Tomato preparations for the winter. Marinated tomatoes for the winter, sweet and spicy with chili pepper

The time for preservation for the winter is coming to an end. Some of us twisted fruits and vegetables according to recipes familiar to us. And some tried to experiment and try something new. And yet, no one ignored such a vegetable as a tomato. After all, you can make tomatoes from great amount blanks This and tomato juice, and salads and much more.

But no matter who of us cans anything, it is important to remember that the taste of the product often depends not on the product itself, but on the marinade in which it is preserved. It’s not so important how juicy, sweet or tasty the tomatoes are. If you fill them with the wrong brine, the taste will be hopelessly spoiled. And here good marinade capable of making a real delicacy out of discreet tomatoes. How?

In this article we will look at several recipes for marinade for tomatoes per 1 liter. And each housewife will be able to independently calculate the recipe, depending on how many tomatoes she will prepare the marinade for.

General principles for preparing tomato marinade

So. Before we start talking about marinade recipes for tomatoes per 1 liter, let's consider the basic principles that it is advisable to adhere to during preparation. Otherwise, the dish may turn out tasteless.

Everyone understands that the basis for any marinade is water. If you do not have the opportunity to use filtered water, try to settle tap water. Afterwards, drain the sediment from it, and only then use it for cooking.

In addition to water, the constant components of the marinade for tomatoes per 1 liter are sugar and salt. These ingredients, regardless of which recipe you choose, dissolve in water. It is not recommended to put them directly into the jar. First, they may contain impurities. And secondly, in this case the water temperature will decrease, which does not guarantee complete sterility when twisting.

Additional ingredients needed to prepare the marinade

And that's not it. In addition to salt and sugar, aspirin and vinegar are used as preservatives.

Their dosage must be strictly monitored. Since failure to do so may result in the marinade being tasteless.

To add tomatoes to jars, dill, bay leaves, garlic, horseradish or currant leaves, and black pepper are often added. There is no need to boil these ingredients. But you definitely need to wash them. And the best thing is to scald with boiling water.

Their quantity is usually indicated in the recipe for marinade for tomatoes per 1 liter. And it is absolutely not necessary to put everything in a jar in unlimited doses.

Marinade for tomatoes. Recipe for 1 liter of water - “Classic”

To prepare it we need vinegar. To put in jars, take one garlic bell pepper, horseradish leaf. You can also put a couple of dill umbrellas. Next, we begin to cook the marinade. Bring the water to a boil, then dissolve salt and sugar in it. Boil for about 2 minutes. Meanwhile, put tomatoes and the necessary spices into jars. First, just pour boiling water over them to warm them up. At the next stage, pour in the boiling marinade. Before rolling up the lid, add vinegar, and only then roll up. Remember that jars and lids must be sterilized first. Next, we send the inverted jars to a warm place until they cool down. After a couple of days they can be moved to a cool place. This could be a cellar or a refrigerator. This way they will be better preserved until winter.

Aspirin marinade for tomatoes

Aspirin is an excellent preservative, which is considered more gentle than vinegar. It does not corrode the walls of the stomach as much and dissolves well in water. For preservation, it is best to use ordinary acetylsalicylic acid.

So, tomato marinade, recipe for 1 liter of water. Dissolve 1 tbsp in it. l. salt, 2.5 tbsp. l. sugar, 1.5 aspirin tablets.

In a jar with the tomatoes we put 2 currant leaves, the same number of garlic cloves, and dill. For spicy lovers, you can add chili pepper.

Place already washed greens in sterilized jars and chop hot peppers. Next, pack the tomatoes tightly. Now heat the contents of the jar with boiling water. The total volume of liquid must be increased to 3 liters.

At the next stage, prepare the marinade from sugar, salt and drained water. Before pouring the marinade into the jar, add aspirin to it. We wait until the aspirin dissolves in the marinade already poured into the jar. Now you can roll it up with a special key. Further manipulations with tin can are carried out the same as in the previous recipe.

Marinade for sweet tomatoes (per 1 liter)

Another option. The secret of this marinade is that honey is added to it, thanks to which the dish acquires a sweetish taste.

For cooking you will need 1 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l sugar and 1 tbsp.
Add bay leaves, dill, and 1 g of vinegar to the tomatoes in a jar. You can also add a couple of peppercorns.
The marinade is prepared according to the standard principle. All necessary ingredients dissolve in water and boil for several minutes. Place the remaining ingredients together with the tomatoes in a jar. Pour boiling water over all contents. Then drain the boiling water and pour marinade over everything. Before twisting, you need to add vinegar to the jar.

Marinade for tomatoes with apple cider vinegar

Unlike ordinary vinegar, apple cider vinegar is tastier and healthier. But, for some reason, few housewives use it for canning. Since its concentration is much weaker than usual, you should adhere to the recipe. Otherwise, the workpiece may not withstand the required deadlines.
For this recipe you need to take 1 kg of sweet tomatoes, marinade per 1 liter of water, apple vinegar (40 ml), 1 tbsp. l. salt, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, garlic, 3 cherry leaves. For those who like something spicy, you can add a couple of peas of coriander and a little cloves.

We prepare the marinade in two batches. The first time we bring it to a boil and add sugar and salt, boil for about 5 minutes. After that, add peppercorns and vinegar. Pour the marinade over the already prepared tomatoes and roll them up with a key.
Fill everything with marinade. Cover the jars with a lid and sterilize for about 15 minutes. After that, take them out and screw on the lids.

Onion marinade for tomatoes

When preparing this marinade, be prepared for it to be very spicy.
For the marinade, in addition to sugar and salt, we will need vegetable or olive oil in an amount of 50 ml, vinegar - 1 tsp.

You will need to add white and red onions to the tomatoes in the jar. And some chili pepper.

The marinade is prepared according to the standard procedure. Only oil and vinegar are added to it during cooking.

Place chopped white onion and pepper in the bottom of the jar. Then we pack the tomatoes tightly. Sprinkle red onion on top and pour marinade over everything. We sterilize jars with all contents. Afterwards we roll it up with a special key.

Marinated tomatoes with sweet peppers

Do you like to crunch on a cucumber or tomato? winter evening. Vegetables do not grow in the countries of the Soviet Union all year round. Because on winter period everyone is trying to prepare at least a few jars delicious preparations. Since the tomato season begins in mid-June and ends in September, there is enough time to roll up a couple of jars of goodies. Even if you are planning a vacation, you will have enough time to prepare tomatoes for the winter.

For preparation, choose tomatoes with elastic skin and no larger in size. Choose the variety of tomatoes at your discretion. Some people like to preserve cream tomatoes, while others like pink ones. Personally, I like all tomatoes. That's why we usually have jars with different tomatoes. How to prepare tomatoes for the winter?

Ingredients for preparing “Marinated tomatoes with sweet peppers”:

3 liters of water;

3 peas of allspice;

1 bell pepper;

2 cloves of garlic;

2-3 bay leaves;

3 sprigs of parsley;

2 black peppercorns;

3 tablespoons sugar;

1 tablespoon salt;

60 ml vinegar 9%.

Recipe for marinated tomatoes with sweet peppers:

Wash the seaming jar well. Choose the size yourself. It’s good to roll small tomatoes into 1.5 liter jars. And roll up the larger ones into three-liter jars.

The jars were washed. Now put the spices at the bottom of the jar. Allspice, black pepper, bay leaf, parsley. Peel the garlic and pepper. Cut the pepper into pieces. Place one clove of garlic in the bottom of the jar. Put half the pepper there.

Now place clean tomatoes in jars. Just don't put pressure on them. It would be better if there was free space. Place a second ladle of bell pepper on top.

Boil the water. Fill the jar with boiling water. Leave it for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, drain the water into the saucepan. Put it back on the fire until it boils.

While the water boils a second time, put salt and sugar in each jar. Add vinegar.

Fill the jars with boiling water to the very top. Immediately seal the jars with sterile lids. Turn over and leave to cool. There is no need to wrap tomatoes.

In winter, you will be glad that you were able to prepare several jars of delicious pickled tomatoes.

Pickled tomatoes

Ingredients for making Marinated Tomatoes:

Red tomatoes are better a little under-ripe than over-ripe;

Dill umbrellas;


Currant leaves;

Bay leaf;

For marinade per 2 liters of water:

5st. l. salt

3/4st. Sahara

1 tbsp. vegetable oil

85g vinegar

Recipe for marinated tomatoes:

Place dill, bay leaf, currant leaf, peppercorns, garlic, and onion half rings into sterilized jars.

Put the marinade on the fire. To do this, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil to the water.

Place the tomatoes in jars with spices. At this point, just pour boiling water over it, not marinade. Drain the water after a couple of minutes. As soon as the marinade boils, add vinegar to it. Pour the prepared marinade over the tomatoes

and set to sterilize for 15 minutes.

As soon as 15 minutes have passed, we take out the jars and roll them up. Turn over and cover with a blanket.

Bon appetit!!!

Red pickled tomatoes

Tomatoes (or as they are popularly called tomatoes) are a very common crop. IN summer season They are available on the market in a wide variety of varieties and are affordable. Tomatoes are used in many dishes, as an addition to sauces, toppings; food cannot be done without them. delicious borscht. A very tasty preparation for the winter is red pickled tomatoes.

Ingredients for preparing Red Marinated Tomatoes:

Red tomatoes are not big size- 500 grams;

Salad pepper - 1 piece;

Head of garlic - 1 piece;

Black peppercorns - 5 pieces;

Dill with inflorescences, dry or fresh - 2 sprigs;

Bay leaf - 2-4 pieces;

Salt - 30 grams;

Sugar - 30 grams;

Vinegar - 20 grams;

Water - about 0.5 liters.

Recipe for red pickled tomatoes:

Tomatoes for canning should not have any cracks or any other defects. Wash the tomatoes very well and let the water drain. Dry or green dill Wash the inflorescences, drain the water and cut into pieces up to three centimeters long. Peel and rinse the garlic.

Preparing a jar for canning. Wash it thoroughly baking soda or laundry soap. Bring water to a boil in a kettle and scald the jar with it. We put the jar to dry.

After the jar is ready, place dill and garlic cloves on the bottom of the jar.

Let's start laying the tomatoes. First we lay the first layer.

my salad pepper, remove the stalk and seeds. Cut the lettuce peppers into strips.

Place chopped peppers along the sides of the jar.

Fill the jar to the top with tomatoes.

Bring about 0.5 liters of water to a boil and pour boiling water over the tomatoes.

Infuse the tomatoes in boiling water for 5-8 minutes. Take a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of vinegar.

Drain the water from the jar into the pan. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to a jar of tomatoes.

Add a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of salt to a saucepan with water.

Bring to a boil and add black peppercorns and bay leaf. Boil for one minute.

Pour the hot marinade over the tomatoes in the jar. Add peppercorns and bay leaves there.

Close the jar tightly with a lid. We pre-treat the lid - wash it with baking soda or laundry soap, and then scald it with boiling water.

Turn the jar of tomatoes upside down with the lid on. After the jar has cooled, we put it in the basement. Tomatoes can be eaten after about a month of infusion.

Red pickled tomatoes will serve as a wonderful decoration festive table, and will also add variety to your winter diet.

Marinated tomatoes Melitopol style

When canning tomatoes, we come across a wide variety of recipes. Depending on the ingredients in the canning, completely different flavors of the final product are obtained. If you put bitter in canning Bell pepper, then it will give a wonderful bitter taste; if you add sweet salad peppers, you get aromatic tomatoes with a sweetish pepper flavor; but if we add dill, we get fragrant tomatoes with dill scent.

In this variety of methods for preparing canned tomatoes, Melitopol-style tomatoes with herbs are very tasty.

Ingredients for preparing the dish “Marinated tomatoes in Melitopol”:

Tomatoes – 500 grams;

Horseradish leaf – 1 piece;

Capsicum bitter pepper – 1 piece;

Black peppercorns – 8 pieces;

Garlic – 1 head;

Parsley – 1 bunch;

Fresh mint – 1 sprig;

Bay leaf – 2 pcs;

Salt – 20 grams;

Vinegar – 20 grams;

Water for marinade – 500 ml;

Recipe for making pickled tomatoes in Melitopol:

Before you start canning, it is very important primary processing products. Tomatoes and herbs must first be rinsed very thoroughly with running water.

Cut the dried horseradish into pieces about two centimeters long.

We also cut the parsley into two centimeters.

Peel the head of garlic and cut the cloves in half.

Cut the chilli pepper lengthwise into several pieces.

In a one and a half liter jar, previously prepared for preservation - scalded with boiling water, put half of the chopped herbs and garlic on the bottom.

Red tomatoes, which we should have dense, small size and put them of the same size in a jar. When we place the tomatoes somewhere in the middle of the jar, insert a sprig of mint at the wall.

Add tomatoes to the top. Place on tomatoes and remaining spices.

Prepare the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, peppercorns, bay leaf, vinegar and bring to a boil.

Remove from heat. Pour the still hot marinade into a jar of tomatoes.

Cover the jar with a lid without screwing it on. Place the jar in a pan of water that is heated to about 60 degrees Celsius. Sterilize at 100 degrees for 15 minutes.

After sterilization, screw the lid tightly, turn the jar over and let it cool.

Melitopol-style tomatoes and herbs are ready. All you have to do is wait until winter to open the jar and try the delicious aromatic tomatoes. Bon appetit.

Canned tomatoes for the winter

For most housewives, summer is the time to prepare for the winter. The abundance of vegetables does not allow us to relax, and requires us to carefully prepare for the cold season in order to get delicious ones from the pantry without worries. canned tomatoes, cucumbers and other goodies for dinner. However, of all types of preservation, tomatoes occupy the most honorable place. After all, they are so tasty, they go well with most dishes, for example, potatoes.

There are a lot of recipes for preparing tomatoes. Among them there are both pickled and salted. But I suggest cooking sweet and sour tomatoes. They are, in my opinion, the most delicious. I think you will like it too. The main thing is to choose good variety tomatoes.

This recipe implies double filling fruits without sterilization. A very convenient and simple way. You can roll up many jars at the same time, dividing them into batches - fill some, put tomatoes in others. Thus, in a short period of time you can prepare from eight three-liter jars.

As a supplement for canned tomatoes As a rule, the spices used are different from those used for cucumbers. This preparation is more delicate in taste and does not have any sharpness. Therefore, we put bell peppers inside the jar of tomatoes in the quantity you like. After all, some people love pickled peppers more.

The same goes for onions. We lay it out, cutting it into rings. You can also add more of this vegetable. For greens, we use fresh parsley. In this case, we don’t need dill in umbrellas, like we do in cucumbers.

From the spices, choose what you like. But we choose the main contender for the role of tomato flavoring allspice peas. It is very necessary in any preparations. Its extraordinary aroma is also indispensable in tomatoes.

And, of course, bay leaf. It also needs to be added to jars for pleasant smell. If desired, add clove buds to the canned tomatoes, they will add interesting taste and the aroma of the marinade. But this spice is not for everyone. Many people don’t like it in canning.

No one bothers fans of hot tomatoes to add hot red pepper to the jar. Only then the tomatoes will not be tender and sweet.

Well, having listed all the necessary spices, let’s proceed directly to preparing the tomatoes.

Ingredients for preparing “Canned tomatoes for the winter”:

Ingredients are given for a three-liter jar

Medium-sized, dense tomatoes - how many will fit in a jar;

Medium-sized bell pepper – 2-3 pcs.;

Onions – 1-2 pcs.;

Parsley – 4-5 sprigs;

Allspice peas – 3-5 pcs.;

Bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.;

Granulated sugar – 4 tablespoons;

Salt – 3 tbsp. spoons;

Vinegar 9% - 50 ml;

Recipe for canned tomatoes for the winter:

We wash three-liter jars thoroughly (with household soap or baking soda). We sterilize. Wash the tomatoes. Slice peppers and onions in large pieces. Place onions, peppers, parsley, and spices on the bottom of the jar. We don’t use salt, sugar and vinegar yet, but leave it for the marinade.

Place the tomatoes in the jar, shaking them to fit more. You can put more pieces of pepper and onion between them and on top.

Fill the jar with the contents with boiling water. Cover with a boiled lid and leave for half an hour for the tomatoes to warm up.

Cover the jar with a lid with holes and pour the water into the pan. Boil again, and this time add salt and sugar. This will be a marinade for tomatoes.

Pour vinegar into each jar, followed by boiling marinade to the very top.

Seal the jar using a lid and a seaming machine.

Turn the jars upside down and cover them with a blanket. Let them stand and cool like this.

After cooling, turn the jars over and transfer them to a cool, dark place. Canned tomatoes can be stored for a year or two. But they turn out so tasty that it’s difficult to keep them for more than a year.

These are the most delicious salted tomatoes I have ever tasted. The recipe has been perfected over the years, and these pickled tomatoes in winter are simply irresistible. Perhaps, main secret in choosing tomatoes. They should be dense and aromatic, small in size. Such varieties as “Slivki” and “Alenka” are very good for pickling. They usually appear on the market from mid-September and are sold until early November. If you don't like dense tomatoes, you can roll up more tender ones. pink tomatoes. The main thing is to find soil-grown tomatoes, not greenhouse ones.

In order to deliciously marinate tomatoes, you will need:

For 1 liter jar:

  • 0.5-0.7 kg of tomatoes, depending on size;
  • 0.7 l. water;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. 9% vinegar;
  • 1 medium dill umbrella;
  • 1 sprig of celery;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 3 pcs. allspice;
  • 2 pcs. carnations;
  • 1 small ring hot pepper;
  • 7 cloves of garlic.

How to deliciously cook marinated tomatoes for the winter, recipe

1. Thoroughly rinse the sealing jars and prepare the spices. Peel the garlic. To easily peel garlic, you can pour boiling water over it for 5-10 seconds and drain the water. During this time, the garlic will not have time to cook, and the skin will soften a little and will be much easier to peel off.

I usually pack tomatoes in 2-liter bottles, so I put twice as much spices. If you use a 3-liter bottle, then multiply by 3 accordingly. So, put dill umbrellas, celery sprigs, bay leaves, allspice, cloves, hot peppers and a third of garlic on the bottom of the jars (place the rest of the garlic on top).

2. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly under running water.

3. Place the tomatoes in the jars tightly, but carefully so as not to crush them.

4. Pour into large saucepan water at the rate of 0.7 liters of water per 1 liter bottle. Bring to a boil and pour in boiling water tomatoes in bottles. Cover with lids and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the water from the tomatoes back into the pan. We repeat the procedure: bring the water to a boil, fill the bottle for 15 minutes, pour it back into the pan. The tomatoes will settle, but that's okay. There is no need to add new ones to the jars, since this may disrupt the preservation process and the bottle may then explode. But the remaining garlic is worth adding, as it helps disinfection. Place the remaining prepared and washed garlic on top.

5. If tomatoes fall out of the bottles when pouring water into a pan, they should be returned. But you can leave the peppercorns and bay leaves. Add sugar, salt and vinegar, mix everything. Cook the brine. Let's try. The brine should have a pleasant, but very rich, slightly salty taste.

Meanwhile, sterilize the lids. See the article on how to properly sterilize jars and lids and choose a sterilization method that is convenient for you. I usually put the lids in a preheated place at 100 degrees until they are needed (this is about 15 minutes).

6. Fill the bottles one by one with steep boiling brine to the brim so that there is no air left. We cover it right away hot cap and roll it up. Turn the rolled bottle upside down and place it in a warm place on a spread blanket. When all the bottles are rolled up, place them close to each other, wrap them with a blanket on all sides and leave them for a day.

7. After a day, the pickled tomatoes can be turned over.

For another two weeks, the tomatoes should be periodically checked to see if the lids are swollen and if they are leaking air. If suddenly you see that the lid begins to swell, you urgently need to depressurize all the tomatoes and digest the brine. In this case, steps 5-7 are repeated. But this happens extremely rarely. You just need to strictly follow the recipe and not forget anything. And then you will have simply delicious tomatoes for the winter! Bon appetit and a warm home!

Today we will pickle tomatoes for the winter. The recipe for this homemade It’s very simple and doesn’t take much time to prepare. But I assure you that the result will definitely please you - aromatic, piquant and really tasty pickled tomatoes for the winter, prepared in liter jars.

For this recipe vegetable preparation For the winter, I advise you to choose small-sized fruits so that as many of them as possible can fit into the jars. And in general, not very large tomatoes Not only do they look beautiful, they are denser and more elastic.

Why will we pickle tomatoes in liter jars? It's simple: in our family it is not customary to store food for future use in large containers. I never even make compotes for the winter in jars, more than one and a half liters. We opened one can, ate and drank, and then we can open another one. I don’t like it when something I started sits in the refrigerator for a long time.

Yes, I almost forgot: I took this recipe for pickled tomatoes for the winter from my mother - she always makes wonderful time-tested rolls. Usually it’s she who pampers us with marinades and pickles (I’m more and more into jams), but apparently the time has come for me to start making such treats.


(1.1 kilograms) (1 liter ) (1 tablespoon ) (30 grams) (100 grams) (4 branches) (8 pieces ) (2 cloves) (2 pieces ) (6 items ) (2 pieces )

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

In order to prepare delicious pickled tomatoes for the winter, take fresh selected small tomatoes, water, granulated sugar, salt, dill umbrellas, fresh parsley, 9% table vinegar, fresh garlic, allspice, bay leaf and cloves. The quantity of products is indicated for two jars, each with a capacity of 1 liter. Depending on the size of the tomatoes, their weight may vary, as well as the amount of water.

You must first sterilize the jars in any convenient way. I do this in microwave oven- wash jars in soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 ml of cold water into each. I steam them in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. I simply boil the lids in water for about 5 minutes. Place 2 dill umbrellas and a sprig of fresh parsley into the prepared jars. Naturally, they need to be washed.

Wash the tomatoes and place them tightly in jars. Tightly does not mean that we push them with force. We just press it down so that it fits more, but the tomatoes don’t burst.

We already had water boiling on the stove - a little more than a liter to have in reserve. Pour boiling water over the prepared jars, cover them with lids and leave for 10 minutes.

If you are from a Slavic culture, you are probably already familiar with the taste of pickled (canned) tomatoes. There are many pickling recipes and they differ not only in the use of various spices, but also in the use of fruits different varieties and varying degrees of maturity.

Jars with beautiful, fragrant tomatoes They remind us in winter of a warm, colorful summer and become a wonderful addition to any festive or everyday table dishes.

In order to pickle tomatoes for the winter, you need to choose only the highest quality, beautiful, elastic and damage-free fruits. One more important feature is the size of the tomatoes. They should be almost the same.

Delicious pickled Cherry tomatoes for the winter

Almost every housewife tries to close as much as possible for the winter. delicious pickles to pamper yourself and your loved ones with a taste of summer in winter. If you want to preserve tomatoes at home, but don’t know how to do it, I bring to your attention a very tasty and simple recipe. Now you will have a good opportunity to preserve tomatoes for the winter.

Ingredients for three 1.5-liter jars:

  • Cherry tomatoes - 3 kg.
  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves (large)
  • Bay leaf - 3-6 pcs.
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • Black pepper (peas) - 10-12 pcs.
  • Allspice - 6-9 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Umbrella dill - 9 pcs.
  • Currant leaves - 12 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves - 9 pcs.
  • Horseradish leaves - 3 pcs.

Marinade for a 1.5-liter jar of tomatoes:

  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 0.75 tbsp. l. (without slide)
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.

Marinade for a 3-liter jar of tomatoes:

  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.


For this recipe Cherry tomatoes are used, but you can make it from any other variety. The main thing is that the sizes of the tomatoes are approximately the same.

1. First of all, wash the jars with baking soda and dry them. At the bottom of each jar we place dill umbrellas, chopped garlic cloves, onions, cut into half rings, a small piece chili pepper (without seeds, otherwise the tomatoes will be very bitter), bay leaves, currant, cherry and horseradish leaves, allspice and black pepper.

It is not necessary to sterilize the jars, since we will fill them with boiling water.

2. Next up are tomatoes. Before we start putting them in jars, we need to make a few pricks with a toothpick at the stem of each fruit. This method allows you to keep the tomatoes intact, the skin does not burst. We don’t fill the jar completely, as we need space for peppers and herbs.

3. Now cut the bell pepper into strips and place them along each jar in a circle. On top we put another umbrella of dill and a couple of currant leaves.

If there is space left in the jars, fill it with tomatoes, because during the harvesting process they will settle.

4. Now you need to fill the jars with boiling water. It is necessary to ensure that water gets on the tomatoes, otherwise the jar will burst. Cover the jars with boiled lids and leave for 10-15 minutes.

5. Then pour the water back into the pan. Next, we will prepare a marinade from this water. To do this, add 6 tbsp here. l. sugar, 3 tbsp. l. salt without a slide and bring to a boil.

6. Before pouring the boiled marinade into jars, add 2 tbsp to each jar. l. 9% vinegar. We close them tightly with metal lids, turn them upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket.

If desired, you can also add a pinch of cinnamon. The tomatoes turn out beautiful, aromatic and very tasty. Bon appetit!

Tomatoes “in the snow” with garlic and vinegar without sterilization - recipe for 1 liter jar

This interesting name This preparation is explained simply: the role of “snow” is played by garlic, which gives the tomatoes their perfect wonderful taste and aroma. They are prepared quickly because you do not have to spend a lot of time on sterilization. I recommend that all fans pay attention to this recipe. original blanks from tomatoes.

Ingredients for a liter jar:

  • Tomatoes - 400-500 gr.
  • Garlic (chopped) - 2 tsp.
  • Peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • Mustard (beans) - 0.5 tsp.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.


1. Place tomatoes in clean jars and pour boiling water over them. Cover with boiled lids and leave for 10-15 minutes.

2. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and bring to a boil. Before pouring the marinade over the tomatoes again, add chopped garlic, mustard, peppercorns and vinegar to each jar. We roll up the jars, turn them upside down, cover with a warm blanket and leave until they cool completely.

How to prepare tomatoes in 3 liter jars for storage in an apartment

If you live in an apartment and are thinking about how best to prepare tomatoes for the winter: pickle or pickle, it is better to choose pickling. Such tomatoes are perfectly stored in the apartment all winter, if left.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Tomatoes
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% 3 tbsp. l.
  • Umbrella dill - 2-3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Horseradish root - 50 gr.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves


1. First of all, sterilize a clean jar, wash and cut the tomatoes in half (cut off the stems), peel and chop the garlic and horseradish root. Place dill, bay leaf, garlic cloves cut in half and chopped horseradish root at the bottom of the jar. Next, place the tomatoes cut side down.

2. Wash the lid and keep it in boiling water for 5 minutes. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

3. When the water boils, add sugar and salt to it and boil for a couple of minutes until the bulk dissolves completely.

4. Then pour vinegar and marinade in a thin stream into the jar of tomatoes so that the jar does not burst. Cover our glass container with a lid.

5. Pour into a tall saucepan cold water, place a piece of fabric on the bottom so that the jar does not burst and carefully place the jar. Bring the water in the pan to a boil, reduce the heat and leave to sterilize for 15 minutes. Remove the jar from the pan, add brine to the top, cover with a lid and roll up.

6. Turn it upside down and leave until completely cool. Such tomatoes can be safely stored in the apartment.

Tsarskie tomatoes, canned for the winter

From year to year, diligent housewives turn home canning into art, replenishing their cookbooks. I want to offer you one more good recipe fragrant, tender and sweet tomatoes, which will always come in handy in winter. They are appreciated and loved by gourmets for their spicy, extraordinary taste. The ratio of ingredients is indicated for a 3 liter jar.


  • Small tomatoes - how many will fit in the jar
  • Carnation buds - 3-4 pcs.
  • Allspice - 4 peas
  • Umbrella dill - 3 sprigs
  • Hot pepper - ring about 5 mm.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Granulated sugar - 1/2 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 50 gr.
  • Garlic - 1 medium head


1. Select tomatoes that are even in shape for canning. We wash them thoroughly and pierce them with a sharp toothpick at the stem so that they do not burst from hot water.

2. Place green bell pepper, clove buds, dill, allspice peas and hot pepper rings on the bottom of a prepared, sterilized jar. Carefully place the fruits and pour boiling water over them. Leave the workpiece to cool until the water becomes warm.

3. After waiting time, pour the liquid from the jar into a saucepan, add salt and sugar to it, and cut the garlic and vinegar into the jar. As soon as the brine boils, immediately pour it into the tomatoes in a thin stream. We roll up the pickle and place it under a blanket so that the cooling process occurs gradually.

Finger licking green tomatoes in jars

Canned tomatoes according to this recipe are sweet and sour, crispy and pleasant to the taste. They are perfect as a separate snack or salad with herbs, potatoes or meat.


  • Green tomatoes - 1.3 kg
  • Garlic - 8 cloves
  • Cloves - 4 buds
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Sweet peas - 10 pcs.
  • Mustard seeds - 1 tsp.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 750 ml.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Table vinegar - 100 ml.
  • Parsley - 5 sprigs
  • Dill - 5 sprigs

Tomatoes marinated with citric acid

If you don't like spending a lot of time canning, then this great snack of pickled tomatoes with citric acid and basil will suit you. The entire preparation process takes a minimum of time and you will have delicious pickled tomatoes in a jar.

Ingredients for a 1.5 liter jar:

  • Tomatoes (Cherry and yellow plum)
  • Purple basil - 1 sprig
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Allspice (peas) - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cloves (bud) - 2 pcs.
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.


1. Place basil, bay leaf and allspice at the bottom of a clean, sterilized jar. Next, fill the jar with tomatoes.

2. After we have placed the tomatoes in the jar to the brim, pour boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and let stand for 15-20 minutes until cool.

3. After the time has passed, drain the water from the jar into the pan. Add sugar (2 tbsp.), salt (1 tbsp. without a slide) and citric acid(0.5 tsp). Place the saucepan on the fire, bring to a boil and let simmer for 1-2 minutes until the spices dissolve. Then pour the marinade into a jar of tomatoes. Cover with a lid and roll up. Turn the glass container upside down, cover and leave until it cools completely.

Prepare marinated tomatoes with vegetable oil and onions

This recipe for pickled tomatoes will not only diversify your preparations for the winter, but will also please the eye and taste sensations. The tomatoes turn out so tasty that you will lick your fingers.


  • Red tomatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Dill and parsley
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 9 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Onions - 5 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Liter jars - 3 pcs.


1. First, let's prepare the jars; they need to be washed well, doused with boiling water and dried on a clean towel. Peel and cut the onion into rings. Place parsley and dill on the bottom of dry jars, a clove of garlic for each jar, one bay leaf and three black peppercorns.

2. Now layer clean, dried tomatoes and onion rings.

If the tomatoes are large, you can cut them in half or into quarters.

3. Place 1.5 liters of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Carefully pour into jars so that the jars do not burst. Pour boiling water over the lids for five minutes. Cover the jars with clean, heated lids and leave for ten minutes. The remaining water in the pan will no longer be needed.

4. After 10 minutes, pour the water from the cans into the pan. Bring to a boil and pour into jars again, leaving them for 10 minutes. After the allotted time, pour the water from the cans into a saucepan, add salt (1 tablespoon) and sugar (two tablespoons), and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, pour in 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil and three tablespoons of vinegar. Mix and pour into jars. We screw the lids on the jars or roll them up.

5. Turn them upside down and cover with a blanket until they cool completely. Marinated tomatoes are ready!

Sweet tomatoes with carrot tops

This recipe for preparing tomatoes differs from the usual ones in that only seasonings are added. carrot tops. It gives tomatoes a special taste. The marinated appetizer turns out to be moderately salty, moderately sweet, and most importantly, very tasty.

Delicious and quick recipe for marinated snacks with aspirin

This pickled tomato recipe is the fastest. Just pour boiling water over the tomatoes and roll them up. The tomatoes come out barrel-like and very tasty.

  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Peppercorns
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar - 50 ml.
  • Aspirin – 3 tablets


At the bottom of a sterilized jar we place a washed and dried horseradish leaf, clean and dry tomatoes, peppercorns, garlic cloves, salt, sugar, vinegar and crushed aspirin tablets. Pour boiling water over everything, cover with a lid and roll up. Turn the jar upside down, cover with a blanket and leave it like that for a day.

Marinated tomatoes with honey and onions

Very interesting recipe sweet tomatoes, in which unusual combination sweetness and bitterness can be confusing. But doubts will be dispelled as soon as you eat them for the first time and you will definitely return to this unique recipe in the next harvesting season.

Ingredients for three 0.5 liter jars:

  • Tomatoes - 500-600 gr.. (depending on the tomato)
  • Onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1-3 cloves
  • Bay leaf - 1-3 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 9 pcs.

For 1 liter of brine:

  • Salt - 4 tsp.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 4 tsp.
  • Honey - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

Before you start harvesting, make sure that the tomatoes room temperature. If you can them cold, they will burst.

1. First of all, we need to wash, dry and prick the tomatoes with a toothpick at the stalk. Peel and cut the onion into rings.

2. Place chopped garlic, black pepper and bay leaf into clean, steamed containers. Then layer small tomatoes and onion rings. Pour boiling water, cover with sterilized lids and leave for 10 minutes.

2. Drain the water from the cans into a saucepan and add salt to it. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the solution boils, add honey, vinegar and mix. Pour it over the prepared tomatoes in the jar. Close the jars tightly or roll them up with a key, turn them upside down, cover and leave until they cool completely.

A refrigerator or cool cellar is suitable for storing canned tomatoes.

Marinate tomatoes for the winter with mustard seeds

Tomatoes according to this recipe turn out very tasty with a piquant flavor that mustard gives. It can be served as a separate appetizer or as an addition to the main course.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Tomatoes
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 4-5 pcs. (small)
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Dill umbrellas - 3-4 pcs.
  • Currant leaves - 3-4 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Black pepper (peas) - 6-8 pcs.
  • Mustard (seeds) - 1 dec. l.
  • Citric acid - 1/3 des. l.

Brine for 1 liter of water:

  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


1. Place currant leaves, bay leaves, dill umbrellas, tomatoes, carrots on the bottom of a clean and dry jar, and leave space on top for sliced ​​peppers, dill umbrellas, and bay leaves.

2. Fill the contents of the jars with boiling water, cover with boiled lids and leave for 30 minutes.

3. After the specified time has passed, pour the water into the pan and prepare the brine. To do this, add salt, sugar and bring to a boil. Before pouring the marinade into the jar, add citric acid, mustard seeds and black pepper. Cover with a lid and send to sterilize in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then we take out the jar and roll it up. Turn upside down, cover and leave until completely cool.

After you finish canning your tomatoes, let the jars sit untouched for 30 days before opening the jar. During this time, the tomatoes will be saturated and enriched with the aromas of spices and herbs. They go great with any potato dish(especially fried potatoes), any pasta dish, pilaf, meat dish etc.

Wish you excellent preparations and let me know what you think of the recipes I shared with you today. I'd love to hear about your canning experiences.