Ayran: benefits and harms, composition and recommendations for use. Ayran - what is it, the beneficial properties of a fermented milk drink, recipes for making it at home What is ayran made from?

A drink called ayran is a fermented milk product, often found on store shelves next to kefir and tan. What are the benefits and harms of ayran, how does it differ from similar drinks?

What kind of drink is this

The basis for the traditional Caucasian drink is the fermentation of milk - cow, goat or sheep - with the addition of water and salt, although the latter ingredient is optional. A part of the stomach of a newborn calf called “rennet” or yeast can act as a starter. The drink is noticeably different from kefir and yogurt in its thickness, as well as its unusual, sourish-salty taste.

What is the difference between ayran and tana?

By origin, both ayran and tan are Caucasian drinks, they both belong to the category of fermented milk products, and there are external similarities between them. Therefore, they are often confused - but they are far from identical to each other.

  • The classic base for tan is camel or buffalo milk; for ayran, goat or cow milk is more often used.
  • Tang is a saltier drink. There is little salt in ayran, and sometimes there may be none at all.
  • Tan is always liquid, but with ayran everything is not so clear - it can be both liquid and very thick.

Composition and calorie content of ayran

The benefit of the drink lies in its rich composition, rich in important elements and vitamins. A high-quality fermented milk product must contain:

  • lactic acid bacteria;
  • magnesium and sodium, calcium and phosphorus, zinc and iron;
  • sulfur, potassium, iodine, selenium;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins D, E, A and C;
  • vitamins PP and N.

The calorie content of ayran per 100 g depends on its variety - a thick drink can contain up to 67 calories, the nutritional value of a liquid product is, as a rule, no more than 25 calories. The nutritional value of the drink is balanced - it contains 1.1 g of proteins, 1.4 g and 1.5 g of carbohydrates and fats, respectively.

Benefits of ayran for the body

The popularity of the drink is due not only to its unusual taste, but also, first of all, to its benefits. Fermented milk product:

  • has an excellent effect on the intestines and stomach, restoring microflora;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections;
  • helps saturate the body with oxygen, which has a good effect on brain activity and the respiratory system.

What are the benefits of ayran for men?

The benefit of the product for men is the increased content of vitamin C and lactic bacteria in its composition. Ayran restores vigor after a hangover, eliminates nausea, and quenches thirst. The drink also has a positive effect on potency.

Benefits of ayran for women

During menstrual periods, women often suffer from stomach disorders, and fermented milk products will be especially beneficial during such periods. It can help with inflammation of any kind, with psycho-emotional stress and severe fatigue.

Is ayran allowed for children?

The exceptional benefits of ayran make it possible to introduce the drink even into the diet of newborns - after 6 months of life. But you need to give it to your child no more than 200 ml per day.

Attention! You can offer fermented milk drink to children only with the permission of a pediatrician, since for all its benefits it has a number of contraindications.

Ayran for pregnant and lactating women

For pregnant women, a fermented milk product will be of great benefit because:

  • fully supplies the body with calcium;
  • protects the intestines from both constipation and diarrhea;
  • copes well with swelling;
  • helps fight colds;

Important! When drinking the drink, you need to know when to stop. Even in the early stages, it is recommended to drink no more than 400 ml per day, and in the second and third trimesters it is better to reduce the norm to 2 - 4 glasses per week.

Is ayran good for losing weight?

You can include this drink in your diet - it will saturate the body with valuable substances and natural protein, and also help get rid of toxins. However, you should not take it in large quantities - the product stimulates appetite and, moreover, in principle cannot serve as the basis of a diet.

Standard norm for an adult

Since the product contains a large number of lactic bacteria, its excessive consumption can be harmful and cause diarrhea. The daily dosage of the drink is a maximum of 2 - 3 glasses.

How to drink ayran for medicinal purposes

It is not for nothing that healthy ayran is considered the drink of long-livers - it helps to cure a number of ailments and alleviates the symptoms of chronic diseases. In particular, drinking it will be very useful:

  • for influenza, colds and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • for diabetes, liver and metabolism problems;
  • for chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • for obesity;
  • during pressure surges;
  • with anemia.

Ayran for liver diseases

The benefit of ayran for the liver is that the drink takes on some of the functions of this organ and helps cleanse the body of toxins. For hepatitis, cirrhosis and other ailments, you should take 1.5 glasses of the drink daily directly with meals.

Ayran in case of poisoning

Severe poisoning from spoiled food is difficult to bear. But the recovery process will go faster if on the first day you completely refuse food and drink only fermented milk drink and water.

Ayran for diabetes

If your blood sugar level is high, after consulting your doctor, you can add ayran to your diet. You should drink a maximum of half a glass per day.

The use of ayran in cosmetology

The benefits of fermented milk drink ayran also extend to cosmetology. With its help at home you can improve the condition of your hair and skin. The product has a whitening effect on the face, tightens wrinkles, regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat and promotes cell renewal.

For facial skin

To eliminate acne and inflammation, you can regularly wash your face with fresh ayran or make masks based on it, applying the product to your face for 15 minutes.

It can also be mixed with white clay and egg yolk. The effect of such a mask, if you do it once a week, will be even better - the skin will become softer, blackheads will disappear.

For hair

To strengthen and improve hair, it is recommended to mix 100 g of ayran with 2 large spoons of starch, and then add a little burdock oil and liquid honey. A slightly heated mixture is applied to the hair, thoroughly rubbed into the roots, and kept for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo.

How to drink ayran correctly

The fermented milk drink goes well with most foods in the refrigerator. It can be consumed with meat and fish, boiled and fatty fried dishes. The drink is drunk even with fresh vegetables. It can be used instead of mayonnaise or sour cream as a healthy dressing for main courses and salads.

However, 2 – 3 glasses per day will be more than enough. You should not take the drink in too large quantities, otherwise it will have a laxative effect.

How to choose ayran

When buying a drink in a store, you need to pay special attention to quality.

  • This fermented milk product does not contain any dyes or flavor enhancers. Only salt can act as a preservative.
  • The milk in a good ayran should not be dry, but natural.
  • Even a liquid drink should have a non-uniform consistency.
  • A good product is white in color and always foams a little in the glass.

How to cook ayran at home

Homemade ayran is easy to make with your own hands.

  • As a base, you can take goat or cow's milk, kefir or yogurt and boil it.
  • Then add fermented milk starter - in an amount of no more than 40 g per 1 glass of base. If desired, you can chop herbs or add chopped cucumber to the drink.
  • After this, the workpiece is mixed, tightly closed with a lid and left in a warm place in the shade for 7 hours.

Advice! The benefits of fresh ayran do not last long - only a day. Therefore, it makes no sense to prepare it in large quantities - the product must be consumed immediately.

Harm of ayran and contraindications

The drink has only a few contraindications. It will cause harm to health if consumed when:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • increased acidity;
  • acute gastritis.

The product is also dangerous if the measure is not followed, as it can cause gastric upset.


The benefits and harms of ayran are determined by the absence or presence of contraindications. For people without acute gastric diseases, the drink will be extremely useful and will only improve health in all areas.

Ayran is a fermented milk drink that perfectly quenches thirst and relieves hangovers.

The nutritional value

A portion

100 g

Amount per serving

Calories from fat


% Daily value *

Total fat

1.5 g


0 mg


0 mg


0 mg

Total carbohydrates

1.4 g

Alimentary fiber

0 g


1.1 g

* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BZHU in the product

Source: kubarus-moloko.ru

How to burn 24 kcal?


Ayran is a fermented milk product that is obtained as a result of mixed fermentation of goat, cow and sheep milk with the addition of yeast. This wonderful drink comes from Kabardino-Balkaria and Circassia. It is widely used in the national cuisine of Central Asian and Caucasian peoples.

Different countries have different technologies for preparing ayran. Thus, sedentary peoples prefer to prepare a liquid drink that perfectly quenches thirst. But nomadic peoples prefer thick ayran, the consistency of sour cream, which makes it easy to transport. Thick ayran is usually diluted with water, milk or kumiss before consumption.


The drink has been known since the 5th-2nd centuries BC, when it was especially loved by the inhabitants of the ancient Greek Kerkinitis. Over time, the recipe for making ayran came to the nomadic tribes of the Scythians - the ardent enemies of the Greeks.

During the Great Migration, people needed a nutritious product that could retain its beneficial properties for a long time. Ayran became such a product. It has stood the test of time, passing through millennia, and has not lost its relevance in our times.

In Armenia there is a similar drink called tan. In ancient times, the mountaineers sacredly kept the recipe for making ayran. In the 19th century, Russian scientists became interested in the reasons for the longevity of the Caucasian peoples and came to the conclusion that the reason for this was the miracle drink ayran, the property of which is a bactericidal effect and a cure for gastrointestinal diseases. But for a long time they were unable to obtain the leaven and learn the secret of preparing the drink - it was carefully guarded by the elders. According to Caucasian legend, the drink appeared on our lands thanks to a Russian girl who managed to win the heart of an Armenian prince. She agreed to marry him, but only in exchange for a wineskin of the treasured leaven.

Tan and ayran began to be produced on an industrial scale in Ukraine and Russia in the 90s of the 20th century. Currently, you can buy this drink in almost any supermarket. But in terms of taste, the purchased product only vaguely resembles the original. This type of ayran is easy to prepare at home; just beat natural yogurt with salt and water in a blender.

The main component of the Circassian ayran is suzma or katyk. Katyk is curdled milk made from boiled milk. Before fermentation, the milk is evaporated by more than a third, resulting in a very fatty product. Suzma is a cross between sour cream and cottage cheese; it is obtained after expressing katyk.

Use of ayran in cooking

Due to its properties, ayran is mainly used as a cool drink in the summer heat, to improve appetite, and as a base for cold soups. Ayran goes well with aromatic herbs. Depending on the dish and time of day, you can add basil and cilantro, especially in combination with meat dishes. And if you just want to drink something cool, then ayran with mint is perfect, and it is best to use confectionery mint, which has a more pronounced aroma and taste with a “chill.”

In urban conditions, the ideal water for ayran would be narzan with the addition of ice cubes. If the drink is planned to accompany dishes, then a pinch of paprika, coriander or cumin can be added to it as a seasoning.

Ayran goes well with fruit. They are added to the drink and infused for several hours. It turns out especially tasty if you add a green apple, which softens the taste of the drink and gives it fruity freshness. This ayran can be prepared before going to bed, and in the morning, after whipping it in a blender, you can have breakfast with crispy pastries, washing it down with a fragrant drink.

Composition and calorie content of ayran

100 g of ayran contains 2.79 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fat, 1.74 g of proteins, 8 mg of ascorbic acid.

The calorie content of ayran is about 27 kcal per 100 g of product.

Benefits of ayran

Since the drink is prepared as a result of fermentation of the main product, the beneficial properties of ayran for the body are obvious.

Firstly, it is very well absorbed, since it contains simple protein compounds that promote the harmonious functioning of the intestines and stomach, the production of bile and gastric juice. It restores the intestinal microflora and removes toxins from the body.

Secondly, the benefit of ayran is to restore the functioning of the nervous system and disinfect the body. Regular consumption of ayran strengthens the immune system and prevents inflammatory diseases.

The benefits of ayran for people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system are undeniable. The fermented milk drink promotes blood flow to the lungs, improving the functioning of the body's respiratory centers. It is useful to drink this drink at different times of the year. For example, in the summer it perfectly quenches thirst, and in the winter it is useful to drink to increase the resistance of the respiratory system to infectious and colds.

For the Caucasian peoples, ayran is the key to good health and longevity.

Ayran for weight loss

Few people know about the benefits of ayran, and not everyone will like its unusual taste, but ayran is simply irreplaceable for weight loss. Its calorie content is low, but it has the amazing property of saturating and giving strength to the body. In addition, the healing property of ayran is its ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which also helps normalize weight.

Harm of ayran

If we talk about the dangers of ayran, then, like any other fermented milk product, it is harmful if improperly ripened and prepared. It is also possible that your body will not accept this drink. It is best to store ayran in the cold for no longer than a day, and use it freshly prepared.

You should know that ayran can cause harm in hyperacid conditions: duodenal and gastric ulcers, gastritis.

It is very popular among the Caucasian, Balkan and Turkic peoples. In ancient legends, it is known as the drink of the gods and the elixir of youth and beauty. In general, the subtle eastern people are connoisseurs of everything useful and beautiful. Fermented milk drinks, which have healing and rejuvenating properties, are worth their weight in gold. In the old days, ayran recipes were passed down orally, from ancient sages to their young followers and kept secret from most people.

A little history

This drink came to us from the distant southern Kerkinitis. Around the 2nd century BC, the ancient Greeks loved it for its taste and beneficial properties. Later, during bloody wars with nomadic peoples, the recipe for making ayran became known to the Scythians. And during the Great Migration, it became simply indispensable during long marches, as it could retain its valuable qualities for a long time in unfavorable weather conditions.

The eastern highlanders steadfastly preserved the recipe for this drink. Having become interested in the secret of the longevity of mountain peoples, the Russians learned about the existence of this miracle drink. But when trying to find out how to cook it, we came across an unexpected obstacle. The Caucasians did not want to give away their secret for any benefit. However, eastern elders could not resist female beauty. One of the Caucasian princes fell in love with a beautiful Russian girl and the treasured recipe for ayran became a wedding gift to the beauty.

Kabardino-Balkaria and Circassia are considered to be the birthplace of this drink. It is noteworthy that ayran is prepared differently by settled and nomadic peoples. For some it looks more like a drink, for others it looks more like food. It is prepared using a type of sour milk, which, when fermented, evaporates and becomes very fatty. Among sedentary peoples, katyk was mixed with cold spring water and ice was added. It quenched thirst remarkably and was used precisely in this capacity. For cooking, the nomads used a special leather bag - a wineskin, into which the leaven was poured. During the race, the heat from the horse and the sultry sun did their job, and the product became dense as. It was often used for food, and to quench thirst it was bred with milk or. This diluted drink is called chalap or shalap. Armenians have a product very similar to ayran, called tan.

In our country, mass production of ayran began around the 90s of the 20th century. Now this product can be easily found on the shelves of modern supermarkets or stores. This drink is quite easy to prepare at home, but, unfortunately, in terms of its taste and beneficial qualities, it is quite inferior to its Caucasian counterpart.

Chemical composition of the product

This unique drink contains lactic acid bacteria, easily digestible (about 1.1 grams), non-essential and essential amino acids. Every country has its own recipe for the drink, and every nation prepares it differently. Therefore, the fat content of ayran also varies. On average it contains about 1 gram, and approximately 2.4 grams. The drink also fluctuates and is approximately 19-25 grams. The product contains a rich mineral complex represented by:

One can note the high content of potassium (about 106 mg) and sodium (about 159 mg). Ayran contains useful , and , and .

How to select and store

When purchasing a finished product in a store, you need to take into account that the product tends to form sediment. This is in no way a sign of product deterioration. Before use, you just need to shake it until smooth. Of course, you should pay attention to the expiration date and not use the product after it expires. It is also recommended to look at the composition of the drink. Real ayran should not contain artificial preservatives and dyes, food additives and other chemicals, and the presence of powdered milk is not recommended.

Fresh homemade ayran should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. The same applies to purchased products. After opening the package, it should be consumed as quickly as possible. Real mountain ayran has a long shelf life, since it contains , which is a natural preservative. But you won’t find such a drink in our stores, and you can only try it by going to the Caucasus.

Beneficial features

Ayran has a unique vitamin and mineral complex, thanks to which it acquired its famous medicinal properties. It is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology, and is incredibly useful for pregnant and nursing mothers. Its natural composition is very good for baby food and is widely used in dietary programs.

Due to its nutritional properties, it can be a complete meal or snack, saturating the body with energy and vitality. And its low energy value makes it indispensable for any diet, as well as for people suffering from obesity.

Lactic acid bacteria renew the intestinal microflora and prevent the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Ayran is a wonderful hangover cure. It normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, promotes stable functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is able to activate blood flow and saturate cells with oxygen.

Regular consumption of the drink strengthens the immune system and promotes the body's natural defense against bacteria and viruses. It helps reduce harmful substances in the blood and keeps the human body in good shape.

Use in home medicine

Homemade freshly prepared ayran is often used for medicinal purposes for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as:

  • cholecystitis and other liver diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • pancreatitis, but not during an exacerbation;
  • hypertension.

Ayran is also useful for cancer patients. It is believed to be able to stop the development of cancer cells. This product is one of the best preventatives for osteoporosis. The fact is that calcium is very well absorbed by the body with the help of milk fats. Both are contained in ayran in large quantities. It is thanks to its daily use that the Caucasian people, even at an advanced age, do not complain about joints and brittle bones.

It is recommended to use this drink in regions with poor environmental conditions, as it removes dangerous toxins and waste from the body and protects it from free radicals. It is useful to use it for athletes or during heavy physical activity. Due to the fact that it helps normalize the water-salt balance, ayran is a decongestant and effectively rids the body of excess fluid.

Ayran for hangover

Ayran against dysbiosis

To prevent this disease and improve intestinal microflora, you should drink a glass of fresh drink in the morning every day for a month. This recipe will also be effective for frequent constipation.

Ayran for hemorrhoids

Using this healing drink, you can prepare a cure for this delicate ailment.

To do this you will need 2 parts of ayran, 1 part of thick rice water and 1 part. All this needs to be mixed and cooled at room temperature. Place the mixture on a sheet and apply it to the hemorrhoids for about 10 minutes twice a day for two weeks.

Ayran for pancreatitis

During exacerbation of the disease, drinking the drink is not recommended. You can start drinking it as a preventative measure two weeks after the onset of the disease. It is advisable to start with small doses of the product (50 grams) before bed to prevent negative reactions. If drinking ayran does not cause pain or disruption of the digestive process, then the amount of drink can be gradually increased and increased to 200 ml. It is advisable to consume ayran in the evening as a light dinner.

Ayran for blood pressure

If you mix this healthy drink with a few sprigs of cilantro, you will get a wonderful remedy for normalizing blood pressure. To do this, add finely chopped greens to a glass of the finished drink. It is better to take the medicine in the morning for 3 months.

To normalize metabolism

To improve metabolism, it is good to use freshly prepared ayran with spices. To do this, you need to throw a pinch of red hot ground pepper and half a teaspoon into a glass of the product. Drink daily 2 hours before bedtime for three weeks. You can repeat the course after a week. It is important not to eat any more food after taking the medicine.

Use in cooking

Ayran is consumed as a drink in hot weather to quench thirst and normalize salt balance. It is often used as a base for making okroshka or other cold soups. It goes well with herbs, herbs and spices:

  • cilantro;
  • mint;
  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • paprika;
  • cumin;
  • zira.

Sweet lovers often use ayran as a dessert, combining it with various fruits. And some gourmets add finely chopped pickles and green onions to the drink.

Homemade recipe

Goat, sheep or cow's milk is considered traditional for preparing ayran. For sourdough, you can use kefir or sour cream. The thickness of the resulting product will depend on the thickness of the ingredients included in its composition. Moreover, it is quite easy to adjust by adding mineral water or milk to the finished ayran.

  • milk - 220 grams;
  • sourdough - 40 grams.

Add starter to boiled milk cooled to room temperature. Mix thoroughly, pour into a container and close the lid tightly. Leave in a warm place for 6 hours.

To prepare ayran, many simply dilute sour milk with water and beat it with a blender. Serve it chilled, diluted with water and ice. This recipe is called ayran in Mongolian.

Use in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of ayran are also used in the field of beauty and cosmetology. It is often used to make face and hair masks and is used to produce nourishing and moisturizing creams.

Hair Mask

A mask based on this product gives shine to weakened hair, strengthens and revitalizes it.

To prepare you will need:

  • ayran - 100 ml;
  • potato starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • burdock oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • hair balm - 1 teaspoon.

Mix everything until smooth. Apply the heated product to the hair roots for 20 minutes. Procedures are carried out once a week for 10 weeks.

Nourishing face mask

To prepare you will need:

  • ayran - 50 ml;
  • white clay - 2 teaspoons;
  • yolk - 1 piece.

Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to pre-cleaned face for 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off any remaining product with warm water. Repeat weekly for 7 weeks.

Dietary properties

Ayran is a low-calorie product with high nutritional value. This is simply an indispensable assistant in the diet menu. By replacing your usual dinner with this drink, you can easily and painlessly lose a few kilograms. Regular consumption of this drink speeds up metabolism and removes harmful substances from the body. Often, for quick and effective weight loss, a three-day ayran diet is used. It involves daily use of only this product and mineral water. To achieve results, it is recommended to drink 2 liters of ayran per day, a glass of the product every two hours.

Ayran for pregnant women and in the children's menu

This is a very healthy drink for expectant mothers and their babies. But in some cases it should be taken with caution. In the first trimester, this drink is very useful, as it saturates the body with the vitamins and minerals needed during this period. You should only consume fresh, unfermented product. Recommended dose: 1-2 glasses per day. In the second trimester, you should reduce the dose of the drink to 2 glasses 4 times a week. At this stage, the use of ayran will help prevent excess weight gain, and will also be a good prevention of constipation. In the last trimester, you should remember that this drink is contraindicated for girls prone to edema. This product contains salt, which tends to retain water in the body. But even if they are not there, the recommended dose of ayran is 1 glass 2 times a week.

For nursing mothers, the use of ayran is not prohibited, but it is better to introduce it into your diet after the baby is three months old in order to exclude the possibility of increased gas formation in the baby. And from 10 months you can introduce it into the baby’s diet. It is best to give the product in the morning, starting with a teaspoon. And if no negative reactions occur, the dose can be gradually increased.

Harm and dangerous properties

Ayran is contraindicated for diseases of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, heartburn, and peptic ulcers. It is not recommended to use the product during an exacerbation of pancreatic disease, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the drink. Eating stale food may cause stomach upset or poisoning.


Ayran is undoubtedly worthy of its fame as the drink of the gods and the elixir of longevity. Its valuable composition has beneficial and healing properties. Thanks to him, the product is in great demand in cooking. Delicious first courses and wonderful desserts are prepared on its basis. It is also popular in the diet menu. Due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value, it is an essential ingredient in many nutritional programs. Its valuable qualities have not been spared by the fields of medicine and cosmetology. On its basis, medicines are prepared for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. It is also used as a basis for the preparation of creams, masks and other cosmetics. This drink is useful for both young children and older consumers, and is popular with pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is important to remember that using a fresh product is good for health, and a stale or improperly prepared drink will not do anything good for the body. The best ayran is homemade from natural ingredients.

This fermented milk drink is similar to kefir. It is very popular among the Caucasian, Balkan and Turkic peoples. In ancient legends, it is known as the drink of the gods and the elixir of youth and beauty. In general, the subtle eastern people are connoisseurs of everything useful and beautiful. Fermented milk drinks, which have healing and rejuvenating properties, are worth their weight in gold. In the old days, ayran recipes were passed down orally, from ancient sages to their young followers and kept secret from most people.

A little history

This drink came to us from the distant southern Kerkinitis. Around the 2nd century BC, the ancient Greeks loved it for its taste and beneficial properties. Later, during bloody wars with nomadic peoples, the recipe for making ayran became known to the Scythians. And during the Great Migration, it became simply indispensable during long marches, as it could retain its valuable qualities for a long time in unfavorable weather conditions.

The eastern highlanders steadfastly preserved the recipe for this drink. Having become interested in the secret of the longevity of mountain peoples, the Russians learned about the existence of this miracle drink. But when trying to find out how to cook it, we came across an unexpected obstacle. The Caucasians did not want to give away their secret for any benefit. However, eastern elders could not resist female beauty. One of the Caucasian princes fell in love with a beautiful Russian girl and the treasured recipe for ayran became a wedding gift to the beauty.

Kabardino-Balkaria and Circassia are considered to be the birthplace of this drink. It is noteworthy that ayran is prepared differently by settled and nomadic peoples. For some it looks more like a drink, for others it looks more like food. It is prepared using katyk, a type of sour milk that evaporates when fermented and becomes very fatty. Among sedentary peoples, katyk was mixed with cold spring water and ice was added. It quenched thirst remarkably and was used precisely in this capacity. For cooking, nomads used a special leather bag - a wineskin, into which milk and sourdough were poured. During the race, the heat from the horse and the sultry sun did their job, and the product became dense like sour cream. It was often used for food, and to quench thirst it was diluted with water, milk or kumiss. This diluted drink is called chalap or shalap. Armenians have a product very similar to ayran, called tan.

In our country, mass production of ayran began around the 90s of the 20th century. Now this product can be easily found on the shelves of modern supermarkets or stores. This drink is quite easy to prepare at home, but, unfortunately, in terms of its taste and beneficial qualities, it is quite inferior to its Caucasian counterpart.

Chemical composition of the product

This unique drink contains lactic acid bacteria, easily digestible proteins (about 1.1 grams), lactic acid, essential and essential amino acids. Every country has its own recipe for the drink, and every nation prepares it differently. Therefore, the fat content of ayran also varies. On average, it contains about 1 gram of fat and approximately 2.4 grams of carbohydrates. The calorie content of the drink also varies and is approximately 19-25 grams. The product contains a rich mineral complex represented by:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • chlorine;
  • iodine;
  • sulfur.

One can note the high content of potassium (about 106 mg) and sodium (about 159 mg). Ayran contains useful vitamins A, B, C, D, H and PP, organic acids and unsaturated fatty acids.

How to select and store

When purchasing a finished product in a store, you need to take into account that the product tends to form sediment. This is in no way a sign of product deterioration. Before use, you just need to shake it until smooth. Of course, you should pay attention to the expiration date and not use the product after it expires. It is also recommended to look at the composition of the drink. Real ayran should not contain artificial preservatives and dyes, food additives and other chemicals, and the presence of powdered milk is not recommended.

Fresh homemade ayran should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. The same applies to purchased products. After opening the package, it should be consumed as quickly as possible. Real mountain ayran has a long shelf life, since it contains salt, which is a natural preservative. But you won’t find such a drink in our stores, and you can only try it by going to the Caucasus.

Beneficial features

Ayran has a unique vitamin and mineral complex, thanks to which it acquired its famous medicinal properties. It is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology, and is incredibly useful for pregnant and nursing mothers. Its natural composition is very good for baby food and is widely used in dietary programs.

Due to its nutritional properties, it can be a complete meal or snack, saturating the body with energy and vitality. And its low energy value makes it indispensable for any diet, as well as for people suffering from obesity.

Lactic acid bacteria renew the intestinal microflora and prevent the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Ayran is a wonderful hangover cure. It normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, promotes stable functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is able to activate blood flow and saturate cells with oxygen.

Regular consumption of the drink strengthens the immune system and promotes the body's natural defense against bacteria and viruses. It helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and keeps the human body in good shape.

Use in home medicine

Homemade freshly prepared ayran is often used for medicinal purposes for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as:

  • cholecystitis and other liver diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • pancreatitis, but not during an exacerbation;
  • hypertension.

Ayran is also useful for cancer patients. It is believed to be able to stop the development of cancer cells. This product is one of the best preventatives for osteoporosis. The fact is that calcium is very well absorbed by the body with the help of milk fats. Both are contained in ayran in large quantities. It is thanks to its daily use that the Caucasian people, even at an advanced age, do not complain about joints and brittle bones.

It is recommended to use this drink in regions with poor environmental conditions, as it removes dangerous toxins and waste from the body and protects it from free radicals. It is useful to use it for athletes or during heavy physical activity. Due to the fact that it helps normalize the water-salt balance, ayran is a decongestant and effectively rids the body of excess fluid.

Ayran for hangover

Ayran against dysbiosis

To prevent this disease and improve intestinal microflora, you should drink a glass of fresh drink in the morning every day for a month. This recipe will also be effective for frequent constipation.

Ayran for hemorrhoids

Using this healing drink, you can prepare a cure for this delicate ailment.

To do this you will need 2 parts of ayran, 1 part of thick rice water and 1 part of honey. All this needs to be mixed and cooled at room temperature. Place the mixture on a plantain leaf and apply it to the hemorrhoids for about 10 minutes twice a day for two weeks.

Ayran for pancreatitis

During exacerbation of the disease, drinking the drink is not recommended. You can start drinking it as a preventative measure two weeks after the onset of the disease. It is advisable to start with small doses of the product (50 grams) before bed to prevent negative reactions. If drinking ayran does not cause pain or disruption of the digestive process, then the amount of drink can be gradually increased and increased to 200 ml. It is advisable to consume ayran in the evening as a light dinner.

Ayran for blood pressure

If you mix this healthy drink with a few sprigs of cilantro, you will get a wonderful remedy for normalizing blood pressure. To do this, add finely chopped greens to a glass of the finished drink. It is better to take the medicine in the morning for 3 months.

To normalize metabolism

To improve metabolism, it is good to use freshly prepared ayran with spices. To do this, you need to throw a pinch of red hot ground pepper and half a teaspoon of cinnamon into a glass of the product. Drink daily 2 hours before bedtime for three weeks. You can repeat the course after a week. It is important not to eat any more food after taking the medicine.

Use in cooking

Ayran is consumed as a drink in hot weather to quench thirst and normalize salt balance. It is often used as a base for making okroshka or other cold soups. It goes well with herbs, herbs and spices:

  • cilantro;
  • mint;
  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • paprika;
  • cumin;
  • zira.

Sweet lovers often use ayran as a dessert, combining it with various fruits. And some gourmets add finely chopped pickles, garlic and green onions to the drink.

Homemade recipe

Goat, sheep or cow's milk is considered traditional for preparing ayran. For sourdough, you can use kefir, yogurt, yogurt or sour cream. The thickness of the resulting product will depend on the thickness of the ingredients included in its composition. Moreover, it is quite easy to adjust by adding mineral water or milk to the finished ayran.

  • milk - 220 grams;
  • sourdough - 40 grams.

Add starter to boiled milk cooled to room temperature. Mix thoroughly, pour into a container and close the lid tightly. Leave in a warm place for 6 hours.

To prepare ayran, many simply dilute sour milk with water and beat it with a blender. Serve it chilled, diluted with water and ice. This recipe is called ayran in Mongolian.

Use in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of ayran are also used in the field of beauty and cosmetology. It is often used to make face and hair masks and is used to produce nourishing and moisturizing creams.

Hair Mask

A mask based on this product gives shine to weakened hair, strengthens and revitalizes it.

To prepare you will need:

  • ayran - 100 ml;
  • potato starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • burdock oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • hair balm - 1 teaspoon.

Mix everything until smooth. Apply the heated product to the hair roots for 20 minutes. Procedures are carried out once a week for 10 weeks.

Nourishing face mask

To prepare you will need:

  • ayran - 50 ml;
  • white clay - 2 teaspoons;
  • yolk - 1 piece.

Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to pre-cleaned face for 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off any remaining product with warm water. Repeat weekly for 7 weeks.

Dietary properties

Ayran is a low-calorie product with high nutritional value. This is simply an indispensable assistant in the diet menu. By replacing your usual dinner with this drink, you can easily and painlessly lose a few kilograms. Regular consumption of this drink speeds up metabolism and removes harmful substances from the body. Often, for quick and effective weight loss, a three-day ayran diet is used. It involves daily use of only this product and mineral water. To achieve results, it is recommended to drink 2 liters of ayran per day, a glass of the product every two hours.

Ayran for pregnant women and in the children's menu

This is a very healthy drink for expectant mothers and their babies. But in some cases it should be taken with caution. In the first trimester, this drink is very useful, as it saturates the body with the vitamins and minerals needed during this period. You should only consume fresh, unfermented product. Recommended dose: 1-2 glasses per day. In the second trimester, you should reduce the dose of the drink to 2 glasses 4 times a week. At this stage, the use of ayran will help prevent excess weight gain, and will also be a good prevention of constipation. In the last trimester, you should remember that this drink is contraindicated for girls prone to edema. This product contains salt, which tends to retain water in the body. But even if they are not there, the recommended dose of ayran is 1 glass 2 times a week.

For nursing mothers, the use of ayran is not prohibited, but it is better to introduce it into your diet after the baby is three months old in order to exclude the possibility of increased gas formation in the baby. And from 10 months you can introduce it into the baby’s diet. It is best to give the product in the morning, starting with a teaspoon. And if no negative reactions occur, the dose can be gradually increased.

Harm and dangerous properties

Ayran is contraindicated for diseases of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, heartburn, and peptic ulcers. It is not recommended to use the product during an exacerbation of pancreatic disease, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the drink. Eating stale food may cause stomach upset or poisoning.


Ayran is undoubtedly worthy of its fame as the drink of the gods and the elixir of longevity. Its valuable composition has beneficial and healing properties. Thanks to him, the product is in great demand in cooking. Delicious first courses and wonderful desserts are prepared on its basis. It is also popular in the diet menu. Due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value, it is an essential ingredient in many nutritional programs. Its valuable qualities have not been spared by the fields of medicine and cosmetology. On its basis, medicines are prepared for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. It is also used as a basis for the preparation of creams, masks and other cosmetics. This drink is useful for both young children and older consumers, and is popular with pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is important to remember that using a fresh product is good for health, and a stale or improperly prepared drink will not do anything good for the body. The best ayran is homemade from natural ingredients.