Ripe pear jam. List of ingredients for making wild pear jam in slices

Pear jam is a recipe that should be in the arsenal of every housewife. During the ripening season, these fruits are available in large quantities even for city residents, and in the garden all that remains is to have time to collect them. Both soft and hard varieties are suitable for jam. Small pears don’t even need to be cut into pieces, but canned whole.

Sliced ​​pear jam

The most popular recipe is pear jam in slices. It will require ripe fruits and sugar in a 2:1 ratio (for 1.4 kg of pears take 700 g of sugar), as well as the juice of one lemon and 30 g of butter:

The amount of sugar determines not only the taste, but also the consistency of the jam. If you add it in large quantities and cook longer, the product will be dense, like jam or confiture.

Video recipe for pear jam in slices

Whole pear jam

If you make jam from whole ones, they will retain their shape and consistency. It is better to choose small fruits - they will lie tighter in the jars and will be well soaked in syrup. Hard varieties and wild pears, which are too tart when raw, work well for this recipe.

If the pears are sweet, they are combined in a 1:1 ratio. For 1 kg of fruit take 1 kg of sugar, 1 lemon and 300 ml of water. Many people add cinnamon to pear jam - it adds an unusual spicy taste:

The recipe for pear jam may vary depending on the size of the fruit. If they are too large or not sweet enough, add more sugar. However, in this case, a larger volume of water will be needed.

Different variations of pear jam are a way to preserve the taste of summer-autumn fruits all year round. In addition to the amount of sugar and the type of pear, you can experiment with the ingredients. These fruits go well with citrus fruits, cinnamon and other spices, apples and. It’s worth trying to make pear jam with orange or orange zest, as well as any other ingredients to taste. The finished dessert is added to pies, served on toast, or simply eaten with a spoon.

Video recipe for pear jam with a twist

Amazing pear jam for the winter- This is a wonderful homemade dessert in its own right, or an equally amazing addition to lush baked goods. It is so easy to prepare that it will amaze housewives who are just getting acquainted with such culinary recipes with the simplicity of its technology. The taste is quite expressive and at the same time tender. Quite often, pears for canning are combined with other berries and fruits: raspberries, apples, strawberries and, of course, citrus fruits. Such variations provide new original solutions!

What fruits are taken for cooking this? It is recommended to select more elastic and dense fruits with slightly hard skin of the varieties “Duchess”, “Limonka”, etc. But, in principle, you can use any. The main thing is that they are not spoiled or overripe. Some people prefer to cook Pear jam for the winter. Recipes-photos"from juicy late autumn fruits. Although the cook has the right to choose the specific variety and cooking period individually and independently. And all this thanks to the long ripening time of the fruit!

As for cooking utensils for pear treats, you will need an aluminum or copper container in which the mass will definitely not burn or stick to the bottom. In addition, you will need a wooden spatula or spoon. Sealing containers - glass jars - undergo mandatory sterilization in a microwave, oven or steam bath.

Classic pear treat recipe

The classic method reveals all the unique flavors of pear in all its glory. But these fruits are low-calorie and at the same time nutritious, and they do not lose their valuable qualities during heat treatment. Therefore absolutely everything “Pear jam for the winter” recipes in winter they become indispensable components of a home pantry with supplies. The proposed method does not involve repeated boiling, but is prepared in one go. The ingredients for rolling will be:

  1. 2 kilos of fleshy pears,
  2. 2 glasses of filtered water and
  3. 2.3-2.4 kg granulated sugar.

So, the fruits undergo initial preparation, are cut into convenient slices and transferred to a cooking bowl or basin. The slices are covered with sugar sand, which is leveled over the surface. Then the workpiece is often pierced through with a large sharp knife or wooden stick, and left in the room for 2-3 hours until syrup appears. If fruits that are not juicy are selected for the recipe, then the volume of liquid specified in the recipe is added to them.

The steeped and juiced pieces are placed on moderate heat and boiled. After which the fire intensity is reduced, and the sweet mixture is boiled for about 1 hour with regular stirring. The finished product is placed together with the syrup in heated jars and hermetically sealed.

Pear jam for the winter: recipe with cinnamon

One of the most successful was the combination with ground cinnamon. Even slightly astringent, dense fruits of early varieties, which have an amazing amber, are combined with it. The sweet, appetizing mass will captivate everyone with its unforgettable flavor notes, and is perfect for family tea drinking. On “Pear jam for the winter” simple recipe it will be necessary:

  1. 1 kg of pears,
  2. 15 g ground cinnamon,
  3. 10 g pectin,
  4. 0.5 kg sand-sugar,
  5. half a lemon.

Pears for harvesting are washed well in cold water, peeled from hard cores and hard peel (if necessary), and then cut into neat thin slices. Afterwards, the fruits are placed in a wide cooking bowl, sprinkled with granulated sugar and poured over with the juice of half a lemon. The components of the future delicacy are carefully stirred so as not to break the slices, and infused for 8-10 minutes until abundant juice is released.

Next, the slices are boiled in their own juice (or rather, syrup) for no longer than 10 minutes, stirring them with a wooden spoon. Pectin and cinnamon are added to the brew, and boiling continues for another 3 minutes, lifting pieces of pears from the bottom to the top. Although you can take your time with pectin, add only cinnamon and look at the consistency of the mass. If it is too liquid, then only in this case pectin is added, with which the jam is boiled for an additional couple of minutes. With pectin, the dish will certainly thicken after removing from heat and standing for a short time.

Glass containers are being prepared. It is filled with hot mass and closed with screw or tin lids. At the end, preservation must be sterilized for a quarter of an hour. After such heat treatment it will be stored for more than one year.

Pear jam for the winter: recipe with lemon

Lemon will add a light citrus flavor and fresh aroma to the dish. And the color of the workpiece will change to a more beautiful, sunny one. To make this delicacy with citrus fruits you will need to take:

  1. 2 kilos of juicy and dense pears,
  2. 2.5 kg granulated sugar,
  3. 3 medium lemons.

You will only need water if you want to get more syrup in the roll " Pear jam with lemon for the winter».

Using this culinary method, fruits are thoroughly washed and the cores and seeds are removed. Dark spots and stalks are also removed. The pulp is cut into slices or small cubes, which are placed in a pan for cooking. The lemons are crushed into a homogeneous mass in a meat grinder (along with the peel), and poured into sliced ​​pears. The mixture is sprinkled with granulated sugar, mixed carefully (to speed up the juice separation) and left undisturbed for about three hours. During this time, the released juice should soak and, if possible, dissolve grains of sugar.

The infused mass is placed on the stove and boiled, stirring. The jam should simmer over low heat for about an hour, skimming off the foam that regularly forms and mixing the pieces. literally poured boiling into sterilized jars and rolled up. Before it cools down, it is put away “under a fur coat”, and then transferred to a cool pantry until winter.

Recipe with almonds

An interesting variation on the classic recipe comes out if you add vanilla or almonds to the pear mass. The taste of such a preparation is immediately transformed into a more attractive side, becoming unusual and even mysterious. Many who treat themselves to the offered delicacy try to guess the original addition to the pears; but not everyone succeeds, and not the first time. Because the combination is truly excellent! For a homemade recipe " Pear jam for the winter with photo"you need to prepare:

  1. 2 kilos of juicy and fleshy pears and granulated sugar,
  2. 100 g almonds (preferably ground, but chopped into small pieces will do)
  3. 1.5 liters of water
  4. And? tsp vanilla.

Vanilla has a fairly strong concentrated fragrance; therefore, if you want to fully experience the aromas of fruit accompanied by almonds, then vanilla can be excluded from the recipe.

So, pear fruits are peeled from the outer peel, tails and cores, and cut into small portions. Water is boiled in a separate container and the pear slices are dropped into it. After boiling the fruits for 3-4 minutes, the liquid from them is poured into an enamel pan, into which all the granulated sugar is also poured. Sweet syrup is boiled, poured into slightly softened slices, and left to soak in the filling for several hours.

After 3-4 hours, the dishes with the aromatic contents are placed on moderate heat and warmed up. Having brought the brew to a boil, the heat is reduced, and the dish simmers on the stove for 10 minutes. And again there is a four-hour interval of infusion and cooling of the semi-finished jam. The second time, boiling lasts 20 minutes, and halfway through the entire cooking time, the mass is “seasoned” with chopped almonds and vanilla. The finished almond-pear jam is placed in jars and sealed with lids. The preserved food should cool wrapped in a blanket.

Recipe with mint leaves

The next method suggests combining pears with apples, and diversifying this tandem with mint leaves. The result is a great dessert: light and refreshing. The main components for blocking " Pear and apple jam for the winter"are:

  1. 1 kg of both fruits,
  2. 2-3 sprigs of mint,
  3. 2 kg granulated sugar,
  4. 1 partial tsp. citric acid.

Jam can be made from different varieties of pears. I am sincerely surprised when I read that jam must be made from a certain type of pear. This is wrong. It’s just that every time you get jam that is different in taste, aroma and consistency. This time I have hard pears, so I suggest making pear jam in slices.

Since we will not boil the pears whole, different fruits will suit us: some crushed, and some spoiled. Well, if you get neat, dense fruits, then there will be no hassle with them at all.

Wash the fruits. Cut the pears in half lengthwise. Cut each half into two pieces. Cut out the core from the resulting pear quarters. If you remove the center from the halves of the fruit, the waste will be noticeably greater. Now cut the resulting quartered parts of the pear into another 3-4 slices (the number depends on how large the fruits you got).

With this slicing, you get beautiful slices, and you can also easily peel and cut off all unnecessary parts of the pear (seals on the peel, bruises, etc.). Please note that there is no need to peel the fruits, otherwise during cooking, instead of slices, we will end up with a homogeneous pear puree.

Place the pears cut into slices into a container for making jam. It is better to use enamel, ceramic or glass containers.

Sprinkle sugar on top of pears. Now gently shake the pan several times so that the sugar fills all the voids and envelops almost every slice. It is better to leave the future jam for 1-2 hours so that the pears release juice.

I would also like to say something about the amount of sugar used. Firstly, its quantity will depend on the type of pear. If it is sweet in itself, then you will need less sugar. You should do something completely different with sour varieties of pears.

Secondly, your personal taste preferences are important. I don’t like sugary jam, so I almost never cook jam in a 1:1 ratio (fruit:sugar).

It is better to cook pear jam in slices using the “five-minute” method. That is, put the pan on low heat, wait until it boils, boil for literally 5 minutes and set aside until cooled. Once the pan has cooled, repeat the procedure again. Usually, the jam has to be boiled at least 4 times before it is ready.

It seems like it's a hassle, but in reality, it's not at all. You can boil the jam in between.

By the end of cooking the jam, you need to sterilize the jars and boil the lids. Pour the jam hot into jars and seal with lids. There is no need to wrap the jars; for jam this is completely unnecessary work.

Pear jam in slices turns out bright, sunny, and transparent. And the slices seem elastic and soft at the same time. This fragrant homemade jam will make a winter morning truly warm!

Summer is the time to prepare for the winter. It is at this time of year that you can make different types of jam from ripe and juicy pears, apples and other fruits and berries. In winter, sweet preparations will come in handy. Delicious jam or jam can be served with tea or used as a filling for a homemade pie. This delicacy will appeal not only to those with a sweet tooth. The best recipes for pear jam for the winter are presented in our article. A step-by-step description will allow you to easily prepare any of the selected options.

Amber pear jam

The secret of this dessert lies in a special cooking method. To ensure that the pear slices remain intact and turn into puree, they should be cooked in three batches. Since this fruit is quite sweet, a moderate amount of sugar can be added (500-700 g per 2 kg of peeled fruit).

Prepared in a certain sequence:

  1. Ripe but hard fruits are peeled, cored and cut into slices.
  2. The syrup is prepared in a saucepan on the stove. To do this, sugar is dissolved in 350 ml of water and brought to a thick consistency. It should remain clear and not turn into caramel.
  3. Pear slices are poured with hot syrup and set aside until completely cooled.
  4. Now you can put the pan on medium heat and bring the pears to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes, then remove the jam from the stove and cool.
  5. Repeat similar steps twice more. The last time, the cooking time can be increased to 45 minutes, which will allow you to achieve the desired thickness of the syrup.

Transparent jam from pears and apples in slices

The following delicacy is perfect as a filling for pies and pies. After cooling, the pear and apple jam for the winter turns out thick, like jam or marmalade, and does not spread when baking products. And it’s not difficult to prepare:

  1. Apples (350 g) and pears (450 g) of hard varieties are peeled and cored, and then cut into slices.
  2. The fruits are placed in a saucepan, covered with sugar (450 g) and left at room temperature for 3-4 hours so that they release the juice.
  3. At this time, a couple of lemon rings are peeled and pitted, cut into small pieces and added to apples and pears. Lemon will give the jam acid, which is lacking in fruit.
  4. Place the pan with the ingredients over medium heat, bring to a boil and cook the apple and pear slices for 5 minutes. Remove the bowl with jam from the heat and leave overnight until completely cooled.
  5. Similar actions are carried out twice.
  6. For the fourth time, cook the jam for about 1 hour until it becomes thick enough. The finished delicacy is placed in jars, covered with lids and sealed with a can opener.

Recipe for jam from pears with peel

For the next dessert, pears of absolutely any variety are suitable, including soft ones. But this does not mean that the slices will turn into puree during cooking. To avoid this, the fruits are not peeled, but only from seeds and spoiled areas. As a result, the pear jam turns amber in slices, and the peel becomes soft, so you can’t feel it at all.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows:

  1. The pears are washed, dried and cut into 4 parts. The core is cut out of each quarter, after which such pieces are cut into another 3-4 slices.
  2. Prepared fruits (2 kg) are placed in a pan, covered with sugar (800 g) and shaken so that it is evenly distributed. You can start cooking jam after 2 hours, when the juice has released from the pears.
  3. The pan is placed on low heat, the slices with sugar are brought to a boil and cooked for 5 minutes, but no more.
  4. After complete cooling, after about 6-8 hours, the jam is put back on the stove. This time and the next 3-4 times you need to cook it for 5 minutes. Before each heat treatment, the jam is well cooled.
  5. You can check how thick the delicacy is, drop by drop on a plate, which should not drip if you tilt the dish.
  6. The finished jam is placed in hot sterilized jars and rolled up. There is no need to turn them over and wrap them.

Pear jam with milk

The next delicacy tastes more like a homogeneous puree for baby food, and the consistency is more like condensed milk. But this pear jam turns out to be really very tasty, although it is not stored all winter. Under an airtight lid and in the refrigerator, it can last no more than three months. The following step-by-step instructions will help you prepare this jam correctly:

  1. Peel pears (17 pcs.), remove seeds, spoiled areas and cut into slices of arbitrary size.
  2. Grind the prepared fruits using a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Sprinkle pear puree with sugar (6 tbsp), pour in milk (5 tbsp) and add a teaspoon of soda. This leavening agent will not be felt in the finished jam, and during the cooking process it will allow the pears to boil well.
  4. Leave the prepared ingredients in the pan at room temperature for 2 hours.
  5. After the time has passed, put the pan on low heat, bring the jam to a boil, and cook it, stirring occasionally, for 8 hours. It should become quite thick and flow slowly from the plate. During cooking, the volume of the mass decreases by 4 times.
  6. The finished jam is put into jars, screwed on with lids, cooled and sent to the refrigerator.

Recipe for pear jam with poppy seeds

This dessert has an unusual appearance and taste. Pear and poppy seed jam turns out very tasty. You can serve it for tea, and make an interesting pie from it. The step-by-step preparation of such a dessert is as follows:

  1. Peeled and seeded pear pieces (1 kg) are covered with sugar (300-500 g) and citric acid (1 teaspoon). In this form, the fruits must stand for 3 hours so that the juice is released.
  2. Place the pan on the stove. Cook the jam over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Place half the pears in a separate bowl, cool and puree with an immersion blender. Return the crushed jam to the pan.
  4. Heat poppy seeds (½ tbsp) in a dry hot frying pan and add to the pears.
  5. Cook the jam for another 15 minutes. Prepare jars and roll up a hot dessert for the winter.

Delicious jam with lemon and pears

The next delicacy is prepared in lemon syrup. Its taste is completely different from that of ordinary amber pear jam, more interesting and refined. It is prepared step by step in several stages:

  1. The pears are peeled and cored with seeds, cut into slices and weighed. For jam you need exactly 1 kg of fruit.
  2. Place pitted lemon cut into slices into a small saucepan and add 250 ml of water.
  3. After 3 minutes, strain the finished broth and add 1 kg of sugar to it. Prepare moderately thick sugar syrup and pour it over the pears in the pan.
  4. Infuse the slices in syrup for 3 hours. During this time, the amount of liquid will double.
  5. Cook the jam over low heat in 3 batches for 10-15 minutes. Before the next cooking, it must be cooled each time.
  6. For the fourth time, the jam is boiled to the required thickness, after which it is rolled into jars with a can opener.

Recipe for pear jam with orange

This delicacy can be prepared very quickly. But it is cooked in 2 batches, and before subsequent heat treatment it will need to be cooled for 12 hours. Otherwise, everything is very simple:

  1. Peel the pears from the core, but leave the peel. Place them in a saucepan, add the same amount of sugar (1 kg each) and add an orange cut into thin slices. There is no need to remove the peel, but the seeds will have to be removed.
  2. Place the pan over low heat, and after boiling, cook the pears with sugar and orange for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the jam from the stove and cool it. During this time, the slices will be saturated with syrup and become dense and transparent.
  4. Put the jam on the fire again. Boil it for 5 minutes and you can roll it up in sterilized jars.

Lingonberry and pear jam

A delicious dessert can be prepared using the following recipe. Pear jam with lingonberries is prepared in this order:

  1. Berries (2 kg) are sorted, washed and dried.
  2. Peeled pears (2 kg) are cut into small pieces.
  3. Sugar (4 kg) is poured into a bowl for making jam or into a deep pan and filled with a glass of hot water.
  4. Cook the syrup over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as it starts to thicken, pieces of pears are added to it.
  5. Fruit slices are boiled for 15 minutes, after which lingonberries and spices are added (10 buds of cloves and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon).
  6. Cook the jam for 45 minutes until it becomes thick enough. It can be stored in sterilized and hermetically sealed jars throughout the winter.

Pears for the winter

The following delicacy is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Pure sea buckthorn berries (300 g) are placed in a saucepan. 700 g of peeled and seeded pears are also added here.
  2. The prepared mixture is covered with sugar (1.5 kg) and left on the table for 8-10 hours.
  3. The next day you can begin the process of making jam. It is recommended to cook it in three approaches of 5 minutes each. The jam needs to be cooled well each time.

The finished delicacy is transparent, very beautiful and tasty. It is rolled into jars and stored all winter.

This delicious homemade pear and lemon jam is also very beautiful: elastic slices in a transparent golden syrup. Lemon is needed to give the syrup a beautiful color and aroma. The new pear-lemon aroma is unique and unforgettable. The technology for preparing such a sweet preparation is somewhat complicated, but the result is worth it. To make pear and lemon jam transparent, you should remember that […]

This delicious homemade pear and lemon jam is also very beautiful: elastic slices in a transparent golden syrup. Lemon is needed to give the syrup a beautiful color and aroma. The new pear-lemon aroma is unique and unforgettable. The technology for preparing such a sweet preparation is somewhat complicated, but the result is worth it. To make pear and lemon jam transparent, you should remember that you cannot boil the jam the first four times, otherwise the syrup will become cloudy and the slices will become soft. All the details of making jam in a step-by-step recipe with photos.

When starting to prepare, stock up on:

  • 1 kg of Limonka pears;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 2 lemons.

How to make pear jam with lemon

We wash the pears in a large container to remove all dust and dirt from their surface.

We cut good pears into slices, do not remove the peel. She won't bother us. Pour sliced ​​pears and sugar into a bowl.

Shake the bowl so that the sugar evenly covers the pear pieces. Leave this fruity-sugar splendor for 4 hours.

Place a basin on the fire and cook until the first bubbles appear, indicating the mixture is boiling. Set our jam aside for 8 hours.

Add diced lemons with peel.

Again we repeat heating to the brink of boiling. Again, set this lemon-pear mixture aside.

We carry out 4 such cycles of bringing to a boil.

For the fifth time we need to boil the jam. Boil it and cook for at least 15 minutes.

Place the jam in sterile jars.

It is very convenient to place the slices with a wooden spatula. It must also be processed so as not to become a source of microbial contamination of the cans.

Let's roll up our clear pear and lemon jam.

We place rows of cans on a towel, wrap them in a blanket or something else warm.

They should be wrapped up to cool down. After which, we simply move our bright pear jam to the cellar.

In winter, you can simply drink this delicacy with tea for pleasure, or you can eat it with pancakes or bake sweet pies. The choice is wide, for everyone! 🙂