A simple recipe for seedless grape jam for the winter. Grape jam - recipes from different countries

Fruits and berries


Seedless grape jam- excellent winter preservation, rich in vitamins and organic acids. Sugar in grapes is contained mainly in the form of glucose and fructose. Obviously, in this form, the sweet component of grapes is much healthier than artificial sweeteners in jams produced on an industrial scale. The juice of these delicious berries is very healthy, not to mention the fact that it is also very tasty.

There are a lot of recipes for making jam from this product and we have prepared only one of them with visual step-by-step photos and simple instructions for them. According to the recipe We will use a white grape variety: it is sweeter and more sinewy. At home, jams and jams are also very often prepared from black grapes of the Isabella variety. Currently, there are many different varieties of grapes used for making wine. Each type of such grape can be adapted for making jam, and it will certainly turn out to be completely unique in taste.

This delicacy is best served in its pure form with a piece of freshly baked bun. In order to quickly take a sample, let’s immediately begin preparing seedless grape jam at home for the winter.



    Let's prepare all the ingredients we need to make jam. The grapes, as mentioned earlier, must be taken of a white variety and preferably without seeds, although they can also be removed during the cooking process.

    First of all, thoroughly wash the grape branch, then separate all the berries from it and put them in a deep bowl. Once again, wash the berries separately under cold running water.

    If you purchased a grape variety with seeds, then carefully remove all the seeds from each berry using a needle or pin.

    At this stage we have to prepare the syrup. Pour the specified volume of water into a clean enamel pan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour granulated sugar into the bubbling liquid in the amount specified in the ingredients. Cook the syrup over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

    When all the sugar crystals have completely dissolved in the water, pour the prepared seedless grapes into the pan, turn the heat to minimum and cook the delicacy for 40-60 minutes until thickened and ready, periodically stir the ingredients in the pan with a spoon. Add citric acid at the final stage.

    We pour the sweet thick syrup with grapes into dry sterilized jars, close them with tight lids and put them in the closet to wait in the wings. Delicious jam from seedless white grapes is ready for winter.

    Bon appetit!

Few people know that a recipe for grape jam is very common in Ukraine. This is not surprising, because for us grapes are “purchased” berries, and jam can also be made from strawberries collected from our own garden. However, you can leave behind a memory of the past summer with its warmth and sunshine - make jam from a sweet southern berry. Making grape jam It doesn’t take much time and the grape jam itself turns out very tasty. In addition, you will have the opportunity to surprise guests who drop by for tea.

A simple recipe for grape jam

Almost any grape is suitable for jam – blue, green, yellow. Very popular Isabella jam. Our recipe used blue grapes, and the color of the jam turned out to match.

You will need:
1 kg of grapes (wash them and pick them from the branches);
1 kg sugar;
Glass of water;
1 teaspoon vanillin;
1 teaspoon citric acid.

Prepare the syrup first. To do this, heat the water in a saucepan and add all the sugar, stirring. Cook for a little while.

Then put the grapes in the pan, stir and cook for half an hour. Let cool and cook over low heat 2 more times, each time for at least an hour.

Foam will form on the surface of the jam - skim it off. Also remove grape seeds.

At the end of cooking, add vanillin and citric acid. Stir well and turn off the heat. If you want to receive grape jam with nuts, add a handful of almonds or hazelnuts.

How to know when your grape jam is ready

The jam can be allowed to cool when the berries appear transparent and no longer float to the surface.
Place a drop of jam on a plate. If it does not spread, but freezes in place, then the jam is ready.

Let the jam cool and then seal it in jars. As a result, you will receive a very tasty and unusual delicacy that your loved ones will appreciate!

Grape jam in winter will remind you of sunny summer days and will help you warm up no less than.

Anastasia Kuptsova for the website

We have heard about grapes for a long time. Since time immemorial, wine and raisins have been made from it. Also, ancient people did not disdain jams made from healthy fruit. Sunny Armenia is considered its homeland. From there the plant spread along the Mediterranean coast and the countries of Southern Europe, then it spread to northern Africa.

Over time, many varieties have appeared. They are mainly divided into table and wine. Table varieties include sultanas, green nutmeg, codrianka, lady's fingers and others. Wine varieties include the well-known Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, white Muscat and other types. There was a period in history when wine varieties were exterminated and new varieties for food began to be developed to replace them. This mainly happened in countries with the Islamic religion. Over time, the work of breeders has reached such a level of development that today there are varieties that can grow in the middle zone.

Benefits of grapes

The fruit has a rich flavor range depending on the variety. From sweet to sour. But at the same time, it is very useful; it is not for nothing that it was so loved in ancient times; sometimes medicines for various ailments were made on its basis. And so the fruits of grapes are useful because:

  • They stimulate the secretion of gastric juice due to the presence of enzymes in it.
  • The iodine contained has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person, calms the nervous system, and normalizes metabolic processes.
  • The rich composition of vitamins and antioxidants protects the body from stress, normalizes blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Contraindications for grapes

This seemingly harmless product has a number of restrictions on its use. It is not advisable for people with diabetes to eat it, since the berries contain a very high glucose content. If you suffer from metabolic disorders, this product is not for you, and it is also not recommended for people with pancreatic dysfunction. It is not advisable to eat grapes if you are overweight.

A number of restrictions are not so great that one would not pay attention to bunches of grapes, especially since their use in different dishes is very wide. If you have grapes on your property, then in addition to wine, compotes and making raisins, you can prepare them for the winter in the form of jam.

Grape varieties and subtleties of making jam

For jam made from grapes with seeds, varieties without them or with small seeds are suitable. These are the varieties Rizamat, Kishmish, Muscat, Isabella, Vostorg, Chaush and some others.

For jam you need dense and beautiful berries, so be careful when harvesting. Set aside overripe specimens for wine. Carefully separate the berries from the branches. Since the fermentation process begins quite quickly in the harvest after harvesting, it is worth starting to prepare confiture on the day of harvesting.

You need to wash the grapes by placing them in a bowl of water, this will prevent damage. Due to the water content of the fruit, it must be blanched. After immersing in boiling water, quickly transfer the grapes into cold water, this will prevent shriveling. For syrup, choose only white sugar; slightly yellowish sugar can add bitterness. In the finished jam, the berries sink to the bottom, and a drop of syrup does not spread on a cold plate.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds

Take 1 kg of grapes of the variety you like. Separate it from the branches and remove dented or rotten specimens. Rinse the raw materials in a bowl of water, lowering a colander into it. Start blanching. To do this you will need hot and cold water. Place a small amount of grapes in a colander and place in boiling water for 2 minutes, then place it in cold water. This will prevent the berries from shrinking.

After the procedure, put everything in a cooking container. Prepare the syrup. You will need 1.2 kg of sugar and 1 glass of water. Add sugar to hot water and stir over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Carefully pour the sweet mixture over the grapes. Boil over low heat for 20 minutes, skim off any foam that forms. Now you need to leave the jam to infuse for 8 hours.

After the time has passed, boil the grape jam for about 40 minutes. Drain the syrup into a separate container and cook for another 15 minutes. Now place the berries in sterile jars and pour syrup on top. Close and leave the jars to cool completely.

Another great video recipe for grape jam.

Grape jam with seeds combined with other ingredients

Grape jam with walnuts. This jam is not only very tasty, but also nutritious. The walnut balances the sweetness of the confiture. You will need 1 kg of grapes, 0.5 kg of sugar, 1/3 cup of water, 10 pieces of whole walnuts and a little vanillin. Prepare the syrup, wash and sort the grapes. Carry out the blanching procedure. After all the manipulations, dip them in the prepared syrup and cook for 7 minutes. Leave the brew to infuse for 10 hours. Then place the container on the fire. When everything boils, add peeled dry nuts and a little vanilla. Cook for 15 minutes. Then pour into jars. You can use any nuts for this recipe, such as almonds.

Grape jam with cloves and croutons. The recipe is very unusual and the jam acquires a spicy taste and aroma. Kishmish is best suited for cooking. Prepare 1 kg of sultanas for adding to syrup. Dissolve 800 grams of sugar in 100 ml of hot water, add 3 clove buds, juice of 1 large lemon and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. It’s good if you find cinnamon in sticks, this way the syrup will remain transparent, and the whole spice will be easier to remove. Prick the grapes in several places with a needle or toothpick, this will help them absorb the aromas, and dip them in warm syrup. During the day, the combined ingredients must be heated 3-4 times to 70 degrees. After heating for a day, boil the jam and leave to steep for another day. In the morning, put the confiture on the stove and cook, stirring, for 10 minutes. Cool and pour into sterile jars.

Jam from grapes with pear seeds. For jam you need pears and sugar, 2 kilograms of each. 300 grams of grapes, 1 lemon and 300 ml of water. Blanch the grapes and chop the pears into small pieces. Prepare the syrup according to the recipe. Drop the grapes into the hot syrup, and after 5 minutes the pears. Cook for an hour. Add lemon juice 5 minutes before cooking. Cool and pour into jars.

Green grape jam. Another very interesting recipe, 500g. sugar, pour 200 ml of water and cook the syrup until it boils and the sugar dissolves, let the syrup cool. Dip the berries into the warm syrup and leave them for 10 -12 hours (do not cook!!!) Next, add 200 -300 g of sugar and bring to a boil, again leave the berries to soak for 12 hours. After this, grind the jam through a sieve and remove the seeds. Add another 200 g of sugar to the pureed jam and cook for 5 minutes. Pour hot jam into a bowl.

Video recipe for green grape jam.

Secrets of storing jam in winter

It is not without reason that recipes contain such an ingredient as lemon juice or food grade citric acid; firstly, it acts as a preservative, secondly, it complements the flavor range, and finally, it prevents sugaring. Thanks to it, the jam will be preserved and transparent. The best place to store jam jars is in a cool, dark place. This could be a refrigerator or a cellar.

Do not forget about sterilizing the containers into which you plan to pour the confiture. Take care of this in advance. The jars into which you pour the jam must be dry. Also sterilize the lids.

Everyone can please themselves and their loved ones with grape jam on a long winter evening.

Grape jam is something. In a sense, something different than what residents of central Russia are used to understanding by the word “jam”. This is literally a sweet nectar that releases a bunch of endorphins from the first thoughtfully eaten spoon. There is some kind of southern magic in it. It's like concentrated sunshine. In general, you need to try this.

I make this jam in two versions, adding either walnuts or lemon-cinnamon. Now I’ll tell you about the version with walnuts, and I’ll post the recipe about lemon-cinnamon later, okay? The basic recipe in a nutshell was taught to me by my regular customer, a native Baku.

White sultanas of any size are good for grape jam (as a rule, they are on sale at least until late autumn).

To make grape jam, we will need:

  • 1 kg fresh sultanas
  • 750 g granulated sugar
  • 150-200 g walnuts (without shells)
  • Vanillin packet

Grape jam, recipe:

  1. Separate the sultanas from the branches, wash them thoroughly in a colander, and let the water drain from the berries.
  2. Place the grapes in the container in which we will cook the jam, sprinkle sugar on top, and let stand for about 2 hours (no longer needed).
  3. Turn on low heat and after boiling, cook for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Let the jam cool (at least 3 hours in an open cooking container), and then bring it back to a boil and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. We repeat the procedure with cooling and subsequent five-minute boiling only 5-6 times until the desired thickness of the jam (make sure that this whole thing does not turn into churchkhela for you).
  5. Chop the walnuts with a rolling pin or knife, not too finely. Fry for a minute or two in a dry frying pan with constant stirring. Add them to the jam at the beginning of the 4th five-minute boiling, and a bag of vanillin at the same time.

After the fifth five-minute boiling, the jam is very thick, and when it cools, it will be even thicker. If you want the syrup to be thick, like caramel, boil it a 6th time.

How do you know that jam (any kind) is basically ready? Drop a drop of syrup onto a clean, dry saucer - it should not spread, it will remain a button, like a drop of dew. If the drop loses its shape or spreads, you need to cook it some more. If you cook the jam in small quantities for the next week and store it in the refrigerator, you may well not cook it until it reaches the perfect drop. And if you plan to store the jam in the cupboard all winter, you need to cook it as I described, plus, of course, sterilized jars and lids.

Grape jam is very simple to make, but it looks gorgeous, especially in small containers. So if you are expecting dressed-up five-star guests with twenty fingers in a fan - feel free to take out your handmade grapes and proudly say that not everyone can do this (and this is true - if you don’t know about the general principles of making jam from juicy berries), but only for a good housewife - this is a kind of Baku test for general culinary skills. Good luck in making jam, and more.

Many recipes for grape jam are used by housewives for winter preparations. Due to its liquid consistency, the delicacy serves as an additive to many desserts and as an impregnation for sponge cakes. Due to the high glucose content, the finished product has great nutritional value and, if consumed frequently, has a beneficial effect on health.

To make healthy and tasty jam, you should take into account the specifics of cooking.

Among a number of nuances, the following can be highlighted:

  • The fruits should not be washed under the tap, but in a separate container, so that a strong stream of water does not damage the integrity;
  • Cane sugar should not be used in recipes, as it can create a bitter aftertaste;
  • The jam should be prepared on the day of harvesting and sorting, without leaving the fruits to be stored.

Preparation of the main ingredient

For jam, you should use varieties of berries with a rich aroma. It is better to choose fruits without seeds or with a small amount.

Bruised and overripe specimens cannot be used for cooking.

The preparation of the ingredient is very simple - just tear off the branches, wash and dry the grapes. It is also recommended to blanch the grapes for three minutes to remove excess liquid.

Recipes for grape jam for the winter

You can prepare grape jam at home using various recipes. Depending on your own preferences and the availability of certain ingredients, you can choose the most suitable option.

In a slow cooker

Using a multicooker simplifies the cooking process.

To cook jam, you need:

  1. Mash the prepared berries and separate them from the seeds using a colander.
  2. Add sugar and mix ingredients.
  3. Leave the resulting mass in the multicooker for 2 hours, turning on the stewing mode.

How many ingredients to take depends solely on taste preferences. If you use a sweet variety of fruit, it is better to add less sugar so that the jam does not turn out cloying.

Quick option “Five minutes”

Without special culinary skills, it is better to cook jam according to an accelerated recipe. To do this, just mix the fruits with sugar and water, then cook over low heat for five minutes. Add citric acid, increase the temperature and cook for another 5 minutes.


Having decided to make seedless jam, you need to cut the fruits and extract the kernels from them, then mash the berries until smooth. After adding water and sugar, put the mixture on the stove and wait until it thickens. During cooking, it is important to constantly skim the foam from the surface.

With bones

Jam with seeds can be prepared according to the standard recipe - mixing all the ingredients and boiling over low heat until the desired consistency is formed. The presence of seeds in the delicacy has a positive effect on the human body and gives it an unusual taste.

Thick jam from Kishmish grapes

By choosing the Kishmish variety as the main ingredient, you can make a jelly-like jam. After covering the berries with sugar, you need to keep the mixture in the refrigerator for two days. Boil the cooled and infused mixture over low heat until a thick jam forms.

From green grapes

Green grape varieties are most often used when making jam. It is better to make jam from sweet varieties, which will make the taste more pleasant. After mixing the main ingredient with water and sugar, you need to boil the mixture to the required consistency. You can use jam in both liquid and thickened states.

White grapes with walnuts

You can make jam from white berry varieties, which create a fresher flavor. For a variety of taste, you can add walnuts to the recipe, which does not require pre-processing. Just mix the nuts with grape puree, sugar, water and cook over low heat.

From Isabella grapes

The Isabella variety is grown in many country houses and is also suitable for making sweet jam. The step-by-step recipe contains the same points as the classic cooking method. After mixing all the ingredients, you need to cook them to the desired consistency, constantly skimming off the foam.

From grape and currant leaves with apples

The presence of apples, currant leaves and grapes in the recipe will give the jam an unusual taste. To prepare the jam, you need to soak the leaves in warm water for a couple of hours, then add finely chopped apples without peel. The fruit mixture should be boiled until thickened.

With cherry

The combination of grapes and cherries in jam will make the product bright in color and give it a refined berry aroma. When cooking, you can use whole berries or their seedless pulp.

With pumpkin

Using pumpkin in the recipe, you need to cut its flesh into equal pieces, mix with sugar, leave for 20 minutes and bake in the oven at 100 degrees for half an hour. Add the baked pumpkin to the puree, add sugar and cook until thickened.

With gooseberries

Take gooseberries and grapes in a ratio of 1:2. After sorting the berries, rinse and cut off the tails without damaging the skin, then bring to a soft state. You need to cook the resulting mass for about 40 minutes.

With apple

By combining apple and grapes in the jam recipe, you will be able to balance the taste. The finished product will not be too sweet. When cooking, you can use a minimal amount of sugar so as not to disrupt the originality of the recipe.

With cinnamon and lemon

The most common spice for jam is cinnamon, which must be added to softened grapes before cooking. The juice of one lemon should be mixed with the jam 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, so that its acidity does not affect the taste characteristics.

From blue grapes

When using blue varieties of fruits, it is better to divide them into two parts to speed up the process of juice release. After mixing the berries with sugar and water, it is recommended to cook the jam for 30-35 minutes.

From wine grapes

You can make jam from grapes that are used to make wine. The taste of the finished product will be pleasantly sour. The jam recipe is no different from the standard one.

From black grapes

Jam with the addition of black berries is prepared according to the classic recipe. The main features of the prepared jam are its spectacular dark color and pronounced aroma.