Delicious dough for pies in a bread machine. In the bread machine

I offer a recipe rich yeast dough, which has been tested many times. The baked goods are very tasty, fluffy and aromatic. From this dough you can make all kinds of buns, both with and without filling. I will show you an option for preparing rich yeast dough in a bread machine, but you can also make dough from these ingredients in the traditional way - by hand. The option of preparing dough in a bread machine not only saves time (and saves manicure...), but also ensures optimal temperature conditions for the dough. The dough according to this recipe rises 2.5-3 times.

To prepare rich yeast dough in a bread machine you will need:

flour - 2.5 cups;
dry yeast - 2/3-1 tsp;
milk - 100-120 ml;
margarine - 50 g;
egg - 1 pc.;
sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
vanilla sugar - 1-2 teaspoons;

salt - 1/2 teaspoon.

The first to be loaded into the bread machine to prepare rich yeast dough are the liquid ingredients: milk, margarine, egg.

Then the dry ingredients are loaded: flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt and yeast on top.

The wonderful dough is ready, you can create...

Thanks to the bread maker, you can very quickly knead delicious yeast dough. It's great for pies, pies, pizza bases, etc. The dough turns out incredibly porous, airy and does not go stale for a long time.

Recipe for yeast dough in a bread machine


  • dry instant yeast – 15 g;
  • wheat flour – 505 g;
  • fine salt – 5 g;
  • cane sugar – 45 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • – 55 g;
  • water – 225 ml.


Pour the instant yeast into a clean pan and sow the flour. Then add sugar, salt and break the chicken eggs. Add a small piece of butter and fill with cool water. Now we place the mold in the bread machine, select the program intended for kneading dough, and cook for about 2 hours. After time, the soft and airy yeast dough for pies in the bread machine is ready.

Yeast dough for buns in a bread machine


  • flour – 505 g;
  • dry instant yeast – 15 g;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • butter – 105 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 105 ml;
  • – 115 ml.


The recipe for rich yeast dough in a bread machine begins with preparing the base. Place the butter in a bowl and melt in the microwave. Pour into the mold, add sour cream and add sifted wheat flour and yeast. At the very end, break the eggs into the base, dilute the mixture with water and add sugar. Close the device and turn on “Dough” for about 2 hours. If suddenly the result turns out to be watery, add a little flour and knead until soft.

Yeast dough in a bread machine with milk


  • pasteurized milk – 205 ml;
  • flour – 455 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 45 g;
  • instant yeast – 5-10 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar – 40 g.


Pour the milk into a glass and heat it in the microwave to 40 degrees. Melt the butter, cool and pour into a container. Add warm milk and add salt. Beat the eggs separately with a mixer, and then pour them into the rest of the products. Sift the wheat flour several times and gradually pour it into the container. Add sugar, instant yeast and mix everything with a spoon. Now we place the bowl in the bread machine, close the device with the lid and select a program for kneading dough, designed for about 2 hours. After the beep, carefully remove it and use it to prepare buns, pies or pies.

Lenten yeast dough in a bread machine


  • flour – 630 g;
  • water – 365 ml;
  • dry yeast – 25 g;
  • sugar, salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 35 ml.


Pour room temperature water and oil into the bread machine container. Then add salt and sugar to taste and add sifted flour. Lastly, add dry yeast, close the device and turn on the “Dough” program. After the sound signal, we transfer it to the table and begin making pies.

Yeast dough with kefir in a bread maker



Sift the flour onto the table, and then pour it into the bowl of the bread machine. Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Next, add kefir, add instant yeast and mix. We install the container, close the device with the lid and set the appropriate program for kneading the dough, which is designed for approximately 2.5 hours. After the signal, turn off the oven, carefully remove the yeast dough from the bread maker and use it to make pizza or pies.

Butter yeast dough is very tasty in baking, but at the same time, a little capricious in preparation. To knead the dough in the usual way, housewives require a lot of effort, patience and time. I want to offer you a quick recipe for homemade yeast dough mixed in a bread machine. The recipe is supplemented with step-by-step photos, so you can repeat it easily and simply.

To begin with, let's prepare a set of products we need: 3 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. warm purified water, 1 egg, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. dry yeast, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, 1 tsp. salt.

How to make yeast dough in a bread machine

To knead the dough, pour a glass of warm water into the bread machine container.

I make sure to sift the flour twice. Unsifted flour will make the dough dense and not tasty. I pour it in an even layer onto the water.

Water and flour should not mix. We make small holes in the corners and in the middle of the container (not reaching the water). Place all the ingredients in the recesses, the yeast in the middle, and the rest of the ingredients in the corners.

Carefully insert the bowl into the bread maker. Close and turn on the “Dough” mode. If during the kneading period the dough sticks to the walls and corners of the bowl, then take a wooden spatula and scrape it into the total mass. During proofing, the lid must not be opened. In an hour and a half, the yeast dough in the bread machine will be fluffy and ready for baking.

From prepared delicious yeast dough, mixed in a bread machine, you can make pies, belyashi, pizza, donuts, sausages or cutlets in dough, buns... In a word, whatever your heart desires.

    To obtain high-quality baked goods, select the quantity and composition of the required components in compliance with the specified proportions.

    How to knead dough for fluffy pies in a bread machine

    I pour purified water into the mold of the machine. I add a piece of margarine.

    I release the egg into a glass to check its freshness, shake it with a fork and combine it with the introduced ingredients.

    I add salt.

    I always take the highest grade flour from trusted manufacturers. To make the dough airy, I sift the flour twice. Saturated with air bubbles, it interacts better with other components.

    Thanks to the bread machine, I became friends with dry yeast. When buying in a store, I make sure to check the date of manufacture. Old yeast does not guarantee the quality of baked goods. If you bake rarely, do not take a large bag, because if you break its seal, you will reduce their shelf life. You have included all the ingredients in the given recipe, but if you want to experiment, try it. For the first time, vanilla will be enough.

    On the bread machine display, set the “dough” mode and you can start filling. For a sweet filling, I add sugar along with the fruit just before baking. To prevent them from releasing juice, I mix them with a small amount of starch. Enjoy your meal.

Homemade bread is a small miracle. The smell alone is already making your mouth water. But thoughts about your figure haunt you? I give you a recipe for bread without yeast in a bread machine - use it for your health;)

When you prepare the dough in a bread machine, you not only save your time, but at the same time you get the ideal consistency of the dough, which is perfect for buns.

Cottage cheese casserole baked in a bread machine turns out tender and airy. And most importantly - without extra effort and no additional control on your part.

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Bread "Riga" in a bread machine

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If you have some free time, then it’s time to put your bread machine to work and prepare a wonderful airy bread that will delight you and your whole family.

How pleasant it is to wake up early in the morning to the smell of freshly baked bread. In our age of technology, you don’t have to live in a village to do this. Enough with a bread machine and this recipe for kefir bread in a bread machine.

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A simple recipe for dough for manti in a bread machine, which will greatly simplify the process of preparing this wonderful dish. Let's get started immediately!

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With the advent of such a “smart” household appliance as a bread machine, home baking has turned into a simple and enjoyable pastime. Try making delicious buns in a bread machine and see for yourself!

If you have ever made a cottage cheese casserole in a bread machine, you will no longer use other methods (oven, microwave, etc.), believe me! In the bread maker, the casserole turns out tender, airy, and soft. They say it doesn’t get stale even on the second day. I don’t know - she’s never lived with me for even an hour!;)

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A baguette is a classic French loaf, the length of which exceeds half a meter. Of course, you can’t do this in a bread machine that isn’t equipped with a special baguette maker—the size of the container won’t allow it. But there is also an oven - maybe they and the bread maker will complement each other?

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Making Easter cake in a bread machine is as easy as shelling pears. And you won’t spend much time, and you’ll put a delicious homemade Easter cake on the table. Anyone can master the recipe!

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