Delicious flatbreads with herbs in a frying pan. Awesome puff pastries with herbs

Flatbread made from unleavened dough with herbs is quick to prepare and turns out very tasty!
I want to bring to your attention a version of Lenten flatbreads that you can easily prepare at home and diversify your Lenten or vegetarian menu.
The advantage of flatbreads is that they are prepared quickly, from available ingredients, and we will use yeast-free dough, i.e. fresh, almost like dumpling dough.
These flatbreads are good served with soup instead of bread. Well, for those who adhere to fasting, this recipe is simply a godsend!
If you want to prepare a non-lenten version of flatbreads, then replace the vegetable oil with butter. Also, you can add a mixture of cottage cheese with feta cheese and a raw egg or just grated cheese to the filling - the flatbreads will turn out even tastier. If you add salted cheese to the filling, be careful not to over-salt the filling - add salt to taste!

Bon appetit!


For fresh dough with hot water and soda:
flour 500 g
hot water (about 60-70ºC) 130-150 ml
carbonated water 50-60 ml
vegetable oil 40 g
salt 1 tsp
sugar pinch
For filling:
any greens (parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, green onions, wild garlic or spinach) 150-200 g
garlic 1-2 cloves
vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
salt taste

Flatbread with herbs in a frying pan: recipe with photo

A simple and very tasty alternative to store-bought bread is bread cakes with herbs in vegetable oil. Due to the combination of milk and soda, they are airy. The special way the cakes are formed gives them some layering. Kneading the dough is extremely simple and does not take much time, since it does not require long waiting or cooling. Bread cakes with herbs are soft and flavorful. They can be prepared not only with milk, but also with water with a little vinegar added. Here is a list of ingredients you will need to make soda cakes in a frying pan:

  • Milk – 200 ml;
  • Wheat flour – 400 g;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Soda – 2/3 tsp;
  • Dill – 1 bunch;
  • Cilantro – 1 bunch;
  • Vegetable oil – 75 ml.

All dry ingredients for bread cakes must be mixed and sifted. Flour, baking soda and salt should be poured into a large bowl to form a funnel. You need to pour cold milk into it. If desired, milk can be replaced with boiled water. In this case, in order to activate the soda, you need to add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.
You should knead a soft, elastic dough. If it remains very sticky, you need to add a little flour. The dough needs to be kneaded for 3-5 minutes, then covered with a towel and left for another 10-15 minutes. This time is needed for the gluten contained in the flour to swell. While the dough is resting, you need to prepare the greens. Dill and cilantro should be washed and shaken. Then they need to be finely chopped. After this, you can return to working with the test. During this time it will become more pliable and will be easy to roll out.

The work surface should be sprinkled with flour. The dough must be divided into 10-12 pieces the size of an average chicken egg. They should be rolled into balls and covered with film or a damp towel to prevent them from weathering.

Each portion of dough must be rolled out as thin as possible. You should get a round cake with a diameter of about 15 cm. It should be greased on one side with vegetable oil. Sprinkle 2-3 pinches of chopped herbs on top of the greased side.

Then the cake must be rolled into a roll, and then given a spiral shape. This double twist allows you to hide the dill and cilantro filling inside the bread flatbread.

The resulting “snail” should be rolled out again into a round cake 2-3 mm thick and 10-12 cm in diameter.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat. Pour 1 spoon of vegetable oil and place the bread with herbs on top. The frying pan must be covered with a lid. When heated, small bubbles will appear on the cake. After 1 minute, when one side of the cake is browned, it must be turned over to the other side. After opening the lid, any condensation that has formed on it should be wiped off with a paper napkin. The tortilla needs to be browned on the other side and then transferred to a plate. Cakes made with milk in a frying pan without yeast are fried very quickly!

Cover the finished bread with a towel to keep it soft. So the flatbreads with herbs are ready in a frying pan! A recipe with a photo of such a simple snack will be useful to any housewife! Bon appetit!

. In general, the stars should have aligned. How is it possible to receive an Armenian woman as a guest and not bake flatbreads with herbs? Moreover, we have it in stock all year round and the bundles are sold in such sizes that you can make a broom for a steam room.
Zhengyalov hats, originally from Nagorno-Karabakh, is not just some kind of food, not just national flatbreads, of which there are many. This is a symbol.
Here's what they write about them:“The main point of preparing it is to gather relatives and perform a common action - to unite once again to talk about pressing matters, exchange news.” They are usually prepared by the whole family, getting together. And how can I refuse this? Moreover, Susanna suggested it herself. I practically didn’t insist.
And don’t tell me now that Zhengyalov hats are the same kutabs. No, no and NO! I thought so too and giggled at Susana when she proved it to me.
I thought: well... the eternal confrontation of peoples, everyone insists on their own. Now, when I delved a little deeper into the principles of preparing both, I realized that there really is a difference and not a small one. Well, first of all, the form. Kutabs are made in the shape of a crescent. The dough is filled approximately like chebureks, and zhengyalov hats is always made oval and covered on top like pies. And of course, the content. Kutab can be made with different fillings, with herbs, pumpkin, and meat. But sauteed onions are put into kutabs with greens and the greens are often simmered in a frying pan, and Armenian flatbreads are prepared ONLY with greens. This is their distinctive sign (("zhengyal" in the Karabakh dialect means greens, "khats" means bread) Moreover, the greens are always fresh, they are not subjected to pre-heat treatment. I don’t want to belittle the dignity of the kutabs, they are very tasty. This post is about Zhengyalov hats and that’s why I write exclusively about the similarities and differences, so that there is no talk about who has who... you understand...
Many claim that these are supposedly the same product. The only thing they have in common is unleavened dough. Zhengyalov hats are original national flatbreads.
This dish is especially relevant now, when many are fasting!

So, we went to the market and bought some greens.
I’ll be honest, I forcibly forced Susanna to deviate from grandma’s traditional “by eye” and weigh everything and write it down. I don’t like dirtying dishes, mixing water into ready-made dough and straining for a long time - this is the first thing. And second: the results had to be recorded for the future. I can imagine the consistency of the dough for flatbreads very well, I am not lacking in assertiveness, and therefore the violence was quick and almost painless.

Recipe in baking percentages:
whole wheat flour, not strong 100%
water 63-67%
salt 1.3%

These are classic simple proportions for flatbreads. I often break away from tradition and replace some of the water with yogurt or curdled milk and replace about 5% of the flour with wheat bran. This helps cut the gluten and the cakes do not become rubbery even the next day and remain tender and bitey.

In other words, or for those NOT fans of percentages:
whole wheat flour 1 kg or 900 g flour and 50 g bran
water 630-670 g or 530-570 g water and 100 g yogurt or curdled milk
salt 13g
The dough should be soft enough, but not wet, so that it can be rolled out into a thin cake.

This is where the difficulty begins. Everything we can stuff with zhengyalov hats will be very different from what they put there in Armenia. We simply don't have access to many of the herbs that grow in this region.
The history of these spring cakes, originally from Karabakh, was told very well on the website"Planet Armenia" . It turns out that in Armenian cooking about 300 types of wild herbs are used as independent dishes or seasonings. The article lists the most popular of them. I never knew about the existence of many. And up to 20 varieties of greens are used as filling in flatbreads
Well, we will proceed from our miserable industrial realities:
Mint, cilantro, spinach, green onions (or chives), dill, beet tops, chavel
For those who have access to wild herbs: nettle, chickweed
The proportions of greens are to taste, but Susanna recommends this: “Nettle and mint the least, sorrel to feel the sourness, but not the acid, and everything else in equal proportions. If there is woodlice, then there is more of it..”
I put mint and sorrel in half a bunch, the rest in a bunch. But as I already said, the bunch is different from the bunch. There must be a good bowl of greens, otherwise you will have to finish baking the dough with flatbreads.
In the absence of sorrel, you can use spinach or mix them as desired.
Rinse the greens well, dry on towels or in a centrifuge and chop finely. Don't salt everything at once! Otherwise, the greens will yield juice and turn into a swamp. Place a little at a time in a small bowl and add salt and pepper in portions, just before adding to the dough.

Knead the dough with your hands or in a dough mixer until smooth. To knead with your hands, mix flour and salt in a bowl, make a hole in the middle and pour in water. Using a fork, using a circular motion, carefully begin to fold in the flour from the edges. When the flour has absorbed all the water, continue kneading with your hands in a bowl or on the table until the dough stops sticking to your hands and becomes smooth and elastic.
Set aside for at least 30 minutes to allow the gluten to swell. You can put it in the refrigerator overnight.
Divide the dough into pieces of 50-60 grams. Roll into balls on a floured table

Roll out very thin cakes with a rolling pin. The thinner the dough, the more tender the result will be. If the dough resists, put the half-rolled cake aside, take another, then return to the first.

Place some greens in a separate bowl, add salt and pepper to taste, add a little olive or vegetable oil and place a good portion of the filling in the middle of the flatbread. Do not skimp on the filling. When frying, it will immediately settle and the cake will become flat.
Start filling the cake from the center to the edges. Blind the top of the head, and then, pulling the edges, seal the ends.

When the whole pie is molded, gently slam it with your hand to flatten it, turn it seam side down and place it on a dry frying pan or saj

Step 1: Knead the dough.

To prepare the dough for flatbreads with herbs, start by rinsing the dill and parsley under running hot water. Do the same with spinach if you don’t have it frozen. Then shake off excess water from the herbs and chop into small pieces. You can do this with a knife, or use a blender if you have one.
Now first pour 1 cup of flour into a deep bowl, add an egg, salt, spices to taste and vegetable oil. Mix everything with a whisk, also adding chopped herbs. Now, gradually mix the resulting mass with flour. Don’t forget to sift the flour through a strainer as well. Knead the dough until it is stiff enough to form into a ball. To make this, you may need less or more flour than indicated in the ingredients list.

Step 2: Form the cakes.

Cover the work surface with cling film to prevent the dough from sticking; you can also sprinkle the countertop with a small amount of flour.
Pinch off small pieces from the dough prepared for the flatbreads and form them into balls in your palms. Divide the entire mass into several such blanks.

Now, using a rolling pin, roll each ball into a pancake. The finished cake should be approximately 5-7 millimeters thick, but no more. For convenience, you can also cover the workpiece with cling film so that the cake does not stick to the rolling pin and does not tear in the process.

Step 3: Fry the tortillas in a frying pan.

Heat a frying pan on the stove and add a very small amount of vegetable oil for frying. Prepare the flatbreads according to 3-4 minutes on each side, carefully prying them up and turning them over with a metal spatula. Once you have fried all your cooking items, let them cool slightly, approx. 5-7 minutes before serving.

Step 4: Serve the flatbreads with herbs.

Serve the finished herb flatbreads slightly chilled as a substitute for bread or as a snack. You can take them on a picnic or serve them as an afternoon snack for children; they will happily eat these bright and unusual flatbreads, especially if you spread butter on top or sprinkle them with cheese. Help yourself to your culinary work of art.
Bon appetit!

You can use frozen spinach instead of fresh spinach.

You can also add any other greens to your taste, you can even make these flatbreads by adding finely chopped vegetables to the dough.

You can also prepare stuffed tortillas by simply placing the filling between two culinary products while frying in a pan, this could be cheese, vegetable salad or boiled chicken eggs, for example.

Instead of a rolling pin, you can use an improvised tortilla press. To do this, simply place a ball of dough on a countertop or cutting board covered with film, cover the dough with it, then flatten the ball on top with the flat bottom of a frying pan or plate.

I bring to your attention a very simple dish in terms of ingredients - lean flatbreads with herbs. The peculiarity of the flatbreads is that they are layered in their finished form, as well as the ability to vary the greens according to taste or season. Today I propose to prepare young garlic from the tops, since garlic is in season now, it is filled with the largest amount of vitamins - just what you need after a cold winter. At other times of the year, you can prepare flatbreads with spinach, onions, beet tops, parsley, nettles, cilantro or wild garlic. Or you can make a mixture by taking a few branches of each.

I am sharing a win-win basic recipe that can be supplemented at your discretion: cheese, cottage cheese, mushrooms, tofu and more.

Preparation time: 40 minutes.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

  • wheat flour - 230-270 g;
  • warm boiled water - 110 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • butter or vegetable oil - 30 g;
  • tops of young garlic or onion 3-4 stalks (can be replaced with a bunch of spinach);
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil for frying

And here is a recipe for Indian flatbreads with potato filling - which are very similar to ours both in cooking technique and in taste.

Lenten flatbreads with herbs in a frying pan

At the preparatory stage, you need to knead the dough. To do this, sift the flour into a bowl, add a pinch of sea salt and sugar.

Add warm boiled water to the flour and knead into a soft and elastic dough.

Cover with a towel or wrap in a bag and set the dough aside to rest (20-30 minutes).

For the filling, use the tops of young garlic or onions; you can combine both types. Chop all the greens quite finely.

Place half of the garlic greens into a bowl. Grind the rest of the greens in a blender with a tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt.

Combine the resulting mass with finely chopped garlic in a bowl. Mix the filling thoroughly with a spoon.

On a work surface lightly sprinkled with flour, roll out the rested dough very thin.

Brush the entire surface of the dough with melted butter.

Spread the green filling.

Now try to make a fairly dense roll.

Pinch the weight of the edge of the dough.

Cut the roll into pieces, approximately 4-5 cm.

Pinch the edges of the resulting pieces with your fingers, and then flatten them into a flat cake. Roll each piece into a flat cake. Even if your flatbread bursts, don’t worry.

In a frying pan in heated vegetable oil, fry the flatbreads with herbs until golden brown. Fire - medium.

As a result, you get very appetizing and aromatic flatbreads, which are flaky inside due to the oil and cooking method.

Delicious with soup, main courses, or tea.

Best regards, Elbi. Bon appetit!