Brussels sprouts benefits and harms medicinal properties. Brussels sprouts: the benefits and harm of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are another healthy member of the cruciferous family, along with wasabi, broccoli, cauliflower, and mustard. You need to handle it carefully, as cabbage when overcooked has a bitter taste and unpleasant aroma.

One cup contains only 38 calories, 8 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of protein and dietary fiber. The vitamin composition of Brussels sprouts includes (per 1 serving):

  • 1100 IU vitamin A;
  • 0.17 mg thiamine;
  • 0.12 mg riboflavin;
  • 0.95 mg niacin;
  • 74.8 mg vitamin C;
  • 1.4 mg vitamin E;
  • 155.8 mcg vitamin K;
  • 0.28 mg vitamin B6;
  • 0.4 mg pantothenic acid.

Other beneficial substances: zeaxanthin, choline, folate, iron and phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and selenium.

For breast cancer

The journal Cancer Prevention Research (2010) confirmed that Brussels sprouts contain indole-3-carbinol. This unique substance keeps breast cancer cells from replicating. Experiments on animals showed a reduction in malignant tumors of this type by 65%. Brussels sprouts may also prevent other cancers due to their isothiocyanate content. They cleanse the body of carcinogens and reduce the risk of heart attack. Other types of cancer that this vegetable protects against are colon, prostate and ovarian.

For excellent vision

Brussels sprouts are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin. Paul S. Bernstein, writing in Gardening Protocols (August 2009), recommends taking 6-10 mg of these carotenoids daily to prevent macular degeneration and retinal damage, the leading causes of blindness in older age groups. Vitamin A contained in these green heads can replace a trip to the ophthalmologist - it sharpens vision.

For heartburn

The product contains high doses of vitamin C and a lot of dietary fiber. This promotes good digestion and reduces heartburn. Although for some people, roasted vegetables, including Brussels sprouts, onions and tomatoes, relax the muscles in the esophagus, which leads to increased heartburn.

For constipation

Every 100g of Brussels sprouts contains 3.8g of fiber. It helps the digestive system function properly and prevents constipation.

For low cholesterol

Brussels sprouts reduce the level of low-density lipoproteins in the blood and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries. It is most beneficial for the heart to eat this vegetable without adding butter, cheese or any sauces.

Dietary fiber binds bile acids synthesized by the liver from cholesterol molecules. The liver begins to produce more bile to replace the bound molecules, causing blood cholesterol levels to drop. Other cholesterol-lowering foods include cabbage, beets and carrots, turnips and cauliflower, apple peels, bran bread and whole grains.

For inflammation of the heart and blood vessels

The anti-inflammatory properties of Brussels sprouts are based on the content of organic compounds glucose and amino acids - glucosinolates. They minimize damage to blood vessels. The American Heart Association advises all heart patients to include this vegetable in their diet.

Reduces the risk of birth defects

Such as cleft palate and spina bifida, due to its high folic acid content. Other foods rich in this vitamin and useful for pregnant women: pears, avocados, fresh cucumbers and oatmeal.

Reduces the likelihood of respiratory diseases

Thanks to beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that increases lung capacity, reduces the risk of viral infections, asthma and emphysema.

Fights diabetes

The latest research shows that the combination of Brussels sprouts juice and bean sprouts gives positive results in the treatment of diabetes patients.

Good for the brain

Vitamin K is good for the brain. It prevents damage to neurons, so it plays an important role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Contraindications and side effects


This is the most common side effect of Brussels sprouts. This is especially true for people with irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease. In this case, excessive gas formation is caused by fructans (a chain of fructose residues). If you suffer from bloating on onions and garlic, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, honey, apples and pears, artichokes and asparagus, wheat and corn syrup, you probably have fructose malabsorption.

Thyroid dysfunction

People with weakened thyroid function should avoid Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables to avoid developing hypothyroidism. They contain several goitrogens that suppress the production of thyroid hormones. True, some nutritionists believe that heat treatment neutralizes these same goitrogens. But Brussels sprouts also contain indoles, which interfere with the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland.

In contact with


- a type of kale, bred artificially. Like any vegetable crop, it is necessary for the body, but has some contraindications.

A small head of Brussels sprouts is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals: vitamins C, B1, B2, B6 and PP, sodium, potassium, carotene, folic acid, iron, iodine, vegetable protein, etc. Thanks to such a high concentration of amino acids, minerals and vitamins, Brussels sprouts Cabbage is an essential component of many healthy diets.

Firstly, the benefit of Brussels sprouts lies in the high content of vitamin C, the main protector of the body during epidemics of influenza and colds. It strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance, relieves stress and fatigue. In terms of vitamin C content, Brussels sprouts are not inferior to black currants.

Due to their high antioxidant content, including Brussels sprouts in your diet will reduce your risk of cancer.

There is no doubt about the benefits of Brussels sprouts for people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart and vascular diseases. Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, also strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Due to its high potassium content, cabbage is valuable in the diet of patients with arrhythmia and hypertension.

Their richness in vitamins and minerals makes Brussels sprouts a staple dish during the recovery period after surgery or illness. One of its most significant advantages is its ability to stimulate wound healing.

For those who are concerned about excess weight, as well as for patients with diabetes, the primary benefit of Brussels sprouts is their high percentage of fiber and low carbohydrate content. Doctors recommend it as a main dish in the diet menu.

Calcium strengthens bone and muscle tissue, so the benefits of Brussels sprouts are undeniable for baby food and for nutrition in old age.
Riboflamin (B2), carotene are “beauty vitamins,” and iron and iodine are “mind and good memory.” Crude protein, vitamin B, and riboflamin also supply the body with energy, speeding up metabolic processes and helping in the digestion of food.

Harm Brussels sprouts is not so great compared to the benefits it brings.

  • Firstly, it is worth noting the harm of Brussels sprouts for people with high stomach acidity or exacerbations of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Secondly, patients with acute enterocolitis and intestinal spasms should also refrain from including it in their diet.
  • Thirdly, the harm of Brussels sprouts, like any other type of cabbage, is undeniable for people with weakened intestinal motility.

Having figured out the benefits and harms of Brussels sprouts, you can safely include them as a main dish in your diet, not forgetting about the contraindications.

Brussels sprouts were given to the world by Belgian breeders, who in the 17th century developed a new variety, calling it rosencolle because of its rose-like inflorescences. Thanks to its unusual taste characteristics and beneficial properties, it quickly spread to other countries, winning an entire army of fans. Today, it is difficult to imagine the menu of a person who cares about the health and beauty of the body without it. What are the benefits, what are the features of use and are there any contraindications to the use of rosenkoli?

Useful properties of the product

The uniqueness of this small vegetable lies in its rare combination of high nutritional value and low calorie content. The protein contained in Brussels sprouts is comparable in characteristics to animal proteins. Therefore, broth made from rosenkoli will not be inferior in nutritional properties to chicken soup.

100 grams of Brussels sprouts can cover 15% of the daily requirement for vitamin B6, potassium and organic acids and more than 110% for vitamin C.

Also, as a result of regular consumption of rosenkoli, brain activity improves, nerves are strengthened and sexual function is normalized.

Brussels sprouts will help a pregnant woman cope with toxicosis, heartburn, anemia, constipation and excess weight. In this case, the use of the product is advisable in any trimester:

  • in the first, when the embryo transforms into a fetus and all organs are formed, for which protein is needed as a building material;
  • in the second, during which the baby’s bone and nervous systems begin to develop;
  • in the third - during the period of active formation of the child’s brain.

It is better if this vegetable “settles” on the table even at the time of pregnancy planning. This will improve hormonal levels, speed up conception, bring maximum benefits to the body of the unborn baby and save money on the purchase of vitamins.

Brussels sprouts are no less necessary during breastfeeding, when the mother’s body suffers most from a lack of nutrients and elements.

The use of the product (especially freshly squeezed juice from it) is recommended for men and women in the postoperative period. This is explained by the fact that rosenkol promotes the production of red blood cells that heal wounds and increases the overall resistance of the body.

Oncologists emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition to prevent cancer. Brussels sprouts will become an indispensable assistant in this matter, since the isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol it contains effectively remove carcinogens and help prevent the development of many diseases related to oncology.

For pancreatitis, rosenkol will protect the pancreas from irritating foods and bring maximum nutritional benefit from allowed food. Against this background, Brussels sprouts are a real salvation, soothing and restoring a diseased organ. As for patients with diabetes, it will help them normalize blood sugar levels and have a beneficial effect on the endocrine system.

Due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value, the product must be included in all diets recommended for weight loss. Due to the fact that the vegetable is rich in mineral salts, it also perfectly relieves frequent companions of diets - feelings of weakness and nervousness.

Table: Chemical composition and nutritional value of Brussels sprouts

Nutritional value per 100 grams of edible product:
Carbohydrates3.1 g
Fats0.3 g
Squirrels4.8 g
Organic acids0.3 g
Alimentary fiber4.2 g
Unsaturated fatty acids0.1 g
Saturated fatty acids0.1 g
Mono- and disaccharides2.7 g
Ash1.3 g
Starch0.4 g
Water86 g
Calorie content35 kcal
Iron1.3 mg
Magnesium40 mg
Potassium375 mg
Sodium7 mg
Phosphorus78 mg
Calcium34 mg
WITH100 mg
PP (niacin equivalent)1.5 mg
RR0.7 mg
E1 mg
B5 (pantothenic acid)0.4 mg
Beta-carotene0.3 mg
B6 (pyrodaxine)0.3 mg
B2 (riboflavin)0.2 mg
B1 (thiamine)0.1 mg
A (RE)50 mcg
K (phyloquinone)29 mg
B9 (folic acid)31 mcg

Contraindications and possible harm

Due to the high content of amino acids, rosenkol is introduced into the menu with caution in cases of increased stomach acidity (for example, gastritis), enterocolitis, frequent intestinal spasms and the presence of active inflammatory foci of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, a consultation with a gastroenterologist will help you understand the advisability of using the product and the acceptable daily allowances. At the same time, the negative impact is most clearly manifested when it is absorbed in its raw form, therefore, heat treatment of the product will help to partially offset some of the disadvantages of rosencoli for a particular person.

If you have low thyroid function, eating Brussels sprouts may do more harm than good. This is due to the fact that the geitrogens contained in it suppress the production of thyroid hormones, and indoles make it difficult to absorb iodine. Despite the fact that heat treatment neutralizes the negative effects of these substances, you should not include rosenkol in your diet without qualified medical advice.

Another contraindication is an excess of vitamin C in the body or individual intolerance, which rarely happens.

Nuances of use

Normal for an adult

Brussels sprouts are one of the few versatile vegetables that can be used raw, boiled, baked, stewed, pickled and fried. A huge variety of dishes are prepared from it: from salads and side dishes to casseroles, sauces, omelettes and pastries. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that the menu based on rosencoli will be monotonous and boring.

The greatest number of useful substances is retained when consuming the raw product or preparing juice from it. Those who like to eat cabbage in these ways should choose the varieties “Boxer”, “Zavitka”, “Explorer” or “Dolmik”, which are distinguished by their pleasant taste characteristics. Considering that almost all vitamins and microelements remain in the vegetable when quickly frozen, dishes from it can be prepared all year round.

As for the daily intake of rosencoli, clear dosages have not been established. People who do not have direct contraindications to eating Brussels sprouts can enjoy the product in the amount they consider necessary.

If you are not a big fan of cabbage dishes, eating 300 grams of rosencoli per week will be enough. According to research by scientists from Austria, this dose is enough to prevent cancer and strengthen the immune system.

For pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus

In case of pancreatitis, the vegetable must be subjected to heat treatment, since raw cabbage can irritate the pancreas. But the juice won't do any harm.

It is best to consume the product in the form of a puree, which has an additional enveloping effect. You should start with a couple of teaspoons, observing the body’s reaction, and gradually increasing the dose. If there is no pain, the serving volume can be increased to 100–150 grams.

If you have diabetes, you should include boiled and stewed Brussels sprouts dishes as often as possible. Due to the low content of carbohydrates, which are responsible for sugar levels, there are no restrictions on the size of portions or frequency of consumption of the vegetable.

When losing weight

The maximum benefit will come from eating the vegetable raw, boiled or steamed.

A two-week diet based on rosencoli, which involves its daily consumption in three different variations with a combination of low-fat fish and poultry, will help you quickly get rid of a few extra pounds.

Remember that any diet is ineffective without limiting the consumption of alcoholic and carbonated drinks and baked goods. No one can cancel sports and an active lifestyle either.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The most beneficial foods during this period will be raw cabbage salads, steamed dishes, vegetable broth and fresh juice. It is better to limit the consumption of fried foods due to the increased load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Pediatricians recommend introducing Brussels sprouts into the diet of a nursing mother two months after the birth of the baby. This time is enough to overcome the most difficult period of colic, which often torments infants.

As with any new product, you should initially start with small doses (30-50 g), carefully monitoring your child's well-being throughout the day. In the absence of adverse reactions (flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, allergies), the daily intake of rosenkoli can be increased. Otherwise, its entry into the menu should be postponed for 1–1.5 months.

During lactation, it is better to give preference to cabbage dishes, steamed, boiled or baked. Raw or fried vegetables are more likely to cause flatulence in your baby.

Rosenkol in the diet for children (including newborns up to one year)

If your child is six months old, you can safely introduce Brussels sprouts soup into his diet. You should start with a teaspoon in the morning feeding, increasing the portion daily (in the absence of negative reactions).

Although the vegetable is considered hypoallergenic and easily digestible, it is better to use potato or zucchini puree as the first complementary food.

As for other possible dishes from rosencoli, until the child can chew, it is worth giving preference to boiled and baked vegetables only as part of puree. Later, the baby should be taught to chew small pieces of cabbage.

Recipes for using cabbage for health and beauty

Brussels sprouts in cooking


Boil 400 grams of fresh or frozen cabbage in salted water for a couple of minutes. You can add a pinch of soda or a spoonful of lemon juice to prevent the product from becoming bitter. Mix the prepared rosenkol with coarsely grated fresh carrots and season the salad with olive oil and spices to taste.

Cream soup

Before cooking, remove:

  • medium carrot;
  • rosenkol - 300 grams;
  • one onion;
  • potatoes - 250 grams;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • fresh herbs and salt.

Finely chop the carrots and onions and sauté in olive oil. Add the cabbage after blanching it in boiling water for 1-2 minutes and continue simmering. At the same time, boil the potatoes in salted water, 5-10 minutes before they are ready, add the rest of the vegetables. Remove the pan from the heat and, after cooling slightly, blend the soup with a blender. Serve garnished with greens.


Mix 400–500 grams of cabbage with salt, pepper, four tablespoons of olive oil and three large cloves of finely chopped garlic. Let the mixture sit while the oven preheats to 200ºC. Place the cabbage in a baking dish and place in the oven for 30–40 minutes. 10 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

Smoothie for weight loss

Cut three heads of Brussels sprouts into small pieces and blend in a blender. Separately, squeeze 100 grams of juice from carrots and celery, add to the blender bowl and mix everything again.

Rosenkol in folk medicine

For cuts, wounds and burns

Compresses made from freshly squeezed rosenkoli juice help speed up the skin regeneration process. Its amount depends on the area of ​​damaged skin: there should be enough juice to generously moisten the gauze, which is subsequently applied to the wound. The top of the affected area should be covered with cling film and dry cloth. Keep the compress for at least an hour. The duration of the course of such treatment is until recovery.

Against cardiovascular diseases

In this case, it is recommended to take cabbage decoction. To prepare it, you will need to mix 450 ml of water and 150 g of chopped rosenkoli. Remove the mixture from the heat when brought to a boil and let it brew for at least a quarter of an hour. Drink the strained broth once a day, adding foods that have a diuretic effect to your diet.

For diseases of the respiratory system

A quick recovery from tracheitis, better discharge of sputum from bronchitis, as well as an improvement in the condition of asthma is facilitated by taking a product made from juice:

  • rosenkoli, which you will need 100 ml;
  • radish - 40 ml;
  • carrots - 50 ml;
  • celery - 40 ml.

The prepared drink should be consumed on an empty stomach every morning until recovery. For asthma, you should start drinking the drug during an exacerbation and take it for two weeks.

For diabetes

To normalize blood sugar levels, you need to prepare 150 ml of pure rosenkoli juice with the addition of lettuce juice, green beans and carrots, which you need to drink twice a day.

Brussels sprouts in cosmetology

Anti-wrinkle mask

A mixture of rosencoli and moisturizer should be applied to the face and décolleté twice a week for half an hour. Minimum course - 1 month. Additionally, it is recommended to wipe the skin with freshly squeezed cabbage juice instead of tonic, which perfectly tightens pores.

Anti-pigmentation mask

To prepare it, you will need to mix red rowan puree and rosenkoli juice until you obtain a paste-like mass. It must be applied to problem areas for 15 minutes. You need to make the mask three times a week until you get the desired result.

A small but amazing vegetable has truly unique and versatile characteristics that allow you to get maximum benefit from both its consumption and external use. Dishes and products with it will help the body cope with many problems, not only of a medical, but also of an aesthetic nature.

Brussels sprouts are a vegetable crop that belongs to the category of biennial plants. The first fruits after planting the crop can only be obtained in the second year. Brussels sprouts produce fruit the size of a walnut. Many doctors recommend using E6e in food, which is explained by its highest efficiency.

Brussels sprouts have a huge amount of useful substances.

Brussels sprouts have a versatile composition. That is why it has a huge number of advantages. With the help of this culture the following is carried out:

  • Normalization. Regular consumption of Brussels sprouts can normalize cholesterol levels. It is also characterized by a positive effect on cardiac activity.
  • Due to the presence of carotenoids in this plant, its use limits the possibility of damage to the retina. The action of vitamin A is aimed at maintaining and improving visual acuity. Thanks to regular use of this product, it is possible to maintain one hundred percent vision.
  • With the help of vitamin C and dietary fiber, gastric acidity is reduced and eliminated.
  • Brussels sprouts are often consumed in the postoperative period or after significant blood loss. This is explained by its positive effect on blood composition and stimulation of red blood cell synthesis.
  • To eliminate stool retention, patients are recommended to add Brussels sprouts to a variety of dishes. Thanks to the presence of fiber in the composition of this product, its normal functioning is restored.
  • Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C in the composition of Brussels sprouts, a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body is ensured, as well as restoration of the normal functioning of the immune system.
  • The plant acts as a prophylactic against acute respiratory diseases. The product contains β-catrotinin, which has antioxidant activity. This has a positive effect on reducing the risk of diseases such as viral infections, asthma and emphysema.
  • Brussels sprouts are characterized by anti-inflammatory properties. This plant strengthens vascular walls and also has a positive effect on the treatment of various cardiac pathologies.

Brussels sprouts have a huge number of beneficial properties, which allows them to be used for prevention and treatment.

Cabbage and pregnancy

Due to the presence of indole-3-carbinol in this product, the possibility of proliferation of pathological cells is eliminated.

That is why female representatives often consume Brussels sprouts as a preventive measure for breast cancer.

Doctors recommend the use of Brussels sprouts during the period of planning a child. Thanks to the presence of folic acid in Brussels sprouts, the normalization of a woman’s hormonal levels is ensured, as well as an increase in the chances of successfully conceiving a child.

During pregnancy, the fairer sex is required to eat this vegetable. This is explained by the presence of a large amount of folic acid in its composition, which limits the possibility of congenital pathologies in the unborn child in the form of cleft palate or spina bifida.

Brussels sprouts also contain calcium. Its action is aimed at maintaining the normal condition of nails, bones and teeth. With the help of vitamin C, various infectious processes are prevented.

The vegetable is characterized by a minimal amount of fat in its composition. Brussels sprouts replace them with more protein. This provides an opportunity to replenish nutrients. This allows you to limit the possibility of obesity for the expectant mother.

Brussels sprouts are quite beneficial during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that it contains plant fibers. During the period of taking this product, normalization is carried out. This is an excellent remedy for constipation, which is often the cause of hemorrhoids.

The plant plays an important role for a woman during pregnancy. This is why Brussels sprouts must be taken daily during pregnancy.

Vegetable harm

If you have intestinal diseases, you should not use this product.

Despite the huge number of benefits, in some cases Brussels sprouts can be harmful to human health.

If cabbage is consumed by a certain group of people, it leads to muscle relaxation.

This is why the vegetable can increase acidity and cause heartburn. This side effect is explained by individual intolerance to the product.

If a person has chronic intestinal or stomach diseases, then eating Brussels sprouts should be done with the utmost caution. People may experience symptoms when taking this product. Side effects also include the appearance of gas.

In some cases, eating Brussels sprouts is accompanied by poor health. The vegetable consists of indoles, which prevent iodine from being absorbed normally. But, if you carry out proper heat treatment of Brussels sprouts, this will lead to the neutralization of these substances.

If patients have thyroid disease, they should eat Brussels sprouts only after consulting a doctor. This is explained by the fact that the product contains geitrogens, which suppress the production of thyroid hormones.

If Brussels sprouts are consumed in excessive quantities, this can lead to hypothyroidism. This disease occurs as a result of a lack of thyroid hormones.

Since Brussels sprouts have contraindications, they should be consumed in moderation. It is best to consult a doctor before using this vegetable.

Features of the use of cabbage

Brussels sprouts can be eaten stewed.

Brussels sprouts have a sweet, nutty flavor. That is why it is highly valued by gourmets. Since the product has excellent taste, people find it very useful.

Brussels sprouts can be used to prepare main courses, salads, side dishes for meat and fish, and cabbage soup. This product is widely used in frozen vegetable mixtures. You can use it to prepare pickled mixed vegetables.

After boiling the cabbage, it is fried until a golden brown crust appears on it. For this purpose, it is first coated in breadcrumbs. Brussels sprouts can also be sautéed in oil. Sour cream or cream can be used as a sauce for the dish.

Brussels sprouts go very well with side dishes such as potatoes and. Brussels sprouts are an excellent decoration for the holiday table, due to their small size and original shape.

When preparing Brussels sprouts, it is recommended to cook them for no more than 5-10 minutes. This is explained by the possibility of vitamin C destruction during prolonged heat treatment and the product losing its beneficial qualities.

It is best to steam or fry the Brussels sprouts in oil. It will be the perfect addition to vegetable soup. Brussels sprouts are characterized by a universal composition, which provides them with a huge amount. The vegetable is characterized by the presence of contraindications, in the presence of which it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it.

A thematic video will tell you about the benefits of Brussels kaputa:

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Brussels sprouts are a variety of the Cruciferous family. You will not find it in the wild - this is the result of selection by Belgian agronomists. Hence its name in honor of gardeners from Brussels.

Now the vegetable is widely cultivated in Western Europe, the USA and Canada.

Externally, Brussels sprouts are very different from their “relatives” in the family; they are a thick stem (about 60 cm long) with leaves, in the axils of which miniature heads of cabbage are formed: they are used for food.

Its feature is resistance to low temperatures. Adult varieties can withstand cold temperatures down to -8 °C. But in Russia this agricultural crop is not widespread, mainly in the central part.

This is due to the long growing season of 134-160 days. But a number of varieties are grown in Russia: Boxer, Hercules, Fregata, Explorer, Dolmik, Zavitka, Casio, Rosella.

Beneficial features

Let's look at Brussels sprouts from all sides: their harm and benefits for the health of women, men and children, existing contraindications for consumption.

Benefits for men and women

In terms of the balance of nutrients, the vegetable is not inferior to other cruciferous vegetables, even superior to them. high protein content- 4.5 g per 100 g of product (versus 2.8 g for white cabbage and 2.8 g for broccoli).

By including If you include dishes from it in your diet, subject to other diet conditions, you are guaranteed to lose weight and improve your body shape.

Impressive too high content of vitamins, minerals. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, agriculture is in 6th place, surpassing even citrus fruits.

Are Brussels sprouts healthy and why, nutritionist Lydia Ionova will tell you:

Nutrient balance:

Vitamins and minerals Contents per 100g of product Daily value (mcg) % of daily value
A, RE (mcg) 50 900 5.6%
Beta carotene (mg) 0,3 5 6%
B1, thiamine (mg) 0,1 1,5 6.7%
B2, riboflavin (mg) 0,2 1,8 11.1%
B5, pantothenic (mg) 0,4 5 8%
B6, pyridoxine (mg) 0,28 2 14%
B9, folate (mcg) 31 400 7.8%
C, ascorbic acid (mg) 100 130 77%
E, alpha tocopherol, TE (mg) 1 15 6.7%
RR, NE (mg) 1,5 20 7.5%
Potassium, K (mg) 375 2500 15%
Calcium, Ca (mg) 34 1000 3.4%
Magnesium, Mg (mg) 40 400 10%
Sodium, Na (mg) 7 1300 0.5%
, Ph (mg) 78 800 9.8%
, Fe (mg) 1,3 18 7.2%

Brussels sprouts useful for various body systems:

For children and the elderly

Macronutrient balance is very important for a growing body. That's why Brussels sprouts, as a storehouse of vitamins, must be included in children's diets.

Calcium intake is especially important for the formation of strong bone tissue.

But, like any product, the vegetable must be introduced with caution, not earlier than six months. Start with a teaspoon in the first half of the day, gradually increasing the dose and observing the reaction of the baby’s body.

Elderly people need carefully monitor your health. Cabbage is an important helper in this for them.

This protects the cardiovascular system, which is so vulnerable in old age, nourishes bone tissue, and helps the digestive tract.

For pregnant and lactating women

While pregnant and breastfeeding, a woman's diet should be as balanced as possible. It is recommended to include a healthy product in the diet from the earliest stages.

Folic acid is involved in the formation of the brain and neural tube of the fetus. Its deficiency can lead to pathologies such as cleft palate and spina bifida.

Vitamin C will strengthen the immunity of pregnant and lactating women and increase resistance to infections.

Calcium deficiency often accompanies pregnancy and breastfeeding, Brussels sprouts will help replenish it.

Another problem that often accompanies pregnancy is constipation. It can be solved thanks to its high fiber content. The dietary composition of the vegetable controls weight gain.

Nursing mothers need to introduce vegetables into their diet gradually., preferably when the child reaches two months of age to avoid colic and problems with the baby’s digestion.

Contraindications and precautions

Brussels sprouts are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, but there are still contraindications to its use.

People with thyroid problems should be treated with caution..

The vegetable, like other cabbage vegetables, contains goitrogens - elements that suppress the production of its hormones. True, recent studies prove that heat treatment neutralizes this negative effect.

Another risk for the thyroid gland is the content of indoles. These are substances that interfere with normal absorption.

The risk group is people with chronic stomach and intestinal diseases. It is not recommended to consume the vegetable if there is high acidity, enterocolitis, weakened peristalsis, or uncontrolled intestinal spasms.

A stroke requires caution.

Brussels sprouts are one of the versatile vegetables that... when prepared correctly, it is tasty and healthy in any form: cheese, baked, boiled, stewed.

The raw product retains the maximum amount of useful minerals and substances, so salads and freshly squeezed juice are at the top of the benefits of this product. But raw vegetables have a more aggressive effect on the digestive tract.

Quick freezing, which is now widely popular, will also allow you to preserve maximum benefits, which makes the vegetable available all year round.

There are no rules for use. In the absence of contraindications, there are also no restrictions (of course, except within the limits of what is reasonable).

If we talk about the minimum portion, then experts say the required weekly portion is 300 g, including for the prevention of cancer.

How to cook a vegetable tasty and healthy

It is necessary to start treatment with juice with a small portion, gradually increasing to a glass per day.

Cabbage juice is widely used in the treatment of external inflammatory processes. Lotions from it treat burns, eczema.

It is useful to gargle and gargle with diluted juice and water. for the prevention of stomatitis, pharyngitis. Before treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Now you know everything about the benefits and medicinal properties of Brussels sprouts for men, women and children, about possible harm and contraindications.

In our country, Brussels sprouts undeservedly lag in popularity behind their “relatives” in the family. But, surpassing them in the content of substances and minerals, she is gaining popularity every year, more and more families are including it in their diet.

And quick freezing made this vegetable available at any time in the nearest supermarket.

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