Delicious homemade pilaf with chicken. Chicken pilaf at home Cooking pilaf with chicken

Pilaf has been known in the East since ancient times. But looking back at the rich history of the origin of this oriental dish, you should not hesitate whether or not to take up its preparation. Despite the varied number of ingredients, it was and remains, as V.I. wrote. Dahl (1861) in his explanatory dictionary, rice porridge, steep, crumbly and sprinkled with melted butter; sometimes with lamb, chicken and spices.

The main recipes for its preparation are based on the use of rice and meat: lamb, beef and even pork. But if you have children in your house, then you will not force them to try this delicious dish with any sauce. Unless this dish is made from chicken...

By the way, for lovers of various dishes from this bird, I can offer cooking recipes.

So. If you are faced with the task of feeding the youngest members of your family with pilaf, then the main ingredient of your culinary creativity should be chicken.

When I plan the preparation of lunch or dinner in advance, I always have time to look at the nearest market or store to buy the necessary products. But sometimes in the middle of the week, returning from work in the evening and looking into the empty refrigerator, I realize that I don’t have the strength to run to the store for the necessary set of products. I will cook with what I have on hand.


  • Chicken meat – 700 g
  • Rice – 2 cups
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 3 pcs. (large)
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Spices – 1 tsp. (black and allspice, turmeric, barberry)

The chicken, it was a little over a kilogram, I took it out of the freezer and put it on the refrigerator shelf last night, and it managed to defrost before I returned. Having butchered the carcass, I put the back, wings and neck aside for the soup. I cut everything else into fairly large pieces.

Experienced chefs advise choosing the “right” rice, from which the dish will turn out aromatic, crumbly and beautiful in color. Long-grain varieties are considered ideal, of which I remember only three names: Jasmine, Indica and Basmati. But I only have regular round-grain Astrakhan rice in stock.

I only had one medium-sized carrot, but it was enough to give the dish a beautiful golden color. I cut it into large cubes. If desired, you can grate it on a coarse grater, but not all children like boiled carrots and agree to try such pilaf. I chopped the onion.

I used a cauldron to prepare this dish. You can cook in a saucepan with a thick bottom, but some people prefer a slow cooker.
First of all, I poured 3 tbsp into the cauldron. l. vegetable oil and, waiting for it to get hot, poured in an incomplete teaspoon of spices (I had a ready-made Arabic “Nine Spice” mixture) and laid out the carrots. Carrots fried in vegetable oil will give our dish a beautiful golden color.

If you want the rice in the pilaf to remain white, then add the carrots last without frying.

After frying the carrots until half cooked (soft), I add the onion.

As soon as the onion becomes transparent, I put the chicken in the cauldron, salt to taste and continue to fry, stirring from time to time until golden brown.

After this, I pour water into the cauldron so that it completely covers its contents and bring to a boil over medium heat.

When the water boils, add salt, reduce the heat and simmer until tender over low heat (40-50 minutes). If the liquid evaporates before the pilaf base is ready, add boiling water.

While preparing zirvak, taste it for salt and add more salt if necessary.

Zirvak is a pilaf base made from carrots, onions, broth, spices and meat.

At this time, soak the rice in warm water for 30 minutes, then rinse it in cold water until the water becomes completely clear. Soaking rice allows you to avoid standing over the stove waiting for excess water to boil away.

When the chicken is ready, drain the water from the bowl with rice, cover it in an even layer, add salt, spices, pour boiling water (3 cups), increase the heat and bring to a vigorous boil.

To prepare proper pilaf, you must strictly observe the proportions of rice, water and salt.

To make the rice crumbly, the proportions of rice and water should be in a ratio of 1:1.5, that is, for 1 cup of rice add 1.5 cups of water and 1 tsp. salt (no lump).

As soon as it boils, I cover the cauldron with a lid, reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for exactly 10 minutes. After the specified time, I turn off the gas and leave the cauldron on the stove for another 20 minutes. We do not open the lid at this time. After the specified time, open the lid and stir the pilaf. Now the dish can be served.

This is such a wonderful dish I came up with. Try it too, you will definitely succeed.

Cooking classic chicken pilaf in a cauldron at home

Now have the classic recipe for this delicious dish. The peculiarity of this recipe is that to prepare zirvak, take chicken meat, onions and carrots in equal quantities.


  • Chicken meat – 500 g
  • Rice – 500 g (2.5 tbsp. volume 250 ml)
  • Carrots – 500 g
  • Onion – 500 g
  • Water – 800 ml (for cooking rice)
  • Salt – 1 tsp. (with a hillock) for rice
  • Spices - 0.5 tsp. (black and allspice, turmeric, cumin, barberry)

Wash the chicken and cut it into pieces. We trim the fat, we will need it to prepare zirvak.

Wash the carrots, peel and cut into thin strips. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings or quarter rings. Let me make a reservation right away that it is necessary to cook pilaf only in suitable containers, which must have a thick bottom.

The best cookware is a cauldron; it evenly distributes the heat from the fire and retains heat for a long time.

I cook my pilaf in a cauldron. So, let's heat up the cauldron. Cut the chicken fat into cubes, render it, remove the cracklings. If there is not enough rendered fat, you can add vegetable oil. First add chopped carrots to the boiling fat and fry until half cooked.

Then add the onion, and as soon as it becomes transparent, add the chicken cut into pieces. Continuing to stir occasionally, fry the chicken pieces until golden brown.

Then pour boiling water over everything, add salt, spices (pepper, cumin, barberry) and continue to simmer over low heat until tender, about 40-50 minutes.

Attention! At a strong boil, the carrots are boiled, and the zirvak turns out cloudy.

At this time, prepare the rice. For this recipe, I bought long-grain Basmati variety, which I soaked in warm water for 30 minutes.

We wash the swollen rice in salted water until the powder is completely removed, which ensures the flowability of the finished dish.

Place prepared rice (without water) into the prepared zirvak and slowly pour in hot water (800 ml), to which we have added salt and turmeric. The water level above the rice should be no more than 2-3 cm.

After boiling, I cover the cauldron with a lid, reduce the heat to low and cook for exactly 10 minutes.

The cooking process must be carefully monitored to prevent excessive boiling of water or overcooking of the product.

After I turn off the gas, I don’t open the lid for another 20 minutes. During this time, the rice is ready. After the specified time, remove the lid, but so that drops of water from the lid do not fall into the finished dish. Mix everything thoroughly before serving.

The finished dish has a golden color, fried pieces of chicken stand out in it, carrots are clearly visible, and the onion is completely boiled and is not noticeable at all in the pilaf.

Well, our pilaf turned out beautiful and very tasty, but I suggest you try others, including unusual cooking recipes, each of which is good in its own way.

Homemade chicken breast pilaf recipe

And now I offer a recipe for a dish for those who are watching their weight. Losing weight and maintaining your kilograms at normal levels is a rather difficult process, which often forces you to give up tasty, but very high-calorie dishes. And it is chicken breast that will come to the rescue on this difficult path. By the way, you can also use chicken breast.

For your information, this dish can also be included in the children's menu.


  • Chicken breast – 500 g
  • Rice – 2 cups
  • Carrots – 2 pcs. (average)
  • Onion – 2 pcs. (average)
  • Water – 3 cups (for cooking rice)
  • Salt – 1 tsp. (with a hillock) for rice
  • Spices – (black and allspice, turmeric)
  • Vegetable oil – for frying vegetables

We wash the chicken breast, be sure to remove the skin and cut it into small pieces. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Onion, I took purple, peel and cut into half rings or smaller ones.

First, heat the vegetable oil in a cauldron or thick-bottomed pan, add the onions, then it’s the turn of the carrots. Fry the prepared vegetables over the fire until soft.

After this, add the chicken breast and continue to fry until it turns golden brown.

After frying, pour in water so that it covers the food, bring to a boil over moderate heat, season with spices and salt to taste. When the zirvak boils, reduce the heat and simmer over low heat until cooked for 20 minutes.

If we want to get a less high-calorie dish, then, after greasing the cauldron a little with vegetable oil, immediately add vegetables, chicken meat and immediately fill everything with water, season with spices and salt

While the zirvak is preparing, we’ll take care of the rice. I have a long-grain Basmati variety, which I soaked in warm water for 30 minutes without rinsing. Then we wash the swollen rice in salted water until the powder is completely removed, which ensures the flowability of the finished dish.

When the zirvak is ready, add the prepared rice (without water) in an even layer, increase the heat and carefully pour in boiling water (3 cups).

As soon as the water in the cauldron boils, reduce the heat to low and cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes. After the specified time, turn off the gas and do not open the lid for another 20 minutes. During this time, the rice is ready.

After the specified time, you can remove the lid from the finished dish. Mix thoroughly before serving.

This magnificent oriental delicacy will fill you with energy and health and will not deposit extra calories on your sides and waist. Bon appetit!

How to properly cook chicken pilaf in a slow cooker (crumbly)

This recipe, like the previous one, is suitable both for the children's menu and for those who are watching their weight. Despite the fact that we will cook this dish in a slow cooker, the rice will turn out crumbly and not dry at all.


  • Chicken breast – 400 g
  • Rice – 1 cup
  • Carrots – 1 pc. (average)
  • Onion – 2 pcs. (average)
  • Garlic – 5 cloves (large)
  • Water – 2 glasses
  • Salt – 1 tsp. (without mound) for rice
  • Spices – 0.5 tsp. (seasoning for pilaf, turmeric)
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.

Take a chicken breast, wash it, remove the skin and cut it into small pieces. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater. We clean the onions and cut them smaller. Finely chop the garlic.

Turn on the multicooker to frying mode. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, place the chopped chicken breast and fry a little in heated vegetable oil.

As soon as the chicken meat acquires a white tint, immediately add carrots, onions and garlic, add salt and continue frying, stirring. If you have a regular slow cooker, you can fry foods with the lid closed. Cook the zirvak for 5-10 minutes. We do not evaporate the liquid that is released when frying the breasts.

Chicken breast, unlike other parts of chicken, takes 20 minutes to cook.

As soon as the zirvak is ready, add the prepared rice (without water). I soaked the rice in warm water in advance, I had the Basmati variety, and after 30 minutes I washed it well until the water became clear.

Carefully pour boiling water into the finished zirvak with rice, add spices, salt, turn on the “pilaf” program and set the timer for 15 minutes.

After the specified time, turn off the multicooker, open the lid and stir gently. Then close the lid and leave for another 10-15 minutes.

If you use only 1 tbsp for frying vegetables and chicken meat. l. vegetable oil, then our dish will turn out to be leaner.

This is such a wonderful pilaf we got. Eat for fun!

Cooking pilaf from chicken thighs

If you have guests unexpectedly coming to your place, then the following dish can help you out, since today a set of chicken thighs and rice can be bought at any store closest to your home.

This dish can be cooked in a cauldron, a saucepan with a thick bottom. You can use a slow cooker. I cook in a cauldron.


  • Meat (chicken thigh) – 600 g
  • Rice – 2 cups
  • Carrots – 2 pcs. (average)
  • Onion – 2 pcs. (average)
  • Garlic – 1 head
  • Water – 3 cups (for cooking rice)
  • Salt – 1 tsp. (with a hillock) for rice
  • Spices – 0.5 tsp. (seasoning for pilaf, turmeric, barberry)
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and fry, stirring constantly until golden brown.

Wash the carrots well, peel and cut into strips. Wash the chicken thighs and cut into pieces. I additionally remove the skin.

As soon as the onion turns golden, add pieces of chicken meat, add salt and continue frying until the meat is browned.

Then add the carrots and continue to fry until the carrots become soft.

After that, fill everything with water, add spices, washed and peeled head of garlic and continue to simmer for 30 minutes.

Wash the rice (I use the Basmati variety) well, changing the water several times, and leave in warm water for 30 minutes.

As soon as the zirvak is ready, drain the water from the bowl of rice, pour it into a cauldron and distribute it evenly over the surface. Pour boiling water (3 cups), add salt and bring to a boil over high heat.

As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low, cover the cauldron with a lid and continue to simmer for 10 minutes. At the end of this time, turn off the heat and wait another 20 minutes without removing the lid.

Well, our chicken thigh pilaf is ready. We place it in a heap on a flat dish. You can set the table and receive guests.

Original pilaf with chicken and dried fruits at home (Azerbaijani)

The peculiarity of this dish is that all products are prepared separately and we will not fry the chicken, but boil it.


  • Chicken – 1 pc. (not large)
  • Rice – 2 cups
  • Carrots – 3 pcs. (average)
  • Onion – 3 pcs. (average)
  • Chicken broth – 3 cups
  • Dried apricots – 100 g
  • Prunes – 100 g
  • Dried apples or pears – 50 g
  • Raisins – 50 g.
  • Spices - 1 tsp. (turmeric, barberry)
  • Refined vegetable oil – 50 ml.
  • Butter – 100 g
  • Salt to taste

Wash the chicken with cold water and remove the entrails. I also cut out and discard the tail. Wash, peel and cut 2 carrots into small cubes and 1 into large pieces. Wash the onion and remove the peel. Cut two onions into cubes.

Place the chicken in a saucepan and add water so that it just covers the chicken. Bring to a boil over high heat. As soon as the water boils, we pour it out and rinse the chicken with cold water.

Rinse the pan, lay out the chicken, add clean water, add some salt and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the gas, skim off the foam, add the whole onion, coarsely chopped carrots and continue cooking for 50-60 minutes until tender.

The readiness of the chicken is determined by piercing it with a knife or fork.

Place the finished chicken on a plate and strain the broth through a colander.

While the chicken is cooking, we prepare the rice (I use the Basmati variety), which we rinse well, changing the water several times, and leave in salted water for 30 minutes. Salt the water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.

Pour three glasses of chicken broth into a separate pan, and as soon as it boils, add rice and add turmeric. Cook the rice over low heat for 10 minutes from the moment it boils, cover with a lid. After the rice cooking time is over, turn off the heat and do not open the lid for 20 minutes.

While the rice is cooking, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onions and carrots until tender.

Wash dried fruits in advance and soak in warm water for 20 minutes. And when we have a free minute during the cooking process, we put them in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add a little water, barberry (it will add a slight sourness to the finished dish) and steam under the lid for 20 minutes over low heat. Then add butter to the saucepan and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.

Well, our rice is ready too. Turmeric gave it a golden color.

You can put each product separately on a plate, but I mix rice with dried fruits and fried vegetables.

When serving, pilaf is laid out in a heap and chicken cut into large pieces is placed on top.

This recipe is more difficult to prepare, but it's worth it. Try it and you won't regret the time spent. Bon appetit!

Crumbly chicken pilaf in a frying pan

Well, one more recipe that I would like to share with you is pilaf in a frying pan. This recipe is convenient because it can be prepared quickly with a minimum amount of ingredients.


  • Chicken meat – 500 g
  • Rice – 500 g
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Water – 800 ml
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml
  • Spices for pilaf – 1 tsp.

Wash the chicken meat (breast or thighs), remove the skin, remove bones if necessary, cut into pieces and trim off the fat.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the prepared meat, onions, add spices, salt and fry, stirring constantly until the onions become transparent. I forgot to say that the frying pan should be deep with a thick bottom. A Dutch oven or sauté pan works best.

Wash the carrots, peel and cut into strips. Prepare the rice. For this recipe, I bought a long-grain Basmati variety, which I soaked in warm water for 30 minutes, then washed in salted water until the powder was completely removed.

As soon as the onion becomes transparent, place the carrots and prepared rice (without water) in the pan and slowly pour in cold water, add salt and spices.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Then reduce the heat and cook for another 15 minutes. Then turn off the heat and open the lid so that drops of water from the lid do not fall into the finished dish. Mix thoroughly before serving.

Initially, it was believed that pilaf could only be prepared from meat and preferably from lamb, but you and I were able to see that it can also turn out wonderful from chicken. We made this oriental dish tasty and aromatic with fluffy rice.

In contact with

A fragrant, satisfying, tasty and healthy dish. What could be better for a family lunch? In my opinion, pilaf is a wonderful combination of all of the above qualities.

Plov originally appeared in India and was a vegetarian dish - thick rice porridge, tinted with saffron or turmeric. Its composition and taste varied depending on the method of preparation and the ingredients used. So in Persia they added meat to it, in Central Asia rice and meat are cooked together, and in Iran and Turkey they are cooked separately and combined on a plate. As it spread, each region added something of its own and changed recipes depending on preferences. And now almost every housewife has her own proven recipe for pilaf.

But the combination of two components remains unchanged: the so-called “zirvak” and the cereal part. “Zirvak” is a combination of meat (fish), vegetables, dried fruits and spices. The cereal part of pilaf usually consists of rice, but other types of cereals or mixtures thereof can also be used - barley, wheat, jugara, chickpeas, corn, etc.

But not only the composition and quantity of ingredients are a distinctive feature of this dish, namely the cooking technology: firstly, the very balanced combination of two parts - “zirvak” and the finished grain part (1:1), which creates the actual taste of pilaf; secondly, each part is prepared as if separately from the other (without mixing); thirdly, the cereal part is not boiled, but stewed.

Today I will cook pilaf with chicken. Since, unlike the Uzbek version (with lamb), it is less fatty, and therefore more healthy and dietary. This is especially true for those who would like to lose excess weight or are simply used to controlling the amount of calories in food, but do not want to give up their favorite dish.

To prepare pilaf, meat (chicken fillet), rice, carrots, onions, fat (sunflower oil), salt and water are used.

  • The main ingredient of this dish is rice very useful for our health. Carrying a large amount of complex carbohydrates, it is a source of energy and strength. And the vitamins and microelements contained in it help improve metabolic processes in the human body.
  • Chicken in turn, enriches the dish with the protein component and gives it satiety. Its meat includes many amino acids, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and vitamins (A, E and group B), being useful for our immunity and helping to protect against all kinds of colds, normalizes metabolism, maintains sugar levels and blood pressure in normal condition.
  • Carrot rich in beta-carotene, which protects our body from aging, atherosclerosis, eye diseases and cancer. Moreover, it is absorbed from boiled carrots 5 times better than from raw carrots. Also, in its processed form, this root vegetable is easier to digest, which is important for people suffering from various diseases of the digestive system.

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 grams.

BZHU: 9/2/19.

Kcal: 126.

GI: average.

AI: average.

Cooking time: 60 min.

Number of servings: 7 servings.

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Chicken fillet - 500 g.
  • Rice - 500 g (2 tbsp).
  • Carrots - 200 g (3 pcs).
  • Onions - 50 g (2 pcs).
  • Garlic - 20 g (5 cloves).
  • Water - 0.5 l (2 tbsp).
  • Salt - 10 g (1-2 tsp).
  • Spices for pilaf (with barberry) - 10 g (1-2 tsp).
  • Sunflower oil (for frying) - 20 g.

Recipe of dish.

Prepare the ingredients. Peel onions, garlic and carrots. Wash the chicken fillet and remove excess moisture with a paper towel.

We wash the rice. Then put it in a bowl and fill it with hot water to remove excess gluten.

Place a cauldron or pan with a non-stick coating on the stove. Pour sunflower oil into it and set the heat to maximum (I have 9).

While the oil is heating up, quickly chop the onion into small cubes.

Place the onion in a saucepan and fry (heat can be reduced to 7) until golden, almost brown (5 minutes), stir it without letting it burn. The rice will then turn this color.

While the onion is cooking, cut the chicken fillet into cubes (about 2x2).

Add meat to the fried onions. And cook for 20-25 minutes until excess moisture leaves the chicken. But be careful, the meat should not burn.

While frying the chicken, cut the carrots into strips.

The chicken is already ready.

Add carrots to the pan and fry for 5 minutes. Then add salt and spices. Mix everything thoroughly.

The rice has given up excess gluten to the water; now it needs to be rinsed a couple of times in cold running water. Then add it to the pan with the zirvak. Don't mix.

After 15 minutes (when almost all the water has been absorbed into the rice), remove the lid, make small indentations in the pilaf with the back of a fork (spoon) and insert the garlic into them. Close the pan and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

When the pilaf is cooked (try it, the rice should become soft, but not stick together into porridge), you can carefully mix it, lifting the rice from bottom to top.

If you have the strength and time to endure, you can remove the dish from the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

Delicious, crumbly and aromatic chicken pilaf is ready.

Bon appetit!

Pilaf is easy to prepare with chicken; you can diversify the recipe by adding prunes, raisins, or adding mushrooms. Try it!

Pilaf with chicken is a delicious compound dish that is in demand in all countries of the world, and is a calling card for most countries of Central Asia. The main and constant ingredient of pilaf is rice, but the other ingredients in this wonderful dish can change depending on the pilaf recipe and the place of origin of the dish.

  • 250 g chicken fillet;
  • 120 g onion;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 300 g rice;
  • 600 g of water;
  • garlic - head;
  • seasoning for pilaf to taste;
  • salt to taste.

Peel the carrots, then rub them coarsely. Peel the onion and chop it with a knife.

Fry vegetables in vegetable oil.

There is no need to fry it too much, just brown it a little.

Chicken meat should not be cut large. The pieces should be even. Place the meat in the pan with the vegetables.

It will take 5-7 minutes to fry. Moreover, the fire should not be strong.

Pour rice groats into the pan. Pour in water immediately.

Following these products, you need to add salt and spices. Stir everything carefully.

Divide the head of garlic into cloves, but do not peel them. Place the garlic cloves into the frying pan.

Close the lid. Simmer everything over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Don't mix anything.

Aromatic quick pilaf with chicken, cooked in a frying pan, can be eaten. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: crumbly chicken pilaf (step-by-step photos)

Crumbly pilaf with chicken, the recipe with a photo of the preparation of which you are looking at, needs to be cooked in a special container - a cauldron or a thick-walled pan.

  • chicken - 500 g,
  • rice (for pilaf) - 300 g,
  • onion 3-4 pcs.,
  • carrots - 2 pcs.,
  • fresh garlic - 3 cloves,
  • sunflower oil – 5 tbsp.,
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp.,
  • seasoning for pilaf - 2 tsp,
  • salt pepper.

We wash the poultry meat, dry it and cut it into small pieces.

Cut the peeled carrots and onions into strips and slices, respectively.

Wash the rice and add water.

Add oil to the frying pan. As soon as it warms up, add the onion and fry over high heat.

Reduce heat, add salt and pepper, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

Now add tomato paste and simmer for another 10-15 minutes.

Add carrots and simmer again for 10 minutes.

Then add seasonings for pilaf and barberry, mix the meat and add rice.

Level it over the surface of the frying pan and insert the garlic cloves.

Then fill it with hot water so that it covers it by 1.5 cm.

Increase the heat (we need the water to boil faster), and then cover the roasting pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until the water boils, about 15 minutes.

Do not stir the dish, and serve it to the table along with a light vegetable salad or homemade preparations.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: how to cook pilaf from homemade chicken

Poultry is very different from store-bought poultry, both in taste and in the method of preparation. Therefore, there are some subtleties here.

  • Chicken (domestic) - 1 piece
  • Rice (round grain) - 800 g
  • Carrots (raw) - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Spices

The chicken must be thoroughly washed, feathers removed if any remain, and the fatty film removed from the skin; it can be easily rubbed off with your fingers under hot water. Carefully scrape out all the insides, including the lungs, from under the back, they will taste bitter.

Chop into pieces, add salt and pepper, add finely chopped garlic and let stand for 5 minutes.

Place the chicken in a hot cauldron, deep frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom, first pour in vegetable oil for frying. Fry the chicken for 5-7 minutes.

Cover with a lid and simmer for 30-40 minutes. If the chicken produces little juice, add a little water. This is done because homemade chicken is tougher than store-bought chicken.

After stewing, add coarsely grated carrots and finely chopped onions. And fry again for 5 minutes.

Take the rice and rinse it under cold water until the drained water becomes clear. Pour rice into the chicken, measure out 2 times more water than rice and pour it into the pan as well. Salt to taste, add spices. In my case it's a curry mixture.

Distribute the chicken evenly among the rice.

Cover with a lid. When the water boils, stir and reduce the heat to simmer. Let the rice steam with the chicken for 30-40 minutes.

The dish is ready. Despite the fact that the chicken has bones, it turns out very tasty. The chicken becomes soft and juicy.

Recipe 4: chicken pilaf in a pan (step by step)

  • chicken 1-1.5 kg (this is half a good homemade chicken)
  • rice 3 cups
  • onions 2-3 pcs
  • carrots 2 pcs
  • garlic 1 head
  • refined vegetable oil 100-150 ml
  • ground black pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice peas
  • sage, coriander, cumin, barberry

The chicken should be washed, dried with a paper towel and, if necessary, removed the remaining feather.

Divide the chicken into pieces, salt and pepper.

Prepare the vegetables: chop the onion and carrots. For this pilaf, I cut the carrots coarsely, using a curly knife, which I got from my mother and which has been around for many years. But you can, of course, cut it with an ordinary knife, you can grate it.

You will also need garlic - a whole head, from which you need to remove the top layer of husk and wash it well.

Fry the chicken pieces in hot vegetable oil.

Remove the chicken from the pan and fry the carrots in the same oil for 2 minutes.

Add the onion to the carrots, add salt and fry until the onion is tender, about 10 minutes.

Place the contents of the frying pan into a cast-iron cauldron or a thick-bottomed pan: fried onions, carrots and vegetable oil.

Top with pieces of fried chicken, a head of garlic, bay leaf and allspice.

Pour boiling water (7 glasses) over everything, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, covered, for 1-1.5 hours, until the meat softens.

For pilaf, I usually use ground cumin, ground coriander, sage or a mixture of Italian herbs, and barberry.

They can be added either along with rice or while stewing chicken.

Since chickens come in different maturity, 40 minutes after the start of stewing, take out a piece and try, if the meat is already tender, then you can throw in the rice, if it is still tough, then stew the chicken until soft.

While the chicken is stewing, sort through the rice, separate out any unnecessary impurities and rinse it several times. It is convenient to do this by putting the rice in a colander and placing it in a bowl of water. Rinse the rice under running water, stirring with your hands, lift the colander and drain the water from the bowl. Repeat everything several times, so not a single grain of rice will escape from you. After threshing and polishing, powder remains on the rice grains, so it needs to be washed off well.

Add washed rice (3 cups) to the pan on top of the chicken and vegetables. But before that, be sure to taste the broth (zirvak) for salt. This is very important, it must be well salted, even over-salted, with the expectation that some of the salt will be absorbed by the rice.

Flatten the rice with a spoon and press down slightly. No need to stir. There should be about 2-3 cm of liquid above the rice.

Cook the pilaf over low heat under the lid, leaving a hole for steam to escape. When the water is absorbed into the rice and bubbles appear on the surface, pierce the rice with a spoon and look at the liquid level, there should be no more than a quarter of the pan. Cover the pan with a lid, let it simmer a little more (3-5 minutes), turn off the heat. We don’t eat the pilaf right away; it should sit for about 30 minutes so that all the liquid is completely absorbed into the rice.

Pilaf should be juicy. It depends on the amount of fat, and on the amount of water, which together forms a juicy broth, and on the type of rice. The feeling of harmony comes with experience, so do not despair if at first your pilaf turns out dry - this often happens even with experienced cooks. As my friend says after yet another failed pies: “We need to bake more often!”
Cook pilaf more often and you will definitely end up with such beauty and deliciousness!

The rice is juicy and crumbly, the grain of rice separates from the grain of rice, the meat is tender, melts in your mouth, the sweetness of onions and carrots... And that unforgettable aroma of spices!

Recipe 5: chicken pilaf with prunes (with photo)

Many people love pilaf. In most cases, lamb (a classic version of Uzbek pilaf) or pork is used to prepare pilaf. And we will prepare chicken pilaf. It turns out just as tasty, and in terms of time, preparing chicken pilaf will be faster and less expensive, because chicken is cheaper. So let's get started!

  • Chicken meat - 0.5−0.7 kg (you can use either fillet or just chicken breasts, thighs or legs). Turkey has been gaining popularity lately, so you can use that too.
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg
  • Prunes - 1 cup (you can use seedless raisins or dried apricots)
  • Rice - 2 cups (it is better to use not Chinese rice, but Krasnodar - round)
  • Vegetable oil - 1 glass
  • Onion - 5 large heads
  • Mixture of spices for preparing pilaf - 2 teaspoons (usually sold on a tray of spices and seasonings in stores)

The rice must be prepared in advance: sorted, washed, soaked in water for half an hour so that the starch comes out and the rice swells. Wash the meat, cut into pieces 5-6 cm in size

Pour vegetable oil into a deep cauldron. Heat it so that smoke comes out. This is a very important step, because real pilaf requires precisely this technology for heating the oil.

Place the chicken in the oil and fry for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally. The lid of the cauldron can be closed to avoid unnecessary splashes.

Prepare the carrots and onions: cut the carrots into strips and the onions into half rings, coarsely.

Add the onions and carrots to the chicken and fry everything together, stirring occasionally for another 5-7 minutes, until the onions begin to turn golden.

At the end of frying, add the pilaf mixture to the meat, carrots and onions and mix. The aroma reminiscent of pilaf will immediately spread around!

Place the rice in the cauldron and do not stir! There are supporters of different cooking methods: some stir the rice immediately, while others stir it after cooking. I stick to the second method.

Place prunes, raisins or dried apricots on top - whatever you like best. You can also add cloves of garlic. You don't need to peel them, just add them straight away. The garlic will cook and will not end up in the pilaf, although it will give off its aroma.

Pour boiling water into the pilaf so that it covers the rice by 2 fingers (middle and index). Reduce the heat (less than medium), cover with a lid and leave the pilaf to simmer for 15-20 minutes.

Open the cauldron. By this time, the rice will have already absorbed the water. Mix the pilaf so that all components: chicken, rice, carrots and prunes are evenly distributed throughout the mass.

Our chicken pilaf is ready. Here's what I got:

Recipe 6: how to cook chicken pilaf in a slow cooker

This slow cooker pilaf recipe is for working moms.

  • Chicken legs - 2 pcs.
  • Rice - 1.5 cups
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 40 ml
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Seasoning for pilaf - to taste

How to cook pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker: peel the onion, wash it and cut it into half rings.

Peel the carrots, wash and grate on a coarse grater.

Wash the chicken and cut into portions.

Rinse the rice well.

Pour oil into the multicooker bowl. Add the meat, fry the meat until golden brown (stirring, about 7-10 minutes).
Then add onions and carrots. Fry for another 7-10 minutes. Salt, pepper, add your favorite spices. Mix. Add garlic.

Boil the kettle. Add rice and spread evenly over the entire surface. Fill with water so that it is 1.5-2 cm above the rice.

Set the “Milk porridge/cereals” program and cook pilaf with chicken in a multicooker for 60 minutes.

Chicken pilaf in a slow cooker is ready.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 7: original bulgur pilaf with chicken

  • chicken breast - 300-400 g;
  • bulgur - 1 tbsp;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • salt - to taste;
  • seasoning for pilaf - to taste

I wash the breast and cut it into fairly large pieces. In a thick-walled frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and lay out the chicken breast.

Fry on all sides for 5-10 minutes. At this time I peel the vegetables. I cut the carrots into strips and the onion into half rings. As soon as the meat has lightened, I add carrots and onions to the meat.

and a teaspoon of tomato paste.

I fry everything together for about 10 minutes. Add the bulgur and stir.

I pour boiling water over it (for 1 cup of bulgur I take 2 cups of water).

I salt to taste and add these seasonings for pilaf.

Cover with a lid, reduce the heat and cook the pilaf until cooked, about 30 minutes. I let the pilaf brew for a little while, covered, and it’s ready to be served. I liked pilaf with bulgur even more than with rice.

Recipe 8: how to cook pilaf with chicken and mushrooms

If you don’t know what to cook for lunch, cook pilaf with chicken and mushrooms. A very tasty and filling dish. Instead of champignons, you can use oyster mushrooms. I recommend serving the pilaf with a salad of fresh vegetables.

  • Chicken 0.5 pcs
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp
  • Rice 2 tbsp.
  • Salt 2 tsp
  • Black pepper 0.5 tsp
  • Seasoning for pilaf 1 tsp
  • Turmeric 1.5 tsp
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Champignons 8 pcs

Fry the chopped onion and grated carrots in vegetable oil directly in the pan.

Hello! If we talk about favorite recipes, chicken pilaf is one of them. I cook pilaf quite often, I like the speed and ease of preparation, it almost always succeeds and everyone likes it. Pilaf with chicken can be prepared no worse than with lamb or other types of meat, and it will also turn out aromatic, with a rich, rich taste, very appetizing and beautiful!

Since ancient times, pilaf has been one of the main dishes in Uzbek cuisine, and in our country it has been perceived as native for several years now. It has taken its place of honor in Russian cuisine, appearing on our tables with enviable regularity. Today, any experienced housewife knows how to cook pilaf on the stove, in a cauldron and even in the oven.

By the way, initially the dish was not an everyday dish, but a festive one! Since ancient times, it was prepared for major holidays, and only men were allowed to prepare the dish. Every representative of the stronger sex considered the ability to cook well to be a great pride. Let's move on to the recipes for preparing pilaf, where I will tell you everything in detail.

Well-chosen rice can not only create the right texture and perfect appearance, but also completely change the taste.

The most common types of rice for making pilaf are durum varieties with elongated white grains.

  • only crumbly rice of the correct shape, which does not stick together or burn during cooking, has the right to become an ingredient in a dish such as pilaf;
  • during cooking, the grains should increase in volume;
  • Medium-grained and long-grained varieties with an oblong or elongated shape are ideal;
  • ideal rice should have a slightly ribbed surface rather than a smooth one;
  • During the preparation of this delicious dish, water, fat and spices must be absorbed into the grains of the cereal, thereby filling the dish with a unique aroma.

Spices for pilaf

Currently, the choice of spices for pilaf is very wide. Both markets and supermarkets are replete with a variety of herbs and seasonings. You can buy a ready-made mixture of seasonings for pilaf in the store, or you can ask a seller at the market, and he will put together a wonderful set of flavors for you. We will proceed from the minimum so that our dish still resembles pilaf and not porridge with meat. And the minimum is this: bay leaf, allspice peas, ground black pepper and cumin or cumin in other words. It’s simply gorgeous if you have high-quality dry barberry, sage, paprika or saffron. The last two spices give the pilaf a bright color. Provencal or Italian herbs will give your pilaf a European touch, so you can safely use them. But, I’ll tell you a secret, if you have salt and pepper in your kitchen, that’s already good, you have to start somewhere! The main thing is to cook with love and don’t doubt your success!

How to cook chicken pilaf in a cauldron

Recipe 1


  • 2.5 cups rice
  • 800 g chicken meat (from thighs)
  • 2 carrots
  • 3 onions
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 bunch of greens
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of ground red pepper
  • salt to taste

Cooking method

Fry chopped onion in oil. Add the meat cut into large pieces, cook for 10 minutes. Add carrots cut into pieces, salt and pepper. Pour in 1 glass of hot water, cook covered for 15 minutes. Pour in the washed rice, add whole peeled garlic cloves, add 2 fingers' worth of water and cook over moderate heat, covered. Sprinkle the finished pilaf with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe 2


  • 400 g chicken fillet
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 1.5 cups rice
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of pomegranate juice
  • 1 teaspoon ground barberry
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 hot pepper
  • pinch of saffron
  • greenery
  • sugar
  • ground pepper

Cooking method

Soak the rice in cold water for a couple of hours. Grate the peeled carrots, cut the meat into pieces, chop the onion. Lightly fry carrots and onions in oil, add chicken, cook for another 10 minutes. Place rice on top and pour in 3 cups of water. Salt, season with sugar, saffron, barberry and pepper. Pour in the juice. Cook covered for 30 minutes. Add chopped peppers to the finished dish.

Recipe 3


  • chicken 700 g
  • long grain rice 150 g
  • tomatoes 200 g
  • red and green sweet peppers
  • 1 piece each
  • celery root 200 g
  • onion 1 head
  • garlic 1 clove
  • water 750 ml
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  • thyme 2 sprigs
  • ground black pepper

Cooking method

  1. Chop the chicken into small pieces.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, celery into cubes, and bell pepper into strips.
  3. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, peel them, cut them in half, and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into pieces.
  4. Fry the chicken pieces in hot oil until golden brown. Salt and pepper.
  5. Add onion, celery, bell pepper to the chicken, fry everything together, stirring. Add tomatoes and chopped garlic, fry for another 5-7 minutes. Pour in hot water, then bring it to a boil.
  6. Add the rice, smooth it out and sprinkle with thyme leaves. Simmer the pilaf until the rice is ready. Stir and place on a plate.

Recipe 4


  • Chicken - 500 g,
  • boiled rice - 3 cups,
  • onion - 1 head,
  • oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • dried cherry plum without seeds - 5–6 fruits,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

Place half of the fatty chicken in a bowl, add salted water to cover the chicken and cook at full power for 8-10 minutes. Strain the broth and add onions, sautéed in oil (in a separate bowl) at full power for 1.5 - 2 minutes, and several dried cherry plum fruits, from which the seeds have been removed. Cut the chicken into portions, mix with boiled flap rice, pour in broth with vegetables, cover and cook at 50% power for 6-8 minutes.

Cooking pilaf in pots

Dishes cooked in pots are always very tasty. All the juice and aroma remain inside and permeate the ingredients. A little more patience while waiting for it to cook, and a fragrant hot pot is on your table.

Chicken pilaf with barberry


  • 500 g chicken,
  • 1 liter of water,
  • 400 g rice,
  • 3 onions,
  • 100 g ghee,
  • 2 carrots,
  • 0.5 cups barberry,
  • 0.5 bunch of parsley,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method

Wash the chicken, cut into small pieces, then fry in melted butter. After this, add peeled, chopped onion into rings, grated carrots and fry for 15 minutes. Then add water and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Place the chicken in pots, add sorted, washed rice, barberries, chopped parsley, salt, pepper, pour in enough water so that it is two fingers above the level of the rice, and simmer in a preheated oven until cooked.

Classic pilaf recipe


  • Chicken legs 1 piece
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Rice 6 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil 5 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Seasoning for chicken 7 g

Cooking method

  1. Wash the leg, cut into pieces, rub with chicken spices. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, add the chicken legs, and put on the fire to simmer.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the chicken legs. Finely chop the onion, then pour into the pan. Simmer until done.
  3. Take 3 pots and place the stewed chicken legs in them. Add 2 tablespoons of rice to each pot.
  4. Add enough water so that its level is 1.5–2 cm above the rice. Add salt, cover the pots with lids and place in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

How to make chicken pilaf in a frying pan

If your family loves pilaf, but there is no time to prepare its classic version, the chicken recipe will serve as an excellent alternative that will save time on cooking. Rice should be prepared in advance by soaking it in water for at least 2-3 hours, or better yet, overnight. In the morning, the cereal is washed several times - this will prevent the grains from sticking together during the cooking process. Below is a step-by-step recipe for pilaf with chicken in a frying pan.


  • spices (to your taste: turmeric, cumin, garlic, barberry, in the set);
  • large young carrot;
  • fillet or other parts of poultry – 0.5 kg;
  • rice (preferably steamed) – 0.2 kg;
  • frying oil;
  • bulb.

Cooking method:

Chicken should be fried in a frying pan over high heat (5 minutes on each side). While the meat is roasting, prepare the carrots and onions by peeling and chopping them. Reduce heat, add vegetables and seasonings to the fillet. After 10 minutes, place the rice grains in a bowl and add 2 cups of water. Close the lid tightly and simmer the dish over low heat for at least half an hour (the liquid should evaporate) without opening the lid.

Fragrant pilaf in a slow cooker

If you are the happy owner of a multicooker, then now you can cook pilaf without any hassle. As you can see in the recipe, I pre-roast the chicken and vegetables, but this is not necessary. You can simply add all the necessary ingredients and turn on the multicooker to the desired mode. This option will be no less tasty.

A simple pilaf recipe


  • 5 chicken thighs,
  • 2 multi cups rice,
  • 2 onions (small),
  • 1 carrot,
  • 30 ml vegetable oil,
  • 5 multi glasses of boiling water,
  • chicken seasoning,
  • salt.

Cooking method

Take the washed thighs and remove the skin from them. Add salt, seasoning and place in a multicooker bowl on a layer of onions and carrots fried in vegetable oil. Add washed rice and boiling water. Turn on the “Pilaf” mode and cook for 1 hour. If this is not enough, cook for another 30 minutes.

Pilaf with chicken breast


  • 1 large chicken breast (with or without skin, to taste)
  • 2–3 onions,
  • 3–4 carrots,
  • 500 g rice,
  • 3–5 tbsp. vegetable oil,
  • 3–5 cloves of garlic,
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.


Using the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil without closing the multicooker lid. Fry vegetables for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Cut the chicken breast into cubes and add to the multicooker bowl. Stir and continue frying for another 15 minutes. Add spices and peeled garlic cloves without cutting them. Fry for 1-2 minutes. Add rice, previously washed and soaked, level it and add water so that it covers the rice by about 1.5 cm. Close the lid and set the “Pilaf” mode. After the mode ends, stir the pilaf and let it stand in the “Warming” mode under the lid for 10–15 minutes.

Pilaf with chicken and garlic


  • chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • rice – 2 tbsp.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • water – 4 tbsp.;
  • pepper - to taste.

Cooking method

Rinse the rice thoroughly and soak in cold water for one hour. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes. Finely chop the onion and cut the carrots into strips. Pour oil into the multicooker pan and heat it by turning on the “Baking” program on the device. Add the meat, stir and fry with the lid open for 15 minutes. Add onions and carrots. Cook with the lid closed for another 15 minutes. Turn off the multicooker. Place the rice in a sieve to drain the water. Transfer it to the multicooker bowl.

Add spices and garlic. It can be stuck into rice in whole slices or cut into pieces. Pour hot water and mix everything. Taste the broth. If there is not enough salt, now is the time to add it.

Turn on the “Pilaf” mode in the multicooker. Close the lid and cook until the beep sounds. This usually happens after 35-60 minutes, depending on the multicooker model. Leave the pilaf for 15 minutes, switching the multicooker to the “Warming” mode.

Place the finished pilaf on a large dish or place it on portion plates. Sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe for delicious pilaf with chicken in the oven

These methods can be said to be quite unusual. Traditionally, pilaf is cooked in a cauldron; in everyday Russian cuisine, the norm is to cook it in an ordinary pan on the stove. And the oven is something new! And, it should be noted, this is an excellent alternative to cooking on the stove, because in the oven everything acquires a special taste and aroma. Let's try!

Poultry pilaf

Pilaf is prepared almost everywhere there is rice. The tastes and aromas of the components are mixed in the pilaf. And this is the main secret of the dish. The cereal must be fried in fat, in which case the rice will turn out crumbly.


  • 500-1000 g chicken on the bone
  • 200–400 g rice
  • 1–2 large tomatoes
  • 60–80 ml tomato paste
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • 2–5 cloves garlic
  • 20–50 g raisins
  • 1/2 tsp. khmeli-suneli
  • 1/2 tsp. dried barberries
  • 1/2 tsp. cumin (cumin)
  • 1–2 bay leaves
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method

Chop the chicken with the bone into small pieces of 30–50 g. Add salt, a little suneli hop and crushed garlic. Soak raisins in cold water. Fry the chicken for 5-6 minutes in vegetable oil. Add peeled and randomly chopped onions and carrots. Cook for another 2-3 minutes. Add rice and fry for another 2 minutes. Add tomato paste and fry for another 2-3 minutes. Add raisins. Add spices, bay leaf, heat the pilaf for 2-3 minutes. Pour water in an amount twice the volume of rice. Place tomato slices on top. Salt and pepper. To cover with a lid. Place in an oven preheated to 200°C for 20–30 minutes.

Uzbek pilaf with chicken

  • Rice - 500 g
  • Chicken legs - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Water - 4 glasses
  • Vegetable oil - half a glass
  • Paprika
  • Ground black pepper
  • Dried dogwood
  • Saffron
  • Turmeric
  • Coriander

Cooking method

  1. Wash chicken legs with water, dry and cut.
  2. Chop the peeled onions, garlic and carrots. Onions in half rings or cubes, garlic in slices, carrots in strips or cubes. There is no need to chop the onions and carrots very finely; they should be felt in the finished dish.
  3. We prepare zirvak - the flavor base of pilaf. Heat the oil in a cast iron frying pan and begin frying the chicken in the oil until golden brown. Then add the carrots and fry for about 7 minutes. After this, fry the onions and garlic until golden.
  4. We wash the rice using a colander or sieve so that excess gluten is removed from the grain. Let's dry it. To get an even better and more flavorful pilaf, rice can be quickly fried in a dry frying pan.
  5. Transfer the zivrak into a fireproof oven-safe dish or onto a baking sheet. Pour rice on top and smooth out the rice layer. Pour in water, it is better to do this carefully through the holes in the slotted spoon so that the carrots do not float to the surface. It is important for us to maintain the layered technology of preparing pilaf so that the meat and vegetables remain at the bottom. Water should be poured approximately 2 cm above the level of the rice. Salt. Add spices. Close the lid of the fireproof dish. If you use a baking sheet, then without a lid.
  6. Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the dish in the oven for 45 minutes.

Delicious pilaf with chicken

This dish is unpretentious, budget-friendly, satisfying and very tasty. Preparing pilaf with chicken is very easy, anyone can handle the recipe.


  • 0.5 chicken breast
  • 1 cup rice (cup = 250 ml)
  • 2.5 glasses of water
  • 2 large carrots
  • 30 ml sunflower oil
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 0.5 tsp. turmeric
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. salt
  • 0.5 tsp. ground black pepper
  • Bay leaf

How to cook pilaf in the oven

  1. To begin with, so as not to waste time in the process of preparing pilaf with chicken in the oven, let’s turn on the oven and preheat it to 200 degrees.
  2. Wash half the chicken breast and cut into large cubes. Cut two carrots (medium or large, we don’t spare carrots for pilaf) into strips. We will also peel the onion. I grated my onion on a fine grater, but you can finely chop it.
  3. We decide on the dishes in which the pilaf will be prepared. Ideally, this should be a thick-walled roasting pan.
  4. In a small amount of sunflower oil, fry the meat and carrots and onions in a Dutch oven over medium heat. Frying time is approximately 10 minutes. Don't forget to stir the ingredients often, otherwise they will burn.
  5. Once the carrots are fried and the chicken begins to brown, remove the roasting pan from the stove and add one cup of rice to it. Rice should be washed first.
  6. Then fill the contents of the frying pan with two and a half glasses of water and add half a tablespoon of salt, half a teaspoon of ground black pepper, half a teaspoon of turmeric and a bay leaf. Turmeric is mainly always used to prepare pilaf; it gives the pilaf an appetizing shade and a subtle oriental aroma. You can also add additional spices to the pilaf at your discretion. For example, barberry, cumin, dried herbs and so on.
  7. Add a whole, unpeeled (but thoroughly washed) head of garlic to the roasting pan with the ingredients. Cover the roasting pan with a lid and place in the oven for 45 minutes. As we remember, the oven was turned on to warm up in advance, the temperature was set to 200 degrees.
  8. 45 minutes are up, remove the roasting pan from the oven. Meat and carrots ended up on the surface of the pilaf. Gently mix the pilaf.
  9. Chicken pilaf in the oven is ready.

How to serve chicken pilaf

If pilaf is served to guests on a large platter, then remove all the pieces of meat from the pan, transfer the rice to the platter, and place the chicken on top. If you are serving in portions, then place rice and a piece of chicken on each plate.

You can serve chicken pilaf with pomegranate seeds, fresh vegetables and salads made from them.

You need to cook pilaf with chicken in a cauldron or any other deep container with thick walls and a bottom. Only in this case will the ingredients cook gradually, not very quickly, and will not burn.

Using these tips, you will always cook the perfect pilaf from chicken or any other meat:

Features of preparing pilaf components:

  • meat along with vegetables (onions and carrots) are fried in a separate bowl;
  • You should chop carrots with a knife, not a grater. You need to give it the shape of a straw;
  • using chicken meat, you can choose any part of the carcass;
  • It is recommended to cut the meat into large pieces so that during the cooking process it does not fall apart into fibers;
  • To prevent the rice from sticking together, it is initially washed several times in cold running water;
  • Before adding cereal to the frying, it must be thoroughly dried (in a colander or placed on a clean towel);
  • After the rice has dried, you need to fry it in a dry frying pan. This will give the dish an unusual taste and make it even more original.

Bon appetit and see you soon!

I recently cooked pilaf with chicken and thought, what do we associate pilaf with? Nature, steppe, fire and big cauldron. The cauldron contains meat, rice, spices, and barberry grains. Everyone has their own way. Meanwhile, the dish can be prepared at home.

Pilaf (پلو‎, osh, palov, paloo, ash, palau, palov, semi, palow, pilav, pylav, plov, pilaf) is a dish complex in composition and method of preparation, most often made from rice, although other cereals are sometimes found. With meat, poultry, fish.

Pilaf is a very ancient dish, it is at least 2000 years old! The tradition of the dish apparently developed somewhere in the East, perhaps in India, Persia or the Middle East. Pilaf is the pearl of Asian cuisine.

With all the abundance of recipes for pilaf, as well as dishes similar to it, the method of tinting rice with saffron or turmeric is not unique to pilaf. This is how they prepare paella, risotto, and even just meat and rice.

Not a single holiday in the East is complete without pilaf, especially weddings, funerals, and birth celebrations. In the East there are special people - masters (ashpazy), who constantly “migrate” from feast to feast, and are busy with only one thing - preparing pilaf.
Hundreds of pilaf recipes confirm its popularity. The combination of two components of pilaf - zirvak and croup - allows you to prepare the dish in a very varied way. Isn't it very reminiscent of the principle of paella and risotto, rice and filler.

But there is no fire, cauldron, and wind blowing in the steppe, there is no starry sky and the cry of a bird in the distance. And there is a city, a kitchen, a deep frying pan, chicken wings, rice. How to cook pilaf recipe with chicken?

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Rice 1 cup
  • Chicken wings 4-6 pcs
  • Carrots 1-2 pcs
  • Onion 1-2 pcs
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml
  • Barberry 1 tsp.
  • Zira, salt, sweet paprika, saffron, red hot pepper Spices

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Pilaf with chicken. Step by step recipe

  1. Why chicken wings? Well, we don't have lamb. There is a lot of fuss with beef, and pork is not popular among the peoples of the East. The bird remains. In my opinion the wings fit perfectly. They are cut into small pieces, not very fatty, like all chicken. A whole chicken carcass can be used to prepare a dish, but it will be too much for two of us. But reheating it later or cooking it from a part of the chicken is not quite the same. We decided to cook only from wings, since there are a lot of them now.

    Chicken, rice and vegetables

  2. Rice is the most difficult and important thing. Different rice goes with different dishes. The pilaf needs to be crumbly, which does not stick together into lumps during cooking. With store-bought rice of unknown origin it is very difficult to “guess”. It says "Rice". And what? Write “Food” on the sausage bag. Will it become clear? It is best to use rice that you know exactly what it will taste like when cooked. I take the fluffy rice I know, with long grains or basmati. Its properties are well known to me, and we will experiment next time.
  3. Spices. Well, of course, salt. Large non-iodized ones are better. To be honest, I don’t know how to add salt, I have problems all the time. Zira. Very important. It is also called Roman cumin, cumin, azhgon. Very fragrant seeds. Pilaf without cumin - . Saffron gives pilaf that color that is impossible to forget. Saffron is an expensive spice; it is almost always replaced with turmeric.
  4. Red pepper. Taste, color and spiciness.
  5. Barberry is already a tradition. Pilaf without barberry is like borscht without cabbage. This is personal... You can buy barberry almost anywhere, or pick it yourself. Barberry will add exquisite sourness to the pilaf. If the barberry is too dry and looks like pebbles, you need to wet it a little the day before cooking. It is not necessary to fill it with water, just wet it and keep it in the refrigerator for several hours.
  6. That's all. Barberry, salt, cumin, saffron, pepper are the basis. Everything else is variations, traditions, preferences, misconceptions.
  7. We will cook, taking into account the conditions of a home kitchen, in one container.
  8. Cut the chicken wings into 3 pieces at the joints. Remove remaining feathers and rinse well.
  9. In a deep saucepan or kettle (if you have one), heat the vegetable oil. Allow the oil to heat thoroughly until light white smoke appears. The oil should “burn out”.
  10. Fry the pieces of chicken wings over high heat, stirring constantly. Until the pieces of meat become browned. In time it is 15-20 minutes. During this time, the chicken wings will be almost ready.

    Fry chicken wings

  11. Add half a teaspoon of cumin seeds and continue to fry for another 5 minutes.

    Add half a teaspoon of cumin seeds

  12. Add the onion, chopped into large strips, and grated or diced carrots.

    Add onions and carrots

  13. Add unpeeled garlic cloves. If you cook in a cauldron, you can add whole heads. True, later, during the meal, there will be a fight for them.

    Add garlic, barberry and saffron

  14. Add barberry and all spices. The amount of saffron or turmeric, salt, pepper is strictly at your discretion. But remember, pilaf must be spicy.

    Salt and add all the spices

  15. Continue to fry everything together for another 10-15 minutes until the onions and carrots are soft and fried.

    Onions and carrots should be fried

  16. From this point on, you can consider it time to add rice.
  17. Be sure to wash the rice, otherwise the pilaf will be like porridge! Polished rice contains a lot of rice flour, which is unnecessary in the dish. Rinse under cold running water until the water runs clear. It is also worth keeping the rice in water for a while.

    Add washed rice

  18. Add washed rice to the saucepan, stir and add water. The amount of water is twice as much as rice. If there was 1 glass of cereal, then there should be 2 glasses of water.

    Add water and cook the rice covered

  19. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and leave the pilaf alone for 20 minutes. During this time, the rice will completely absorb moisture, cook and become crumbly. Be patient, don’t wonder what’s there and how. If you can't wait, use the transparent lid on the saucepan. Everything will be as it should. Just wait 20 minutes.