Types of honey. Description for each type of honey

Honey is a beekeeping product rich in glucides (glucose, ozana, glucosides). It contains: water, levulose, mineral salts, maltose, sucrose, glucose. Any honey is an energy food product. The therapeutic value of this product is explained by the effect of the antibiotic from the bee body, the nature of the sugars and the presence of pollen with royal jelly. But honey is different. That is why today we are on the website www..

Honey classification

Types of honey. There are three types of honey: mixed, flower, honeydew.
Flower honey is classified according to its composition: monofloral and polyfloral.

Monofloral flower honey is processed by bees from the nectar of flowers of one plant variety (white acacia, sunflower, linden, buckwheat). Absolutely monofloral honey varieties are rarely found. Polyfloral is made from flower nectar collected by honey bees from various plants. Polyfloral varieties: meadow, forest, mountain, fruit, steppe.

Honeydew honey is produced by bees in dry summers from the excrement of insects (bugs, psyllids, aphids), i.e. not from nectar, but can also be obtained from the nectar of sugary substances of plants (honeydews). In the first case, honeydew honey is obtained from animal origin, in the second - from plant origin. Honeydew was known about in ancient times; it was valued on a par with honey. Modern chemical analysis has shown that honeydew contains more minerals than honey. But its bactericidal properties are low.

The varieties differ in taste, aroma, composition, and color. But most importantly, each type of honey has certain medicinal and beneficial properties. Light honey is easier to digest, making it more suitable for nutrition and treatment of children. Dark varieties have high medicinal qualities, which have a strong effect due to the large amount of mineral salts. These varieties are suitable for the treatment of many chronic diseases due to the content of copper, manganese, and iron.

Honey varieties, properties

Meadow honey

The color of meadow honey is light yellow, sometimes yellow-brown. It is also called “forbs”, “prefabricated”. This variety is made by bees from the nectar of meadow plants, and therefore it is classified as polyfloral. Honey has the aroma of meadow herbs and a pleasant taste.
Main medicinal properties
Calms the nervous system.
Helps with indigestion caused by nervous overexcitation.
Effective for headaches, palpitations, insomnia.

Acacia honey

This variety has a transparent, almost colorless color. It becomes white like milk during the crystallization process, and the consistency resembles cottage cheese with grains.

Medicinal properties of the variety
It has a general strengthening effect, increases the body's resistance, and reduces the side effects of drug therapy.
Has a calming effect on neurasthenia and insomnia; causes sound sleep. Acacia honey is a harmless sleeping pill.
Regulates intestinal function, eliminates constipation, is an antispasmodic for flatulence, intestinal spasms and an antiseptic for diarrhea.
Useful for diseases of the genitourinary system. Honey water solution treats urinary incontinence.

Buckwheat honey

The color varies from brown-green to dark brown, with a possible reddish tint. It differs from other varieties in its characteristic and easily memorable aroma, as well as a pronounced taste. At the moment of crystallization it resembles a mushy mass. Buckwheat honey is superior to acacia honey in enzyme activity, the amount of amino acids, iron, and vitamins.

Medicinal properties of buckwheat honey
Strengthens the heart muscle.
Helps with cholelithiasis, a tendency to stone formation, renal failure, colic, and liver diseases.
Replenishes the deficiency of iron and folic acid in anemia, chronic blood loss, vomiting, diarrhea, monotonous and irregular nutrition, and dieting.

Linden honey

The color of linden honey is white, sometimes completely transparent, or light amber, less often greenish or yellowish. It has a strong and delicate aroma of linden flowers and a recognizable specific taste. Within 2 months it crystallizes, turning into a dough-like mass with large or small grains. Linden honey is one of the best honey varieties.

Medicinal properties
It has a healing effect when treating burns and purulent wounds.
Has bactericidal properties.
Used in the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, asthma.
Helps with weakened heart muscle.
They treat gynecological disorders, kidney diseases, and renal failure.
Effective for liver diseases.

Sunflower honey

The color of honey is rich golden, the aroma is sweet, the taste is sharp. Crystallization quickly occurs, during which large amber crystals appear, sometimes with a greenish tint.

Medicinal properties
Superior to other honey varieties in terms of vitamin A content.
Bactericidal properties are clearly expressed.
Helps with first and second degree burns, has wound healing properties.

Barberry honey

The color is golden yellow, the taste is delicate. It is produced by bees from the flowers of the berry bush barberry.

Medicinal properties of barberry honey
Valuable hemostatic agent.
Stimulates appetite, helps in the secretion of gastric juice.
A good anti-scorbutic and vitamin remedy.
It has antipyretic, choleretic, diaphoretic effects, as well as hemostatic and blood clotting properties.
It is a uterine remedy that causes contraction of the uterine muscles. Pregnant women should not take!
Treats sore joints, ligaments, menisci. Used for gout.

Honey is one of the healthiest sweets. But I think few people were interested in what types of honey there are and their properties. But there is a significant difference between them in their effect on the body. Therefore, we have prepared for you a wonderful review and demonstration photos of different types of honey!

Sweet clover honey is obtained from the herbaceous plant sweet clover, which belongs to the moth subfamily. And the moths are part of the larger legume family. Sweet clover is a very good and productive honey plant, capable of producing up to 200 kg of honey per hectare (subject to maximum bee collection). Sweet clover honey is a light variety. When pumped from honeycombs, it has a fairly liquid consistency and an amber color.

Like most herbal honeys, this one “sets” (i.e. crystallizes) approximately two months after collection. Then the honey acquires a fine-grained structure. This crystallizes the carbohydrates contained in honey - glucose, fructose and sucrose. The size of the granules in sweet clover honey can be half a millimeter in diameter. Or even a little more. Those. The settled variety is classified as coarse-grained. At the same time, the chemical composition of honey and its medical qualities do not change. Only the taste range changes a little.

Honey becomes richer and plays on the tongue longer. When sweet clover honey begins to crystallize, its viscosity increases several times. So, honey fresh from the honeycomb is very fluid. It easily pours from container to container. But “shrunken” sweet clover honey can easily hold a tablespoon in an upright position. Both transparency and color change. The honey becomes completely opaque. The amber color is going away. Instead, honey acquires a color from snow-white to cream. The taste of sweet clover honey sets it apart from most other varieties.

This variety has a pronounced flavor of vanilla and mint with subtle notes of lemon balm. The sweetness of honey is moderate and soft.

In general, sweet clover has a slight sedative effect, so honey made from it is very calming. Helps relax. The listed taste qualities are most fully revealed in the crystallized form of honey. Therefore, to drink directly with tea, it is better to buy “shrunken” sweet clover honey. But for preparing dessert dishes and baking, it is better to take fresh, unseasoned sweet clover honey (liquid and amber in color).

Buy this variety, like any honey in principle,
preferably in large specialized
departments or even individual stores dedicated to beekeeping, forest products, etc.

Because supermarkets often sell rapeseed honey instead of sweet clover honey, which in appearance and smell is close to “shallow” sweet clover honey. Or even a fake, i.e. some cheap honey surrogate with the addition of light dye, sugar syrup and vanillin. Identifying real sweet clover honey is quite simple. The real thing smells like vanilla just a little bit.

If the strong smell of vanilla hits your nose, then you are almost certainly looking at something other than sweet clover honey. Fresh, liquid sweet clover honey has a thicker, sweetish odor than crystallized, white honey.

Sweet clover honey is a powerful immunostimulant. With long-term regular use, the risk of colds is significantly reduced. At the same time, this type of honey is recommended as an additional therapy for various autoimmune diseases and tuberculosis.

Opinions vary regarding how sweet clover honey affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. On the one hand, it has a sedative effect. But on the other hand, it contains coumarin, which can increase blood pressure. Therefore, every person who has problems with the heart and blood vessels should approach the issue of consuming sweet clover honey from an individual point of view.

Linden honey is distinguished by the highest degree of transparency and a very bright amber color, which can sometimes turn into light green. Moreover, this fresh variety has a low degree of viscosity. Therefore, fluid. However, even one variety obtained from honey plants of the same species may differ. Both in appearance and taste. In this case, much depends on the climate in which linden trees grow. On what basis? And what kind of fertilizers do they receive?

Thus, the bright amber color indicates that the honey was produced in the Far East. But in Bashkiria, linden honey is almost colorless. The most famous areas for the production of linden honey are the Far East, the Republic of Tatarstan, Bashkiria and a number of regions of the Russian Federation (Voronezh, Lipetsk, Kursk). Linden honey is sometimes also called July honey, since linden trees bloom at the turn of June and July. It is much less prone to crystallization, since it is obtained from a wood collection, and not from a herbal one.

However, as it settles, it also changes color and viscosity, becoming thicker and more opaque. Similar to “shrunken” sweet clover honey. But if it is better to purchase sweet clover honey in crystallized form, then linden honey is recommended to be consumed in a fresher, liquid form. Because in this case the flavor spectrum will be revealed more fully. But the set of healing properties is still the same. The flavor bouquet of most varieties is revealed precisely in the “shrunken” form. But this does not apply to linden honey. This variety crystallizes after three months.

By the way, the crystallization times of different varieties are another way to check whether the honey you bought is real.

Another method involves microscopic examination of the honey extract. The fact is that honey always contains pollen and/or honey plant nectar. And by this criterion the reliability of the variety can be determined. So, in linden honey, of all the pollen it contains, 80% should be pollen from linden flowers. Linden is considered literally the best honey plant in the world. At least in terms of the amount of honey produced. One average flowering tree in good weather with maximum bee production can produce about 20 kg of linden honey.

And one hectare on which flowering linden trees grow densely can produce a ton of honey. Linden honey found in honeycombs contains approximately 36% glucose. Over time, the content of this carbohydrate may increase. In addition to glucose, honey contains other carbohydrates, minerals, tannins, enzymes, vitamins and a number of essential amino acids (arginine, histidine, leucine, lysine). Linden honey contains a lot of fructose.

This explains its weak crystallization (glucose crystallizes first). The smell of linden honey is quite tart, with a light woody aroma, interwoven with notes of camphor. The terpene linden ester is responsible for the characteristic odor. Just like sweet clover, this variety has its own special, specific taste. The classic honey sweetness is mixed here with a distinct sour taste with a very slight bitterness. This is explained by the content of tannins and esters, which are more abundant in varieties obtained from trees.

Linden honey goes very well with various types of green tea.

The usefulness of this honey is difficult to overestimate.

Essential amino acids play a key role in all metabolic processes of the body (protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals). This product contains a lot of vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant - a blocker of oxygen free radicals).

Linden honey promotes sweating and also has an expectorant effect. In combination with the general strengthening properties characteristic of any honey, linden honey is often used as a therapeutic agent to prevent colds and alleviate its symptoms. But linden honey is especially beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system. Here, this product is definitely recommended for all hypertensive patients and heart patients. Linden honey is also beneficial for the health of the retina.

Honey obtained from herbs is distinguished by great diversity in terms of taste and aroma. For example, from meadow grasses. The diversity is due to the fact that there can be many honey plants. For example, sweet clover, clover, thyme, sage, dandelion, cornflower, thyme and others. One of the honey plants may prevail over the others. Or all types of herbs can be distributed equally. Meadow honey is light yellow in color with a creamy tint.

And in terms of consistency, even when freshly picked, it is quite thick and opaque. Sometimes meadow honey is brown in color. This type of honey also varies in taste. Overall, it has a distinctly sweet taste.

The aftertaste and additional notes depend on which honey plant is more abundant.

As well as additional medical properties, in addition to those that are typical for any honey in principle.

Thus, meadow honey, in which the honey plant thyme predominates, is an excellent remedy for the prevention of intestinal disorders. Of all the subspecies of meadow honey, meadow thyme honey is best suited for alleviating cold and flu symptoms. Honey plant sage promotes healthy skin. If the predominant honey plant was dandelion, then such honey will be light yellow in color. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Clover meadow honey is good at preventing allergy attacks and partially relieving pain.

A distinctive property of meadow honey is rapid crystallization over time (about three weeks). Those. Over time, honey almost does not change its thickness. This variety is harvested almost all summer – until the end of August. Apiaries can be established in any region where there are meadows. Strictly speaking, meadow honey is a subspecies of flower honey. The difference is where the honey flowers grow. In the meadow, in the forest, in the mountains, in the steppe.

Like any flower honey, meadow honey contains a large amount of glucose, fructose, glycosides (they give astringent, bitter notes), esters (responsible for the smell and mint/vanilla notes) and organic acids (they give sourness in taste). And there are a lot of plant enzymes (enzymes), vitamins and microelements.

The proportions of all these substances can vary significantly. And not only between varieties of flower honey collected from different regions (forest and meadow, for example), but also between the same variety, but from different collection periods.

For example, meadow honey in June may be noticeably different from meadow honey in August. If only because different plants have different flowering periods. Accordingly, in one period one honey plant will predominate, and in another - another. Therefore, it happens that meadow honey has a light yellow color and a mild sweet taste. And it happens that the same meadow honey is brown in color, and the taste reveals a mixture of sweetness and bitterness.

Buckwheat honey immediately highlights its color - dark brown with a reddish tint when dripping. This is due to the high percentage of mineral and tannin content. It has a liquid consistency. It should flow easily from a spoon like syrup. It is better not to use crystallized buckwheat honey, as well as linden honey. The greatest benefits and brightest taste of buckwheat honey are observed in the liquid state. Despite its low viscosity, buckwheat honey is almost opaque due to its rich, dark color.

Buckwheat honey is uniquely identified not only by its appearance, but also by its taste and aromatic properties. The smell of buckwheat honey has characteristic notes of caramel and roasted cereals. Burnt caramel is clearly mixed in with the honey sweetness in the taste. Plus you can taste the very faint taste of buckwheat. Due to the fairly high glucose content, this variety crystallizes quite quickly. And since it is better to take it in fresh, liquid form, you should go to the store for buckwheat honey during the period of its collection. Or right after it. Those. in July-August.

For the same reasons Buckwheat honey is not the best option as honey for the winter. Here it is recommended to give preference to honey from forbs or sweet clover. In terms of microelements, buckwheat honey has the highest level of iron content. Which is quite obvious, since buckwheat itself contains a lot of iron. This variety also contains a lot of zinc, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. The high concentration of iron makes buckwheat honey an excellent means of combating anemia and fragility of the walls of blood vessels. This is an excellent means of combating neuroses and insomnia.

These are the main types of honey, now you know the full range of their properties and can make the most useful choice for yourself when purchasing. Be sure to use our recommendations!

How to properly store honey, restorative recipes with honey and even more details about its healing properties and how to choose, read.

Honey is obtained from the nectar of flowers of honey plants, which enters the crop of worker bees; at the same time, under the influence of saliva, part of the cane sugar is converted into grape sugar - the main component of honey; this honey is regurgitated by the bees and stored in special cells in the honeycombs, which are sealed with wax caps, after some of the water has evaporated and when the bee secretes a little formic acid into the honey from its poisonous sac (to prevent fermentation of the honey).

Honey is a product of longevity. One of the population censuses and subsequent studies by sociologists established: among long-term residents (over 100 years), beekeepers or members of their families predominate.

It’s as if everyone knows about honey. But not everyone knows that the body of Alexander the Great, who died during campaigns in the Middle East, was transported for burial to the capital of Macedonia, immersed in honey as a preservative.

But not everyone knows that different types of honey are beneficial and suitable for treatment in different ways. You can learn about this from ancient handwritten texts, which describe the characteristics of many varieties of honey and recommendations for using honey to treat various diseases, as well as from ancient medical books.

Good honey has a delicate aromatic aroma. The aroma of honey is characteristic of this variety and is due to the content of various substances brought with nectar (120 names), including esters, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, and carboxyl compounds. Honey produced by bees from sugar syrup without nectar impurities is odorless. Aromatic substances are volatile, so the smell of honey weakens over time. The color and smell of honey depend entirely on the corresponding qualities of the flower nectar from which it is prepared by bees.

Light varieties of honey (acacia, linden, etc.) are considered the most valuable. The exception is buckwheat. At the same time, dark varieties are richer in mineral substances that are valuable to the body.

Rules for consumers wishing to purchase high-quality natural honey:

  • Honey must be purchased in stores where veterinary control over its quality is carried out, if the seller has documents confirming its quality.
  • Honey offered in the system<<сетевого маркетинга>> delivered to your home, usually of unknown origin. In such cases, falsification is very likely.
  • Freshly pumped honey does not flow from the spoon when it is rotated, but when drained, it falls into a slide.
  • In October, all natural honey, as a rule, should be crystallized. The only exception is white acacia honey from white acacia, which has weak crystallization.
  • When checking by organoleptic method (observation), you need to know that honey must have a uniform consistency and have an appropriate taste and aroma bouquet.
  • It is preferable to buy honey from a producer rather than from a reseller.
  • The most preferable honey to purchase is honey produced in the area where you live, or within a radius of about 500 km.
  • When purchasing packaged honey, hand-packed honey has an advantage.

Beneficial properties of honey

Honey is of plant origin, rich in vitamins (, B1, B2, B6, PP, , pantothenic acid, folic acid) and contains more than 300 microelements (manganese, silicon, aluminum, boron, chromium, copper, lithium, nickel, lead, tin, zinc, osmium and others), which significantly accelerate metabolic reactions occurring in the body.

The combination of trace elements is very close to the content of trace elements in human blood. Honey is a combination of simple sugars (glucose, fructose), a small dose of waste (pollen) and water.

Honey contains 60 times more vitamin A than beef. Honey also contains organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric, lactic and oxalic), biogenic stimulants (which have a positive effect on the body, activating its vital functions).

Honey is 100% absorbed by the human body, which cannot be said about other products. Honey is not only an energy carbohydrate product, but also a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that strengthens and rejuvenates the body.

Honey improves immunity, has a bactericidal effect, has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, has analgesic and restorative properties, and has a pronounced anti-allergic effect.

In folk medicine, honey has long been used for colds. Honey reduces sharp, irritating coughs and eases arthritis pain. Honey has a soothing effect on the stomach. Honey also helps old people maintain health.

Linden honey

It can rightly be called a champion among all types of honey for its healing properties. It has a pleasant linden aroma and a pale yellow color. It quickly crystallizes into small crystals, crystallized honey has a lard-like white color. It has a sharp specific taste. It has high nutritional and medicinal properties.

Has antibacterial properties. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and slightly laxative effect.

In folk medicine it is used in the treatment of sore throat, runny nose, laryngitis, brongitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, as a heart strengthening agent, for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and biliary diseases. Has antiseptic properties. Works well on purulent wounds and burns. This honey can be used in the treatment of any disease if the appropriate type of honey used in the treatment of a particular disease is not at hand.

Acacia honey

White acacia honey has a delicate aroma and pleasant taste. Fresh honey has a light transparent color. It crystallizes very slowly, acquiring a milky white color; Honey can be preserved for a long time in the form of syrup. Of all honeys, it is the most liquid.

It is used as a general tonic, as well as for insomnia, gastrointestinal, biliary and kidney diseases.

Sunflower honey

This is the main variety of beekeeping products in the southern regions of Ukraine. It has a characteristic pleasant taste and faint aroma. In liquid form, it is light golden in color. It crystallizes very quickly, the crystals are large, crystallized honey is yellow in color.

It has good nutritional and medicinal (bactericidal) properties.

Buckwheat honey

Buckwheat honey is extracted mainly in forest-steppe and Polesie regions. It has a high content of proteins, minerals, a very pleasant strong specific aroma and taste. The color is light brown with a reddish tint. An excellent food and medicinal product. Compared to other varieties, it contains more proteins and mineral elements, such as iron.

Useful for anemia, diseases of the digestive system, liver disease, to prevent atherosclerosis and as a heart strengthening agent.

Raspberry honey

Bees collect this honey from forest clearings overgrown with raspberries. At this time, various herbs also bloom wildly in forest clearings, so raspberry honey should rather be classified as polyfloral honey. But raspberries are significantly superior in nectar productivity to other modonifers, and bees prefer to take nectar from them.

Raspberry honey has a light color, a very pleasant aroma, and a wonderful taste. Raspberry honeycomb has a delicate taste and seems to melt in your mouth. Honey harvest from raspberries begins in June - during the period of mass flowering. Bees make this honey from the nectar of forest and garden raspberry flowers. When raspberries bloom, bees fly past other flowers of honey plants, not paying attention to them. This happens because the raspberry flower is tilted to the bottom. When extracting nectar, the bee is as if under a natural canopy or umbrella and can work even during rain.

Raspberry honey is used for colds, as well as a general tonic for vitamin deficiency and kidney diseases.

Barberry honey

It has a golden yellow color, a pleasant aroma and a delicate sweet taste. Bees energetically process the nectar of the flowers of the berry bush barberry.

The medicinal properties of barberry and honey based on it have been known since ancient times. Used as a hemostatic agent.

Burdock honey

It has a sharp pleasant smell, is very viscous, fragrant and tasty. It has a light yellow color with a dark olive tint. Bees collect this honey from small dark pink flowers of hairy burdock and burdock.

It is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and in dermatological practice.

Budyakov honey (honey from thistle)

Refers to first-class honey. It can be either colorless, greenish, or golden (light amber), and has a pleasant aroma and taste. During crystallization, boudyakov honey becomes fine-grained. Bees collect it from the beautiful crimson flowers of a weed with prickly stems and grayish leaves - rosebud or thistle.

Used for insomnia and treatment of skin diseases.

Cornflower honey

Bees collect cornflower honey from blue or field cornflower. This honey is greenish-yellow in color and has a pleasant taste with a slightly bitter aftertaste. The smell is reminiscent of almonds. It has not only excellent taste, but also medicinal properties.

Used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases and eye diseases.

Heather honey

It has a dark, dark yellow and red-brown color, a weak aroma, a pleasant or tart bitter taste, and hardens quickly, creating great difficulties when pumping it out of the combs. Unsuitable for wintering bees.

Mustard honey

In a liquid state, it is golden yellow in color, then, as it hardens, it acquires a creamy tint. Crystallizes into small grains. It has a pleasant aroma and taste. It has good nutritional and medicinal properties.

Pea honey

Pea honey is collected by bees from the flowers of the thin-leaved pea, most often in the steppe region. It is transparent, has a pleasant aroma and taste.

Used in the treatment of the digestive system.

Sweet clover honey

It has high taste qualities. The color varies: from light amber to white with a greenish tint. It has a specific taste, sometimes slightly bitter, and a specific aroma reminiscent of vanilla. Crystallizes to form a solid, coarse-grained mass

Used as a general tonic.

Blackberry honey

Blackberry honey is made by bees from the nectar of the beautiful flowers of the blackberry bush. Blackberry honey is as clear as water and has a pleasant taste.

Used in the treatment of colds and kidney diseases.

Hyssop honey

Bees make it from the nectar of dark blue flowers of a medicinal and honey-bearing subshrub - hyssop, which grows wild in eastern Ukraine, in the Crimea. Hyssop is specially bred in apiaries as a valuable honey plant. According to its organoleptic properties, hyssop honey belongs to the first grade.

Used for insomnia and other diseases.

Chestnut honey

Dark in color with a faint aroma of chestnut flowers and a bitter aftertaste. During crystallization, it first takes on an oily appearance, after which the crystals themselves appear. Has valuable antimicrobial properties. Bees make honey from the nectar of the bell-shaped white and pink flowers of the ornamental horse chestnut tree. This honey is transparent (colorless), liquid, but crystallizes easily and quickly, and sometimes tastes bitter. According to its properties, it belongs to the category of low-grade honey.

Used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as in the treatment of kidney diseases.

Swallow honey

It has a delicate aroma and excellent taste. Bees make this light-colored honey with a yellow tint from the fragrant nectar of a very valuable honey plant - the swallowtail. In hot weather, louse honey thickens so much in the combs that it is difficult to pump out even when heated.

Used for insomnia.

Pumpkin honey

Bees make it from the nectar of pumpkin flowers. This honey is golden yellow in color, with a pleasant taste. Crystallizes quickly.

Used for diseases of the digestive system.

Alfalfa honey

Bees collect it from the purple or purple flowers of alfalfa. Freshly pumped honey has various shades - from white to amber, quickly crystallizes acquiring a white color and the consistency of thick cream. This honey has a pleasant aroma and specific taste. contains 36 - 37% glucose, 40% levoleza.

It is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and as a general tonic.

Angelica honey

Bees collect it from Angelica officinalis flowers. Angelica honey has a pleasant aroma and taste.

It is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

Melissa honey

Bees make lemon balm honey from the nectar of light purple or motley flowers of lemon balm or lemon balm. Honey has excellent taste.

It is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system or neuroses.

Clover honey

Colorless, almost transparent, with high taste, one of the best light varieties of honey. Upon crystallization, it turns into a solid, finely crystalline white mass. Contains 34 - 35% glucose and 40 - 41% levulose. It is characterized by a naturally low diastase number (less than 10 Gothe units).

It is used in the treatment of vitamin deficiency, as well as stomach diseases.

ATTENTION NURSING MOMS! The use of clover honey when there is a lack of breast milk in nursing women can provide a certain service, since the plants that serve as raw materials for this honey have a milk-producing effect.

Mint honey

Bees make it from the nectar of the flowers of a perennial spicy plant - peppermint, which is why honey has such a pleasant aroma. Peppermint is widely cultivated and produces abundant quality honey. Mint honey is amber in color and contains a large amount of vitamin C. It crystallizes into small grains of light yellow color.

It is used as a choleretic, sedative, analgesic and antiseptic, as well as for diseases of the digestive system.

Dandelion honey

It has a golden yellow color. This is a very thick, viscous, quickly crystallizing honey with a strong odor and pungent taste. Bees make it from the nectar of a well-known and widespread weed - dandelion.

It is used for anemia, loss of appetite, and in the treatment of liver diseases.

Orange honey

One of the highest quality varieties of honey. It tastes good and has a delicious aroma reminiscent of citrus flowers. Bees make orange honey from the nectar of citrus flowers - tangerines, lemons, oranges.

It is used when there is a lack of vitamins in the body.

Motherwort honey

Bees collect it from the pale purple flowers of motherwort, or heart grass, which grows in wastelands. Honey has a light golden, straw color, has a light aroma and a good specific taste. Motherwort flowers contain a lot of high-sugar nectar, so the plants are a valuable honey plant.

It is used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and cardiovascular system.

Rowan honey

Yabin honey has a reddish color, strong aroma and good taste. Bees make this honey from the nectars of flowering rowan trees.

Used in the treatment of kidney disease. Rowan honey, boiled together with rowan berries, is consumed internally for hemorrhoids.

Bruise honey

Bees collect it from the pink and bright blue flowers of the bruise or rouge, a very valuable southern plant - a honey plant. This light amber-colored honey is considered first-class, has a spicy aroma and a very good taste. crystallizes slowly and has a thick consistency.

Used for insomnia and respiratory diseases.

Blueberry honey

Blueberry honey is light and has a reddish tint. Exceptionally aromatic and pleasant to the taste. Bees prepare honey from the nectar of the flowers of the well-known low blueberry subshrub.

This honey is used in the treatment of kidney diseases.

Sage honey

Light amber in color, has a subtle pleasant aroma and pleasant taste. Bees make this honey from the nectar of bluish-purple flowers of a perennial subshrub - Salvia medicinal, widely grown in Ukraine, Kuban, etc.

Used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

carrot honey

It is produced from the nectar of the fragrant, white flowers of the umbrella-shaped inflorescences of the two-year-old cultivated carrot plant. Honey has a dark yellow color and a pleasant aroma.

Used in the treatment of eye diseases.

There are other varieties of monofloral honeys. How many types of honey plants - so many honeys. And yet, there are practically no purely monofloral honeys and we can only talk about the predominance of some component.

May honey

This honey is collected by bees from early spring flowering honey plants in April - May. These are hazel (hazelnut), alder, willow, coltsfoot, violet, Norway maple, bird cherry, dandelion, sage, garden trees and bushes, etc.

May honey is one of the most valuable varieties of honey. May honey has a golden color and a wonderful fragrant aroma. It has wonderful taste and medicinal properties. Recommended for use for a wide variety of diseases.

Meadow honey

It is obtained from meadow flowers: dandelion, shepherd's purse, thyme, thyme, white clover, mouse pea, meadow thistle, wild mallow, St. John's wort, hogweed, clover, meadow cornflower, sage, chicory, motherwort, tartar and many other plants, others honey plants growing in meadows.

If dandelion nectar predominates in this honey, it will be more yellow in color. Meadow honey is pleasant to the taste and has an aroma reminiscent of a bouquet of blooming meadow herbs.

Meadow honey is characterized by high nutritional and medicinal properties. It has an antibacterial effect. It is used in the treatment of various diseases, especially kidney diseases, and has a softening, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Forest honey

Bees produce it from forest honey plants: wild fruit trees - rose hips, hawthorn, Tatarian maple (black maple), viburnum, willow, linden and other plants - raspberries, blackberries, lingonberries, fireweed (fireweed), heather, oregano, lungwort strawberries. It has many shades: from light yellow to dark brown. It is always darker than the field color. In terms of taste, honey collected from forest herbs is not inferior to meadow and field honey, but if it contains a large amount of honeydew or nectar from buckthorn and heather, its taste quality is reduced.

Forest honey from spring honey plants (rowan, willow, fruit trees, acacia, raspberries, blueberries) is in great demand. This honey has absorbed the healing qualities of forest herbs and therefore has gained fame as a cure for all diseases. It is used in the treatment of various diseases, and especially for kidney disease.

Field honey

Bees obtain this honey from coriander, sainfoin, lavender, rapeseed, sow thistle, rosewort, pikulnik, gillweed, phacelia and cultivated plants - sunflower, rapeseed, buckwheat, alfalfa, mustard. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, recommended for headaches, insomnia, palpitations and pain in the solar plexus.

Mountain honey

Traditionally, mountain honey is considered more valuable among polyfloral honeys. Collected in alpine meadows at an altitude of over 1000 meters. Smells similar to<<лесной мед>>, absorbed the healing qualities of many high-mountain plants and gained fame as a panacea for many diseases.

Mainly used for respiratory diseases.
Monofloral honeys, as a rule, have the smell of the plants from which they are collected and are distinguished by exquisite, subtle, piquant aromas. Often, different honeys are mixed to obtain such exquisite reserves. The aroma of honey can be weak, strong, subtle, delicate, with a pleasant or unpleasant color. When slightly heated, the aroma of honey increases.

The physical properties of honey - aroma, taste, consistency depend on the set of honey plants and the maturity of the honey.
The quality of colored honey depends on the composition of plants, soil composition, climatic conditions (often previous years), bee breeds.

Bees collect and carry to the hive not only nectar, but also any other sugar solutions: fruit juices, sugar syrup, milk. Clover

Special types of natural honey

Tobacco honey

Honey is dark brown in color, with a bitter taste and aroma similar to the smell of tobacco. Crystallizes slowly. Honey is obtained in the usual way - from the nectar of ordinary flowers. It is known to have weak antimicrobial effects. However, the nutritional and medicinal properties of tobacco honey have not been sufficiently studied by specialists, and for this reason this honey is not recommended for treatment and nutrition.

Stone honey

Rock honey is a rare and unique type of honey. It is collected by wild bees, depositing it in the crevices of rock cliffs. Stone honey is fawn in color, pleasant aroma and good taste. Honeycombs with honey contain almost no oriental substances and in appearance they are a single crystallized substance similar to candy. Due to the high glucose content, honey is slightly hygroscopic. Unlike regular bee honey, rock honey is not sticky and therefore does not require special containers. It is well preserved without changing its qualities for several years. Based on its place of origin (regional basis), it is called Abkhaz honey.

A variety of rock honey is also found in Uzbekistan, where it is collected by bees from dzhugara, a special type of millet. It is very thick and difficult to pump out, and after pumping out it quickly crystallizes into a very dense, hard lard-like mass. Honey is white in color, with a strong aroma and pungent taste.

Powdered honey

Powdered honey is very rare. It is not hygroscopic and contains large amounts of glucose and melicitose. The bees collect such honey from such honey plants has not yet been clarified. And it is this that has a powdery consistency.

Poisonous honey

It is also called "drunk honey". It is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers of azalea, mountain laurel, andromeda, rhododendron ponticus, hellebore and some other plants, as well as flowers of marsh shrubs - heather and wild rosemary. In its pure form, this honey is poisonous. Such honey is identified by studying its origin and biological tests. 50 - 100 g of such honey causes headache, vomiting, diarrhea, pale or blue face, palpitations, weakness, itching, and sometimes cramps. The toxicity of honey is explained by the content of an alkaloid, andromedotoxin, in rhododendron nectar, which has a rich, intoxicating aroma.

In Japan, bees collect poisonous honey from a plant called hotsutsai. Bay trees, which grow in Mediterranean climates, contain andromedotoxin, so the honey produced from them is also poisonous.
Bees collect poisonous honey in the Caucasus, the Far East and some other areas. However, it has not yet been established exactly from which plants honey collection is carried out in each case. This honey is non-toxic for the bees themselves.

Signs of poisoning with such honey appear 20 minutes (up to 2 hours) after eating it. In weak and exhausted people, this happens very violently: there is a rise in temperature, vomiting, itchy skin, numbness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, the pulse becomes weak, thread-like (up to disappearing or slowing down to 50, even 30 beats per minute). The victim's face takes on a transparent bluish tint, the pupils dilate, breathing becomes difficult, cold sweat breaks out on the skin, and arms and legs hurt. This state lasts 4 - 5 hours.


Humanity knows a large number of types of honey. This is a multi-component product that is distinguished by its unique features. The chemical and biological composition of honey is different for different varieties. It is not the same in appearance, as well as in its effect on the human body. To understand this confusing diversity, it is worth studying in detail the types of honey and their characteristics.

Production methods

Natural honey is produced by bees, collecting nectar from plant flowers throughout the summer. After returning to the hive, the insects put it in honeycombs, evaporate excess moisture and at a certain time close the cells with wax lids, where the substance continues the storage process without access to air and under ideal temperature conditions. Nectar that has been fermented in a special way is called natural honey; its main criteria are its natural origin and production by bees.

People make artificial honey from sugar, molasses and other products that may not always be beneficial for the body. Sometimes they just cause significant harm.


The main criterion for separating product types is belonging to a specific variety. Origin plays a major role here.

Bee honey can be flower honey, divided into pure single type and mixed polyfloral product, as well as honeydew, which insects make from tree sap. It’s not difficult to navigate the variety of types of flower honey. The sweet mass is classified according to the botanical name of the honey plant. According to this criterion, honey is considered linden, acacia, buckwheat, flower, etc.

Flower species are also divided according to the place where bees collect nectar. According to this indicator, honey can be meadow, forest, or mountain.

Quality of the finished product

Each type of honey has its own unique characteristics. They are distinguished by taste, color and smell, density, and tendency to sugaring. The color palette of bee nectar is varied.

  1. Honey is usually divided into: light or white, medium or yellow and dark - brown or brown-red.
  2. The taste can be sweet, sickly sweet, with an admixture of bitterness, with notes of vanilla, spices, etc.
  3. A distinctive feature of some varieties is a strong specific aroma, while other types do not have it.
  4. Fresh honey, just pumped out of honeycombs, is always liquid, but over time it changes its structure and crystallizes. The crystallization process for a natural substance is a natural state. However, depending on the origin, the sugaring time varies and lasts from several weeks to months. Acacia and chestnut remain liquid throughout the year.
  5. The crystal fractions are also not the same for different types, so the final result is reflected in the density and appearance. Varieties with a small fraction of crystals resemble a paste, while those with a large structure resemble a dense mass, which is sometimes difficult to cut with a knife.
  6. Typically, light varieties of honey are valued above dark ones for their dietary qualities and creamy consistency after crystallization. However, dark-colored species are rich in mineral salts and trace elements, which makes them beneficial for humans.
  7. Honey after pumping can be filtered (clean) or unfiltered, containing particles of wax, propolis and insect bodies.
  8. The product is also used in honeycombs, which is distinguished by its sterility, richness of properties and unique effect for external and internal use, regardless of its grade.

Honey and medicine

In addition to the high nutritional value and use of honey in nutrition, it is known and valued as a medicinal raw material of natural origin. Honey can treat diseases no worse than any pill. This is explained by the rich natural composition of the product, the high biological activity of the substance and its comprehensive effect on the human body. Treatment with honey is the domain of traditional medicine, although traditional medicine does not deny its effectiveness.

Honey is used as an aid to help you get back on your feet faster after an illness. Doctors recommend eating the sweet mass during colds and to prevent all kinds of diseases. Do not forget about the product in dietetics and cosmetology.

All types of honey are useful and valuable for humans, and their medicinal properties are varied. To varying degrees, the sweet mass has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and regenerating qualities. The product, which is of completely natural origin, is completely absorbed in the human body.

  • stimulates and strengthens the immune system;
  • saturates the body with energy;
  • kills viruses, fungi and bacteria;
  • eliminates putrefactive and inflammatory processes;
  • disinfects fabrics;
  • saturates with vitamins and minerals;
  • cleanses the blood and removes toxins;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • awakens a healthy appetite;
  • normalizes intestinal function;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • stimulates reproductive functions;
  • sharpens vision, hearing and memory;
  • calms the nerves and promotes sound sleep;
  • strengthens nails and hair;
  • cares for the skin;
  • promotes longevity and active life.

Each type of honey has its own specification. Some qualities in the product are more pronounced, others are not so noticeable. In order for the substance to fully exert the necessary therapeutic effect, a certain variety is simply used. The choice of options is huge. Detailed characteristics of types of honey and their properties can be found below.

Types of honey: characteristics and medicinal properties

May honey This is the very first species that is pumped in the apiary. Bees make it from the nectar of the first spring flowers, bird cherry, white acacia, maple, lily of the valley, strawberry, and fruit trees. This composition has special freshness and healing power. Fresh May honey has a yellow color, a slight aroma of flowers and a pleasant sweetness without traces of bitterness. The product remains liquid for a long time and does not crystallize. With prolonged storage it acquires a cooling menthol taste.

May honey is valued for its ability to give strength and restore health. They also buy a jar of nectar to treat colds.

Acacia honey. It is considered one of the most valuable species. It is a translucent liquid with a yellow or greenish tint, with a fragrant, specific aroma and a delicate, pleasant taste. Once you taste the sweetness from acacia nectar, the product cannot be confused with another variety. There are no notes of bitterness in this honey, and it retains its liquid state until next spring. Crystallization in this species occurs slowly, and the mass turns into an airy cream that is pleasant to the taste.

Acacia honey is used to treat frayed nerves, in baby food, and for diabetes. It rarely causes allergies and has a strong bactericidal, restorative and calming effect. The product is useful for diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver.

Linden honey. This species is classified as white varieties and the most valuable. The fresh product has a transparent liquid consistency and a light yellow color. Sometimes there is a hint of green. The mass has a strong honey plant aroma and a memorable taste. Crystallization occurs slowly and ends after 6 months. The grain fraction of this species is large, but not dense. The color changes to light, almost white. Nectar from linden flowers is high in calories, nutritious, and helps quickly restore strength. It also has a strong healing and immunostimulating effect. Consuming the product improves memory and increases muscle performance. It is especially recommended to eat it for colds, flu, and fever. Tea from linden inflorescences, when used together, increases the diaphoretic effect of the sweet product.

Buckwheat honey Belongs to dark, but very valuable varieties. Bees collect nectar from the flowers of the plant of the same name. The product has a brown, sometimes tinged with red, color, a pleasant delicate taste and a strong specific aroma for which the honey plant is famous. It lasts for a long time and appears instantly, as soon as you open the container with sweetness. Buckwheat variety contains a lot of protein, iron and other useful microelements. It is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, stabilize blood pressure, and disorders of all organs of the body. The product is indicated for anemia and is used as a food product in the diet of pregnant women with low hemoglobin levels.

Chestnut honey It comes in white and dark. The color of the finished product depends on the variety of honey plant. It has a persistent aroma and a pleasant sweet taste. The light chestnut quickly becomes candied, while the dark variety remains liquid throughout the winter. The consistency of fresh nectar depends on the climatic conditions in the region. In the absence of rain, the mass becomes thicker. A distinctive feature of the variety is the original bitterness, which disappears when the product is heated. Chestnut nectar has high bactericidal characteristics, which is why it is used externally and internally for infections of various origins. They treat burns, wounds and purulent lesions. It is also used for inflammatory and cold diseases. For men, this medicine helps cure prostatitis. The product has neutral acidity and does not irritate the walls of the gastric mucosa, which allows it to be used to combat gastrointestinal diseases.

Sunflower honey. The variety is bright yellow in color, in some cases with a green tint, thick and very sweet. It has a high glucose content. It has a tart taste, a tug in the throat, and a little sourness. The aroma is not pronounced and decreases with storage. The sunflower product is quickly candied and turns into a dense, strong lump. The fraction of its crystals is small, the structure of the mass is uniform.

Sunflower nectar is valued as a tonic and highly nutritious remedy. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is good for the heart, and reduces tissue swelling. It is also prescribed as a diuretic, and is also used for neuralgia and stomach problems.

Flower honey. It is also called forbs. It consists of nectar from many honey plants. Flower varieties differ in color, smell and taste. Their characteristics are greatly influenced by the presence of certain plants in the composition. Individual selection of honey plants affects the sugaring time. As a rule, it takes a long time to crystallize and acquires a fine-grained structure. Sweets are consumed to restore strength, prevent diseases, and as a general strengthening and immunostimulating agent.

Fireweed honey. The source of nectar for preparing the product for bees is the flowers of fireweed or fireweed. Fresh – it is transparent, with a peculiar greenish tint. After sugaring, which occurs over 3-5 months, it acquires a white or cream color and a thick, “snowflake” consistency.

I use the sweet mass, rich in vitamins, in the treatment of colds, nervous disorders, and as a tonic.

Angelica honey An elite variety of dark color, with shades of red and green. The fresh product is thick and does not crystallize for a long time. It has a delicate aroma, a rich, pronounced taste, a hint of caramel and a hint of bitterness.

The mass is used as a medicine to improve memory, increase vitality, and when treating wounds.

Sweet clover honey. A white variety, popular among lovers and connoisseurs of the sweet product. Young nectar is light and almost colorless. It is easy to recognize by its specific vanilla smell. During crystallization, the mass acquires a viscous fine-grained consistency.

Sweet clover nectar helps with colds, infections, relieves blood pressure, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This variety is recommended for breastfeeding women to increase milk volume.

Mustard honey. A common variety with a rich golden color that turns creamy when candied. The taste is sweet, but not cloying, without foreign inclusions. The smell is unobtrusive, barely noticeable. The product has the ability to treat diseases of internal organs, relieves joint pain, and is good for the skin.

Hawthorn honey. A rare species of dark variety. Bitter in taste, with a distinctive aroma. Its scope of application is cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure normalization, disease prevention, supporting the body during mental and physical stress.

It is useful to include it in your diet for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Motherwort honey. Golden product, pleasant sweet taste with a sharp strong aroma. The consistency of fresh honey is thick and viscous. The product, inheriting the properties of the honey plant, has a soothing, bactericidal and cleansing effect. It is taken for neuroses and insomnia. Its use is recommended for obesity and metabolic disorders in the body. Suitable for regular meals.

Raspberry honey White autumn variety. During storage it acquires a dense, uniform, fine-grained structure. It has high nutritional value and a high content of vitamins.

The product is used for colds, stress, to strengthen the body and stimulate the immune system.

Clover honey. A flower variety, when fresh it has a light yellowish tint, after crystallization it is thick, dense, pasty. The product is pleasant to the taste, sweet, and has a persistent strong aroma. For medical purposes it is used as a general tonic, for the prevention of colds, in the treatment of burns, infected wounds, and suppuration.

Rapeseed honey It is white, almost transparent, and quickly crystallizes in air. If stored improperly, it tends to ferment and is poorly soluble in liquids. The taste is sickly sweet, but not harsh. After swallowing, a bitter taste is felt in the mouth. The product has high nutritional value and, when taken orally, accelerates metabolic processes in the body. It is good for heart patients, does not cause allergies, has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the immune system.

Alfalfa honey. A viscous product of sunny amber color, translucent when fresh, and when crystallized it resembles thick cream. It has a pleasant honey plant smell and a memorable specific taste. When stored in a warm room, the mass does not thicken for a long time.

Alfalfa honey is good for the liver; it is used in the treatment of hepatitis of any origin. It allows you to quickly restore strength and recover after surgery or a long illness.

Burdock honey. A variety of noble olive shade, with a fragrant fresh aroma and an original, memorable taste. It belongs to a very valuable species. It is not widespread, but has good healing properties. This is an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent, an antiseptic and a strong bactericidal product. Burdock honey is useful for obesity, for cleansing and renewing the body. The advantages of nectar include the ability of the substance to stop and prevent the development of cancer. When applied externally, the species is effective in dermatology.

When choosing honey for treatment, you should give preference to the type whose effect on the disease is most powerful. For prevention, you can use any product, but for the soul – the one you like best.

We are waiting for recipes from our readers for honey medicines to treat diseases or prevent them. The wisdom of the people is great, let's take care of it and share it.

Honey catalogue. Dangerous and beneficial properties of honey

Honey is obtained from the nectar of flowers of honey plants, which enters the crop of worker bees; at the same time, under the influence of saliva, part of the cane sugar is converted into grape sugar - the main component of honey; this honey is regurgitated by the bees and stored in special cells in the honeycombs, which are sealed with wax caps, after some of the water has evaporated and when the bee secretes a little formic acid into the honey from its poisonous sac (to prevent fermentation of the honey).

Honey is a product of longevity. One of the population censuses and subsequent studies by sociologists established: among long-term residents (over 100 years), beekeepers or members of their families predominate.

It’s as if everyone knows about honey. But not everyone knows that the body of Alexander the Great, who died during campaigns in the Middle East, was transported for burial to the capital of Macedonia, immersed in honey as a preservative. But not everyone knows that different types of honey are beneficial and suitable for treatment in different ways. You can learn about this from ancient handwritten texts, which describe the characteristics of many varieties of honey and recommendations for using honey to treat various diseases, as well as from ancient medical books.

Good honey has a delicate aromatic aroma. The aroma of honey is characteristic of this variety and is due to the content of various substances brought with nectar (120 names), including esters, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, and carboxyl compounds. Honey produced by bees from sugar syrup without nectar impurities is odorless. Aromatic substances are volatile, so the smell of honey weakens over time. The color and smell of honey depend entirely on the corresponding qualities of the flower nectar from which it is prepared by bees.

Light varieties of honey (acacia, linden, etc.) are considered the most valuable. The exception is buckwheat. At the same time, dark varieties are richer in mineral substances that are valuable to the body.

Rules for consumers wishing to purchase high-quality natural honey:

  • Honey must be purchased in stores where veterinary control over its quality is carried out, if the seller has documents confirming its quality.
  • Honey offered through home delivery systems is generally of unknown origin. In such cases, falsification is very likely.
  • Freshly pumped honey does not flow from the spoon when it is rotated, but when drained, it falls into a slide.
  • In October, all natural honey, as a rule, should be crystallized. The only exception is white acacia honey from white acacia, which has weak crystallization.
  • When checking by organoleptic method (observation), you need to know that honey must have a uniform consistency and have an appropriate taste and aroma bouquet.
  • It is preferable to buy honey from a producer rather than from a reseller.
  • The most preferable honey to purchase is honey produced in the area where you live, or within a radius of about 500 km.
  • When purchasing packaged honey, hand-packed honey has an advantage.

Honey is of plant origin, rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, K, E, pantothenic acid, folic acid) and contains more than 300 microelements (manganese, silicon, aluminum, boron, chromium, copper, lithium, nickel, lead, tin, zinc, osmium and others), which significantly accelerate metabolic reactions occurring in the body.

The combination of trace elements is very close to the content of trace elements in human blood. Honey is a combination of simple sugars (glucose, fructose), a small dose of waste (pollen) and water.

Honey contains 60 times more vitamin A than beef. Honey also contains organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric, lactic and oxalic), biogenic stimulants (which have a positive effect on the body, activating its vital functions).

Honey is 100% absorbed by the human body, which cannot be said about other products. Honey is not only an energy carbohydrate product, but also a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that strengthens and rejuvenates the body.

Honey improves immunity, has a bactericidal effect, has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, has analgesic and restorative properties, and has a pronounced anti-allergic effect.

In folk medicine, honey has long been used for colds. Honey reduces sharp, irritating coughs and eases arthritis pain. Honey has a soothing effect on the stomach. Honey also helps old people maintain health

It can rightly be called a champion among all types of honey for its healing properties. It has a pleasant linden aroma and a pale yellow color. It quickly crystallizes into small crystals, crystallized honey has a lard-like white color. It has a sharp specific taste. It has high nutritional and medicinal properties.

Has antibacterial properties. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and slightly laxative effect. In folk medicine it is used in the treatment of sore throat, runny nose, laryngitis, brongitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, as a heart strengthening agent, for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and biliary diseases. Has antiseptic properties. Works well on purulent wounds and burns. This honey can be used in the treatment of any disease if the appropriate type of honey used in the treatment of a particular disease is not at hand.

There are other varieties of monofloral honeys.

How many types of honey plants - so many honeys. And yet, there are practically no purely monofloral honeys and we can only talk about the predominance of some component.


Types of honey and their medicinal properties

Today, different types of honey are known, and their medicinal properties and possible harm have long been studied by scientists. Each variety has its own chemical and biological composition, so each has a certain “trick” in terms of health benefits.

Types of honey and their medicinal properties

Today, this popular delicacy is obtained from various plants, which leads to the presence of exotic options, and this applies not only to taste, but also to composition.

Types of honey and its medicinal properties:

  1. Acacia. This product has antimicrobial, restorative and soothing properties. It is recommended to eat it primarily for nervous diseases and insomnia. It is worth noting the positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Acacia honey does not cause allergies.
  2. Buckwheat. This product is rich in iron, so it will be especially useful for anemia. The healing properties of buckwheat honey are due to the presence of various vitamins and minerals, so it will be useful for vitamin deficiency. The product has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and the functioning of the stomach.
  3. Lugovoy. This variety is also called “prefabricated”. This honey improves the condition of the nervous system, helping to cope with insomnia and headaches. The product stabilizes the heartbeat.
  4. Chestnut. This variety of delicacy has a pronounced antimicrobial and stimulating effect. Chestnut honey helps increase potency, and is also recommended for use in the presence of gastrointestinal and kidney diseases.
  5. Lime. The medicinal properties of this honey and bee products are due to the presence of various beneficial substances. It has a healing effect, so it is used to treat burns and wounds, including purulent formations. The product has bactericidal properties and is also recommended for the treatment of laryngitis, bronchitis and asthma. This type of honey is useful for gynecological disorders, kidney, liver and heart diseases.
  6. Sunflower. Among other types of honey, this one stands out due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin A. It also has a pronounced bactericidal property. It is also suitable for topical use, as it has a wound-healing effect.
  7. Pea. An unusual variety obtained from thin-leaved peas. It boasts antipyretic and disinfecting effects, and is also effective for various inflammations.

The concept of “honey” has a very unusual meaning - when translated, the word means something mysterious, enigmatic, endowed with some magical properties. And this is not surprising, because this product can cure any ailment, cope with serious illnesses, and also impart vitality, beauty and wisdom. What types of honey are there? The answer to this question will be detailed, since this product is also classified depending on its origin and preparation technology.

The varieties of this product are classified according to several characteristics, but the main ones are technological, regional and floristic.

Floral or flower honey

It can be either floral or honeydew, depending on the source from which the insects collect pollen. Flower honey can be monofloral (collected from one type of plant) or polyfloral (made from several types of honey plants). Absolutely monofloral varieties are extremely rare - honey from forbs does not differ in taste and aroma from other varieties in this category. Depending on the type of bee pasture, flower honey can be meadow, forest, steppe, fruit, taiga, mountain, etc.

Regional honey

The product is classified according to its place of origin. Far Eastern linden, Altai or Bashkir honey - all these names indicate the location of bee pastures and production technology. The collection method and production technology determine another classification of the product: depending on the method of production, honey can be centrifugal or descent.

Bees pour it into special cells that are sealed with wax - this is how comb honey is obtained, which reaches the consumer in its pure form and mature state, without foreign impurities and preservatives. The product is sterile - this is according to bacteriological studies.

The centrifugal method of production is as follows: beekeeping products are pumped out of the honeycombs in a honey extractor.

Other varieties

What types of honey are there? It turns out that there are a great many varieties. So, it differs in color, taste and aroma. Honey can be dark, light, or a shade in between. Absolutely colorless, light and completely transparent, like water, varieties of the sweet product are also known. For example, honeycombs filled with acacia honey seem empty, although in fact they contain the most valuable and tasty product - white varieties of honey. There are also species that, upon crystallization, acquire a slightly greenish tint.

Some argue that dark honey is a first-class product, as it contains large amounts of mineral salts, manganese and copper, which are important for health.

There is also a gradation depending on organoleptic characteristics. The most aromatic is tobacco honey; once you smell it, it is impossible to confuse it with any other type.

Today, connoisseurs of this healing product know several types of this product. To understand what types of honey there are, it’s worth taking a closer look at its main varieties.

Buckwheat honey

It is considered one of the best varieties. Thanks to the special taste that tickles the throat, it is almost impossible to confuse buckwheat honey with any other variety. How to distinguish buckwheat honey?

It is characterized by a darker shade that ranges from dark yellow to dark brown. Working bees, pollinating buckwheat flowers, produce a natural product that has healing properties. Molasses has a high content of beneficial microelements and amino acids, which means that the benefits for the body are obvious.

It is used to treat leukocytosis, bronchitis and hypertension, vitamin deficiencies and stomatitis, skin and colds. In addition, buckwheat honey is effective as a means of restoring protein metabolism. The product is widely used in cooking - it is often used to prepare confectionery and delicious compotes.

Linden honey

A distinctive feature is the almost complete absence of color and incredible aroma. Linden honey may have only a slight light amber tint. Another characteristic feature is high organoleptic characteristics. Linden honey is very tasty and fragrant - the aroma can be heard even from a closed jar.

Molasses has healing properties and has a delicate taste that pleasantly tickles the throat and leaves a soft aftertaste. Linden honey collected in the Far East differs in all respects from the product obtained in other regions of the country.

Linden honey is an irreplaceable natural medicine and an effective prevention of viral and colds. The product is used to treat bronchitis, asthma, liver and stomach diseases, kidneys and intestines. It has also become widespread in cosmetology - masks based on it moisturize and nourish the skin well.

Acacia honey

It is considered the most famous variety of sweet product. From one hectare of flowering plant you can collect up to 1500 kg of honey, and from just one bush a bee colony can produce about 8 kg. The mature product has virtually no color - it is transparent, but at the time of crystallization it acquires a slightly white tint. By the way, it becomes white no earlier than one year. A distinctive feature of this variety is the equal ratio of sucrose and fructose.

Acacia honey is an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of nervous diseases, gastrointestinal disorders and kidney diseases. In addition, molasses is used to strengthen the nervous system and treat insomnia.

Heather honey

This is an ideal product for those who prefer a slightly bitter taste. It has a tart, slightly bitter taste. The color range varies from dark yellow to brown with a red tint. It crystallizes slowly (the process can take a whole year) and is characterized by increased ductility.

Over time, the product acquires the consistency of jelly, inside which a huge number of bubbles form. One has only to mix it in a jar, and the honey will again become liquid and homogeneous. Heather honey, reviews of which eloquently testify to its healing properties, is rich in minerals and has a whole range of healing properties. It is used to reduce appetite, to prevent cardiovascular diseases, and also helps to strengthen the nervous system and forget about insomnia.

Chestnut honey

The beneficial properties and contraindications of the product have not yet been thoroughly studied and are accompanied by numerous disputes and contradictions. Nevertheless, this variety has no less value and uniqueness than other species.

It has a slightly bitter taste, with a characteristic tart note, and a pronounced chestnut flavor. High viscosity, rich dark shades and slow crystallization are other distinctive features of the sweet product. Chestnut honey has pronounced antimicrobial properties, helps cope with diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and is also effectively used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bees collect fragrant nectar from the white and pink flowers of the decorative horse chestnut, resulting in an incredibly tasty and aromatic product - chestnut honey.

  • Promotes healing of wounds and skin damage.
  • Used as an effective remedy for the treatment of respiratory organs.
  • Normalizes blood pressure and improves heart performance.
  • Helps strengthen the immune system and is also used as a prophylactic for colds.

Chestnut honey also has some disadvantages:

  • The product should not be consumed if you have an individual intolerance (after all, any type of this product is a fairly strong allergen).
  • People suffering from pathological blood diseases and diabetes mellitus should also eat honey with great caution.

At its core, chestnut beekeeping products are a universal natural antibiotic, whose bactericidal effect is several times greater than the effectiveness of most medications.

Fireweed honey: beneficial properties and contraindications

Honey from Ivan tea contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that are simply necessary for the human body. The appearance of the medicinal product causes confusion even among true connoisseurs of the sweet delicacy. The fact is that the natural products of striped workers have a yellowish and sometimes greenish tint, and the consistency of heavy cream. And the ability of fireweed honey to quickly crystallize, changing its shade to a lighter one and forming small grains of white color, completely confuses adherents of traditional medicine.

In fact, these are the unique features of this variety, thanks to which beekeeping products received a second name - “snowy”. The qualities that fireweed honey has deserve special attention.

Useful properties and contraindications:

  • Used as an analgesic and vasodilator.
  • An excellent preventative for the treatment of colds and viral diseases.
  • Used to treat peptic ulcers and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Natural raw materials that help to forget about insomnia and calm the nervous system.

The product obtained from a medicinal plant is not advisable for use by persons with diabetes mellitus and individual intolerance to beekeeping products.

Sweet clover honey

This is one of those varieties that is distinguished by an incredible variety of color palette. Its range varies widely: from light amber to white with a slight greenish tint. Honey from sweet clover has an excellent taste, which is harmoniously complemented by a slight bitterness. This variety of bee products is highly valued overseas due to its unique properties and qualities.

The aroma of sweet clover honey is impossible to forget - sweet and tart at the same time, it has a pronounced vanilla smell.

The product from sweet clover is widely used in folk medicine - it is used in the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and to normalize metabolic processes in the body, and also as an effective vasodilator. In addition, it is a good sedative of natural origin that helps cope with insomnia. Its use as a propolis compress is an effective remedy for pain in muscles and joints, as well as the right solution for relieving tension from tired legs.

Dandelion honey

Speaking about what types of honey there are, one cannot fail to mention the true embodiment of summer - the amber product collected by striped workers. Dandelion honey has a thick consistency and rapid crystallization, a pronounced aroma and an unsurpassed taste that eloquently conveys all the sunny shades of summer. Perhaps no beekeeping product is so associated with warm days as dandelion honey.

Useful properties and qualities:

  • An effective remedy for gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Therapy for anemia.
  • An effective product that improves appetite.

Many people also prepare it because this product is incredibly tasty and aromatic.

Honey is not healthy at all

The fact remains: there are also poisonous varieties of honey. Xenophon of Athens, an ancient Greek writer and commander, described one case in which it was said that soldiers who tasted honey from Colchis seemed to fall ill. Some complained of nausea, dizziness and vomiting, others frankly suffered from diarrhea, and several people even died as a result of poisoning from the sweet product.

Poisonous honey was first discovered in 1877, in the Batum Valley. Local beekeepers used only wax, as the sweet product caused signs of acute poisoning (dizziness, nausea and vomiting). The fact is that this area is characterized by a large population of rhododendron, a plant that contains a large amount of an alkaloid that is dangerous to the human body. Naturally collected by bees in the northern and middle parts of Japan, it also does not have healing properties. The hotsutsayi plant, which belongs to the plant, contains dangerous substances that should never be eaten. In addition, the flowers of azalea, aconite, heather sepals and wild rosemary, growing in the Far East, are raw materials for poisonous beekeeping products. For example, just 100 grams of honey can cause severe hallucinations and loss of consciousness.

Unusual varieties of honey

The sweet product is obtained from a wide variety of, and sometimes unusual, honey plants. Surely few people know that pink honey also exists. No, this is not a tomato variety - this is a valuable product obtained from a delicious plant. Wild rose flowers have absorbed the most valuable thing that this plant can provide - pink honey is effective in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, it is widely used for the prevention of colds and viral infections during the season, and is also consumed as an exquisite dessert on cold winter evenings. Rosehip honey is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable substances necessary for the human body and increasing its protective functions.

Pumpkin and carrot honey are other varieties that are distinguished by their unusualness and uniqueness. Honey from bright carrots is natural vitamins for the eyes in its purest form. The product has a golden color and is distinguished by fairly rapid crystallization. used most often for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Honey from Bashkiria

The sweet product from Bashkortostan is famous all over the world. Beekeeping products are very rare and expensive, but this is due to the amazing and truly magical properties that local honey has. And it’s not just about the unique plants growing on the territory of Bashkiria - a lot of credit goes to the Burzyan bee, which easily tolerates frost, which means it works much more than its relatives.

Bashkortostan received the status of “land of honey” long before the arrival of the Turkic tribes. Even the name speaks volumes about the attractions of this region - Bashkortostan is translated as “bee” and “head”. Beekeeping has been developing on the territory of the republic for several hundred years - archaeologists were able to discover buried beekeeping equipment and rock paintings, indicating that even in those distant times especially valuable and useful honey was collected on these lands.

There are no analogues to Bashkir honey in the whole world. Finding a truly high-quality and natural product is quite difficult - to get it you will have to go directly to the Republic of Bashkortostan itself and visit one of the fair exhibitions. Of course, such a product will not be cheap, but its qualities more than pay for all the costs. By the way, abroad, real Bashkir honey is served exclusively in elite restaurants.

The unique properties of molasses are due to the special climatic and natural characteristics of the region, thanks to which the frost-resistant molasses creates a real natural medicine that allows you to cope with any ailment. The raw materials for the production of the Bashkir delicacy are rose hips, dandelion, St. John's wort and feather grass, thyme, chamomile, oregano and sage.

All the beauty and range of taste of honey with a wild character

Honey from wild bees is a unique product in all respects; when talking about it, one immediately comes to mind of the good Soviet cartoon about Winnie the Pooh. It is not surprising that this clumsy little bear wanted to get some honey made by wild bees at any cost.

What's good about this product? The fact is that wild bees are different from domestic bees - they are not so capricious and spoiled by human attention, they tolerate frosts more easily and are less susceptible to various diseases.

Wild honey is also of particular value because it is collected only once a year - as a result, the product has time to ripen well and collect all the most valuable qualities and beneficial properties. Wild honey, the price of which is significantly different from molasses collected at home, has a tart taste with a characteristic bitterness, dark color and greater ductility.

The high cost of wild bee products is also due to the fact that insects are on the verge of extinction - their habitats are protected at the state level in order to prevent interbreeding with domestic bees and preserve the gene pool. Wild honey is made from naturally occurring plants, which means that the healing properties of this product are many times greater than those created with human help.

Honey has long been sought after and used as a natural medicine. The unique healing properties of plants, combined with the industriousness of bees, are harmoniously intertwined in this amazing product that helps get rid of various diseases. Real honey is a storehouse of vitamins, a source of health and vitality, a valuable raw material for cosmetic procedures, as well as an incredibly tasty delicacy that everyone will enjoy.