Gourmet choice: beaver meat and its benefits, possible harm, culinary recipes. Beaver meat - how to cook, benefits and harm to humans

Beavers are rodents who feed exclusively plant foods, therefore beaver meat is especially valued for great content minerals and vitamins, as well as for healing properties.

In many countries, beaver dishes are considered delicacies; in the USA, for example, beaver tail treats are very popular.

In Russia, beaver hunting is prohibited.

Taste characteristics of beaver

Taste Beaver meat is very tender and juicy, many compare its taste to turkey and pork.

Many who tried beaver meat for the first time believe that it is of excellent quality and much tastier than rabbit.

It is advisable to use young beaver meat for food., after soaking it in water with a little vinegar added. Also on taste characteristics Beaver meat is affected by the quality of cutting. If you do not cut out the musk gland, then the meat will acquire a sweetish specific taste and will be tough.

Beaver has a lot of meat, it is darker than beef, the bones are very thin and hollow inside.

One of the common types of hunting for game birds is duck hunting in the fall.

A night vision device is an undeniable technical advantage when hunting. More details

How to cook beaver: recipes

The whole beaver can be eaten. Beaver tails are highly prized. You can fry them, cook soup from beaver tails, after removing the skin from them.

Beaver meat is riddled with fatty veins, so during the cooking process the fat melts very slowly, while nourishing the meat and giving it an unusual delicate taste.

Many hunters are very fond of beaver liver - it has a sweet taste and prepares very quickly and without soaking, which is very important in nature.

Cooking beaver in nature

The most common recipe for cooking beaver in nature is beaver kebab.

It is necessary to properly butcher the animal, cut it into pieces. The whole carcass is suitable for barbecue, except for the ribs.

The meat must be marinated for 5-8 hours. To prepare a marinade for 5 kg of meat, you need to take 6-8 onions, grate them, add 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar, you can use apple cider vinegar, and salt. You can add ginger, lemon, cumin to the marinade. Add a glass of water. Stir everything and pour this marinade over the meat. Cover with a lid and leave to marinate.

To avoid wasting beaver tails, you can make soup from them.

How to cook beaver tail

Remove the skin from the tails and cut them into small pieces. Just like meat, it is advisable to soak beaver tails in water and vinegar..

After the tails have been pickled, you need to place them in a saucepan with boiling water, add finely chopped onion, rice, salt, and seasonings.

This soup takes about 20 minutes to cook.

While cooking the shish kebab, sprinkle it with lemon juice.

How to cook beaver meat at home

Exists a large number of recipes for cooking beaver, but lovers praise baked beaver meat in the oven.

The ingredients for this dish will require::

  • beaver meat

Is beaver meat eaten?

Tatyana Elova 2 years ago

If consumed, in what form and what does it taste like?

Beaver fur is very durable - up to 20 seasons. Beavers are bred primarily for their fur.

Beaver hunting is carried out under special paid permits.

Beaver meat has been and is used for food by many peoples. During excavations of Slavic settlements, up to 30% of beaver bones are discovered.

Beaver meat - exquisite delicacy, very tender in taste, juicy and much tastier than meat a rabbit. Something between turkey and pork.

Beaver liver tastes just as good as duck liver. And the most delicious thing is the tail.

Beaver meat is different healing properties. The composition is close to hare meat.

When cutting up a carcass, it is very important not to damage the gland bags containing the beaver stream, which is very valuable and is used in medicine. They need to be left on the skin, and then carefully separated from it. Otherwise, you can ruin the taste of the meat.

Beaver meat is darker than beef. You can make kebabs and cutlets from it. It can be boiled, fried. It is advisable to soak it before cooking (up to 8 hours) - after all, it is game.

There is one caveat: beavers are carriers of salmonellosis pathogens.

Hunting recipes are here.

Since beavers live in water and have a scaly tail, in the old days the Catholic Church allowed them to be eaten during Lent along with fish.

Oh, yes, they use it, how! :) My friend’s ex-husband is a hunter. He once brought a beaver. This is amazing meat, according to a friend. I didn’t have any, but she said that she had never eaten anything tastier. The only problem is that beaver hunting is not allowed almost everywhere.

Meat occupies a special place in Tibetan medicine; it is given great importance, and discusses in detail the impact of each species on human health.

There is a special classification in which it is extremely interesting, not only from a medical point of view, but also from a universal, educational point of view, that it reflects the peculiarities of the life and area of ​​residence of the peoples of Tibet.

All meat is divided into the meat of animals that live on land, that live in water, that live on land and in water at the same time. Next comes a more detailed system of division into eight types:

1. Meat of birds that search for food with the help of their paws, such as crows, jackdaws and others; meat of birds that obtain food with their beaks, such as parrots, pigeons, magpies, nightingales, sparrows and others.

2. Meat of small animals: wild goats, musk deer, chamois, argali, hares.

3. Meat of large animals: wapiti, wild boar, deer, elk, yaks.

4. Meat of predatory animals: tigers, leopards, bears, jackals, wolves, lynxes, foxes, wild cats.

5. Meat of birds that obtain food using vision: eagles, kites, hawks, eagle owls.

6. Domestic animal meat: buffalo, camels, horses, mules, cattle, goats, sheep, dogs, pigs, chickens, cats.

7. Meat of animals living in burrows: marmots, turtles, snakes of various types.

8. Meat of animals that live in water: geese, ducks, otters, fish.” The meat of animals living in water is fatty, heavy and hot. It cures disturbances of the first processes, if any occur in the stomach, kidneys and lumbar region. The meat of predatory animals is coarse, but digestible, acute properties, improves the digestive abilities of the stomach. Cures disorders of the mucoserous and lacteal lymphatic systems, enhances muscle nutrition and raises temperature.

Lamb is fatty, has intoxicating properties, strengthens, promotes tissue absorption, cures disorders of all three processes, and stimulates appetite.

Goat meat is heavy, has a cooling properties, causes disruption of three life processes, and is beneficial for diseases of syphilis, smallpox and burns.

Cattle meat has cooling properties; it is fatty, cures the disorder of the first processes.

Horse meat, donkey and mule meat cure abscesses and suppurations, lymph disorders and raise local temperature drop in the kidneys and lumbar region.

Pork has cooling, digestible properties, heals ulcers and wounds and old chronic catarrhs.

Bear meat improves sleep and strengthens muscles.

Buffalo meat, intoxicating and fatty properties, raises the temperature and causes a disorder of blood and bile nutrition.

Chicken and sparrow meat nourishes sperm and is beneficial for wounds and ulcers.

Peacock meat cures visual impairment, blindness and improves the health of the elderly.

Venison is good for the liver and stomach and enhances overall digestive ability. Rabbit meat is coarse, enhances digestive ability, cures diarrhea.

Marmot meat is fatty, heavy and has intoxicating properties, is very useful for cold chronic tumors, raises the temperature, cures disorders of the first processes, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, kidneys, relieves pain in the lumbar region and disorders in the head.

Beaver and otter meat has a general strengthening property and raises a local decrease in temperature in the kidneys and lumbar region. Fish cures indigestion, stimulates appetite, improves vision, has a beneficial effect on the vital processes of the mucoserous and lacteal-lymphatic system, and is very useful for wounds and tumors.

In addition, the effect of meat is considered in a more general way. For example, the meat of females carrying a fetus is considered heavy, as well as the meat of any animals in the head, sternum, spine and lower back. Fried meat is difficult for the body and difficult to digest, as well as if it is consumed raw or frozen. It is better instead, Tibetan medicine recommends, to use boiled or dried meat.

Eating delicious food is one of the main human joys. Therefore, it is not surprising that ascetics who deprived themselves gastronomic delights, gradually renounce life. Of course, no one is calling for you to go all out and indulge in excesses, but some stereotypes in the field of food prevent you from making discoveries. For example, is it possible to eat beaver meat? Or a bear? Will the snake's meat become poisonous?

Yes, everyone knows that many animals are listed in the Red Book, but this does not reduce the number of hunters. This is what draws people to strange dishes that promise a new range of emotions.

Amazing meat: what is it?

What does the average person know about beavers? Surely, dams, sharp teeth and the fluffy skin of animals, so cute in their hard work, will come to mind. The beavers themselves good season quite well-fed, and their meat is prized among experienced hunters. The dark red color of the meat is characteristic, which is imparted by an excess of blood cells that retain oxygen. Therefore, beavers can stay under water for a long time.

Some of the tasters' fears regarding taste may be justified, since a fresh carcass has a specific aftertaste that cannot be removed.

It appears when the beaver stream is trimmed. Therefore, you need to cut the meat skillfully, otherwise the impression may be spoiled. So is it possible to eat beaver meat? Yes, even the church, which classified beavers as fish, considered their meat lean and allowed the consumption of stew on Fridays and during Lent. In Europe, recipes for beaver dishes are passed down from generation to generation.

Why eat beaver?

Today, even those people who are far from calorie counting and nutritional balance know that without proteins, fats and carbohydrates a person cannot exist.

Even the notorious fats, which are scary with just their name, are necessary for the full development of the body, because without them, hair will not grow, nails will begin to peel, the skin will wrinkle and wrinkles will appear early. Without carbohydrates there will be no energy and interest in life, that is, a person will become lethargic, tired and lacking initiative.

Well, protein is a building material on the basis of which muscles are formed, a person becomes stronger and more resilient. If you understand the benefits of beaver meat, then first of all you need to highlight the 20% protein content in its composition. A young beaver carcass tastes much fresher and richer. The meat tastes like goose, only less fatty. Processing meat makes it possible to soften the specific odor or completely eliminate it through smoking.

Benefits for the body

Beavers are surprisingly selective rodents that feed exclusively on plant foods, and therefore do not store excess fat.

Beaver meat receives beneficial properties due to its abundant content of minerals and vitamins. In the United States, beaver tails are considered a delicacy in many families.

Beaver hunting is prohibited in Russia, and not in our country large quantity these funny little animals.

Young beaver meat can be somewhat tough, so immediately before the cooking process it should be soaked in water with some vinegar.

Cutting the musk gland can reduce beneficial features. Beaver meat will acquire a specific taste and smell. By the way, if the musk gland is not cut out, the meat will be sweetish and relatively tough. Many lovers of beaver meat note its excellent quality and some similarity to rabbit, turkey or even pork. At first glance, beavers seem small, but they have a lot of meat. At the same time, it is darker than beef, and the bones are very thin and hollow inside.

Unusual delicacy

Many people do not understand how to cook beaver meat and whether it is worth it, because it seems inedible. In practice this is not the case. A fresh carcass must first be soaked in water and vinegar, then the meat must be cut, clearing it of the film. Then it needs to be cut into portioned pieces and chop garlic.

To add flavor, the meat is marinated in lemon juice and spices. In order not to lose its beneficial properties, beaver meat should be cooked at medium temperatures and with minimum quantity oils The meat absorbs the aroma of vegetables well, so before cooking beaver meat, it is recommended to prepare the cutting of carrots, onions and other aromatic vegetables, which to put in cast iron cauldron where pieces of meat will be stewed.

Before serving, to add more flavor to the dish, you can prepare a sauce from grated apple, garlic, thyme and sour cream. The best side dish considered boiled potatoes.

What do the superstitions say?

The dominance of beavers in Belarus became the reason for the idea of ​​​​processing beaver meat, but the people were strongly against it and did not want to hunt these animals. This mood was explained by the low popularity of fur and high prices for hunting trips. But what stops hunters the most are beliefs and sayings, according to which killing a beaver brings misfortune and failure in business.

Hunters never tire of praising their beneficial properties; Beaver meat is especially nutritious in summer, since beavers feed on aquatic plants and their meat is enriched biologically active substances. The health benefits of consuming such meat are very high. But, despite all this data, the percentage of beaver production remains below normal, and the animals have colonized the rivers and caused flooding of the territories. In addition, the animals themselves can fend for themselves, as one beaver proved in the spring when it attacked and bit a pensioner.

What parts of the beaver are edible?

Many animals are only partially consumed, which greatly angers Greenpeace. Of course, the animal loses its life for the sake of one or two dishes, which may not appeal to a picky gourmet.

The beaver can eat food completely, since it is high energy value They even have the tails of animals, which are fried, boiled, after having been skinned. Bobryatina is considered dietary meat, since it has a low percentage of fat, but still it permeates the entire carcass and melts during the cooking process, giving a delicate flavor to the meat.

Not for everyone

Many hunters themselves love beaver meat, the beneficial properties of which tempt them no less than juicy taste. The sweetish taste makes the meat even lighter. In addition, it is characterized by excellent satiety and complete digestibility. And beaver liver will be a gift to the hunter, as it is prepared quickly and without unnecessary ingredients.

In nature, the easiest way to make barbecue is from beaver. The whole carcass is suitable for this dish, except for the ribs. The meat is marinated for several hours with onions, vinegar, spices and cumin. At the same time, you can prepare beaver tails, which will become great snack. They are peeled, soaked in water and vinegar, and then boiled in broth with rice.

Is this accessible to ordinary people?

Few people know how much beaver meat costs, and it will not be possible to recognize it externally. You can even purchase bear or roe deer meat to order in some stores, but at the same time discerning gourmet should check the meat for smell and even taste.

No specific smell, a minimum of foreign inclusions and maximum freshness of the meat - these are the main points that require the buyer’s attention. The price of gourmet meat cannot be low. Just a few years ago, roe deer and hare meat was estimated at 600-800 rubles per kilogram. Beaver meat is not inferior to hare and rabbit meat in terms of nutrition and taste, but at the same time it is highly environmentally friendly and oxygen content, so it costs 100-200 rubles more. Beaver tails, so popular in America, contain B vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids.

Olga Polovka


4 years ago Yuri Maksimov Oracle (73673) 4 years ago What can a hunter count on when hunting a beaver? The first, of course, is the skin. Then, meat, beaver stream, beaver fat, souvenirs. So, in order. A lot of questions are asked about beaver meat. I answer: it is not only edible, but also tasty and healthy. In the section " culinary recipes“I will share recipes for cooking game, including cooking beaver meat. Beaver meat is dark red. Blood cells give meat this color. The beaver has a lot of them, they retain oxygen in the blood, helping the beaver stay under water for a long time. Like any game, the beaver has certain taste characteristics. The only reason why beaver meat will have a specific, persistent taste (we're talking about fresh meat, naturally) which cannot be removed, it is not correct cutting beaver carcass, as a result of which it was clipped

Find out whether people eat beavers, whether their meat and fat can be consumed, and whether it is healthy. Here you can read the advice of a nutritionist and learn how to use the product correctly.


Beavers are common mammals that live in middle lane climate. In Russia, this is a famous animal that has been encountered by almost every third resident of our country. At the same time, not everyone asks the question: Do people eat beavers? After all, he is the same mammal as hares, wild boars, deer, moose, but on the other hand, not all animals are suitable for food due to their specific taste or composition of meat.

It turns out that beaver meat was consumed by our distant ancestors. And the prisoners who ate it in the taiga revived interest in beaver meat. For them, catching a beaver was a great success, since its meat is very tender, juicy and light. It contains a large amount useful substances and very filling. Such qualities were eventually made from beaver meat a real delicacy both in Russia and abroad.

Is it possible to eat beaver meat: expert opinions

The beaver is a common animal in central Russia and because of its valuable fur is a breeding target. Beaver meat is more of a delicacy and you don’t hear about its consumption very often.

Beaver meat is known among hunters for its taste and very delicate structure. The fact is that beaver subcutaneous fat does not accumulate in one place, but permeates all muscle tissue and melts during cooking, giving the meat special tenderness.

When asked whether it is possible to eat beaver meat, the opinions of experts are unanimous: definitely yes. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy, as it contains a large amount of protein, iron and B vitamins (in particular, B1, B2, B3), vitamins A, C and E, as well as many useful microelements. It also contains Essential amino acids for humans: valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and phenylalanine.

Beavers in Russia are objects of active fishing; they are also bred in special territories. Of course, the main advantage of the beaver is its fur, which is used for the production of fur products. Such products are very durable - they can withstand up to 20 seasons.

But when hunting a beaver, a hunter can count on more than just fur. He will also be attracted by its meat, which has unique taste qualities, and also containing great amount useful substances. In general, in a beaver carcass culinary use almost all organs can be used: kidneys, heart, tail (which is a special delicacy) and especially liver, which is highly valued by hunters for its unique taste.

For the body, beaver meat can supply a large amount of minerals, such as protein, fats, phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium, vitamins (B1, B2, B3, A, C, E) and a whole list essential amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and phenylalanine, arginine and histidine.

One of the extremely beneficial properties of beaver meat is that it very rarely contains bacteria and microorganisms that are dangerous to humans. Beavers are very resistant to various types of infections, which adds safety to the benefits of eating their meat.


THE TASTE OF BEAVER- one of the most unusual and specific tastes of game. Beaver meat is considered the most exquisite delicacy. According to the prisoners, in the taiga at the logging site, the beaver was considered the most delicious among all the inhabitants of the Russian forest, and the capture of the beaver was a great success. Beaver meat is very, very tender due to the fact that beaver fat penetrates all muscle tissue in thin veins, and does not simply accumulate under the skin. It melts easily and dissolves almost completely during cooking, giving cooked meat juiciness and lightness. Among Catholics, beaver meat was considered a fish dish because of its tail and was allowed to be consumed during Lent and on Fridays. It is worth noting that beavers weighing up to 15 kg have the most delicious meat; older and heavier beavers are not highly valued in the kitchen. The meat of young beavers resembles goose, although in composition it is closest to hare meat. After smoking beaver meat, there is usually no specific smell, but the smoking wood should not be allowed to catch fire: beaver meat is fatty. The Canadian beaver is not related to our beaver: the karyotype of the European beaver has 48 chromosomes, while the Canadian beaver has 40, although they are very similar in appearance.
COOKING MEAT only fresh beavers , from which, after being caught, the blood is immediately drained and all the guts and ESPECIALLY (!) the beaver stream are carefully cut out. If the stream is not cut out in time, the beaver meat acquires a sweetish taste. In this way, it is somewhat reminiscent of the meat of wild boars during the rut, in which the preputial gland is not removed immediately after shooting. Beaver meat is dark because it contains a very high percentage of hemoglobin, which is typical for mammals living in water. The fat is yellowish. The chopped fillet pulp is soaked for half a day or a day, the water needs to be changed at least five times. Beaver meat is not eaten raw. The main thing when cutting beaver is not to stain the meat with the jet! To do this, you need to carefully remove the beaver stream before cutting, without damaging or cutting it. Then be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap (preferably laundry soap), then remove the skin, without touching the carcass with your hands and without touching the beaver’s fur to its meat, because the skin also contains the odorous beaver secretion. After this, be sure to repeat the hand washing procedure. After washing, gut the carcass and wash your hands again. This way and only this way! Then thoroughly wash the beaver carcass with cold running water and only then begin cutting it up. You can cook beaver meat as you wish; there are no restrictions on cooking methods.
BEAVEL CONTAINS B vitamins: B1 (thiamine) - 0.060 mg, B2 (riboflavin) - 0.220 mg, B3 (PP, niacin, nicotinic acid) - 1.900 mg; vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 2.0 mg, as well as essential to the human body minerals: alanine - 1.116 g, arginine - 1.478 g, aspartate (aspartic acid) - 1.912 g, valine - 0.981 g, histidine - 0.947 g, glycine (aminoacetic acid, aminoethanoic acid) - 0.912 g, glutamic acid - 3.436 g, isoleucine - 1.027 g, leucine - 1.897 g, lysine - 2.236 g, methionine - 0.546 g, proline - 0.862 g, serine - 0.797 g, tyrosine - 0.750 g, threonine - 0.916 g, phenylalanine - 0.977 g, Note: essential for adults healthy person There are 8 amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. Arginine and histidine are also essential for children.
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BEAVER MEAT: water - 70.97 g, ash - 1.00 g. Macroelements: potassium - 348 mg, calcium - 15 mg, magnesium - 25 mg, sodium - 51 mg, phosphorus - 237 mg. Microelements: iron - 6.90 mg, selenium - 26.6 mcg.
CALORIES AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE: Beaver contains 146 kcal/g or 611 kJ/g, proteins – 24.05 g, fats – 4.8 g, no carbohydrates.



BEAVER MEAT differs from other game meat in that beaver is very resistant to infection by parasites dangerous to humans.
BEaver FAT - good remedy rejuvenation of the skin of the hands and face. It is used in the treatment of various infections and removes toxins from the body when food poisoning. Beaver fat is also taken to treat diseases. respiratory tract, when coughing and colds. Beaver fat is suitable for the treatment of psoriasis, as it perfectly softens the skin. It also serves for the prevention of kidney diseases and for the rehabilitation treatment of kidney diseases. Beavers feed only on vegetation, so their fat contains a huge amount of glucose, which is an antitoxic agent. IN pure form Beaver fat is a remedy for wounds, bruises, burns, joint pain, and radiculitis. It is difficult to find fat tastier and more fragrant than beaver fat.
BEAVERS BILE- yellow liquid used against gallstones. The main components of bile: bile acids (this is the only functional component of bile, all other parts of it do not have beneficial properties), lecithin (phospholipid), cholesterol (fat), bilirubin (a pigment that gives bile yellow), proteins (proteins), electrolytes (potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine ions). Bile acids are natural detergents: they, when mixed with eaten fat, blur it into an emulsion. Lecithin combines with bile acids to form molecular structures that prevent cholesterol from crystallizing and forming gallstones.
CASTOREUM- legendary healing agent any traditional medicine in the world, although official medicine has not yet recognized it. Dogs accidentally shot during a hunt are fed beaver stream so that they get back on their feet faster and so that after removing the shot, the wound does not become infected. Special properties are observed only from the stream of a freshly caught beaver, be wary of the proposals of hunters who obtained a stream from a dead beaver (a beaver that has lain dead for several days in a trap or, especially, in a snare under water - such a stream has no healing properties and can even harm your health. The main components of a beaver stream: benzoic acid, benzyl alcohol, acetophenone, borneol, n-ethylphenol, o-cresol, guaiacol. Relative density at room temperature: 1.011 g/cm³. Chemical formula beaver stream: NOS 6 H 4 C 2 H 5. Melting point of beaver stream: 46-47°C, boiling point: 218°C. Molar mass pure substance of beaver stream: 122.1651 g/mol. By pharmacological action Beaver stream belongs to the group of adaptogens. There are no contraindications to the use of beaver jet, other than individual intolerance (allergies). There is no point in listing the areas of application: everything is made from beaver stream dosage forms, V folk medicine it is described as a remedy for almost all diseases, including cancer. In modern civilization, there are beaver farms where the secretion is obtained using a gynecological instrument without killing the beaver.
BEAVER TAIL counts lean product, since it is more reminiscent not of meat, but rather of hard lard or fish underbelly. The tail has a scaly structure. Beaver tail is a delicacy. It is advisable to prepare tails from beavers no older than 3-5 years. If you carefully remove the skin from the tail during cooking, you will get an exotic sheath.


ROYAL RECIPE FROM THE TIMES OF ANCIENT Rus'. According to the chronicles of the times of Ivan IV the Terrible, it is known that the tsar was very fond of beaver meat, which was specially prepared for him according to an old Russian recipe of the 10th century. You need the most tender carcass of a young female beaver, no older than 1 year and weighing four to nine kilos. The beaver carcass is cleaned of subcutaneous fat and visceral fat, washed under cold running water and soaked for 3-4 hours in slightly salted and acidified water. Then we put our beaver in a wooden bowl and fill it with homemade Russian kvass for 8-10 hours, leave it in a cool place. At worst, kvass can be replaced with fresher, unpasteurized beer. For the filling, take a glass of dried peas, 1/2 cup of buckwheat and about two hundred peeled turnips. We also soak the peas in beer or kvass for the same time. Steam the buckwheat until half cooked, then cool. It's better to grate the turnips coarse grater. We throw all the prepared filling into one container, pour a glass of liquid linden honey into it and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. At this point, the filling for the “royal beaver” is ready. The marinated beaver carcass needs to be stuffed with filling. You need to tie the carcass with thin hemp so that the filling does not fall out. Then take four glasses of sifted through a sieve rye flour very finely ground, add a glass to it full fat milk and a couple of big ones chicken eggs and knead the dough. The dough should turn out stiff, we will roll it out on the table into a flat cake of such a size that the stuffed beaver can be completely wrapped in it. Let the resulting product dry for 1.5 hours. After the dough has dried and hardened, we put its own skin on it, the inner surface of which we first coat butter or full-fat sour cream. To do this, the beaver skin must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of any remaining subcutaneous fat and lard, and then soaked in sauerkraut brine for the same amount of time as the beaver carcass in kvass. Next, we sew up this skin with hemp or linen threads, coat everything with clay with a layer of about 0.5 cm (suitable: white keel, yellow river, red pottery clay or kaolin, but under no circumstances should it be blue or green! They are toxic). We bake the beaver in a hole dug in the ground or in a large grill over hot coals, while the layer of coals on the bottom and sides should be at least twenty cm! A layer of hot coals of at least 30 centimeters is poured on top. Be sure to place the carcass on the coals with the abdominal part facing up. It is imperative to ensure a constant bottom air supply to the coals so that they do not cool down. Bake for 1.5-2 hours depending on the size and weight of the beaver. After this time, we lay the carcass in clay on the ground with the ventral part up and tip the tub onto it cold water so that the hot clay cracks. Completely remove the clay, skin and dough, cut all the strings and serve ready dish hot on the table.
RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE TIME OF PETER I THE GREAT on preparing beavers for culinary needs from His Serene Highness Prince Caesar Alexander Danilovich Menshikov: the favorite and associate of Sovereign Peter Alekseevich Romanov was known not only as the most famous gourmet in Rus', but was also an excellent cook himself. In his “monograph” he authoritatively advises that a beaver selected for “kitchen needs” should first be force-fed a mixture of Revel for a week ginger beer with Madeira. And on the last day, “drunk this beaver to death.” According to the most authoritative opinion of His Lordship: “This way the meat will be more tender, and also more flavorful.”
INDIAN-FRIED BEAVER TAIL. For one serving: 2 beaver tails, a quarter teaspoon of pepper, half a cup of vinegar, a little butter or ghee, a tablespoon of salt, a quarter cup of cherry wine, two teaspoons of soda plus a teaspoon of dry mustard, a quarter cup of flour, a teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce made from anchovies, sugar and vinegar. We clean and wash both tails. Fill with water with the addition of vinegar and one tablespoon of salt and leave for 8-10 hours. After soaking, take out the tails, wash them, fill them with a liter of water with the addition of the soda we prepared. simmer over low heat for ten minutes, then drain the water. Dip the tails in flour, drown the butter in cast iron frying pan and fry the tails over low heat, adding cherry wine, mixed with mustard, sugar, Worcestershire (aka Worcestershire) sauce and finely chopped garlic. Don't forget to turn the tails over when frying.

If it seems to you that every day meat dishes have already become commonplace and you want to try something new, we advise you to pay attention to beaver meat. The delicacy, which is famous for its beneficial properties, has a memorable taste. The article will tell you why beaver meat is worth trying, and how to cut and prepare this unusual product.

Taste features

Gourmets often argue about whether beavers are eaten and whether it is advisable to do so. They say that the meat is a bit harsh, and the taste can be both bitter and sweet.

As for choosing a carcass for cooking, preference should be given, firstly, to young individuals, whose meat is much softer, and secondly, to small individuals, preferably no more than 15 kg, since the taste of their meat is much richer than that of large beavers . A well-chosen individual will allow you to enjoy excellent lean meat, reminiscent of hare or goose in taste.

If we talk about the flavors of beaver meat, then the key role in their appearance is played by the preparation of the carcass before cooking the beaver meat. Some specific parts of the animal must be cut with special care, otherwise no amount of seasoning or other means will help get rid of the after-taste after cooking the beaver meat, and it will be spoiled.

Beneficial properties of beaver meat

In addition, beaver meat is attractive due to the content of a number of useful elements, such as:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, D, E and retinol;
  • organic acids and amino acids - glutamic acid, leucine, lysine, methionine and others;
  • fiber, which is contained at a high level;
  • hemoglobin, which meat saturates the blood with.

Meat is rich in antioxidants that rejuvenate the body.

These animals are quite well-fed, however, their high activity leads to the fact that the fat level is quite low. In addition, all the fat is distributed evenly throughout the beaver's body. The nutritional value Beaver meat speaks for itself: per 100 g of product contains 24 g of protein and only 4.7 g of fat.

Beaver meat can have an effect on the human body beneficial effect, including:

  • improves the process of formation and development of blood (hematopoiesis) and blood circulation in general;
  • strengthens nervous system due to stabilization of the heart muscle;
  • can improve the condition of hair, nails, skin, as well as bones and joints;
  • normalizes kidney function and prevents the development of kidney diseases.

Such a protein-rich product also prevents loss of energy, lethargy or drowsiness. However, it is unlikely that you can eat beaver meat every day, because the intestines will probably experience serious difficulties when faced with a considerable amount of protein breakdown products. In addition, beaver meat, the benefit of which is such a rich protein content, is not recommended for consumption in case of chronic kidney and heart diseases of varying degrees of severity.

Preparing for cooking

The meat of recently caught beavers is better suited for cooking to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant taste.

The cutting of a beaver is preceded by draining the blood from its carcass. In addition, before moving on to cutting, you can remove the skin from the beaver. To do this, it is not necessary to look for a place to hang it - the skin is removed in a layer and on the ground.

The beaver needs to be laid on its back, after which the first cuts are made - along the hind and front legs, as well as along the tail. A cut is made around the back hole, which needs to be connected to the cut under the tail. The cuts should not be too deep, they should only expose the meat, but not the bones of the beaver.

An incision is made on the beaver's belly along the white line, which will be clearly visible if you take your time. The knife should go carefully from the back hole along the line between the carcass and the skin. One of the edges of the skin is pulled back and its removal begins. Small cuts at the border of the skin color should not transfer to fat.

In the tail area you will need a little more force due to the large layer of fat. Moving on to the paws, try not to leave a subcutaneous layer of muscle on the skin, which will complicate the procedure. On the sides, the skin is easily removed, the subcutaneous muscles are clearly visible. The skin on the back is particularly thin, so avoid trimming it.

Cutting instructions

For convenience, it is better to hang the cleaned carcass by the tail.

Let's look at the stages of cutting a beaver carcass.

  1. First, the beaver stream is cut out. By pulling back the edge of the anus, you can find the place where it begins. Trim it along the contour along with the fat.
  2. Under the stream there should be wen in the form of soft red bags. If you don’t want to use them for later catching a beaver in a trap (they serve as bait), they can be cut out in one piece with a stream.
  3. Further cutting will depend on the cleanliness of the skinning - subcutaneous muscles may remain on the carcass. They do not have an acceptable taste, so they should be removed. The muscles are removed in the same way as skinning - they need to be pulled back and trimmed away from the carcass.
  4. Next, cut the peritoneum on the sides. Gently support the incision site while gradually increasing its length. This way the insides will gently fall out of the carcass. Beaver kidneys, heart or liver can be eaten as a delicacy.
  5. The front and rear feet need to be removed at the joints. The paws themselves are also separated at the joints. Whether or not to remove the fat is a matter of taste, however, it has good healing properties, so it can be trimmed for future use.
  6. All that remains is the spine, on which there is still quite a lot of tasty stuff. It can be divided into pieces for easy transportation to your home, where it may be easier to separate the meat. You can separate it on the spot - pieces are cut from bones, of which the beaver does not have many.

Beaver meat is perfectly cleaned from the muscle membranes, and is also cut into pieces that make up a portion. An important process before cooking is soaking. How to soak beaver meat? At least 12 hours in water, which needs to be diluted with vinegar - half a glass per several kilograms of meat. And it is better to change this water every few hours.

Cooking on the go

The ideal beaver recipe for hiking conditions can be considered a beaver shish kebab recipe. All meat cut from the carcass of an animal will do for it. It is noteworthy that you can do without soaking, however, it is worth keeping it in the marinade for at least several hours.

The marinade for beaver barbecue is simple and includes a glass of water, 5-7 medium-sized onions (it’s better not to cut them into slices, but to grate them - the taste will be conveyed better, and there will be no extra elements left in the marinade), apple cider vinegar (a tablespoon per 3 kg of meat). You can do without salt by using soy sauce(approximately 50 g per 3 kg of meat), also add grated ginger and cumin (necessity is determined by taste).

The meat is fried over coals; the process takes no different from cooking pork or beef. How to cook beaver meat deliciously? You can stock up on lemon, the juice of which moisten the fried meat after each turn. The sourness from the lemon will complement the aroma of the marinade and make the kebab unforgettable.

Cooking at home: the best recipes

Let's write down a few beaver dishes, the recipes of which are not very difficult, and the beaver meat dishes themselves will definitely appeal to everyone.

Beaver cutlets

You can get very good cutlets from beaver.

For 1 kg of meat, stock up on 2 eggs, crumb from a loaf, 300 g of sour cream, 2 onions, flour, fat and salt and pepper. Cut the onion and meat into pieces that are convenient for passing through a meat grinder. The minced meat needs to be flavored with bread crumbs and eggs should be broken into it. Mix everything and add salt and pepper to taste.

You need to form cutlets, which you should roll in flour before frying. Melt the fat in a frying pan; you can also use regular vegetable oil. Fry the cutlets, which then need to be placed in the pan. Also pour the fat you fried in and add sour cream. Pour a glass of water over everything and simmer over low heat until the water boils away.

Of course, it is important how to properly cook beaver meat, however, it is no less important what goes in addition to the meat. Cereal porridge, potatoes, vegetable stew, fruit and vegetable salads. For decoration, you can sprinkle the beaver cutlets with dill, parsley and green onions.


Professionally cut beaver meat fits perfectly into a dish such as pilaf.

For beaver pilaf, take 1 kg of meat and 300 g of carrots and onions. Of course, pilaf will not be pilaf if you do not use rice, which must first be washed and soaked in cold water.

We cut the beaver meat and vegetables; the pieces should be small so that they can be easily chewed. Carrots - into cubes, and onions can be chopped into half rings. Then follows frying - sauté the meat in fat or oil in a deep bowl until golden brown, after which vegetables follow. Add salt and pepper to taste.

The dish can be given oriental scent, if at the end of frying you add dried apricots and prunes, finely chopped. Once the vegetables are cooked, drain the rice and add it to the container with the meat. All ingredients need to be poured with boiling water, but we advise you not to use too much water - just enough so that the rice is barely immersed in it.

Cover with a lid and let the water boil, after which the pilaf should simmer for another 25-30 minutes. Add a few cloves of garlic for flavor. Once the process is complete, stir the rice and remaining ingredients.

How to cook beaver in the oven?

The interesting taste of beaver meat is revealed when it is cooked in the oven with spices - oregano, thyme, rosemary and other aromatic seasonings. 2 kg of meat, approximately 150 g of lard and 100 g of sour cream - this is what you need to cook beaver at home using oven. Let's look at how to cook beaver in the oven.

The meat must be washed and dried on a towel. Cuts are made in the meat, where pieces of lard and spices need to be inserted. Rub the outside of the beaver piece with salt and pepper while the oven preheats to 200 degrees. Pour a little liquid onto the baking sheet where the meat will be baked, it is necessary so that the meat does not dry out too much. Place the piece and give it 45-50 minutes of cooking time.

When time has passed, there should be on the surface golden crust. But this is not the time to turn off the oven. Improve the dish with vegetables - onions, carrots and potatoes. Place the vegetable slices around the piece of meat and bake for another 20-25 minutes until they are ready. You can serve it on the table sauerkraut or chopped gherkins.

Tail Recipes

In the old days, Catholic priests did not hesitate to use beaver for food, even during Lent. The fact is that the beaver tail is covered with scales, so the clergy equated a dish made from a beaver tail to fish dishes, which can be eaten during several days of fasting.

Let's look at a few recipes beaver tail.

Tail soup

For beaver tail soup, you will need two or three tails. The scales are removed from them, and the pieces are divided into small cubes, about 2 cm wide. They are soaked in water and vinegar, leaving in the liquid overnight. The soaked pieces are sent to a saucepan with water (about 3-3.5 liters), where you also need to add one chopped onion and a glass of rice. Salt and pepper are added to taste.

Bring the water to a boil and let simmer for about 20 minutes. To serve this beaver tail dish, we recommend adding a little tomato sauce, as well as a spoonful of chopped celery and a little parsley.

Fried tails

Two beaver tails are cleaned and placed in water with half a glass of vinegar overnight. The soaked tails should be washed and placed in a container of water, add two teaspoons of soda to the water and let the water boil for about 8-10 minutes.

Before frying the tails, you need to remove them from the water and roll them in flour. Cover the bottom of a heavy frying pan vegetable oil, after which the tails are fried in a frying pan over low heat for about 5 minutes. To add an elegant flavor to beaver tail, mix half a glass of red wine with a teaspoon of mustard, a teaspoon of sugar and a grated clove of garlic. The mixture is sent to the tails in a frying pan, after which they are fried until the tails are ready - about 10 minutes.

How to cook beaver fat

Vegetation is the main component in the beaver's nutritional system, therefore their fat is saturated with glucose, which is necessary for proper metabolism and energy production by the human body. The beneficial properties of beaver fat are also used to treat infections, as well as a number of other diseases, including respiratory diseases, pathologies gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases and even prostatitis.

If we talk about how to prepare beaver fat, then in principle the technology does not differ from the methods for obtaining rendered lard from animals of other species. Once the skin has been removed from the animal, it is ready for cooking. Any will do fat that can be trimmed from the carcass. Don't neglect the fat from the beaver's tail.

The preparation of beaver fat begins with the pieces of lard being finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder. The crushed fat is stored in a deep (preferably enamel) container. Water is poured into a bowl of larger diameter, and a container with lard needs to be placed in it. Bring the water to a boil and the fat will slowly render out over a few hours. Do not heat lard in a heated frying pan under any circumstances - this way you will only lose everything useful qualities this product.


Watch our video for the recipe delicious immediately and beaver with mushrooms.

Eating delicious food is one of the main human joys. Therefore, it is not surprising that ascetics, having deprived themselves of gastronomic delights, gradually abandon life. Of course, no one is calling for you to go all out and indulge in excesses, but some stereotypes in the field of food prevent you from making discoveries. For example, is it possible to eat beaver meat? Or a bear? Will the snake's meat become poisonous?

Yes, everyone knows that this does not make many hunters any less. This is what draws people to strange dishes that promise a new range of emotions.

Amazing meat: what is it?

What does the average person know about beavers? Surely, dams, sharp teeth and the fluffy skin of animals, so cute in their hard work, will come to mind. Beavers themselves are quite plump in a good season, and their meat is prized among experienced hunters. The dark red color of the meat is characteristic, which is imparted by an excess of blood cells that retain oxygen. Therefore, beavers can stay under water for a long time.

Some of the tasters' fears regarding taste may be justified, since a fresh carcass has a specific aftertaste that cannot be removed.

It appears when trimmed. Therefore, you need to cut the meat skillfully, otherwise the impression may be spoiled. So is it possible to eat beaver meat? Yes, even the church, which classified beavers as fish, considered them and allowed the consumption of stew on Fridays and during Lent. In Europe, recipes are passed down from generation to generation.

Why eat beaver?

Today, even those people who are far from calorie counting and nutritional balance know that without proteins, fats and carbohydrates a person cannot exist.

Even the notorious fats, which are scary with just their name, are necessary for the full development of the body, because without them, hair will not grow, nails will begin to peel, the skin will wrinkle and wrinkles will appear early. Without carbohydrates there will be no energy and interest in life, that is, a person will become lethargic, tired and lacking initiative.

Well, protein is a building material on the basis of which muscles are formed, a person becomes stronger and more resilient. If you understand beaver, then first of all you need to highlight the 20% protein content in its composition. A young beaver carcass tastes much fresher and richer. The meat tastes like goose, only less fatty. Processing meat makes it possible to soften the specific odor or completely eliminate it through smoking.

Benefits for the body

Beavers are surprisingly selective rodents that feed exclusively on plant foods, and therefore do not store excess fat.

Beaver meat receives beneficial properties due to its abundant content of minerals and vitamins. In the United States, beaver tails are considered a delicacy in many families.

In Russia, beaver hunting is prohibited, and our country does not have a large number of these funny animals.

Young beaver meat can be somewhat tough, so immediately before the cooking process it should be soaked in water with some vinegar.

Cutting the musk gland may reduce the beneficial properties. Beaver meat will acquire a specific taste and smell. By the way, if the musk gland is not cut out, the meat will be sweetish and relatively tough. Many lovers of beaver meat note its excellent quality and some similarity to rabbit, turkey or even pork. At first glance, beavers seem small, but they have a lot of meat. At the same time, it is darker than beef, and the bones are very thin and hollow inside.

Unusual delicacy

Many people do not understand how to cook beaver meat and whether it is worth it, because it seems inedible. In practice this is not the case. A fresh carcass must first be soaked in water and vinegar, then the meat must be cut, clearing it of the film. Then it needs to be cut into portions and chopped with garlic.

To add flavor, the meat is marinated in lemon juice and spices. In order not to lose its beneficial properties, beaver meat should be cooked at medium temperatures and with a minimum amount of oil. Meat absorbs the aroma of vegetables well, so before cooking beaver meat, it is recommended to prepare sliced ​​carrots, onions and other aromatic vegetables, which you place in a cast-iron cauldron where the pieces of meat will be stewed.

Before serving, to make the dish more flavorful, you can prepare a sauce of grated apple, garlic, thyme and sour cream. Boiled potatoes are considered the best side dish.

What do the superstitions say?

The dominance of beavers in Belarus became the reason for the idea of ​​​​processing beaver meat, but the people were strongly against it and did not want to hunt these animals. This mood was explained by the low popularity of fur and high prices for hunting trips. But what stops hunters the most are beliefs and sayings, according to which killing a beaver brings misfortune and failure in business.

Hunters never tire of praising their beneficial properties; Beaver meat is especially nutritious in summer, since beavers feed on aquatic plants and their meat is enriched with biologically active substances. The health benefits of consuming such meat are very high. But, despite all this data, the percentage of beaver production remains below normal, and the animals have colonized the rivers and caused flooding of the territories. In addition, the animals themselves can fend for themselves, as one beaver proved in the spring when it attacked and bit a pensioner.

What parts of the beaver are edible?

Many animals are only partially consumed, which greatly angers Greenpeace. Of course, the animal loses its life for the sake of one or two dishes, which may not appeal to a picky gourmet.

The beaver can be eaten completely, since even the tails of animals that are fried, boiled, and pre-skinned, have a high energy value. Beaver meat is considered to have a low percentage of fat, but it still permeates the entire carcass and melts during the cooking process, giving a delicate flavor to the meat.

Not for everyone

Many hunters themselves love beaver meat, the beneficial properties of which tempt them no less than its juicy taste. The sweetish taste makes the meat even lighter. In addition, it is characterized by excellent satiety and complete digestibility. And there will be beaver liver because it is prepared quickly and without unnecessary ingredients.

In nature, the easiest way to make barbecue is from beaver. The whole carcass is suitable for this dish, except for the ribs. The meat is marinated for several hours with onions, vinegar, spices and cumin. At the same time, you can prepare beaver tails, which will be an excellent snack. They are peeled, soaked in water and vinegar, and then boiled in broth with rice.

Is this accessible to ordinary people?

Few people know how much beaver meat costs, and it will not be possible to recognize it externally. You can even purchase bear or roe deer meat to order in some stores, but a discerning gourmet must check the meat for smell and even taste.

No specific smell, a minimum of foreign inclusions and maximum freshness of the meat - these are the main points that require the buyer’s attention. The price of gourmet meat cannot be low. Just a few years ago, roe deer and hare meat was estimated at 600-800 rubles per kilogram. Beaver meat is not inferior to hare and rabbit meat in terms of nutrition and taste, but at the same time it is highly environmentally friendly and oxygen content, so it costs 100-200 rubles more. Beaver tails, so popular in America, contain B vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids.