegetables: it all depends on the size. A three-liter pan may require 1 kg 700 g. However, if the tomatoes are larger, less will fit and vice versa. Fill tightly, but this does not mean you need to press down the vegetables.

Pour sugar and salt into a saucepan, pour cold purified (filtered) water over the tomatoes. At all simple recipe pickled tomatoes in a saucepan. You can improvise with spices and choose what suits you.

Pickled tomatoes with mustard in a pan

These are pickles. The ingredients are taken based on a three-liter pan. To prepare you will need:

Tomatoes - 1 kg 700 g;
. dill - 20-25 g;
. bay leaf - 3 leaves;
. currant leaf - 2 pcs.;
. cherry leaf- 2 pcs.

For the marinade prepare:

Salt - 20 g;
. black pepper (peas) - 5 pcs.;
. sugar - 37 g or 2.5 tbsp. l.;
. dry mustard - 20 g;
. water - 1 l.

For this pickling, you need to take slightly under-ripe tomatoes. Choose unspoiled vegetables, that is, without dents or cracks.

Place the tomatoes tightly in the pan. First you need to put tomatoes on the bottom, then bay leaves, currants and cherries. Then add the tomatoes again.

Now prepare the brine. You need to boil the water, then add salt, pepper and sugar. Boil for 5 minutes, then pour in the mustard and stir the brine until everything is dissolved. Remove from heat and let the marinade cool.

When the brine became room temperature, then you can pour it over the vegetables and put it in the refrigerator. The result was very tasty pickled tomatoes in a saucepan. These vegetables add a spicy taste.

Dry pickled tomatoes

Many housewives like this recipe. It's fast and uncomplicated. However, tomatoes have an unpresentable appearance, so they are not suitable for the holiday table. But pickled tomatoes for the winter in a saucepan using the dry method are very tasty.

To prepare, you will need ingredients for a three-liter saucepan:

Tomatoes - 1 kg 700 g;
. salt - 1 kg;
. horseradish - 2-3 leaves;
. dill - 3 umbrellas;
. cherry leaves- 6 pcs.;
. currant leaves- 6 pcs.

Dry pickled tomatoes in a saucepan turn out delicious and are great for a snack. Wash the vegetables thoroughly and make small pricks near the stalk with a toothpick.

Place horseradish, dill umbrellas, cherry and currant leaves in the bottom of the pan. Then pack the tomatoes tightly. It is necessary to sprinkle the fruits with salt. Now cover the vegetables with horseradish.

When you prepare the fruits, place a press on top for oppression. Leave the finished tomatoes in a warm place for 24 hours. Then you can put them in the refrigerator. Dry pickled tomatoes in a saucepan are ready. This method allows you to preserve many useful substances.

Grandma's recipe for pickled tomatoes

No matter how you pickle vegetables, there is an opinion that vintage blanks the most delicious and proven. To prepare them you need to take 10 liters of water, 1 kg of sugar, 400 g of salt, 1 tsp. ground red pepper, currant leaves - about 15 pcs., and vinegar essence. Take approximately 1 kg 700 g of tomatoes for one three-liter jar. It all depends on their size. Also prepare horseradish. It is needed to ensure that the vegetables remain firmer.

First, prepare the marinade. Put salt, currant leaves, sugar, red pepper into the water, put on fire to boil. After the brine has cooled to room temperature, pour the vinegar essence into the marinade. You can improvise with spices at your discretion.

In the old days, vinegar was used very rarely, so vegetables took much longer to ferment. Therefore, we add it for more instant cooking. Now take a pan and put horseradish on the bottom. You can add dill, mustard or something else. See according to your taste. However, you don’t need to put a lot of spices, because too much will ruin your pickles.

Pour the prepared cold brine over the tomatoes and refrigerate them. In this way, pickled tomatoes are stored in a saucepan for the winter for at least two years. However, only if the vegetables are thoroughly washed.

Pickled green tomatoes in a saucepan

This recipe is original and spicy taste. Try cooking not only red, but also green tomatoes. They are perfect for a holiday table or a main course.

To make pickled green tomatoes in a saucepan, prepare the following ingredients:

Dill - 100 g;
. sugar - 20 g;
. currant and cherry leaves - 4 leaves each;
. pepper (peas) - 14 pcs.;
. salt - 30 g;
. tomatoes - 1 kg 700 g per three liters.

Prepare the brine: dissolve sugar and salt in a liter of water, add spices, and boil. Then leave to cool. Meanwhile, soak the vegetables in boiled (cold) water for 30 minutes. Then scald them with boiling water and place them tightly in a pan.
Pre-pierce or cut the tomatoes near the stem. This is necessary so that they do not burst.

Then pour cold marinade over them. Cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator, cellar or on the balcony. fermented in a saucepan are ready. Do not forget to pierce the vegetables, as the presentable appearance of the fruit depends on this.

Culinary experts recommend choosing only hard tomatoes for pickling. In vegetables, it is not wateriness that is important, but meatiness. Therefore, the “cream” variety is perfect. Be sure to sort them by size. If they are the same, then they will ferment evenly.

If you take overripe tomatoes, then after salting you will get vegetable porridge, not vegetables. Regardless of what kind of vegetables you take (green or red), they should be firm. Take multi-colored tomatoes. On festive table they look great.

You can improvise with spices and seasonings. In addition to garlic or dill, you can try spices, which are combined with tomatoes (savory, tarragon, rosemary, celery). With these types of spices it will work original recipe pickled tomatoes in a saucepan.