Replace regular jam with apple confiture! Autumn chores - making apple confiture for the winter. Apple confiture with cinnamon

We need ripe apples with sweet, slightly loose flesh that will boil well. Wash them thoroughly and dry them a little with a dry towel.

Peel each apple, cut out the stem and the bottom of the apple. To prevent the apples from darkening, they can be briefly dipped in cold water or sprinkle with lemon juice.

While we are preparing the apples, we need to cook them at the same time. sugar syrup. To do this, mix half a glass of water and 750 grams of granulated sugar.

Place the water and sugar on low heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until all the sugar has dissolved.

Cut the peeled apples into small slices (discard the core) and immediately throw them into the prepared syrup so that the apples do not have time to darken. We need net weight already peeled and chopped fruits, so you can first cut some of the apples into a small cup, weigh it, and count the rest of the apples by the number of full cups. Of course, the weight will be approximate, but the quality of the confiture will not suffer from this.

Mix the apple slices thoroughly with the sweet syrup and place on low heat. After boiling, cook for about 15-20 minutes. The apples should shrink in size. Then leave for several hours so that the confiture cools and thickens a little.

Using an immersion blender, puree some of the apples.

Add lemon zest and cinnamon. It is better to adjust their quantity to your taste. Place the pan with the apple confiture on the stove over low heat. Boil for another 10-15 minutes. The apple confiture is already quite thick, so it needs to be stirred frequently, otherwise it will burn.

Place the still hot confiture into dry, sterilized jars no larger than 0.5 liters. It should fill the jar completely; if voids with air have formed, then using a wooden spoon, which we stirred the jam during cooking, we push the air out.

Cover the jars with sterilized dry lids and roll them up with a key. Turn the jars over, cover with a towel and leave for several hours. After this, store the cooled apple confiture in a dark place. It stores well and does not deteriorate even with room temperature. Good luck with your preparations!

If you want new culinary experiences, you simply must prepare this interesting and original confiture. Thanks to interesting combination products, the jam turns out to be very appetizing, with a refined aroma and pungent taste.
It can be added to pies, served with pancakes, pancakes and tea. The sweet and sour note of apple goes well with the spicy, spicy taste ginger
Apple-ginger confiture – great option a sweet dessert on cold winter days when you want warmth and comfort.
This “sweet medicine” is great for colds and laryngitis.
Mothers who cannot force their babies to gargle or drink bitters can feed apple and ginger confiture to their children.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • ginger root (5-6 cm);
  • 1 kg apples;
  • 700 grams of sugar;
  • 200 ml water.

How to make delicious apple confiture for the winter

Rinse the apples under running water and dry paper towel.
Peel the fruit and remove seeds, cut into small pieces.

Pour sugar into a thick-bottomed pan, pour water and place it on the fire.

Peel the ginger root and chop it.

After the syrup boils, add apples to it and put on fire. Cook for 10-15 minutes.
Add ginger to the apple mixture, stir and cook for another 30-40 minutes. It can be considered ready if the confiture does not spread when placed on a saucer.

Place the jam into sterilized jars and close the lids.

Store apple-ginger confiture in the pantry or cellar.
1. Apples can be replaced with pears in the recipe.
2. The amount of ginger in the recipe can be adjusted depending on your taste preferences.
3. The best variety apples are Antonovka, as they contain a large number of pectin

Hello friends!

Apples, apples, apples... There are too many of them. Especially this year! And that is great! We have already provided all our friends and acquaintances with them :) We ourselves simply ate too much. Today I cooked a delicious one, and my daughter asked me: “Mom, are you making something out of apples again?” I answered positively. And she answered me: “I’m tired of something, apples every day.” And then I ate it myself, with a whistling sound behind my ears :)) Apples never get boring, because they are our native and favorite fruit.

I forgot the last time I made apple jam, much less confiture. This September I had to remember the whole process. I recommend!

Although my blog is about low calorie food, sometimes I make an exception and add more sugar to recipes, which are mainly preparations for the winter. in winter, if you consume these sweets in moderation and take care of yourself, there will be no excess weight you are not in danger, and whoever wants to get better, feel free to add delicious confiture into your diet, but don’t overuse it either. Excessive amounts of sugar are equally harmful to everyone.

Here's my recipe:

Apple confiture recipe


My cooking method:

  1. Wash the apples, remove the skin and seeds
  2. Cut into slices and add sugar
  3. Leave until sugar is completely dissolved in the resulting juice, stirring occasionally
  4. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat, stirring gently, 10 - 15 minutes
  5. Leave for 5 - 6 hours and boil again for 10 minutes, stirring continuously from bottom to top, without damaging the shape of the slices
  6. Leave it overnight
  7. In the morning, boil for another 10 minutes, stirring continuously.

Note: be sure to continuously stir the confiture while cooking, as it burns quickly

The apple confiture turns out transparent, amber in color with the warmth of the sun, thick and very tasty!

We put it in sterile jars and close with regular plastic lids. It is advisable to store confiture in a cool place.

Good luck with your cooking! I look forward to your comments.

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Apple jam is the most popular and favorite sweet treat. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy. The majority of the population does not know about many of the qualities of this product.

You should definitely know about beneficial properties apple jam. It preserves all vitamins and microelements. Them as in fresh apples, and in the boiled version there is quite a lot. Contains:

  • beta - carotene;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, H, C, PP);
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium.

All these components are fully conveyed in apple jam.

Sweet dessert promotes:

  • normalization of digestion;
  • strengthening heart muscles;
  • reducing blood cholesterol.

In addition to those listed beneficial effects, the product is great source vitamins, microelements, nutrients.

Interesting apple jam recipes for the winter

Any housewife loves to experiment. Everyone probably has special recipe from grandma. There are many interesting and simple recipes apple jam, which all housewives should know about.

Before starting the process of making apple jam for the winter, it is necessary to process the fruits. They should be:

Apples do not need to be peeled. However, the jam without them turns out more tender and homogeneous.

Simple apple jam recipe

This method of cooking is traditional. The composition of the sweet includes:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • glass of water;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid.

Pour prepared ones into a cooking container.
They can be ground or finely chopped. Add all the ingredients there and put on fire. It is necessary to stir constantly so that it does not stick. After boiling, cook for about half an hour.

The jam will be thicker if you cook it over high fire. For a more liquid one, you need to reduce the heat well.

The finished dessert, when hot, is poured into sterilized jars and closed. Store preferably in a cool place.

This is a fairly simple apple jam recipe. It is convenient to cook it from any type of fruit. Overripe, sweet, and sour apples are also suitable. The result will certainly please the hostess.

Recipe with added cinnamon and vanilla

How to make apple jam with a special flavor? Just one minor ingredient can dramatically change the taste of a dish. To obtain jam from apples with a special, unusual taste, you need to add pinches of cinnamon and vanillin to it.

For preparation you will need the following components:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • ground cinnamon and vanilla.

Apples must be prepared in advance as indicated above. Grind in a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan with non-stick coating. Pour water over the apples and put on fire. Cook this mixture for half an hour over low heat. Throughout the cooking process, it is necessary to stir the consistency, as it gurgles and splashes around.

After 30 minutes of cooking, add sugar. Almost ready apple jam simmer over low heat for another half hour. You can add a pinch of vanillin and cinnamon along with sugar or 10 minutes later.

If you don’t like the strong aroma of cinnamon, you can boil a cinnamon stick with jam for 15–20 minutes, then remove it.

You can make apple jam for the winter using this recipe with the addition of. It is poured along with sugar.

Zest, cinnamon, and vanillin are used at the same time. The taste is extraordinary. Remove the jam from the heat and immediately roll it up.

You can add ingredients such as cinnamon, lemon, anise, and cloves to apple jam. Cherry leaves are also used for a special aroma.

Recipe for apple jam from Antonovka for the winter

There is a special ingredient in the Antonovka apple jam recipe for the winter. This is nothing more than a whole liter of water. The peculiarity lies in the variety of the fruit itself. They contain a lot of pectin, which is great for curdling liquid. For jam you need:

  • kilogram of prepared apples;
  • liter of water;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp. citric acid.

Apples must be peeled and seeded and grated on a coarse grater. Immediately pour all the ingredients into the pan and cook, stirring. After boiling, cook for another 40 minutes. Close while hot.

What makes this recipe special is the variety of apples. Jam from them turns out like marmalade. Each small segment of the fruit is preserved intact. The water turns into hard jelly.

Apple jam in a slow cooker

Except traditional ways When preparing a sweet dessert, it is possible to use a multicooker. This device will make the housewife’s task easier and make excellent jam.

You need to take:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 2.5 glasses of water.

After peeling the apples, do not throw them away, but steam them in the multicooker itself, pouring 200 ml of boiling water. This will release the pectin from the skins and help the jam thicken.

Washed and peeled apples should be finely chopped and poured into a slow cooker, add the juice obtained from boiling the skins. Cover everything with sugar and put on simmer mode for 1 hour.

At the end of the mode, you need to mix everything and turn on the baking mode for 40 minutes. During the process, stir the jam several times.

Pour the finished dessert into jars and roll up. Making apple jam in a slow cooker is not difficult. You need to be careful with the heating temperature of the device. Jam is cooked no higher than 130 degrees. If it is possible to select the temperature, it must be set exactly at 130 degrees.

The number of apples for making jam in a slow cooker should not exceed 1 kg. Otherwise, the dessert will spill into the slow cooker and ruin both it and the jam.

If you follow the primitive cooking rules, it will not be difficult to cook thick, transparent apple jam of a beautiful bright shade. There is no need to think about how to make apple jam for the winter at home; it’s quite simple and quick to do.

This delicious dessert can be used both as a sweet addition to tea and for making buns and pies.

Apple confiture is one of the easiest to prepare, inexpensive and delicious sweet preparations. It can be used as a filling for pies or pies, served with pancakes or simply spread on bread. How to make your own confiture?

Apple confiture - a delicious natural dessert


Water 300 milliliters Lemon 0 item(s)

  • Number of servings: 2
  • Cooking time: 70 minutes

The simplest apple confiture for the winter

This sweet treat is easy to prepare. Even a novice cook can cope with the task.

For cooking apple jam You will need the following ingredients:

  • Apples (hard and juicy) – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 700 g.
  • Lemon – 0.5 pcs.
  • Water – 300 ml.

These are the main ingredients. If desired, you can add spices to the confiture, as well as berries and fruits to your taste. But first it is better to master the basic recipe.

Remove the core from the apples. If the skin of the fruit is thin, then you can leave it. If it is quite dense, then it is better to remove it. Cut the apples into small slices or cubes into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add sugar. Squeeze juice from half a lemon. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Add water.

Over medium heat, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. After this, reduce the heat and simmer for another 40-50 minutes, stirring from time to time and skimming off the foam. If you prefer confiture with a homogeneous consistency, you can chop the apple pieces using a blender. After this, all that remains is to pour the finished confiture into sterilized jars.

Apple confiture: recipe with cinnamon and orange

The following ingredients will be required:

  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 0.5 kg.
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 tsp.
  • Cinnamon – 2 tsp.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Orange – 1 pc.
  • Water – 250 ml.

Peel and core the apples. Slice thin slices or small cubes directly into the pan. It should have a thick bottom. On fine grater grate the zest of the lemon and orange. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice from one half. Divide the orange into segments and cut each into 2-3 pieces. Add sugar vanilla sugar, zest, lemon juice, orange pulp and water.

Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. Then reduce the heat and cook for another 45-50 minutes. Add cinnamon 5 minutes before readiness, then place the confiture in sterilized jars.

Apple confiture is great option sweet homemade in terms of taste/cost/time ratio. His mild aroma and the wonderful taste will be appreciated by all relatives and friends of the hostess, especially on autumn or winter evenings.