Bromelain: Pineapple Extract for Weight Loss – Is it Worth the Money? Dried pineapples: calorie content and composition of the fruit.

When healthy fruits and you get bored with vegetables, it’s worth pampering yourself with something original. Dried pineapples, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed further, may well become a candidate for the role of something unusual. This is not a simple dried fruit; its pleasant aftertaste makes this product attractive for preparing dietary and unusual desserts. Due to its sweetness, it can act as a sugar substitute in various dishes, including cereals, drinks, teas, and compotes.

Dried pineapples - calories

The nutritional value of this tropical product is 347 calories per 100 grams, which is quite a lot, so those who like to snack on this product between main meals should not forget about it. But in fresh product There are only 49 calories per 100 grams. The glycemic index ranges from 55 to 66 units. Accordingly, this product is not suitable for use by persons with diabetes.

It is important to purchase a high-quality pineapple, and it is recommended to base it on its appearance; it should have a bright yellowish color, be somewhat harsh, and not broken into small pieces. The optimal type of dried fruit should resemble the shape of a ring, cylinder, or semicircular slices. It is recommended to avoid colored options, as they contain unnecessary dyes, and it is also possible to add flavorings.

Benefits of dried pineapple

This product contains valuable for the body coarse fiber, in addition, various mineral components (magnesium, phosphorus, zinc) necessary for optimal performance have been identified nervous system, as well as for full brain activity.

In addition, the fruit contains calcium, iodine, as well as potassium, manganese, iron, copper, all of these components ensure the occurrence of other biochemical processes in the human body.

In addition, pineapple contains B vitamins, as well as PP and A. Dietary fiber contributes to a better digestion process. When consumed regularly in moderate quantities, food absorption improves, intestinal microflora is maintained, peristalsis is accelerated to some extent, and the feeling of fullness remains for quite a long time.

The use of this product helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Some components present in it help thin the blood, prevent the development of thrombophlebitis, and also prevent the occurrence of atherosclerotic processes.

The use of pineapple helps to accelerate the so-called lymph flow, and wastes and toxins are better removed from the body. Consuming this delicious product helps improve mood, which is appropriate in the fight against depression and some overwork; the body produces the so-called joy hormone - serotonin.

Dried pineapples - harmful

Those taking medications should use pineapple with caution, as this product can enhance the effect of some medications, as well as antibiotics. It is contraindicated in case of stomach ulcer, in addition, in case of chronic gastritis, urolithiasis, as well as for gallstones, kidney pathology and some other conditions.

This product is allergenic and therefore dried pineapple Persons with a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as children, pregnant women, and during lactation should use with caution.

The role of pineapple in weight loss

This product contains a special substance called bromelain (bromelain). This compound affects the process of weight loss and also helps control the so-called uncontrollable appetite. Despite its high calorie content and fairly high glycemic index, pineapple is still included in diets.

In addition, pineapple speeds up digestive process, normalizes metabolic processes, and also affects fats stored in the body, promoting their natural breakdown. Bromelain removes fluid from the body and relieves swelling.

Eating pineapple improves a person’s psychological state, increases his resistance to stress, and also promotes a favorable emotional background, which is important during weight loss.

During the diet, you can completely eliminate sugar by replacing it with dried pineapple, which can be added to different dishes, and they will acquire a special aroma. Be sure to include it in homemade desserts; of course, it is important to know moderation in its use; you should not eat this dried fruit in large quantities, for example, 100 grams of the product is already considered a large volume.

Eat a small amount of Dried pineapple as a snack is recommended in the first half of the day, and in the evening it is better to refrain from eating it.

It is worth noting that the benefits of pineapple will be much greater if you combine the use of this tropical product with strength training, in particular with cardio training. In this situation, bromelain will actively work in the so-called problem areas, which will contribute to a fairly accelerated breakdown of fat deposits, which will make it possible to cope with the problem of so common cellulite in a shorter period.


Moderate consumption of this aromatic and tasty dried pineapple will benefit the body; of course, you should pay attention to some of the contraindications listed above.

The birthplace of pineapple is considered South America. It was there that this beautiful tropical fruit was presented by local residents as a symbol of hospitality to the first white travelers. The first European to try this exotic fruit, became H. Columbus. When he entered American soil, he was very surprised by this fruit. Columbus called the pineapple a cone with a surprisingly tender and tasty pulp. He brought the pineapple to Europe. But the fruits did not withstand the long transportation; Columbus was unable to deliver them to the table of the Spanish monarchs.

Then attempts began to grow this marvelous tropical fruit in greenhouses and soon the attempts were crowned with success. It turned out that pineapple is unpretentious and only requires maintaining a certain temperature. Currently, the bulk of pineapples are imported from Brazil, Thailand, and the Philippines. In mid-latitudes they are grown in greenhouses. Thereby exotic pineapple becomes a frequent guest on European tables.

Benefits of pineapple

Dried pineapples saturate the body with vitamins A, C, PP, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9. They are very useful for older people, as they speed up the digestion process and remove toxins and waste. Dried bright slices help improve mood and increase the body's defenses. Regular use Dried pineapple has a positive effect on blood composition, reducing its viscosity and normalizing blood pressure.

Pineapples normalize water balance in the body, so they are useful for edema. A large number of dietary fiber improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating dried snacks has a great effect on the condition of hair and skin. Dried pineapple satisfies hunger well, so it is suitable for a snack between main meals. It is added to salads, side dishes and vegetable stew to add freshness. It is recommended to use dried pineapple snacks for dysbiosis, thrombosis, and hypertension.

IN complex treatment for strokes, anemia, atherosclerosis, inflammatory processes genitourinary system. Dried pineapple is useful for smokers. They may consume dried pieces when they crave nicotine. But nutritionists still recommend consuming dried pineapple slices in small quantities because large quantity acids in them.

How to choose pineapple for drying?

First of all, it must be ripe. The ripe fruit exudes a very strong and pleasant aroma. If you dry an unripe pineapple, the pieces will turn out sour. How to choose it? Smell it first. Pineapple smells sweet. But you can smell the smell only by bringing the fruit to your nose. If the smell is felt at arm's length, it means that the pineapple has been sprayed with special flavors. If it doesn’t smell at all, then most likely it was washed and it’s rotten inside. Scales ripe fruit must be orange color, sometimes with a yellowish tint. If they are green, then the pineapple is not ripe. The scales should be dense, elastic, their tails should be dry and brittle. The pineapple leaves should curl slightly when you grab them with your hand. If the pineapple does not spin, then it is not yet ripe.

How to properly dry and store tropical fruit?

Dried fruits prepared at home retain their natural sweetness and are not like store-bought ones. Pineapple dries perfectly in an electric dryer and after that it can be stored in a cool place for several months. If you have an Isidri vegetable and fruit dryer at home, then there are problems with drying tropical fruit will not arise.

Before drying, the pineapple should be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, lay it on its side and cut about 2.5 cm below the green top of the pineapple and about a centimeter below. Then the pineapple is placed vertically and they begin to cut the peel from top to bottom in strips. In this case, you should try not to cut off the flesh of the fruit.

Next, the eyes are removed. They must be cut at an angle and 1.3 cm deep. When peeling a pineapple, you should use a sharp knife, as its peel is very thick and tough. The knife blade must be long so that the pineapple circle is cut completely. For drying, the fruit is cut into slices or circles 5-10 mm wide. The thinner the pineapple is cut, the faster and better it will dry. A core is cut out of each circle.

Next, turn on the electric fruit dryer, place pineapple rings or slices on its trays and set the temperature to medium. Dry the pineapple for about 18-36 hours. Dried pineapple has a bright yellow color, it is not cloying, it turns out flexible, leathery, but not sticky.

Store dried pineapple at room temperature V glass jars during a year. If you put pineapple slices in the refrigerator, the shelf life increases to two years. Only the container must be tightly closed.

Pineapple cooking

Today, dried pineapples are often used in cooking. Recipes with pineapples are included in the menu of the most expensive restaurants peace. This exotic delicacy is added to cakes, pastries, ice cream, and children's milkshakes. Dried pineapples retain their natural sweetness and all their vitamins. You can cook them healthy mixture dried fruits, adding dried fruits from apples, kiwi, bananas and nuts. Pineapple goes well with ham, chicken, seafood and vegetables. Even the most simple salads with pineapples will decorate the festive table.

Salad with shrimp and pineapple.

Required: 200 gr. peeled shrimp, dried pineapple slices - 50 gr., avocado - 1 piece, lemon, bunch of green salad, bunch of green onions, olive oil, peeled walnuts- 50 gr.

Pineapple slices are poured with boiling water to make them soft. Boil shrimp in lightly salted water for 10 minutes. Cleanse ripe avocado, cut it into cubes. Mix olive oil, juice from half a lemon, add chopped green onions and chopped walnuts, salt and pepper. Drain the water from the pineapple pieces, add avocado, shrimp and the resulting sauce. Wash and tear the lettuce leaves with your hands, place on a plate, sprinkle with lemon juice and place on the salad. Serve immediately.

Cottage cheese with dried pineapples.

To prepare them you will need: 500 grams of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 50 grams. dried pineapples, semolina- 3 tablespoons, salt and sugar to taste.

The cottage cheese should be thoroughly stirred, eggs should be beaten into it, sugar, salt, semolina should be added and everything should be thoroughly mixed again. Soak dried pineapples in boiling water for 5 minutes. Place them on a napkin to remove excess moisture. Then add pineapples to the dough, mix everything thoroughly again. Take a small part of the curd-pineapple mixture, form a ball, roll it in semolina, slightly flatten and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil from both sides to formation golden crust. The curds are served hot, topped with sour cream, jam or condensed milk.

Salad with chicken and pineapples.

Required: 300 gr. smoked chicken breast, 150 gr. dried pineapples, 200 grams of Chinese cabbage, orange, a glass of fresh strawberries, olive oil.
Dried pineapple is soaked in boiling water for a few minutes. Chicken breast cut into cubes Chinese cabbage chop into strips, strawberries are cut into quarters. Juice is squeezed out of an orange and mixed with 30 grams olive oil. Place pineapples, chicken, cabbage on a plate and season with the resulting sauce. Mix everything and decorate with strawberries.

Appetizing chicken with pineapples.

Required: 4 chicken thighs, 2 bell peppers, 200 grams of dried pineapples, a glass of strong chicken broth, fresh ginger - 40 grams, a small onion, 3 cloves of garlic, pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation .
Chicken thighs washed and dried paper towel. Mix salt, black and red pepper, a little olive oil and rub the thighs with this mixture. Leave them to marinate for an hour. Heat a frying pan and fry the thighs on both sides until a fragrant crispy crust appears. Place the thighs in a saucepan and pour in a glass of chicken broth.

Separately chop the onion bell pepper, garlic, grate ginger root. Fry all this in oil and add to the chicken. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake the chicken. After 10 minutes, add dried pineapples and simmer for another 10 minutes. Then turn off the oven and let the dish sit for another 20 minutes. Then place the chicken on a plate, garnish with sprigs of herbs and serve. You can serve boiled rice as a side dish to the delicious pineapple chicken.

Pineapple brings a lot of joy to the table with its bright colors. appearance and an incomparable sweet smell. Dried in rings or pieces, it is an excellent snack substitute for children and adults and will perfectly satisfy hunger. At the same time, it is not as high in calories as cookies, crackers, and chips. Bright pineapple snacks will brighten up a gloomy winter day, filling it with bright color and the aroma of the hot tropics. And the Isidri dryer will help preserve all the beauty and benefits of the fragrant fruit, which must be in the arsenal of a practical housewife.

Candied pineapple- these are boiled in thick sugar syrup and dried pieces of pineapple pulp. They taste sweeter fresh fruit, which contains quite a lot of organic acids, and therefore is often suitable even for those who sour foods not recommended.

Externally, candied pineapple looks different (see photo). In this matter, much depends on how exactly they prepared. Natural candied fruits are pale yellow rings, half rings or cubes of pineapple pulp, usually somewhat harsh due to drying, as a result of which a significant part of the moisture is removed from the fruit. These candied fruits have a light natural pineapple scent.

However, now to make this product more attractive presentation Candied pineapple fruits are often tinted with food coloring in bright colors, and flavorings are used to give them the smell of various fruits (orange, lemon, papaya). Such candied fruits look bright, which attracts the attention of the consumer, however, due to the presence of chemicals (dyes, flavors, preservatives), they are much inferior in quality and health benefits to the body to their natural counterparts.

Beneficial features

All the beneficial properties that candied pineapple fruits have come from the raw materials. Since candied fruits are prepared from fresh or canned fruits, they retain a significant part of the vitamins and microelements characteristic of pineapples.

Thanks to this, candied fruits, like fresh pineapple, are a valuable source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and in addition, B vitamins, vitamins C, A, PP and healthy dietary fiber, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and are an effective sorbent that removes from the body harmful products vital activity, poisons and toxins.

In addition, candied pineapple help remove swelling, increase the body's energy and improve mood.

How do they do it?

All candied fruits, including pineapples, are made according to the same scheme. The raw materials are peeled and cored. The pulp of the fruit is randomly chopped and simmered over low heat in saturated sugar syrup until the liquid evaporates. Then the pineapple pieces prepared in this way are crushed with sugar and dried in the oven at minimum temperatures (about 40 degrees). After that dried candied fruits from the pineapple are transferred to a jar with a tight lid or plastic bag (this is necessary, because all candied fruits absorb moisture well from the surrounding air) and are stored in this form for up to six months, used as needed.

Use in cooking

The use of candied pineapple fruits in cooking is very diverse, since along with orange fruits they are the most popular product of this kind.

Very often, candied pineapple is a separate snack. Pineapple snacks are the most popular healthy looking snack, because, unlike their main competitors - chips and crackers, candied fruits have more natural composition, rich in vitamins and microelements. Of course, in this sense, they are significantly inferior to fresh and even simply dried fruits without sugar, but they still look much more preferable compared to chips.

In addition, candied pineapple is added to cereals, desserts, baked goods, jams and compotes. They also go into second courses. For example, their sour-sad taste goes well with chicken fillet. Although, of course, candied fruits are much more common in desserts.

Benefits of candied pineapple and treatment

Of all the candied fruits, it is dried pineapples that bring to the human body greatest benefit and are even used as an adjuvant in the treatment of obesity.

It's all about their composition. It has long been known that the pineapple fruit contains the substance bromelain, a plant enzyme that effectively burns fat. It is also found in candied pineapple, and therefore they too promote weight loss.

True, boiling in syrup greatly saturates candied fruits with sugars and makes them a high-calorie product. But here, too, candied pineapple fruits stand out against the background of their “brothers”, because... their calorie content is relatively low and amounts to about 91 kcal per 100 g of product(for comparison: in candied orange peel 301 kcal, and in candied papaya or melon – 319 kcal). They also contain less carbohydrates(about 78%, while in other candied fruits their amount almost reaches 100%).

In addition, candied pineapple is rich in fiber, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleansing the body of harmful deposits. During the diet, it is recommended to eat several pieces of dried pineapple on an empty stomach. This will saturate the body with useful substances and dull the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Harm of candied pineapple and contraindications

Unfortunately, candied pineapple can cause harm. Contraindications to their use are inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation of gastritis with increased acidity, peptic ulcer, as well as diabetes mellitus.

Possible individual intolerance of this product. Quite often, children suffer from allergies to candied fruits, including pineapple. So be careful.

Candied pineapple has a surprisingly pleasant acidic sweet taste, and therefore many people love them. Because of this, there is always a danger of overeating, which is bad in itself, and in the case of candied fruits it also means extra carbohydrates and calories. Therefore, if you value your figure, try to refrain from eating too much and not overeating.

The modern rhythm of life does not always allow one to provide oneself with regular hot meals - people are increasingly content with fast food or “eating on the run.” What food do you prefer for such snacks? Dried pineapples, which have a sweet taste and pleasant aroma, successfully replace sweets, cookies and other confectionery and are, of course, a healthier product for snacking between meals than the usual chips and crackers.

Dried pineapples - benefits and harms

It should be noted that dried pineapples have approximately seven times more calories than fresh ones: one hundred grams of delicious slices contains 347 kilocalories. And yet, even this calorie content is lower than that of other products that are used for snacking. In addition, it is not for nothing that nutritionists call the calories in cookies and chips “empty” - these products contain practically no useful substances.

But a small amount of dried pineapples will not harm your figure, especially since this product dulls the feeling of hunger and satisfies well due to its high fiber content.

Manufacturers often lie, claiming that dried pineapples are prepared exclusively from fresh fruits without any additives. In fact, pineapples are usually soaked in sugar syrup before drying. Thus, often dried pineapples are not dried fruits, but candied fruits. Natural dried pineapples, as a rule, come in the form of rather hard circles of an intense yellow color. Fruits cooked in sugar syrup have a softer consistency and a sweeter taste. The calorie content of such candied fruits, of course, is also higher than that of natural ones. You can often find multi-colored “tablets,” “sticks,” “cubes,” and “petals” of pineapple with strawberry flavors on sale. , papaya , pears and other fruits and berries. In the production of such spectacular candied fruits we use food colorings and flavors.

Sweet and sour chicken fillet

Dried pineapples are used not only as a snack or snack - you can cook with them various dishes, as well as decorate baked goods and confectionery products. Pineapples are also good meat dishes, for example, in combination with tender chicken fillet.

To prepare the dish you will need 4 chicken fillets, 300 grams of dried pineapple cubes, half a glass of semi-sweet wine, 150 grams of butter, salt, soy sauce, white pepper, a pinch of dried thyme and a teaspoon of dried marjoram . Chicken fillet cut into small slices, coat soy sauce and leave for twenty minutes. After this time, heat half the butter in a saucepan and fry the chicken in it for five minutes. Add the pineapple cubes and cook for another four minutes. After this, pour in the wine and simmer over low heat until the wine has evaporated. Place the remaining amount in a saucepan butter, salt, pepper, thyme and marjoram, simmer for a couple more minutes and serve. As a side dish for this original dish Spicy rice with vegetables is ideal.

Maria Bykova

A few decades ago, pineapple was rarely present on our table. Today you will not surprise anyone with its juice, as well as dishes with its participation or dried pineapple delicacies prepared for future use.

The plant's national recognition is not surprising: it is tasty, nutritious, and healthy. Nutritionists hastened, and confectioners have rushed to patent technologies for canning, caramelizing, preparing candied fruits and simply drying.

Why is this necessary?

Fresh pineapple, whose homeland is considered to be sunny Brazil, seems to have absorbed all the energy of this healthy region. Containing 86% water, it is rich in:

  • vitamins A, PP, group B
  • ascorbic acid
  • organic acids
  • minerals: iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine, copper

Such valuable composition pulp against the background of a pleasant sweet and sour taste is especially relevant when the calorie content of the product is low, which does not exceed 48 kcal per 100 g.

Wanting to prepare useful product for future use, they often resort to drying it. However, with fluid loss, some beneficial features lose their relevance. Instead, new characteristics appear that are fundamentally different from the primary raw materials.

What is dried pineapple, is it healthy?

The process of drying (or dehydration) is the removal of water from the formula. Today there are many household equipment designed for drying fruits and vegetables. However, more often we use purchased products - natural concentrates of useful substances, maximally adapted to long-term storage, as well as verified by regulatory authorities for safety and quality.

The technology for the industrial transformation of pineapple into pre-soaking it in sugar syrup. This stage is followed directly by drying, which makes the concentration of beneficial components per unit of weight much higher than the original. Yes, quantity plant fibers, which have a positive effect on intestinal motility and the removal of toxins from the body, increases tenfold. This makes the use of dried pineapple fruit valuable for people with digestive system problems.

The specific gravity of protein in 100 g of dried product increases to 1.9 g (in fresh pulp - 0.42), and fat - to 1.3 (from 0.18).

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Dried pineapple is valuable high content potassium, which improves metabolism in the body. And the formation of a component called “bromelain” leads to accelerated breakdown of fat cells.

Rich chemical composition ensures the usefulness of dried pineapple for disorders of the nervous system, blood thickening, vitamin deficiencies, and decreased brain activity.

However dried fruit gets one like this new characteristic, How high calorie content. The number of calories contained in 100 g reaches 347. It is this fact that influences the advisability of its use, for example, in order to normalize one’s weight.

What's special?

On the background high rate the amount of energy that the body receives when consuming dried pineapples, it should be noted that the product does not have a high glycemic index. Its value is 55 units, although this is on the border between low and medium criteria.

Important! , included in pineapple, including dried, do not significantly increase blood sugar levels, but stabilize its normal level. They are characterized as “slow” and are completely spent on the needs of the body.

Thus, the benefit of dried pineapple is that it is a food product that is quite high in calories, but not the highest glycemic index, and therefore having positive influence on body functions.

Is there any harm from using it?

The chemical composition of the product contributes to the manifestation of such effects as a result of its use, such as: