Harm of carbonated drinks. Why are carbonated drinks harmful?

Sparkling water is a drink loved by all generations, from kids to grandmothers. The prickly bubbles of carbon dioxide in it have never left anyone indifferent. But is carbonated water so harmless or should its consumption be limited?

What does it consist of?

The composition is very simple. It contains directly water and carbon dioxide. This is the composition of simple sparkling water. Whether it will harm or benefit the body is the subject of ongoing debate between supporters and opponents of proper nutrition. It all depends on what kind of water is in the composition. It can be simple, mineral or sweet with the addition of dyes and flavors.

Depending on the level of carbon dioxide saturation, water comes in three types. These are lightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated water. The level of carbon dioxide in it ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 percent, respectively.

Beneficial features

Natural carbonated water has been known to man since ancient times. Initially, it was used only as a remedy. Everyone could come to the natural spring, draw water and even swim in it. In the 18th century, water began to be bottled on an industrial scale. But since such an enterprise turned out to be unprofitable, since the liquid quickly fizzled out and lost most of its beneficial properties, it was decided to carbonate it artificially.

Only carbonated mineral water can have a positive effect on the body. The harm or benefit of this product will depend on the quantity and quality of the drink consumed. In general, natural medicine is prescribed by a doctor for medicinal purposes. It is not recommended to abuse this drink, despite the fact that it promotes the production of gastric juice at low acidity, maintains the alkaline balance, activates the work of enzymes, and prevents the leaching of calcium from the body.

In addition to natural carbonated water, sweet drinks based on medicinal “Baikal” and “Sayan” can also be beneficial for the body.

Negative effects and contraindications

Water that has artificially become carbonated due to the addition of carbon dioxide is of synthetic origin and does not contain any nutritional value. This is especially true for sweet drinks.

The harm of carbonated water to the human body lies in the fact that carbon dioxide, which is present in this product, causes flatulence, belching and bloating.

Sugary carbonated drinks are especially harmful to humans. They contribute to disruption of the pancreas and liver, cause disruptions in the endocrine system, and provoke the development of diabetes and other serious diseases.

Carbonated water, the harm or benefit of which lies in its composition, can either restore and maintain the water-salt balance, or disrupt it.

Mineral sparkling water

Useful micro- and macroelements, as well as mineral compounds, make the product beneficial for the body. It should be noted that, in addition to the level of carbonation, such water has different mineralization. Weak and medium mineral water is suitable for daily use. It will not only perfectly quench your thirst, but also saturate the body with useful compounds. But carbonated water with a high degree of mineralization is intended for use for medicinal purposes. It should be consumed only in limited quantities, since the content of useful elements in it is high enough for everyday use.

Carbonated mineral water, the harm or benefit of which depends on the amount of important compounds in it, is certainly of higher quality than sweet drinks. But every rule has exceptions.

Sweet sparkling water

Carbonated drinks can be beneficial. It all depends on the contents of the bottle. Sweet carbonated water, the harm or benefit of which is the subject of debate among doctors, nutritionists and manufacturers, may contain artificial food additives or extracts of medicinal herbs.

"Duchess" and "Tarragon" contain tarragon, which is an effective vasoconstrictor, improves the functioning of the digestive system and increases appetite. Carbonated water "Sayany" and "Baikal" contains an extract of the Leuzea plant, which helps relieve fatigue, increase muscle activity and normalize the nervous system.

In addition to natural ingredients, water may also contain harmful food additives: dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers. Such carbonated drinks can cause addiction, the appearance of rashes and allergic reactions, damage to the gastric mucosa, and damage to tooth enamel.

The dangers of "fizzy" water for a child

In recent years, nutritionists and pediatricians have been sounding the alarm. Parents increasingly began to buy food for their young children. The consequences of such unreasonable actions are obvious: the number of boys and girls who are obese is steadily growing every year. What can abuse of soda lead to? Increased nervous excitability, problems with the skeletal and endocrine systems, bad teeth. All this is just a small part of the harm that sweet carbonated water can have on the body.

In addition to children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as people who are struggling with excess weight, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and allergy sufferers should avoid sweet soda.

Carbonated water: harm or benefit for weight loss

Everyone knows that any diet is based on sufficient fluid intake, namely clean water. Otherwise the weight will stand still. Carbonated water does not provide any nutritional or energy value. It does not contain proteins, fats or carbohydrates, and its calorie content is also zero.

It will promote weight loss in the same way as plain water. It is known that liquid in the stomach gives a feeling of fullness. Therefore, it is a must for those who are actively fighting excess weight. At the same time, the harm of carbonated water can manifest itself in the fact that it causes bloating and flatulence, that is, some discomfort in the intestines. But if this does not cause inconvenience, then you can lose weight with any water, including carbonated water.

It should be noted that we are talking only about plain sparkling water, without food additives: sweeteners, preservatives, flavors, dyes. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, you may gain a few extra pounds.


It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what sparkling water will bring to the body, whether its consumption will be harmful or beneficial. First of all, when choosing this drink, you should pay attention to its origin: natural or synthetic. Natural mineral water contains useful microelements that contribute to the health of the body. Soda, especially sweet soda produced artificially, cannot be healthy. One should expect only negative consequences and deterioration of the body’s functioning from drinking drinks based on it.

Since ancient times, carbonated mineral water has been used by people as a remedy. Doctors have been using it since the time of the great Hippocrates.

Are there chemicals in sparkling drinking water?

Nowadays, not only mineral carbonated water is popular, but also regular drinking water with gas, which is saturated with carbon dioxide in a concentration that is completely harmless to the human body.

Most of the carbon dioxide disappears as soon as the bottle or jar is opened; the rest of the gas, when swallowed, mixes with air and immediately leaves the body.

Only a small fraction of it, reaching the stomach, is almost instantly absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is it harmful to drink sparkling water every day?

Carbonated drinks do not pose any danger to the stomach of healthy people. The acidity level of gastric juice is more than 100 times higher than that of soda. Drinks actually do not affect the internal environment of the body.

“...carbonated drinks do not pose any danger to the stomach of healthy people. The acidity level of gastric juice is more than 100 times higher than that in soda. drinks actually do not affect the internal environment of the body..."

Why can't you drink a lot of sparkling water?

We must not forget, however, that the presence of carbon dioxide in water increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the gastric mucosa. Therefore, those who suffer from increased secretory activity should not get too carried away with soda. True, a number of strict requirements are imposed on the nutrition of this category of people.

The effect of carbonated drinks on teeth

Virtually all the foods we eat contain a certain amount of acid. Drinks are also no exception. If we consider their effect on dental health, we can say that it is quite gentle in comparison with other products.

Drinks very quickly pass the oral cavity and end up in the gastrointestinal tract, so there is no prolonged contact with the teeth. After taking the liquid, the alkaline environment characteristic of saliva is almost immediately restored, and the minerals lost by the enamel are replenished.

“...drinks very quickly pass the oral cavity and end up in the gastrointestinal tract, so there is no prolonged contact with the teeth...”

What is soda made of? Sugar content in soda

Any drink is an important and necessary source of fluid for the human body. Sugary carbonated drinks are almost 100% water. They also contain sugar, which should be consumed wisely. Pay attention to the amount of sugar you use, and do not forget that you should take into account absolutely all the calories you receive throughout the day, both from foods and drinks.

How many grams of sugar can you consume per day?

Healthy people have no contraindications to constantly consuming a certain amount of sugar within reasonable limits. Once in the body, carbohydrates, which are very quickly absorbed, are transformed into glucose, and it is immediately absorbed into the blood, saturating all human organs and tissues with useful energy.

“...healthy people have no contraindications to the constant consumption of a certain amount of sugar within reasonable limits. Once in the body, carbohydrates, which are very quickly absorbed, are transformed into glucose...”

Why does a bedridden patient drink a lot?

When tired or in a state of illness, any food that contains a lot of carbohydrates (sweet tea or any other drink with sugar) makes a significant contribution to the restoration of lost strength, energy, and vigor. This is especially important to consider under heavy loads, both physical and mental.

Which water is healthier, carbonated or still?

When choosing a drink, first of all, you should remember that its main component is water, so they all maintain the body’s water balance. Carbonated soft drinks, which many people enjoy, are no exception.

In many diets there is a recommendation to expand the drinking regime. This means that you need to drink not the usual 1-1.5 liters of water per day, but 2-2.5. Not everyone is able to pour liquid into themselves in the required volumes and tricks are used. For example, they drink water with lemon or completely replace it with carbonated or mineral water. Is it wise to do this, let's find out.

How does carbon dioxide work?

Carbonated water is no different in chemical composition from regular water except for the carbon dioxide content. Meanwhile, the body synthesizes this chemical substance independently for normal functioning:

  • regulates the production of enzymes;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • helps in the absorption of nutrients;
  • being a specific respiratory stimulant, it reflexively affects the respiratory center through the carotid glomeruli;
  • increases blood pressure.

It is logical to assume that the introduction of carbon dioxide into the body with carbonated water will activate these processes even more, which will ultimately lead to weight loss. Is it so?

Water with gas entering the body affects the walls of the stomach. Carbon dioxide accumulates in the lumen, stretches, and evaporates naturally, causing belching or fermentation in the intestines. An increase in stomach volume causes an increase in appetite. Now, to get enough food, you will need more food.

In addition, carbon dioxide stimulates digestion to work faster. Digestion of food occurs not in 4-5 hours, but in 20 minutes, after which the person begins to feel hungry again. Nutrients from food and liquid are not absorbed.

In the intestines, stagnation occurs, causing putrefactive processes. The food is not digested, but simply softens, filling the intestines. Such food residues are “brought to the desired condition” already in the intestines; decomposition stimulates additional release of carbon dioxide, which causes painful colic.

The situation is a little more complicated with drinking carbonated water on an empty stomach.

Pure cold water fills the stomach, diluting gastric secretions and reducing appetite. The intestines begin to contract, become toned, and old toxins are expelled.

Feces - until the liquid is heated - liquefy, waste and toxins leave the body more easily.

In addition, cold has a weak anesthetic effect - the stomach receptors stop demanding saturation.

If cold water comes in with gas, the picture changes. On an empty stomach, it is immediately expelled into the lower intestines, and the distended stomach begins to intensively produce hydrochloric acid. As a result, you want to eat very much. If the body's requirements are not met, hydrochloric acid attacks the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, which threatens the formation of ulcerative defects.

How to drink sparkling water

Table mineral water during the diet contains an important vitamin and mineral complex, since more nutrients are dissolved in it than in ordinary water.

Follow the following usage pattern:

  • in the morning to wake up the body and stimulate bowel cleansing;
  • half an hour before meals to reduce your appetite and partially fill your stomach - then you will need much less food to satisfy your hunger.

Expanding the drinking regime during the period of weight loss is necessary to reduce the concentration of salts in the bound liquid and remove them from the body. Mineral water itself contains a high amount of salts; the amount of consumption should be limited.

Caucasian drinks "Essentuki No. 17", "Essentuki No. 14", Glauber's and bitter waters increase peristalsis, cleansing the intestines during a diet. Irritation of the receptors in the intestinal walls causes them to contract intensively, expelling waste and toxins. The stool becomes watery and liquefied.

Losing weight on mineral waters should not last longer than a week. You should drink it 30 minutes before each meal - excluding breakfast - or only in the morning on an empty stomach. Liquid to body temperature or slightly higher.

Losing weight with mineral water does not exclude dietary adjustments - excluding fatty foods, sweets, baked goods and alcohol from the diet. Increase your physical activity - without training, the weight will come off slowly.

Drink 300 ml of laxative water per day - a little more than a glass. The rest of the liquid is neutral mineral water.

The optimal choice of drink for weight loss is still water with a mineralization level of 3-4. If the mineralization rate is higher, the risk of urolithiasis increases.

About 20% of people in the world suffer from obesity, and every second person on the planet experiences problems associated with excess weight. Today it is fashionable to have discussions on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, it is fashionable to play sports, it is fashionable to diet, to monitor your own diet, but for some reason most people, in the pursuit of healthy food, forget about healthy drinking. While it is drinks that can account for about half of the daily calorie intake and cause metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, skin diseases, respiratory tract diseases, and so on.

According to the UN, as the standard of living rises around the world and the number of people experiencing food shortages decreases, the number of obese people increases, scientists are especially concerned about the problems of excess weight in children and adolescents. Science has established a direct connection between the improvement in the standard of living of the population and the increase in the number of obese people in this country. What is this connected with?

There are two most likely reasons for weight gain in modern people: 1. People began to move less, energy consumption decreased, 2. People began to eat more or began to eat more high-calorie foods.

Soda deactivates parts of DNA

Peter Piper, a professor of molecular biology and biotechnology at the University of Sheffield (UK), in a recent study tracked the effects of sodium benzoate (E211) on the cells of living organisms and found that this compound causes significant damage to DNA.

According to Piper, sodium benzoate, which is the active component of the preservatives used in most carbonated drinks, particularly Fanta, Pepsi Max, Sprite, etc., does not destroy parts of the DNA, but it does deactivate them. This can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

Sodium benzoate is commercially produced from benzoic acid, which, in turn, is found in some berries. Sodium benzoate is used as a preservative not only in carbonated drinks, but also in some marinades and sausages.

Scientists have already paid attention to sodium benzoate in connection with cancer. The fact is that when combined with vitamin C, sodium benzoate forms benzene, which is a carcinogen. An analysis of popular fizzy drinks last year by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) found elevated levels of benzene in a number of products, which were subsequently withdrawn from sale.

Current FSA and EU regulations allow the use of sodium benzoate in food products, but Piper's allegations have prompted officials to launch a more detailed investigation. It's worth noting that Piper's work is funded by government agencies, Compulenta reports.

People don't move less

According to the results of studies conducted by specialists from the University of Aberdeen (UK) and the University of Maastricht (Holland), it was found that over the past 20 years people have not spent less energy on their daily activities. The energy consumption of people in the twenty-first century is practically no different from the energy consumption of people at the end of the twentieth century, when cars for many were a luxury, not a means of transportation, and modern household appliances were just a pipe dream for most housewives.

People didn't eat anymore

Russian doctors unanimously say that the culture of food consumption in the country is growing, more and more people prefer healthy food, but the same doctors still say that the number of obese children in Russia is growing. It is known that the problem of childhood obesity is a family problem, which means that the entire family leads an unhealthy lifestyle. The main cause of obesity is an increase in daily caloric intake due to food and drinks.

Hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, chips, candy bars and sugary carbonated drinks have made just under half of the inhabitants of developed European countries and almost 2/3 of Americans fat and sick. In Russia, the murderous achievements of Western civilization have only passed the formation stage - everyone has become accustomed to the fact that they exist. But if the vast majority of Russians (about 80%) are aware of the dangers of fast food products, then only about 15% of people consider sweet carbonated drinks no less dangerous. 99% of compatriots consider it absolutely safe to drink juices and non-carbonated drinks.

Modern people replaced water with food

Over the past 30-35 years, the amount of calories obtained from consuming liquids has doubled. According to a recent sociological survey, American teenagers today drink an order of magnitude more soda than their peers ten years ago. Thus, 84% of teenagers drink fizzy drinks every day, receiving an additional 356 kilocalories due to this.

In Russia there are no such statistics yet, but the authorities are fully aware of sugary drinks, so in 2006 the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation banned the sale of chips, caramel and sweet carbonated drinks in schools. They were replaced with products that are healthy for children - primarily milk, kefir and bottled water.

The fight against sugary drinks is being waged all over the world. Most European countries and the United States have introduced corresponding bans on the sale of sugary drinks in schools. Many scientists believe that bans cannot solve the problem; other methods are needed. So, in the UK they tested a method of persuasion on children. Special lessons were held with children aged 7-11 years, during which the nurse convinced them to reduce their consumption of carbonated drinks. This request was constantly repeated by teachers. The other 14 classes received no special recommendations. All children chose what they would eat and drink, but at the end of the year, researchers found that children who received special recommendations on proper nutrition reduced their consumption of carbonated drinks by 60%. In this group, the percentage of obese children increased by only 0.2% by the end of the year, while students who did not receive specific recommendations consumed 20% more carbonated drinks at the end of the year and the percentage of obese children rose by almost 8%.

Soft drink manufacturers initiated a number of studies that were supposed to rehabilitate sugary drinks. In these studies, we are not talking about proving or disproving the harm of sugary carbonated drinks, in them the researchers are trying to prove that if people are deprived of sugary drinks, they will still gain weight, because instead of the usual glass of Coke, for example, they will eat a couple of hamburgers. The conclusions of these studies suggest themselves: it is better for a person to drink a glass of standard Coca-Cola, the calorie content of which is only (only!!!) 158 kcal, than to eat two hamburgers 230 kcal X 2, a total of 460 kcal.

Meanwhile, Russian researchers say that modern people have long been accustomed to mistaking the body’s thirst signal for a hunger signal. Hence overeating, excess weight, and digestive problems. Which not only do not disappear, but are also aggravated due to the fact that the body begins to spend precious water on producing additional amounts of saliva, instead of using it to remove acid.

What to do?

So, we have found out that in order to maintain our figure and health, it is not enough to watch what we eat; we also need to pay attention to what we drink. In order not to perceive our body's thirst signals as hunger signals, we need to drink water. In order for food to be better absorbed and satiety to occur faster, it is very important to drink a glass of water 20 minutes before meals and a glass of water after meals. As you know, many actresses and ballerinas use such simple measures to maintain their figure.

As for sugary drinks, it is better to exclude them from your diet, especially carbonated drinks. In addition to extra calories, sugary drinks contain many different substances that are not harmless to the body. One of the most famous is aspartame - a food additive, a sweetener that is used for so-called diet drinks. Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar, but contains no carbohydrates. This sweetener is approved in more than a hundred countries around the world, Russia is among them. It is believed that the daily dose is 40 mg per 1 kg of weight and is absolutely safe (one glass of soda contains 50 mg of aspartame). All other carbonated drinks contain sugar. A small bottle of Pepsi-Cola contains 8 pieces of sugar (58 kcal/100 ml). As you can see, it is harmful to drink both regular soda and diet soda, but there are no accurate studies yet on whether sugar or aspartame causes more harm to the body.

The next substance that is hazardous to health, often found in sugary drinks, is , it is classified as a mild stimulant of the nervous system. Children who consume a lot of caffeine are more restless, have trouble falling asleep, and often suffer from headaches. Their ability to concentrate may be impaired. In addition, caffeine increases urinary calcium loss.

Drinks also contain dyes; the dye most often used in carbonated drinks is yellow-5. It can cause various allergic reactions - from bronchial asthma to urticaria and rhinitis.

And finally, carbon dioxide, the presence of which in water stimulates gastric secretion, increases the acidity of gastric juice and provokes flatulence - copious release of gases.

Carbonated drinks have a number of contraindications

Under no circumstances should carbonated drinks be given to children under 3 years of age. People with chronic diseases, such as allergies, excess weight, stomach diseases, diabetes. Substances contained in carbonated drinks can worsen the well-being of chronic patients or even provoke another attack. In case of kidney diseases, doctors, when prescribing a diet for patients, always note that carbonated drinks are strictly contraindicated for them. Doctors suggest that phosphoric acid, used as an acidifier, is to blame for the formation of kidney stones. For overweight people or those who want to lose weight, carbonated drinks are not recommended at all. There are studies by American specialists, thanks to which it has been proven that sweet carbonated drinks almost double the likelihood of obesity. Of course, one cannot assume that fatness depends only on the consumption of soda, but this is one of the important factors.

In addition to all of the above, sweet carbonated drinks can cause illness in completely healthy people. First of all, it is caries. Refined sugar found in soda contributes to tooth decay. Secondly, such drinks can cause osteoporosis. This remark applies mainly to children and people over 40 years of age. Older people, especially women, always suffer from calcium deficiency, so doctors often recommend taking calcium tablets already at the age of 38-39. The excretion of calcium in the urine is facilitated by caffeine, which we discussed earlier.

As for teenagers. From 9 to 18 years of age, active accumulation occurs in the body. Sugary carbonated drinks not only promote calcium excretion; in children's diets, they often constitute an alternative to milk, which is a source of calcium. Calcium deficiency in childhood leads to stunted growth and a high likelihood of osteoprosis in adulthood.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that sweet carbonated drinks in the diet of both adults and children can only be replaced with milk, tea - herbal or green, kvass, freshly squeezed juices without added sugar and water. Water is unrivaled in this series. Firstly, because it is an ideal food solvent. Secondly, the human body needs water and food for normal functioning, and according to experts, our body perceives all drinks except water as food. And finally, the main advantage of water is its lack of calories.

It makes no sense to replace sweet carbonated drinks with non-carbonated ones. Drinking too much juice, according to scientists, can also cause obesity, slow growth, digestive problems and tooth decay. Even though the juice is loaded with minerals and vitamins, it also contains a lot of sugar.

Many people call drinking sweet soda an addiction, citing the fact that it is difficult to give up. To learn how to drink regular water, we recommend using our tips:

1. It’s better to give up sweet soda gradually. It's easier to start with sparkling water. Carry a bottle of carbonated mineral water with you along with your usual Coke. Try to alternate these drinks, giving greater preference to unsweetened water.

2. As you know, in order to change your habits you need strong motivation, so before you give up sweet soda, find more information about its dangers, use the information from the label for this purpose.

3. Experiment with different brands of water until you find the one you like best.


People have long been talking about the dangers of carbonated sweet drinks, and scientists have confirmed that the abuse of such drinks is associated with many health risks. It became clear that in terms of calories, these products have long surpassed white bread, since they contain a huge amount of sugar.

Soda is considered one of the most harmful products we consume. One small bottle of sugar water (0.33 liters) can contain about 16 teaspoons of sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup! This is about 3 times more than the daily norm, according to American Heart Association.

This syrup usually contains a mixture of 45 percent glucose and 55 percent fructose, but some studies have shown that some well-known brands of such drinks add syrup containing 65 percent fructose.

When you drink such a sweet drink, your pancreas begins to produce insulin at high speed, reacting to the sugar that has entered the body. As a result, blood sugar levels rise sharply. Here's what happens in your body after you drink soda:

In 20 minutes The amount of sugar in your blood reaches a high level, and your liver reacts to the resulting insulin by converting huge amounts of sugar into fat.

In 40 minutes caffeine absorption ends, your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, and your liver dumps more sugar into your blood. This can be easily monitored using tests.

In about 45 minutes your body increases production dopamine, a hormone that stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain. By the way, something similar happens after taking heroin.

In 60 minutes Your blood sugar levels plummet and you feel the urge to drink that evil drink again.

If insulin levels continually rise, as they usually do if you drink soda regularly, this leads to insulin resistance, which in turn causes the development of chronic diseases, from diabetes to cancer.

Fructose turns into fat much faster than other sugars and fats

Research on fructose has shown that it is much more dangerous than other types of sugar. It is processed by the liver and, unlike other sugars, most of it is converted into fat deposits. That is why fructose is the main culprit in obesity, other types of sugar are inferior to it. According to new research, 2 bottles of sweet sparkling water daily can be deposited in the form of 0.5 kilograms of fat per week!

In addition to making you fat, fructose is also associated with increased triglycerides. One study found that men who consumed sugary drinks had higher triglyceride levels by an average of 32 percent. These substances are a chemical form of fat and are found in some foods and accumulate in our bodies.

Research conducted by scientists over the past 40 years has shown that high levels of triglycerides in the blood, known as hypertriglyceridemia, significantly increase the risk of heart disease. Eating fructose not only causes insulin resistance, but also prevents leptin send signals to the brain correctly. Leptin is responsible for controlling appetite and fat storage, and also “tells” the liver what to do with stored glucose.

If your body cannot “hear” leptin signals, weight gain begins, diabetes and other chronic diseases develop. That is, fructose has a very detrimental effect on our health through various mechanisms of action.

What else is contained in sweet soda?

1) One glass of soda contains about 150 empty kcal, which are mainly stored as fat

2) One glass also contains approximately 30-55 milligrams of caffeine, which causes tremors, insomnia, high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, high blood cholesterol, depletion of vitamins and minerals, breast lumps, birth defects in children, and even some types of cancer!

3) It contains artificial food colors, including burnt sugar, which was recently found to be a carcinogen. An artificial brown color can be achieved by reacting corn sugar with ammonium And sulfite at high pressure and temperature. This reaction produces byproducts that studies in mice and rats have shown can lead to lung, liver and thyroid cancer.

4) Sulfites. People who are sensitive to sulfites (salts of sulfurous acid) may suffer from headaches, breathing problems and allergies. In some rare cases, sulfites can even be fatal!

5) Benzene. Although there are regulations for the use of this aromatic hydrocarbon in the food industry, studies have shown that carbonated drinks contain significantly more of it.

6) Phosphoric acid, which can affect the body's ability to absorb calcium, leading to osteoporosis, bone and tooth problems.

7) Aspartame. This chemical is used as a sugar substitute in diet drinks. There are a huge number of problems that are associated with excessive use of this substance, including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders, epilepsy, and convulsions.

8) Tap water. We all know very well that drinking tap water is highly discouraged because it contains a large number of harmful components. Unfortunately, in sweet soda they use tap water as a base.

9) Sodium benzoate- a preservative often used by soda manufacturers. This substance causes DNA damage, which leads to diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson's disease.

If you look at all these dangerous ingredients that are contained in sweet carbonated water, it is not surprising that its consumption causes so many health problems and leads to obesity.

One of the studies, the results of which were published in the British medical journal The Lancet, showed that a 12-year-old child who regularly drinks soda is more likely to be overweight compared to others. Indeed, if you drink sugary drinks every day, your risk of obesity increases by 60 percent over 2 years!

As mentioned earlier, sweet soda raises insulin levels, and this, in turn, threatens the emergence of chronic diseases. Even 1 serving of sugary water per day increases the risk of diabetes by 85 percent, and in addition, you are at risk of the following diseases:

--Heart diseases



Non-alcoholic fatty liver

Reducing your soda consumption to zero will help prevent a large number of diseases. To do this, it is also necessary to normalize insulin levels. Clean water is the best way out, and if you simply cannot live without soda, at least make homemade lemonade by adding lemon and a little sugar to your mineral water.