Healthy ways of cooking. Cooking techniques

Proper nutrition, we believe, begins with choosing the right foods: low-calorie, low-fat, etc. But for some reason we forget that it is no less important to prepare them correctly: after all, even a chicken breast fried in oil will be just as dangerous for your figure. like a piece of cake. What cooking methods should those trying to lose weight choose? Let's talk with a nutritionist.

The cooking method you choose directly determines whether the dish will be healthy.

Nutrition experts do not favor frying: mainly due to the use of oil or animal fat, which are “guilty” not only of increasing the calorie content of the dish. “If the oil is heat treated for more than 4 minutes, the fats turn into trans fats, which are dangerous for the cardiovascular system. Regular use of such “fried” fats leads to early sclerotization of blood vessels, especially the brain,”- says Rimma Moisenko, nutritionist, head of the Rimmarita Center for Aesthetic Medicine.

By the way, stewing is also not the healthiest way to cook. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures destroys the structure of the fibers, and products lose their beneficial properties. “Carbohydrates in vegetables and starchy foods break down into glucose and raise the glycemic index of the product. This is especially disadvantageous for those who are overweight and have impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Cereals that have been stewed are also broken down into glucose. What does this mean? Because the feeling of fullness after eating them will leave you quite quickly.”, explains the nutritionist.

1. Boiling

Cooked products are quickly and easily absorbed by the body, which allows us to receive all the useful microelements. In addition, boiling eliminates the use of oil, which makes food less caloric.

However, boiling also has its own nuances. For example, when cooked, most products fall apart, become less crispy, and lose their rich taste. “In addition, if you cook products of animal origin this way, then all the toxic elements and metal salts contained in the meat can escape into the first broth against the background of high cooking temperatures. Therefore, it is important to drain the first broth after boiling, and cook the main dish using the secondary broth,”- advises Rimma Moysenko.

Useful tips. Are you cooking vegetables? Do this with the lid closed at maximum temperature and the minimum amount of water that just barely covers the food. “This way you minimize the release of vitamins and microelements and their release into the water. It is better to cook vegetables until half cooked in order to preserve their nutritional value and not increase the glycemic index,”- explains the nutritionist.

As for pureed soups, vegetables should not be boiled for them either. It is better to process semi-hard foods with a blender to preserve vitamins and fiber.

Are you cooking grains? Keep this in mind: when cooking some grains, B vitamins pass into the broth, so you shouldn’t add too much water to them. Add just a little liquid to the pan so that after the cereal swells in it, you do not have to drain off the excess broth.

This method is one of the most successful for preserving the nutritional value of both meat and vegetables. “Firstly, the products are prepared without oil, and secondly, they turn out juicy, and at the same time low in calories, are easily digestible and do not contain any irritants. This food is ideal for those who want to lose weight - it quickly fills you up and does not cause increased appetite.", explains the nutritionist.

However The taste of such dishes, as a rule, turns out to be bland, and not everyone likes this. In addition, it is quite risky to steam large pieces of meat - they may not steam completely, which is quite dangerous to health.

3. Baking

It is better to bake food without using a sleeve

But experts do not approve of using a baking sleeve. The plastic from which it is made can release toxic substances into food at high temperatures. Foil in this sense is a safer option.

4. Grilling

“This method allows us to cook without oil. True, the usefulness of the product will depend on what kind of grill you used - electric, convection oven, etc.”- says the nutritionist. For example, electric models allow us to cook healthier food, unlike when we bake something over an open fire: the same lighter fluid releases different chemical compositions into the food. And the fat flowing through the device is quickly disposed of without forming repeated carcinogenic smoke.

However Cooking meat over an open fire is quite dangerous - it may not cook completely, which increases the risk of getting an infectious disease.

Useful tips. It is very important to follow the cooking rules, in which the grill does not allow the product to char and retains all the internal juices. “To do this, select the height from the fire, the cooking time and the speed of rotation of the product around its axis. The air fryer takes these parameters into account and allows you to accurately prepare healthy food compared to grilled food outdoors.”, the specialist advises.

5. Dry frying

Teflon coated frying pans make it possible to fry foods without oil. And this, as is already clear, is a minimum of calories and no trans fats.

However It has long been proven that such frying pans, when regularly exposed to high temperatures, after several years of operation begin to release carcinogenic substances that penetrate into food. The more scratches there are on the dishes, the more carcinogens get into the product.

Useful tips. According to the nutritionist, cast iron frying pans are safe in this sense. And if the product releases juices during frying, then it is better to use parchment paper: lay it on a frying pan, and place vegetables or meat on top - this technique will help avoid charring of the food.

However, you can do without oil in another way: heat the frying pan over very low heat, add the chopped oil, add some salt, and stir. Simmer the vegetable over low heat for 10-12 minutes - during this time it will give quite a lot of juice, which will replace the oil. Then add the rest of the ingredients.

6. Sous Vide

This is cooking food in a vacuum at low temperature (47-80 degrees) for a long time. “If a product is prepared under vacuum, then it really does not lose even one percent of its nutritional value during heat treatment,” says the nutritionist.

However The main disadvantage of this method is that the products are cooked very slowly and in special equipment, which, as a rule, is only available in special restaurants specializing in sous vide.

Useful tips. You can try the sous vide variation at home. The safest way to experiment with fish is to place a small piece in a Ziploc bag or any other bag that is tight and has a valve on top. Add a little salt, spices and herbs to taste, 1 tsp. oils Then gradually lower it into a container with warm running water with the clasp up - the air from the bag will gradually rise up, you can release it from there with your hands. Close the valve and leave the bag in a container with running water for 50-70 minutes. You can determine the readiness of the dish by its appearance - the fish should turn a soft pink color.

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Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Building a dream figure is not only a competent training program in fitness centers and gyms, but at home it is also a healthy and proper diet. At proper nutrition not an unimportant point are methods of preparing food from products. How to minimize the loss of vitamins and nutrients from food elements and preserve nutritional value. Let's look at it, sort it out, put it into pieces.

The Healthiest Meal Cooking Methods for Athletic People

Since ancient times, man has learned many ways of culinary processing of the gifts of the earth, sea, and sky. Over the years, many techniques have been improved, and when people began to pay closer attention to their bodies, healthy food preparation came into practice. The products themselves, which can be eaten raw or heat-treated, were taken into account. If you want to maintain a slim figure, gain muscle mass without fat deposits, prepare your own food in the following ways.


Nutritionists around the world consider the method of processing foods with similar effects to be the most useful. When boiled, beneficial microelements are preserved and harmful additives evaporate. Mostly refer to meat products, but it is better not to overcook vegetables. Boiled colored elements will bring minimal benefit to the body, and it will not be the best. The absence of oil during cooking allows you to make the dish less caloric. Even high-calorie meat can turn into an element for girls on diets. When counting calories, take note that the calorie content of boiled beef is 2 times less than that of fried zucchini. The human digestive system likes it for its ease of absorption. Of course, taste is lost with this method, but something needs to be sacrificed.

For a couple

I give second place to steam as a healthy cooking method. Why? Nutrients are retained, food does not burn, color and juiciness are preserved, and the result is a low-calorie dish. Fish and vegetables are excellent for the described technique. Steamed food during the period of weight loss adds saturation and “kills” the feeling of hunger. But meat pieces are not suitable for steaming. Failure to complete steam treatment can lead to disorders of the digestive system and overall health. Many people do not like the bland state; to improve the taste, use the services.


The presented method differs from cooking with a minimal amount of liquid poured in, a low boiling point, and the use of modern thick-walled cookware. The taste of stewed food is more aromatic. Opinions are divided regarding the safety of useful elements. When vegetables are cooked for a long time, most vitamins evaporate; in protein products, on the contrary, the fibers soften and absorption occurs more efficiently. On the contrary, some fruits, when stewed, acquire additional beneficial properties when enzymes are released. Calorie content when stewing is at an average level.

Other cooking methods

Now let's move on to the heat treatment methods used by people, but I would not put athletes and fitness models next to the above for healthy nutrition. If anyone disagrees, please share in the comments.


A method for the lazy. I installed it, turned it on and left. The main thing is not to forget to pull it out in time. I will not classify this technique as a healthy method of cooking for fit people watching their weight, but it should be described. I will especially highlight the meat. Extracted fats from a piece in the oven, if exposed to high temperatures for a long time, will not do any good. The glycemic index is high, and consuming such prepared foods increases blood sugar levels. Vegetables didn’t go anywhere, especially those sprouting from the ground (beets). Retains nutritional value.


The addition will be utensils - a frying pan and oil. Foods cooked in the favorite way of most overweight people add additional fat, which absorbs the object in the pan from the oil. Sometimes products burn and the resulting carcinogenic elements become hazardous to health. The caloric content is off the charts. If you can't live without fried foods, use non-stick pans and replace vegetable oil with olive oil.


I consider grilling to be a modern method of cooking. Technical options: air grill, electric grill. The worst option is an open fire in nature. This includes the favorite kebab of meat and fish on the grill. You need to approach the coals wisely. They should not be very hot, but also not burn. For tasty meat to be beneficial, it must be cooked completely, not just on the outside. Avoid burning. Minimize the use of ignitions and chemical kindling. Many seasoned grillers suggest baking in the oven first, then moving outside.

If you want to get the maximum benefit for your body without wasting time on cooking, but using your training time to pump up your muscles, order meals from professionals. Any nuances will be heard and selected.

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There are many ways to cook food: boiling, frying, stewing, grilling, steaming. Not only the appearance, aroma and taste of food, but also the nutritional value of the food depends on how you cook. Here are the pros and cons of different cooking options.

During heat treatment, the molecules of the product are rearranged, its calorie content changes - that is, the body needs to spend a completely different amount of time processing such food.

In addition, cooking destroys 15-20% of some vitamins in vegetables, especially vitamin C, folic acid and potassium. However, among all the cooking methods, there are the most beneficial ones in which the food retains its nutritional value.


Cooking in boiling water is quick and easy, all you need is water and a little salt. Due to high temperatures and large amounts of water, water-soluble vitamins “leave” from foods, which is approximately 60-70% of useful elements.

However, some research shows that cooking is a better way to preserve the nutrients in carrots, zucchini and broccoli than steaming, frying or eating raw.

For a couple

Steaming works best for seafood and fish. The products are cooked in their own juice, while all the beneficial elements are preserved. According to a number of studies, steam allows you to remove maximum carcinogens from products.


The properties of stewing are very similar to steaming, since the method involves cooking food in a small amount of hot water. This takes little time and helps preserve nutrients in many foods, but especially in fish and vegetables.

Microwave cooking

Some researchers consider microwaving to be a healthy method. They explain this by saying that due to the short cooking time, the risk of wasting nutrients is minimal.

This is possible because microwaves act on food and heat it from the inside, as if “exciting” the molecules in the food. At the same time, microwaves can dry out the product.

According to others, this method is one of the easiest ways to preserve nutrients in vegetables. Proponents of this idea argue that, for example, broccoli in the microwave retains its vitamin C.


Frying is cooking food at high temperatures using oil for a short period of time. This method is considered the least useful.

Vegetables dry out when fried, and meat acquires toxins. Researchers are confident that regular consumption of fried foods increases the risk of developing pancreatic and breast cancer.


In terms of getting maximum nutritional value without sacrificing flavor, grilling is an excellent choice. The method requires minimal added fat and imparts a smoky flavor to foods while keeping meats and vegetables juicy and tender.


The raw food diet has been very popular lately, and apparently for good reason. Many studies show that this diet has serious benefits. For example, reducing the risk of developing cancer.

When eating raw food, the human body receives the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber without adding additional sugar or fat. However, a raw food diet is not the best nutrition option for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Learn how to prepare food properly to maintain health and well-being.

For those who want a beautiful figure, it would be a good idea to know what cooking technology is used in modern times. Each cooking method affects its texture, some people like one thing and others another. Which method should be preferred and which should not?

Cooking methods


In the field of nutrition, it is considered the best way to prepare food. Helps rid food of harmful substances and does not greatly destroy the original structure of food. However, the boiling process reduces the taste of the product.


Baking greatly increases products, for example, boiled potatoes have an indicator = 70, and baked ones 95! (almost sugar level). Thus, the potatoes are mashed and easily digested, quickly increasing the concentration of sugar levels in the body.

If during baking the food is covered without the help of foil, but using a special sleeve, then you must follow the instructions on the label. Otherwise, the temperature above the required value will release harmful substances from the material into the products.


The food is healthy and juicy, maintaining a high concentration of microelements and vitamins. For example, vegetables remain saturated, and fish does not fall apart from steam. But there are also disadvantages to this method: if you steam large vegetables or pieces of meat, they may steam unevenly. However, there are many more advantages - the glycemic index rises slightly, preserves the original structure of the food, damaging it with a minimum value. To maintain a slim figure, this is the best choice!


Typically, a convection oven, oven and open fire are used for this. Using open fire during the combustion process will increase the concentration of carcinogens even in vegetables and mushrooms. Everyone's favorite kebab is saturated with smoke, including even more combustion products. If you use a grill pan, the food burns a little, forming an appetizing, tasty crust. In general, grilling is a good way to cook food, but it is inferior to the steaming method.


This method involves the use of oil, which is absorbed to varying degrees by the food during the cooking process. When the oil gets very hot, it begins to drip, releasing carcinogenic substances into the food that are harmful to health. If, when preparing a large amount of food, the oil is not changed periodically, but the food is cooked in the same composition, the vegetable oil, changing its structure, increases the level of bad cholesterol in the body, turning the oil into hydrogenated margarine.


The advantage of this method is cooking without oil. The taste is better than during the cooking process. During the stewing process, meat is well absorbed, and vegetables retain potassium, vitamins A and B, as well as fiber. Unfortunately, the vitamin C content decreases, as it is destroyed during any heat treatment. It is very important to choose the length of time for stewing - the product must be brought to readiness without unnecessary overcooking, otherwise the possibility of evaporation of all useful substances increases.

Knowledge of food preparation technology and rational techniques for preparing various dishes and culinary products will help you comply with dietary requirements and cook tasty and varied meals.

Some knowledge and techniques are repeated from one recipe to another. Therefore, I am releasing this post, which will be filled out over time and someday the “cooking technology” post will take on a finished form.

What is sautéing, poaching and blanching?

Sautéing, poaching and blanching are thermal culinary treatments of food products.

It’s interesting that even in a special cookbook you can find the word “pass” e roving" of the product is written as "pass And"ditching." And these are completely different meanings.

"Pass And“Rovka” is insurance. The passenger stands next to the performer and provides insurance, for example, against falling. Pass And to protect, for example, a gymnast from falling.

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"Passe "Rot" is a culinary term. To sauté means to lightly fry in oil. For example, fry the onion until golden brown - this is sautéing.

You can sauté vegetables: onions, tomatoes, carrots, beets, etc., roots: celery, parsley, etc. During sautéing, coloring and aromatic substances are extracted. Therefore, soup with sautéed onions and carrots acquires a beautiful color and aroma.

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"Blanch"- processing of food products with boiling water or steam for a short time. Blanching time ranges from a few seconds – scalding to 5 minutes. You can blanch fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat and fish. Blanching is used for various purposes, for example, to remove the skin from a tomato, to remove an unpleasant specific odor from a product, to preserve the color of vegetables, etc.

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"Let go"- cooking food in a small amount of liquid (broth, milk, water or in its own juice). Poached vegetables are used in dietary nutrition.

You can add meat and fish. Due to the presence of extractive substances, such a dish will be tastier than boiled meat, but poached meat or fish contains less extractive substances than a fried dish. Therefore, some non-strict diets include dishes made from poached meat and fish. But decoctions in which meat or fish were cooked are not served on the diet table.