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The bracelet is one of the oldest types of jewelry. Over a long time, certain rules have developed regarding which hand to wear a bracelet on, what metal to choose and what to combine the jewelry with. Three important energy points are concentrated on the wrist, so bracelets play not only an aesthetic role, but also have a healing and protective effect. It is important to know how to wear bracelets made from various natural materials so as not to harm your health.

Basic Rules

The classic idea of ​​accessories is that a watch should be worn on the left hand and a bracelet on the right. But modern fashion trends are subverting the age-old traditions of wearing jewelry. Now you can wear a watch on one hand with a bracelet and swap them. But business style requires you to adhere to some rules:

The watch is on the left hand, the bracelet is on the right;
you cannot combine expensive watches with cheap jewelry;
it is desirable that all jewelry be made of the same metal or materials similar in color;
an ornate bracelet with stones goes with a simple watch and vice versa.

Additional reasons for wearing bracelets on the right are that the right hand is more active and visible more often, which means the jewelry will be more noticeable. For a left-hander, the situation is the opposite - to enhance the effect, it is better to put the bracelet on the active left hand. It is necessary to select a decoration for the wrist, taking into account the particular cut of the clothing. If the outfit exposes one hand, then the bracelet should be worn on it. A brooch or other large decoration should be on the opposite side of the bracelet. It is worth remembering that activating the points on the wrist of the right hand stimulates the work of the left hemisphere of the brain and vice versa. If you need to strengthen logical thinking, you need to put the bracelet on your right hand, and to stimulate creative abilities - on your left.

Clothes with bright or puffy sleeve trim do not go well with the bracelet. It is worth considering the build when choosing the width of the decoration. Wide bracelets with massive stones or inserts look better on a chubby hand, and narrow ones on a thin wrist. In any case, the distance between the bracelet and the skin should be about 1 cm. The watch and bracelet look good in the same style as the handbag.

Jewelry for health

Copper products have long been used for health and preventive purposes. This metal activates metabolic processes, has antibacterial properties, increases bone strength and saturates the blood with oxygen. Humans get copper from food, but many are unable to absorb it in the required amount. To eliminate element deficiency, you can wear a copper bracelet.

Upon contact with skin, copper ions enter the body. This shows up as a green mark under the bracelet. Copper “green” is easily washed off. If you have problems with this, you should listen to your body. A metallic taste, nausea and headaches indicate an excess of copper. In this case, the copper bracelet must be removed.

It is believed that a copper bracelet helps avoid attacks of hypertension, get rid of migraines and arthritis. The positive energetic effect of wearing jewelry is due to the fact that it protects against magnetic storms. The copper talisman helps fight stress and calms you down in difficult times. To achieve a healing effect, you need a product weighing at least 50 grams. This amulet will help combat weather sensitivity.

It is recommended to wear a copper bracelet 12 hours a day, alternating hands every 3-4 weeks. The peculiarity of the bracelet is that its ends are located at a distance of 1-2 cm. Copper oxidizes over time, so the jewelry must be cleaned with tooth powder or fine sandpaper. Additionally, you can enhance the energy potential of the bracelet with icons set in metal.

Many believe that a magnetic bracelet has strong healing properties. It is made from various metals, often coated with gold or silver, and decorated with icons. The healing effect is explained by small magnets located on the inside of the jewelry. The magnetic bracelet has a controversial reputation. Some scientists consider it a panacea for arthritis pain, migraines, and unstable blood pressure. A weak magnetic field expands capillary walls, normalizes electromagnetic balance and improves overall well-being.

Other researchers believe that any magnetic bracelet works due to the placebo effect. Therefore, you should not rely only on it. Very often, a magnetic bracelet is reinforced with silver or germanium coating.

Magic bracelets

Shamballa bracelets have recently become a popular accessory. They are worn by both women and men. Jewelry is made from various precious and semi-precious stones. Each of them sends its own energy impulse, so you need to choose minerals carefully, taking into account the magical meaning of each stone. In addition, the bracelet includes metal beads. All components of the decoration are braided with a thin cord or silk thread. A shamballa bracelet can consist of several rows or one.

All Shambhala bracelets are a strong talisman that helps you concentrate, gain faith in your strength and become a happy person. It is believed that the color of the decoration should be selected in accordance with the zodiac sign. But followers of the Shambhala cult disagree with this opinion, since the Chinese and European horoscopes do not coincide.

The Shambhala amulet is very popular among celebrities and the fashion crowd. Some samples can cost several thousand dollars. But you don't have to spend that much money. You can make shamballa bracelets yourself. You can even insert a clock into them. Of course, jewelry brought from Tibet and made by monks is considered especially chic.

The Shambhala energy bracelet should be worn correctly on the right hand. Initially it consisted of 9 beads, now there can be 11 or 12. You can wear 2-3 jewelry made from different stones at once to achieve success in various areas of life. The original Tibetan product has a metal link with an engraving of a smiling Buddha. Jewelry made in jewelry workshops contains the mark of the author or the manufacturer's logo.

Many attribute special power to bracelets with icons. It is worth noting that the clergy disapprove of such decorations. But if you really want to wear an accessory with icons, it is better to consecrate it in church.

The tradition of wearing bracelets has reached our days from ancient times. At one time, the decoration had a magical character; the ancient Romans used a bracelet to emphasize their affiliation with the nobility, and in the Middle Ages, the accessory acquired a symbolic meaning. In modern society, a bracelet has lost its former symbolism and is another piece of jewelry that can emphasize attractiveness and a sense of style.

On which hand should a woman wear a bracelet? Is it worth adhering to certain rules and do they even exist? Let's consider these issues in the light of etiquette, fashion trends and common sense.

Rules for wearing women's bracelets

Until the beginning of the last century, there were no specific rules for wearing gold or silver bracelets. If you look at photographs and paintings of the 19th century, you will notice that during this era fashionistas wore bracelets on both their right and left hands. Wearing jewelry on the wrists began to be regulated by etiquette only in the first quarter of the 20th century, and the rules were approached exclusively from the position of common sense.

Most people in the world are right-handed. That's why they wear wrist watch on the left hand, it’s more convenient. According to etiquette, placing two or more jewelry on one part of the body is bad manners.

It is for this reason that from the very moment a wristwatch became an integral accessory for a woman, the rule arose to wear bracelet on the right wrist. An exception is possible only for left-handers. They wear a watch on their right hand and, accordingly, the bracelet should be on their left wrist.

There is another reason why the bracelet is worn on the right hand. This accessory is designed to emphasize the tenderness and elegance of women's hands, and therefore should attract attention. In everyday modern life, women carry handbags in their right hand. It is she who is always in sight, unlike the left one. Therefore, a bracelet would be more appropriate here.

Is it possible to deviate from the rules?

Rules are especially good when there is a temptation and opportunity to break them. Moreover, nowadays etiquette does not always play an important role and in everyday life you can forget about it. If you look at photographs of modern fashionistas, you will notice not only bracelets on the left, right or both hands, but also the combination of this jewelry with a wristwatch.

However, even in this case, there are a number of rules and recommendations that must be followed. Basically, they are all based on the principle of harmony. For example, it is not recommended to wear classic wristwatches and elegant gold bracelets on one hand. Such a neighborhood looks unattractive and vulgar.

Women wear rings constantly and the bracelet should be in harmony with them. In this case, to decide on which hand a woman should wear a bracelet, you need to start from finding rings that match the style. The exception is if a woman wears only a wedding ring. According to tradition, the wedding ring is put on the finger of the right hand and, if the bracelet does not harmonize with it, it is better to wear it on the left wrist.

It is also possible to wear bracelets on both wrists. True, this option is preferred by women who adhere to some informal views, so other rules come into force here - eclecticism and ethnicity.

As for the shape of the bracelet, there are no strict rules. Those with graceful hands can wear both thin bracelets and massive jewelry. But women with full hands should choose only thin bracelets.

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The bracelet is a beautiful and very popular decoration. It can be worn by both men and women.

On which hand do women wear a bracelet?

Are there any rules on how to wear a bracelet correctly and on which hand? In fact, if you don't know which hand you should wear the bracelet on, you shouldn't be debugging this jewelry.

However, it is believed that it is better for women to wear a bracelet on their right hand. This is due to the fact that it is on the right hand that women wear a handbag, which often looks like one set with a bracelet. In addition, the right hand is more active and is more often visible. This will make the bracelet more noticeable. But this of course does not apply to left-handers. With them it’s the other way around, the active hand is the left, so you can wear the bracelet on your left hand.

If your right hand is constantly busy writing something, but at the same time you want to wear large massive bracelets, it is better to choose a hand that is not so active.

If you are wearing a watch and a bracelet, wearing the bracelet on your right hand implies the etiquette of wearing a watch on your left hand. But, classic discreet bracelets, complete with a classic watch, can be worn on one hand.

And of course, there are no strict rules for wearing bracelets; it all depends on taste, style, comfort and preference.

But by the appearance of the bracelet you can understand the girl’s character. A fashionista who is trying to be a leader will wear a gold bracelet. A silver bracelet speaks of a woman’s prudence and stability; there is no room for surprises in her life. However, such a person can lose her head from passion.

On which hand do men wear a bracelet?

There are no exact rules on which hand to wear a bracelet for men. But it is customary to decorate the right hand with them. If a man wears a watch, he may well wear a bracelet on his left hand.

The main thing when men wear bracelets is to adhere to the measure and have a sense of style. Then the bracelet will look beautiful regardless of the hand on which he wears it. But men wearing too large a bracelet and too large a watch looks unrestrained and tacky.

What rules should you consider when wearing a bracelet?

If you want to wear a bracelet and a watch at the same time, you should pay more attention to the style of both jewelry. After all, a classic gold or silver watch will look funny with plastic bright bracelets, as well as a sports watch with classic thin gold chain bracelets.

Men should avoid overdoing it by wearing watches, bracelets and jewelry on their fingers at the same time. A large ring paired with a large bracelet and watch looks tasteless.

If you want to wear several bracelets at once, they should also match each other's style. Combining jewelry is not something where mixing styles is encouraged. It looks out of place, as does the combination of jewelry and clothes of different styles.

If you are wearing a sports bracelet made of leather, rubber, with rivets or spikes, you should not wear a light chiffon evening dress with it. This will show not creativity, but lack of taste. Just like wearing a gold vintage bracelet under your gym shorts on your way to the gym. Each decoration should be chosen appropriately, taking into account the time and place.

As for men's bracelets, they should also be selected according to the situation. Even if you are a brave man and love bracelets with colored gemstones, when going to a business meeting, such a bracelet will look pretentious and too flashy. Give preference to a more classic model.

Therefore, regardless of which hand you choose to wear the bracelet, pay attention to its combination with your image and character. Then you will look amazing.

A bracelet is a unique piece of jewelry; it has long been considered a sign of status. If a person has expensive stones on his wrist, then you can notice that he belongs to the upper class of society. When choosing jewelry, great importance should be given to its relevance, value and appearance. Let's figure out which hand the bracelet is worn on?

Why can't you wear rubber bracelets?

Every person gets used to beauty from childhood. You can often see a stylish bracelet on a small hand. Modern children strive to be like their parents, so before going out they stand in front of the mirror for a long time and choose accessories.

Not long ago there was a fashion for rubber bracelets. They attract the eye with their colorfulness and style. You can weave such a universal accessory yourself or buy it ready-made. I'm glad that at a low price you can buy a set of rubber bands and weave several beautiful bracelets from it.

But such decoration did not arouse sympathy among medical specialists. Several scientific studies have been conducted in which it has been proven that such an accessory is made of hard plastic.

Heavy metals were also found in some elements, which can cause serious harm to human health. Ministry of Health officials concluded that such bracelets can cause cancer.

Before putting it on your hand, you should make sure that the accessory has indeed passed all the necessary tests. Don’t be shy and ask the seller for a certificate before purchasing. You should not order a bracelet online. If possible, it is better to replace it with a similar accessory made of silicone, as it does not cause harmful effects on human health.

On which hand should girls wear a bracelet?

There is an opinion that there are several points on the wrist that are responsible for the functioning of the liver, kidneys and stomach. If you wear a bracelet in this particular place, you can cause harm to your own health. However, until now, the negative impact of jewelry on humans has not yet been established. Accordingly, the bracelet must be worn on any hand, the main thing is that the woman does not feel discomfort in it.

If you listen to stylists' opinion, then the bracelet will look more beautiful if it is worn on the right hand. The watch, on the contrary, is best worn on the left side. It is no coincidence that all models, stars and stylists wear jewelry this way.

Many women do not conform to fashion and wear a bracelet on their left hand. This manner is due to the fact that the accessory interferes with them while working. If it is combined with a handbag, then it should be worn only on the opposite side of it, otherwise there will be an excess of jewelry.

Which side the bracelet should be worn on depends on its cost. For example, it is customary to put expensive jewelry on the right hand before a serious interview. This approach will show the person in a favorable light in front of business partners. The bracelet is put on the working hand, that is, on the one with which the woman makes more gestures.

You should not put too many accessories on one hand - this is a sign of lack of taste.

On which hand do men usually wear a bracelet?

Universal jewelry such as a bracelet can be worn by men and women. It is foolish to assume that the stronger sex does not need these accessories because they do not suit them. Men also have the right to look stylish, well-groomed and expensive. Of course, pink jewelry with funny faces will not work in this case, but an expensive bracelet made of high-quality material will be very useful.

The decoration will complete and complement the image of a man; it can be worn with an expensive suit and a classic shirt. Refined bracelets on a muscular arm attract the gaze of women.

According to the survey, almost all men wear a watch on their left hand. This is due to the fact that their right side is the working side, so if you wear an expensive accessory on it, you can seriously damage it. It is inconvenient to wear a watch and a bracelet on your hand at the same time, and it is difficult to compare it with style. Therefore, it is better to wear the second jewelry on the right hand. In some cases, you can combine two accessories, but only if one of them is thin enough and almost invisible.

Features of choosing a bracelet

A bracelet is a universal piece of jewelry that goes with almost any clothing, but you need to choose it correctly.

  1. Young ladies do not need to put voluminous jewelry on their wrist, even if it is very expensive. A thin chain made of silver or white gold is better suited for it. Such decoration will emphasize the sophistication of nature;
  2. It is better for men to choose the most neutral bracelets made of gold or metal;
  3. Bracelets made of fabric look great with a tracksuit, they add sophistication to the image, and also do not interfere with a person when playing sports;
  4. A thin bracelet with a pendant will go perfectly with an elegant dress;
  5. Older women should not wear too “playful” jewelry. On the contrary, it is common to wear bulky bracelets made of expensive material. Such an accessory will emphasize her status, wealth and sense of taste;
  6. All jewelry that a woman wears should be compatible with each other. For example, cheap jewelry with a precious stone will look completely tasteless. If a woman wears an expensive chain around her neck, then the bracelet should be selected accordingly;
  7. If a young girl prefers to wear colored bracelets, then their shade should match the clothes.

It is important to know about the peculiarities of wearing jewelry, otherwise even the most expensive stone will not look so impressive.

Rules for wearing jewelry

When choosing a bracelet you should take into account the size. You should not choose jewelry that will tightly fit your hand. When fastening it, there should be a free space equal to the tip of the little finger. It is also worth making sure that the person does not have an allergic reaction to the material; to do this, it is enough to wear the bracelet for several minutes and observe the condition of the skin.

We looked in detail at which hand the bracelet is worn on, and what kind of accessories are in fashion. Everyone chooses the appearance of the product according to their taste, convenience and style.

Video about the accessory