Riddles for children about fruits and berries. Puzzles for children

Logical riddles about vegetables and fruits are always a joy for children, because with their help you can always learn something new and interesting.

Let's plunge into summer

  • Look for him a little,

Bend down to the ground

After all, he hid in the garden -

It's sitting there green (cucumber).

  • This is the heroine of a fairy tale,

Everyone pulled it together.

What is white under the ground,

Covering everything with batva (turnip)?

  • He came from Africa

It became fun for the kids.

For women it is, and for men,

Very sweet... (orange).

No matter what time of year it is outside, you should always take care of the quality of entertainment for children. Therefore, take into account riddles for the little ones about vegetables and fruits.

  • The size is probably about the size of a nut.

Grows high on branches.

With thin, thin skin,

A little blue (plum).

  • It may be sour

But usually it's sweet.

If it falls to the ground -

So, take it (the apple).

  • Be careful or you'll get hurt

Hand on his bushes,

But its most delicate taste

You will definitely enjoy (gooseberries).

Riddles about fruits and vegetables for schoolchildren will allow your child to learn more about the world around him. But on the other hand, demonstrate your knowledge.

  • She is rich, red,

And in the summer it keeps up.

All housewives need it -

They make jam from it (cherry).

  • What kind of sour, what kind of fruit,

Yellow like the sun?

People drink it with tea,

Some people eat it just like that (lemon).

  • This is bitterness, not sweetness,

There are pink zests in it.

The juice from it is what you need.

In the morning we drink it (grapefruit).

Finding truly new puzzles on the Internet is not an easy task. It’s good that you can use autumn riddles about vegetables and fruits.

  • It ripened in late autumn,

Just in time for the vinaigrette.

Red - like dawn

On my plate (beets).

  • Who grows in our garden,

The yellowest and biggest?

We will cook porridge from it -

It will be sweet and thick (pumpkin).

  • Just right for frying

Will be when he grows up.

And while she's in the ground

Lives like in a dungeon (carrot).

You will be surprised...

Riddles about vegetables, fruits and flowers with answers - what you need for an interesting holiday. Only the best puzzles.

  • This vegetable is not simple -

He is bitter, pinching,

And by the nose and by the eyes,

If chopped (onion).

  • What a ball - almost water

Under the green skin.

Everyone sit down, gentlemen,

We'll give you a little bit (watermelon).

  • We are simple flowers.

We meet everywhere.

But they are very gentle,

We grow, we smile (Chernobryvtsy).

The best way to combat a bad mood is mental stress. And if these are riddles for schoolchildren about vegetables and fruits, then mental exercise will also be delicious.

  • This is sweetness for the monkey,

In a peel so strong and yellow.

So good for the stomach

For the old man and for the child (banana).

  • It looks like a brain

It is useful for thinking.

And he's not sweet at all

But all children love him (nut).

  • Yellow-sided queen

Summer, sun and heat.

She's Apple's sister.

Who? Tell me (pear)!

Riddles for kids about vegetables and fruits are quite simple, but at the same time, entertaining. Your child will be delighted!

  • He won't get tired of getting dressed.

It's cold even in summer.

It looks like the globe of the earth,

With a slightly green color (cabbage).

  • He stands on one leg,

With yellow petals.

Black seeds in bulk

In my head...(sunflower)

  • The smell is very appetizing,

If it is added to a dish,

If you just put it in your mouth -

So you must be brave (garlic).

The child must learn about the objects around him as quickly as possible. To do this, we offer you children's riddles about vegetables and fruits with answers.

  • Everything goes on and on and on,

While summer is just around the corner.

We'll wait a little

Let's put it in a jar (beans).

  • A little like dill

After all, they put it in salads.

Add it a little -

And it’s definitely enough for the taste (parsley).

  • Very light, very tasty,

And that's why we all

And its caviar is full of wood,

And kruzhaltsa, which is for bread (zucchini).

Hear about the most delicious things

It is likely that children's riddles about vegetables and fruits will also be of interest to you. Read it as soon as you have a free moment!

  • Our vegetable grows deep,

We dig it in the fall.

We cook so many dishes with it

Every day, for every holiday (potatoes).

  • His grandmother raised him

I watered it early in the morning.

Grandmother keeps screaming: “Oh,

It's crumbling... (peas).

  • Birds love her more -

They relish like frost.

Sparrows, rooks, titmice,

If the bush has already grown (viburnum).

It is impossible to tell a child absolutely everything, but it is quite possible to convey it with the help of riddles with answers on the topic: “Vegetables and fruits.”

  • You won't find this sweetness

On ordinary beds.

Sweet and red

Plays hide and seek with you (strawberry).

  • June is coming to us,

And the branches turn red.

It’s very sweet for us from them,

Like candy (cherry).

  • The berry is black

Even by name.

And it grows in the forests,

We run to pick them (blueberries).

Complex riddles about vegetables and fruits, naturally, cannot be solved right away.

  • It grows on bushes

And blushes slightly.

Everyone will enjoy

As soon as it ripens (raspberries).

  • She lay down on the ground,

It has ripened yellow.

Come to us for a delicious summer table

And she made it (melon).

  • He is both bitter and he is sweet,

Both in salads and soups.

It grows quickly from water,

Grows before our eyes (pepper).

Funny riddles about fruits and vegetables have been created especially for the most restless ones.

  • Its grains are light

The cloves turn yellow.

You start collecting -

They bow compliantly (corn).

  • Almost black color

These things are peeled.

But inside it’s not like that at all -

There they are always white (eggplants).

  • These are greens with aroma.

For parsley he will be a brother.

Who dismissed his umbrella?

Has the taste of the salad changed (dill)?

Proverbs about vegetables and sayings about vegetables
There are a large number of folk proverbs about vegetables and
proverb Despite this, most people know no more than two
dozens. What are proverbs and sayings, how do they differ?
from each other?
A proverb is a short figurative expression with an edifying meaning.
The proverb is both literal and figurative (figurative)
plan or only portable.
A proverb is a figurative expression that exists in speech for
emotionally expressive assessments (for example: “I’m tired of worse than bitter
radish" is an expression of annoyance). The saying often has a humorous
character. Unlike a proverb, a saying does not contain a generalizing
instructive meaning.
A proverb is encrypted and time-tested wisdom. A
the ability to apply the necessary proverb or bright saying to a word
characterizes a true expert in the traditions of the Russian language. This page contains the bulk of
Russian proverbs and sayings about vegetables, but there are also several Ukrainian ones.
Proverbs and sayings about all vegetables
Every vegetable has its time.
Vegetables are good in cabbage soup.

Proverbs and sayings about cabbage

Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick.
One pocket is empty, the other has cabbage.

Cabbage is better empty: at least the belly is not empty.
Without watering, the cabbage dries out.
Cabbage is from the bush, thick, but tasteless.
Do not chop cabbage with your tongue.
God will not punish you with nothing, like cabbage with nothing.

Plant cabbage in someone else's garden (take care of someone else's affairs).
A man will not be satisfied without bread; cabbage soup cannot live without cabbage.

There are a lot of rotten heads in the vaunted cabbage.

A goat on a skit is a bad guard.

Eat the cabbage, but don’t waste it!

I ate cabbage, but my belly was empty.
Horseradish and cabbage isn't food?

The goats are full and the cabbage is intact.
I would go to my neighbor’s house to eat cabbage, but they won’t let me into the yard.
A head on your shoulders is not a head of cabbage. (proverb of the Komi people)
The head is like a vat, but the mind is not like a head of cabbage.
Why have a garden if you don’t plant cabbage?
Garden head. (means a head of cabbage, i.e. a slow-witted, sluggish, clumsy person, a gaper)
Don’t meddle with the cabbage, they’ll let you in as soon as possible.
Proverbs and sayings about onions
Holo, bare, but there is an onion in the cabbage soup.

Whoever eats onions, God will save him from eternal torment.

In our region it’s like in paradise: you can’t eat onions and rowan berries.
Peeled me like an onion.

The mug is cranberry, the eyes are onion.
Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage will not be tolerated.

It was as if he had taken a bow.
Onion from seven ailments.
Onions and a bath will fix everything.

Onions are good for fighting and for cabbage soup.
Proverbs and sayings about garlic
Onions and garlic are siblings.
I haven't eaten garlic, and it still doesn't stink.

Even if you take it to Mecca, the pungency of garlic will not go away. (Chechen proverb)
Whoever ate garlic will tell for himself. (Crimean Tatar proverb)
Onions cure seven ailments, and garlic cures seven ailments.

His mother is onion, his father is garlic, and he himself grew up as pink jam. (Turkish proverb)
He drank milk, but belched garlic.
Garlic and onion are honest.
Proverbs and sayings about beets

The beets are red, even though they grow in black soil.
Don't look for borscht without beets.
The beet is a red maiden, and with a green braid, she is a queen on the table, useful for health.
Where there are no fruit trees, beets will pass for an orange.
Beetroot is good for us; we keep it in reserve.
If you don't kill the hazel grouse, eat the beets.
Beets are not cloudberries, even though they are in a basket, but they grow in the ground.
The lady's beets got wet in the rain, they were good - they didn't fade.
Where there are beets and borscht, look for us there.
If you don't have salmon, eat beets.

Shut up, beetroot, cabbage soup is used to make cabbage soup.
Without borscht, lunch is not lunch, and without beets, there is no borscht.
The beet lady did not fade in appearance, she lies on the ridge, looking everywhere.
Proverbs and sayings about carrots

The pig went to the gardeners: for carrots, turnips, and white cabbage.
In the underground, underground there is a pie with carrots: I want to eat it, but I don’t want to go into it.

You will lie on the floors, you won’t see the carrots.
Carrots add blood.
Onions and carrots, although from the same garden, are not equally sweet.
Love is like a carrot: it will lie down and wither.
Carrots are sweet, but in the neighboring garden. (Ukrainian)

Sow the carrots on time and it will do no good.
Keep your tail like a carrot!
Garlic and radish, and it’s strong on the stomach.

Tired of it, worse than bitter radish.
Proverbs and sayings about radish
Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage will not be tolerated.
In the post of radish tail.
The task is simple, and the taste is carroty.
We started talking great about horseradish, radishes, sour cabbage.

Seven changes, but all one radish: tricha radish, sliced ​​radish, radish with kvass, radish with butter, radish in pieces,
radish in cubes and whole radish.

To know a friend is not a radish.

Proverbs and sayings about horseradish
Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage will not be tolerated.
The radish arrived, and horseradish, and the book of Ephraim (Lent).
Guest to hell, to hell, dear guest.
I'll make you dig with your snout.
The worm hibernated in horseradish for seven years, but did not know the taste (Ukrainian).
Horseradish is not sweeter than radish, coal is not whiter than soot.
Spruce forest, birch forest, why not firewood? Horseradish and cabbage isn't food?
Eat horseradish while driving and you will survive.
The horseradish grater is not happy, but it dances on its sides.
We started talking great about horseradish, radishes, sour cabbage.

The same pike, but to hell.
Horseradish is cheap, but what good is it? (Ukrainian.)
The radish's horseradish is not sweeter, the devil's devil is not lighter.
Horseradish and turnips, and even then rarely.
What the hell, there’s little difference between mustard (Ukrainian).
Efrem loves horseradish, and Fedka loves radish.
In a foreign land, sweets turn into mustard, and at home, horseradish turns into candy.
Greetings for greetings and love for love, but to the envious horseradish and pepper, and even then not from our table.
Proverbs and sayings about potatoes
Potatoes are a sucker for bread.
Digging potatoes, don’t wave your hands.
Where potatoes are not respected, incomes are reduced.

Love is not a potato: you can’t cook it in a pot.
Potatoes protect bread.
For the hungry, potatoes are a delicacy.
Potatoes are our mother, and bread is our breadwinner.
Potatoes help bread (support).

Potatoes and porridge are our food.
The one who is lazy to plow will not produce potatoes.
Proverbs and sayings about turnips
The turnips are sold and the cart is covered.
Erysipelas, even this turnip, even plant carrots.
Crush the turnips so they can give you cabbage!
I would eat turnips, but my teeth are rare.
They don’t boast about turnips and rutabaga.
Even a turnip looks like an apple to us.
There is little honor in eating turnips.

Peas and turnips are an enviable thing: those who don’t go will snatch them.

You can't grow turnips without care.
Good (girl), like a washed turnip!
Turnips and peas are sown for thieves
Turnips are not good for the belly.
The pig went to the gardeners: for carrots, turnips, and white cabbage.
Turnips and peas are not near the roads.
Hungry Fedot wants turnips
Easier than steamed turnips
Turnip meat, cut and eat.

At least eat turnips instead of rye, but don’t keep someone else’s food
Proverbs and sayings about rutabaga
No matter how long the rutabaga grows, you still have to eat it!
People don’t boast about turnips and rutabaga.
Steam the rutabaga to the young ones, and brains to the girls!
I ran away from cabbage, but ended up on rutabaga.
I ate one rutabaga from the heap for the mare to eat!
Proverbs and sayings about peas

Peas and turnips in the field, widows and girls among the people.
Peas and turnips are not good for the stomach.
The family and peas are being threshed.
The girl in the house and the peas in the field are enviable: whoever passes by will pinch them.

Matchmaker, no matchmaker, don't mess around with it.
Peas and turnips are an enviable thing: whoever goes, snatches them.
He slurps the peas with an awl and even shakes them off.
Like peas against a wall, they don’t cling.

Like peas against a wall.

If it weren't for frost on the peas, they would have grown over the tine.
In summer, don’t lie under the boundary and don’t pluck peas. (don’t shirk, things don’t wait)
Proverbs and sayings about beans
Don’t be arrogant, peas, in front of the beans, you’ll be under your own feet.
Beans are not mushrooms; if you sow, they will not sprout.
I’ll cheat someone else’s troubles out of the water, but I won’t even think about my own.
Don't laugh, peas, they're no better than beans: you'll get wet and you'll burst.
These peas are no better than mushrooms (beans).

If only beans could grow in your mouth, the ball wouldn’t be in your mouth, but in your garden.
When the roasted beans bloom.
Proverbs and sayings about melons and melons

Pumpkin looks like watermelon, but it doesn’t have the same taste.

Proverbs and sayings about cucumbers
Give free rein to thistle and there will be no cucumbers in this world.
Well done if you have a nose like a cucumber!
Plant cucumbers in the sea (i.e. deceive, exaggerate)
Where there are cucumbers, there are drunkards.
A free cucumber is better than a bought melon
Well done to the cucumber, and well done to the cucumber.
The cucumber is in a tub, and the carrots are in the garden.
Mushrooms and cucumbers are no good in the stomach.
The cucumber does not spoil in the cellar, but rots quickly in the sun
Eat pike with cucumbers with fellows.
Proverbs and sayings about pepper
Heart with pepper, soul with garlic (i.e. an evil person).
Greetings for greetings and love for love, but to the envious horseradish and pepper, and even then not from our table.
And without pepper it will reach the heart
The pepper is small, but it stings strongly. (Vietnamese proverb)
Young peppers burn more strongly. (Ossetian proverb)
Horseradish and pepper went together.
Proverbs and sayings about nettles
Don’t sit under someone else’s fence, but even under the nettle, under your own.
It's like sitting in nettles with him.
Evil nettle seed: you can’t brew beer from it!
If there wasn't frost on the nettles, there wouldn't be any problems with it!

The settlement is good, but overgrown with nettles.
Don’t move someone else’s sorrel, but pick your own, and move it however you like!
Bad years, if there is quinoa in the rye /
Trouble in the village if there is quinoa on the table
Sauerkraut is a good appetizer: you won’t be ashamed to serve it, and you won’t mind eating it.
Every vegetable has its time.
Every day with vegetables, but not every day with cabbage soup.
Love is not a potato - you can’t throw it out the window.
Cabbage loves water and good weather.
Garden head (means: cabbage head, i.e. slow-witted,
sluggish, clumsy person, open-mouthed.)
“You don’t chop cabbage with your tongue.”
“Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick.”
“Cabbage is not empty, it flies into the mouth itself”
“Bread and cabbage will not be allowed to dashing people” (healthy food)
“No mouth can live without cabbage”
“Spring feast of cabbage divine”
Easier than steamed turnips (i.e. very simple).
Cheaper than steamed turnips (i.e. very cheap).
Turnips and peas are not near the roads
Klim smears the cart, goes to the Crimea on turnips (about a careless
Sits like a turnip in a garden bed
Onion from seven ailments.
Onions and a bath will fix everything.
Onion grief (i.e., an unlucky, clumsy person; a klutz).

Onions and garlic are siblings.
Who has what taste: some like melon, and some like watermelon.
Heart with pepper, soul with garlic (i.e. an evil person).
Radish boasted: “I’m good with honey!”
I'm tired of it, like a bitter radish.
Tired of worse than bitter radish.
Carrots add blood.
Eat a carrot if you don't have an apple.
Plant cucumbers in the sea (i.e. exaggerate, deceive).
“Beans are not mushrooms; if you sow them, they won’t sprout.”
“If it weren’t for the frost on the peas, they would have outgrown the tine long ago.”
“In the summer, don’t lie under the boundary and don’t pluck peas (don’t shirk,
things are not waiting).”
Horsetail is a country vegetable.
Every vegetable has its time.
The cabbage is not empty, it flies into the mouth itself.
Potatoes are a sucker for bread.
The turnips are sold and the cart is covered.
Onions and garlic are siblings.
In post radish tail
They don’t boast about turnips and rutabaga.
Don’t be arrogant, peas, in front of the beans, you’ll be under your own feet.
Garlic and radish, and it’s strong on the stomach.
Peas and turnips are an enviable thing: whoever goes, snatches them.

Without watering, the cabbage dries out.
I'm tired of it, like a bitter radish.
Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage - they won’t allow a dashing person.
Turnips are not good for the belly.
Potatoes help bread.
Don't laugh, peas, they're no better than beans: you'll get wet and you'll burst.
Horseradish is not sweeter than radish, coal is not whiter than soot.
If you bake an onion before the onions are picked from the garden, the entire onion will dry out.
Place the pea pod in the bride and groom's sleigh, and do not move the horse.
There was cabbage, but it became empty.
Our uncle has everything radish: trikha radish, sliced ​​radish, radish with butter and radish with kvass.
These peas are no better than mushrooms (beans).
Horseradish and cabbage isn't food?
Don’t tell everyone that radishes are worth the money!
The pig went to the gardeners: for carrots, turnips, and white cabbage.
The family and peas are being threshed.
The brave one can eat peas, but the timid one can’t even see the cabbage soup.
Red as beets, as blood, as cranberries, as poppies.
Vegetables are the glory of doctors and the pride of chefs.
If you don't grow vegetables, you can't cook cabbage soup.
Every vegetable has its time.
Onion from seven ailments.
Onions and a bath will fix everything.
Love is not a potato - you can’t throw it out the window.
Peas and turnips are not good for the stomach.
Good food and radishes if there is no fish.
The cabbage is not empty, it flies into the mouth itself. I ate and ate cabbage, but my belly was empty.
Beetroot and rare ear are the food of the stingy.
Radish horseradish is not sweeter, devil's horseradish is not better (not lighter).

Garlic and radish, and it’s strong on the stomach.
Crushed garlic and baked cockroach. Garlic cures seven ailments.
You eat peas, and then you run along the track (you run into the track).
Eat radishes with the gentlemen, but go to bed with the pigs.
Cabbage soup tastes good with cabbage, and tastes good with salt.
Put potatoes in okroshka, and put love into action.
Every day with vegetables, but not every day with cabbage soup.
After eating carrots, a drop of blood appeared.
Sugar destroys teeth, strengthens carrots.
Where there is no meat, beets are a hero.
Onion is a friend of health.
Having been taught a lesson on hot soup, blow on cold vegetables
If you go for berries, you will find health,
Greens on the table - health for a hundred years,
An apple for dinner - and you don't need a doctor. Bow from seven ailments
Eat horseradish while driving and you will survive.
The bathhouse is healthy, the conversation is fun.
Eat bread and cereals for your health.
Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage will not be tolerated.
Nasty things cure, but pleasant things destroy.
When I’m sick, I eat a loaf of bread, but when I can’t, I eat a pie.
Eat and stay healthy without getting fat.
Riddles about vegetables
He lies striped, hairless and pot-bellied. (Uzbek)
The skin is thick - there is no wool. (Nogai)
Green house without windows. (Khakassian)
A green calf on a leash is getting fatter. (Kazakh)
The banks are green and the water is red. (Moldavian)
The scarlet itself is sugar, the caftan is green, velvet. (Russian)
The oven is full of black cakes. (Uzbek)
The water is red and the fish are black. (Moldavian)

There are green balls among the melons. The kids swooped in - the balls were nothing but bark. (Russian)
There is a bush on the ridge, nests in the branches, eggs in the nests. (Mari)
Without arms, without legs, he climbs onto the batog. (Ukrainian)
Small babies, green pellets, passed through the ground and crawled onto the stamen. (Russian)
When he was small, he was curly-haired, as he grew up he wore bells, and as he grew old he became a stone. (Lithuanian)
No one feeds her, but she has become fat. (Kabardinskaya)
There are yellow barrels lying on a strip in a field. (Russian)
A yellow barrel, round bottom, full of horses inside. (Gagauz)
The head is large and the neck is thin. (Nanai)
White goose on one leg. (Mari)
A white chicken stands on one leg. (Moldavian)
A hundred beds lie on one leg. (Belarusian)
Not a book, but with leaves. (Russian)
There are hundreds of layers in one hat. (Mari)
Little boy, a hundredfold fur coat. (Estonian)
The tadpole, the force, put on three hundred shirts, and only one leg. (Ukrainian)
Clothes are just clothes, but everything is as big as the palm of your hand. (Uzbek)

An old woman is standing in the garden beds, covered in forty patches. (Armenian)
Seventy clothes, no eyelets, no buttons. (Karelian)
Seventy clothes have been put on, but not even seven buttons have been sewn on. (Khakassian)
Not sewn, not cut, but covered in scars; countless clothes and all without fasteners. (Russian)
Patch upon patch, but not a single stitch. (Latvian)
The geese flew away and abandoned their paws. (Belarusian)
Ballish, curly, bald on the top of the head, eat it to your health. (Russian)
They bury one and pull out twelve. (Mari)
I put one - I found 2, I put 2 - I found 9, I put 9 - I found 99, I put 99 - I found 1099. (Moldavian)
The pig farrowed underground. (Buryat)
The bird built a nest underground and laid eggs. (Ukrainian)
An empty chicken has built a nest outside the yard, lays eggs and places them in the ground. (Russian)
There is an oak tree, there are children under the oak tree. (Belarusian)
Nuts in the ground, leaves on the ground. (Latvian)
What is it like: he comes out of the ground in his clothes, enters a hot bathhouse, comes out of the bathhouse, and takes off his clothes? (Armenian)
(Funny proverbs)
Don't pee in the compote, you'll ruin the fruit.
Fruit is good as long as it tastes good; Airaki and taryki are good as long as they are fresh.
(Buryat proverbs)
A whole herd of horses on one leash (Armenian)

A thousand beads are strung on a thread (Moldavian)
Barrels of wine hanging on a thin rope (Russian)
The mother is crooked, and the child has milk with sugar (Tajik)
In the summer he is born, in the fall he dies, in the winter he goes berserk. (Armenian)
In winter there is a mazar, in summer there is a bazaar. (Uzbek)
I’m sitting on a tree, round like a ball, red like blood, sweet like honey. (Russian)
Black as a pot, sour as wine, and a heart of stone. (Latvian)
Red color, wine taste, heart of stone. (Belarusian)
A young girl with a stone in her bosom. (Moldavian)
The red body has a heart of stone. (Russian)
I bought one at the market, opened it at home and found there were a thousand. (Armenian)
A pot full of carnations. (Tajik)
A small stove with red coals. (Armenian)
Alenka is standing in the grass in a red shirt. Everyone who passes by will bow. (Russian)
Strawberries, strawberries
The lady is standing in the woods, I am wearing a red shirt, whoever sees him will bow. (Ukrainian)
With one leg, three heads. (Mari)

The tree stands shaggy, when shaggy it is smooth, and when smooth it is sweet. (Russian)
pine cone
At the top of a golden tree, a golden cuckoo sits with its wings spread. (Shorskaya)
The golden cuckoo sat on the top of a tree. (Altai)
Write the names of the fruits. Read the word that appears in the highlighted cells.
) Crossword "Orchard"
1. Here is a green bush growing,
Not tall, but very thick.
And earrings hang on it
For Anyuta and Antoshka.
Black and red
Excellent for jelly.
2. In spring it
Very green, sour.
As soon as he gets ready, he will blush,
He will have time to fall down from the branch.
3. Here on the branch, look,
They suddenly became flushed.
Juicy juice is poured,
They smile at the children from the branches.
4. Hangs from branches in tassels,
Sweet juice attracts.
We treat everyone:
Very tasty...
5. Little Red Matryoshka,
Little white heart.
Children love her very much
And there are bears in the dense forest.
Answers: 1. Currants. 2. Apple. 3. Cherries. 4. Grapes. 5. Raspberry.

1. Like in a garden bed under a leaf
The log rolled up
Zelenets is remote,
Delicious small vegetable. (Cucumber)
2. Are you red?
No, black.
Why white?
Because it's green? (Currant)
3. Was green, small,
He became big and scarlet. (Tomato)
4. You can immediately recognize this vegetable by its color.
Everyone calls him Mister Blue.
With a shiny and oblong skin,
He is happy to treat adults and children. (Eggplant)
5. How I put on a hundred shirts,
It crunched on my teeth. (Cabbage)
6. I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,
They weave boxes and baskets for me.
He who loves me is happy to bow down.
And the name was given to me by my native land. (Strawberry)
7. What did they dig from the ground, fry, cook?
What did we bake in ashes, eat and praise? (Potato)
8. Before we ate it,
Everyone had time to cry. (Onion)
9. He looks like a baby, a toddler,
But it has a spicy taste.
Consists of white lobules
Eat a slice and everything in your mouth burns. (Garlic)

10. The long-legged one boasts -
Am I not beautiful?
And samato is a bone
Yes, a red blouse. (Cherry)
1. The green house is a bit cramped: narrow, long, smooth.
Round kids are sitting side by side in the house.
In the fall, trouble came, the smooth house cracked,
The round kids galloped in all directions. (Peas)
2. Red mouse with a white tail,
Sits in a hole under a green bush. (Radish)
3. There are balls hanging on the branches, blue from the heat. (Plum)
4. My caftan is green, but my heart is like red.
It tastes like sweet sugar and looks like a ball. (Watermelon)
5. Sasha went into the garden with the basket.
He found a thorny bush there.
Let him suffer from thorns,
I picked green berries. (Gooseberry)
6. She is the queen of all vegetables,
He is proud of his size.
Looks like a melon from a distance
The red ball is huge too. (Pumpkin)
7. Red beads hang
They are looking at us from the bushes.
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears. (Raspberries)
8. Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch.
Adults and little children love me. (Apple)
9. - Yellow, round, where are you from?
- Straight from the sunny south!
You can eat me, but only
First divide into slices.
He looks like the sun himself.
What will you call me? (Orange)
10. For a curly tuft
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
Very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sweet sugar. (Carrot)

apple, watermelon, cabbage, carrots, peas, potatoes, radish, onion, cucumber, strawberry, cherry, plum, raspberry
currant, tomato http://www.vsezagadki.ru/2010/02/prorasteniya/
gooseberries, eggplant, garlic http://www.bimbom.info/BimBom_zagadki_ogorod.html
tomato, orange http://ladlad.ru/zagadki/512zagadkiproovoschifrukty.html?showall=1
apple http://demiart.ru/forum/uploads7/post16545311295441070.jpg
cucumber http://by.all.biz/img/by/catalog/47198.jpeg
peas http://agroprim.com/_bd/37/56333053.jpg
orange http://photodictionary.com/photofiles/list/268/798orange.jpg
cherry http://i026.radikal.ru/0804/76/3e2da45494dc.jpg
garlic http://rnns.ru/uploads/posts/200910/1256631840_garlic.jpg
gooseberry http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/2/64/397/64397615_485155_30090x600_kruyzhovnik.jpg
radishes http://hometownseeds.com/images/Radish,%20Cherry%20BelleVegetable%20Seedsp.jpg


There are so many delicious fruits and berries in summer! Try to find them in this crossword puzzle! The color will serve as a clue
cells it matches the color of the fruit.

Collection of poems,
fairy tales, crossword
about vegetables and

Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me

And little children.

Sits next to us
Looks with black eyes.
Black, sweet, small
And nice to the guys.

How I put on a hundred shirts,
It crunched on my teeth.

Beautiful maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.

The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head.

My caftan is green,
And the heart is like red.
Tastes like sweet sugar
It looks like a ball.

Dried out in the hot sun
And bursts from the pods...

Blue uniform, white lining,
It's sweet in the middle.

Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails.
These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.

For the curly tuft
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
To the touch - very smooth,
It tastes like sweet sugar.

In the hot sun, the stumps have many thin stems,
Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,
We rake the stems and collect the lights.

Small as a mouse
Red as blood
Tastes like honey.

What without pain and without sadness brings you to tears?

Green above, red below,
It has grown into the ground.

Little Red Matryoshka
Little white heart.

One hundred clothes -
All without fasteners.

I’ll get the round, ruddy one from the tree,
I’ll put it on a plate, “Eat, mommy,” I’ll say.

Balls hang on the branches,
Turned blue from the heat.

The watermelon has a lot of cargo,
The load is not a burden for the watermelon.
And inside is the whole watermelon
Full of black wet beads.
(Watermelon seeds)

There was a green satin dress,
No, I didn’t like it, I chose red,
But I'm tired of this too
I wore a blue dress.

A gentleman came from the garden, covered in patches, and whoever looked at him would cry.

There is grass above the ground,
Burgundy head underground.

Round, not the moon, white, not paper, with a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip)
He walked lanky and got stuck in the damp earth.

I am long and green, I am delicious when salty,
Delicious and raw. Who am I?

The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats,
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.

Doesn't upset anyone
And it makes everyone cry.

Into the ground like a flea,
From the earth like a cake.

I was born to glory
The head is white and curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them.

I am rosy Matryoshka
I won’t tear you away from my friends,
I'll wait until Matryoshka
It will fall into the grass on its own.

Buried in the ground in May
And they didn’t take it out for a hundred days,
And they started digging in the fall
Not just one was found, but ten.

Not sewn, not cut,
And all in scars;
Without counting the clothes,
And all without fasteners.
(Head of cabbage)

Shred on shred - green patches,
He spends the whole day basking on his stomach in the garden bed.

Unprepossessing, gnarly,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
“Well, crumbly, delicious!”

Small and bitter, Luke's brother.

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red.

You can barely hug this fruit, if it’s weak, you won’t be able to lift it,
Cut it into pieces and eat the red pulp.

I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg,
They weave boxes and baskets for me.
He who loves me is happy to bow down.
And the name was given to me by my native land.

Same with a fist, a red barrel,
Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet.

She was little green
Then I became scarlet,
I turned black in the sun,
And now I'm ripe.

Round, not a month,
Yellow, not oil,
Sweet, not sugar
With a tail, not a mouse.

The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed.
Dig a little: under the bush...

Juicy, fragrant, rosy, magical. We grow on trees.

Makes everyone around you cry
Although he is not a fighter, but...

Pink cheeks, white nose,
I sit in the dark all day.
And the shirt is green,
She's all in the sun.

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit side by side in the house
Round guys.
In the autumn trouble came -
The smooth house is cracked,
We galloped in all directions
Round guys.

In haymaking it’s bitter,
And in the cold it’s sweet,
What kind of berry?

Himself scarlet, sugar,
The caftan is green, velvet.

Round side, yellow side,
A bun is sitting in a garden bed.
Rooted firmly into the ground.
What is this?

Like blood, red.
Like honey, delicious.
Like a ball, round,
It went into my mouth.

On a branch there are sweets with honey filling,
And the skin on the branch is of the hedgehog type.

They came to us with melons
Striped balls.

I grow in the soil in a garden bed,
Red, long, sweet.

The red nose has grown into the ground,
And you don't need a green tail,
All you need is a red nose.

Although I am called sugar,
But I didn't get wet from the rain,
Large, round, sweet in taste,
Did you find out who I am? ...

Birds demolished
Blue testicles
Hung on a tree:
The shell is soft,
Sweet protein
And the yolk is bone.

There was a child - he did not know diapers, he became an old man - a hundred diapers on him.

Before we ate it,
Everyone had time to cry.

Seven hundred piglets are hanging on a peg.
(Bunch of bulbs)

Round and smooth
Take a bite, it's sweet.
Stuck tight
In the garden...

Bloomed with a yellow umbrella
Friend of all vegetables...

Green striped ball,
With scarlet filling like heat,
Lying in the garden, ripening... Well,
Tell me what it is...

What kind of trotter is this
Did you fall over on your side?
He is well-fed and salad-like.
That's right, kids...

At least it grew in the garden,
Knows the notes “sol” and “fa”.

There is a yellow ball in the garden,
But he doesn't run at a gallop,
He's like the full moon
The seeds in it are delicious.

He bites - but not the dog.
There is a tooth. But where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What is this, tell me...

Usually round and red as dawn
In borscht, in salad... This...

She's hiding from the sun
Under a bush in a deep hole,
Brown is not a bear,
In a hole - but not a mouse.

Like in a garden bed under a leaf
The log rolled -
Zelenets is remote,
Delicious small vegetable.

Although he didn’t see the ink,
Suddenly turned purple
And shines with praise
Very important…

Green fat woman
I put on a lot of skirts
Standing in the garden now
Like a ballerina in a tutu.

She is being pulled by a grandmother and granddaughter,
Cat, grandfather and mouse with Bug.

Kicked off from Yegorushka
Golden feathers,
Egorushka forced
Cry without grief.

Red beads hanging
They're looking at us from the bushes,
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears.

It happens, children, different -
Yellow, grass and red.
Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s sweet,
You need to know his habits.
And in the kitchen - the head of spices!
Did you guess it? This…

This is not a toy at all -

Golden and healthy
Vitamin, although sharp,
It has a bitter taste.
When you clean, you shed tears.

In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of delicious grains.

Vegetable garden
In an orange dress
Hidden in the cellar,
Just a braid on a hillock.

The pop stands low, it has a hundred rizoks on it

Then she’s an “icicle”
It's full of blush,
But delicious in salad

Puzzles are a great activity for improving children's intellectual abilities. Solving puzzles is a very exciting process. Such exercise for the mind develops logical thinking, teaches the child to reason, think, and look for the correct solution to a problem.

Of course, the child needs to be taught techniques for solving puzzles and introduced to basic encryption methods. It is very important to select puzzles for children whose difficulty level corresponds to their level of development.

If a child knows letters, then you can try introducing him to puzzles at the age of 4, but 5-6 year old children can easily master this fascinating intellectual game.

I have compiled thematic puzzles for your children. All you need to do is download the task cards and cut them. The answers to the puzzles are written at the bottom of the card.

In order to make it convenient for you to show your child how to solve puzzles, I have made a table of possible encryption options. Happy brainstorming!

Rebus encoding methods

Type of encoding


The commas next to the picture show how many letters and on which side you need to remove in order to decipher part of the rebus. The number of commas corresponds to the number of letters. If there are commas before the picture, then the initial letters of the word should be removed, if after the picture - the last ones.
Example: the picture shows “KIWI”, two commas before the picture mean that we must remove the first 2 letters in the word, so in this part of the puzzle we have the hidden syllable “VI”

An upside down picture means that the letters in the word need to be put in reverse. If there are commas near the pictures, then, as in the previous example, after we have turned the letters over, the extra ones need to be removed.
Example: The picture shows “WALRUS”, the picture is upside down, so we put the letters in reverse, we get “GROM”, there are two commas in front of the picture, which means we need to remove the first two letters, so in this part of the rebus we have the syllable “OM” encrypted.

A small letter next to a large one - this way the syllable U is hidden.
Example: Small C near big K, i.e. the letter C stands next to the letter K, resulting in SUK. (Perhaps in some words the letters change places not C for K, but K has C, then the syllable UKS will be obtained)

When many small ones are drawn on a capital letter, then the syllable PO is encrypted in this way.
Example: The letter M is drawn with the letter I, resulting in a fragment of POMI. (The second option is also possible, when And by M, then an IPOM fragment is obtained)

A picture, and below is a hand and a crossed out number. This means that the letter that counts in the specified number must be crossed out.
Example: We have drawn “TABLE”, the picture is upside down, which means we need to put the letters opposite “LOTS”, below is a hand with the number 3 crossed out, which means we must delete the third letter, leaving “LOS”

A small letter with an arrow pointing to a large letter, thus encrypting the preposition K.
Example: Small I moves to large A, resulting in the fragment “IKA” (or the second version of KAI)

A picture and a hand below: the number is equal to the letter. This means that in the word we must replace the letter that is worth the indicated number with a new letter.
Example: In the picture “ONE”, below the inscription 4=L, this means we must change the fourth letter to L, it turns out “ODIL”

One letter inside another. This is how the syllable B is encrypted.
Example: The letter Z is located in the letter I, resulting in the fragment “ZVI” or “VIZ”

Download puzzles for children

Wild animals

What kind of fruit has ripened in the garden?
Bone inside, freckled cheeks.
A swarm of wasps flew to him -
Sweet soft...

Answer: Apricot

Warmed by the hot sun,
Dressed in skin like armor.
Will surprise us

Answer: Pineapple

He's big, like a football
If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.
It tastes so good!
What kind of ball is this?

Answer: Watermelon

Children know this fruit
Monkeys love to eat it.
He comes from hot countries
Grows in the tropics...

Answer: Banana

He grew up in the south
He collected his fruits in a bunch.
And in the harsh winter
Raisins will come to our home

Answer: Grapes

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.

Answer: Pear

Round-sided, yellow-faced,
And how fragrant
The pulp is so sweet!
We are fans from now on
Queens of the field...

Answer: Melons

Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sour,
And his name is...

Answer: Lemon

Orange's little brother
Because it's small

Answer: Mandarin

This fruit is sweet
Both round and smooth.
It's fragrant inside
Fluffy on the outside.

Answer: Peach

Balls hang on the branches,
Turned blue from the heat.

Answer: Plum

Same with a fist, a red barrel,
Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet.

Answer: Apple

She was little green
Then I became scarlet,
I turned black in the sun,
And now I'm ripe.

Answer: Cherry

Everyone knows these berries
They are replacing our medicine.
If you have a sore throat,
Drink tea at night with...

Answer: Raspberry

It's easy to pick a berry -
After all, it doesn't grow very high.
Look under the leaves -
There it has matured...

Answer: Strawberry

You will find this berry
Not in the garden, but in the swamp.
Round like a button
Little red..

Answer: Klyukovka

Not as a joke, but seriously
The bush is overgrown with thorns.
Pick some dark berries.
What kind of bush?

Answer: Blackberry

Lots of dark blue beads
Someone dropped it on a bush.
Collect them in a basket.
These beads are...

Answer: Blueberry

Bright red, black, white
Try ripe berries.
The rural garden is their homeland.
What is this?

Answer: Currant

Sisters in red dresses
Clinging to the pigtails.
In the summer, come into the garden here -
They ripen there...

Answer: Cherries

Turned sideways to the garden bed,
It was filled with red juice.
Her sister is strawberry.
What kind of berry?

Answer: Strawberry

On a thin thorny branch
Children in striped T-shirts.
A bush with thorns is not a rose hip,
What's his name?

Answer: Gooseberry

amo with fist,
Red barrel,
Touch it - smooth
And if you take a bite, it’s sweet.
Answer: Apple

Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch
Adults love me
And little children.
Answer: Apple

Round, rosy,
Fell from the tree
Lyuba got it in her mouth.
Answer: Apple

Bright, sweet, poured,
The cover is all gold.
Not from a candy factory
And from distant Africa.
Answer: Orange

Blue uniform
Yellow lining,
And it's sweet in the middle.
Answer: Plum

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.
Answer: Pear

Small stove
With red coals.
Answer: Garnet

He's sweet, but he's thick-skinned
And it looks a little like a sickle.
Answer: Banana

Orange's little brother
Because it's small.
Answer: Mandarin

He grew up in the south
He collected his fruits in a bunch.
And in the harsh winter
Raisins will come to our home.
Answer: Grapes

Round-sided, yellow-faced,
Can be compared to the sun.
And how fragrant
The pulp is so sweet!
We are fans from now on
Queens of the field...
Answer: Melons

It's not very easy to guess
This is the kind of fruit I know
It's not about coconut
Not about the pear, not about the plum,
There is also such a bird,
They call it the same...
Answer: Kiwi