Vanillin - what is it? Are vanilla sugar and vanillin the same thing? Natural vanilla and vanilla sugar.

Vanillin – identical natural flavoring, flavor and aroma enhancer. It appears as small colorless crystals with a characteristic vanilla odor and is highly soluble in water.

In nature, this substance is found in natural vanilla, cane sugar, potato peels, dew incense and raw alcohol.

Vanillin composition

In 2002, the world demand for vanillin was 12 thousand tons, however, from natural sources It was possible to produce only 1,800 tons, which stimulated the beginning of the production of this spice by artificial means. Currently, it is made from petrochemical raw materials.

Production is a two-phase process in which guaiacol (found in dry distillation of softwood and guaiacol resin) reacts with glycolic acid. Vanillylmandelic acid obtained during this reaction is oxidized and decarboxylated to form vanillin.


Vanillin was created as a relatively cheap alternative to natural vanilla, which was prohibitively expensive.

Vanillin was first isolated in 1858 and was obtained by evaporation of natural vanilla extract and its subsequent crystallization. Later, German scientists (Ferdinand Tieman and Wilhelm Haarmann) were able to determine its chemical structure and proposed to synthesize vanillin from chemical substances, found in pine bark. They founded a company that began industrial production of the spice.

After some time, a recipe for producing vanillin was published, according to which the factory producing it worked - this contributed to the discovery of a semi-synthetic method for producing the spice, which was based on eugenol found in clove oil.

In the 30s of the last century, this method was supplanted by a new one, discovered during active industrial growth. It was decided to obtain vanillin from lignin-containing waste generated during the operation of pulp mills.

In 2000, Rhodia launched a line for the biosynthetic production of vanillin. This method is based on the effect of microorganisms on the acid isolated from rice bran. However, the price is per 1 kg. spices obtained in this way turned out to be too high - about 700 dollars, which, compared with the price of the product of the synthesis of petrochemical raw materials (about 17 dollars per 1 kg.), turned out to be uncompetitive.

Vanillin is found in small amounts in creamy and olive oil, raspberries and lychee fruits. In some foods it is released during heat treatment, for example, in coffee and oatmeal.

Application of vanillin

This spice is widely used in cooking, food and perfume industries, for making medical supplies. Vanillin is used both for flavoring products and for masking unpleasant odors and undesirable tastes (for example, in the medical industry), improving taste qualities tea, alcoholic drinks and cocktails.

Depending on the type of dish, the dosage is determined, however, it is worth remembering that more than 7 grams of powder should not be added per 1 kilogram of dough, otherwise finished product will taste bitter.

Vanillin can be mixed with powdered sugar or sugar ( vanilla sugar) and is also used for flavoring confectionery.

In addition, the smell of vanillin has a calming effect on the human body, helps fight anger, irritability and serves as an aromatherapy aid in the treatment of certain diseases. nervous system. Vanilla, which is the main component of vanillin, stimulates brain activity, improves memory and is an aphrodisiac.

Vanilla pods are the fruits of a perennial plant from the Orchidaceae family. It is used as a spice mainly in confectionery cooking and as a flavoring agent in the perfume industry. The name vanilla comes from the Spanish word vainilla, which translates to “pod.” Vanilla fruits are pods.

Vanilla grows in tropical and subtropical climates. The main suppliers of natural vanilla are Madagascar, China and Indonesia. Vanilla became widely known in Europe from the beginning of the 19th century, when it was imported to European countries from Mexico.

Vanilla has a very pleasant aroma, which is inherent only in the fruit of this plant, but the taste of natural vanilla is bitter, so it is added to confectionery products. small quantities. Too much vanilla in a dish can add a bitter aftertaste.

Vanilla Bean Information:

Composition of natural vanilla:

Vanilla pods contain:

  • Carbohydrates – 12.5%;
  • Proteins – 1.2%;
  • Fat – 0.1%.

The chemical composition of natural vanilla fruits includes: mineral elements like calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese, sodium and phosphorus.

Vanilla fruits contain vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and PP.

Vanilla aroma Vanilla pods contain vanillin, gluco-vanillin, essential oils and cinnamon ester. In addition, natural vanilla fruits contain tannins.

The calorie content of vanilla pods is only 287 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to use vanilla beans in baking:

To prepare vanilla-flavored dough, it is not the pod itself that is used, but the seeds inside it. Therefore, you first need to extract the seeds from the vanilla pod as follows:

  1. Immediately before adding vanilla seeds to the dough, place the vanilla pod on a clean and dry board with the curved end of the vanilla pod pointing up.
  2. Hold the vanilla pod with one hand and take a small knife in the other hand.
  3. Carefully cut the vanilla pod lengthwise to the depth of the center, so that its edges can be moved apart, but not into 2 parts. Don't hurt your hands! If you want to add half a vanilla pod to a dish, then it must be cut lengthwise to half its length.
  4. Open the edges of the pod with your hands.
  5. Gently scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean into the batter, following the proportions indicated in the recipe. If you add more vanilla than required, the dish may become bitter.

How to make vanilla sugar from a natural vanilla bean:

  1. Take a small, clean, dry, hermetically sealed container.
  2. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise as above and empty its contents into a container.
  3. Place the vanilla pod in a container.
  4. Pour 40 grams of sugar or better into a container powdered sugar, it will be saturated with vanilla aroma faster and more intensely.
  5. Seal tightly and leave for one week.

How to make vanilla extract from vanilla beans:

  1. Take a small, clean, dry, glass half-liter, hermetically sealed container.
  2. Place 3 vanilla pods in a container.
  3. Pour half a liter of good vodka or rum into the container.
  4. Seal tightly and leave to infuse in a dark, cool place for 3 months when using vodka and 1 month when using rum. Shake the container periodically.
  5. Add as an ingredient to dishes in the proportions specified in recipes.

The longer the vanilla extract is infused, the more intense its taste and aroma will be.

How to properly store vanilla beans:

In order for vanilla pods to retain their vanilla aroma for for a long time– up to 5 years – they must be stored in a hermetically sealed glass jar in a dark and cool place.

How much does a line of vanilla weigh?

One vanilla pod weighs about 3 grams.

How to replace natural vanilla pods:

If a recipe calls for a vanilla bean as an ingredient, but you don't have one on hand, you can replace it:

  1. Vanilla sugar. In proportion, 1 vanilla pod equals 15 grams vanilla sugar.
  2. Vanillin. In proportion, 1 vanilla pod is equal to 1-2 grams of vanillin.
  3. Vanilla extract. In the ratio, 1 vanilla pod equals 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Vanilla pod production technology:

The technological scheme for the production of vanilla pods is quite complex, which is why natural vanilla is so expensive. The production line includes 7 stages:

  1. In the first stage, vanilla fruits are collected from the trees.
  2. The fruits are immersed in hot water, heated to 85 degrees Celsius in order to wash and disinfect them.
  3. The vanilla fruit is then immersed in water heated to 60 degrees Celsius and left to ferment for a week. After which the vanilla fruits acquire their unique aroma and recognizable brown color.
  4. Next, the vanilla is dried in the shade on outdoors for several months.
  5. After a light white coating appears on the vanilla pods, it is ready for use.
  6. Vanilla is placed in containers and sent to the warehouse.
  7. At the warehouse, natural vanilla is packaged and sent for sale to retail outlets and various production facilities.

Benefits of natural vanilla beans:

The benefits of natural vanilla are: beneficial effects the essential oils it contains on the human body. Vanilla helps restore the functioning of the nervous system, get rid of anxiety, irritability and stress.

It improves appetite, normalizes work digestive system and improves metabolic processes occurring in the human body.

Natural vanilla is also useful for work. muscular system. It helps get rid of muscle cramps.

In general, vanilla aromas calm a person, improve mood, and create a feeling of peace and comfort.

Harmful effects of natural vanilla pods:

Vanilla can be dangerous and contraindicated for people with individual intolerance and allergies. The essential oils contained in it may cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, people suffering from allergies should consult a doctor before consuming vanilla.

Pregnant women should use vanilla with extreme caution. They should consult their doctor about its use.

For everyone else, vanilla can only be beneficial if consumed in moderation, as an ingredient in proven dishes.

Greetings! In this article you will learn the following useful information— vanillin: what is it and what is it for?

Vanillin is one of the most popular flavorings. Many housewives store it in their kitchen and use it in the cooking process. homemade baked goods. There are two types:

  • natural;
  • chemical.

Vanilla extract is sold in a packet and is called “vanilla sugar.” This product is chemical. But natural vanillin comes from tropical orchid fruits. They are expensive and of high quality.

In order for the plant to be complete, it needs special care. Simply separating the pods from the plant and sending them to the counter will not work, because then they will not make any noise. pleasant smell.

To obtain nice smell the whole procedure is carried out. First, the pods are collected unripe, then placed in hot water for literally half a minute, after which they are steamed for a whole week in warm burlap.

However, it must not exceed temperature regime more than 60 degrees Celsius. Only after such a procedure for caring for the plant will the spice begin to emit a pleasant aroma.

Before sending the goods for sale, you need to wait until the fruits are covered with a white coating. And this happens only after prolonged drying.

This method of obtaining the product is the most effective and correct. However, the price of real vanillin is quite high.

The benefits of vanillin

Natural vanilla is very beneficial for human body. He has healing properties, has the ability to act as an analgesic, restores sleep patterns, and promotes the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also eliminates the state of intoxication from alcohol. This product perfectly absorbs the desire to taste sweets, as it increases the level of adrenaline in the blood.

Paying attention to all the beneficial properties, scientists quickly found a way to “clone” such a product and produce it chemically.

And today, on store shelves, we buy not natural vanillin, made from the roots of a tropical orchid, but a similar one, which is produced chemically.

The synthetic “fake” is mixed with granulated sugar and a special smell is created using various flavorings.

What you should know

One of the ways this product is obtained is waste from pulp mills. From there comes a powder that is treated with specially designed oxidizing agents and alkaline compounds.

This is how vanillin is extracted and created. Additional option To obtain the smell there is the use of phenol.

Scientists say that such methods are absolutely safe for the human body. However, you must understand that this is not at all the case. During the manufacturing process, harmful substances do not evaporate, and still contain a certain amount of harmful impurities.

It is worth noting that natural and chemical vanilla do not have the same smell, they differ significantly, and if someone once tries natural vanilla, they will never be able to use the chemical one.

This product must be used very ergonomically, since when adding large quantity the dish will be bitter.

What is the difference between vanillin, vanilla and vanilla sugar?

They have the same component - the same smell. In composition, they differ radically, the most natural product Of the three there is vanilla.

They have appearance short, brown in color, and also have a rich smell. The price of natural vanilla is very high, which is why they came up with cheap analogues - vanillin and vanilla sugar.

Vanillin is small crystals that also have a pleasant aroma and taste of vanilla. This ingredient is added to baked goods, and only because it is tasteless in itself. But vanilla sugar is very sweet, and the smell is not so pronounced.

If suddenly you are faced with the question of what to choose, give your preference to vanillin. It is more beneficial for the body because it does not have chemical additives and natural in composition.

Where is the product used?

A similar product has wide application in various fields:

  • medicine;
  • cooking;
  • perfume industry.

Harm to the product

Despite the fact that vanillin has many beneficial properties, it can be harmful. For example, in case of personal intolerance or allergic reactions. The vanillin that we see in stores is not useful for humans, since it is pure chemistry.

In the article we discuss vanilla. Let's talk about her beneficial properties, use in cooking and cosmetology, effectiveness against mosquitoes. You will learn about what you can replace vanilla with and how to grow it at home.

Vanilla is a genus of perennial vines of the Orchidaceae family. Currently, more than 100 species of plants are known. Only 3 of them are cultivated to produce fruits, which are used as a spice and are also called vanilla.

Until the mid-19th century, vanilla was grown only in Mexico, its cost was high. Attempts to grow the plant outside the country were not successful - vanilla took root, but the pods did not set. In Mexico, vanilla was pollinated by stingless bees - meliponas, which were not found in other countries. In 1841, a resident of Reunion Island discovered the method of hand pollination. After this, the plant became widespread throughout the world.

Vanilla is common in tropical and subtropical regions. Lianas love loose, loamy soil rich in organic matter. The plant is quite fastidious; it takes 9 months for the pods to ripen.

Vanilla fruits undergo a long, multi-stage fermentation process. The result is aromatic vanilla bean, which is sold by spice suppliers.

The seasoning is cultivated in many countries of the equatorial belt. Most vanilla is produced in Madagascar, Indonesia and China. Most often you can find Madagascar, Indian and bourbon vanilla on sale.

What does vanilla look like?

The liana reaches 12-15 m in height. The plant rests on trees with the help of adventitious roots; the roots can reach 50 m in length.

Appearance (photo) of Vanilla.

Vanilla blooms with large light green, cream flowers. Each flower of the plant remains open for only a day. If pollination does not occur during this time, the flower withers, dries up and falls to the ground. With successful pollination, the fruit grows in a pod 15-25 cm in size, which is filled with small black seeds.

Smell and taste of vanilla

Vanilla has neither aroma nor taste. She gets all this after fermentation.

The green fruits of the vine are collected and dipped in boiling water for a while. After this, they are laid out in the open air under a stretched tent for several months. At the end of the fermentation process, the pods become dark brown, and some of them develop needle-like crystals, which are called natural vanillin. Only after this does vanilla begin to exude a pleasant and sweet aroma.

How to replace vanilla

Vanilla can be replaced with the following products:

  • vanilla extract;
  • vanilla essence;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • vanillin;
  • vanilla powder.

Vanilla and vanillin difference

Many people confuse vanillin with vanilla, believing that they are the same thing. In fact, there is a difference between these products.

Vanilla is a spice that contains 250-500 various components. Vanillin is a substance that gives spices its aroma and taste. Except natural vanillin There is synthetic vanillin.

Synthetic vanillin is obtained from petroleum products, lignin, and eugenol. Its price is 20 times lower than the cost of vanilla. More than 20 thousand tons of product are produced annually.

Beneficial properties of vanilla

The benefits of vanilla lie in its composition, which contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • resin;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus.

Useful properties of the spice:

  • relaxing;
  • antioxidant;
  • sedative;
  • pain reliever;
  • soothing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • anti-inflammatory.

It is useful to take vanilla to improve appetite. The spice effectively fights dyspepsia, diseases of the nervous system, convulsions, and rheumatism. Vanilla activates muscle activity, eliminates stress and irritation.

Vanilla oil is good for women to take. It normalizes the menstrual cycle and eliminates pain before menstruation. Vanilla ester reduces elevated temperature body and fights infections.

Natural vanilla enhances libido. It is useful for both men and women.

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, consuming spices prevents the development of cancer. Vanilla helps cope with inflammation of the respiratory, digestive and excretory systems.

The spice normalizes the production of gastric juice. It also helps break down carbohydrates and remove them from the body.

For more information about the beneficial properties of vanilla, watch the following video:

Application of vanilla

Spice has wide range use. It is actively used in cooking, cosmetology, and perfumery. Vanilla is often used in medicinal purposes, used to prevent diabetes and saturate the body with useful elements.

To get a positive result from vanilla, use the spice in the pods. The substitute has no benefit other than a pleasant aroma.

In cooking

In cooking, the spice is used in the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products. The spice is used as an additive for creams, jams, compotes and liqueurs. Dairy products and cottage cheese dishes are often flavored with vanilla.

Vanilla is widely used in cooking.

The spice is used in the production of chocolate and candies. To flavor drinks and dishes, place a vanilla pod (no more than 10 cm) in them, and remove it before serving. To preserve the aroma, the spice is introduced into a ready-made and not cooled dish (puddings, jam, soufflé, compote). In some dishes, for example, curd paste, spice is added after cooking.

You can use vanilla sugar for baking and making confectionery. To do this, the vanilla pod is cut, placed in a porcelain container along with granulated sugar or powdered sugar, and ground. The resulting mixture is introduced into the dough during kneading.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, vanilla ether is used to care for the skin of the face, body, and hair. Cosmetologists recommend using the product to prepare homemade masks.

The benefits of vanilla ether for facial skin are as follows:

  • restores firmness and elasticity;
  • eliminates pigmentation;
  • relieves pimples and blackheads;
  • eliminates wrinkles;
  • corrects the oval lines of the face.

Below are recipes for face masks.

For wrinkles


  1. Vanilla ether - 2 drops.
  2. Avocado - 1 pc.
  3. Banana - 1 pc.

How to cook: Peel the banana and avocado and cut in half. Grind the banana and avocado pulp in a blender. Add vanilla oil.

How to use: Apply the mask in a thick layer to a cleansed face. After 35 minutes, remove with a damp sponge.

Result: When carrying out 3-4 cosmetic procedures wrinkles are smoothed out per month. The skin becomes soft and moisturized, its elasticity and tone increase.

For acne


  1. Vanilla essential oil - 2 drops.
  2. Badyaga - 10 gr.
  3. Corn starch - 2 tsp.
  4. Grapeseed oil - 20 drops.

How to cook: Combine vanilla ether with grape oil. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir. If the composition is thick, dilute it with mineral water.

How to use: Steam your skin. Apply the mask onto your face using circular movements and wait 5-10 minutes. Rinse off the composition with warm water, apply bactericidal powder to the rash.

Result: Eliminates irritation and redness, whitens skin, gets rid of age spots.

Vanilla oil is also used for hair. It accelerates their growth, prevents hair loss, strengthens hair follicles. The product also gives hair smoothness, silkiness and thickness, and retains the hair color after coloring.

Mask for dry hair


  1. Egg - 2 pcs.
  2. Vanilla essential oil - 2 drops.
  3. Honey - 5 g.
  4. Castor oil - 1 tsp.
  5. Cognac - 3 ml.

How to cook: Beat the yolks with honey, add the remaining ingredients, stir.

How to use: Apply the mask over the entire length of your hair, starting from the roots. After an hour, wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Result: Moisturizes dry curls, preventing their loss and splitting.

It is useful to use ether for body care. It reduces the appearance of cellulite, relieves inflammation, activates tone and gives elasticity.

Body Scrub


  1. Granulated sugar - 0.25 kg.
  2. Vanilla ether - 10 drops.
  3. Ground coffee - 50 g.
  4. Almond oil - 10 drops.

How to cook: Combine ingredients.

How to use: Rub the prepared mixture onto problem areas of the body.

Result: Cleansing the skin, improving blood flow.

Bath product


  1. Honey - 10 g.
  2. Vanilla oil - 2 drops.
  3. Sea salt - 2 tbsp.
  4. Milk - 50 ml.

How to cook: Combine the ingredients and stir. Pour the resulting mixture into the bath.

How to use: Take a bath, then apply nourishing cream to your body.

Result: Moisturizing and softening the skin.

Vanilla essential oil goes well with ginger, anise, sandalwood, citrus fruits, and jasmine. These oils can be combined when preparing home remedies for face, body, and hair care.

Before use, perform an allergy test. Apply a few drops of oil to your wrist. After a quarter of an hour, look at this area. If there is no redness or itching, the product can be used.

In perfumery

Vanilla is actively used in perfumery when creating men's and women's perfume compositions. Vanilla aroma for perfumery is isolated from the fruit using extraction to form a resinoid or absolute. The last components that are combined with the transport oil are contained in bottles with “Vanilla Oil”. An artificially flavored product is often passed off as ether.

The smell of vanilla in perfume excites the consciousness of men and women. Some consider it a vanilla scent a win-win option for the first date.

The aroma of vanilla in expensive perfumes is different from that present in cheap counterfeits. Real vanilla is amber, thick, tart and erotic. Vanilla is often present in oriental and woody bouquets.

The most famous vanilla scents:

  • Guerlain “Shalimar”;
  • Dolce & Gabbana “The One”;
  • Dior “Addict”.

Vanilla extract

Vanilla extract is widely used for baking.

Vanilla extract is one of the most common extracts used in baking. It is used to flavor dough, fillers and fillings, mousses, and creams.

Natural vanilla extract - alcohol tincture vanilla pods. According to FDA requirements (American consumer supervision), 1 liter of extract must contain 0.1 kg of vanilla pods and at least 35% alcohol. This extract is usually used for home baking.

Industrial vanilla extract contains various additives: granulated sugar, syrup, flavorings, etc.

When purchasing this product, pay attention to its composition. If vanillin is indicated in the composition, then it is better to refrain from purchasing, as the artificial substitute leaves a bitter aftertaste in dishes.

Homemade vanilla extract - perfect product for cooking various dishes. It is easy to prepare it yourself, and the shelf life of such an extract is unlimited. Below is a recipe for making vanilla extract.


  1. Vanilla pods - 8 pcs.
  2. Vodka - 1 l.

How to prepare: Using sharp scissors, cut the pods lengthwise down the middle. Remove the seeds and place them in glass jar(1 l). Cut the pods into 2 cm pieces and place them in a jar. Pour in vodka and close the lid. Place the container in a dark place for a month, shake periodically. After 30 days, the extract can be used. But the product will be fully infused only after six months. Strain the extract into a clean container, add a vanilla bean for beauty.

Vanilla oil

Vanilla oil is used for medicinal purposes for:

  • increasing immunity;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disinfection of damaged dermis;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes.

Vanilla absolute oil is actively used in cosmetology. In some cases, the remedy is used to perform magical rituals to attract good luck, love and happiness.

Vanilla against mosquitoes

Vanilla effectively helps against midges and mosquitoes. It can be used in the form of powder, pods, oil.

When using oil, apply it to your skin every hour. Only in this case will there be a result from using the product.

In order to protect your child from blood-sucking insects, use vanilla water. Her recipe is below.


  1. Vanilla - 2 g.
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Dissolve vanilla in warm water.

How to use: Wipe the baby's skin with the resulting mixture. Spray the remaining product around the children's room.

How to grow vanilla

If you love the aroma of vanilla, then try growing it at home. You will need to purchase flowerpots, fertilizer for orchids, a substrate of bark, peat and garden soil. Also buy vanilla at a flower shop or order it online.

Replant the plant in a pot with substrate, then place the vanilla in a warm place. In winter, the room temperature should be no lower than 20 degrees, in summer - no lower than 25 degrees. Protect the plant from cold and drafts.

At home, you can only grow vanilla orchid.

Water and spray the plant generously with warm water (35-45 degrees). In spring and summer, you can lower the pot with the plant into water. Make sure there is no stagnation of water. Feed the plant every 2-3 weeks.

Place the plant near a support, as the vine begins to branch as it grows. Try to keep the night temperature in the room with the plant 5 degrees lower than the daytime temperature. In this case, the plant will bloom. Flowers appear on vanilla that has grown to 6 m or more. At proper care the plant grows 1 m in a month. Replant the vine every 2 years.

Where can I buy

You can purchase vanilla in the form of powder and pods in grocery stores and online stores. Vanilla oil is sold online and in pharmacies. You can buy vanilla for growing yourself at a flower shop or online.

The price of vanilla pods is about 700 rubles for 4 g. The cost of ground vanilla for 10 g is about 300 rubles. The price of natural extract ranges from 1000 rubles per 100 ml. Essential oil vanilla costs about 100 rubles per 10 ml.

What to remember

  1. Vanilla and vanillin are different products.
  2. Vanilla pods have no smell or taste before fermentation.
  3. Vanilla helps cope with midges and mosquitoes.

The spice is actively used in cooking, cosmetology and perfumery.

It happens that you walk around the city and involuntarily catch the pleasant smell of baked goods; a picture immediately appears before your eyes delicious buns, freshly baked pies or some other baked goods. All this smell comes from some bakery or bakery.

Due to the fact that a spice such as vanillin is added to the dough, the baked goods acquire a pleasant aroma.

What is vanillin made from?

Vanillin is a colorless, crystalline powder with a characteristic vanilla odor, obtained by synthesis in the laboratory. The demand for such a spice exceeds the harvest of vanilla itself, which is why it is necessary to synthesize vanillin using an artificial method. Has the ability to dissolve in water. Since vanilla itself is very expensive, due to the difficulty in growing it, it is replaced by powder with the addition of vanilla extract. Vanillin is used for large-scale production of bakery products due to its cheapness and availability. Nowadays, you can easily find the right seasoning on supermarket shelves or at the market.

Types of vanillin

There are several types of vanillin in production:

  • Crystal. It has a distinct vanilla aroma and is used in baking, chocolate and ice cream production. Enhances its scent at high temperatures.
  • Powdered vanillin. It has the form of a powder, has the ability to easily dissolve in liquids, has a characteristic vanilla aroma, and is used in the production of chocolate.
  • Vanillin in liquid form. Used in preparing drinks.

How to make vanilla sugar

What can replace vanillin? Vanilla sugar is popular among housewives and has been used in cooking since ancient times, mainly in the preparation of confectionery and bakery products. It has sweet taste, pleasant vanilla aroma.

The basic procedure for making vanilla sugar is to mix powdered sugar with vanilla extract.

The vanilla pod must be mixed with sugar and left for a while to become saturated with aroma. After which, it must be kept in a dark, closed place so that the smell does not dissipate.

Sugar is obtained by growing beets. After the beets have passed technological process processing, a sweet product is obtained from it.

The process of growing vanilla is the most labor-intensive due to the fact that the plant has to be pollinated artificially. The price of vanilla is much higher than that of sugar.

You can prepare vanilla sugar yourself, without any problems at home, if you have the right ingredients. If you have time and desire, preparation will not be difficult. Ingredients for vanilla sugar:

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod

Remove seeds from the pod, mix with powdered sugar and leave for a while to soak in the scent.

Use of vanillin and vanilla sugar in cooking

Vanillin has a wide range of uses not only in Food Industry, as well as in cosmetology. You can often detect notes of vanilla in the aroma of perfume. There is also a wide selection of shampoos, shower gels, soaps, creams, etc. with the smell of vanilla. But, as we have already said, the main area of ​​use is cooking.

For what purposes can vanilla be used?

When preparing dishes, you should strictly adhere to the recipe, as this spice has a pronounced taste. An overdose of this spice can cause the dish to become bitter.. On sale this product often weighs 1 or 2 grams. One sachet weighing 1 g is enough for 1000 g of flour. When cooking flour dishes, mixing occurs according to the recipe with dry ingredients. When making milkshakes or any other drinks, it is recommended to use vanillin in liquid form. Approximately 1-2 grams per 1 liter of liquid.

By itself, it has the ability to dissolve well in water, alcohol, and fat. This powder is used to enhance the flavor of dishes. Using cosmetics, the smell remains on the hair and skin for a long time, has the ability to soothe and relax. Also found in the form incense sticks to give a pleasant smell to the house.

Vanilla sugar is widely used in the production of confectionery creams, ice cream, all kinds of baked goods, drinks, and milkshakes. For baking, it is necessary to proceed from the calculation that for 1 kg of sugar there are 8-10 grams of vanilla sugar. It is used in the process of kneading dough or for sprinkling the product on top.

Fans of home baking will prefer to use vanilla sugar. Making this spice at home is very easy and does not require much effort. You need to buy vanilla in the form of a stick, it will last for a very long time. You should mix the sugar with the stick and leave it to saturate with the smell, so you will always have the opportunity to make vanilla sugar.

Vanilla is often added when preparing alcoholic drinks such as cognac or homemade liqueur.

The difference between vanillin and sugar infused vanilla extract is that vanillin has a finer grind and is more concentrated than vanilla powdered sugar. When using this concentrate to prepare variety of dishes, it requires much less than vanilla powdered sugar. Vanilla sugar chemical composition differs in that it is more natural in its components than vanillin.

Sweets are not advisable for small children. This can cause your child to suffer from tooth decay.

Beneficial properties of vanillin and vanilla sugar

The smell of vanilla has the ability calm down, muffle feelings of aggression, anxiety, irritation. This smell can easily lift your spirits, give you confidence. Helps fight insomnia. It is an antidepressant of its kind.