Zucchini jam with nuts. Unusual, aromatic and simple zucchini jam

A cat leaves home - many owners have encountered this, and sometimes more than once. There are many signs associated with the departure of an animal, for example, that this is how a cat takes away trouble from the house and takes away bad energy with it. But no matter how many superstitions there are, we certainly don’t want our pets to run away. Therefore, we must try to prevent escape by determining in advance that it is possible.

Despite the many prevailing superstitions, there are always objective and explainable reasons why cats leave the house:

  • A new pet has appeared in the house - a kitten, a puppy. Or a child was born. A cat who considered himself the only and main object of his master's love may simply not cope with feelings of jealousy and resentment.
  • The animal often experiences this due to an unfavorable environment in the house or the intrusiveness of children when playing. The child should be taught to treat the pet carefully and affectionately and to normalize the emotional background in the family.
  • The cat is lost. This is an active animal, at any age it can get playful, succumb to hunting instincts and, in pursuit of “prey,” simply get lost. Sometimes the pet finds its way home and returns on its own.
  • The female went after the cat or the male went after the cat during the spring rutting period. This happens especially often in March-April. Usually within a week or two the animal that has gone on a spree returns. A female - most likely with a future offspring. Also read the article about.
  • The cat left to die alone. Even a completely domestic pet, feeling its death approaching, often leaves its owner. People find several explanations for this - the animal wants to hide in a secluded place from pain, and does not want to cause worries in loved ones.

But, most likely, it’s about the same ancient instincts. In any wild pack, a terminally ill individual seeks solitude so as not to attract danger to its relatives, since it can no longer be a strong member of the pack. The behavior of an old or sick pet in this case is similar.

Why do young animals disappear?

When a young animal disappears, there may be several explanations in addition to the most common reasons:

Lack of life experience

The cat may jump from the balcony while hunting for birds or insects. In this case, he either falls to death, or the wounded man is unable to find his way home, finds himself in an unfamiliar place, and gets lost.

If there is a highway near the house, then a young animal running out of the house can easily end up under the wheels of cars traveling at high speed.

An inexperienced cat can become a victim of a pack of feral dogs. If he does not have time to climb the tree, then most likely he will not be saved.

Longing for the owner

If a beloved owner has died or left for a long time, the cat may simply leave out of grief.

Unfriendly atmosphere in the house

Frequent quarrels, shouting or even fights can easily provoke the departure of a cat, especially a young one. Sometimes cats acutely feel the “dislike” of one of their household members towards them.

Cats have lived next to humans for many centuries. And mystical abilities have always been attributed to these animals. Even the ancient Egyptians and Buddhist monks believed that cats were guides of souls to the world of the dead, and their death was considered a bereavement.

There are many legends and superstitions about cats, their behavior, and dreams with these animals. There are also some of them that are associated with pets leaving home. They often contradict each other.

Here are some of them:

  • The cat anticipates the imminent death of one of the household members and runs away from the supposed trouble. Observations indicate that pets often help the owner’s recovery, constantly lie next to the patient and, “taking away” the disease, go away to die.
  • The cat does not run away from imminent death, but takes it with him, averts trouble from his home.
  • The pet left to make room for a new tenant. Perhaps a child will be born in the family soon.
  • The cat left the house where the seriously ill man was lying, which means he will die soon.
  • In Rus', it has long been believed that the cat leaves, taking away all the bad energy from the house, not necessarily foreshadowing the imminent death of someone in the family. And if the cat dies, the owner receives one of its nine lives as a reward for his love. There are known cases when a pet literally threw itself under the wheels of a car, preventing the death of the person it was protecting.
  • The cat left because Brownie was angry with the owner and the whole family. The animal understands that it cannot protect them.
  • They say that Brownie may not like a black, red or white cat. In this case, no matter which cat is taken into the house, it quickly disappears. They recommend trying to take, for example, a tricolor pet and, when bringing it into the house, ask: “Keeper guardian, master father!” To a rich yard - a furry beast! You take care of him, and I won’t forget you.” And put a treat, for example, milk in a saucer, and put candy next to it.
  • There is something “bad” in the house, maybe a magical ritual was performed here. The cat, sensing the presence of evil otherworldly forces, leaves him.

It is up to the individual to decide whether or not to believe in these superstitions. But, if the owner sincerely loves the pet, he will do everything not to lose him.

How to spot signs of a cat's imminent death in a timely manner

One of the most common reasons for animals leaving home is imminent death. This can happen to both a very small kitten and an adult.

In order to promptly guess about the imminent death of a pet and try to prevent it or alleviate the last months, days and hours, you need to know its signs.

Signs of imminent death of kittens

Sometimes kittens die. Newborns may die in the first hours or gradually fade away over the course of a week. Older kittens fight for life as long as they have enough strength.

Symptoms of rapid grooming may include appearance - oily, unkempt fur, lethargy,...

In such cases, very young children remain close to their mother until the end, but slightly older ones, even at two months, can leave home. The reasons for the non-viability of babies are most often the following:

But in many of these cases, kittens can be saved.

Signs of impending death in an adult cat

An adult, middle-aged animal most often leaves to die. Natural instincts take over and the cat leaves its beloved owner. Often, before leaving, the pet does not leave the person’s arms, rubs and caresses, as if saying goodbye.

By the behavior of an elderly pet, you can see that his death is near and prevent him from leaving home. For a loving owner, it is important that in the last days the pet is surrounded by warmth and care.

The main symptoms of the imminent death of a cat:

  • Slowing heart rate. In an adult healthy cat it ranges from 140 to 220 beats per minute. As the heart muscle wears out, the contraction frequency decreases.
  • Change in breathing. It becomes severe, difficult, and coughing or sneezing may occur. The number of breaths per minute increases (normally 20-30).
  • Decreased body temperature. Normally it is 37.5-39.5 degrees Celsius.
  • Change in appetite, complete refusal of food and water.
  • Digestive problems - often with blood.
  • Violation of hygiene habits. The animal is sometimes so weakened that it cannot reach the toilet.
  • Appearance. The coat becomes unkempt and unkempt.
  • Impaired coordination of movements, orientation in space.
  • Almost constant sleep.
  • Dilated pupils and a fixed gaze are evidence that the pet is in pain.
  • Desire for solitude.

Owner behavior

A loving owner, having noticed in time the signs of the pet’s imminent departure, must make a decision. If the cat is clearly in pain, experiencing pain, or having seizures or convulsions, then it is better to let her go.

Veterinary clinics now have a euthanasia procedure that allows the animal to painlessly endure the moment of death.

Increased attention should be paid to an elderly pet - monitor the pulse, breathing, and measure if necessary. If it is difficult for a cat to get to the toilet, then the tray should be placed next to the house or bed.

At the end of life, chronic diseases usually worsen. Timely treatment can prolong the life of the animal; it is important to contact a veterinarian in time.

If the cat is not in pain and a decision has been made about a natural death, then the owner should focus maximum attention on the pet - spend all his free time with him, surround him with love, affection, and make sure that he does not leave the house.

How to prevent escape

To avoid losing your beloved pet, it is enough to take a number of necessary measures:

  • If the animal is not intended for breeding, then it is necessary or. Now in any veterinary clinic this harmless operation is performed under anesthesia. As a last resort, you can use special drops and tablets that suppress sexual desire. But, as practice shows, they are often ineffective or lead to the development of serious diseases.
  • For cats and breed-class cats, special conditions of detention must be provided. The male and female usually mate at least twice a year.
  • You should not let your pet go for walks on its own. They are possible only if the family lives in a private house with a high fence with complete protection from the penetration of other animals.
  • In the city it is better to walk your pet on a leash. Cats of any breed can easily get used to wearing a harness if you start training from an early age (from three months).
  • To prevent your pet from falling out of the window, it is necessary to install special anti-cat protective nets. They protect animals from falls much more reliably.
  • There should be a friendly and respectful attitude towards the cat in the house. If she is being starved, there is poison from cockroaches all around, or there is constant screaming and fighting in the house, then she will definitely leave.
  • It is necessary to monitor the front door to prevent your pet from escaping in time.

How to find a cat

If the animal still runs away, a search should be organized immediately. If this is a dacha or cottage community, then advertisements posted in places where almost all residents visit - near the store or the office - usually help you find the cat.

In the city, online advertisements on special websites and social networks will help you find a fugitive.

A cat that is allowed to walk outside on its own must be kept. Although the best option would be a collar with a tag that shows the owner’s phone number and name.

You need to be especially attentive to your pet if there is a forest nearby. The cat's natural instincts will lead him there, and he will easily get lost.

If the pet is already old, then, first of all, you need to inspect all the nooks and crannies in the yard or garden - a sick animal usually does not go far, but looks for a secluded corner. It is important to remember that the cat's safety is in the hands of the owner.

Magic rituals for returning a missing cat

Many cultures around the world have rituals through which people search for lost animals. In Buddhism, it is generally accepted that reincarnation awaits a cat that has passed away and died.

Believers should not use them, it is better to just go to church, light a candle to all the saints and in your own words pray for the speedy return of your pet and his health. In Orthodoxy, the use of magical rituals is condemned.

Rituals to bring home a missing cat

A white candle is placed next to the cat's bowl filled with tasty treats and lit. Until it burns out, the owner must sit nearby and mentally turn to the spirits and higher powers with a request for the return of the fugitive, wishing him health, strength and protection.

The owner should place a full glass of water with the words “to my house, to my threshold” at the front door and keep it there until the escaped animal returns.

For the next ritual you will need a ribbon or rope. The legs of the table are tied around the perimeter. It is believed that in this way good news is brought into the house.

Another ritual is as follows. With a lit white candle, they approach an open window or vent and say “Smoke up the mountain, cat home.” At the same time, the name of the pet is called.

If the pet does not return, then it most likely died. No matter how great the owner’s longing for his pet, there is no need to mourn him for a long time and torment the soul of the deceased, it is better to let the cat run along its rainbow.

Our cats often leave their homes due to their problems. Sometimes they are absent for a couple of hours, and in some cases the pet can wander somewhere even for several days. But the worst thing is when a furry pet disappears forever. It is believed that when a domestic cat leaves home, it is a rather bad omen. Therefore, it is worth considering this difficult issue in more detail.

Reasons why cats leave home

  1. The pregnant cat left the house. Pets always try to find some secluded place to bring their kittens there. That is why they persistently try to get into the wardrobe, onto the bed or under the sofa, from where we persistently kick them out. So the pregnant cats go to the neighboring yard, where there is a warm, suitable place in the barn or hayloft. Usually cats, after a week or more, return home with their kittens, tenderly carrying the litter in their teeth.
  2. Cats leave home to die. Sometimes this really happens. The animal feels that it may soon depart to another world, and quietly disappears from sight into some quiet corner where no one disturbs it. It happens that this place is in your yard, and sometimes the pet gets into your neighbors. Maybe it’s better when you don’t see the cat’s suffering, and he will die without unnecessary worries.
  3. Most often, if you find that a cat has unexpectedly left home, the reason is that it got lost, died under the wheels of a car, or was bitten by evil dogs. A domestic cat, which rarely leaves the apartment, is not at all adapted to life in the wild. Having jumped out from or through an open door, the animal finds itself in an unfamiliar world. A dog can easily scare it, and the animal will rush off in an unknown direction, easily getting lost in a metropolis. It’s good if the cat is able to adapt to the new area and meets a good owner.

There may be several reasons why cats leave home. Even a rude attitude or a sharp cry can provoke the animal to flee to the next block. It’s great when she returns in an hour, but if she meets a kind woman who will pet the cat and feed her, then it’s not an option that over time she will forever prefer her house to your uncomfortable apartment.

Folk signs and superstitions about cats.

For many of us, a cat is just a pet that helps relieve stress. Our ancestors considered the cat a mystical animal, so they tried to watch it all the time.

They believed that this animal would never live in a house with bad energy, so if it left the home, they did everything to cleanse its habitat of negativity.

A black cat lives in the house or crossed the road: signs

A cat crossed the road: signs

There is an opinion that a black cat attracts misfortune to its owners. But in reality this is not the case at all. As practice shows, a charcoal-colored pet, on the contrary, protects its owners from negativity. If a black cat lives in your house, then you do not have to be afraid of damage, the evil eye, or envy.

A cat crossed the road - signs:

  • If the kitten does this several times, you are in trouble.
  • If he throws himself at your feet, this is a clear signal to stop.
  • If a cat crossed the road behind you, you managed to avoid trouble.

A white cat lives in the house or has crossed the road: signs

White cats have very positive energy, so if you want your home to always be quiet, peaceful and cozy, then get this particular pet.

In addition, it is believed that a white cat is capable of taking on diseases. Individuals with different eyes cope especially well with this building.

A white cat crosses the road - signs:

  • If you meet a white cat while going about important business, then this is a sure signal that everything will work out for you.
  • A snow-white animal crosses the path of the newlyweds, which means their marriage will be strong and long
  • In addition, meeting a white pet on the road can promise a new useful acquaintance

A ginger cat lives in the house or has crossed the road: signs

Signs associated with a red cat

Our ancestors considered the red cat to be the embodiment of a magical flame that could warm, feed, and, if necessary, punish. That is why they treated such a pet very carefully and tried to do everything to make it happy.

Signs associated with a red cat:

  • A ginger cat in the house means money and wealth
  • If a red kitten has found its way to your house, expect very good news.
  • If you notice that your pet is warily looking at the door, it is likely that unwanted guests will come to you

A gray cat lives in the house or has crossed the road: signs

Gray cats are somewhat similar in energy to black cats, so if you place such a pet in your home, you will not be afraid of any problems. In general, in the old days, cats of a similar color were bred by those people who wanted to get rich quickly. It was believed that they were the ones who knew how to increase wealth.

Other signs about gray cats:

  • If you notice that your pet always sleeps with its belly up, it means that in the near future you will not go hungry or be in poverty.
  • If he curls up in a ball, hiding his nose, it means there will be bad weather outside soon.
  • A gray cat crossing the road promises a person a happy journey

A three-colored or four-colored cat lives in the house or has crossed the road: signs

Signs about three-colored and four-colored cats

In ancient times, the tricolor cat was considered a talisman that attracted happiness to the home. If such a pet settled in the house, then its household was protected from everything bad. The white color of the cat's fur cleansed their home from negativity, the black one protected them from damage and the evil eye, and the red one attracted financial well-being.

Signs about three-colored and four-colored cats:

  • If your pet fluffs up its tail and purrs loudly, it means a storm is approaching.
  • If a tricolor beauty bathes in the sand, it means the weather will change very sharply
  • Seeing a four-colored cat before an important event is a good sign

A cat with different eyes, a sphinx, a Siamese in the house: signs

If a cat with different eyes lives in your house, then you are very lucky. Such pets sense approaching changes very well and, most importantly, try to warn their owners about them.


  • If your pet is constantly trying to rub against your legs and does it playfully, then this is a sure sign that exceptionally pleasant moments await you ahead.
  • If a Siamese cat crosses your path when leaving the house, then in this way it shows that it is better for you to stay a little longer.
  • If a cat with different eyes disappears from the house for a couple of days, then in this way it pulls negativity and troubles away from you.

Why did a strange cat come into the house or a stray stray to the house?

Signs about stray cats

In principle, if a stray cat comes to you, then this is a good sign. It is believed that in this way happiness and good luck come to a person’s home. Therefore, if a similar story happened to you, then under no circumstances should you drive her away, but, on the contrary, do everything so that she stays with you.

If a strange cat (which definitely has an owner) comes into your house, then this is a reason to be wary. As a rule, in this way bad people dump their negativity on their neighbors and acquaintances. In view of this, if this happens, then try to push her out the door as quickly as possible and clean the home with a church candle.

Why adopt a cat: a sign

Adopting a cat means bringing good luck and a calm, happy life into your home. It is especially good if you take a black or red cat to live with you. In this case, you will definitely be rich and happy.

But remember, if you want luck to always remain with you, never kick your tamed pet out of the house. As practice shows, all the positivity will leave the home along with it.

Why did the cat leave the house?

The cat is a magical animal

Typically, cats leave home for two reasons. Firstly, too bad energy can force them to do this. If there is constant swearing, fighting and drinking in the house, then the pet’s body may simply not be able to cope with so much negative energy and, as a result, it will leave the house, leaving you without protection.

In addition, the reason for such an act may be an external influence, for example, damage or the evil eye. In this case, the cat will take everything upon itself and leave the house. Secondly, cats, regardless of color, sense the approach of trouble well and that is why they leave the house. Usually, after this, one of the family members literally immediately falls ill.

A pregnant cat lies on the owner's belly: sign

As mentioned above, a cat subtly senses a person’s energy, so if he has health problems, then she will help get rid of them. To do this, the pet will lie down exactly in the place where there are problems and thus take everything upon itself.

Also, cats can relieve pain with these actions. As for pregnant women, in this way they can try to help not only the mother, but also her baby. There have been cases when a pet helped an expectant mother get rid of the threat of miscarriage.

Sign: cat on the window

Sign: cat on the window

Most often, a cat sits on the window if it feels that people with bad intentions are approaching the house. In this way, the animal tries to scare away thieves or simply bad people.

If the cat is not sitting easily, and is also scratching the window sill with its paws, it is likely that you will have a major quarrel with someone you know. If you want to avoid such a development of events, then try to control your emotions more than usual for a while.

Why hit a cat on the road with a car: a sign

Hitting a cat with your car is a very bad sign. With such actions, even if unintentional, you will turn away your luck for a long time. It is highly likely that you will start to have problems absolutely everywhere, even where everything went smoothly before.

True, in this case there is one thing, but. If the animal is not hit to death, but simply maimed, then you can take it home and go out. By such actions you will minimize the negative consequences that may arise as a result of this incident.

A cat gives birth or has given birth to kittens: signs

Signs about cats

If a pregnant cat lives in your house, then carefully monitor where she will give birth to kittens. If she does this somewhere in the house, then this is a sure sign that she wants her offspring to live here. This means that in the future you will not expect any troubles or sudden shocks.

If she chooses someone else’s barn or the roof of a house to give birth to kittens, then there is a high probability that trouble awaits you in the near future. In this way, the animal tries to protect its babies from possible negativity.

Why did a cat give birth to kittens on the bed, in a stroller, behind the sofa?

As you probably already understood, having a cat in the house is very good. Therefore, if she gives birth to kittens somewhere behind the sofa or in a child’s bed, then there is no need to look for the negative in this. After all, instead of one fluffy bun taking away the negative, you will get at least 4-5.

But if immediately after birth she begins to take them out of the house one by one and hide them, then you should be wary. It is likely that the animal senses something bad is coming and simply wants her babies not to meet him yet.

The cat gave birth to dead kittens: folk signs

Folk signs about cats

I would like to say right away that if there is complete calm in your home and personal life, then with a high probability we can say that your cat is unlikely to give birth to dead kittens. If the energy in the home is very heavy, then your pet’s offspring will be born dead. Why will this happen?

Since the cat passes all the negativity through itself, whether it wants it or not, it will have an impact on its babies. And if there is too much of it, then at a certain point they will simply stop developing. Another reason for such an incident could be damage caused to the residents of the house by a very powerful sorcerer or witch.

Cat washes itself omen

We all know that if a cat washes itself, then soon there will be guests in the house. But still, in this case there are some nuances.


  • If she does this with her left paw, then people who love you will come to the house
  • If she does this with her right paw, then ill-wishers are approaching your home
  • Well, if she washes her face lazily, then you don’t have to rush to set the table; guests will come to you within 2-3 days.

Cats shit in an apartment, house, on the bed: signs

Cats shit: signs

Most people think that cats shit in the house purely out of spite. In fact, in such a wild way for us, they are trying to show evil spirits that this territory is under their protection. If they do this on the bed, then in such a sophisticated way they try to drive their owner out of the sleeping place.

Most often, animals behave this way if something bad threatens the one who sleeps in this place. In view of this, if a cat shits on your sleeping place, then do not hit it, but move to another room for a couple of days. It is likely that a ceiling or chandelier will fall on your bed in the coming days.

If a cat dies at home or dies suddenly: signs

You must understand that cats are among those creatures that die away from people. If they understand that their journey in life will soon end, then, as a rule, they leave home a couple of days before. Therefore, if an animal dies at home, then this is a sign of something bad.

This happens if:

  • Problems await you at work (up to and including dismissal)
  • You or someone in your family becomes seriously ill
  • Someone close to you will die

Seeing a dead cat on the road: a sign

People who don't believe in omens are unlikely to pay much attention to a dead cat lying on the road. Those who try to live based on the knowledge of their ancestors will definitely take this into account. After all, most often an animal dies on the road in order to warn people that this section of the road will be dangerous for some time.

If you see a dead cat while driving a car, then turn it around and find a bypass road to the place you need to get to. If you take this road, you are likely to get into an accident.

A cat sits or sleeps on a table, in a crib, at the threshold: a sign

As you probably already understood, cats are very intelligent creatures, subtly sensing that their owners are in for some kind of trouble. This is why they may suddenly begin to sit or sleep in places they had not paid attention to before.


  • The cat sits on the table - removes negativity from unkind guests
  • Pet sleeps in a crib - trying to protect the child from the evil eye
  • The cat settled on the threshold - does not let evil energy into the house

Why does a cat sneeze: a sign

A cat sneezes: a sign

As a rule, cats sneeze if they want to warn their owner about something good. For example, an unexpected inheritance may fall on you, or your old dream may come true. In addition, a cat can predict the weather by sneezing. If she plays a characteristic sound and at the same time looks at the sky, then with such actions she wants to cause rain.

By the way, by the number of sneezes you can determine when an important event will occur. If there are only a couple of them, then a pleasant surprise awaits you literally in the coming days. If your cat sneezes many times in a row, you will have to wait at least a week for positive changes.

Is it possible to give a cat to other owners: signs

I would like to say right away that it is prohibited to give a cat, especially one raised from a small kitten, into the wrong hands. An animal that has lived its entire life in a certain place will be energetically attuned to those people who fed it and gave it shelter.

And if such a pet falls into the wrong hands, then through its energy, harm can be caused precisely to those whom it until that time considered family. Therefore, if it happens that you need to adopt a furry pet, then give it to one of your relatives or a very close friend.

Meeting a pregnant cat or a pregnant cat coming into the house: sign

Meeting a pregnant cat: a sign

If you meet a pregnant cat near your home or she comes into your house, then under no circumstances drive her away. It is likely that the fluffy is looking for a new home, in which he will feel better than in the previous place.

Most often the animal brings with it:

  • Good luck
  • Wealth
  • Health
  • Pleasant meetings

A cat sleeps at a person’s head, on a pillow, at his feet, on his lap, between husband and wife: sign

As already mentioned a little above, a cat is capable of quite effectively fighting various kinds of diseases. But if she lies exclusively at the head of her owner, then in this way she tries to take away from there the bad thoughts that envious people impose on him.

If she goes to sleep exclusively at the feet, then in this way she takes away everything from the person, the bad things that he brought into the house from the street. Well, if she regularly takes a nap between a married couple, then she wants to take away from them all the anger that has managed to accumulate between them.

Cat in a cemetery, on a grave: a sign

In the old days, it was believed that cats were strictly forbidden to be allowed into the cemetery. That is why if a person died in the house, then she was locked in some room until his body was buried.

This was done so that, God forbid, she would not jump over him and take on part of the deadly energy. In addition, it was believed that from the cemetery a cat could bring the energy of grief and tears, and then they would settle in the house for a long time.

Cat in a new apartment, house: signs

If you believe in omens, then before moving to a new house, first introduce your beloved pet into it. Leave him there for at least one night, and then start moving your things. By doing this, you will get rid of all possible problems in one fell swoop.

Firstly, during this time he will become acquainted with the brownie, which is in every home. This means that it will not scare you with strange sounds. Secondly, even in such a short time, she will have time to cleanse the house of negativity, and when you move into it, you will immediately begin to fill it with your energy.

Kicked the cat out of the house: signs

If you carefully read our article, you probably realized that a furry pet is a real talisman of any home. If you treat him well, he will do everything to make the people around him cheerful and happy.

But if you try to kick the cat out of the house and do it very rudely, then it is likely that all the good things will leave you with him. Moreover, until a new furry creature settles in your home, you will be open to the evil eye and damage.

Sign: the cat hides its nose

As a rule, a cat hides its nose if the weather changes dramatically in the coming hours. Moreover, changes will occur not for the better, but for the worse.


  • If she covers her nose with her paws in winter, wait for the frost to get worse.
  • If she behaves this way in the spring, the last spring snow will fall.
  • The pet is trying to hide its nose in the summer, expect a strong thunderstorm
  • If he hides his nose in the fall, it will rain very coldly

A cat caresses, rubs against its legs, rolls on the floor on its back: sign

A cat is caressing: a sign

If a cat cuddles up to you and rubs against your legs, then this indicates that positive energy is emanating from you, which makes it behave in this way. Moreover, your pet does not feel that you are in any danger in the near future, so he tries to do everything to make sure you are in a good mood. If he rolls on the floor and purrs loudly, then expect a noisy and cheerful company to visit.

The cat fell out of the window: a sign

As we have already said, cats are mystical creatures who are friends with worlds that are not entirely clear to us. And if you add to this the fact that they are quite timid, then something really scary can force them to jump out of the window. People living in multi-storey buildings especially need to be wary.

If the cat decides to get out of the house in this way, then with a high probability something bad will happen soon, for example, a fire will break out. This incident will not necessarily happen to you. This can happen to neighbors above or below, it’s just the pet’s way of trying to show you that you should be very attentive for a couple of days.

Why cats don’t take root in the house: signs

Cats do not take root in the house: signs

Cats, unlike people, are able to sense the slightest changes in the energy field that surrounds them. Therefore, if it becomes unbearable for them, they try to fight the problem for some time (in this case, the animal will quickly lose weight), and then, realizing that they cannot cope with this task, they simply leave home. Therefore, if you notice that your fluffy dog ​​has begun to lose weight for no apparent reason, then immediately clean your home.

Sign: a person loves cats very much

Probably each of us has met a man or woman who is slightly obsessed with furry pets. Of course, most people consider them lonely eccentrics who are simply trying to feel important in this world. But in fact, people who love cats have an urgent need for such communication. And most often this happens precisely because a person has had a strong negative impact. And it is the cats that help him get rid of these problems.

Offending a cat, beating it: a sign

Remember, even if your pet did something you don’t like, you shouldn’t hit him in any case. With such actions you will not only not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, you will turn your furry mascot against yourself.

This means that as long as he is angry with you, your home will not be protected from the negativity of the world around you. And as a result, you may begin to have troubles that will gradually complicate your life.

The cat broke the mirror: a sign

We are used to thinking that a broken mirror always brings misfortune. But if a cat did it, this is not at all the case. As a rule, an animal does this if it understands that the negative is coming from it.

Therefore, with such actions she pushes her owner to remove something that can harm all family members. In addition, a mirror broken by a cat can promise pleasant changes in life.

Sign: a cat was stolen

Sign: a cat was stolen

As centuries-old observations show, cats are stolen only with malicious intent. Most often, they are taken from rich and happy families and do this so that at least a part of their well-being goes to their new owners.

Pets are also stolen to perform black magic rituals on them. As a rule, after this they are returned to their owners, but damage or the evil eye enters people’s homes along with the pet.

Video: How does your cat sleep and what does it warn you about?

Despite their wayward and freedom-loving nature, cats are still domesticated animals. Comfort, warmth and delicious food are just as important to them as they are to people.

So why do our pets make systematic escapes, returning beaten and hungry, or not returning at all?

The reasons may be different, it all depends on the age, physical and psychological condition of the animal, as well as on the circumstances in the family.

Why do older cats run away?

Almost every cat lover knows that cats are creatures that do not like to cause their owner inconvenience associated with illness or illness. It is believed that cats can energetically feel the time of their “departure”, even if they were not sick beforehand. Esotericists claim that, among all others, it is these animals that know their fate in advance and can predict the date of their own death.

Therefore, if your cat has been sick for a long time, or is old, do not complain that he left you. So he showed concern and found peace in better worlds.

Why do young animals run away?

This behavior is most often associated with the approaching breeding season in the cat family. As soon as Murka’s eyes “light up” from the second entrance, your Vaska will immediately run to visit her!

In this case, instinct usually takes over, and Vasily will most likely run away to Murka even despite the comfortable conditions.

How to avoid escaping?

Such trips “to the left” usually do not benefit the cats; upon returning home they look beaten, thin and unhealthy.

Therefore, the best option in this case is sterilization: both you are calm and Murzik is warm and prosperous.

Alternative reasons for running away


Cats are very sensitive to changes in the microclimate in the family. If scandals and omissions suddenly appear in your home, it is likely that your pet will leave the house for a while, thereby boycotting you.

How to avoid escaping?

Try not to scold your purr for such pranks. In this case, he makes you understand that it’s time to settle down and improve family relationships. Do what he wants, and the cat will never leave your house again!


Cats are known to be creatures accustomed to being the center of attention. New family members: dogs, fish, parrots and even children can make a not very pleasant impression on your pet. As a result, the cat may begin to protest by damaging your property, or worse, leave the house.

How to avoid escaping?

When bringing a new pet into your home, try to introduce him to the cat. Still, now he considers himself the master in your monastery. Play along with him, let him know that the new resident is also a member of the family, and his friendship with him will make you happy. Then the cat, sooner or later, will take your side, and you will be able to avoid escaping.


Very often, domestic cats (mostly young cats) run away from home due to simple curiosity. Often such incidents lead to sad consequences, since a young cat may simply not find his way back home, and he is not used to surviving in the wild.

How to avoid escaping?

Be extremely attentive to your pet. If you notice his constant attempts to run out the door, give him a civilized walk on a special cat leash. Fortunately, such a device can be found in any pet store!

Live in harmony with your pets and never lose them!