Raspberry jam: how to cook raspberry jam correctly. Raspberry jam for the winter

Since ancient times, raspberry jam has been considered the main folk remedy for colds and sore throats. Many mothers and grandmothers today do not neglect this sweet medicine in the fight against various viral diseases and influenza. Raspberry jam actually contains a lot of useful substances, and many vitamins are preserved even after cooking. During illness, such a delicacy has an antipyretic effect on the body. And all thanks to the fact that this beautiful and tasty berry contains the chemicals salicylates, which are the main component of aspirin and painkillers. Our article presents the best recipes for raspberry jam. Using them, you can easily cook such a sweet medicine for the winter.

This sweet delicacy, familiar from childhood, will turn out very tasty and will be stored much longer if you follow the following tips when cooking it:

  1. The first question that concerns housewives who decide to prepare this dessert for their family is how much sugar per 1 kg of raspberries will be needed for jam. It all depends on how long it is planned to be stored and whether it will be amenable to heat treatment. If the jam is prepared in the traditional way on the stove, it is enough to add sugar in a 1:1 ratio. But you can put less, to taste. If you do not plan to cook the raspberries, then 1.5-2.0 kg of sugar should be added per 1 kg of berries.
  2. To prevent the jam from spoiling during storage and becoming moldy, it is recommended to sprinkle the surface of the jar with sugar (50 g will be enough).
  3. If insects are found in the berries, salt will help get rid of them. To do this, raspberries are dipped into a special solution for several minutes. To prepare it, you need to dilute a teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of water. Immerse the berries in the solution, then drain them in a colander and rinse under running water.

Five-minute raspberry jam

This recipe is good because the berries do not fall apart during the cooking process, but remain intact. This homemade raspberry jam is not only tasty, but also beautiful. The process of its preparation consists of several steps:

  1. Berries (1 kg) are sorted and carefully washed if necessary. If the raspberries are clean and free of insects, you can skip this step.
  2. Whole berries are covered with sugar (600 g or to taste).
  3. Before cooking, the raspberries should sit in sugar for 5-6 hours. During this time, enough juice will be released from the berries.
  4. According to this recipe, raspberry jam is cooked over low heat for exactly 5 minutes. During this time it will become thicker, but the berries will still remain intact. Any foam that appears on the surface must be removed. The finished delicacy is placed in hot jars, rolled up with lids and wrapped for 6 hours.

The next dessert also requires only two ingredients. This winter raspberry jam is prepared exclusively from ripe berries and sugar without adding pectin or gelatin, but it will turn out to be quite thick and very tasty.

The step-by-step recipe for the sweet treat is as follows:

  1. Berries (1 kg) are poured with cool water for 5 minutes, drained in a colander, washed and transferred to an enamel or glass container.
  2. Using a potato masher or fork, mix the raspberries. The berries will no longer be whole, but that's okay.
  3. Top the raspberries with sugar (700-1000 g).
  4. The berries are left in the pan for 2 hours so that enough juice is released from them.
  5. Raspberry jam is cooked over low heat in two batches. First you need to bring the contents of the pan to a boil, and then cook without a lid for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  6. After the jam has cooled completely, put it back on the stove for 10 minutes. Literally before our eyes the composition will become thick. Now they put it in jars and roll up the lids.

Cooking without cooking

During heat treatment, healthy raspberries lose some of their vitamins. In particular, we are talking about vitamin C, which is destroyed during cooking. To make raspberry jam as healthy as possible, you do not need to cook it. It is enough just to mix the berries with sugar and place them in sterile jars.

To prepare raspberry jam without cooking, the ingredients are taken in a 1:2 ratio. This means that for 500 g of berries you should take 1 kg of sugar. Next, the raspberries and sugar are crushed using a wooden mortar or immersion blender. The finished jam is immediately placed into jars, leaving 1.5 cm to the edge. This space is filled with sugar, which acts as a preservative.

Blackcurrant and raspberry jam

Using the following recipe, you can prepare a full-fledged dessert in which raspberries and black currants combine perfectly in taste.

The following step-by-step instructions will tell you how to make jam:

  1. Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Pour black currants (6 tbsp.) and raspberries (2 tbsp.) into boiling water.
  3. Pour 7 cups of sugar into the pan. Mix all ingredients together.
  4. Bring the jam to a boil. Continue cooking it with constant stirring for 45 minutes. During this time, the jam should become moderately thick. You can cook the same delicacy in two stages. Then on the first day you should cook it for 15 minutes, then cool it, and put it back on low heat for 20 minutes.
  5. The finished jam should be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. This amount of ingredients makes 4 500 ml jars.

Seedless raspberry jam

It will be difficult to refuse such a delicacy even for those people who do not consider themselves to have a sweet tooth. The raspberry jam prepared according to the recipe below turns out to be amazingly tender, and all because there are absolutely no seeds in it. Its consistency is similar to jelly, but no gelatin or other thickeners are added to it during cooking.

Step-by-step preparation of jam consists of the following steps:

  1. Pour clean berries (1.2 kg) into a saucepan and fill them with water (2 tbsp.).
  2. Cook the raspberries over low heat for 20 minutes after boiling.
  3. Line a colander or sieve with gauze folded in several layers.
  4. Place the boiled berries with syrup in small portions and gradually grind them, periodically squeezing the gauze.
  5. Return the grated raspberries to the pan, add sugar (1.5 kg) and put on low heat. Cook the jam for 1 hour until it becomes thick enough.
  6. You can store this delicacy in sterile jars throughout the winter.

Recipe for jam with gelatin

This delicacy will appeal to all jelly lovers. This raspberry jam recipe uses gelatin, which makes it thick in consistency and very tasty. The step-by-step cooking process is as follows:

  1. The raspberries are removed from the garbage and put into the pan. It is advisable not to wash the berries in water. There is absolutely no need for excess liquid in the jam.
  2. Raspberries are covered with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. The berry is left for 2 hours at room temperature. During this time, it should release a lot of juice.
  3. The pan of jam goes on the stove. Its contents are brought to a boil and cooked for 10 minutes.
  4. At this time, powdered gelatin (50 g per 1 kg of berries and sugar) is soaked in cold water. It will be enough to take 300 ml of liquid.
  5. The swollen gelatin is added to the slightly cooled jam. The mass is thoroughly mixed and distributed among the jars.

Fragrant raspberry-strawberry jam

These two summer berries go well together not only in color, but also in taste. The following step-by-step instructions will tell you how to make jam from them:

  1. Sort raspberries (600 g) and strawberries (400 g), wash and place in a saucepan.
  2. Cover them with sugar (1000 g) and leave for 20 minutes until the juice appears.
  3. Place the pan with berries on the stove. Bring the ingredients to a boil and, stirring them constantly, cook the jam for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove. Cool the jam a little and roll it in jars. The treat can be stored for at least 1 year in a dark and cool place.

Raspberry and gooseberry jam is no less tasty. It’s just as easy to prepare as the previous strawberry-raspberry dessert.

Jam with oranges and raspberries

A delicious dessert with a zesty citrus note can be prepared using the following recipe. Raspberry and orange jam is very easy to prepare:

  1. Berries (1.5 kg) are sorted, washed and left for a while in a colander to drain excess water.
  2. Oranges (3 pcs.) are peeled and thin white film, cut into pieces and added to the raspberries.
  3. Sugar (1.5 kg) is poured on top.
  4. The pan is placed on low heat. The ingredients are brought to a boil and cooked in 3 stages for 10 minutes. Before each subsequent heat treatment, the jam cools for about two hours. You can cool the contents of the pan longer, then the dessert will turn out thicker.
  5. While the jam is cooking, the jars are sterilized in the oven for 20 minutes at 100°. Tin lids should be boiled in water.
  6. The finished jam is packaged in jars, covered with lids and sealed with a can opener.

In a similar way, you can prepare delicious jam with raspberries and lemon. Peeled slices (without films or peels) are also cut into pieces and added to the pan with the berries. Thanks to the acid, the taste of raspberry jam is not so cloying.

Infuse raspberry jam for five minutes with sugar for 3 hours, then cook.
Using the long method, sprinkle the raspberries with sugar, put on fire, cook and leave for 30 minutes. Boil and cool 3 times. This method will take 7-8 hours.

How to make raspberry jam for the winter

What you need for raspberry jam
For 1 kilogram of raspberries you need 1 kilogram of sugar.

How to make raspberry jam
1. Wash the raspberries and place them in a jam pan.
2. Sprinkle raspberries with sugar.
3. Leave for 3 hours at room temperature (20-22 degrees), gently stirring the raspberries every half hour.
4. Place the dishes over low heat, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring gently.
5. Carefully remove the foam from the jam so that the jam does not ferment.
5. Without cooling, spread the raspberry jam into sterilized jars, close tightly, and store in the refrigerator or a cool, dark place.

How to cook raspberry jam in a slow cooker
1. Sort and wash the raspberries.
2. Place the raspberries in a multicooker bowl, add sugar, and mix gently.
3. Set the multicooker to the “Stew” mode, cook the jam with the multicooker lid closed for 10 minutes.
4. Place the finished jam into sterilized jars, roll up, cool and store.

How to cook raspberry jam in a bread machine
1. Place 1 kilogram of berries in a bread machine bowl.
2. Add 1 kilogram of sugar, distribute the sugar evenly, shake the bowl several times.
3. Place the bowl of raspberries in the bread machine, set to “Jam” or “Jam” mode.
Transfer the finished jam into dry, clean jars and roll up.

How to make raspberry-orange jam

Products for raspberry and orange jam
Fresh or frozen raspberries - 1.5 kilograms
Oranges - 1 kilogram
Sugar - 1.5 kilograms

How to make raspberry-orange jam
1. Sort the raspberries, remove any possible debris. Peel the oranges, separate them into slices and remove the skin from each orange slice.
2. Place raspberries and oranges, sprinkled with sugar, into a non-enamel pan.
3. Place the raspberries and oranges on low heat and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam.
4. Then remove the raspberry-orange jam from the heat and leave for 30 minutes.
5. Put the pan of jam back on the fire and bring to a boil again, then cool for 30 minutes.
6. Bring the jam to a boil for the last time and pour into sterilized jars.


- Raspberries are a very delicate berry, so when you are confident that the berry is environmentally friendly, it should not be washed. If you still need to wash, it is better to do this by immersing a colander with berries in a wide container with cold water. To ensure that the water completely drains (otherwise the jam will turn out liquid), leave the berries in a colander for 20 minutes, shaking them slightly from time to time.

To make jam without hard raspberry seeds, simply rub the berries through a fine sieve - either before cooking or after. In fact, it will turn out to be jam.

A saline solution will help get rid of white worms and insects found on raspberries. Pour the berries into a basin and fill with saline solution for 10 minutes (take a teaspoon of salt for 1 liter of water). Drain the dirty water and carefully rinse the raspberries.

Since raspberries retain their disinfecting properties even after cooking, sterilizing the jars, although desirable, is not at all necessary.

The healthiest raspberry jam is liquid, it contains a minimum of sugar and heat treatment, but maximum benefits. If you boil the water and make the jam thicker, it will lose its benefits during prolonged cooking.

Since raspberries are a juicy berry, it will most likely not be possible to quickly make jam of the desired consistency without adding pectin. To make jam with pectin, you need to add 1 sachet of 20 grams of gelling agent (Jam, Zhelfix) to 1 kilogram of berries immediately after adding sugar - and mix the jam thoroughly. When using pectin, the amount of sugar can be reduced to 0.5 kilograms without loss of thickness. To thicken the jam, you can increase the amount of sugar - for every kilogram of raspberries, take 1.2-1.4 kilograms of sugar. Just keep in mind that this will affect the taste of the jam: it can become cloying. And vice versa: if the raspberry jam is too thick, you should add more berries.

Raspberry jam contains natural salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Raspberry jam will help not only for colds, but also for stress, because... contains copper, which is part of most antidepressants.

The taste of raspberry jam, depending on the variety of raspberries, can be too tart, even slightly bitter. To control the taste, it is better to taste the raspberries before making the jam and, if tart notes are observed, you can add strawberries or orange.

Enameled or stainless steel utensils are suitable for making raspberry jam.

For maximum preservation of vitamins A, E, PP (giving the skin a fresh color and elasticity) it is better to prepare jam for five minutes or grind raspberries with sugar. You need to store grated raspberries in the refrigerator.

The calorie content of raspberry jam is 270 kcal.

If the raspberry jam has fermented or become sugary, you can ferment it again by adding a glass of sugar for each liter of jam. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling and be sure to remove the foam.

What are we cooking?

  • Blanks
    • Jam

Raspberry jam for the winter is a very healthy and tasty preparation. After all, this berry contains acetylsalicylic acid, which helps in winter period fight colds. There are a lot of recipes for making raspberry jam.

We will show you the simplest raspberry jam recipes that you can easily and quickly prepare in your home kitchen.

You won’t need to stand at the stove for a long time in the heat, and your sweet preparations for the winter will turn out very tasty. From jam you can make delicious homemade baked goods such as pies, pies or buns.

Or you can just drink tea with aromatic raspberry jam.

Thick raspberry and blackberry jam - a recipe for the winter

Time: cooking - 5 minutes; preparation - 6 hours


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Raspberry jam with blackberries for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photos:

Raspberry jam is a healthy, incredibly aromatic and very tasty jam. Cook the jam for only 5 minutes. Therefore, the jam turns out to be thin, but thanks to the short amount of heat treatment time, the raspberries retain the maximum amount of vitamins, and the jam turns out incredibly aromatic.

To get thick raspberry jam, it is usually cooked in several batches, but, unfortunately, due to increased cooking time, the berries lose more vitamins. Since the jam is prepared very quickly, we prepare in advance the dishes in which we will store the jam until winter.

We remember that glass jars with lids for storing winter preparations must be washed with soda and sterilized.

When making raspberry jam, you can add blackberries to the raspberries. We carefully sort the berries, removing sepals, leaves and other debris.

It is not advisable to wash ripe raspberries, as their delicate berries instantly absorb water and become limp. If we notice small bugs in the raspberries, then immerse the raspberry fruits in salted water (necessarily cold) for a while.

Pour the sorted berries into a wide bowl, alternating layers with fine granulated sugar. Now let the berries stand in sugar for 5 hours or more so that they release juice.

The bowl with the berry mixture should be kept cool. Since the room is hot in the summer, we put the container with berries in the refrigerator, covering it with a lid.

During this time, the raspberries are covered with berry juice. Take the bowl of berry mixture out of the refrigerator, carefully mix the mixture, and put the bowl on the fire.

As the raspberry jam boils, a cap of foam rises above the berries. Now remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

Cook the raspberry jam for 3 to 5 minutes, skimming the foam from its surface. To prevent the raspberry syrup from burning at the bottom (in our bowl), keep the heat under the bowl to a minimum, and mix the jam with a gentle movement of the spatula from bottom to top.

Having finished cooking the raspberry jam, without removing the bowl from the heat, pour it into previously prepared (sterile and hot) jars. Once sealed, turn the jars of jam over and then cover with a blanket.

We store it in a cool place in hot weather, and in winter you can simply put it on a shelf in your apartment.

Raspberry jam 5 minutes - a simple recipe

Let's look at the recipe for five-minute jam. This jam contains only fresh berries and sugar. This method of preparation leaves the maximum amount of vitamins and preserves the amazing aroma and taste of raspberries. In this case, the berries for the most part remain intact.


  • raspberries – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 2.4 kg;
  • water – 3 l;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

How to make delicious raspberry jam:

Place the raspberries in a colander and soak in a weak saline solution for 15-20 minutes. During this time, insects will leave the berries.
Then lightly rinse the berries in running water and let it drain.

Carefully pour the raspberries into the container in which they will be cooked. Cover it with sugar.

Smooth the surface and let the berries release their juice. This will take about a day.

Place the container with raspberries on low heat. When the jam boils, cook it for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Turn off the heat and skim off the foam. Cover the jam with a towel and let it cool.

Sterilize jars for 15 minutes and lids for 5 minutes. Place the jam into hot jars and close with a lid. Raspberry jam is ready for the winter.

Thick raspberry jam for the winter with whole berries

Raspberry jam for the winter, cooked with whole berries, is the most delicious and aromatic. It will look beautiful on the table, and it is very easy to prepare. The main thing when cooking jam and stirring is not to mash the raspberries. If you use a wooden spatula, the raspberries will remain intact.

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Grocery list:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.8 kg.

How to make raspberry jam so that it contains whole berries:

First you need to prepare the raspberries and remove debris, bugs and larvae from the berries. To do this, pour cold water into a saucepan or other suitable container and dissolve table salt in it in the following proportion: one tablespoon of salt per liter of water. Carefully pour the raspberries into the saline solution. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

After time, all the larvae and bugs will float to the surface. Next, collect them with a slotted spoon and drain the water. Rinse the raspberries under running tap water several times. Place in a colander and remove excess water.

Place the prepared raspberries in a bowl and cover with sugar.

Leave the raspberries in the sugar for about 5 hours. During this time, the berries will release juice. Place the future raspberry jam on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat under the container and simmer the raspberry jam for 5 minutes.

Then pour the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars and close the lids. Place in a warm place under a blanket. After cooling, transfer the jars of raspberry jam to a cool, dark place for the winter. This five-minute method of cooking jam allows you to keep the berries intact, since there is no long cooking and the raspberries do not become soft.

If you want to get thick raspberry jam with whole berries, then the five-minute cooking procedure should be repeated 2-3 more times. Just stir it very carefully each time so as not to crush the berries.

Video: Raspberry jam without cooking for the winter

I think every home tries to stock up on raspberry jam for the winter. It helps with colds in winter and contains many useful substances.
Did you know that raspberries contain salicylic, citric, malic and tartaric acids. Therefore, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. As children, we often arrived damp and soaking wet from walks. Then my mother changed us into dry clothes and gave us tea with raspberry jam. And then she made me wrap myself in a blanket and sweat a lot. And it often happened that the disease went away without even starting.

Raspberries are a storehouse of vitamins. It contains vitamins B, A, C, E. It also contains a lot of microelements potassium, calcium, and iron. Therefore, you definitely need to stock up on raspberry jam. There is never too much of it. Plus, it's easier than ever to do it. And as you will learn from this article. There are many ways to prepare this wonderful preparation, let’s look at the most delicious of them:

  • Five-minute raspberry
  • Raspberry jam with whole berries, regular cooking
  • Raspberry jam with gelatin
  • Raspberries with sugar without cooking

Before preparing jam, the berries must be sorted from leaves and bugs. Raspberries are often inhabited by various bugs and spiders. There is a little secret on how to get rid of them. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water. Place the berries in a colander or sieve. Immerse the dishes in the salt solution for 5 minutes. And all our insects will end up on the surface. After this, the raspberries need to be washed thoroughly. Let it sit in a colander for 10 minutes to drain off excess water.

Five-minute raspberry jam (thick)

One of the most popular recipes. Due to quick cooking, many useful substances are retained in the berries.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
We take sugar and berries in equal proportions. Therefore, the number of kilograms may vary at your discretion.

Step-by-step recipe for making 5-minute raspberries:

1. The berries need to be sorted from leaves and bugs. After this, the raspberries need to be washed thoroughly in salted water, as described above. Then rinse with plain water and drain in a colander. Let it sit in a colander for 10 minutes to drain off excess water.

2. Now we need to choose the container in which we will prepare our jam. The shape of the dishes should not be high and wide enough. The basin has this shape, so it is considered the best option for making jam. The dish pan was chosen. Now let's decide on its material. Cookware made of copper, stainless steel and brass is best suited for making jam.

3. Pour all the raspberries into a bowl. It must be mashed with a masher and covered with granulated sugar. Mix our ingredients carefully. Leave our delicacy for a couple of hours so that the sugar dissolves.

4. And at this time we will start sterilizing the jars. There are many ways: over steam, in the oven, in the microwave, etc. I sterilize in the microwave. The jars must be clean. Pour about 1.5 cm of water and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes at power 800-900.

5. Place the container with the future jam on the lowest heat. Stir constantly and bring to a boil. When jam is cooked, foam forms on its surface. Carefully remove it with a spoon. If this is not done, the jam may soon spoil. Let our jam simmer for 5 minutes.

6. Carefully package the jam into our sterilized jars and close the lid tightly. I use small jars for any jam. So that you don’t store it for a long time once you open the jar. Now our jars need to be turned over and allowed to cool.

Five-minute jam from whole raspberries

Amazing jam can be made from whole raspberries. This berry does not have a thick skin. Therefore, in order for the berries to remain intact, they must be boiled in syrup, which is obtained from raspberry juice and sugar when it sits.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

Step-by-step procedure for preparing raspberry jam with whole berries:

1. Clean the berries from debris (leaves, bugs, larvae). Rinse them with water and place in a colander.
2. Pour half of the granulated sugar into the bowl in which the jam will be cooked.
3. Next, all the raspberries go into the basin.
4. Cover our raspberries with the remaining sugar.
5. Leave everything in the container for 5-6 hours. Let the raspberries give juice. I usually do this at night. And in the morning I finish what I started.
6. In the morning I start sterilizing the jars, and then start making the jam itself.
7. Light the smallest fire and place the container on the stove. Mix very carefully so as not to disturb the integrity of the berries.
8. Wait for the sugar to dissolve and turn up the heat a little. When the jam boils, cook for another 5 minutes. Don’t forget to stir gently and remove the foam from the jam.
9. Pour the finished jam into jars. Cover them carefully with a lid.

By the way, you can use less sugar, for example, as in this video recipe:

Raspberry jam with whole berries (regular cooking)

Another very tasty recipe. The berries remain intact when cooked. This makes it more beneficial and tasteful.

When you make jam from whole berries, do not take a lot of kilograms at once. 1.5-2 kilograms will be enough, otherwise the berries may crush each other.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
We take products in a 1:1 ratio

Step-by-step recipe for making raspberry jam:

1. In this recipe it is better to use the best raspberries. That is, it must be clean, large, bought at the market from some grandmother or your own. Because in this recipe we will not wash it.
2. We will layer sugar and berries into the jam container until the ingredients are gone.
3. We need everything to brew for 5-6 hours. We do everything again at night. We put the dishes with future jam in the refrigerator.
4. Raspberries will give juice overnight. We need to drain it and bring it to a boil. Leave it on low heat for 10 minutes.
5. In the meantime, we will sterilize our jars
6. Add raspberries and cook in juice for about 20 minutes. There is no need to stir the berries in this recipe. Therefore, we set the fire to the smallest.
7. Pour our jam into dry and hot jars. You can wrap it in something warm and let it cool completely. I use an old cotton blanket. This is necessary in order to reduce the cooling time of the jam. Then it will turn out very beautiful and natural in color.

Raspberry jam with gelatin

This is a very interesting interpretation of raspberry jam. This recipe will appeal to lovers of jelly or jam. Because it is thick, it can be used as a filling for pies.


  • Raspberries 1 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
  • Water 300 ml
  • Citric acid about 10 grams
  • Gelatin 5 grams

Step-by-step recipe for making jam with gelatin:

1. For this recipe, we start with gelatin. It needs to be diluted with warm water and allowed to swell. There are always instructions written on the bag.
2. We sterilize our jars in any way convenient for you.
3. Select large and not crushed berries. If the raspberries are clean, without dust, then you don’t have to wash them.
4. In a bowl, carefully mix the berries and granulated sugar. Next, fill our mass with water.
5. Place on the stove for half an hour. Cook over low heat, stirring so that the jam does not burn. To do this, use a plastic or wooden spoon. Metal can cause raspberries to oxidize.
6. Place gelatin and citric acid into a container. Cook for another 15 minutes.
7. Place the finished product into jars. Store in a cool, dark place.

Raspberries with sugar without cooking

Cooking raspberries in this way allows you to preserve all the original vitamins and microelements that are in it. After all, in this recipe it is not subjected to heat treatment. But there is also a small disadvantage to this method - there is more sugar than usual.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 3 kg
The amount of sugar used is 2 times more than raspberries.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

1. For this recipe, not only selected raspberries are suitable, but also crushed berries. And so we clean the raspberries and turn them into porridge using a wooden masher.
2. Now add granulated sugar to the container. Mix everything very carefully. We need all the sugar to dissolve. In time it is 20-24 hours. Mix everything periodically with a wooden spoon.
3. When the sugar is completely dispersed in the total mass of jam, you can start making jars.
4. Place the prepared raspberry mixture into dry, hot jars, but not to the very top. Leave 1-1.5 cm empty and add granulated sugar. Screw the lid on tightly. You can use thick paper and string the old fashioned way. Store in the refrigerator.

In this topic, I described the methods and subtleties of making raspberry jam. I shared some secrets with you. I hope you, too, will find the “ideal” raspberry jam recipe for yourself. And you will delight yourself and your loved ones with this healthy delicacy.

A very popular and healthy preparation of raspberries for the winter is raspberry jam. It has an extraordinary taste, aroma and healing properties. This delicacy is familiar to anyone since childhood - our parents often gave us tea with raspberry jam when we had a cold.

Raspberries in the house are always useful. Oh, how delicious it is to drink tea with raspberries in winter! And raspberry jam is an excellent filling for home baking. It's easy to prepare. Simple recipes for making raspberry jam will help you replenish your supplies with this wonderful medicine for colds and to increase the body's immunity in the winter.

It is well known that raspberries are a high-quality natural antibiotic. Two spoons of this winter delicacy can work a miracle during a cold. Of course, you can eat raspberry jam at any time, but you still shouldn’t forget that this particular jam is more medicine than sweetness. Do not give it to children before a walk so that the child does not sweat. Better before bed...
Raspberries – 450 g
Sugar - 2 cups


Freshly picked homemade raspberries do not need to be washed, but it is advisable to sort them out.
Raspberries, cleared of debris and insects, are sent to an enamel bowl. By the way, this is the most useful vessel for making jam.

The berries are covered with granulated sugar until completely covered.

When the raspberries release their juice, let's start making the jam. If you pour the berries in the evening and leave them in a cool place overnight, then in the morning you can prepare a homemade antibiotic in a matter of seconds and quickly roll them into sterile jars.

Place the bowl on low heat and wait for the granulated sugar to completely dissolve. Then, stirring gently and skimming off the foam, bring the raspberry jam to a boil for five minutes. Boil for no more than 5 minutes. Raspberry jam “Pyatiminutka” is ready.

Raspberry jam is sent into small sterile jars and stored for the winter. The raspberry “Pyatiminutka” is stored in the cellar all winter. Enjoy your tea!

Thick raspberry jam with whole berries

To make jam from raspberries or other berries thick, you either need to boil it for a long time, evaporating the moisture and thickening the syrup, or add a thickening powder (agar-agar, pectin, gelatin). During prolonged cooking, the natural color and aroma, richness are lost, and vitamins are destroyed. And thanks to the listed dry additives, cooking time is reduced to a minimum. The liquid syrup turns into a thick syrup, the original color plus taste and aroma are fully preserved. We prepare aromatic raspberry jam with pectin, which makes the syrup beautiful, thick and gelled.
Raspberries - 600 g
Sugar - 400 g
Pectin - 2 tbsp. l.


We wash the berries without stems with cold water. First, we lower it into a bowl of water so that possible small insects and debris float up, then rinse.

Cover clean raspberries with granulated sugar and leave for an hour and a half.

Shake periodically so that the juice is released faster and the sugar begins to dissolve. Try not to crush the berries so that they look beautiful in the jam.

Transfer the raspberries with the sweet liquid into a heat-resistant container, mix with gelling powder and put on fire.

Boil, stir occasionally and cook after boiling for 3-5 minutes. Remove the thick pink foam that forms on the surface.

Pour hot raspberry jam into sterile jars and seal. Thick raspberry jam is ready for the winter. For long-term storage, cool by wrapping it in a blanket. Transfer to a cool room or on a refrigerator shelf.

As it cools, the raspberry jam quickly thickens to a jelly-like consistency.

Enjoy your tea!

On a note
The secret to preserving tender raspberries whole is that the portion of berries should be small, and the container in which they will be cooked should be large. The looser the raspberries are in the container, the better.

Recipe for live raspberry jam with red currants and lemon

Let's prepare live, healthy red currant jam with aromatic raspberries and sour lemon. This bright, tasty, beautiful preparation of berries ground with sugar will lift your mood and immunity in winter.
Lemon - 2 pcs.
Fresh raspberries – 2 kg
Fresh red currants – 1.5 kg
Sugar – 1 kg


Raspberries and currants must be carefully sorted so that not a single bad berry comes across. In the “Pulse” mode, punch the raspberries.

Do the same with currants.

Mix puree with sugar.

Remove the zest from the lemons and squeeze out the juice.

Add juice to puree, mix.

Pour into sterile jars. And enjoy. Keep refrigerated.

Bon appetit!

Raspberry and lime preparation

During the berry season, many people prepare quick preparations without heat treatment - from currants, from raspberries. When ground with sugar, the berry retains maximum of its beneficial substances. Such preparations should be stored in a refrigerator or cold cellar.
You'll love the combination of aromas and flavors of pureed raspberries and sugar cooked together with lime. Choose fresh fruit with thin skin. During the cooking process, the crushed lime will become candied and there will be no bitterness, only freshness. This preparation can be added to tea, to various desserts, and used as jam. If you plan to store the product for a long time, until spring, for example, then you should take 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries.
Lime - 1 pc.
Fresh raspberries – 1 kg
Sugar – 1 kg


Place peeled raspberries in a large bowl.

Add sugar, mix.

Wash the lime, cut into 4 parts, place in a blender. Grind. Add the resulting mass to the raspberries.

Mix and transfer to a clean jar. Store in a cool place. Enjoy your tea!

Video recipe on how to make assorted berry jam from raspberries, strawberries and blueberries, simple and tasty

Bon appetit!

Since the fruit season passes very quickly, jam is the only way to preserve the unique taste and aroma of the passing summer. The most aromatic and delicious of all jam preparations is raspberry jam. And during colds, raspberry jam becomes a medicine and a quick antipyretic. Therefore, it is this jam that every housewife should stock up on.

A simple recipe for raspberry jam

Delicious and healthy raspberry jam for the winter. The recipe for raspberry jam will definitely come in handy, this kind of jam is perfect for colds, and for tea.
Raspberries – 1 kg
Sugar - 1.5 kg

How to make quick raspberry jam
Sort the berries, but do not wash them. Sprinkle with sugar in layers and put in the refrigerator for 8 hours until the juice appears.
Then the mixture should be put on low heat until all the sugar has dissolved, then cook for 20 minutes.

Place while hot into sterile jars. Roll up. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in something warm until they cool completely. Bon appetit!

Raspberry jam with black currants in glasses

Raspberry jam is healthy. And if you make jam from the duo of currants and raspberries, you will get an amazing delicacy with a rich taste and a lot of vitamins. It will not only enrich the body with vitamins, but also give a pleasant atmosphere of comfort during the cold winter season.

Ingredients of raspberry and blackcurrant jam in glasses:

3 cups black currants
9 cups raspberries
9 cups sugar
5 g citric acid


We start preparing our dish with raspberries. The berries need to be sorted, washed and left for a while.

Do the same with black currants.

Pour black currants and raspberries into a common basin or pan. Then cover the fruits with granulated sugar, alternating layers.

On a note
It is better to lay out the products in layers: raspberries - granulated sugar - black currants - remaining sugar. This will allow you to get the optimal amount of juice.

Towards the end of cooking, remove the foam from the surface of the jam and add citric acid, which is a good preservative.
The finished blackcurrant and raspberry jam must be carefully mixed with a wooden spoon or spatula.

Pour the resulting blackcurrant jam into previously prepared jars and roll up the lids. But you can’t immediately put the workpieces in the cellar or refrigerator.

This can only be done after 24 hours, when the jars have time to cool down. Bon appetit!

Raspberry and cherry jelly jam

This very tasty aromatic jam with gelatin in winter will lift your spirits and warm your soul.
1 kg cherries
100 g raspberries
370 g sugar
12 g leaf gelatin

How to make cherry and raspberry jam with gelatin

Wash the cherries, cut them in half and remove the pits.

Pour the prepared cherries into the container/basin where you will make the jam. And add the washed raspberries there.

Sprinkle sugar on top of the berries and let sit for at least 30 minutes to release the juice. There is not much sugar in the recipe because the cherries were very sweet. But you can add more depending on your taste.

After a little juice has released, place the basin on low heat. When heated, there will be more juice and then you can increase the heat (temperature) and bring to a boil. From the moment it boils, cook the jam for 5 minutes. Skim off any foam during cooking. Remove the jam from the stove and leave until completely cool. After this, repeat the cooking process. Bring to a boil in the same way, cook for 5 minutes and set aside. You need to cook over high heat, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam.

Prepare gelatin for jam

Before the third cooking, fill the gelatin with water according to the instructions and let it swell.

After the gelatin has swollen, squeeze it out of the liquid and add it to the jam, which you have already begun to heat over the fire. The jam should already be quite hot. Stir it well so that the gelatin dissolves and is evenly distributed throughout the jam. In the same way as the first two times, bring the jam to a boil and then cook for 5 minutes.

Pour the hot jam into sterile jars and seal with lids. Immediately turn the jar over onto the lid and leave it there for 5 minutes. Then turn the jar upside down and leave it on the counter until it cools completely.

After this, store the jars in a cool place. Before using, place the cherry and raspberry jam in the refrigerator to allow the gelatin to harden. Insanely delicious jam with gelatin is ready! Bon appetit!

Video on how to make raspberry jam with pectin

Bon appetit!

Recipe for raw raspberry jam without cooking. Raspberries pureed with sugar

Raspberries in the house are always useful. It's delicious to drink tea with raspberries in winter! And when you have a cold, that’s the first thing.
Raspberries - 1 kg
Sugar - 1.7 kg

How to prepare raspberries and sugar for the winter

To prepare raspberries and sugar for the winter, all you need is berries and sugar. Rinse jars with soda. Sterilize sealing lids and jars. You can use nylon lids; they need to be washed well with soda.

Sort the raspberries thoroughly, do not wash them.

Place raspberries in a bowl and add sugar. Leave a little sugar for sprinkling the prepared raspberries in the jars.

Leave the raspberries for 30 minutes so that the berries release their juice. Then, in several stages, grind the raspberries with sugar with a wooden spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then place the prepared raspberries in clean, dry jars so that the raspberries do not reach the neck of the jar a little. Add sugar, about 1 cm (2 tbsp) of sugar, to form something like a sugar cap. And close the jar tightly with a lid.
Keep refrigerated. Raspberries with sugar are ready for the winter. Enjoy your tea!

Raspberries grated with sugar keep well and can last all winter and spring. But an open jar must be eaten immediately, it may ferment. So it is recommended to put these raspberries in 200 gram jars.

Raspberry and cherry jam

While the cherry has not yet fallen off, you can experiment a little. By combining it with a small amount of other berries and getting jam with a new taste that will not leave you indifferent. Cherries and raspberries go especially well. The jam turns out very beautiful and fragrant!
Cherry – 1 kg
Raspberries – 400 g
Sugar – 1.7 kg
Water – 900 ml


Wash the cherries, dry them and remove the pits.

Pour the sugar into a cooking container, add water and, while stirring, bring the syrup to a boil.

Dip cherries and raspberries into hot syrup.

Leave for 4-5 hours.

Place the container on the fire, boil for 5-6 minutes and leave again for 4 hours.

Next, boil the jam until thick.

Place cherry and raspberry jam into hot sterilized jars and seal with boiled lids. Bon appetit!

Video recipe on how to make delicious gooseberry and raspberry jam-jelly for the winter

Bon appetit!

Raspberry and blueberry jam

Everyone will like this jam with its bright taste and aroma. Both blueberries and raspberries are very healthy berries. Therefore, I suggest making jam from a mixture of these berries without cooking or heat treatment in order to preserve all the vitamins. Remember that in this case you need to take a sufficiently large amount of sugar so that the jam does not spoil.

And make sure that all the sugar has dissolved. This jam will be a very good addition to pancakes, pancakes, cottage cheese casserole or aromatic tea.

Fresh raspberries - 500 g
Fresh blueberries – 500 g
Sugar - 1.5 kg

How to make jam

Raspberries and blueberries need to be carefully sorted out. Remove excess debris, leaves and rotten or bruised berries.

Grind the berries using a blender.

Combine berry puree and sugar.

Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

The jam is ready. Bon appetit! For winter storage, place the jam in sterilized jars, cover with plastic lids and store in a cool place.

On a note
Live jam without boiling requires the presence of a large amount of sugar as a preservative. Almost all vitamins are preserved - a plus, but a lot of sugar is required - a minus.

Assorted raspberries with blueberries and blackberries

Make aromatic mix jam. You will get a delicious prefabricated jam - assorted berries.
Raspberries - 800 g
Blueberries – 200 g
Blackberries – 200 g
Granulated sugar – 1 kg
Lemon - 1 pc.


Wash and dry the blueberries. Do not wash raspberries and blackberries, sort them out, clean them of debris and spoiled berries.
Mix the berries and sugar in a saucepan with a wooden spoon and cover with a lid.

Let the berries brew for 3-4 hours.

Squeeze juice from washed lemon. Add 3-4 tbsp to the soaked berries. l. lemon juice. The juice gives a jelly-like quality, and besides, the raspberries will not be much colored by dark berries. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes.

Place the jam in sterilized jars and seal. Place the jars with the lid down until they cool. Rinse the cooled jars to remove sticky drips and store them in a dark place. Have a nice winter tea party!

How to freeze raspberries (puree) in an original and beautiful way

Bon appetit!

I hope this publication will help you choose a recipe for preparing aromatic raspberries and making your favorite jam. I wish you a good mood and successful preparations for the winter.

Summer is in full swing and most people are now looking at how to cook and or how. For those who like to prepare berries for the winter, I suggest you take a look at my colleague Andrey’s blog for recipes for delicious strawberry jam.

It will also come in handy for summer picnics. And for the summer it is important to use kvass, kefir, mineral water, whey, yogurt, ayran, lemon juice and water. Cook with pleasure! See you again on my blog.