Glass tea infuser with press instructions. Teapot with piston: description, care, selection rules

There is a teapot in every kitchen. And even if preference is given to tea bags, the most ordinary teapot must be stored somewhere on the back shelf of the closet. At the same time, in our country, ordinary porcelain “pot-bellied” models are more often used, and French presses, which are much more convenient, for some reason are seriously inferior to them in popularity.

Perhaps the whole point is that they appeared in stores relatively recently, so many simply do not suspect why French presses are better than ordinary kettles. So why not talk about their convenience?

The French press (or, translated from French, “French press”) is a teapot made of transparent heat-resistant glass, invented by Attilio Calimani, a designer from Italy. The invention was released back in 1929, but it gained real popularity in Europe only after World War II, and appeared on the shelves of Russian stores even later.

While the most advanced models of teapots use strainers inserted under the lid or, as before, hung on the spout to prevent tea leaves from entering the cup, in the Italian invention a large piston filter is used for these purposes.

How to use?

Despite the more complex design compared to a conventional teapot, brewing tea in a French press is very, very simple:

  • tea is poured into a flask,
  • covered with a lid with the filter raised,
  • brews in a few minutes
  • the filter lowers, firmly pressing the tea leaves,
  • the drink is poured into cups.

But the most interesting thing is that French presses are not only designed for brewing tea, but can also be used as coffee pots. At the same time, nothing is required except the press itself and ground coffee, which is significantly cheaper than buying a Turk or, especially, a coffee machine.

The only point worth considering is the fineness of the coffee grind. If you don't want to grind your coffee by hand, when you buy a bag of ground coffee, you need it to be coarsely ground. This, firstly, will prevent coffee grounds from ending up in the cup, and, secondly, it will allow the coffee beans to release more flavor.

As for the brewing process, it is completely similar to brewing tea. For a small French press with a volume of 350 ml, you will need 2-3 teaspoons of ground coffee, but before adding it, it is recommended to warm the flask with boiling water, and pour the ground beans with slightly cooled water.

Types of French presses

You can also tell us in a nutshell what types of French presses there are. In fact, if you do not take into account the difference in volume, you can distinguish only two varieties that differ in materials. In the first case, colored plastic is used as a “frame” holding the flask and filter material, and in the second case, polished steel is used. The flask itself is always made of glass, and a metal mesh is used for filtration.

The difference between materials, for the most part, lies only in the design and cost of the product. They do not affect the taste of drinks or ease of use.

What's better than a French press?

And finally, let’s determine why French presses are better than regular teapots?

  • they conveniently filter out tea leaves,
  • can be used not only for making tea, but also coffee,
  • because of the transparent walls you can always see how much drink is left,
  • come in various volumes - from 350 ml to 1 l,
  • they are easy to disassemble, wash and put back together,
  • French press prices are lower than regular kettles.

As you can see, the Italian designer’s invention turns out to be really simpler and more convenient to use. However, for some reason, it is still in no hurry to overtake classic teapots in popularity. And if you have never tried it in action, then why not do it, because you can now buy a French press very, very cheaply.

The beginning of the working day is always associated with a cup of aromatic coffee or tea. It is a morning mug of hot drink that helps to cheer up and tune yourself and your thoughts to the work process.

But not everyone will agree to drink tea from a bag, and carrying a clay teapot and loose Chinese tea from home is not always convenient.

This is where a useful device like a French press comes to the rescue. What is it and what are the secrets of its use?

The history of the French press

The creation of this device dates back to the nineteenth century. It was then that the French invented the French press, and it was used for making coffee.

There is a mention of the invention of the device itself by an Italian, but there is no doubt that the French were involved in its mass production - the Chambord brand belongs to the French company Melior.

Coffee in a French press is brewed quickly and turns out rich, and when poured into mugs, all the grounds remain at the bottom of the device, which adds undoubted convenience to its use.

Also, the French press began to be used in different countries to obtain well-brewed tea and various types of tea. The principle of preparing drinks in it is approximately the same. You should consider how to brew your French press to get the best tasting drinks.

Principles of brewing drinks in a French press

A particular convenience, according to most users, is the absence of the need to catch tea leaves in the finished tea or coffee. This is facilitated by the French press device itself. Let's study it more carefully.

A French press teapot is a glass flask of various sizes with a piston inside. The piston contains a filter. The glass used to make the flask for this device is heat-resistant and transparent.

The piston in a French press can be made of stainless steel or plastic. Without a doubt, stainless steel is preferable, since this material has a longer service life, is easier to clean, and also does not absorb odors.

Let’s consider the question of how to use a French press in the form of listing the sequence of actions when brewing:

  1. Before brewing any drink, you should rinse the French press flask with boiling water.
  2. Then tea leaves or coffee are poured into it and water is poured at the temperature required for brewing.
  3. Allow a few minutes for the drink to infuse and acquire the best taste.
  4. Then, using the piston, a couple of movements are made from bottom to top and back - this will also allow you to get a particularly strong drink.
  5. Now you can pour the delicious drink into mugs.

Separately, it should be noted that the drink should be poured without leaving any residue, otherwise it will infuse too much and will not acquire the best taste.

Rules for choosing a French press

Let's dwell on the question of how to choose a French press:

  • When making a purchase, you should first of all pay attention to the fastening of the flask, which must be strong, which prevents it from tearing off and breaking when the vessel is filled with boiling water.
  • Also important indicators of the quality of the flask and its long-term use can be considered the absence of scratches and bubbles on the flask.
  • Of course, the glass flask must be completely intact, without cracks.

A metal French press will be more impact-resistant, so the duration of its use will be longer.

Like any other utensil used for cooking, the French press must be maintained in accordance with all the rules that apply to the care of kitchen utensils.

  • After brewing the drink, you should immediately pour out the entire drink without leaving any residue.
  • After the drink has been poured out of the device, remove the plunger and discard the remaining coffee grounds or tea leaves/herbal infusion. Particular care should be taken when cleaning the piston - a certain amount of tea leaves or coffee grounds may remain in it, which will worsen the taste of the drinks during subsequent brewing.
  • The walls of the glass flask of the French press should be washed under running water, and it is advisable to do this with a soft sponge - with prolonged use, a yellowish coating appears on the walls of the flask, which can become firmly fixed here and is subsequently difficult to remove.

Based on many reviews about the use of a French press and your own experience, you can understand that this invention is great to use and how. If used correctly, the French press kettle will have a long service life and an attractive appearance.

And if you follow the rules for brewing drinks, their taste will pleasantly surprise even the most discerning connoisseur and gourmet!

French press for tea, how to brew a French press, French press kettle, how to use a French press, coffee in a French press, French press brewer, how to choose a French press, metal French press

Many people cannot imagine starting the day without a fragrant mug of strong tea or coffee. After all, a hot drink allows you to cheer up and set yourself up for a productive day. Not everyone agrees to drink instant coffee or tea bags. But brewing in a regular kettle is not always convenient. How to be? In such cases, it is worth using a teapot with a piston.

How did such a teapot come about?

A teapot with a piston is called a French press. Such a device was first created back in the 19th century. The French press was invented by a Frenchman for making coffee. Many argue that the first such teapots were made by Italians. However, serial production was carried out by the French company Melior.

If you use such a teapot with a piston to make coffee, the drink will be rich. However, the process itself takes a little time. In addition, when pouring coffee into a cup, the grounds remain at the bottom of the French press and do not get into the drink.

A glass teapot with a piston allows you to prepare aromatic tea or herbal infusion. The principle of preparing drinks is the same. Thanks to this, the popularity of the French press is growing every day.

French press structure

Delicious drinks in such a kettle are obtained thanks to its structure. The French press is a flask made of glass. The sizes of the kettle are completely different. Inside this design there is a piston in which the filter is located. As for glass, transparent and heat-resistant glass is used to make such teapots.

The piston, as a rule, can be made of plastic or stainless steel. The latter option is more preferable, since such material has a long service life, it is easy to clean and is not able to absorb odors.

The principle of preparing drinks

How to properly use a plunger teapot? The instructions are quite simple and clear. The whole process comes down to a few steps:

  1. To begin, the flask must be thoroughly rinsed with boiling water.
  2. Pour the tea leaves into the container, and then pour in water at the appropriate temperature.
  3. The drink should steep for a few minutes. This is the only way it will acquire a rich and unique taste.
  4. When the drink has brewed a little, you need to lower and raise the piston several times. This will make the taste richer.

The drink is ready. All that remains is to pour it into cups. It is recommended to drain the tea completely. Otherwise, it will infuse and acquire a bitter taste.

How to choose a device

Now you know how to assemble a teapot with a piston. All that remains is to make a choice. After all, the range of such products is quite large. When purchasing, you should carefully inspect the mounting of the flask. It should be strong enough. Otherwise, the flask will simply come off when boiling water is poured into it.

Another important indicator is the quality of the container itself. The length of its service life depends on this. There should be no small scratches, chips or bubbles on the flask. In other words, it must be intact and without any damage.

The most durable teapots are glass teapots with a piston, made of metal. They are impact-resistant, which affects their service life.

How to care

In order for such a teapot to last for more than one year, it is necessary to properly care for it. After brewing tea, herbs or coffee, the drink should be completely drained. After this, you need to remove the piston. The flask should be freed from grounds or tea leaves. The piston itself must be cleaned especially carefully. After all, there may be some tea leaves or coffee grounds left in it. This will worsen the taste of the drink, which will later be brewed in the flask.

The glass container should be washed under running water. To remove dirt from its surface, use a soft sponge. If used for a long enough time, a yellowish tinge may appear on the glass. It can eat into the material. In the future, it is very difficult to remove such plaque. Do not use harsh abrasive products to clean your French press. This will negatively affect the condition of the flask. With proper care, such a teapot can last for many years.

An indispensable device for quickly preparing drinks, the French press for tea and coffee has conquered the world with its simplicity and functionality. Nowadays this device can be found in almost every kitchen; it is an excellent gift for tea and coffee lovers, as well as a convenient “office” option. Features of choosing this device, its structure and additional functions are discussed in our article.

This convenient device first appeared in France in the 20s of the last century. Initially, coffee was brewed in it, and the invention was patented by the French company Melior under the Chambord brand. This method of brewing was extremely popular with consumers. It eliminates the lengthy process of infusion and filtering of the resulting drink. In addition, unlike traditional teapots, the container has a simple geometric shape, eliminating hard-to-reach places for thorough rinsing.

What does a standard French press consist of:

  • Cylindrical brewing flask. Its volume, height and diameter can vary; the material from which it is made is usually tempered glass. This container can withstand repeated brewing.
  • A filter equipped with a piston for successful brewing and separation of the infusion from the finished drink. Usually the filter is located directly under the cover and is connected to it by a piston.
  • The stand for the flask is usually equipped with a comfortable handle. Made from more practical materials, such as stainless steel.

Tea in a French press turns out to be very rich, and you can also enjoy the process of transforming and straightening the tea leaves. In the Chinese tea ceremony, the process of creation occupies one of the priority places, so you can experience this procedure yourself by observing the transformation of the tea leaves in such a device.

Types of French press, advantages and disadvantages of use

On sale you can find many options for this design. They differ in volume, material of manufacture, configuration and brand of manufacturer. When choosing, it is important to consider the main points of preparing the drink, as well as the environmental friendliness of the material. Thus, it is advisable to give preference to a glass flask, and additional elements should be made of stainless “food” steel.

Plastic parts, especially the brewing body, are not allowed. When in contact with hot liquid, and especially concentrated tea leaves, even the most resistant plastics can release substances hazardous to health, and such additives certainly will not be beneficial, especially if used regularly.

Among the main advantages of the French press are:

  • Affordable price. Such a device can be purchased as a gift, as well as for personal use, without much damage to the budget.
  • Easy to care for. The French press is easy to clean, which housewives will definitely appreciate.
  • Excellent brewing quality. Tea brewing fully reveals its taste, and coffee can be made to the desired strength by adjusting the proportions.
  • The device does not take up much space and fits perfectly into any interior.

Among the disadvantages is the fragility of the glass flask. It can break if accidentally dropped, as well as with a strong temperature change (for example, when brewing immediately after rinsing in cold water). Many owners note the short period of use of such a teapot, while traditional dishes can last for years. Also, for lovers of automatic devices, “manual control” of a French press may be inconvenient.

To prepare different drinks, it is advisable to have two separate devices in stock. The fact is that brewed coffee has a brighter taste and aroma, so tea brewed after it will “lose” part of its taste characteristics.

What to look for when buying a French press

Despite the simplicity of the design, it is important to pay attention to some nuances when purchasing. This will help you purchase a quality device.

How to choose the right French press:

  • The cost of the device cannot be too low. In this case, there may be a manufacturing defect or the use of unsuitable materials in manufacturing.
  • The flask should be free of scratches, cracks and foreign inclusions. It is advisable to purchase a French press marked “made of tempered glass”; such material will last longer.
  • Determine the appropriate volume. For one serving of drink, 150-200 ml of water is enough, but such miniature teapots are usually not found on sale. They are usually sold in sizes of 350 ml or more, and liter French presses have the largest capacity.
  • Build quality. Particular attention should be paid to the tight fit and ease of use of the filter mesh. All elements must be tightly fitted to each other, not interfere with the movement of the piston and not get stuck.

Preference should be given to trusted brands, whose products are often guaranteed. When purchasing, you should also inquire about the possibility of ordering a spare flask, because this element is the most vulnerable in the entire structure.

Preparing tea in a French press

There should not be any particular difficulties in using the French teapot. At the same time, there are several important points of use that affect the quality of the prepared drink, as well as the service life of the device.

How to brew tea with a French press:

  • After boiling, the water should sit for half a minute to cool. Brewing with boiling water is bad for the condition of the glass and can also worsen the taste of the finished drink.
  • You should first rinse the flask with clean hot water. This will help eliminate extraneous odors and moisture residues after wrinkling, and also allow the tea leaves to open up better.
  • For brewing in a French press, it is preferable to choose large-leaf teas, as well as aromatic blends. This will allow you to enjoy the spectacle of the leaves opening, as well as the change in color of the drink.
  • The brewer's volume of 350 ml requires a standard portion of large-leaf tea of ​​2 teaspoons. If the tea leaves are small, you need to pour about half as much of it.
  • After the tea leaves have been filled with water (temperature within 80-95 degrees depending on the type of tea), the press is covered with a lid, but the filter is not lowered yet.
  • After 3-10 minutes of brewing (also depends on the type of tea), the piston is lowered to the bottom, pressing the tea leaves as hard as possible. The drink is ready to drink!
  • Cleaning a French press is very simple: just pull out the filter with the lid, throw out the tea leaves at the bottom of the container, and then rinse the entire flask with water.

The following video will help you see how to brew tea in a French press.

For comfortable tea drinking, you should definitely look for a suitable model of French tea press. The convenience of the design has already been appreciated by thrifty housewives who know how to value their time and the comfort of preparing traditional homemade drinks. A French press can be used not only for brewing tea, but also for making coffee, especially in the workplace where it is not possible to boil water in a pot or use electric coffee machines. The design features, as well as the advantages of such a device, are discussed in detail in the information provided.

How to use French press or, as this device is popularly called, bistro,- such, at first glance, a simple and easy-to-use device that allows you to quickly and easily prepare rich coffee or aromatic tea, the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful” will tell you today. We are happy to share with our readers some secrets that will help you prepare a wonderful French press coffee, and we’ll tell you about the correct sequence for brewing an aromatic drink - after all, the taste and consistency of coffee prepared in a bistro differs from what those who prepare it in a Turkish coffee pot or coffee maker are used to. In a word, today we will learn how to use a French press correctly.

French press or French press called a teapot with a glass flask and a piston (plunger) for squeezing. Also called a French press cooking method drink in this wonderful device.

Americans and Europeans have long used a French press to make coffee, but for some reason in our country this convenient and easy-to-use device is used exclusively for brewing tea.

Many people mistakenly believe that coffee made in a French press cannot be tasty. Let's try to dispel this misconception, and for this you just need to know how to use a French press.

I would like to immediately note that The taste of coffee prepared in this way will differ from the usual– it will not be the same as the taste of coffee from a Turk or a coffee maker, it will be different, but the coffee will be delicious. This will be appreciated by real coffee lovers who will listen to our advice and figure out how to use a French press.

How does a French press work?

The French press has a very simple device. Includes:

  • glass container - flask. The diameter of the flask is the same in all models, but French presses vary in size– from the smallest (0.35 ml) to the largest (1 l). The capacity increases due to the height of the flask, that is, the higher it is, the greater the volume for liquid.
  • a metal or plastic case with a handle into which the flask is inserted.
  • A metal piston (plunger) is attached to the lid. It moves up and down easily. Actually, this is what it is squeezing press. On its base there is a round mesh filter along the diameter of the flask, a small spring and a steel part, which are fastened together with a bolt.

How to use a French press: the correct coffee brewing sequence

  • First rinse the flask with boiling water and wipe dry.
  • Boil water in a kettle.
  • Preparing coffee. If you will grind just before cooking and pour into a prepared French press, then this option is the most ideal. Be sure to consider the proportions and how much coffee you need to add. The quality and taste of the drink largely depends on this - this is what those who know how to use a French press say.

At first glance, this may seem like a lot. But more often they use it for a French press coarse coffee, from which essential oils are less easily extracted, so in this case there will not be much coffee to brew. But if you have medium or finely ground grains, then the proportion can be reduced. It all depends on your taste preferences.

  • Pour the ground grains into the bottom of the device.
  • After the kettle has boiled, leave it to cool for literally 10 - 15 seconds. This is enough to ensure that the water is at the desired temperature. Those who already know how to use a French press will remember that for coffee prepared in this way, it is recommended water temperature 90 - 95 degrees.
  • Pour boiling water over the coffee, not reaching the edge of the flask by 2 fingers, do not cover with the lid yet.
  • Now attention! From now on we'll detect 4 minutes and continue to learn how to use a French press correctly. When brewed correctly, you should immediately develop a characteristic coffee foam - cream. We quickly stir it with a wooden spoon and enjoy the aroma that spreads throughout the kitchen! The site draws your attention to the fact that if suddenly at this stage you do not get cream, then either the water temperature was incorrect, or, most likely, the coffee is of poor quality.
  • After you stir, the cap will foam a little and change color to a lighter color. At the same time, its density will be good and its height will be up to 1 cm - that is, real coffee cream, as when brewed by those who know how to use a French press. You can admire the beautiful foam stains that have formed on the surface.
  • Next, take the lid and lower the plunger to the foam, not lower! To brew coffee you will need 4 minutes. You still have time until you lower the press to the bottom. Do not hurry. Wait until exactly 4 minutes have passed. If you follow the tips on how to use a French press correctly, then Your coffee should be soft and pleasant to the taste. Depending on the variety, it will have a natural bitterness. You will learn about this a little later, when we tell you which varieties are best suited for brewing coffee in a French press.
  • The next moment is lowering the piston. This must be done smoothly in one movement, without crawling along the walls or lifting up and down, as when brewing tea in this device. The coffee grounds fall under the press and the process of releasing caffeine into the drink stops. Depending on what kind of coffee you prefer, you can increase or decrease the brewing time - that is, adjust the process to suit you: make the coffee strong or not.
  • For those who know how to use a French press and know how to do it correctly, the foam will remain. But in order for it to get into your cup, you need to use a little advice: when pouring the coffee into another container, Scroll and shake the flask a little. About the same as pouring coffee out of a Turkish coffee so that the cream is preserved.
  • French coffee is ready!

Tea in a French press should be brewed using the same technology. Points to consider are infusion time(it will depend on the type of tea) and the fact that the piston can be raised several times to play with it before using it to squeeze out the tea leaves. A French press is especially convenient for herbal tea lovers.

What determines the taste of coffee made in a French press?

Affects the taste of the drink freshness of the beans, degree of roasting, water quality, and of course, type of coffee. We talked about it on the website. Now you know how to do it right.

In some articles that tell you how to use a French press at home, you will find advice that for this device you need to use only coarsely ground coffee. Actually this is not true.

If you have a nylon strainer with small holes, then you can choose coffee of any grind. The only thing you have to consider is that it will take some effort to push the plunger down when making finely ground coffee.

The taste of French coffee depends more on freshness of ground beans. As we said earlier, the best option is to prepare the grains just before cooking. It is then that the taste of coffee will be fully revealed. You will not make real coffee from ready-made ground beans purchased in packaged packs, even if you know how to use and how much coffee to pour into a French press.

Roast freshness also plays an important role. It is advisable that you use freshly roasted coffee – 2 – 4 weeks from the date of roasting.

Even those who know how to use a French press to make coffee will not make good real French coffee from weathered beans.

Don't forget that in many ways water quality determines the taste of coffee. It cannot be boiled again. And, of course, it is better to take filtered, but not distilled. Don't forget about the temperature: for French coffee it is 90–95 degrees (10 seconds of cooling after boiling).

What type of coffee is better to choose?

A French press is convenient because you can make any type of coffee in it. But the most expensive single-origin varieties, such as Kopi Luwak, Jamaica Blue Mountain, St. Helena Green Bourbon.

Today, if you try hard, you can find coffee blends specifically designed for the French press.

The device is also convenient because you can immediately add spices if you like to add them to your drink. Please keep in mind that coffee is prepared very quickly using this method, and not all spices will be able to manifest themselves in such a short time. You can brew the spices in advance and pour the resulting decoction into coffee - use it instead of water.

What to look for when buying a French press?

  • When choosing a French press, the main thing to pay attention to is tight fit of the strainer to the walls. Some manufacturers seal the piston along the edge with a silicone ring. But, as practice shows, silicone gives off a smell when brewing, as well as You won’t be able to use this press for more than 3 months.– the seal becomes unusable. So when purchasing, it is better to choose a simple French press with a stainless steel piston - the operating principle is the same in all models.
  • In some French presses, at first you will need to make a considerable effort to lift the piston: the plunger in good quality French presses has a super-tight design. This is good. In such models, as those who already know and know how to use a French press say, coffee is brewed very well. After a few weeks, the tightness will decrease.
  • note onto the strainer filter. If it is coarse, then you can only make coarsely ground coffee. Convenient for those who have the simplest coffee grinder. If the strainer is nylon, then those who know how to use a French press can prepare medium and finely ground coffee. By the way, when preparing coffee in a French press, remember the rule: with coarse grinding it will be easier to compress the grounds, at fine and medium, you will have to apply a little force to lower the piston.
  • Do not forget take care of the filter– periodically unwind and rinse the strainer with water.
  • We also recommend that you immediately purchase spare flask. Although it is heat-resistant, it is, according to those who know how to use a French press, very fragile. For the same reason, stir the coffee to create foam. preferably a wooden or plastic spoon– metal can break the flask.

Now you, our dear readers, know how to use a French press to make coffee and feel its natural taste.

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