Dried plums with garlic, herbs and salt. Dried plums

Dried plums have the aroma of tkemali sauce, and they taste like a cross between this sauce and marshmallow. I found it difficult to find recipes for dried plums at home, so I decided to write them down in the library and leaf through several files of old culinary magazines. I checked my findings, everything is fine, the plums turn out delicious. Unfortunately, the culture of preparing for the winter with the advent of the era of semi-finished products and fast food was irretrievably lost. This applies to conservation to a lesser extent, but as for drying, the picture is bleak.

At one time, drying fruits and berries seemed out of date, a kind of activity for retired grandmothers. Then dryers began to appear, eliminating any kind of hassle - load the fruit and sit, drink some tea, wait for the drying cycle to end. At first glance, it looks great, but not all fruits turn out tasty when processed with such a dryer. And not everyone can (and wants) to buy themselves another kitchen appliance. Considering that the kitchen is not rubber and that you need somewhere to place the already purchased steamer, multicooker, toaster, blender, mixer, etc.

In general, as you already understand, I am for a variety of recipes, especially in the cooking method. Therefore, today there is not one recipe for dried plums, but three. Choose.

Dried plums in the oven


  • 2 kg of blue plums, preferably Hungarian;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons wine vinegar,
  • 1 tbsp. dried oregano,
  • other spicy dried herbs as desired;
  • ½ tbsp. coarse salt,
  • a little vegetable oil

Cut the plums in half and remove the pits. Place tightly together on parchment-lined baking sheets. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, as well as dry herbs, and place thin slices of garlic.

Cook in the oven in convection mode, at a temperature of 75 degrees with the door ajar. Dry the plums until they feel like prunes.

Place the finished dried fruits in sterile jars in layers with additives and pour in hot vegetable oil. Cork. I can’t say the amount of oil, because it all depends on the jar and on how you put the plums in these jars - I somehow did it by eye. Before rolling up the jars, you can add 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar to each. I don’t add vinegar; I wrote vinegar in the list of ingredients just in case.

Sun-dried plums

This recipe is suitable only for summer residents or residents of private houses. I rightly believe that you won’t be able to make dried plums on the balcony - there is not enough sun there.


  • 5 kg of blue plums, not overripe;
  • 80 grams of baking soda;
  • 2 buckets of water.

The buckets should be different: one contains soda solution, the other contains clean cold water. You will also need sheets of plywood, clean gauze and a stand for the sheets.


Sort the plums, removing any rotten ones, then divide into halves. Discard the bones. Be sure to discard the wormy halves of the fruit, they will not be stored on their own and will spoil the rest of the raw materials.

Boil water with soda (80 grams of baking soda for 10 liters of water). Place the plum halves in a colander and lower them into a boiling soda solution for 4-5 seconds. Immediately transfer to a bucket of cold water. Once all the plums have been processed, rinse them and lay them out to dry on paper towels.

Place the slightly dried fruit halves in the sun, spreading them out on plywood sheets covered with clean gauze. Also cover the top with gauze to prevent flies, preferably in one layer. Dry in the open sun for 3-4 hours, then transfer to the shade for 5 hours. Then place in the sun again, this time for a longer time.

Alternate the drying and cooling stages until the plum becomes firm and elastic and stops releasing liquid when pressed.

Dried plums in an electric dryer

Of course, you can simply blanch them in a soda solution and dry them, but I prefer to dry them with spices and garlic. Only moderately ripe Hungarians are suitable for this harvesting method.


  • 25 blue plums;
  • 25 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 level teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 pod of hot chili pepper;
  • 70 ml refined vegetable oil;
  • a mixture of herbs to taste.


Wash the plums, removing the bluish coating, cut into halves, and place on a paper towel. Let them dry while you peel the garlic cloves, then arrange them - 1 clove for 1 plum half. Salt the fruits, sprinkle them with dried herbs and place them in an electric dryer tray, always in one layer. Dry for about 20 hours on medium power.

For storage, treat the jar with hot water, additionally sterilize over steam, then place hot peppers in the jar, then halved plums with garlic and pour boiling vegetable oil. Close with a nylon lid, leave for a day at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator. Spiced dried plums are an excellent piquant addition to meat dishes.

You can also dry plums in slices in the dryer.

Dried plums are a popular snack that many consumers fell in love with not very long ago, but the recipe has already acquired many variations. Many housewives use different household appliances and experiment with spices and syrups to achieve a unique taste.

Dried plums - what to eat with, where to add?

Homemade dried plums taste slightly different from store-bought ones. They are prepared in several ways, dried in different devices and seasoned with spices or soaked in before drying. Often housewives do not know what to do with the treasured jar of the original preparation, but in reality, everything happens intuitively.

  1. Spicy aromatic dried plums are often added to main dishes. The taste of an ordinary treat will be greatly transformed if you fill it with the aroma of such a preparation.
  2. Both sweet and savory slices are added to salads.
  3. By chopping a couple of slices of sweet plum, you can add an unusual taste to a serving of ice cream or.
  4. Sweet dried plums will become an excellent independent dessert if served in the company of an original cream with a sour taste.

Dried plums for the winter - recipes

Drying plums at home is not a difficult task, but it is not at all quick. The quality result depends on the method of drying the fruit slices and the chosen recipe.

  1. Dried plums for the winter, cooked in the oven, are a common drying method. Dry the fruit at a temperature of 100-110 degrees with the door ajar. The process takes from 3 to 5 hours.
  2. In an electric dryer, drying takes longer; it will take about 20 hours to make the snack. The advantage is constant temperature control.
  3. Making dried plums at home for the winter in a microwave oven is troublesome, but it only takes one hour to make. You need to dry the slices, then let them cool and repeat until the desired result.
  4. Dried plums in a slow cooker are prepared simply: the slices are dried on a wire rack (for steaming) in the “Baking” mode and with the valve open so that the steam escapes freely.

The most common way is to make dried plums in the oven. A set of spices and herbs is chosen intuitively, based on personal preferences. It is important to choose whole fruits, with dense pulp, without visible damage and without worms. If the fruits are large, they are cut into quarters or into 6 parts, so the drying process will go faster.


  • plums – 15 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • dry Provençal herbs – 1 tsp;
  • quality olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Place the slices on a baking sheet with foil, cut side up.
  2. Place a slice of garlic into each clove, sprinkle with herbs, salt and pepper, and drizzle with oil.
  3. Dry in the oven at 100 degrees for 3 hours, with the door slightly open.

Dried plums in an electric dryer turn out tasty and well dried, without a juicy middle. The device maintains a constant temperature throughout the entire process of making snacks, so the result will be absolutely perfect, but after 15-20 hours. You can season the plums to your own taste; the garlic remains unchanged.


  • plums – 1.5 kg;
  • salt – 15 g;
  • hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • olive oil – 100 ml;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • dried basil and parsley - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Place the plums on a plate, cut side up, add salt.
  2. Place a slice of garlic and finely chopped hot pepper into each slice.
  3. Sprinkle with herbs.
  4. Transfer the plums to a tray.
  5. Dry the fruit at a medium heat level in the electric dryer for 20 hours.
  6. Place the finished slices in a jar, fill them with oil and put them in the cold.

Dried plums in the microwave are prepared quickly, in just an hour, taking into account the preparation of the products. You can try the savory appetizer right away or wait a few hours for it to marinate in oil. You can also use soft fruits, the main thing is that when removing the pit, you need to make sure that the edges are cut evenly.


  • plums – 10 pcs.;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tsp each;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry ginger, black and allspice, nutmeg, rosemary and thyme - only 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Place the plum halves on a plate lined with paper towels.
  2. Mix all the dry and ground spices with oil and pureed garlic.
  3. Fill the plum halves with the spice mixture.
  4. Dry for 2 minutes at 800 W, open the door, wait 5 minutes. Repeat again.
  5. Place for the third time for 5 minutes, remove the plate and cool for 30 minutes.
  6. Transfer to a clean plate, microwave for 4 minutes, cool for 10 minutes.
  7. Place in a jar, add oil, and refrigerate.

Making dried plums in a slow cooker is very simple. To create the appetizer, use a steaming rack. Season to taste with spices, the set of which can be universal: garlic, basil, parsley and dill. Considering the small volume of the device, it will not be possible to prepare a lot of plums at once.


  • plums – 1 kg;
  • sea ​​salt – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry herbs – 1 tsp.


  1. Line a bowl with parchment, lay out half of the plum slices, add salt, sprinkle with herbs, and drizzle with oil.
  2. Place a wire rack, lay out the second batch of wedges, add salt, season, and add oil.
  3. Open the valve, close the lid, set “Baking” for 1 hour. If necessary, extend by 15 minutes.

Dried plums for the winter - Italian recipe

In Mediterranean countries, dried plums in oil are especially popular. In order for the result to be perfect, you need to consistently perform all the steps; the drying process itself takes place in the oven. The preparation is stored all winter in the refrigerator. You can use ready-made mixtures of dried Italian herbs.


  • plums – 1 kg;
  • olive oil – 80 ml;
  • sunflower oil – 50 ml;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • mixture of dried herbs - 2 tsp;
  • dry basil – 1 tsp;
  • fresh rosemary – 2 sprigs;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • basil leaves – 6-8 pcs.;
  • liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Separately mix sunflower oil with a mixture of dry herbs and honey.
  2. Pour the marinade over the plums, add salt and sprinkle with basil.
  3. Dry at 110 degrees for 4 hours.
  4. Place the herb-dried plums in jars in layers with chopped garlic and fresh rosemary and basil.
  5. Pour in olive oil and close with a lid.

Dried plums with garlic, herbs and salt

Dried plums with garlic and thyme are an unusually savory appetizer. You can supplement the composition of spices with rosemary, oregano and basil, and you can dry it using available equipment. The plums will be baked on their own with a minimum set of spices, but during storage they will take all the piquancy from the aromatic marinade.


  • plums – 1 kg;
  • fresh rosemary, thyme, basil - 2 sprigs each;
  • oregano – 1 tsp;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • olive oil.


  1. Place the plum slices on a lined baking sheet.
  2. Season with salt, sprinkle with oregano, drizzle with oil.
  3. Dry in the oven at 110 degrees for 3-5 hours or until desired dryness.
  4. Finely chop the garlic, chop the rosemary, thyme and basil.
  5. Layer plums, garlic and herbs into a jar, add hot oil and screw on the lid.
  6. Put the dried plums with herbs in the refrigerator for the winter.

Dried sweet plums in the oven

Sweet dried plums in syrup are prepared in several stages. First, the slices are soaked in sugar until the juice is separated, then they are kept in syrup and only then dried. Store the workpiece in a sealed glass container, away from sunlight. These fruits are given to children instead of sweets.


  • plum slices – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 400 g.


  • water – 250 ml;
  • sugar – 300 g.


  1. Cover the plum halves with sugar and leave for a day.
  2. Drain the juice.
  3. Boil syrup from sugar and water, pour it over the plums. Leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the liquid from the fruit and place the slices on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  5. Dry at 100 degrees for one hour, each time completely cooling the workpiece.
  6. Repeat the drying and cooling process until the desired degree of drying.

Which is described below, a very unusual version of the workpiece. The plums are dried in a convenient way and filled with honey, which, in addition to all its benefits, will serve as an excellent preservative. During storage, the slices become saturated with honey aroma and come out very sweet.


  • plums – 1 kg;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • cloves – 1 tsp;
  • honey – 300 ml.


  1. Place the fruit slices in a bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon and cloves, stir, and place on a baking sheet cut side up.
  2. Dry in the oven for 2-3 hours at 110 degrees.
  3. Place the dried plums in a jar, pour in liquid honey, and cover with a lid.

Dried plums with spices

Dried ones, which involve the addition of a large amount of spices, turn out to be very piquant and slightly spicy. They perfectly complement the main dish of meat, and the aromatic oil in which the slices are marinated can be used to make salad dressing.


  • plums – 1 kg;
  • salt;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • mixture of ground peppers - ½ tsp;
  • dried rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Place the plum halves on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil, salt, and sprinkle with half the spices.
  2. Dry in the oven for 4 hours at 100 degrees.
  3. Grind the garlic with salt and the remaining herbs and pepper in a mortar.
  4. Heat milk to a boil and mix with spices.
  5. Place plums in a sterilized jar, pour hot aromatic oil, screw on the lid.

How to store dried plums?

After drying the fruit slices and putting in a lot of effort, housewives still have doubts about how to preserve the dried plums so that the treasured preparation does not spoil.

  1. Dried spiced plums are marinated with olive oil, which acts as a good preservative. This preparation will not deteriorate within a year.
  2. Dried plums can be stored in a dry, airtight container, making sure no moisture gets in and away from direct sunlight.
  3. Sweet preparations can be stored in an airtight container, having previously sprinkled the slices with sugar, powder or starch.

Most often, varieties used for drying are Hungarian, cherry plum, Renklod and Kyustendil plums, but other varieties of plums can also be used.

Small fruits are dried whole, large ones are cut in half and pitted to speed up the process.

Regardless of the drying method, the plums are first sorted, selecting only strong, ripe fruits without damage.

Prepared fruits can be dried in the oven, electric dryer or in the sun.

Drying plums in the oven

Before drying, whole fruits should be blanched for 1–2 minutes in boiling water, in which 2 teaspoons of soda were previously dissolved. Next, the plums are washed with cold water and blotted with a towel.

Blanching is carried out so that small cracks appear on the surface of the fruit, which are necessary for the evaporation of moisture. If the plums were cut in half before drying, then blanching is not necessary.

The easiest way to pit plums is to cut them along the pit and turn both halves in opposite directions. This way the plum will easily split into two parts, one of which will have a pit. After this it will be easy to remove it.

Drying plums in the oven is carried out in several stages at different temperatures. First, the oven is heated to 50 degrees, a baking sheet with plums is placed in it for 5 hours, after which the fruit should cool for the same amount of time.

At the second stage, the oven is heated to 70 degrees, the inverted plums continue to dry for 5 hours. Then the temperature increases to 75 degrees, at which the plums are cooked until cooked.

Drying plums in an electric dryer

For drying in an electric dryer, plums are blanched in the same way as for drying in an oven.

The fruits are laid out on a tray in one layer; if they are cut in half, cut side up.

The drying process is carried out in 3 stages at different temperatures:

  • 3–4 hours at a temperature of 45–55 degrees;
  • 3–6 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees;
  • 3–6 hours at a temperature of 75–80 degrees.

At each stage, the pallets need to be swapped once an hour. At the end of each stage, the trays must be removed from the dryer in order to cool the plums to room temperature over several hours.

How to dry plums in the sun

In a natural way, plums are dried on wooden sheets. The seedless plum halves are placed on the sheet not too tightly, cut side up, so that the plums do not lose juice when drying.

Plums should be exposed to the sun for 4–5 days, depending on the size of the fruit.

You need to make sure that flies or wasps do not land on them, otherwise such a product may contain harmful bacteria.

They should be brought indoors at night, and taken out into the air in the morning after dew has fallen, otherwise the fruits will become damp.

During the drying process, the plums are periodically turned over so that they dry evenly on all sides.

After drying in the sun, the plums are dried in the shade for another 3–4 days.

Determining the quality of dried fruits

The readiness of dried fruits is determined by the following criteria:

  • when pressed, no cracks appear and no juice is released;
  • dried fruits should be elastic, hard, but should not crumble when pressed;
  • the fruits should not stick to your hands.

Dried plums should be stored in a well-ventilated area. Suitable containers include fabric bags, paper bags and boxes made of wood or cardboard.

Storage in glass jars is allowed, while the plums are sprinkled with granulated sugar. Products with a strong odor should not be placed near dried fruits, because dried plums can absorb it.

You can make marshmallow from plums - a delicious and healthy dessert. The recipes for its preparation are quite varied, but they all boil down to preparing plum puree, which is dried in thin layers.

Required ingredients:

  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 glass.

If desired, you can replace sugar with honey, and also add your favorite spices: cloves, cinnamon, etc.

Ripe plums must be washed and cleared of stems and seeds. The pastille puree can be prepared on the stove or in the oven.

In the first case, you need cast iron or non-stick cookware, pour 1 cm of water into the bottom and add chopped plums.

The dish is covered with a lid, the plums are cooked for 1 hour over low heat, there is no need to stir them.

Then the plum mass is removed from the heat and cooled.

The cooled plums are rubbed through a sieve. The puree is cooked with the addition of sugar over low heat for 1 hour with continuous stirring.

In the second case, finely chopped plums are placed in a heat-resistant container and simmered under a closed lid in the oven at medium temperature. After the juice appears, sugar is added to them, the mass is mixed and returned to the oven. When the sugar is completely dissolved, the plums are cooled and rubbed through a sieve.

The finished puree is laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet. To avoid burning, it is pre-lined with parchment paper. The layer of puree should not be made too thin, otherwise the finished pastille will tear when removed. A layer of puree that is too thick will not dry well. The optimal thickness is 3–6 mm.

The pastille is dried in the sun or in the oven. The marshmallow should be air-dried on dry, hot days, bringing it indoors at night. This process usually takes several days. You can also dry the marshmallow in an oven preheated to 40 degrees.

The finished marshmallow sheets are rolled into tubes or cut into slices and stored in a cool, dry place. It is necessary to ensure that the pastille does not become damp during storage. If necessary, repeat the drying procedure.

Regardless of the drying method, properly prepared dried fruits can be stored for a long time. At the same time, they retain all the beneficial properties of fresh plums.

Fruits and berries


Dried plums in olive oil with tart dried Italian herbs and garlic - a real highlight of winter preserves. Such exquisite recipes are gaining more and more popularity when the main ingredient itself is not enough and you want to diversify its taste with something unusual. As a result of such experiments, new culinary masterpieces are born. The dish that we will prepare today is no longer so much a simple preparation of plums, but rather a full-fledged appetizer or side dish. Those in the know say that these plums taste like real olives.

Agree, it’s difficult to immediately imagine the process of preparing this preservation, so we have prepared for you a simple step-by-step photo recipe, from which you will learn about all the intricacies of creating dried plums with spices. Hot chili pepper will help us make the taste of plums more expressive; we will add just a little of it and thereby only emphasize the taste of the main ingredient. The oil in which the plums will be dried and stored can later be used for drizzling vegetable salads. Let's start preparing dried plums for the winter at home.



    To create such an unusual winter preservation, we will need small, dense and ripe plums, which we thoroughly rinse in cold water in advance and allow the fruits to dry.

    We divide the already washed and prepared fruits into halves and remove the seeds, which we will not need during the cooking process. Place the plum halves in a deep bowl for a while.

    We separate the heads of garlic into cloves and peel them. Garlic contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements, which it will definitely give to olive oil and plums.

    We cut each clove into not too thin plates as shown in the photo. The amount of garlic may vary depending on how many plums you used to create this preserve.

    Place halves of plums, cut sides up, on each dryer tray or mesh.

    Place a prepared piece of garlic on top of each half, or several if they are too small.

    First sprinkle the cut of plum with garlic with prepared dried herbs and medium-sized sea salt, and then fill or simply grease with a small amount of olive oil.

    We set the temperature on the electric dryer regulator to 70 degrees and for the next 12 hours we dry our halves of plums until ready. If you want the plums to dry sufficiently on the outside and remain slightly soft on the inside, then reduce the drying temperature by 20-30 degrees.

    Now all that remains is to carefully place the plum halves into pre-sterilized dry jars and prepare the filling.

    Pour the specified volume of aromatic olive oil into a ladle or saucepan, add the remaining garlic slices, Italian herbs to taste and chopped hot pepper. Bring the liquid to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes.

    Fill the plums in the jar with the prepared liquid to the very top: it is necessary that the oil with spices completely covers the halves in the jar.

    We seal the jar with the preparation with a clean lid and put the preserved food in the refrigerator: there, such value will certainly not deteriorate. Home-dried plums with garlic, herbs and salt are ready for the winter.

    Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 215 min

Edited by Lara
Everyone is well aware of such a Mediterranean delicacy as. But dried plums in the oven, and even prepared for the winter at home with your own hands, are a real find for a gourmet. The recipe with a photo will show that this preparation is very easy to make; the only thing you have to sacrifice is time. The taste of the finished dish will more than repay all your efforts. Plums, filled with the delicious aroma of Provençal herbs, fragrant parsley and soaked in olive oil, are incredibly tasty. And the zest of dried plums is given by piquant garlic and rosemary, which combines a complex composition of aromas - pine, eucalyptus, lemon and camphor.

Preparation time: 15 min.

Cooking time: 3 hours 20 minutes.

Yield: 0.5 l jar


- plums – 1 kg 100 g,
- garlic – 4 cloves,
- Herbs of Provence seasoning - 2 tsp,
- dried parsley – 1 tsp,
- dried rosemary – 2 tsp,
- freshly ground black pepper – ½ tsp,
- salt - to taste,
- olive oil – 200-250 ml.

Recipe with photos step by step:

How to dry plums for the winter in the oven.

Wash the plums thoroughly, first removing the stems. Let the water drain.

Cut each plum in half along the groove and remove the pits.

Preheat oven to 100°C.

Line a baking sheet with a sheet of parchment. Using a pastry brush, brush the paper with olive oil. Place plum halves cut side up.

Sprinkle the fruit with herbs de Provence, dried parsley, rosemary (1 tsp), black pepper and salt.

Drizzle with olive oil.

Place the pan with the plums in the oven (on the middle rack). Cook for 3 hours.

Meanwhile, prepare the jar and lid. Wash the dishes thoroughly with a solution of baking soda and pour boiling water over the jar (be sure to pour it over the neck).

Peel the garlic cloves, wash them and cut each one lengthwise into several pieces.

After the specified time has passed, remove the pan from the oven. Let the dried plums cool.

Fruit close-up.

Pour a tablespoon of olive oil into the bottom of the jar. Add the remaining rosemary needles and garlic.

Fill the container with plums.

Fill with oil.

Lightly press the fruit with a spoon and add oil to cover the plums. Close the lid and store in a cool, dark place. Ideally - 1 year - dried plums are stored in the refrigerator.

The season for drying plums is August – September.

Note to the owner:

For this preparation, select incompletely ripe plums with easily separated pits.

Crumpled and rotten fruits are not suitable for harvesting.
In addition to sun-dried plums and tomatoes, you can also prepare