Vegetable preparations. Unusual preparations - recipes for the winter 7 summer cottages preparations for the winter from vegetables

Let’s not waste summer time in vain and idly, dear housewives! We can preserve and prepare good harvests of vegetables for future use! These are the secrets of canning some of the most common types of vegetables that I would like to share with you.


For pickling and pickling, choose cucumbers with black pimples, since white ones are more suitable for fresh eating. If you grow cucumbers at your dacha, pick them in the morning and immediately start preserving them. These cucumbers don’t even require soaking. They just need to be washed well and cleared of soil.

Cucumbers that were picked from the garden a few hours ago need to be soaked in cold water for several hours. They will restore their elasticity and regain lost moisture.

We distribute the cucumbers in the jar sideways to each other, but not tightly, do not press them too hard, otherwise they will lose their “crispness”. For the same reason, you should not fill them with boiling brine, whose temperature is above 90 degrees.


Only late varieties of tomatoes are used for preservation. You can salt green, red, pink tomatoes. To preserve tomato juice, take tomatoes that are not fleshy, large and very ripe. And for pickling, on the contrary, they are medium and small in size, meaty and strong to the touch.

Of the spices, tomatoes respond best when preserved to parsley, dill, horseradish, garlic, hot capsicum and black peppercorns.


It is better to take this vegetable for pickling and pickling of the same size, thin-skinned. We cut off their (squash) stalk with pulp, but no more than one centimeter. It is better to wash the squash with a soft brush in running water. This vegetable does not require soaking. We put small fruits as they are in a jar, and cut large ones into pieces. Squash loves celery (its root), mint leaves, horseradish, parsley, garlic, dill.

Pepper (hot and sweet)

This is a vegetable that, when canned, retains most of its vitamins compared to other vegetables. Red bell peppers are more suitable for pickling. It is better to use hot pepper as a seasoning for other vegetable twists, and white pepper is most suitable for stuffing. It can be frozen and salted.

Despite the abundance of juices in the store, many housewives prefer to prepare juices for the winter from the gifts of their own garden. And they do the right thing, because by preparing the juice yourself, you can not only be 100% confident in its quality, but also create a bouquet of different juices to your own taste. You can preserve juice for baby food or for the whole family, it can be “just” juice or juice as a medicinal remedy - there are many options. ›

Cauliflower is perhaps the most elegant vegetable. Its curly inflorescences decorate any dish, especially when combined with bright broccoli. And it’s not even worth talking about taste and benefits; cauliflower and broccoli contain many times more nutrients than everyone’s favorite white cabbage. You always want to save a rich harvest for the winter, because only in this case are you firmly confident in the quality of the product. ›

The second half of summer is not only the time for long-awaited vacations, but also the time when we begin to harvest and make preparations for the winter. Many gardeners manage to grow a rich harvest of zucchini; they grow in such quantities that you involuntarily grab your head, wondering where to put all this wealth. Now the zucchini season is in full swing, and they don’t last long, so hurry up and make zucchini preparations. ›

Butterflies are one of the most common and favorite mushrooms. Despite the labor-intensive cleaning and the slippery oily cap, which tries to jump out of your hands, mushroom pickers invariably collect full baskets of these mushrooms and make preparations for the winter from them. ›

It's a busy time for us cooks! It is necessary to have time not only to collect, but also to somehow preserve the harvest. Even those who do not have a summer house take advantage of the slightest opportunity to buy and store all kinds of vegetables for the winter. There are five ways to prepare vegetables for the winter. ›

Winter salads are prepared from fresh or pickled vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil, tomato paste, and spices. Products for salads should be cut into equal pieces if possible, so they will cook faster and will not be overcooked. For vegetables with thick skin, it is good to use pre-blanching... ›

In Russia, it should be noted, they love eggplants no less, they cook them with incredible enthusiasm and happily store them for the winter. In addition, every year our housewives come up with recipes that become more and more intricate, more original, conveying to the former overseas miracle all the breadth and uniqueness of the Russian soul! ›

Pickled cucumber... It contains a rich bouquet of subtle aromas and a play of light in amazing green shades. He is still the most favorite guest of a festively laid table in winter. Traditions are still strong in Rus'. It has long been the custom that not a single feast was held without the accompaniment of a good appetizer such as herring, pickled mushrooms, sauerkraut and, of course, pickles. ›

Tomatoes appeared on the tables of Russian housewives relatively recently, but most residents of our country cannot imagine a feast without tasty and healthy tomatoes. And rightly so, because the benefits of tomatoes for human health have been proven by science. This berry, or, as we commonly believe, a vegetable, is a regular on our tables all year round. ›

Velvety orange sweetness with dark freckles, strewing the ground under a huge tree with a thick carpet - this is the picture that appears before the mind’s eye when hearing the word “apricot”. “Plant an apricot tree and may your years continue!” - this is what they said in ancient times, believing that abundant consumption of apricot fruits promotes longevity. ›

It’s great if you have your own cellar, where vegetables will really retain their freshness for a long time, but what if not? What to do then? However, with the right approach, preserving the harvest in urban conditions is quite possible; you just need to know the characteristics of a particular vegetable (most often potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, garlic, beets) and the conditions for its storage. ›

For a long time, raspberries were considered the best remedy for colds, they were used to treat many other diseases, so our great-great-grandmothers prepared raspberry jam for the winter, and for good reason - raspberries have always been considered a special berry! There are many songs and fairy tales about her, she was revered by Slavic tribes, and loved by the ancient Greeks and Romans. ›

Mushrooms can be prepared for the winter in a variety of ways: they can be dried, frozen, pickled, pickled or fried. But probably the most popular method is salting; it is this method that allows you to prepare a large number of collected forest gifts for the winter. ›

Not a single housewife can imagine her dishes without onions. On any plot, even the smallest one, a bed with onions occupies the most honorable place. After all, this is a really useful and useful vegetable for our body. Therefore, storing onions for the winter often becomes the only possible option for preserving this healthy vegetable. ›

Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, various assorted vegetables, jam and berry compotes - if all this has become too banal for you, then by all means take a look at this culinary selection. Unusual preparations, such as cucumber jam, carrot cheese, potato starch, prepared at home, simply excite the imagination. You can find these and other, no less interesting and original, preparations for the winter in this section of the site. Once you learn how to prepare certain unusual recipes, you will definitely be pleasantly surprised! If you choose a step-by-step recipe with photos, you will get the job done easily and simply.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

There are many ways to prepare plums for the winter. I prefer to store plums in the freezer. When frozen, the taste, appearance of the product and vitamins are preserved. I most often use frozen plums in syrup for baby food, making desserts and drinks. Children who often eat poorly eat this preparation with pleasure.

Home canning has long ceased to be a relic of the Soviet past, and modern housewives are trying to prepare delicious preparations for their families from seasonal vegetables and fruits, without preservatives and other chemicals inherent in store-bought canned goods.

And of course, I am no exception either. For several years now, I have been collecting golden recipes for winter preparations on the Home Restaurant website. Recipes from my mother’s notebook, homemade recipes like my grandmother’s, salads for the winter, recipes for preserves and preserves, pickles, adjika... these are not all the homemade preparations that are presented on the Home Restaurant website.

In the “Winter Preparations” section you will find the most delicious recipes for winter preparations, time-tested and proven by more than one generation of housewives, as well as homemade winter preparations according to modern adapted recipes. Golden recipes for winter preparations from the Home Restaurant website - these are proportions verified down to the gram, time-tested recipes, a detailed description of the canning process with high-quality photos, and, of course, a predictable result in the form of appetizing and tasty jars with twists.

For your convenience, all golden recipes for delicious winter preparations are accompanied by step-by-step photos. After all, you must admit, it’s very convenient to preserve by looking at recipes with step-by-step photos in your kitchen from your phone or tablet. If you liked the recipes for winter preparations from the Home Restaurant website, do not forget to share them with your friends on social networks, and also add photo reports, write your comments and reviews of the preservation recipes on the website!

Greetings, dear friends! If you like simple and hassle-free eggplant preparations, then you will definitely like my today’s blueberry sauté recipe. We will prepare a delicious preparation without tedious sterilization, “fur coat” and lengthy preparation of ingredients. The sauté portion is small, everything...

Greetings, dear friends! My recipe today is dedicated to all fans of preparing salads for the winter. I present to your attention a new salad of zucchini and cucumbers with chilli ketchup. You can change the proportions of cucumbers and zucchini in the salad at your discretion, but I stick to...

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Squash caviar with mayonnaise for the winter is one of my family’s favorite canning recipes. The caviar turns out very tasty, aromatic and a little spicy. I like to puree vegetables in a blender, this way the caviar turns out especially tender and homogeneous. If desired, you can additionally…

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