Baked white fish recipe. Homemade recipes for delicious baked fish in the oven

If you are looking for how to deliciously cook fish in the oven, then pay attention to useful tips that will help the dish develop. Fish dishes should be included in a person’s diet and diet in order to supply him with healthy omega acids. A delicious fish dish is easy and correct to prepare if you know the recipes that guarantee results.

What kind of fish is best to bake in the oven?

Housewives at home bake fish in the oven, for which they choose varieties with a high fat content. This condition is necessary to prepare a fragrant and juicy dish, not dry and healthy. For baking, it is better to use sea species - salmon, salmon, tilapia, butterfish, blue whiting, but river species - carp, carp, bream - will also work well.

Dry small rock can be tasty if flavored with butter or olive oil. The choice of fish variety depends only on the desires and capabilities of the housewife, because any variety is suitable for baking - even a particularly large species will turn out tasty if you cut it into steaks and marinate it properly. If you choose pike with many small bones, you can keep it longer so that the bones soften. These are the secrets of how to properly cook fish in the oven.

How to deliciously bake fish in the oven

If you want to learn how to properly prepare a delicious, delicious dish, it is important to consider at what temperature to bake fish in the oven. This can be done at 180 degrees, baking the product in foil or a pot. It is also important to consider how to properly cook fish in the oven - the pieces are wrapped in foil and cooked for up to 10 minutes if they are thin, and up to 20 minutes if the pieces are thicker than 2.5 cm. A whole carcass can be properly cooked in 25-30 minutes by wrapping it in foil to avoid unpleasant odors.

The foil wrap also helps distribute the heat evenly, preventing the dish from burning. In parallel with baking the main dish, you can also prepare a side dish - vegetables, cereals. By concentrating the temperature inside the foil wrapper, the product cooks quickly, retaining all the flavors. For spices you should use salt, pepper, lemon juice, and for a piquant taste you can try adding coriander, ginger, and nutmeg.

How to cook fish with lemon and mustard in foil

To make a delicious dietary recipe for cod with lemon and mustard, suitable for baking with a foil wrapper, you will need:

  • cod or pollock – 800 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, mustard;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • butter – 100 g.

Steps on how to bake fish in foil in the oven:

  1. Wash the cod, cut off the head if there is one, squeeze lemon juice on top.
  2. Rub the inside of the carcass with salt and pepper, coat the top with mustard.
  3. Chop onion, carrots and fry parsley.
  4. Coat the foil with butter, lay out the cod, previously stuffed with half of the vegetables, pour the other half on top, and close by joining the ends.
  5. Preheat the oven, place the cod with the remaining butter on top.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes, open to brown, leave for 10 minutes.
  7. A great side dish would be boiled or fried potatoes, salad, and mushrooms.

Recipe for cooking fish in the oven with potatoes without foil

If there are no foil materials in the house, then the fish dish can still be prepared correctly to obtain taste, aroma and juice. What you will need for the recipe with high-calorie potatoes:

  • pike perch – 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • salt, pepper, basil, herbs;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking fish in the oven with potatoes without foil:

  1. Clean the pike perch, wash it, fillet it tenderly, add salt and pepper.
  2. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, sprinkle with pepper, salt, basil, pour over oil, fry a little.
  3. Roll pike perch in flour and fry a little.
  4. Place 2 layers of potatoes on a baking sheet, place pike perch between them, bake for 40 minutes.
  5. Readiness is determined by frying the potatoes, and when the product is cooked, you can sprinkle it with herbs and serve with salted tomatoes and sauerkraut.

Baked fish with cream in pots

Not only foil or casserole dishes help to prepare fish dishes correctly - they also turn out well using pots. For a recipe for baked fish fillet with cream this way you will need:

  • fish fillet with white dense flesh – 300 g;
  • onion – 1 small onion;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • high fat cream – 100 g;
  • water – 1/4 cup;
  • salt, pepper, garlic.

How to properly cook baked fish in the oven:

  1. Cut the fillet into medium pieces, the onion into half rings.
  2. Grate the cheese, prepare the cream.
  3. Take a pot, put some onion and cream on the bottom, put the fillet, add spices, put the onion, cream, and some cheese again.
  4. Repeat until the pot is completely filled, add the remaining cheese, salt, and add grated garlic.
  5. Heat the oven and leave for half an hour.
  6. Serve the baked dish directly in the pot, garnished with herbs.

Red fish with vegetables in the oven

Healthy red fish meat will be incredibly soft and juicy if baked with vegetables. To prepare you will need:

  • salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon or salmon – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • salt, black pepper, seasonings.

How to properly cook red fish in the oven:

  1. Clean raw salmon from gills, scales and tail, cut off the head, rinse, cut into steak pieces, add salt and spices.
  2. Cut the carrots and onions into large strips, simmer in a frying pan until fully cooked - first fry in oil, add a little water, simmer.
  3. For salmon, make portioned boats out of foil, put vegetables and steaks there. If desired, you can grease with mayonnaise or marinate fish steaks in advance in lemon juice with bay leaf, and soy sauce.
  4. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for half an hour until golden brown and crispy.
  5. Serve with lemon juice or ketchup and sprinkle with white pepper.

Video recipes: how to cook whole fish in the oven

Fish baked in the oven is considered a very tasty and healthy dish. Fish dishes are in great demand all over the world and this is quite expected. There are many recipes for fish baked in the oven, depending on the imagination of the housewives.

Unfortunately, baked fish dishes in restaurants and public catering establishments are not cheap. Not everyone can afford them. Anyone can make a culinary masterpiece at home and please themselves or their loved ones with delicious fish. We will suggest several simple and tasty, at the same time original recipes for preparing baked fish.

We will tell you simply and clearly with step-by-step photos how to deliciously bake fish in the oven with potatoes and onions, with eggs and mayonnaise, and in pieces with garlic sauce.
Let's start cooking!

Trout in the oven in foil, baked whole (4 options for stuffing fish)

What could be tastier than freshly cooked fish? Never before have trout turned out tasteless or dry. This is a fish that any cook always succeeds in.

It's quick and easy to prepare. One of the most common ways to prepare this wonderful fish is baking in foil. This is how it is served in many restaurants. But every chef wants to make a fish dish unique. Add a little zest to the taste of delicate fish. Almost all additives are appropriate for baked trout.

How to select and prepare trout for baking

You should buy fish, if not live, then chilled. Frozen river trout is tasteless.
The fish is selected with its head so that its eyes can be seen - they should not be cloudy. The gills should have a rich pink color.
It is better to cut the fish right away. The fresher it is, the better. Trout have slightly noticeable silvery scales that should be removed. Trout is not an oily fish, so you can eat the skin without fear.
To bake, gut and clean the fish. Leave the head, removing the gills.

Wash and dry on paper towels.

The carcasses are ready.

What you will need to cook trout in foil:

  • fish carcasses;
  • foil;
  • mayonnaise;
  • tomato;
  • greenery;
  • lemon juice;
  • seasoning for fish;
  • salt pepper.

How to bake whole fish in the oven in foil - step-by-step recipe with photos:

We have four carcasses, we will try to make four flavors.
How we will cook: four flavor options for oven-baked trout

The first fish is in the classic style. The easiest baked fish recipe.

We don’t add anything except spices and lemon juice, which we lightly sprinkle inside.

Place the fish with spices on foil and carefully pack, sealing the edges so that the lemon juice does not leak out.

The second option is to stuff the carcass with cheese, herbs and tomatoes.

Cut the tomato into circles. We put them in the belly of the fish. Place slices of cheese on the tomatoes.

This recipe for trout baked in the oven uses suluguni cheese with spices. Place a bunch of parsley on the foil and stuffed fish on the greens. Lubricate the top of the fish with mayonnaise. We do not water this fish with lemon juice, since tomatoes also contain acid. You can, if desired, sprinkle with grated cheese.

The third fish will be a little different. Salt it just a little bit. Place the whole parsley in the belly. Cut the cheese into thin pieces and place them inside the belly.

Sprinkle the outside and inside with lemon juice.

Lubricate the top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with fish seasoning.

Mayonnaise gives the trout a creamy taste and even greater juiciness.

The fourth option for baking trout is without mayonnaise, but with cheese and herbs.
Place the whole parsley on the foil.

Cheese in thin pieces - inside the abdomen. Sprinkle the fish with seasoning.

We wrap the prepared trout in foil, each trout carcass separately and place them on a baking sheet, which we place in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. This is very convenient for serving fish.

After cooking, carefully unfold the foil envelope so that the juice does not leak out. You can serve with or without foil, at your discretion.

All the fish turned out incredibly tasty. Those who count calories can cook without cheese and mayonnaise. Trout cooked with cheese and tomatoes in the oven turns out more satisfying and with a bright taste.

For those who do not like hot tomatoes, delicious trout with cheese and mayonnaise is suitable. This combination makes the trout juicier, but also more filling.

Don't be afraid to experiment. You can use any greens. Onions add a pungent taste. Instead of mayonnaise - sour cream. Honey gives it an unusual taste, but sugar is not suitable for diabetics.

Oven-baked fish with potato pieces

An option for preparing delicious fish with potatoes and vegetables, laid in layers. Anyone can do it. It only takes 30 minutes to prepare. Externally, the dish resembles a potato casserole with fish. It turns out appetizing, tender, satisfying and aromatic. With a wonderful crispy cheese crust.

Product composition:

  • 500 grams of fillet of any white or red fish;
  • potatoes – 5-6 pieces;
  • large fleshy tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • onion (you can use a white one, don’t take a red onion, it will release color and ruin the delicate color of the dish);
  • 150 grams of cheese;
  • 20% cream;
  • olives and herbs for decoration.

How to prepare fish baked in the oven with potatoes and vegetables:

On a note! Instead of hard cheese, you can place onion half rings with bell pepper on the top layer; mayonnaise or regular fish broth can be used instead of cream. Try the recipe for baked fish fillet with potatoes in the oven with cream and cheese. And also with pepper and broth and decide for yourself which cooking option you like best.

How to cook:
Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them. If these are small tubers, then in rings, if large fruits, then in half rings. Make the thickness of the potato rings or half rings as thin as possible.

Chop the onion finely or into half rings (if you don’t like onions in dishes, it’s better to chop finely).
Remove the skins from the tomatoes. You can do this with a vegetable peeler or knife. Or using boiling water, dipping the tomatoes into it for a couple of minutes and then carefully peeling off the skins.

Cut the tomatoes into pieces, not too small, maybe into half rings. Cut the cheese into thin slices.

Attention! You can grate the cheese on a regular grater, but it is better when the cheese is cut into slices. Then it melts throughout the dish, enveloping it in a beautiful cheesy film.

This simple recipe for fish casserole in the oven involves the presence of greens. As a rule, they take fresh dill from the garden and parsley. You can also take basil, green onions, lettuce leaves, etc. Chop the greens and half of the prepared olives with a knife and mix.

Add whole olives to the chopped green mass, as well as any fish spices you like, salt and pepper. Stir.
If frozen, defrost the fish fillet, preferably without defrosting it in the microwave.

On a note! It is best to let frozen fish thaw in the refrigerator. This may take some time, so remove the fish fillets from the freezer to the refrigerator to defrost overnight. Start cooking in the morning. If you don’t have that much time to defrost the product, then immerse the frozen fillet in cold water for a while.

Cut the fish into small pieces.
Take a baking dish and add a little oil. Distribute it over the surface of the mold and begin laying out the products in layers in the following order:

  1. potatoes;
  2. fish;
  3. mixed greens;
  4. half cream;
  5. tomatoes;
  6. cream (the rest).

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the pan with the dish in it. Bake the fish and vegetables in the oven for about half an hour. Depending on the amount of products taken and the type of fish, baking may take from 25 to 35 minutes.

Delicious juicy fish with potatoes and vegetables in the oven is ready! You can serve immediately after cooking, just cool slightly. Or cold.

Fish fillet baked in the oven in foil with mayonnaise and egg

Fish under a mayonnaise coat cooks very quickly in the oven, and to prepare it you don’t need anything other than the fish itself (fillet), mayonnaise, eggs, cheese and onions. Take all these products at your own discretion, and you will learn how to bake fish deliciously and quickly using this method right now.

Typically, pangasius, telapia, salmon, cod or pollock fillets are used to cook fish under egg and mayonnaise. You can also bake sea fish in the oven: pink salmon, mackerel, salmon, catfish or other river fish: large carp, perch.

Each of these fish is tasty in its own way, and therefore it is recommended to experiment with different varieties of fish before finding your favorite cooking recipe. So, how to make a delicious fish fillet baked in the oven.

Frozen fish is pre-defrosted. Following the recommendations from the previous recipe. Wash the fish fillet, dry it a little and cut into small pieces.

Attention! If there are bones, they must all be removed before cooking.

Line the prepared baking dish with foil or grease it with oil.
Place a layer of fish fillet, coat with ground black pepper and add a little salt (you can add any seasoning for baking fish in the sleeve).

In a bowl, beat 4 eggs (this amount is enough for 600-800 grams of fish fillet) with three tablespoons of mayonnaise or mayonnaise sauce. If desired, add green onions or any herbs to the sauce.

Pour the sauce over the fish, sprinkle with cheese grated on a coarse grater and place in a preheated room at 180 degrees. oven for twenty minutes.

On a note! If you take more than a kilogram of fish fillet and it does not fit in one layer on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, you can place the fish in several layers. In this case, do not forget to pour sauce over each layer. There is no need to add cheese between the fish layers; only the top layer is sprinkled with it.

After twenty minutes, check the readiness of the fish dish. If it is ready, let it cool for 10 minutes and you can serve, garnishing the top with chopped herbs.

Fish baked in the oven with tomatoes and cheese under sour cream

We take the following products for cooking:

  • cod fillet (you can use any fish, including red) – 400-500 g;
  • 3 large tomatoes or 8-10 cherry tomatoes;
  • sour cream (fat content at least 20%) – 5-6 tablespoons;
  • classic or grain mustard - one or one and a half spoons;
  • hard cheese – 120 g;
  • spices, herbs and salt to taste.

We tell you step by step how to deliciously bake fish in the oven with tomatoes and cheese:

A day before cooking, defrost the fish in the refrigerator, wash it and clean it from the insides if you are using whole carcasses.

If necessary, remove the bones from the defrosted fish. For cooking you only need fillet. I usually buy fillets fresh at the store and immediately use them to prepare a dish.

We advise you to do the same. Thawed fish in a dish is no longer as juicy and tender as we would like, and sometimes, if it was stored incorrectly, it completely disintegrates or has a not very pleasant smell. In addition, when gutting and removing bones, the fish meat is usually damaged and the dish becomes less beautiful and appetizing.

Take a baking dish and place half of the fish cut into large pieces into it. The product should be cut coarsely and laid out randomly so that the pieces are not too close to each other.

On a note! Cooking fish in the oven according to the specified recipe can be done in two ways: in a general form (on a baking sheet), in small portioned molds, in which the fish is subsequently served directly to the table.

Sprinkle the fish fillet with salt, spices, and ground pepper (you don’t have to use it if the spices you bought for fish contain pepper).

On top of the fish, seasoned with spices, place tomatoes cut into half rings, previously peeled.

Attention! If you take Cherry tomatoes, then just peel them and cut them in half or cut them into thick rings.

Another layer of fish goes on top of the tomatoes, it is again salted and seasoned with spices.
In a separate bowl, mix sour cream and mustard. If your sauce is very thick, you can thin it with a little milk or cream.

Place grated cheese on the second layer of fish and fill it all with your sour cream sauce.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place your molds or one mold in it, leave to bake for 20 minutes without opening the oven. Once the cheese has melted and browned a little, cooking is complete. You can take it out, decorate it while hot with chopped herbs and you're done, bon appetit.

Recipe for baked fish and potatoes with garlic sauce

Cooking baked fish this way will take about an hour. It can be served not only on a daily basis, but also on a holiday table. It is tasty, satisfying, tender and turns out very beautiful.

Cooking products:

  • fresh potatoes – 6-7 pieces.
  • carrot - 1 piece.
  • one onion
  • garlic cloves – 2 or 3 (more or less is possible).
  • trout or any red fish – 700-800 grams (about 4-5 steaks).
  • heavy cream – 250 ml.
  • flour - one heaped spoon.
  • butter – 50-70 gr.
  • vegetable or olive oil - a couple of tablespoons.
  • spices for fish (add to taste).

So, how to deliciously bake fish and potatoes in the oven with mayonnaise and garlic sauce - a recipe with step-by-step photos:

If necessary, defrost the fish, rinse, and cut into pieces.
Peel potatoes, carrots, onions, and garlic.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add finely chopped garlic to it, fry a little until the garlic aroma comes out.
Add flour to the butter and garlic mixture and fry all these products a little.

Pour the cream into the saucepan. Add them without ceasing to stir the ingredients. The flour should be completely dissolved in the cream, there should be no lumps.

Cook the cream sauce until it thickens (it should have the consistency of thick sour cream). As soon as this happens, add spices, salt, pepper to the sauce and add a couple of spoons (maybe 3 spoons, depending on the thickness of the sauce) of water, stir. Let the mixture boil, turn off. Set aside for 7-10 minutes, covering with a lid.

Fry chopped onions and carrots in sunflower oil. Carrots are usually grated on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips, and onions are cut into quarter rings. Take a baking sheet and grease it thoroughly with oil.

Place the first layer of potatoes, cut into thin rings. Pepper it all, add salt; instead of salt and pepper, I often use a special seasoning for potatoes in this dish. It turns out very fragrant.
Sprinkle a little oil on top of the potatoes.

Salt and pepper the fish fillet parts and place on the potatoes. Place a layer of sautéed vegetables – carrots and onions – on top of the fish.

Pour garlic and cream sauce over the fish dish and you can put it in the oven for baking.

Attention! Before putting the fish and chips in the oven, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. The fish dish is prepared in the oven at this temperature for about forty minutes.

The finished baked fish is served hot in portions, but you should not serve it right away from the heat, let it cool, otherwise you may burn your tongue and not taste the taste of the casserole. The top of the fish dish is usually sprinkled with fresh dill; you can use fresh cherry tomatoes cut in half or any other decorations of your choice.

Video: Recipe for tender fish baked in the oven with vegetables and cheese

Baked fish is one of the healthiest, most satisfying and delicious dishes. Nutritionists recommend eating this kind of fish - it is less fatty than fried fish and is easily absorbed by the digestive system. Baked fish is prepared easily and quickly - this is a definite plus of the dish. The oven will do most of the work, leaving you plenty of time for other things.

Fish is baked in various ways:

  • whole and in pieces;
  • in open form or in foil (“sleeve”); and also in dough, salt shell;
  • in its natural form, with spices, vegetables, mushrooms, lemon.

Sometimes the belly of the fish is stuffed with boiled rice with carrots and onions, potatoes, minced meat or other products before baking. To add special taste and juiciness, spices and various sauces (butter, tomato, mustard) are used.

The following types of fish are especially appetizing in the baked version: crucian carp, carp, silver carp, cod, notothenia, halibut, mackerel, sardine, sole, butterfish, sea bass, mullet, hake. If you plan to bake whole fish, when purchasing fish, be sure to consider the size of your oven. The fish must be fresh, without any foreign odor, and free of mucus. Before baking, the fish must be cleaned of scales and entrails, and the gills removed. If you want to bake only the fillets, use a sharp knife to cut the fish lengthwise and remove the backbone and large bones.

To bake fish in the oven, choose cast iron or clay dishes, an enamel pan, or a steel pan with a non-stick coating. Aluminum and other metal frying pans cannot be used: during the cooking process the metal will oxidize, give the fish an unpleasant taste and gray color, and contribute to the destruction of vitamins. The bottom of the cookware should be thick (3-5mm), which promotes uniform temperature distribution over the surface.

The recipe for baking capelin in the oven is incredibly simple. It only takes half an hour to prepare delicious crispy fish for the whole family. Moreover, there will be no unpleasant smell, which regular frying cannot do without!

Pelengas meat will be truly tasty if you season it with spices, lemon and bake it in a sleeve. This fish is especially good if you cook it whole. And since such a dish looks very impressive, there is no shame in serving it at a celebration.

If you love river fish, then I am sure you will like this recipe. Grass carp baked whole in foil is a dish that can be served even on a holiday.

I offer a simple and successful recipe for mackerel baked with spices in the oven. Cooking does not require much time, the fish turns out aromatic, its taste resembles hot smoked fish.

Baked pink salmon fillet in a coat of vegetables and with the addition of Georgian tkemali sauce is a truly luxurious dish worthy of a festive table. Unique taste and appetizing appearance.

Tender and juicy carp meat will reveal new flavors if you stuff the fish with vegetables and bake it whole in foil. Households and guests will enjoy this healthy and low-calorie dish.

We invite sophisticated gourmets to replenish their repertoire of delicious dishes and bake whole rainbow trout in parchment paper. Adding lemon, herbs and nuts will fill the dish with additional flavors and aromas.

Most of us are accustomed to eating salted or smoked mackerel, without even realizing that this fish can be baked. We offer a recipe for preparing delicious mackerel baked in the oven in sour cream sauce.

Baking fish in the oven is not that difficult. But in order for the fish to turn out tasty, not raw, not overdried or burnt, you need to correctly calculate the heat treatment time, taking into account the size of the product, temperature conditions and some other nuances.

Pike perch baked in the oven in a sheepskin coat made of salt looks unusual and festive. Thanks to the salt protective layer, the fish retains moisture, rich taste and aroma of spices. Treat yourself to an excellent dish!

The combination of fatty red fish meat and sour lemon has won the recognition of gourmets around the world. Thanks to baking in foil, the fish does not dry out and turns out especially tasty.

We offer an excellent recipe for the most delicate fish - hake fillet baked in the oven, wrapped in a coat of onion, cheese and cream. The dish is easy and quick to prepare and served hot.

Baked pike perch stuffed with vegetables is a popular dish on restaurant menus. Thanks to vegetables, the fish meat turns out juicy, soft, aromatic and pleasant to the taste, it simply melts in your mouth.

Salmon itself is delicious, no matter how you prepare it. It is simply impossible to spoil it, even if you set this goal. But we must not forget that this fish is quite fatty, so bake it...

Fish dishes are widely used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition; they are valued for their high nutritional value, lower calorie content compared to many types of meat, the presence of essential fatty acids, and the content of a huge amount of vitamins, especially group B, and microelements. In addition, fish is easily digestible, has a very good taste and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, thanks to the B complex of vitamins.

Baked fish in the oven is not only a healthy food dish, but also extremely tasty. In addition, the fish cooks quite quickly, which saves time - this is another advantage of the product. In terms of protein and nutrient content, sea and river inhabitants can easily compete with the best varieties of meat. For example, pike perch is superior in nutritional value to chicken, and carp is superior to beef.

The process of baking fish in the oven is as follows: the fish or its components are placed in a dish greased with a small amount of fat and placed in an oven preheated to 230-280 degrees. Especially tasty in the baked version are such types of fish as dentex, crucian carp, carp, cod, notothenia, halibut, grenadier, bluefish, merrow, sardine, sole, butterfish (butterfish), sea bass, mackerel.

You can bake the product with vegetables, especially potatoes, rice, cheese, milk, mushrooms, in foil using seasonings, mayonnaise, sour cream, flour, etc. It is not recommended to bake sea fish in breadcrumbs; it is better to use wheat flour in combination with potato flour in a 4:1 ratio for this purpose.

Fish in the oven - preparing dishes

To make a fish dish nutritious and tasty, first of all, you must follow a number of culinary rules. The quality of the resulting dish directly depends on the correct choice of dishes and kitchen equipment. It should be remembered that you can bake fish in the oven only in clay, black cast iron or enamel dishes.

It is not recommended to use other metal or aluminum frying pans, since they will give the fish a gray color during the baking process, significantly worsen the taste of the dish and contribute to the destruction of many useful substances in it. It is preferable to choose a small baking tray.

Fish in the oven - food preparation

If you buy chilled whole uncut fish in the store, pay attention to some points. Firstly, the fish must be fresh: with smooth shiny scales, evenly covered with mucus, the abdomen should not be swollen, the eyes of fresh fish are transparent, shiny and elastic. Secondly, you need to smell the product before purchasing: the smell should not be sour and there should not be any foreign shades other than fishy in it.

So, you bought the fish. When you come home, clean it of scales (if any) from tail to head, rinse and gut. The insides should be removed carefully. When removing the gallbladder, be careful not to damage it. If it does burst, it’s okay. It is enough to thoroughly rinse the fish in cold, always running water, and all the bitterness will come out. Whether to cut off the tail, head, fins or not is everyone’s personal choice.

Next, rinse the fish, especially from the inside, coat it with salt and follow the specific recipe. By the way, you can bake either whole fish or cut into pieces, in which case the time for preparing the dish is significantly reduced.

Recipe 1: Fish baked in foil in the oven

Foil is an excellent invention of mankind - it protects food raw materials, like dishes, but has no negative sides. Foil does not oxidize, it is compact, lightweight, retains nutrients in the product, and provides an unsurpassed aroma to the fish dish without any additional intervention. For this recipe, it would be advisable to use pink salmon meat.

Ingredients: one pink salmon, one lemon, a large onion, one carrot, 50 gr. drain butter, any herbs of your choice for decoration.

Cooking method:

1. Clean and rinse the fish. Cut the onion into half rings. Grate the peeled carrots on a grater (preferably a coarse one). Cut the lemon, like the onion, into half-ring-shaped slices.

3. The fish should also be coated with salt and pepper outside and inside, filled with fried vegetables, add 2-3 slices of lemon and chopped butter.

4. If there are any vegetables left, they need to be placed on a prepared sheet of foil, and the stuffed fish and a couple of lemon slices (on top of the fish) should be placed on top. Wrap the future dish well in foil, sealing the edges well (if one sheet is not enough, take another), place on a baking sheet and bake for an hour at 180 degrees.

Carefully remove the finished fish from the foil, place it in a large oblong dish and garnish with herbs. The food can be cut into portions and served.

Recipe 2: Fish and potatoes in the oven

For this recipe we take fish fillet, which we bake with potatoes in a delicate milk sauce. A tasty and very healthy dish is perfect for a family dinner. According to the principle of the recipe, potatoes can be replaced with other vegetables (for example, cauliflower) or fish can be baked separately.

Ingredients: medium-fat fish fillet - 800 gr., 10 medium potatoes, 2 onions, ten percent fat sour cream - 250 gr., 300 ml milk, grated cheese - 100 gr., 2 tbsp. l. premium flour, ketchup, salt, pepper as desired and to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the potatoes, but they should remain slightly undercooked, cool. Grate the onion on a medium grater and lightly fry it. oil, then add flour to the pan with the onions, mix everything, keep on the stove for a couple more minutes.

2. Then add sour cream and ketchup to the onion with flour (2 tablespoons of ketchup is enough) and simmer, stirring, for another 2 minutes. Next, pour in the milk, stir and boil again for a couple of minutes. Salt and pepper the resulting sauce.

3. Cut the potatoes into plastic pieces, grease a baking sheet with oil, line the bottom with potatoes, and place pieces of fish on top. Pour the prepared sauce over the potatoes and fish and place in a preheated oven (up to 220 degrees). Bake for 40 minutes. without cover. Ten minutes before cooking, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

The finished fish will be covered on top with a beautiful, appetizing crust, and inside it will be soaked in milk sauce. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Fish with vegetables in the oven

Fish is a very healthy product, vegetables are also valuable. They ideally complement and enhance each other's beneficial properties.

Ingredients: sea fish – 2 pcs., white cabbage – 1, 2 carrots, 2 onions, bell pepper – 1 pc., tomato (tomato paste), mushrooms, spices of your choice (for fish), mayonnaise, half a lemon, melted cheese – 2, greens.

Cooking method:

1. Shred cabbage, carrots, onions and peppers; put everything in a frying pan. When the cabbage is soft, add the twisted tomato or paste.

2. Cut the fish into pieces, salt them, coat them with mayonnaise and spices.

3. Grease a baking sheet, lay out a layer of half the roast, then the fish, sprinkle it with lemon juice, and place the remaining roast on top. We make a mesh of mayonnaise and put it in the oven until ready. 15 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the future dish with grated cheese.

Recipe 4: Fish in foil in the oven with lemon and mustard

Ingredients: kilogram of fish, a bunch of parsley, a medium-sized onion, ground black pepper, tomato, fine salt, 50 g mustard, lemon.

Cooking method

1. Wash the fish carcass thoroughly; if necessary, remove scales. Cut off the head and tail, cut off the fins and remove the entrails. Rinse again and pat dry with paper towel. Make several small cuts across the carcass to the ridge. Rub the carcass with salt and pepper and leave it to steep for 20 minutes.

2. Wash the tomato, wipe it and cut it into thin slices. Cut the peeled onion into half rings. Cut the lemon in half and cut one half into thin rounds.

3. Cover the pan with foil and place the prepared fish on it. Place a slice of tomato and lemon into each cut.

4. Squeeze the juice from the second half of the lemon. Mix it with mustard. Lubricate the fish with the resulting sauce on both sides.

5. Place the remaining tomatoes and onions in the belly. You can sprinkle onions on top. Wrap the carcass in foil. Place the mold in the oven for half an hour. Bake at 200 degrees. A few minutes before cooking, open the foil to brown the fish.

Recipe 5: Fish in foil in the oven under a vegetable coat

Ingredients: six pieces of fish fillet (200 g each), vegetable oil, four medium carrots, fish seasoning, two large onions, finely ground salt, 200 g cheese, 70 g mayonnaise.

Cooking method

1. If you are using frozen fish, you must defrost it by placing it in cool water. Wash the thawed pieces of fish fillet and pat dry with a napkin. Season each piece on both sides with pepper and salt. Leave for a while so that the fish is saturated with spices.

2. Peel and wash the vegetables. Using a blender, chop the carrots and onions. Place the frying pan on the stove and heat the vegetable oil in it. Place the onion in the pan and fry until transparent. Then add carrots to it. Fry the vegetables until the carrots are soft. Cool the roast.

3. For each piece of fish, make a kind of plate with sides out of foil. Place fish in foil.

4. Add mayonnaise to the fried vegetables and stir until smooth.

5. Spread the vegetable mixture on the fish in an even layer. Coarsely grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the fish. Place the baking sheet with the fish in the oven for forty minutes. Bake at 175 degrees. Serve without removing from foil.

Recipe 6: Fish in foil in the oven in sour cream and soy marinade

Ingredients: 300 g of any non-bony fish, fresh herbs, 50 ml of soy sauce, a pinch of cumin seeds, 50 ml of sour cream, a pinch of ground chili pepper, 50 g of sour cream, 30 g of olive oil, tbsp. a spoonful of grated ginger, two cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

1. Clean the fish carcass from scales, cut off the head and tail. Make a cut along the ridge. Separate the fillet from the bones. Cut the fish into small portions.

2. In a separate bowl, mix sour cream with grated ginger root. Squeeze the peeled garlic through a garlic press here. Add olive oil, season with cumin seeds and chili pepper. Pour in soy sauce. Mix the marinade thoroughly until smooth.

3. Dip each piece of fish in the marinade and leave it for at least half an hour so that the fish is well marinated.

4. Line a baking sheet with foil folded in half. Place pieces of fish on it. Cover the top with the same layer of foil and wrap the edges well. Place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake the fish for about 20 minutes. Remove the finished fish from the oven, remove the top layer of foil and sprinkle it with finely chopped herbs.

To prevent the dishes from becoming “clogged” with a fishy smell during baking, cover the baking sheet with a sheet of foil; you can also grease it with vinegar or lemon juice before starting cooking, and then simply rinse it in water. To remove odor from your hands, rub them with lemon peel or coffee grounds.

Fish in the oven is usually baked in a baking tray or frying pan. The dish must be completely filled with the side dish and fish, otherwise the moisture will quickly evaporate during baking and the product will turn out dry.

Fish is a perishable product that must be stored correctly, separately from other ingredients. Improper storage will significantly affect the quality of future fish dishes.

And the last piece of advice: it is best to bake fish immediately before a meal and serve it immediately. Cooled baked fish in the oven loses its unique taste over time.

The oven is one of the units that allows you to get wonderful dishes to the table. You can cook almost anything in it. But today we will talk about fish. Many housewives are wondering how to properly cook fish in the oven. It would seem that there is nothing complicated, but there are still small details that must be taken into account.

General principles of cooking fish

We start by preparing the fish. First, let's cut it up: gut it, clean it of scales, trim the fins and take out the gills. Then rub with salt and seasonings. You can sprinkle a little lemon juice. We need to take into account the type of fish that we will bake. Sometimes the product can turn out dry and not very tasty. Therefore, foil is most often used for cooking. You can be sure that the fish in it will be juicy, completely baked and not burnt. If your fish is not too large, then you can bake it whole, but if you are preparing large varieties of fish, then it will be more convenient to give each piece an individual package. To make the dish aromatic and tasty, it is recommended to use seasonings. Coriander, ginger, garlic, dill are great for seafood; you can also use a special mixture. Grease the foil with oil before placing the fish in it. Wrap the fish itself and place it on a baking sheet. On average, the cooking process takes about 30-40 minutes. Everything will depend on what type of fish we bake in the oven. So, the basic principles are clear. Now we’ll tell you about a couple of simple and delicious recipes.

Bake fish in the oven: tilapia fillet with vegetables

We prepare the fish as described above. You can take any variety, and fillet is better. We used tilapia. For vegetables, we will need onions, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, and mushrooms. You can add anything else to your liking. Place the fillet on foil and make a “fur coat” of vegetables. The layers can be laid out in any order and pour mayonnaise on top. You will get delicious fish with vegetables in foil. It should “stay” in the oven for about 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. When serving the finished dish, garnish it with herbs.

Bake fish in the oven: pollock with sour cream and mayonnaise sauce

Even such a simple fish as pollock can be presented in a new flavor range. For this you will need fillet. You can, of course, use whole pieces, but the process of selecting the seeds will slightly spoil the impression of the dish. So, fillet. Cut into pieces, roll in flour and salt and place on a baking sheet, which we have previously greased with oil. Next comes a layer of greenery. Be sure to use dill - fresh or frozen, it makes no difference. But it is the aroma of dill that gives the fish a completely unusual taste. In addition, you can add parsley, green onions, basil and cilantro. We prepare mayonnaise-sour cream sauce by simply mixing two ingredients, proportion 50/50. You can use any sour cream: 15%, 20%, 25% or homemade, there is no fundamental difference. The layer of sauce should cover the fillet by 1 cm. Now bake the fish in the oven for 30-40 minutes at +200 degrees. The dish turns out unusually tender and aromatic.