Borodino bread: composition and calorie content, health benefits or harm. What is the composition of Borodino bread according to GOST? what is known about its benefits and harms, in particular for weight loss? Borodino bread is available

Baking white bread is not difficult at all. This is accessible to any housewife, even a beginner. If you don’t have a special mold, then you can get by with a regular baking sheet. In this case, you will have round loaves, which will not affect the taste of the baked goods. But after some time, the housewife gets the idea to try baking black bread. When kneading the dough according to the usual recipe, she may encounter such a problem as a thick, rough crust and a sticky, unbaked mass inside. Why does this happen? Let's look at this with an example and try to make Borodino bread together. The recipe is quite complicated and takes a lot of time. If it is absolutely not enough, then it is better to bake a white loaf. This bread is not so healthy, but it is easy and simple to prepare.

First difficulties

Very often, beginners make one mistake. They don't give enough time for the dough to rise. As a result, the crumb is dense. But if the product tastes good, then you are moving in the right direction. You just need to change your approach a little.

And further. This recipe is completely unsuitable for novice bakers. Borodino bread is an option for those who already have some experience and understanding of what consistency the dough should be. Of course, the recipe usually indicates the amount of ingredients, but everyone’s flour is different, which means the result may also differ.

Search for ingredients

Believe me, this is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. However, almost all products are interchangeable. Of course, the result may suffer somewhat from this. Sometimes, to obtain a beautiful color, tea leaves are used, and 50 percent or more of the flour is ordinary wheat. Of course, the buns rise beautifully, but the taste is far from what we would like.

Instead of wallpaper rye flour, you can use regular rye flour, and instead of the second grade of wheat flour - 1st grade. Additionally, honey or corn syrup is substituted for molasses. Even red malt can be replaced with kvass concentrate. So don’t despair, you can still try excellent, fragrant, homemade bread. So save this recipe. Borodino bread is special, unlike anything you can buy in a store.

How to bake brown bread at home

Again, we draw your attention: not just black, but Borodino. This product has a special aroma and taste, for which it is valued. There are two cooking options: using yeast or sourdough. Which one to prefer is up to each housewife to decide for herself. If you are starting the process for the first time, then choose the simplest one. In addition, you can cook bread in the oven, bread maker, slow cooker - whatever your heart desires. You can add bran to the dough - it won’t be any worse, but it’s also very good for the stomach.

What to sprinkle on top of the finished bun

The ingredients of Borodino bread are quite varied. And as you know, the top of the bun is a little grainy. Is this powder used only for beauty? In fact, this is a tribute to tradition, as well as to the original recipe. According to legend, this creation belongs to the wife of a general who died at Borodino. The dark color was chosen for a reason - it symbolizes loss. And coriander represents buckshot. Today, bakers also use cumin or sesame. So you can experiment.


Today there are many options for making bread. Any fillers greatly change the taste of the finished bun. Therefore, we decided to adopt the GOST recipe. Borodino bread is not a rich bun that contains flour, milk and water. Here you will have to spend a little more time collecting the necessary products:

  • Rye wallpaper flour - 400 g.
  • Wheat (2nd grade) - 90 g.
  • Malt - 30 g.
  • Molasses - 24 g.
  • Sugar - 36 g.
  • Coriander - 0.5 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 15 g.
  • Salt - a teaspoon.
  • Water.

Making homemade Borodino bread is not so easy, but if you practice, you can quite please your loved ones with aromatic pastries. From the products listed above, you can bake one brick of bread weighing about a kilogram.


This recipe involves making Borodino sourdough bread. After the first loaf, you will understand that yeast baking is not the same at all. Let's first learn how to make sourdough. To do this you will need:

  • 100 g rye flour;
  • 100 g water;
  • 1 tablespoon rye starter.

Mix all this well and leave for a day. After this, you can put it in the refrigerator and take it out as needed. If you want to start baking in the morning, then in the evening you need to take it out of the refrigerator and refresh it. That is, add water in a 1:1 ratio. We leave it to ferment until the morning. For one bread you will need approximately 150 g of sourdough. By morning the mass will “wake up” and ferment well. The next step will be preparing the tea leaves.

To do this, take 30 g of malt, add 2 tablespoons of rye flour. It is best to additionally grind it all in a blender. All that remains is to add 50 grams of hot water. The result is a heavy, thick mass. Mix it thoroughly and grind until smooth. It remains to add 130 g of boiling water. The mass is brewed and a thick mixture is obtained. All that remains is to place it in a thermos and leave it to sugar until the morning.

Preparing the dough

Now you are required to mix the tea leaves and starter in one cup, add 150 g of warm water and 150 g of rye flour. Cover the cup with film and place in a warm place for 4 hours. Here you need to focus on its condition. The dough must ferment until it is completely released. Visually, the dough rises in the form of a cap. And when her strength is running out, the middle begins to slowly fall away. At this point it is ready for use.

Preparing the dough

All this is described in such a long and complicated way that most housewives have probably already abandoned their idea. It's really just a matter of adapting. It will be much easier the second time. Borodino bread, prepared according to GOST, is very tasty, but homemade bread - with the proper dexterity and skill - turns out to be very good. And it gets eaten very quickly. Therefore, experienced housewives recommend making dough for several buns at once, so that on the second day you don’t have to repeat everything all over again.

Mix two tablespoons of black molasses, a teaspoon of salt, coriander and add 30 g of water. Pour this mass into the dough and add wheat flour, and then add the remaining 240 g of rye flour. The result is a sticky and viscous dough that needs to be left for 2 hours. All that remains is to put the oven on to preheat. Temperature - 180 degrees. Borodino bread can be baked in the oven in a special form or on a baking sheet. For the first time, it is better to choose the second option, because it is easier to monitor the condition of the baked goods.

Finishing touch

After about 40 minutes, it’s time to prepare the flour mash. To do this, mix a tablespoon of flour and two tablespoons of water. Stir thoroughly and apply with a brush to the surface of the removed bun. After this, sprinkle with whole or ground coriander seeds. Return the pan to the oven for about 60 minutes.

You need to cook the jelly in five minutes. You need to prepare it not too thick or even liquid. This will require half a glass of water and half a tablespoon of starch. After the bread is ready, shake it out of the pan and thoroughly grease it with jelly. It turns out a very beautiful crust. Now leave the product on the grill for several hours. If you want to get a dense, finely porous bun, you can slightly reduce the amount of water. And for lovers of airy baked goods, on the contrary, take a little more liquid.

Choosing a bread maker as an assistant

This option is so simple that it can allow a novice baker to master the intricacies of culinary art. This greatly simplifies the task, but experts emphasize that the taste of the bun is not so rich. But in order to save time, you can safely use modern devices.

To bake Borodino bread in a bread machine, you don’t have to spend several hours in the kitchen. You can load food into the appliance in the evening and take out a warm bun in the morning. To prepare you will need:

  • Wheat flour - 225 g.
  • Rye flour - 325 g.
  • Yeast - 2 tsp.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Malt - 40 g.
  • Water - 80 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 2 tsp.
  • Coriander - 1 tsp.

All you have to do is mix all the ingredients in one cup. The machine will do the rest itself. Another thing is that she cannot knead thick dough. Therefore, the base will be a semi-liquid mass, which rises and turns into a porous, fluffy bun. Borodino bread takes approximately 3.5 hours to prepare in a bread machine. If there is a delayed timer function, you can set it to turn on earlier in the morning. Then, when you wake up, the fragrant, fluffy bun will be ready; all you have to do is place it on a cooling rack.

Cooking secrets

The process of baking black bread is quite complex, so it doesn’t hurt to learn some of the nuances and subtleties. This will greatly simplify your task. Experienced chefs recommend not to deviate from the basic technology for preparing this bakery product. In addition, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • Choose only good quality flour. The quality of the text structure will depend on this.
  • Don't be lazy about sifting the flour. This will saturate the dough with oxygen.
  • Add only fresh yeast and spices.
  • After baking, you cannot immediately cut the bun; it needs to be given time to brew. Minimum 2-3 hours, preferably 10 hours.

And how delicious Borodino bread with garlic is! You can simply rub the crust with a fragrant slice. It's very tasty and healthy. You can also make savory croutons. To do this, heat the oil in a frying pan and add chopped garlic. Carefully place the sliced ​​bread pieces and fry on both sides. After this, sprinkle with coarse salt or grated cheese. Makes a great appetizer for beer or soup. Neither adults nor children refuse such a delicacy.

Instead of a conclusion

The process of preparing Borodino bread is not easy, it requires dexterity and skill. At the same time, the aroma that comes from baking at home is not comparable to that emitted by store-bought loaves. Try to cook it at least once. Your family will definitely appreciate the amazing taste. Sometimes seeds, muesli, nuts or dried fruits are added to the dough. Not only tasty, but also extremely healthy!

Of all the varieties of rye bread, Borodino bread has the most beneficial properties. Thanks to the spices, it has a specific smell and color. The benefits and harms of Borodino bread have been studied, and nutritionists recommend including the delicacy in small quantities in your daily diet.

The history of the origin of Borodino bread

There are several versions of the origin of the delicacy. According to one of them, the place of invention of unusual bread is the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery. They say that black bread was prepared in a bakery located next to the monastery, especially for funerals.

Supporters of another version claim that the authorship of the recipe belongs to the composer Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin, who borrowed the cooking method from Italy.

In 1933, the Moscow Baking Trust approved a recipe for black bread, which became known as Borodino bread and is still popular with many people.

Composition of Borodino bread

According to GOST 5309-50, the loaf contains the following ingredients:

  • 80% rye flour;
  • 15% 2nd grade wheat flour;
  • 5% rye malt;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • leaven;
  • syrup;
  • spices: coriander, cumin or anise.

According to GOST, black bread can only be prepared using the custard method.

Nutritional value and calorie content of Borodino bread

The calorie content of Borodino bread is 200 kcal per 100 grams. One piece will contain approximately 60 kcal. Although low in calories, the delicacy is famous for its rich content of vitamins and other healthy components. It contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium, vitamins PP, E, A, as well as B vitamins.

Indicators of nutritional value of the product:

  • proteins – 6.8 grams;
  • fats – 1.8 grams;
  • carbohydrates – 40 grams;
  • dietary fiber – 7.3 grams.

The product also contains a certain amount of organic and saturated fatty acids, the beneficial properties of which help a person produce the necessary energy.

The benefits of Borodino bread for the body

The beneficial properties of bread are explained by its chemical composition. It improves metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, and also improves the condition of blood vessels and the heart.

The benefits of Borodino bread for the intestines are due to its high fiber content. Its fibers swell and gently cleanse the intestinal walls of everything unnecessary, helping the organ function normally. Regular consumption improves the microflora of the entire gastrointestinal tract, calms the nervous system and keeps cholesterol levels under control, and has a beneficial effect on blood pressure if it increases.

Coriander seeds and cumin contained in a loaf of black bread prevent the development of gout as they flush out urea from the body. Coriander also has other beneficial properties: it is considered a good preventative of caries and strengthens the gums.

Is Borodino bread good for weight loss?

The benefits and harms of Borodino bread for weight loss depend on the method of consumption. Spiced bread will help you lose weight thanks to fiber, which removes harmful substances and enhances intestinal motility. It also causes an increase in metabolic processes in the body, and this also helps to reduce excess weight without harm to the body.

The benefits of Borodino bread for your figure are possible with moderate consumption. Nutritionists recommend eating no more than two pieces per day. This is quite enough to saturate and obtain useful substances. However, overconsumption of delicious bread can lead not to a dietary effect, but to the opposite effect.

Borodino bread during pregnancy and breastfeeding

According to nutritionists, this is the best type of baking for expectant mothers: the composition will not harm the baby, but will give the pregnant woman energy. The optimal amount per day is three slices (250 g).

Despite its beneficial properties, using this product during breastfeeding has some nuances. Sometimes manufacturers change the traditional recipe by including additional ingredients. This could be yeast or a large number of spices and spices. It is better for a nursing mother to refuse such bread so as not to harm the baby. It can cause colic and indigestion in the baby.

Comment! When purchasing a loaf, it is recommended to carefully study its composition. If there is nothing extra in the baking, bread can be consumed in limited quantities while breastfeeding.

Is it possible to use Borodino bread for diabetes?

With such a serious disease as diabetes, it is important to monitor your diet. Diabetics should not eat any baked goods, but this bread will benefit them. Due to its low glycemic index, it will not increase your blood sugar levels, will give you a feeling of fullness and help prevent obesity.

Bread components such as thiamine, iron, riboflavin and folic acid have a positive effect on the well-being of diabetics. You can consume from 150 to 300 grams per day. It is not recommended for people suffering from this disease to simultaneously consume baked goods and other foods containing carbohydrates.

How to use Borodino bread beneficially

Spicy bread rich in vitamins gives a person strength and energy. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating it for breakfast. Delicious and healthy sandwiches will help you stock up on energy for the whole day. In addition, the combination of bread and butter helps to better absorb vitamins.

If you eat one slice with a bean or potato dish, the food will be better absorbed by the body. If there is cabbage or fermented milk products on the table, it is also better to eat rye bread with them: it does not cause fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

This product can be consumed both fresh and in the form of crackers. Crackers are more beneficial for the body: they are digested faster and easier, without causing any disorders in the digestive system. Together with strong tea, they can stop diarrhea.

Comment! Salted and spiced homemade rye crackers perfectly relieve the feeling of nausea, including in transport.

Recipe for homemade Borodino bread in a bread machine

Preparing Borodino bread at home does not require much effort, the result is no worse than store-bought bread, and the beneficial properties are not reduced. There are many ways to make homemade bread. Most often, a bread maker is used for this.

First prepare the necessary components:

  • 240 ml boiling water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. malt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. caraway;
  • 210 g of wheat flour and the same amount of rye;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1.5 tsp. dry yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground coriander;
  • 1.5 tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar and sunflower oil.


  1. Pour the malt into a bowl, pour boiling water over it, mix well and allow to cool.
  2. After pouring the brewed malt into the container of the bread machine, add vinegar, honey and oil.
  3. Sift all the flour and add caraway seeds.
  4. Salt, coriander and yeast are added last.
  5. Bake in the “French baking” mode, the weight is set to 750 g, the crust color is set to medium.
  6. After 4 hours 10 minutes the delicacy is ready.
  7. It must be cooled completely before slicing.

This video will tell you how to easily and quickly prepare your favorite bread at home:

The use of Borodino bread in cosmetology

The benefits of Borodino bread for women are manifested not only in consumption, it is also an excellent cosmetic product. Its beneficial properties have been used in home cosmetology for a long time.

Hair masks

At home, black bread is often used to prepare health masks. Their high efficiency and beneficial properties are due to their rich chemical composition. Dietary fiber has a positive effect on blood flow in the scalp. Niacin eliminates breakage and split ends, and retinol successfully fights dandruff. Thiamine promotes healthy hair follicles, and fluoride activates hair growth. Together, these components provide excellent results, which are visible after the first use of the product.

Recipe 1

  1. Grind the rye crumb and add cooled boiled water.
  2. Let the bread mixture sit until the morning.
  3. Squeeze it out and mix well.
  4. Pour in 30 ml of castor oil and mix again.
  5. Apply a homogeneous mixture to your hair, lightly massaging the scalp.
  6. After application, the hair should be covered with a plastic cap and a towel on top.
  7. After an hour, the product must be washed off using shampoo.

Recipe 2

  1. Soak 100 g of black bread in milk.
  2. Add fresh kefir (3 tbsp) to the mixture.
  3. Mix the product until smooth.
  4. Apply to hair with massage movements and rinse after an hour and a half.

Face masks

Nourishing masks using rye baked goods are suitable for any skin type. It is useful to carry out a bread wash. To do this, prepare a liquid paste of bread and water. For dry skin, water can be replaced with milk. The mixture is applied to the face, holding it on the skin for 30 seconds. The procedure is repeated 7–10 times.

For dry skin

  1. A slice of black bread is poured with 4 tbsp. l. cream.
  2. When the crumb swells, the mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  3. After this, wash off with warm water.

For oily skin

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. chopped parsley and half a glass of kefir.
  2. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice and soaked pulp to the resulting mixture.
  3. Keep the mask on your face for 15–20 minutes and wash off with water at room temperature.

Bread-based masks cannot cause harm, and their healing properties are enormous.

Harm of Borodino bread and contraindications

  • Like all products made from rye flour, this bread can cause increased gas formation.
  • You should not overuse Borodino bread when dieting, as this can lead to excess weight.
  • Brown bread is contraindicated for people who have recently undergone surgery on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It may cause harm to those suffering from hyperacidity of the stomach and enterocolitis.
  • The product should not be consumed by people with gluten intolerance.
  • With caution and in moderation, it can be introduced into the diet of diabetics, allergy sufferers and nursing mothers.

How to select and store

In order to maximize the beneficial properties of bread, the following criteria must be taken into account when purchasing:

  1. The bread should have a rich brown color and the crust should be shiny.
  2. The loaf should not have any dents or irregularities.
  3. The crumb should be without lumps and large pores.
  4. The loaf should have a spicy, fresh smell.

The shelf life of store-bought bread does not exceed 3 days, and after opening the package, the product must be consumed within 36 hours. Store separately from other types of baked goods.

Advice! To increase the shelf life to 5 days, the loaf should be stored not in plastic, but in a paper bag or gauze cloth.

The benefits and harms of Borodino bread should be known to all lovers of this delicacy. Due to its valuable properties, when used correctly, it will only bring benefits to the body.

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Borodino bread(see photo) is the most common and widely used flour product among the Russian people. The product is a type of rye bread and is made using the custard method (the flour is poured with very hot water, and then malt is gradually added while kneading the dough).

Many sources tell about several stories of the origin of this bread. One chronicle says that Borodino bread was first made by the abbess of the monastery for women in connection with the death of Margarita Naryshkina’s husband in the battle of the Moscow River, Alexander Tuchkov. At that time, the product was the main mourning dish.

Another legend says that bread was created by the Russian figure and chemist Alexander Borodin. During his travels through the cities of Italy, he became familiar with the baked goods of local residents. Having borrowed a bread recipe, he prepared the same product in his homeland, and most residents liked it.

However, what is noteworthy is that the name “Borodinsky” was recorded only in 1933 by the Moscow Bakery Trust, when they first developed a unified recipe for flour products. Until that time, bread with that name was not mentioned anywhere.

In Novy Urengoy, in honor of the celebration of the bicentenary of the Battle of Borodino, a monument to the bread of the same name was erected. Inside it is a hermetically sealed shell containing soil from the battlefield.

Due to the fact that the main ingredient of the product is malt, the bread is black in color..


The main ingredients of bread are: second grade wheat flour, rye flour, yeast (you can use sourdough), malt, water, salt, sugar. Also, many chefs use spices to make the product. The main seasoning is coriander, but it can be replaced with either anise or cumin.

This product contains many beneficial components for health. The main ones are:

  • antioxidants;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron);
  • cellulose;
  • enzymes.

According to the current GOST, Borodino bread must meet the following technological requirements:



Slightly sweet, without any foreign aftertaste.


The surface should be smooth, without cracks. Sprinkle with cumin or coriander on top.

Additional impurities

Not allowed.

Rich aroma, no musty smell.


Hearth or molded.

Elastic, no lumps, not sticky. Fresh and soft.


Dark brown without spots or burns.

Beneficial properties and harm

The beneficial properties of Borodino bread have a positive effect on the human body. The use of such a product contributes to:

  • ridding the body of waste and toxins;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevention of diarrhea, arthritis, hypertension;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • accelerating hair growth, strengthening the nail plate, and improving the skin in the facial area.

Expectant mothers are wondering: “Is it possible to eat Borodino bread during pregnancy?” Many experts recommend its use, but in strictly limited quantities (no more than two hundred and fifty grams per day). When breastfeeding, flour products should be introduced into the diet gradually so that the baby does not have a tummy ache or intestinal upset.

But along with the benefits, this product can be harmful to health. Its use is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • allergic intolerance to spices such as cumin or coriander;
  • astigmatism;
  • bloating;
  • gluten enteropathy;
  • heartburn;
  • elevated blood sugar.

The calorie content of this product is quite high, so excessive consumption can worsen your health. It is better to eat in moderation than to go to the doctor for advice later.

Use of Borodino bread

The use of Borodino bread covers not only the culinary field, but is also popular in home cosmetology.

In cooking

In cooking, this product is used together with hot dishes (borscht, soups), it also serves as an excellent basis for making sandwiches (with tuna, with sprats), as well as for creating dishes such as canapés (with herring, with cheese, with eggs) .

Indispensable in the production of alcoholic beverages (tinctures, moonshine, beer, kvass). The product can be fried in a frying pan, and then you get croutons, or you can make croutons, which are smeared with grated garlic.

The bread goes well with meat and fish dishes (cutlets, smoked sausage, herring, salmon mousse).

It is used as a basis for creating ice cream, Borodinsky sauce, tartlets, and it is also the main ingredient in the preparation of vegetable salads, which are seasoned with mayonnaise.

There are many different dishes where this product can be used. Thanks to the wonderful aroma and amazing taste of Borodino bread, you should at least once try to cook a dish with it - and you will love it.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, Borodino bread is used as the basis for hair masks. Since the product contains many useful substances, it helps improve the condition of the hair.

We offer the following mask recipes:

Mode of application

To add thickness and shine

To make a mask, you need to remove the crust from fifty grams of bread, and pour two glasses of low-fat kefir into the soft part. When the bread softens, use a blender to grind the mixture to a puree. Apply to clean, damp hair before each shampoo for about thirty minutes.

For fast hair growth

To make a mask, you need to take fifty grams of bread and remove the crust from it. Then put the soft part in a bowl and add five glasses of warm water. Then add twenty-five grams of granulated sugar and ten grams of dry yeast. Mix the mass well. Apply to damp hair twice a week for approximately thirty minutes. The result will not keep you waiting long.

To give elasticity and smoothness to hair

To prepare the mask, you need to take fifty grams of bread and remove the crust from it. Pour a glass of warm milk over the soft part and mix well. Distribute through hair for about thirty minutes. Afterwards, rinse with shampoo.

Against hair loss

To make a mask, you need to take fifty grams of bread and remove the crust. Pour a glass of warm water over the soft part and stir. Then add a tablespoon of olive oil, bee honey, onion juice and any shampoo to this mixture. Mix the mixture well and apply to the hair roots for about twenty minutes. then rinse with water.

Against oily hair

To make a mask, you need to take two pieces of bread and remove the crust from them. Combine the soft part with a chicken egg, two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix the mixture well and leave for four hours. Then apply to hair for about thirty minutes. Afterwards, rinse with shampoo.


To make a mask, you need to take two hundred grams of bread and remove the crust from it. Pour a glass of boiled water over the soft part. Then add one chicken egg and mix thoroughly. Apply to hair for about thirty minutes.

Some experts advise adding a spoonful of vegetable oil to masks so that the mixture is well washed off from the hair. Perform all procedures at least three times a week.

How to do it at home?

Making bread at home is quite simple, especially if you have on hand the indispensable electrical appliances in the kitchen (bread maker, multicooker, oven). The aroma and taste of the finished product will be so excellent that it will not leave anyone indifferent.

Borodino bread

Cooking method

In the bread machine

To make bread at home, you need to pour twenty grams of dry yeast into a special container for an electrical appliance. Then add a little more than a glass of wheat flour and one and a half glasses of rye flour. Next, you need to dilute forty grams of malt with half a glass of hot water in a separate bowl and leave to infuse. Then add ten grams of salt, two tablespoons of refined oil and malt diluted in water to the electrical appliance. Then add two tablespoons of natural honey, ten grams of coriander, pour in one and a half glasses of boiled water and turn on the “Bread” program.

In a slow cooker

To make the product, you need to dilute two tablespoons of malt with half a glass of hot water in a small bowl. Next, take a deep container and add a glass of rye flour (preferably whole grain), half a glass of wheat flour, fifteen grams of dry yeast, ten grams of salt and a pinch of coriander. Then add twenty-five grams of granulated sugar, a tablespoon of refined oil, half a glass of boiled water and a tablespoon of vinegar. Next, pour in the malt and mix the dough well. Place in the appliance and turn on the “Yogurt” mode. After forty minutes, turn on the “Baking” mode. After about thirty minutes, the dough needs to be turned over to the other side. In twenty minutes the bread will be ready.

In the oven

To make bread at home, you first need to dilute fifty grams of malt with a glass of hot water in a small bowl. Then pour two hundred grams of boiled water into a deep container, add twenty-five grams of granulated sugar, ten grams of dry yeast and mix well. Next, pour the malt diluted in water into the mixture and stir. Add a tablespoon of refined oil and ten grams of salt. Then gradually add one and a half glasses of rye flour and a little less than a glass of wheat flour. Knead the dough well and set aside for two hours. Then form the dough into the shape of future bread, place it on a tray, sprinkle with coriander and leave to rise for forty minutes. Then place in the oven to bake for thirty minutes.

Based on kvass and sourdough concentrate (yeast-free version)

To prepare bread, you need to mix three tablespoons of kvass wort, a little less than half a glass of rye flour, fifteen grams of coriander and one and a half glasses of hot water in a small container. Next, pour two hundred and forty grams of yeast-free sourdough, a tablespoon of refined butter, a tablespoon of natural honey, twenty-five grams of granulated sugar, ten grams of salt, one and a half glasses of rye flour, and a little less than half a glass of wheat flour into a special container for a bread machine. Then pour in the infusion from the wort. Turn on the “Dough” mode. Next, sprinkle the surface with coriander and leave for three hours. Then turn on the “Baking” mode.


To make bread at home, you need to mix twenty-five grams of granulated sugar, fifteen grams of dry yeast and half a glass of boiled water in a deep bowl. As soon as the sugar dissolves, add fifty grams of malt, a glass of water, two hundred grams of rye flour and one and a half glasses of wheat flour. Knead the dough, add fifteen grams of salt, twenty grams of coriander and twenty grams of cumin. Knead the dough again and leave for two hours. Then shape the dough into bread and let it rest for two hours again. Then place on a tray and bake for thirty minutes.

To make bread, you need to mix sixty grams of malt and a glass of hot water in a special container for a bread machine. Then add twenty-five grams of coriander and mix everything well. Then add ten grams of salt, thirty-five grams of granulated sugar, pour in two tablespoons of refined oil and a teaspoon of table vinegar. Next, add half a glass of wheat flour, a little more than half a glass of rye flour. Then add fifteen grams of dry yeast. Turn on the “Bread” mode. After some time, add one hundred grams of washed raisins. Turn on the “Bread” mode again. And then sprinkle with cumin or coriander and select the “Baking” program.

With seeds

To make bread at home, you need to pour twenty grams of dry yeast into a special container for a bread machine, pour in one and a half glasses of boiled water, mix well until the yeast dissolves. Then add twenty-five grams of granulated sugar, ten grams of salt, pour in two tablespoons of refined oil. Next, add the prepared Borodinskaya mixture and four tablespoons of roasted seeds. Then pour in half a teaspoon of cumin oil. Turn on the “Baking” mode.

The top of the bread is sprinkled with various spices that you like best (cumin, coriander, sesame).

As you can see, there are many different ways to prepare a flour product. But any bread will have an excellent smell and unique taste.

Below is a video about how the process of making bread in production occurs.

To prevent the finished product from becoming stale, it is better to store it in a bag, then it will retain its taste and aromatic properties for a long time.

Borodino bread can rightfully be called a flour delicacy, because it has a unique aroma and a very pronounced “bright” taste. Fans of this spicy bread, and especially those who monitor not only their health, but also their weight, are interested in what it is good for, whether it can be consumed while losing weight and whether it can cause harm to the body.

The benefits and harms of Borodino bread

This flour product contains a variety of spices and rye flour, so there is no doubt about the benefits of Borodino bread:

  1. Thanks to the presence of vitamin B, this bread has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  2. Regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  3. Helps with hypertension, normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Improves intestinal function, normalizes microflora.
  5. Helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste.
  6. Reduces the risk of the occurrence and development of cancer cells.
  7. Removes urea from the body.
  8. Positively affects heart health and vascular strength.

It is not recommended to use Borodino bread for people with high stomach acidity or suffering from. It is not advisable to eat this product during flatulence, because... bread will only aggravate this condition. You should also know that Borodino bread contains gluten, so people who are allergic to this protein should not consume this product.

Borodino bread for weight loss

If we talk about whether Borodino bread is useful for weight loss, then it is certainly healthier than white bread, because... has less calories and more nutrients. Of course, during a diet it is advisable to give up any flour products, but if you cannot get rid of the habit of eating with bread, then it’s better to let it be Borodino bread, especially since in minimal quantities it can help in the process of losing weight. This bread contains fiber, which improves intestinal motility and removes harmful substances, which is important during a diet. Borodino bread can also improve metabolic processes in the body, which certainly has a positive effect on weight loss. However, it is worth saying that if you get carried away with Borodino bread while on a diet, then all your efforts to get rid of excess weight will be in vain, and you will not only not lose weight, but will also gain more.

And for your appetite, some interesting facts about Borodino bread.

According to one of the romantic versions, this bread appeared thanks to the love of Margarita and Alexander Tuchkov.
Margarita came from the princely family of the Naryshkins. Her husband, Alexander Tuchkov, was a colonel. For five years after the wedding, Margarita followed her husband on all military campaigns, until she gave birth to a son in 1811. The birth of a child forced the princess to stay at home. According to legend, she had a dream in which she heard the words “Your fate will be decided in Borodino!” However, Margarita had never heard of such a place.
In September 1812, a decisive battle took place in the village of Borodino with Napoleon’s army, which attacked Russia. It was in this harsh battle that her husband was killed, whose body the unfortunate Margarita was looking for on the battlefield. The search turned out to be in vain, and the grief-stricken wife had the idea of ​​erecting a church on the site of the death of her beloved husband. Soon the church was built, construction was completed and the Savior Not Made by Hands was illuminated in 1820. Margarita moved to the temple after the death of her son, becoming the abbess of the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery. The monastery had its own bakery, where a recipe for bread made from rye flour was developed. This bread did not go stale for a long time, had a rich taste, a glossy surface and was sprinkled with either cumin or coriander, which could symbolize buckshot. This bread was called “funeral”, and only at the end of the nineteenth century it began to be called Borodino bread.

There is another version of the origin of Borodino bread. According to this version, Borodino bread was invented by the famous Russian composer and chemist Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin. According to legend, the scientist got the idea to create Borodino bread after a trip to Italy with a group of fellow chemists. However, this version is rejected by historians, since rye does not grow in southern countries. Therefore, rye bread is supplied from Russia to many foreign countries where Russian emigrants live.

Or maybe “Borodinsky” simply comes from the word “fermentation” and has nothing to do with Borodino or Borodin?

Be that as it may, all that is known for certain is that the recipe for the current Borodino bread was developed in 1933 by the Moscow Bakery Trust. According to this recipe, one of the ingredients of the bread was coriander. Before 1920, there is not a single mention of the name “Borodinsky” bread in any literary source devoted to bread baking, so it is quite possible that the name of the bread appeared along with its modern recipe.

Borodinsky is a custard type of bread. Infusing part of the flour in a bread recipe is a very old technique, and was known back in “prehistoric times” to the Egyptians and Greeks, but in Russia before the revolution, the use of infusions was considered a technique so precious and special that the technology (and mythology) of infusions was kept secret by bakers. For the first time, traditional brewing technologies in Russian bread recipes were published by nine Moscow bakers in 1928-1930, and in the 1930-1940s, brewing was studied in detail by scientists, classified into 6 classes and formalized in the form of GOSTs for “chouxed” bread and liquid yeast (sourdough starters). on tea leaves).

Choux bread has a very specific taste and preparing it is not so much difficult as it takes a lot of time. Therefore, today, in conditions of constant time pressure, both factories and owners of bread machines at home are no longer baking “real” Borodino bread, but rather its analogues, for example, coriander bread. Instead of sourdough, store-bought yeast and vinegar are used, instead of malt - dry kvass, instead of brewing - special preparations, etc. And to make the bread even more voluminous and taller, increase the proportion of wheat flour in it from 0-15% to 50% and more. As a result, the bread turns out sweet and sour and coriander, and therefore - “Borodinsky”! But if you try real Borodino bread at least once, you will feel a huge difference! Borodinsky is a very soft, thin-crust, never stale, very rye bread, tender to the bite. Easy to prepare if you leave the tea leaves to saccharify overnight. And it’s quick to prepare if you have a starter with good lifting power and have the ability to ferment the dough and dough at 30*C.

Borodino bread is useful to everyone without exception - both healthy and sick. It is recommended for people with high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and people suffering from constipation. This bread does not harm the figure at all, which is why it is so loved and in demand by people who are overweight. Many women also use Borodino bread as a natural cosmetic for hair and facial skin.