Boil eggs hard. Eggs and cooking gadgets

Boiled eggs recipe. Some tips on how to boil hard-boiled eggs, how long to cook them after boiling and how long it will take

I really love eggs. Put on french toast a piece of butter, top with half a perfectly hard-boiled egg, lightly salt... Ummm!

The problem is that sometimes they can be overcooked. Then the white becomes “rubbery” and the yolk takes on a not very pleasant gray-green color.

This recipe will tell you how to properly hard-boil eggs without overcooking them. The cooking process itself takes only a few minutes, and the rest of the time the eggs simply reach under the lid in hot water.

Did you know that?

  • Old eggs, unlike fresh ones, are easier to clean. If you plan to brew a large batch for Easter, buy them one to two weeks in advance.

  • If you have fresh testicles and want them to be easy to clean. Just steam them! Pour a 2-3 centimeter layer of water into the pan and bring the water to a boil. Place the steamer basket inside, place the eggs in it and steam them for 15 minutes. The steam will penetrate under the shell and make the cleaning process easier.

  • If you have already boiled fresh eggs that are difficult to peel, break the shells on them. Place the eggs in water for a while, which will seep under the shells and simplify the cleaning process.

See also:

Recipe - How to boil hard-boiled eggs


  1. 6 chicken eggs.

Optional equipment:

  1. A small saucepan with a thick bottom.

Cooking method:

  • Place the eggs in a single layer at the bottom of a small saucepan and pour over them cold water. Water should cover them with a layer of 4 - 5 centimeters. How large quantity eggs you put in a pan, the greater the layer of water should be above them.

Bring water to a boil

  • Place the pan on the stove over high heat, cover with a lid and bring the water to a boil.
  • To curl the egg white and prevent it from leaking out if the shell suddenly cracks during cooking, add a teaspoon of vinegar to the water.

  • After the water in the pan boils, turn off the heat under it and let the eggs stand under the lid for 10 - 12 minutes.
  • If you are using a regular pot without a thick bottom, and your stove does not hold the temperature after turning off, after boiling, reduce the heat under the eggs to low, cook them for one minute and then turn off the heat. Leave them in the pan with the lid on. They will reach perfect condition in 10 - 12 minutes.
  • The times indicated in this recipe are approximate. The final time depends on many factors - the shape of the pan, the size of the eggs, the amount of water and even the altitude. It's up to you to find the perfect cooking time.
  • If you're brewing a large batch, sacrifice one after about 10 minutes. Remove it from the pan, cool under running water and cut it. If you don't think it's ready enough yet, let the rest sit for a couple more minutes.
  • In this way, it will be very difficult for you to “digest” the eggs, even if they sit in your pan for 15 - 20 minutes.

Drain the water from the pan and cool the eggs

  • After 12 minutes, drain the hot water from the pan and pour cold water over the eggs to stop the cooking process and cool them quickly. If you are making a large batch, remove them from the boiling water with a slotted spoon and place them in a pan of ice water.

How to steam hard-boiled eggs

  • Pour a two-centimeter layer of water into the pan and place a steaming rack in it. The water should not reach the bottom of the steamer a little.

  • If you don't have a special steaming stand, just add a two-centimeter layer of water.
  • Place the steamer on the stove and heat it at high fire until the water boils.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, carefully place the eggs in the steamer basket, and cover the pan with a lid and place it back on the stove. Reduce the heat under the eggs to medium.

  • Keep track of the time. If you want to soft-boil the eggs, remove them from the steamer after 6 minutes. To poach them, remove them after 10 minutes of cooking. And if you boil hard-boiled eggs, you will need 12-15 minutes.

  • Using a spoon, remove the eggs from the steamer, place them in a prepared bowl and cover with cold water to quickly reduce the temperature inside the eggs and stop the cooking process.

Store hard-boiled eggs in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Bon appetit!

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Simple advice on how to quickly soften butter for adding to baked goods or creams. To quickly soften the butter you will need two sheets of wax paper, a rolling pin and a few seconds of your time.

Hard-boiled chicken eggs are the most popular, as they are stored for a long time and are often taken on long trips, as a tasty and filling snack, and as an ingredient for many dishes and salads, so in this article we will look at how and how much to boil hard-boiled eggs different ways so that they turn out tasty and the shell does not burst during cooking.

First of all, let's figure out what it means - hard-boiled eggs? It would seem a simple question, but many do not know what this means and what such a boiled egg looks like.

Hard-boiled eggs- these are eggs in which after heat treatment(cooking) the yolk and white are completely solid. Hard-boiled eggs take longer to cook than soft-boiled and pouched eggs, which is why they are completely hard inside.

Knowing what a hard-boiled chicken egg looks like, let’s consider next how long it takes to boil hard-boiled eggs.

How long to boil hard-boiled eggs?

In order to cook hard-boiled eggs and not overcook them (or undercook them), you need to try to adhere as closely as possible to the most optimal cooking time:

  • How long to boil hard-boiled eggs after boiling water in a saucepan? In a saucepan on the stove, boil the eggs for 8-10 minutes until they are hard-boiled.
  • What is the cooking time chicken egg hard-boiled in a slow cooker? You can boil chicken eggs in a slow cooker in 12 minutes if you boil them in water and in 18-20 minutes if you steam them.
  • How long does it take to boil hard-boiled eggs in the microwave? To hard boil eggs microwave oven, they must be cooked for 10-12 minutes.

After we figured out how many minutes to boil hard-boiled eggs, let’s take a closer look at how to properly cook them in a saucepan so that they don’t burst (the shell doesn’t crack during cooking).

How to boil hard-boiled eggs in a saucepan?

1st method of boiling hard-boiled eggs

The main difference between the first method of boiling eggs in a saucepan on the stove is that the eggs are immediately placed in cold water at the beginning of cooking. The process of boiling hard-boiled eggs takes place in the following sequence:

  • Wash each egg in cold water.
  • Place the eggs in a saucepan, fill them with cold water (so that it completely covers the eggs by at least 1 cm) and add one tablespoon of salt so that the eggs do not crack during cooking.
  • Turn on the stove and bring the water and eggs to a boil over high heat.
  • As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and note the cooking time (8-10 minutes, but no more).
  • As soon as the specified time has passed, turn off the stove and immediately transfer the eggs into a container with cold water so that they cool quickly and can be easily peeled in the future.

2nd method of boiling hard-boiled eggs

The second way to boil hard-boiled eggs in a saucepan is to place them in already boiling water (boiling water). The cooking sequence is as follows:

  • We take the eggs out of the refrigerator in advance so that they have time to warm up to room temperature before cooking and ultimately did not burst (also with blunt end You can make a small hole in each egg using a needle).
  • Cold water is poured into the pan with a reserve (so that after adding the eggs to it, they are completely covered with water) and 1 tablespoon of salt is added.
  • Place the pan on the stove and bring the water to a boil, while at this time wash the eggs in warm water.
  • Reduce the heat and add eggs to the boiling water using a tablespoon (do this carefully so that the eggs do not hit the walls of the pan or each other).
  • We mark the time using a timer (clock) and cook the eggs for 8-10 minutes.
  • At the end of the cooking time, turn off the stove and transfer the hard-boiled eggs into a container with cold water.

How many calories are in a hard-boiled egg?

The calorie content of boiled eggs is 160 calories per 100 grams of product.

Calorie content 1 pc. A hard-boiled egg with an average weight of 55-60 grams is 88-96 calories.

Answers to popular questions about hard-boiling chicken eggs

  • What is it like - hard-boiled eggs? Everything is very simple - these eggs are completely hard inside after boiling (the white and yolk are frozen).
  • How to boil hard-boiled eggs in the microwave? The principle of boiling hard-boiled eggs in the microwave is similar to cooking in a saucepan on the stove: put the eggs in a deep bowl that can be used in the microwave, add a tablespoon of salt and fill them with water, then place them in the microwave and cook for 12 minutes at medium power .
  • How to properly boil hard-boiled eggs without them bursting? To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, it is better to cook them in small saucepan, in which they will not roll around when the water boils and hit each other, it is also important to add salt when cooking and it is better to cook them in cold water.
  • How can you tell if eggs are hard-boiled? Most the right way- This means peeling and cutting a boiled egg in half; if the white and yolk are firm and evenly colored, then the eggs are hard-boiled.
  • What can determine the cooking time for eggs? One of the main factors is the size of the eggs themselves. For example, the specified time for boiling eggs in the article is relevant for eggs of the first category, if the eggs are small of the second category, then their cooking time can be reduced by 1-1.5 minutes, and if selected large ones can be increased by 1 minute.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how and how long to boil hard-boiled eggs in time, you will always be able to properly control the cooking process and in the end you will always get delicious eggs hard-boiled, ready to eat and to add to salads and other dishes. We leave our reviews and tips on how to properly boil hard-boiled eggs so that they clean well in the comments to the article and share it on in social networks, if it was useful to you.

General rules and secrets of boiling chicken eggs:

The size of the pan should be such that the eggs lie tightly. If they float freely, then when boiling, knocking against each other, they will certainly split;

You need to cook eggs at room temperature, especially if they are placed in boiling water. The shells of cold eggs will crack, so you need to remove them from the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking;

If you add a little salt to the water, the shell will not burst during cooking, as it will become harder;

Fresh eggs should be cooked 3-4 minutes longer (the date of packaging should be indicated on the package);

To prevent air from being collected from the blunt end, you need to pierce the shell on this side. Otherwise, the air mass may crack the egg.

An egg cooked according to all culinary science will turn out exactly the way you want to see it on your plate. It will not crack in the pan and will not leak; you will be pleased with the soft or dense consistency of the white and yolk. The nuances of boiling eggs make it possible to use them as solid components of a salad or, on the contrary, as a soft and liquid dressing for this dish.

How to boil hard-boiled eggs

Cool boiled eggs You can cook them in two main ways, placing them either in cold or boiling water. How long to hard-boil eggs depends on their size and the initial temperature of the water.

The first method is to put it in cold water. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Wash the eggs thoroughly under running water;

Place tightly in pan;

Fill a small amount cold water so that it only slightly covers the shell (the eggs should not float freely);

Send to medium heat.

It is only possible to tell in advance how long an egg placed in cold water will take to cook. It all depends on the initial temperature of the water, the strength of the fire, the characteristics of the pan, and even how high the area is in relation to sea level. The higher the area, the lower the atmospheric pressure and, accordingly, the lower the boiling point of water (by adding salt to the water, we increase it).

Therefore, you will have to focus on the moment of boiling. How long should you cook eggs after boiling water? In order to get a hard-boiled egg, you need to set the kitchen timer for 7-8 minutes.

The second method is to place eggs in boiling water. In this case, the eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise they will crack immediately. You need to carefully place them in boiling boiling water, using a tablespoon and immersing them in it to the very bottom of the pan. It is important that the shell does not hit the bottom.

How long to boil hard-boiled eggs after secondary boiling? Small eggs need to be cooked for eight minutes, large eggs for ten minutes. Actually, the cooking time remains the same as in the cold method of bookmarking. Boiled eggs should be removed from the boiling water with a spoon and poured with cold water. Forced cooling will make it easier to peel off the shells.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs

For soft-boiled eggs to be tasty and beautiful, they must be the freshest. With this cooking method, the yolk remains liquid. A stale, damp yolk is unlikely to be to your taste true gourmets. In addition, very fresh eggs are easier to peel off.

To check the freshness of a chicken egg, you can use a simple the folk way: Place it in cold water.

1. For soft-boiling eggs, eggs that quickly sink to the bottom are ideal. They were demolished no later than six days ago, so they retained all the taste and freshness.

2. If the egg sank a little, but did not touch the bottom, that is, it floats in the middle of the water layer, it will also work. The age of such a product is from one to two weeks.

3. Eggs that remain floating on the surface of the water are unsuitable for soft-boiling. They were demolished about a month ago. You can still use such a product (for example, in homemade baking), but it’s not worth cooking soft-boiled.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs? There are several ways. This is still the same cold or hot bookmark.

First way

With the cold method, washed eggs should be placed tightly in a saucepan, covered with cold water and placed over high heat. As soon as the water begins to bubble, reduce the temperature to medium-low.

How long to cook eggs after boiling water also depends on their size and the desired result:

Usually three minutes is enough to get a semi-liquid egg. The yolk will remain completely liquid, and the white will thicken a little, but will not become very hard, like a hard-boiled egg;

If you want to make the yolk a little thicker, continue cooking for four minutes. During this time, the white will be completely cooked and the yolk will thicken slightly;

For those who want to get a soft, thick yolk with a raw center, you need to cook the eggs for five minutes after the water boils.

Second way

It is supposed to be placed in boiling water. Eggs at a compact temperature are carefully placed, using a spoon, to the bottom of the bubbling pan. After exactly one minute, stop cooking and leave the eggs in the cooling boiling water for five or six minutes.

In a five-minute egg, the white will be liquid, in a six-minute egg it will be semi-solid. If you leave it for another minute, that is, keep it in hot water for seven minutes, you will get an egg in a bag. By experimenting with time, you can achieve exactly the result that will bring pleasure.

After five to six minutes, the eggs can be poured with cold water to cool. To make the shells easier to remove, two minutes in a cold “bath” will be enough.

Third way

Hot filling according to a special scheme, without cooking at all. How to boil soft-boiled eggs using this method? The prepared product at room temperature must be placed tightly in the pan and poured boiling water. The water should only slightly cover the shell. Cover the pan tightly with a lid and leave the eggs for ten minutes.

Then you need to pour out the water and re-brew the eggs with a new portion of boiling water. The secondary filling is done for two or three minutes (depending on the desired consistency of the yolk). All that remains is to take out the eggs and serve immediately (they eat soft-boiled eggs hot).

Eggs prepared this way are deliciously tender. Protein resembles air mass, a cloud surrounding the semi-liquid yolk.

How to boil eggs in a bag after boiling water

Poached eggs are a denser, thicker version of soft-boiled eggs. Therefore, they are cooked in the same way, with the exception of the time spent in boiling water.

After boiling in a cold stock, the cooking time is five to six minutes. In a hot container, after boiling for a minute, you will have to hold the egg in boiling water for seven minutes.

It is not necessary to cool the eggs in a bag in cold water: the dish is served hot. To make peeling the shells easier, you can immerse the eggs in cold water for two minutes.

How to poach an egg

The original version of a boiled egg is a dish under the exquisite name of poached egg. The point is to cook the contents without the shell. The result is a soft, airy mass that fits perfectly into the concept of a morning sandwich, soft salad or as a separate dish, served with sauce and a slice of fresh baguette.

Product for original and delicious dish you will need very fresh one. An egg laid more than a week ago will spread across the surface of the water during cooking. But the white of a fresh egg will gather around the yolk in the form of a tight little ball.

To prepare a poached egg you will need additional ingredients:

A teaspoon of salt;

Four teaspoons of six percent vinegar.

The poached egg is cooked in a special, low saucepan or saucepan. You can take a suitable steel bowl. Boil a liter and a half of water. Pour a dose of vinegar into boiling water and add salt. Vinegar will help the protein hold its shape, and salt will increase the density of the water.

Now the most important thing: you need to very carefully break the shell and pour the egg onto a saucer or into a small bowl. Reduce the stove temperature to a minimum to reduce the intensity of the boil and prevent the destruction of the protein.

Bring the saucer as close to the surface of the water as possible, tilt it so that the egg smoothly slides into the boiling water. Gently push with a spoon to make sure the white does not stick to the pan. All you have to do is watch the thickening process, focusing on your taste. The cooking time will be from one to four minutes. In any case, the protein should become solid.

Use a slotted spoon to remove the finished poached egg. If unsightly threads still form along the edges of the thickened protein, they can be cut off.

In order to soft-boil quail eggs, you need to place the eggs in a pan with cold water and cook them for 1-2 minutes after boiling.
To prepare hard-boiled quail eggs, they need to be boiled for 5 minutes.

General rules for boiling eggs

1. Very cold eggs (fresh from the refrigerator) should not be immediately plunged into boiling water - they will crack.
2. Fresh eggs need to be cooked 2-3 minutes longer than stale ones.
3. You should not use it for boiling eggs. large saucepan and bring the water to a vigorous boil, as this may cause the eggs to break against each other.

How and how long to boil hard-boiled eggs

To hard boil eggs, place them in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Then bring them to a boil over medium heat and set aside for 7 minutes. Pour cold water over the boiled eggs and let them cool for 3 minutes.

Hard-boiled eggs should not be overcooked, otherwise an unsightly greenish coating will form on the surface of the yolk.

How and how long to boil soft-boiled eggs

Soft-boiled eggs can be cooked in two completely different ways.

First way:

Place the eggs in a boiling bowl, add cold water and place over high heat. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and set aside for 3 minutes. If you want the yolk to remain liquid in the center and firm on the outside, then you need to time it for 4-5 minutes.

Second way:

Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, and then carefully lower the eggs into it one at a time using a spoon. Cook for 1 minute on high heat. Then remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and leave for another 6-7 minutes, depending on the desired consistency of the yolk.

How and how long to boil eggs “in a bag”

Eggs “in a bag” with shells are boiled in almost the same way as soft-boiled eggs in the first method, only the cooking time increases to 5-6 minutes.

Eggs “in a bag” without shells, also known as poached eggs, are boiled in barely boiling water. First you need to pour 1/3 water into the pan, add 1 tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. As soon as small bubbles begin to form at the bottom of the pan, you need to pour in the eggs one at a time, after breaking them into a separate bowl. Set aside for 1 minute and remove from heat. Now the eggs need to be left in the water for another 10 minutes. Then remove the poached eggs from the water and place them on a paper towel to absorb moisture.

How to boil eggs in the microwave

But here there was a hitch. Some “eyewitnesses” claim that it is impossible to boil eggs in the microwave, as they explode there.

Others argue that this is still possible if the eggs are first placed in a plastic container and completely filled with water. But even in this case, there were embarrassments, and eggs along with water scattered all over the microwave.

But there is a third option - break the egg into a bowl, cover it with a saucer and put it in the microwave. But is it worth it? It’s easier and tastier to boil eggs on a regular stove using any of the above methods.

As you can see, boiling eggs is a whole science. All that remains is to remember exact time and get a timer.

Read more about boiling eggs here:
  1. Before cooking, check small test: put raw eggs V metal pan with cold water. The more the eggs float to the surface, the longer they have lain on the shelves. A fresh, recently laid egg will immediately sink to the bottom in cold water. If you put eggs in cold water, there is a much lower risk that the eggs will crack, but they will need to be cooked longer. First, put the pan with the eggs on high heat, and as soon as the water boils, immediately set the timer for 7-8 minutes and reduce the heat. At high heat, the high temperature may cause the egg shells to burst.
  2. If you want to try putting eggs in boiling water, then their cooking time should not exceed 7-8 minutes. But if you leave the eggs to cook longer, the whites thicken and acquire the taste and consistency of rubber, and the yolk becomes covered with a blue-gray coating. In addition, in overcooked eggs many healthy vitamins and minerals.
  3. To place eggs in boiling water, they must be preheated to prevent the shell from cracking due to temperature differences. Place the egg in a tablespoon and carefully lower it into the boiling water so that it does not hit the sides of the dish.
  4. It is best to boil eggs in a small container, this reduces the risk of cracking the shell. You will get the same effect by adding 1 tsp to the water. salt. When the eggs are already boiled, be sure to fill them with enough cold water so that the shell can be easily separated. Hard-boiled eggs can be served hot or cold or used in a salad (after cooling). Bon appetit!
  5. For convenience, when boiling hard-boiled eggs, you can use the timer on our website and continue working at the computer. A timer sound signal and a pop-up window will warn you that the set time has expired. It is also worth noting that you will only hear the sound signal on a computer equipped with sound speakers (speakers).