Zucchini jam with dried apricots, almonds and... Amazing zucchini jam! Royal version - with nuts

To prepare zucchini jam we will need:

  • zucchini - 600 g;
  • dried apricots - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g;
  • one small lemon.

Preparing the ingredients will take 30 minutes. The jam is cooked for a total of 50 - 60 minutes. Total cooking time is 1.5 hours.

Zucchini is a healthy and dietary vegetable containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals. But, unfortunately, this healthy product does not have a pronounced taste. Therefore, many housewives, when preparing zucchini jam, supplement them with various additives: lemon, dried apricots, orange and even pineapple. Such homemade preparations always turn out tender, aromatic and tasty.

By combining the tender pulp of zucchini and the benefits and amber color of dried apricots, you can get a delicate, aromatic and bright jam.

First stage. It is better to choose young, milky ripeness zucchini. The color of the peel and the variety of vegetables are not important. If you choose a zucchini with dark skin, it is better to cut off more of it. Wash the fruits thoroughly and dry them. Peel the zucchini; if there are seeds, they must be removed. Cut the vegetables into small pieces of arbitrary shape.

Second phase. We pass the zucchini pieces through a large mesh meat grinder or grind them in a blender.

Third stage. While the zucchini produces juice, you can start working on the dried apricots. It needs to be washed and poured with boiling water for a few minutes. Drain the swollen dried apricots and dry them on a napkin. Divide the dried fruits into two parts. We pass one through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender, and cut the second into thin strips.

Fourth stage. Drain the excess liquid from the squash mass, transfer it to an enamel container, add granulated sugar and place on the fire.

Fifth stage. Constantly stirring the mixture, bring it to a boil. Add all the dried apricots and cook for 30 - 35 minutes.

Sixth stage. Wash the lemon, pour boiling water over it and squeeze the juice directly into the jam. Next you need to grind the zest. This can be done in a blender, grate the lemon or pass through a meat grinder.

Seventh stage. We also mix the lemon pulp with the jam and, stirring constantly, cook over low heat for about another 20 minutes. The burnt mass acquires an unpleasant aftertaste and loses its golden color.

Eighth stage. Pour the hot jam into sterile jars and close with lids. The zucchini delicacy should cool gradually at room temperature. After complete cooling, the jam can be stored in a cool place.

Fragrant amber jam can be served with tea, pancakes, pancakes, or used as a filling for homemade cakes.

If you like to pleasantly surprise your family, friends and acquaintances with your culinary masterpieces, then zucchini jam with dried apricots should definitely be on your list of the best recipes. This is a very tasty, sweet, tender and aromatic delicacy that tastes like pineapples. This preparation will appeal to everyone without exception - the unusual taste of jam distinguishes it from traditional preparations, thanks to which housewives create new recipes for baking, sauces and drinks.

How to prepare this yummy?

You will need three kilograms of zucchini, half a kilogram of dried apricots, three kg of granulated sugar and one lemon.

Wash the zucchini thoroughly, peel and remove the seeds. Cut into pieces. We rinse the dried apricots and pour boiling water over them, then dry them. Now you need to grind the dried apricots and zucchini using a blender - you should get a homogeneous mass, send it to the bowl in which we will cook our jam.

Add sugar there and heat everything to a boil. Then we continue to cook the jam for another thirty minutes, reducing the heat to low - do not forget to stir this yummy.

Pour boiling water over the lemon and dry, then remove the zest using a fine grater. Squeeze the lemon juice and add it along with the zest to the zucchini jam - then cook for another fifteen minutes until the delicacy is completely cooked. That's all - the jam is ready. Eat with pleasure.

Jam with dried apricots and lemon

It turns out very tasty and aromatic jam. To prepare it, you need to prepare a kilogram of zucchini - peel them and get rid of the seeds. You will also need two hundred grams of dried apricots, the juice and zest of half a lemon, as well as a kilogram of granulated sugar.

We wash the zucchini and dried apricots. Soak the dried fruit in boiling water for a while, then drain the liquid and grind the dried apricots and zucchini through a meat grinder. Add lemon zest and juice to the mixture and mix everything with sugar. Cook the zucchini jam with dried apricots over low heat – the jam should simmer slightly. Skim off the foam until it thickens - this will take about half an hour, maybe even fifty minutes.

Now all that remains is to pour this deliciousness into sterilized jars, close and turn over onto the lid. After fifteen minutes, return the jars to their normal position. From this amount of ingredients you get two half-liter jars and another vase of aromatic and very tasty jam.

With walnuts

This combination gives the jam a unique aroma and deep taste. To prepare you need three kilograms of young zucchini, eight hundred grams of dried apricots, half a kilogram of walnuts, three kilograms of sugar.

We twist the washed zucchini through a meat grinder, mix the pulp with sugar - the juice should stand out. Then we wash the dried apricots and soak them in boiling water for some time - the dried fruit should swell. We twist half of the dried apricots in a meat grinder, and cut the rest into strips. Clean and chop the nuts. Mix all the ingredients and set to cook over medium heat for ten to fifteen minutes.

You can add orange or tangerine, lemon and pineapple to this recipe. So, fantasize, experiment, surprise and delight your family and friends with culinary art and the ability to cook perfectly.

By the way, let's talk about the benefits of zucchini and dried apricots - after all, these are the main components of the jam, the recipes for which you learned.

Dried apricots

This dried fruit is nothing more than pitted dried apricot. The main value is that when dried, most of the microelements are preserved. Dried apricots contain many minerals, including potassium and magnesium, as well as calcium and phosphorus, and iron.

It is recommended to eat this dried fruit for anemia, impaired vision, and heart disease. In addition, it is an excellent general tonic. Dried apricots help eliminate blockages in blood vessels and soften hard tumors. This is an excellent anti-aging product that strengthens hair well.


This vegetable contains various nutrients that contribute to human health. It activates cellular metabolism, improves bowel function, strengthens the liver and helps in detoxifying the body.

By eating zucchini, you improve brain function and increase concentration. In addition, zucchini strengthens the heart.

Tatyana, www.site

Video "Zucchini jam with dried apricots and lemon"

Such non-standard recipes as zucchini jam, after the first use, are forever fixed in the housewife’s arsenal. Although a vegetable is used here, the addition of citrus fruits gives the jam a special taste and wonderful aroma. The structure of the zucchini provides an amber transparency, so the jam even looks delicious. Prepare it with the addition of various citrus fruits, cook it over a fire or in a slow cooker, choosing the appropriate recipe from the section.

Five of the fastest zucchini jam recipes:

The special beauty of zucchini jam is that you can use vegetables of any degree of maturity. This is a great way to harvest overgrown zucchini.

  1. Young fruits only need to be washed; peel the peel only if necessary - if there are stains or damage.

  2. Peel overripe fruits and remove the inner pulp and seeds.

For taste and aroma, add any type of citrus fruit:

  • lemon - gives the brightest taste;

  • orange - choose unripe, sour fruits;

  • lime;

  • grapefruit.

Various spices, such as ginger and citric acid, will help add piquant notes and enhance the taste.

The five most commonly used ingredients for zucchini jam:

Prepare zucchini jam according to the standard recipe. You will need a cooking container, sugar, water, jars and lids.

  1. Sugar is mixed with water and heated until dissolved.

  2. Wash the zucchini thoroughly, cut into cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm.

  3. Pour into syrup and cook, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes.

  4. Citrus fruits are crushed and added to jam.

  5. Cook until the zucchini is transparent.

  6. Place in sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids.

After this, the jars can be turned upside down until they cool. Then put it away until winter.

Although the recipe for zucchini jam is simple, there are several secrets to its preparation:

  • You can take more or less sugar than indicated in the recipe, depending on your own taste;

  • the amount of citrus and spices varies similarly;

  • Overripe zucchini is boiled covered so that it becomes soft faster.

How to make zucchini jam with lemon? Very simple! And yesterday I already told you in detail about the preparation of three components - zucchini, lemon and sugar. And I supplemented today’s jam with squash and... walnuts! Yes Yes exactly. But now I’ll tell you about everything in order.

Let me start with the fact that, by and large, jam from zucchini and squash with lemon is no different from yesterday’s zucchini-lemon version. Have you ever compared the taste of, for example, stewed zucchini and squash? I was doing this. It seems to me that it is almost the same. And those subtle differences in taste are difficult to describe. And this happens not only when stewing, but also in sweet preparations. These two ingredients are completely interchangeable. Therefore, you can simply cook squash jam with lemon.

In general, I liked squash since childhood because of its shape. But apart from aesthetic perception, I no longer see any advantages for them compared to zucchini. They are much more inconvenient to clean precisely because of their interesting shape. Cut too. The taste is practically the same. Yes! You can also pass for Freddy Krueger, because after working with squash, your hands are usually enveloped in a certain film, reminiscent of something between glue and old leather... Well, there is a corresponding tightening sensation. Fortunately, this does not last very long, and with further fiddling with the workpiece it goes away.

In a word, decide for yourself whether you will make squash jam with lemon, squash-lemon jam, or a mix like mine. Proceed from what is available. I had a little bit of both. So I decided to knock out all the supplies. As a result, I got a 1:1 ratio - 4 squash with a net weight of 1 kg and 2 zucchini with the same weight. Separately, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we take into account the weight of already peeled fruits - without peels and seeds. If your zucchini is very young, then you can leave the fruits with not yet formed seeds, cutting off only the peel.

But there is one gorgeous distinctive feature of this preparation - it’s jam with walnuts! They give a new taste and a completely different status. This jam can already be considered elite! There is no shame in serving it on any holiday table, regardless of the abundance of other dishes and desserts. Well, are you interested? Then let's study this recipe in detail and prepare zucchini jam with nuts and lemon!


  • zucchini - 1 kg (weight in peeled form)
  • squash - 1 kg (peeled weight)
  • sugar - 2 kg (I put 1.5 kg)
  • walnuts - 200 g

How to make zucchini jam with lemon and a secret ingredient - walnuts:

Peeled both squash and zucchini and cut them into small cubes. Placed it in a large saucepan.

I covered it with sugar. As in the previous version - zucchini-lemon - I took less sugar. With this ratio, zucchini jam with lemon also turns out to be very sweet.

Immediately mixed the entire contents of the pan and left it for 1 hour. During this time, the zucchini and squash gave juice.
Put it on gas and brought it to a boil. Let it simmer for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam periodically. By the way, the smell is similar to that of cooking peas.

I cut the walnuts with a knife. The format is arbitrary. I chose a la oblong plates - I cut each half lengthwise into three parts. I didn’t interfere with those that broke)

I put the nuts into the pan with the boiled zucchini. Stirred and boiled the same way - for 20 minutes.

Since zucchini jam with nuts and lemon involves the use of the skin, I washed it thoroughly with a brush and laundry soap. I cut off the zest with a small knife, without grabbing the thick white part, which gives bitterness. I put the zest into the grinder and crushed it there at maximum speed.
You can do it differently - grate it on a fine, sharp grater. But then it’s more convenient not to remove the zest, but to immediately rub it, holding the whole lemon in your hand. Just as I discovered the joy of using a blender several years ago, I grind the zest only in it.

I gathered my moral strength for the most tedious stage;) I cut the lemon, separated the white bitter layer, the seeds and all the thin layers-membranes between the slices. Zucchini jam with nuts and lemon should contain only zest, lemon pulp and juice, which will inevitably be released when the pulp is cleaned of everything unnecessary.

I put all the lemon ingredients into the pan with the squash, zucchini and walnuts.

Stirred, brought to a boil again and let simmer for 20 minutes. So your delicious zucchini jam with nuts and lemon is ready!

If you add 2 kg of sugar to 2 kg of vegetables, then your initial consistency will be thicker. Accordingly, the time for boiling will be reduced. You can boil three times not for 20 minutes after adding each ingredient, but for 15.
I sterilized the jars and boiled the lids. Carefully spread out the prepared jam and closed it using a seaming key.
I closed two 700-gram jars, one small one of baby puree (to treat a friend) and left it to eat... Because it was unbearable to resist!

The color of this jam is darker than just lemon-squash jam. This is due to walnuts. And the taste - mmmm... The taste is simply amazing! Truly royal;)

Now you know how to make zucchini jam with lemon and even nuts! Prepare this yummy dish for your loved ones and they will absolutely appreciate your efforts! After all, you will also do this with love, right? ;)

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Young zucchini can be used whole. And for old vegetables, you must first remove the skin and seeds. In the second case, the mass indicated in the ingredients will refer to already peeled zucchini.

If you want to store the jam for a long time, spread it out and roll it up. Then turn the jars over, wrap them in something warm, wait until they cool completely, and put them in a cool, dark place.



  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 1 large.


Cut the zucchini into small cubes. Place almost all the sugar in the pan and add water. Stirring, bring to a boil over moderate heat.

Throw the zucchini and remaining sugar into the syrup. Cook, stirring, for 10–15 minutes until the sugar grains dissolve. If the zucchini is old, cook the jam covered to help the vegetables soften faster.

Cut the lemon into slices and remove the seeds. Grind the fruit in a blender and add to the zucchini. Stir and cook the jam for another 20 minutes. If you cook it for 10-15 minutes longer, the syrup will become thicker.

And in this article you will find a recipe for incredibly tasty and sweet zucchini in pineapple juice:



  • 2 oranges;
  • ½ small ginger root;
  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 50–70 ml water;
  • a pinch of cinnamon - optional.


Grate the orange zest and ginger on a fine grater. Cut the zucchini and orange pulp into small cubes.

Place the zucchini, oranges, zest and ginger in a saucepan. Add sugar and stir. Cook over medium heat, stirring, for 10–15 minutes. The zucchini should become soft.

Pour in water, bring to a boil and cook for another 20–30 minutes. The longer the jam cooks, the thicker it will be. 5 minutes before readiness, you can add cinnamon to the zucchini.



  • 150 g dried apricots;
  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • ½ lemon.


Pour hot water over the dried apricots for 15 minutes to soften them. Then drain the liquid and squeeze it out with your hands.

Grind the zucchini and dried apricots with a meat grinder or blender. Transfer the resulting mass into a saucepan, add sugar and stir.

Bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce it and cook the jam, stirring, for 40 minutes.

Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of the fruit. Add the zest and juice to the pan and cook for another 15 minutes.



  • 1 200 g zucchini;
  • 700 g powdered sugar;
  • 2 sweet and sour apples;
  • 200 g raisins;
  • a pinch of vanillin.


Cut the zucchini into small cubes and place in a saucepan. Sprinkle them with powdered sugar and place over moderate heat. Stirring, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.

Grate the peeled apples or cut into small pieces. Add apples, raisins and vanilla to the pan and cook for another 10–15 minutes;

  • 1½ kg sugar.
  • Preparation

    Cut the zucchini and bananas into equal cubes and place in a saucepan. Add sugar, stir and leave for an hour. During this time, the zucchini will give juice.

    Place the pan over moderate heat and cook for 30–40 minutes. If the zucchini is old, you can cook the jam for 5-10 minutes longer.