Delicious soft pancakes with kefir. Thin pancakes made with kefir, with holes! Kefir pancakes, thin with holes

Kefir pancakes are a popular dish of Slavic cuisine, the collection of recipes of which includes several dozen varieties. Kefir in combination with soda creates the effect of fluffiness and porosity, causing the pancakes to “grow” twice in size in the pan. Pancakes are prepared both with and without added sugar; fruits and vegetables and various flavorings are included in the batter. Flour can also be different - wheat, rye, rice, etc.

Classic thin kefir pancakes with holes

There is an important point in the technology for preparing pancakes according to this recipe: you need to use kefir, the shelf life of which is coming to an end. This is the product that allows you to make pancakes with holes.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Number of servings: 8.

1 hour. 10 min. Seal

Bon appetit!

Openwork pancakes on kefir with boiling water

The secret of openwork and at the same time durable pancakes is in a specific procedure - adding boiling water to the dough. This step makes the dough elastic, and a delicate openwork is created by kefir in combination with soda.


  • Kefir – 2 tbsp.
  • Flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Salt – a couple of pinches.
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. In a convenient container, mix two eggs with sugar, add a couple of pinches of salt, mix everything and beat with a fork or whisk.
  2. Measure out the required amount of kefir and pour into the eggs. Mix the ingredients by lightly beating them with a fork. Bubbles will already begin to form in this mixture.
  3. Sift wheat flour through a sieve or a sieve mug and gradually mix into kefir and eggs, taking care to remove lumps.
  4. Lightly beat the dough with a whisk. It should be quite thick at this stage as this is not the final stage of cooking.
  5. Boil water and immediately pour baking soda into it and dissolve it. Then pour hot water into the dough, kneading it rhythmically.
  6. Heat a frying pan on the stove, pour in a little vegetable oil and pour in the dough using a ladle or any convenient device. It should cover the surface of the pan with a thin layer so that the pancake turns out thin. Turn the pancakes over to the other side and fry for a couple of minutes.
  7. You can put a piece of butter on the prepared pancakes with “holes” for tenderness, satiety and enhanced aroma.

Bon appetit!

A very tasty recipe for custard pancakes on kefir with boiling water

This recipe features amazing cooking technology. Here the eggs are beaten with boiling water without curdling. Thanks to this brewing method, the pancakes are dense and easy to flip.


  • Flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Boiling water – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and beat with a mixer until foam forms.
  2. Boil water and immediately begin pouring it in a thin stream into the egg mass, while continuing to whisk it. This is an important point: do not stop beating the eggs and add the water slowly. With the right approach, the eggs will not curl, and the mass will turn out incredibly fluffy.
  3. Pour kefir into the eggs. It's better if it's at room temperature.
  4. Mix flour with soda and sift through a sieve into the egg-kefir mixture. Knead the ingredients.
  5. Add sugar, a pinch of salt and a spoon or two of vegetable oil. Mix the dough well, you can beat it again with a mixer. It should be as thick as thin pancakes made with milk. You can add vanillin or aromatic essence if desired.
  6. Fry pancakes in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Turn over only when the pancake is well browned.
  7. The finished pancakes can be stacked, layered with a piece of butter, then they will become even more tender.

Bon appetit!

Thick fluffy pancakes made with kefir and yeast

This is a win-win recipe for soft, fluffy pancakes using a simple set of ingredients. The main factor for success in preparing this dish is compliance with the temperature conditions of the products; it is also important to let the dough sit for 30-60 minutes.


  • Flour – 2-3 tbsp.
  • Kefir – 2 tbsp.
  • Yeast – 10 g.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 1 pinch.

Cooking process:

  1. For the dough, first prepare the dough: mix the specified amount of yeast with sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of flour. Then heat 2 cups of kefir to a temperature of approximately 35-40 degrees and mix with yeast, flour and sugar. Stir the mixture, cover with a napkin or thin cotton towel and let the dough rise. This process will take approximately 15 minutes. It is important that there is no strong air circulation or drafts at the location of the container with the dough.
  2. First keep the eggs at room temperature for a while, then add a pinch of salt and beat with a whisk.
  3. Add beaten eggs to the dough, add some of the total volume of flour and pour in a glass of hot water. Constantly kneading the dough, pour all the flour into it. You may need more or less - the consistency should be slightly thicker than for pancakes without yeast. Add vegetable oil to the mixture and mix.
  4. Cover the dough again with a thin towel or napkin and wait for half an hour to an hour until it rises.
  5. Place the dough in a frying pan heated with oil and carefully level it over the surface. Cover with a lid and fry on one side, then turn over to the other and close with the lid again. The pancakes cook quickly enough and remain fluffy after removing from the pan.

Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipe for making pancakes with kefir and milk

For this recipe, kefir and milk should be taken in a ratio of 3:1. Thanks to the presence of vegetable oil in the recipe, the pancakes flip well and do not stick to the pan.


  • Kefir – 3 tbsp.
  • Milk – 1 tbsp.
  • Flour – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Soda – 1 tsp.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix the eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt and beat with a fork, whisk or mixer until foam forms.
  2. Mix room temperature kefir with beaten eggs and knead thoroughly with a spoon or fork.
  3. After the kefir, add soda and stir well. The process of carbon dioxide release will begin and bubbles will form. The alkaline environment has already met the acidic (kefir) environment, so vinegar is not needed here.
  4. Add flour sifted through a sieve in portions, stir, kneading all small lumps. At this stage, the dough will be quite thick, and this is normal, because it will still be diluted with milk.
  5. Pour a glass of milk, slightly warmed, into the dough and mix everything. If you add milk gradually, there should be no lumps. If they still remain, use a mixer.
  6. Add two tablespoons of refined, odorless vegetable oil to the pancake dough and stir.
  7. Heat a frying pan with an intact, undamaged surface. If your pan is in perfect condition, you don't even need to use oil for frying, since it is present in the batter. But for the first pancake, it’s better to “grease” the pan a little. Fry the pancakes without a lid, turning them over as soon as they brown.

Bon appetit!

A simple and delicious pancake recipe without adding eggs

The absence of eggs in this recipe does not affect the quality of the dish. The only difference is that pancakes without eggs turn out lighter, without a yellow tint.


  • Flour – 300 g.
  • Kefir – about 1 liter.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – ¼ tsp.
  • Soda – 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Cinnamon and vanilla optional.

Cooking process:

  1. Sift the flour into a bowl and mix it with soda and sugar. If you are making sweet pancakes, you can add a little more sugar and add a pinch of vanillin and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon. For unsweetened pancakes, you can not use sugar at all or limit yourself to one spoon.
  2. Heat kefir to a temperature of about 40 degrees and pour it into the mixture of dry products, stirring constantly. It is quite possible to obtain a lump-free dough without the help of a mixer if you patiently mix the ingredients in portions. If lumps form, take a mixer and beat the mixture.
  3. Add vegetable oil to the dough. It will not only give the pancakes the necessary elasticity, but will also protect them from sticking to the pan during frying.
  4. Stir the dough well and evaluate the consistency. The recipe is designed for making thin pancakes, so the dough should be quite liquid. To obtain denser pancakes, you can add flour.
  5. Fry pancakes in a well-heated frying pan (preferably with a non-stick coating). Fry the first side a little longer so that the dough “grabs” well; for the second, literally a minute is enough.
  6. The finished pancakes can be greased with butter and stacked, then they will be soft and tender. In general, this recipe produces a universal product that can be eaten with any fillings, served instead of bread with soup or meat, coated with jams, honey, etc.

Bon appetit!

How to bake zucchini pancakes with kefir?

For this recipe, you can use any zucchini, even overgrown ones. They give pancakes juiciness and softness. These pancakes go well with sour cream sauce with garlic and cheese.


  • Flour – 250 g.
  • Zucchini – 300 g.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • Parsley and dill - 70 g each.
  • Salt and ground black pepper.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the zucchini, remove the seeds along with the fibrous core. Grate the pulp, add a little salt and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Then squeeze out the liquid. You can rinse the grated zucchini if ​​you suddenly poured salt into it.
  2. Beat the eggs with a fork and mix with the zucchini mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can add a clove of garlic.
  3. Add dill and parsley, finely chopped, to the total mass.
  4. Heat kefir in the microwave or on the stove to a temperature of 35-40 degrees and pour into the zucchini with eggs and herbs. Immediately add baking soda and stir everything quickly.
  5. Sift the flour into the container with the zucchini and gently rub out all the lumps. You can use a blender if the lumps do not grind.
  6. The last ingredient in the dough is vegetable oil. You need to pour it into a container, mix all the products well and let the dough stand for a while. Check the thickness of the workpiece: it should be the same as for regular thick pancakes. If the mixture is runny, add flour.
  7. The dough can be used to bake both large pancakes and pancakes. You need to fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil over medium heat, covering the pan with a lid.
  8. It is good to serve zucchini pancakes with creamy garlic sauce with cheese and herbs.

Bon appetit!

Diet oat pancakes with kefir

Pancakes made from oatmeal without adding flour are low in calories and bring more benefits to the body. Like flour pancakes, they can be eaten with any sauces, jams, honey, etc.


  • Oat flakes – 250 g.
  • Kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • Vanillin optional.
  • Vegetable oil, salt.
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender. You can buy already crushed flakes.
  2. In a separate container, combine eggs, sugar and salt and beat them, preferably with a mixer. At this stage, add vanilla if desired.
  3. Pour sifted chopped oat flakes into eggs with sugar. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Kefir needs to be used warm, so it must first be heated in the microwave or on the stove. Pour soda into warm kefir and stir rhythmically. The reaction necessary to obtain fluffy pancakes will occur.
  5. Combine the liquid and dry ingredients of the dough, stir and set aside for 15 minutes so that the components become friends.
  6. Fry pancakes in the standard way in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Whether to cover the pan with a lid is up to you. If you cook in a closed frying pan, make sure that the pancakes do not dry out; the open method will allow a crispy crust to form.
  7. The pancakes will turn out brown, and their consistency will be somewhat rougher than pancakes made from wheat flour. Various sweet sauces, as well as fresh berries or yoghurt, will perfectly soften and diversify the taste of pancakes.

Bon appetit!

Pancakes with sour (sour) kefir

This recipe is based on sour kefir, which stagnated in the refrigerator and had every chance of being thrown away. However, such a product, when used correctly, becomes the key to high-quality, tasty pancakes.


  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sour kefir – 0.5 l.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil, salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Heat sour kefir to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. In this case, excess carbon dioxide will already begin to be released. After removing the container with kefir from the heat, immediately pour soda into it. At the same time, the acid-base environment of kefir comes to an optimal state, its excess acid is leveled out.
  2. In a separate container, prepare the egg mixture by beating the eggs with sugar and salt. If you plan to serve pancakes with a sweet filling, you can add vanilla or other flavorings to the eggs.
  3. Mix kefir with eggs and add flour to the mixture in small portions. Knead thoroughly so that the dough is saturated with oxygen and is homogeneous, without lumps. From the specified amount of flour you will get a liquid dough for thin pancakes. You can also make thick pancakes using it, but then you need more flour and you may have to adjust the amount of soda.
  4. Fry thin pancakes for a minute on each side over medium heat without a lid. Thick ones are baked longer and in a closed pan. Both versions of pancakes will turn out delicious if you correctly adjust the acidity of kefir. Don’t be afraid to add soda during the process if you notice that the dough is sour, just mix it with flour.

Bon appetit!

Delicious pancakes made from rice flour

Rice flour is characterized by the absence of gluten and a high content of starch, so dishes made from it are crispy and brittle. To “glue” the ingredients together, pancakes made from rice flour use more eggs, but otherwise the recipe is the same as pancakes made from wheat flour.


  • Eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Rice flour – 400 g.
  • Kefir – 200 g.
  • Baking powder – 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt – 1 pinch.
  • Sugar – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Boiling water – 100 ml.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking process:

  1. Add baking powder to kefir and stir. You can use the same amount of baking soda instead of baking powder.
  2. Add eggs beaten with sugar and salt to kefir. The amount of sugar can be varied according to your taste.
  3. Slowly stir rice flour into kefir and eggs. You will get a thick mass. Beat it with a mixer or just a fork, and let it sit for a while.
  4. Boil 100 ml of water and immediately pour boiling water into the dough, stirring it at a fast pace. You can continue to use the mixer at this stage. The result will be a dough similar to liquid sour cream. If this degree of thickness is not achieved, add the necessary ingredients - dry or liquid - depending on the situation.
  5. Heat a frying pan (it’s better to take a special one for pancakes) and sprinkle with vegetable oil. Fry the rice pancakes, turning them over to the other side when ready. To prevent rice flour-based dough from becoming too fragile, cover the pan with a lid and do not wait until the pancakes are deeply frying.
  6. Serve rice pancakes well both for breakfast and as a dessert at any time of the day. Various jams, chocolate and peanut butters, and honey go well with them.

Bon appetit!

Everyone loves pancakes: both adults and children. Art-Lunch already has a classic recipe for making pancakes - you can eat such pancakes every day. But mastering a new recipe will help to diversify the usual way of preparing pancakes a little - today we’ll try to bake thin kefir pancakes with holes. The common features for pancakes prepared according to this recipe are a beautiful color, porosity, crispiness and amazing tenderness; the pancakes almost do not dry out. And, of course, a minimum of products that are almost always available in the house. They bake quickly, do not stick and do not tear. It is better to bake in two pans at once. Even the first pancake won’t turn out lumpy, this is such a good recipe.

By the way, pancakes are not suitable for wrapping the filling in them; this is an option for lovers of the recipe openwork pancakes thin and with holes, and you can also make pancake cakes from them. Here, they are great for wrapping all sorts of different fillings in them.


  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • flour 120 g
  • kefir 200 g
  • water (boiling water) 200 g
  • sugar 35 g
  • vegetable oil 30 g
  • soda 1/4 teaspoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon

The fat content of kefir does not matter; choose the one you like.

It must be taken into account that during cooking the volume of the mixture increases significantly. Therefore, it is better to take large and deep dishes, at least 2 liters in volume.

This amount of ingredients is enough for 12 pancakes if baked in a frying pan with a diameter of 22 cm. It’s quite a meal and snack for two. Pancakes made with kefir are not at all greasy and you don’t have to be afraid of gaining weight right away.


All ingredients used should not be cold. Therefore, we take out the eggs and kefir in advance, 30 minutes before cooking, or heat them immediately before use: I usually heat the eggs under the pressure of warm water from the tap, and kefir in the microwave.

In the bowl where we will make the dough, beat 2 eggs and add sugar and salt. Put water in a kettle to boil.

Beat with a mixer for 3 minutes. If you work with a whisk, you will have to work intensively for 5-7 minutes.

The egg mass should turn into a light fluffy foam.

Add warm kefir and mix.

Now is the crucial moment. Pour boiling water into the beaten eggs in a thin stream, whisking continuously. At the same time, the foam becomes even more fluffy and voluminous. Boiling water, contrary to possible fears, will not “cook” other ingredients. But for this it must be introduced gradually, in a very thin stream.

Sift the flour into the dough and mix until the flour is completely dissolved, no lumps should be allowed. We work with a mixer or whisk. In a warm dough, the flour should disperse fairly quickly. When stirring, the foam will naturally begin to go away, don’t be afraid - this is normal. Then add soda and mix again. The soda will be “quenched” by the acidic environment of kefir and this will give the dough additional fluffiness, and the pancakes themselves will not be sour.

Add vegetable oil and mix lightly. The dough is ready! It turns out liquid, that’s how it should be. Don't worry, everything will bake perfectly. The dough is also quite fluffy with a little foam on top.

Let's move on to baking. I prefer to use a special pancake pan 22 cm in diameter and with low sides. The power of the stove is slightly higher than average. Heat the frying pan with vegetable oil thoroughly, in a hot frying pan, you get pancakes with holes, but this is what we are striving for. In a poorly heated frying pan, you will not get holes in the pancake. Pour the dough into a hot frying pan and at the same time rotate it in a circle so that the dough covers the bottom with an even thin layer. Gorgeous openwork holes instantly appear along the bottom. When the batter covers the entire bottom of the pan, simply pour the excess batter over the edge back into the bowl. This method will help you fry very thin and even pancakes. However, it is only good if you use a pancake pan with low sides. If you also fry in a regular frying pan with high sides, the pancakes will not turn out round, but with an outgrowth on one side. In a pancake pan with small walls, this process is completely invisible.

The first side bakes quickly, less than a minute. Lift the edge with a spatula - if it is golden brown and comes away well, then it’s time to turn it over. If it starts to tear and doesn’t stick well from the pan, it means it’s too early to turn it over. And you should turn the pancake over carefully so as not to tear the dough. Turning the pancake over, bake on the second side until golden brown, then remove to a plate. After baking, the pancakes will lie warm, on top of each other, and become even more tender.

Before scooping out a new portion of dough, mix it, then the flour will not settle to the bottom. And be sure to wait 10-15 seconds until the pan warms up thoroughly again. Then, when baking, you no longer need to pour oil into the pan.

Pancakes with kefir, are very tender, soft and melt in your mouth, so if the pancakes tear when turning them over, stop baking and set the dough aside for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the gluten of the flour will swell and the pancakes will not tear during the frying process.

Looks like it's ready! I think they are ideal - because they are airy, turn over well when baking, do not tear or dry out at the edges. And you don’t feel either the acidity of kefir or the taste of soda in them. Bon appetit!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kefir pancakes - tender and airy, with holes. Main ingredients: kefir, flour, eggs, salt, boiling water, sugar, vegetable oil, soda, vanillin. We invite you to prepare delicious and juicy pancakes. Our dough will be liquid enough to make the pancakes thin and delicate. The baking soda and kefir will react and start producing bubbles.

Sometimes playing with flavors is very useful: for example, if you simply replace milk with kefir when preparing pancakes, you will be surprised at their fluffiness and porous structure. Yes, the pancakes will not be as thin as, but you will feel a pleasant sourness in the taste: it is thanks to this that many deliberately use only kefir. Serve these pancakes with cheese, sour cream or fresh butter and enjoy.

Note for novice cooks:

  1. Kefir pancake dough is prepared with soda, this makes it possible to get pancakes with a soft, airy structure. When soda enters an acidic environment (kefir), a chemical reaction occurs, releasing carbon dioxide. This is what affects porosity. For a liter of kefir you should take 1-2 teaspoons of soda, no more;
  2. Otherwise, the finished thin pancakes with kefir will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste, and their smell will not be very attractive. To prevent this from happening, do not overdo it with the amount of baking powder;
  3. You can and should fry pancakes with holes in milk, in kefir, in refined vegetable oil;
  4. The technology for preparing pancakes with kefir and soda is practically no different from others involving dough with milk or water;
  5. Having scooped up the required amount of dough with a ladle, distribute it over a greased frying pan;
  6. Watch the edges; as soon as they are dry and browned, lift the pancakes with a spatula and turn them over to the opposite side;
  7. For thin pancakes, you don't need to pour a lot of batter at one time. Delicious pancakes should be approximately the same thickness, so the dough for one serving should go equally;
  8. When pouring the mixture into the pan, hold it at an angle and make rotational movements. Don’t yawn, work quickly, otherwise the dough won’t have time to spread and will end up baked in a thick layer;
  9. For turning, use any device convenient for you: spatula, knife, fork.

It is possible that over time you will learn to flip pancakes with one movement of your hand, that is, simply tossing it into the air while holding the pan by the handle. Kefir pancakes are served hot. If they have already cooled quickly, they may stick together. To remedy the situation, put the entire stack in the microwave for a couple of minutes. In addition to the dish, sour cream whipped with sugar, condensed milk, honey and others are used. Among the savory fillings for pancakes, mushroom caviar, minced meat, and red caviar are in demand.

Pancakes with kefir: a classic step-by-step recipe


  • Kefir 1% - 1 l.;
  • Flour – 4 cups (640 g);
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs;
  • Baking soda – 1 tsp;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sunflower oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Boiling water – 2 cups;
  • Butter – 120-150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. The butter needs to be melted, it will be needed to grease the finished pancakes so that they are not dry and do not stick together;
  2. Pour the kefir into a large container, large enough to later contain 4 cups of flour and 2 cups of water. Break eggs into kefir, add salt and sugar. Even if you need savory pancakes, for example, in order to stuff them with meat later, you still need to add a little sugar;
  3. Salt and sugar are the main taste regulators. Beat the eggs with a whisk or fork;
  4. Sift the flour through a sieve into a container and add to the kefir. We recommend not to neglect sifting the flour. Not only can this eliminate possible strings from the container, but it also saturates the flour with oxygen, and this already affects the quality of the pancakes. Then they turn out thin, but still fluffy and airy;
  5. Stir the flour and get a rather thick dough, completely different from pancake dough;
  6. Now comes the most interesting part of the recipe, the result of which will be these cute holes. Soda needs to be poured with boiling water. At the same time, it will bubble. To prevent the water from splashing out, first pour in a little more than half, wait until the disturbance subsides and add the remaining boiling water;
  7. And now immediately, quickly, quickly, before the boiling water has cooled down, pour it into kefir, stirring quite intensively;
  8. Leave to stand for 5-10 minutes, let the gluten bloom a little more and start working. Then pour in sunflower oil and mix;
  9. You can heat a frying pan or two at once. Pour the dough into a well-heated frying pan with a ladle, rotating it while tilting it from side to side so that the dough is distributed evenly throughout the frying pan. As you bake the first one, look at its texture. It should be thin, bubbles, which will later become holes, should appear immediately. Now you can check the consistency of the dough, add flour or hot water from the kettle to adjust it. Decide on the amount of dough to pour into the pan;
  10. How do you know when it’s time to flip the pancake? First, the surface should become matte, which means it is no longer liquid. Secondly, look at the edges; if they are dry and slightly curled up, you can turn them over. To do this, lift the pancake with a thin spatula and turn it over to the other side;
  11. Cook on the second side to the desired degree of roasting. Place on a plate and brush with melted butter. Because it’s delicious and because it prevents pancakes with kefir from sticking together;
  12. In this way we bake everything until the pancake dough runs out. Bon appetit!

Thin kefir pancakes with holes

Pancakes can be prepared with milk, whey, water, or use kefir. In the latter case, they always come out with holes and have a rich, sour taste. These go well with salty and sweet pancake toppings.


  • Wheat flour – 1 cup;
  • Kefir (fat content 1%) – 250 ml;
  • Boiling water – 1 tbsp.;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Soda - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with a mixer with a pinch of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar to obtain a fluffy mass;
  2. Add kefir to the resulting mixture. It is very important to take exactly 1% kefir, because... it's less greasy. Stir;
  3. It’s time to add the main ingredient that makes the pancakes thin with holes - boiling water. It is important to add boiling water to kefir correctly. If you pour it in immediately, the dough will curl disproportionately. Therefore, you need to pour in a thin stream, stirring constantly. The dough should foam;
  4. At the next stage comes the turn of flour. You can add everything at once, because... flour dissolves in hot water without forming lumps;
  5. Pour in baking soda and sunflower oil. The less soda you put in, the smaller the holes will be;
  6. The dough should end up being very liquid. Heat a frying pan and grease the surface with a couple of drops of oil. The dough should be taken no more than 2/3 of a regular ladle. Fry for 2 minutes each side;
  7. Very tasty pancakes are made with milk - proven pancake recipes for Maslenitsa. Bon appetit!

Custard pancakes with kefir

Pancakes made with boiling water are good because the dough comes out more homogeneous and sticky. Baking pancakes is a real pleasure; they turn over easily and never turn out lumpy. Therefore, they are guaranteed to be thin and lacy.

How to bake custard pancakes with kefir

Pancake dough can be made in various ways by adding kefir, boiling water, that is, water, rolled oats and semolina. There is yeast dough, made with eggs and without eggs. Cooking options make it possible to alternate pancake fillings and serving methods.

What to serve custard pancakes with

Sweet serving - with jam, condensed milk, honey and just sugar. Many people prefer to eat pancakes plainly - with sour cream. You can wrap pieces of ham, salmon, or any ready-made salad in thin lace flatbreads, turning them into an original appetizer.

  1. The main mistake is not to immediately pour boiling water into kefir, pour it in a thin stream;
  2. Don’t let the batter bother you, it will definitely turn out and much more liquid than for pancakes;
  3. Before baking, stir it every time with a ladle, then the flour will not settle to the bottom;
  4. A poorly heated frying pan is the main reason why pancakes will rupture. Heat it over high heat, then reduce it by half;
  5. A thinly poured layer along the bottom of the pan is the key to the appearance of openwork;
  6. Mix sour cream with honey, dip the pancake in it each time;
  7. Condensed milk;
  8. Strawberry jam (jam);
  9. Applesauce.


  • 1 cup - premium flour;
  • Kefir - 200 ml;
  • 1 glass - boiling water;
  • 2 tsp. - granulated sugar;
  • 4 tsp. - vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 tsp. - table salt;
  • ¼ tbsp. l. - baking soda;
  • 2 pcs. - eggs.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare a clean and dry enamel container;
  2. Sift the specified amount of flour into another bowl to saturate it with oxygen and make the finished products fluffy;
  3. Beat the eggs a little with a fork. There is no need to achieve stable foam. A slight increase in their volume is sufficient;
  4. In an enamel container, mix salt, sugar, soda, vegetable oil, beaten eggs, kefir. You should get a smooth, homogeneous mass;
  5. Gradually, without ceasing to knead the batter, add sifted flour. Pancake mass
    It should be a little thick, but without lumps;
  6. Boil the specified amount of water and remove from heat. Pour it into the dough in a thin stream while stirring vigorously. It should turn out quite liquid and smooth. Leave the dough for a quarter of an hour in a warm place;
  7. Heat the pan well. To prepare the first pancake, it should be greased with vegetable or butter. Sometimes a small piece of lard is used;
  8. Take 1/2 a standard ladle of dough and distribute evenly over the pan. When holes form and the edges pull away from the sides, turn it over and fry until browned. Bon appetit!

Thick and fluffy pancakes with kefir

Thick and fluffy pancakes made with kefir are a dish that any housewife is guaranteed to make. To make the pancakes soft, tender and plump, yeast is used to prepare the dough. And as a base you can take any liquid, like kefir.

Water or any sour milk will also work. They turn out very tasty with milk. Some housewives use yogurt for pancakes with sweet filling. Next we will prepare thick yeast pancakes with kefir filling.

Kefir-based pancakes can be baked literally every day, because their preparation requires the simplest ingredients. The main thing is that thick, porous pancakes with a piquant taste are always possible for everyone, even inexperienced housewives.


  • Low-fat kefir – 450 ml;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Flour – 220 g;
  • Salt - a third of a teaspoon;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l;
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp (with a small slide);
  • Apple cider vinegar 6% - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • Grease a frying pan with a piece of fresh lard.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs, add fine salt and sugar. You can get by with a regular whisk;
  2. Beat well. Until such a state that a lush head of whipped foam begins to gather on top;
  3. Pour in kefir. I use low-fat kefir for pancakes, it is quite liquid. If your kefir is thicker, then you need to adjust the amount of flour, reduce it a little;
  4. Sift the flour and start adding it to our kefir. Add 3-4 heaped spoons and then beat the pancake batter. Make it uniform. Add a couple more spoons, beat again;
  5. Now you need to take a closer look - what does it look like? Liquid, flows off a spoon like milk? Or does it start to thicken and feel like it’s not flowing quite freely? Depending on the thickness, add 2-3 tablespoons of flour, but without a mountain. Beat until smooth; there should be no lumps in the dough;
  6. We extinguish the soda. I use apple cider vinegar. For those who oppose vinegar, I recommend lemon juice - it also contains enough acid. Squeeze a little lemon juice directly into the spoon with baking soda and stir. Add soda to the dough after the reaction is complete and bubbles stop appearing;
  7. Stir. Now we observe what happens: after 1-2 minutes the dough will fill with bubbles and double in volume, it will become fluffy - kefir carbonates the dough. You will feel that the whisk turns easily, without effort, the consistency will be thick, but loose, airy;
  8. Pour in vegetable oil, I use refined sunflower oil. Whisk. Oil has a double effect - pancakes will not stick to the pan and will not turn out dry;
  9. The consistency of the dough should be like this: it seems to envelop the spoon, it does not immediately flow down, it pours evenly, it falls in waves That marks remain on the surface. Its thickness is reminiscent of condensed milk, only not dense, but fluffy. Let it sit and rest for 10-15 minutes;
  10. We take a portion of the dough with a small ladle and pour it into the hot frying pan in an even layer. We set the fire to medium. Fluffy pancakes are baked for 1.5-2 minutes, holes will appear on them instantly;
  11. We lift the pancake and turn it over with a spatula or our hands. I’m more comfortable with my hands, I’ve gotten used to it so that I don’t need any spatula. We watch how the bottom is fried so that we can remove it in time. Minute - A it is already browned;
  12. Transfer to a plate, cover or grease with oil. Pour in the next portion of dough;
  13. So our fluffy, thick kefir pancakes are ready, ruddy and full of holes. Bon appetit!

Pancakes with kefir and milk - recipe No. 1 for Maslenitsa

Winter gives way to spring, warmth comes, the sun shines brighter, and people expect something new, bright and kind from life. Pancakes symbolize the sun, which is why they are baked all week long, guests go to taste the treats, they host friends and relatives and treat them to pancakes.

So recipes for pancakes for Maslenitsa 2019 will come in handy, according to which you can bake new ones every day - thin and delicate (kefir slightly carbonates the dough), plump and lean, buckwheat and with seasoning, with yeast, milk, eggs, water, kefir.

But, in addition to pancakes, during Maslenitsa week you can bake pancakes and potato pancakes, in general, everything that is in one way or another connected with such baking. We have selected the best pancake recipes for Maslenitsa 2019. In addition, from the article you will learn tips and tricks for baking pancakes.

History of Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa, thanks to its rich history dating back centuries, has brought to us many rituals that accompany its celebration.

Our ancestors left us a legend about Maslenitsa week, scheduled by day. Each day had its own meaning and name:

  1. Monday - “meeting” (which meant the beginning of Maslenitsa week);
  2. Tuesday - “flirt” (received this name because of the tradition of playing and getting involved in various fun things on this day; it was believed that in order for Maslenitsa not to be offended, one should go down the hill at least once);
  3. Wednesday - “gourmet” (on this day home and fair hospitable feasts were started);
  4. Thursday - “revelry” (the turning point of the week, on which brave men fought “wall to wall” fist fights);
  5. Friday - “Mother-in-law's Party” (this day is designed to help single boys and girls create a union);
  6. Saturday - “Sister-in-Law’s Gatherings” (the invited sisters of the future husband assessed the bride’s cooking and skill);
  7. Sunday - “Forgiveness Sunday” or “Kissing Day” (people apologized and forgave each other, exchanged kisses as a sign of reconciliation, visited the graveyard, burned an effigy of Maslenitsa - as a symbol of the passing winter).

In 2019, we will celebrate this wonderful Maslenitsa holiday from March 4 to 10. We will all be looking forward to the coming of the next Maslenitsa week so that we can again prepare and enjoy delicious pancakes.

Let us remember once again what rituals and festivities accompany the week of farewell to winter. These days, all family members become closer than ever, absorbed in festive preparations and participation in various rituals. Many people create various crafts with their own hands the day before, some are in a hurry to sell them at the fair, and some are in a hurry to show their prowess in competitions and competitions, which are countless.


  • Kefir – 0.5 cups of kefir;
  • Milk – 1.5 cups;
  • Flour – 1 glass;
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt – 1.3 tsp;
  • Liquid vanillin – 1 tsp;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l. + for greasing the pan;
  • Melted ghee – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Take all the necessary ingredients and warm them to room temperature;
  2. Pour milk into a large bowl;
  3. We send liquid kefir to it. Ideally, it should be 1 - 2.5% kefir or yogurt;
  4. If the liquid is cold, the pancakes may not turn out, so be sure to check that the milk and kefir are at room temperature. And even better - slightly warmed;
  5. Carefully add the eggs so that they do not plop and spill the kefir;
  6. Add a spoonful of liquid vanilla essence there;
  7. Liquid vanilla can easily be replaced with vanilla sugar. If you want unsweetened pancakes without a delicate aroma, then you should not add vanilla, since 1 tsp of sugar will be enough;
  8. Beat thoroughly with a whisk or blender attachment until smooth;
  9. To make the dough more airy without unnecessary lumps, sift all the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, salt, baking powder) through a sieve;
  10. Immediately add sunflower oil;
  11. Beat thoroughly to a liquid, creamy consistency and start frying - it is not necessary to infuse the dough - after all, it contains a baking powder, which gives a greater effect when heating the dough in a frying pan;
  12. Grease a frying pan (preferably with a non-stick coating) with sunflower oil with a cooking brush, immediately put it on high heat and wait until it gets so hot that there is a slight smoke from the oil;
  13. Scoop the dough with a ladle, slightly tilting the pan clockwise, carefully pour it in so that the bottom is covered with a thin, uniform film;
  14. Let it fry for literally 1 minute, using the sharp tip of a spatula, turn the pancake over to the other side and let it simmer for 30-40 seconds;
  15. Remove the cooked pancake to a plate;
  16. Reduce the heat of the frying pan to medium power, grease the bottom with sunflower oil. We repeat the entire frying process for each pancake.

As mentioned above, it is the oiling of the frying pan that creates the effect of holes, so do not forget to brush it with oil.

To prevent our ideal creation from drying out, it is advisable to coat it with melted ghee every couple of pieces. Even if you later want to heat up your “suns”, the oil will help soften and improve the taste of even yesterday’s pancakes. Bon appetit!

Delicious kefir pancakes in a hole with boiling water

Pancakes are perfect for a family breakfast or tea party. This hearty, tasty, very economical dessert can be prepared in different ways, for example, custard. Pancakes made with kefir and boiling water come out tender and delicate, and the dough is prepared from the simplest ingredients.

The main secret of the custard recipe is the use of boiling water. This component guarantees amazing tenderness to the finished product, and kefir will retain its freshness for a long time.


  • Kefir - 550 ml:
  • Flour - 2 cups (320 g);
  • Boiling water - 220 ml;
  • Egg - 3 pcs. (large) or 4 small;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter - 60 g (for lubricating finished products);
  • Soda - 1 tsp. (incomplete);
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Break eggs into a mixing bowl. If they are small, then take 4 of them. Add salt and sugar, beat with a whisk or mixer until smooth;
  2. For the recipe we need kefir at room temperature, or even slightly warm. You can warm it in a water bath. Add it to the egg mixture, stir;
  3. Sift the flour either into a separate bowl or directly into the dough being prepared. Whichever is convenient for you. Place it in kefir so that there are no lumps left in it. You can also use a whisk or mixer at low speed;
  4. Boil water in advance. Pour it into a glass and add soda to boiling water;
  5. Stir until completely dissolved and pour into the dough in a thin stream. At the same time, continue to stir the entire mass. The dough should be homogeneous and without lumps;
  6. Leave it to steep for 15 – 20 minutes. During this time, all components will connect, and the mass will become elastic and elastic. After the allotted time, add oil and stir. There should be no oil circles left on the surface of the finished dough;
  7. Now you can start baking. It is better to do this in a well-heated frying pan. For the first test copy, it is advisable to lubricate it with oil. Then scoop the dough into a ladle and pour it onto the heated surface. Rotate the pan in a circle so that the dough spreads over the surface in a thin layer;
  8. The thinner the layer, the more tender the finished product will be. The more holes will appear on its surface:
  9. Small bubbles will appear at first. Then they will burst and there will be many small holes. It is best to use two frying pans for frying pancakes. Then there is no downtime, you complete the task twice as fast;
  10. And so, holes appeared, and the edges of the product had already dried up and risen up. This will become especially noticeable if you first run a thin knife along the border zone between the product being fried and the frying pan. Bon appetit!

Openwork and lace pancakes with kefir - just for Maslenitsa

Getting the hang of baking thin lacy pancakes with kefir is not as difficult as you might think when looking at a stack of lacy pancakes. The most important thing is to make the dough airy and so thick that it easily spreads over the pan and, at the same time, is not very liquid.

Soda and kefir will help fluff the pancake dough. The pancakes according to this recipe will turn out soft, tender, all with holes in them - the photo clearly shows how thin and holey they are.

Secrets of original Russian pancakes

Pancakes with kefir, brewed with boiling water, are quite easy to fry, especially if you take into account the following tips from experienced housewives:

  1. The main ingredients are kefir and flour. Choose high-grade wheat flour and be sure to sift it a couple of times. Then your pancakes will taste tender and airy;
  2. To prevent them from sticking to the pan and to make the base elastic, add refined vegetable oil to it. Olive oil is an ideal choice;
  3. When you add vegetable oil to the pan during frying, the pancakes will absorb unnecessary fat. To avoid this, simply grease the pan with oil using a pastry brush;
  4. If you put a large amount of sugar in the dough, they will turn out well fried. However, such pancakes can burn because they fry much faster than usual;
  5. Place the finished pancakes in a stack in a deep container, greasing each with soft butter. This will allow the baked goods to remain fresh for a long time;
  6. You need to fill the pancakes after they have cooled, so as not to tear them.


  • Low-fat kefir 1% - 1.5 cups of kefir;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs a little with salt and sugar, add kefir, stir everything;
  2. Then add flour, pouring a little into kefir, stirring well each time so that the dough becomes homogeneous, without lumps;
  3. Boil water, immediately add soda, stir and carefully add water to the dough;
  4. T Stir thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous;
  5. Let the pancake batter sit for 5-10 minutes so that the flour swells and the pancakes turn out more delicious;
  6. Now add vegetable oil to the dough and mix everything again until smooth;
  7. Grease the frying pan a little with vegetable oil, place on high heat and heat well;
  8. Pour the finished dough into a ladle in small portions, while turning the frying pan so that the dough spreads over the entire surface of the frying pan;
  9. Bake over medium heat. When the pancake is browned, turn it over with a spatula and brown on the other side;
  10. Ready-made pancakes made with kefir are eaten “piping hot” - then they are the most delicious! Bon appetit!

Secrets of making delicious thin pancakes with holes

When you want something unusual and your soul asks for a holiday, prepare lace pancakes, tender, transparent, covered with small holes. The aerobatics are openwork pancakes with beautiful patterns that every housewife can make from kefir if she masters a few secrets. Thin lace pancakes will decorate the festive table.


  • Kefir – 1 glass;
  • Hot water – 1 glass;
  • Flour – 1.5 cups;
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Add soda to flour. Sift through a sieve, preferably more than once. Thanks to this, the flour will be saturated with oxygen and the products will turn out fluffy and light;
  2. Break chicken eggs into a cup. Add salt and sugar to them. Beat with a mixer or whisk;
  3. Next, pour a glass of kefir and mix. The mass begins to foam;
  4. Without ceasing to beat the kefir, add flour and soda in small portions. The lumps should disappear, and the dough will turn out like pancakes, that is, thick;
  5. Now gradually add hot water to the kefir. It should be hot, not boiling water. Stir the kefir mixture. Now the dough has become liquid, as it should be for pancakes;
  6. Pour sunflower oil, mix with dough;
  7. Add sunflower oil to a heated frying pan and grease. You will be ready to bake pancakes when you see a slight smoke;
  8. Using a ladle, pour the dough into the pan, while constantly rotating it so that the bottom is completely covered;
  9. Don't fill the ladle full of dough. A little more than half is enough. Thanks to this, the pancakes will be thin;
  10. When you see that there is no batter on the surface and the edges of the pancake are browned, use a spatula to turn it over to the other side. Bake it for another 15 - 20 seconds. Transfer the finished pancake to a plate and brush with oil. Bon appetit!

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Perhaps the main advantage of most kefir pancake recipes is their versatility and accessibility. In addition to accessibility, it is worth noting the ease of preparation: without much fuss, you can fry pancakes with kefir every day, and with our selection of recipes, you can fry and not be afraid that the results will get boring.

Pancakes for aesthetic pleasure. No, of course, they are delicious and very tasty, however, their main advantage is the complete romanticism of their “appearance”. In general, are you looking for a recipe for beautiful kefir pancakes with holes? Consider that you have already found it.

Thin openwork kefir pancakes with holes


  • 0.5 liters of low-fat kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 140 g flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • vegetable oil.

Lightly heat the kefir - in a water bath, in the microwave, or simply gently on the stove, making sure that it does not curdle. The temperature of the liquid should be just noticeably warm - 37-40 degrees.

Add soda, sugar and salt, mix. Beat in the eggs. Gradually add flour. At the end, add vegetable oil and vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice). Leave the dough for 15-20 minutes, after which we fry in a preheated frying pan on both sides until golden, trying to pour the dough into as thin a layer as possible.

Tip: a well-heated frying pan is the key to a large number of holes. It is better to make the fire a little more than usual - the pancakes will be more delicate.

2. Custard pancakes with kefir in boiling water

Choux pastry, when prepared correctly, is very, very cool! It’s easy to work with, it doesn’t go stale or dry out for a long time, pancakes turn out elastic and are easy to wrap with fillings.


  • 2 glasses of kefir;
  • 1 glass of boiling water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • vegetable oil.

Mix eggs with salt, soda and sugar. Add kefir, add flour, mix until completely homogeneous. Add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix again and, without turning off the mixer, pour in boiling water in a thin stream.

Leave the dough for 10 minutes, then heat the frying pan, pour a ladle of dough onto it, distribute it over the entire surface, fry on both sides until golden brown.

Tip: to knead the dough, it is better to use a mixer or blender - this way the boiling water will brew the flour better and more evenly.

3. Kefir pancakes without eggs

Don't eat eggs, but are friends with milk? Are you expecting a vegetarian to visit? Is your child allergic to chicken protein? Kefir pancakes without eggs are a great solution.


  • 400 ml kefir;
  • 200 ml boiling water;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Mix kefir well with sugar, soda and salt, add flour and mix thoroughly until smooth. Without turning off the mixer, pour boiling water in a thin stream and add oil.

Fry the pancakes as usual - in a well-heated frying pan on both sides.
Tip: if you have doubts or are simply unsure that eggless kefir pancakes will be dense enough, add mashed banana to the dough.

4. Thick yeast pancakes with kefir

Fluffy and soft, these pancakes have only one bad thing: it’s impossible to stop, you’ll eat until you’re gone.


  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 0.75 glasses of water;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 9 g yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 50 g butter.

In a convenient bowl, mix warm water, salt, yeast and half a glass of flour. As soon as everything starts to “play” (and the yeast has dissolved), add eggs, kefir, melted butter and vegetable oil. Whisk. Gradually add the remaining flour, knead the dough until visually shiny.

Cover with a lid and leave in a warm place for about half an hour, after which we bake the pancakes, carefully removing the required portion of the dough from the edge of the bowl and without stirring it again. Turn over when ready, remove when the pancake is evenly golden.
Tip: by reducing the amount of yeast by three to four times, you can mix the products overnight - by the morning you will have ready-made dough for making pancakes.

5. Pancakes with kefir without soda

If you don’t like the taste of soda in baked goods, but are partial to pancakes with kefir, the optimal solution would be a recipe that allows you to do without the usual baking powder. The pancakes turn out thin and quite elastic and, contrary to fears, soft and tender.


  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 1/2 cup flour;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

In a convenient bowl, mix all the ingredients, let the resulting mass stand for 10-15 minutes, then mix again and fry the pancakes on both sides until cooked, pouring the dough in small portions onto a well-heated frying pan, distributing it over the entire frying surface. Turn over when the top side is visually dry.

Tip: kefir pancakes without soda are quite elastic, and therefore ideal for wrapping any fillings in them. If you want to add softness and fluffiness, add a couple of well-beaten egg whites into the dough.

6. Simple pancakes with 1 liter of kefir


  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tsp. (no slide) soda;
  • 1 tsp. (without a slide) salt;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

In a convenient bowl, mix sugar, salt, soda and flour. Break the eggs, pour in the kefir, quickly mix everything until completely homogeneous, and at the end pour a little vegetable oil directly into the dough. Let it sit for 15-30 minutes, after which we stir again and begin to fry the pancakes as usual - pouring a small amount of dough into the pan, distributing it over the entire area, turning over when the edges begin to brown.

Tip: The dough with this formula is quite thick. If, after starting to fry the pancakes, you realize that you want thinner pancakes, add a little boiling water to the bowl.

7. Pancakes with kefir and milk

Kefir gives pancakes a sour note. If you want to reduce it to a minimum, dilute the dough with milk - it will be no less beautiful and just as appetizing, but without the characteristic kefir tint.


  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Beat eggs with sugar and salt, pour kefir into the mixture, add flour, bring until smooth. After this, add warm milk mixed with soda, and finally add vegetable oil.

Fry thin pancakes in a well-heated frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

Tip: if you want your kefir and milk pancakes to be even more delicious, grease each prepared pancake with a small amount of butter.

8. Chocolate pancakes with kefir

A fantastic recipe for those who love pancakes and literally lose control at the sight of chocolate. By combining two passions, you can get a mind-blowing result.


  • 200 g flour;
  • 350 ml kefir;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 5 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 1/2 tsp. soda;
  • vegetable oil.

Beat eggs with sugar and salt, add cocoa, knead until smooth. After this, pour kefir into a bowl, add flour mixed with soda. Stir and add frying oil at the end. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 1-5 hours, then fry the pancakes as usual - in a well-heated frying pan on both sides.

Tip: to make chocolate kefir pancakes even more chocolatey, add some small chocolate drops to the dough.

9. Pancakes with kefir in the oven

Do you love pancakes, but don't like fiddling with them? Try pancakes in the oven. They do not need to be turned over, and almost no maintenance is required. Of course, this is not a classic version of pancakes, but it’s worth a try - who knows, maybe this particular recipe will become your signature?


  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 80 g butter.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, the baking sheet inside warms up along with the oven. Place butter on a metal sheet to melt, and distribute the resulting fat over the bottom and sides.

In a bowl, mix salt, soda, sugar, flour. In a separate bowl, mix kefir, eggs and excess butter. We connect two masses. Spoon a small amount of dough onto a hot baking sheet, spread it lightly, and shape it into a round shape. Place in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Remove the finished pancakes and bake the next batch.

Tip: if you really, really don’t want to play with the dough, pour it over the entire area of ​​the baking sheet and bake one huge rectangular pancake, which can be cut into portions before serving.

10. Unsweetened snack pancakes on kefir with herbs

Not everyone likes sweet pancakes. Honey, jam and syrups are great, but greens and cheese are just as interesting when it comes to kefir pancakes. According to the given recipe, the pancakes are not thin and quite fluffy. If you prefer a more tender and delicate version, reduce the amount of flour.


  • 0.5 l of kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 large bunch of greens;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

In a bowl, beat the eggs thoroughly, add salt, sugar, and soda. Finely chop the greens and place in a bowl with eggs. Pour in a small amount of vegetable oil and kefir, mix and combine with flour.

Let the dough sit for 10-15 minutes, then mix again and fry the pancakes as usual - in a well-heated frying pan on both sides until golden.

Tip: Experiment with types and quantities of greens - this is an easy way to get new flavors every time.

5 tips on how to properly prepare delicious pancakes with kefir

  1. Kefir pancakes are not a way to dispose of old sour milk that has nowhere to go. To make the products tasty, make sure that the products you use for the dough are of high quality and fresh.
  2. Vegetable oil is used mainly for frying pancakes due to its cheapness. Replace sunflower oil with melted butter - and the pancakes will taste completely different.
  3. When determining the consistency of the kefir pancake batter, you should remember that it should be slightly thicker than the usual milk batter - this way the pancakes will not tear and will allow you to easily turn them over.
  4. The key to making pancakes easily is in a good, high-quality frying pan. Invest in special cookware. Better, undoubtedly, is cast iron, but any other one, if it is from a reliable and trusted manufacturer, will do just fine.
  5. Try not to put a lot of dough in the ladle, strive for a reasonable minimum, and then your pancakes will be thin and soft.

Pancakes with kefir are such a significant, significant piece of pleasure. Do not deny yourself it - cook, experiment, compose and fantasize, and it will be delicious for you!

How to cook thin pancakes with kefir, the correct recipe - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

I learned this recipe for thin kefir pancakes from my grandmother. Since childhood, I loved coming to her kitchen and watching how she kneaded the dough for thin pancakes with kefir, poured it into a cast iron frying pan and deftly turned the golden pancakes. Now I myself often spoil my family with thin and tender pancakes with various fillings or simply with strawberries and chocolate, like today. You can add a pinch of ground cinnamon or vanillin to the dough for sweet products for flavor.

  • 500 ml. kefir 1-2.5% fat;
  • 5 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt.

How to cook thin pancakes with kefir:

Beat three eggs into a bowl with high sides. Add fine salt, granulated sugar and baking soda. Whisk the mixture until the dry ingredients are thoroughly dissolved.

Pour some room temperature kefir into the resulting egg mass, about one third of the total amount. Mix everything with a whisk.

Add sifted flour to the dough. To make thin kefir pancakes tender, use high-quality premium flour.

Mix the dough with flour, achieving a homogeneous consistency.

Add the remaining fermented milk product to the mixture. This way the dough will be soft, without lumps.

Lastly, add the purified vegetable oil. It will help make thin kefir pancakes elastic. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a whisk again.

Let the dough rest for 15 minutes to let it sit.

At this time, heat the frying pan. Lubricate its surface with a small amount of odorless vegetable oil. It is convenient to use a culinary silicone brush.

Carefully pour some dough into the hot frying pan. Rotating the pan, distribute the dough evenly over the surface.

Fry the pancake until golden brown. Then carefully turn it over, helping yourself with a spatula. Fry it over medium heat until cooked.

Then transfer the thin kefir pancakes to a dry plate.

Let's bake all the pancakes. I ended up with 16 pieces.

You can wrap your favorite filling in ready-made kefir pancakes. We will serve sweet pancakes with liquid honey, jam, chocolate topping, and savory pancakes with sour cream.

Now you know how to fry thin pancakes with kefir. They turn out airy and especially tender. How do you cook pancakes? What are your family's favorite fillings? I will be waiting for your comments!

Recipes for thin pancakes with kefir: correct proportions, delicious fillings

You can prepare thin pancakes not only with whole milk, but also with various fermented milk products, for example, kefir. In this case, they turn out softer and more tender. Recipes and secrets for preparing thin openwork pancakes with kefir will help you achieve a similar result, which we will consider in our article.

This recipe allows you to get soft and spongy pancakes that can be served with aromatic filling or without it at all. Cooking time is about 1 hour.

  • 2 tbsp. kefir
  • 1 tbsp. flour.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 0.5 tsp. baking soda.
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  • one pinch of salt.

Pancakes with kefir - video

To prepare thin pancakes with kefir, a certain amount of boiling water is often added to the dough. This is a recipe for custard pancakes that skillful housewives will definitely enjoy.

  • 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir.
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water
  • 1 tbsp. flour.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  • 0.5 tsp. baking soda.
  • a small amount of salt.
  1. The yolks are carefully separated from the whites and beaten until white with granulated sugar. This process can be carried out using a whisk or mixer.
  2. Whip the whites into a foam with salt, and then add boiling water to them little by little, stirring constantly so that they do not curdle.
  3. The flour is sifted through a sieve and then mixed with yolks ground with sugar and baking soda.
  4. Pour the amount of room temperature kefir specified in the recipe into the whites with boiling water. Then the resulting mass is combined with flour, previously mixed with the yolks.
  5. Mix everything using a whisk or mixer. However, you should not stir the dough for too long, otherwise the pancakes will turn out dense.
  6. The dough is left to infuse for about half an hour, and then vegetable oil is added to it and mixed again. Vegetable oil can also be replaced with butter. In this case, the pancakes will turn out incredibly juicy and flavorful.
  7. Heat the pan well and start frying the lacy pancakes.
  8. After baking, each pancake is greased with butter.
  9. Be sure to try the first pancake. This will allow you to understand what ingredient is missing in the dough and correct it in time.
  10. The custard pancakes are ready.

Pancakes on soda

You can achieve porosity using carbonated water, which is added directly to the dough. With this recipe you can make tender pancakes with holes without soda.


  • 1 tbsp. kefir
  • 1 tbsp. soda.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 1 tbsp. flour.
  • 100 g butter.
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  • one pinch of salt.

Pancakes with kefir and milk

So, let's look at how to cook delicious pancakes with holes using milk and kefir.

  • 600 ml kefir.
  • 300 ml whole milk.
  • 0.5 tsp. baking soda.
  • 440 g flour.
  • 2-3 eggs.
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  • 0.5 tsp. salt.

These are incredibly aromatic and tasty pancakes made with kefir and cognac. They are perfect for the holiday table. Similar thin pancakes made with kefir can also be served for Sunday breakfast with your family.

  • 1 liter of kefir.
  • 120 ml cognac (you can take homemade one).
  1. Kefir is heated to a temperature of 30 °C. It is advisable to carry out this process in a water bath so that the fermented milk product does not curdle and turn into cottage cheese.
  2. Beat eggs with granulated sugar and pour into kefir in a thin stream.
  3. Add salt, vanillin, baking soda to the mixture and beat.
  4. The flour is sifted several times on a fine strainer. Then gradually pour the egg-kefir mixture into it, stirring constantly to avoid the appearance of lumps.
  5. At the end, add cognac and mix. You can also add cinnamon for a delicious flavor.
  6. The dough is left to rest for half an hour, and then the frying process begins.
  7. The pancakes are fried on both sides until a beautiful golden color and brushed with melted butter on top.
  8. Using two pans at the same time will speed up the baking process. This is true if you need to make quite a lot of pancakes in a limited amount of time.

Pancakes for the holiday table

These are delicious hole-in-one pancakes made with kefir. Although the recipe will take a little tinkering, the time spent on it is worth it. This is a great option for a holiday table. The pancakes turn out incredibly thin. You can use caviar as a filling.

  • 125 ml kefir.
  • 115 ml cream 10%.
  • 1 egg.
  • 1 tbsp. flour.

Lemon juice Cream

  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  • 50 g butter.
  • 0.5 tsp. salt.
  • 0.5 tsp. soda
    1. Remember that the higher the fat content of kefir, the fluffier the pancakes turn out. Therefore, to bake thin openwork pancakes with holes, you should use low-fat kefir.
    2. Separate the white from the yolk and beat it with granulated sugar into a foam using a whisk or mixer.
    3. Grind the yolk until white and mix with cream, and then add the resulting mass to the white.
    4. Quench the baking soda in lemon juice and add to the dough.
    5. Warm the kefir slightly to room temperature and mix with eggs and cream.
    6. Sift the flour, add salt to it, and then pour in the previously obtained mixture of kefir, eggs and cream in small portions. Mix everything until smooth. The dough should be thick and without lumps.
    7. Place the dough in a warm place for half an hour.
    8. Melt the butter and pour it into the dough before baking the pancakes.
    9. Fry pancakes in the usual way using vegetable oil.

    Since large kefir pancakes have a neutral taste, you can use absolutely any filling to stuff them - both salty and sweet.

    The following filling options are perfect for a festive or regular table:

    • Salmon, low-fat cottage cheese, herbs and salt. This is a very spicy and incredibly tasty filling that will make pancakes the main highlight of the table. You can pour kefir-sour cream sauce on top.
    • Cottage cheese grated with sugar with the addition of raisins, dried apricots, fresh fruits, nuts or dried fruits. You can top the pancakes with melted butter or low-fat sour cream.
  • Finely chopped boiled or fried liver, which was soaked in milk before heat treatment. Such pancakes are usually served with sour cream of any fat content.
  • Poppy seeds, which are first steamed in hot water and then ground well with granulated sugar. Top the pancakes with melted butter.
  • Chicken, grated cheese and mushrooms. To prepare this filling, chicken fillet is chopped and then stewed with onions and mushrooms. After the resulting minced meat is cooled, grated hard cheese is added to it.

    Grated cheese Chicken fillet Mushrooms

  • Boiled condensed milk and a piece of fresh banana. Children will love this filling option. The top of the pancakes can be poured with a small amount of melted chocolate or sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • Beef, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms. This is another option for a savory filling for the holiday table. To prepare it, fresh beef is ground in a meat grinder, fried with onions and pieces of champignons. After the minced meat is ready, cool it and add pickled cucumbers cut into slices. On top of the pancakes you can pour sour cream or sour cream-kefir sauce, seasoned with salt and finely chopped herbs.
  • One of the most expensive, but incredibly tasty options is caviar filling. These pancakes are served with melted butter for special occasions.
  • You can easily prepare thin, delicate pancakes using kefir. Since they have a neutral taste, they can be safely stuffed with absolutely any filling and served at a festive or regular table. Depending on the filling used, such pancakes can be topped with melted butter, hollandaise sauce, sour cream, mayonnaise, soy sauce, honey, jam, chocolate, Bechamel sauce, etc.

    Although preparing thin pancakes with kefir requires a certain amount of knowledge and skills, even a beginner in the culinary arts can cope with this, at first glance, somewhat difficult task. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following tips:

    • To prepare thin, porous pancakes, you should not put too much flour in the dough, otherwise they may turn out to be quite fluffy and thick.
    • You should add no more than 2 eggs to the dough. The more eggs, the denser the pancakes.
    • To obtain porous pancakes, soda is often used in the dough. Please note that before putting it into the dough, it should never be quenched with vinegar. As a rule, it is mixed with sifted flour or quenched in kefir, and vinegar (if provided for in the recipe) is added later. You can get porous pancakes without adding baking soda. We'll look at how to achieve this later.
    • Thin, porous pancakes are usually not cooked with yeast.
    • For the dough, you should use kefir, the temperature of which is close to room temperature. It is advisable to leave it overnight somewhere in a warm place before preparing pancakes.
    • Store-bought kefir can be successfully replaced with homemade sour milk. To prepare it, you need to take 1 liter of whole milk and leave it warm for one or two days. To speed up the souring process, you can add a small amount of kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt to the milk. Pancakes made with sour milk turn out incredibly tender.
    • After the dough is ready, you need to let it sit for 30 minutes. This will allow it to acquire the correct consistency. After this, it is necessary to mix it, as the flour settles and the dough becomes uneven.
    • Vegetable oil is added only once - before heating the pan. There is no need to use it further, since it is, as a rule, already included in the test. If you have too much of it, the pancakes will be too greasy and oily.
    • If the pancakes come out a little dry, after baking they need to be greased with melted butter. This can be done using a silicone brush.
    • It is recommended to use a cast iron frying pan for frying as it retains temperature well.
    • To make the pancakes fragrant, you can add vanilla sugar, vanillin or a small amount of ground cinnamon to the dough.

    Vanilla sugar Cinnamon

  • You should always take fresh eggs, otherwise the pancakes will turn out quite dense. It is best to give preference to domestic eggs.
  • The dough should have the consistency of sour cream with 15% fat content. If it turns out too thick, it can be diluted with water, and if, on the contrary, it is liquid, add a certain amount of sifted flour.
  • The dough should be poured into the frying pan in a fairly small volume and distributed evenly along the bottom. To do this, you need to hold the ladle with the dough with one hand and pour it, and with the other hand, rotate the pan, distributing the batter over the entire bottom.
  • To make porous pancakes, you can use any type of flour, for example, buckwheat or wheat. The main thing is that it is of the highest quality. It must be sifted before use.
  • Kefir pancakes, thin with holes

    I decided to make a “two in one” recipe so that you can compare what kind of pancakes you can get from the same ingredients if you make the dough differently. In one case, boiling water is poured into beaten eggs, in the other - into the dough after adding flour. There is still debate online about which recipe is correct. I just took it and cooked it this way and that, and I want to say that they are both good, each in their own way. Choose any one, thin kefir pancakes, with holes, the recipe is simple, the result will be one hundred percent successful.

    Thin holey pancakes with kefir

    Adding boiling water to the dough has an amazing effect: it foams and rises so much that no yeast is needed. A sea of ​​bubbles, pancakes with holes, lacy, thin. The hot ones are incredibly tasty, soft and tender. When they cool down, they become a little dry, but this is my subjective opinion. When baking, try not to overcook them in the pan; keep in mind that they are thin and cook quickly. But even if they brown too much, it’s okay, they become like sweet pancake chips: thin, crispy, you can break them off piece by piece.

    • wheat flour – 1.5 cups;
    • low-fat kefir (liquid) – 1 glass;
    • boiling water – 1 cup (250 ml);
    • eggs – 2 pcs;
    • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
    • soda – 1 tsp without a slide;
    • fine salt - 2 pinches;
    • refined sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method

    Place a ladle of water on the burner while it boils, let’s make the dough. The beginning is standard: mix the eggs with salt and sugar, beating with a whisk or mixer until foamy. I made the pancakes sweet, you can reduce the amount of sugar to two spoons or less, but add at least one so that the pancakes brown when frying.

    It is not necessary to heat the kefir; boiling water will warm everything up as it should. Pour low-fat kefir into the beaten eggs and stir.

    Mix flour and soda, sift, remove impurities and at the same time saturate with oxygen. My kefir was low-fat, it was liquid, a little thicker than milk, I give the flour calculation for such a product. For thick kefir, one glass of flour should be enough. In any case, if it turns out very thick, add more boiling water or dilute the dough with kefir.

    Beat everything into a homogeneous mass, quite thick. No lumps - this is very important! If you beat it poorly, then when you add boiling water, the lumps will brew, become dense, and you will no longer be able to get rid of them. The only way out is to strain the dough, but why complicate everything when you can do it right away.

    The water in the ladle began to boil. We measure out a glass - 250 ml. Pour in a thin stream, while simultaneously whisking the dough with a whisk or mixer, giving it fluffiness and airiness. I couldn’t photograph the whole process, my hands are full, but the next photo shows everything perfectly.

    This is what the dough looks like after adding boiling water, with lots of bubbles inside and out. Quite liquid, pours out easily from a spoon in a thin stream.

    Add sunflower oil, stir. Let the dough recover and rest a bit before baking.

    I grease the frying pan with a piece of lard hooked onto a fork. It is also convenient to use a pastry brush or cut potatoes, dipping them in oil. I pour a scoop of dough onto a well-heated surface, rotate the pan, tilting it. It is liquid, in a couple of seconds it will spread over the entire bottom area, the layer will be thin. If it is not completely evenly spread, it will not affect the taste and appearance of the pancakes. I turn the heat to medium and bake the pancake for about a minute or a minute and a half, until the edges are browned. I separate it from the walls with a wooden stick, pry it up and turn it over to the other side with my hands. It will work with a spatula too, the pancakes won’t tear.

    This is what we have in the end: thin, holey pancakes, lace, openwork. Everything fits into the hole, as promised.

    Delicious thin kefir pancakes with holes are ready. They are very elastic, you can roll them any way you like and are suitable for stuffing. Not for liquid filling, the custard will definitely leak out of them. And with apples or meat, an egg will do what you need. Bon appetit!

    Recipe for thin pancakes with holes made from choux pastry with kefir

    These kefir pancakes are prepared completely differently. Here the beaten eggs are brewed with boiling water. I still couldn’t understand why this was being done, what was the point of the recipe? It turned out to be quite an interesting technology. When beaten eggs and boiling water are combined, a lush foamy mixture is formed, into which kefir is poured and flour is added. The bubbles, of which there are simply countless, perfectly loosen the dough. True, then there are fewer of them, but when baking, the pancakes still turn out with holes and quite thin. Their taste is softer, their structure is more delicate and they do not dry out in a frying pan.

    Required ingredients:

    • liquid 1% kefir - a full faceted glass (this is 250 ml);
    • wheat flour - a faceted glass with a large slide (170 g);
    • sugar – 2 tbsp. l. (taste);
    • boiling water – 250 ml;
    • egg – 1 pc.
    • salt - on the tip of a teaspoon;
    • soda - a flat teaspoon, without a mound;
    • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.

    I want to warn you right away: the choux pastry for pancakes made with kefir foams very much, make it in a deep bowl. I almost ran away. We boil the water, after boiling we leave it on low heat so that it barely gurgles. Pour sugar, salt into a bowl, break one egg.

    Mix and start beating until foam appears. I first beat with a whisk, then with a mixer, because... The whisk did not produce a lush foam. You need to beat thoroughly so that the entire surface is covered in bubbles.

    Add boiling water in a thin stream, beat the egg immediately, otherwise it will come out in flakes and “cook.” I beat it with a mixer, but I can’t show you a photo, I didn’t have enough hands to pour boiling water, beat it and remove it.

    This is what the mixture of eggs and boiling water looked like after beating. You need to beat for at least a minute and a half or two at high speed. I repeat once again: take a deep bowl, splashes from my seemingly large bowl scattered in all directions. It foams very strongly and rises quickly.

    Add kefir, cold or warm - it makes no difference. Mine was cold, liquid, slightly thicker than milk.

    Sift the flour, add soda to the last portion. There is no need to extinguish it, boiling water will do its job, extinguish it, the taste will not be felt.

    The finished dough is liquid, flows down like a thin thread, and does not break. Homogeneous, without lumps. After it is mixed, add sunflower or other vegetable oil.

    Heat the frying pan, grease it (I use lard, you can use butter), scoop out the dough with a ladle, pour it onto a hot surface. Be sure to heat the frying pan and get it hot. You can't get holey pancakes when it's warm. Bake over medium heat and brown the bottom.

    Turn over and fry the other side until golden specks. The pancakes will not have large holes, but there will be plenty of small ones. Their structure is soft, elastic, and you can wrap any filling.

    My conclusions: each recipe for thin pancakes with kefir has its own “zest”. In the first one, in which the dough was cooked with boiling water, the pancakes had a lacy structure, with fried edges, and were very thin. In the second, they are more tender, softer, ideal for stuffing and fillings.

    Choose any recipe, you will get thin kefir pancakes with holes the first time. It’s not in vain that I tried and took detailed photos and wrote everything out step by step. Well, if you still have questions, ask in the comments. Happy pancakes and bon appetit! Your Plyushkin .

    Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe