Which baby formulas contain palm oil? Hypoallergenic baby dairy-free and palm oil-free formulas: list and range of products based on high-quality milk fats

Breast milk is the most valuable and healthy diet for babies, especially in the first six months of life. But not always a nursing mother can provide her newborn with breast milk 100%. Then formula milk comes to the rescue. The modern market offers various formulas for newborns different types. It is important to choose the right brand to ensure the full and healthy development of the child. First of all, let's look at what types of food for newborns are produced today.

Types of milk formulas

By consistency
Dry A common food in dry form that needs to be diluted with water. Convenient to store, transport and dispense. Wide variety and longer shelf life.
Liquid A less common food that accounts for only 10% of the market. Represents ready mixture in a tetra pack that just needs to be heated. Fast and easy preparation, however, this product is more difficult to find and has a short shelf life.
By composition
Adapted to cow's milk Infant formulas based on cow's milk whey are as close as possible to the composition breast milk. Nutritious and light food, which is quickly digested, is optimal for newborns.
Adapted from goat milk This food is suitable for babies who are allergic to cow protein. The composition of goat milk has high nutritional value.
Partially adapted They are close in structure to breast milk, but contain not only lactose (like regular adapted infant formulas), but also sucrose.
Subsequent Suitable for babies from six months and beyond. The product is made from whole cow's milk powder with sucrose and starch without whey.
Non-adapted (casein) Food based on casein (cow's milk protein), suitable for children over six months.
According to the age
0 (“pre”/”pre”) For newborns and premature babies, small babies
1 For newborns up to six months
2 For children 6-12 months
3 For babies over one year old

Medicinal and specialized mixtures

Food allergies make it difficult to find suitable nutrition for your baby. Manufacturers offer hypoallergenic formulas for newborns, which reduce the risk of a negative reaction. In addition, today they produce special food for premature babies who require special attention and diet. We offer a list of medicinal and specialized mixtures.

  • Infant formulas for premature babies contain a large number of vitamins and whey protein. They have high energy value;
  • Fermented milk mixtures should be chosen if you have problems with digestion. This diet is prescribed if the child has severe and frequent colic, constipation or dysbacteriosis, excessive regurgitation or vomiting. The product contains bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria, which normalize the functioning of the stomach;
  • Hypoallergenic formulas for newborns can be chosen for children with an increased risk of allergies to lactose, cow protein, and other components. This is a product made from goat milk or with partially hydrolyzed cow protein. On the packaging of such food you will find the abbreviation “NA” or “GA”;
  • Mixtures with soy protein given to children with a cow protein allergy over 6 months of age. Please note that such food is quite difficult to digest and has low nutritional value. It is not recommended for children with stomach problems;
  • Mixtures with increased content iron are suitable for children over 4 months. This diet should be chosen if the child has an iron deficiency and low rate hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Lactose-free formulas should be chosen for children with lactose deficiency and lactose intolerance. This diet is also recommended for acute intestinal failure and severe food allergies to cow protein, when the usual hypoallergenic composition is not suitable;
  • Anti-reflux formulas containing gum can be chosen for a child with frequent constipation and regurgitation. Gum is a plant polysaccharide that swells in the stomach, which reduces regurgitation and relieves constipation. Such a product contains the designation “AP” or “AR” on the packaging.

How to choose the right formula for a newborn

  1. For newborns, you need to choose only an adapted composition based on cow or goat milk, since they are most similar to the composition of breast milk and are absorbed better than other types;
  2. If the baby is mixed-fed (receives both formula and mother's milk), you need to choose only highly adapted formulations. How to properly organize supplementary feeding for a baby and which formula is best for mixed feeding, read;
  3. When choosing, carefully study the composition, expiration date and integrity of the packaging;
  4. Choose formulations that do not contain palm or rapeseed oil. The diet should contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins. It is good if the composition includes carnitine, linoleic acid and taurine. These useful elements are involved in material exchange and formation internal organs child;
  5. Rely on age restrictions. It is better to start feeding a newborn with a mixture with indicators “0” or “Pre” (Pre) with normal development, no allergies and other problems - you can choose food “1”. The transition to another level cannot be carried out earlier than after 6 months!;
  6. Monitor your baby's well-being when feeding this or that formula. Remember that the food may not be suitable for the baby and may cause a negative reaction. If you have an allergy, contact your pediatrician and replace the formula;
  7. The formula is not suitable for a baby if he is not gaining weight, sleeps restlessly and often wakes up, feels unwell, often cries and is capricious during, before or after feeding.

Which formula for a newborn to choose

To determine which mixture is best and choose proper nutrition, read reviews from mothers and doctors, look at nutrition ratings on specialized websites. We offer a list of the most popular brands.

Baby Suitable for healthy babies without health and development problems. This is an accessible and inexpensive mixture Russian manufacturer, which has maintained quality standards for over 40 years. Reviews say that children like Malyutka, but often, due to the large amount of sugar it contains, it provokes colic and skin rashes.

Nutrilon– mixtures for newborns with special composition, which normalizes intestinal microflora, stabilizes stool and reduces colic. Reviews say that the Dutch product has a positive effect on the health and well-being of the child, but does not mix well and may not be to the taste of children. In addition, this is one of the most expensive mixtures.

Nan- another Dutch brand containing vitamins and minerals in required quantity, as well as Denta pro supplements. This element has a positive effect on the formation and health of teeth, prevents caries and strengthens gums. However, reviews from mothers do not recommend choosing this product, since it contains palm oil. Often the manufacturer does not indicate at all what kind of oil is added.

Hipp- an environmentally friendly and high-quality mixture of joint production of Austria and Germany, which includes alimentary fiber and starch, pre- and probiotics. Disadvantages include constipation in infants and insufficient iodine content. In addition, manufacturers do not indicate what kind of oil is used. Among the advantages, we note a safe composition and a rare negative reaction.

Humana– a German formula, the composition of which is as close as possible to breast milk. Promotes mental development and improves memory. Reviews say that Humana does not have any particular disadvantages. But be prepared for the fact that food is not cheap.

BelLakt– Belarusian brand affordable price with an environmentally friendly and proven composition. However, reviews indicate that newborns and children under one year old often experience constipation and allergies when feeding this mixture.

Agusha- not the best, but an affordable mixture at a low price. Reviews recommend choosing this diet if the baby eats Agusha well and does not feel discomfort. Be careful as it foams a lot and often causes colic in the baby.

Friso– a safe and environmentally friendly formula for mixed feeding. However, pediatricians do not recommend this product due to insufficient iron, potassium and calcium content. In addition, the vitamin C content is 1.5 times higher than normal! Reviews from parents say that sometimes there are particles of dried milk in the mixture, and the mixture itself does not mix well.

Nestogen– Swiss food for mixed feeding of healthy babies. It mixes well and does not foam, but there are often problems with stool and constipation, and allergies occur.

Similac– food from Denmark with good composition, which includes skimmed milk, pre- and probiotics, a complex of vitamins and minerals. Does not contain palm oil. Among the shortcomings, an insufficient amount of phosphorus and whey protein was noted. Mixes well, rarely causes allergies, but often causes constipation.

MD mil "Goat"– baby food made with goat milk is prescribed to babies with allergies to cow protein and atopic dermatitis. The cost of such mixtures is much higher than usual, but at the same time they are hypoallergenic and are better absorbed by newborns. Produced in Spain.

Nanny– a natural mixture with a balanced composition from New Zealand. Contains healthy fat sea ​​fish, but differs in insufficient amounts of iodine and taurine. The goat milk product is suitable for both healthy newborns and children with allergies or a tendency to have a negative reaction to food.

The ratings of many Russian sites about feeding newborns and children under one year old are topped by the Malyutka formula. But remember about the individual development of each child. Therefore, which mixture is best suited is determined individually.

Rules for preparing formula and feeding the baby

Before preparing, carefully read the instructions on the package and follow the recipe for diluting the dry powder in water. Violation of the ratio of water and powder will lead to digestive upset in the child! Use only clean bottled or boiled water.

You need to feed your baby from a sterilized bottle. After sterilization, purified water at a temperature of 45-50 degrees is poured into the bottle, then the mixture is added and shaken thoroughly until the lumps dissolve. The temperature of the contents before feeding should not exceed 38 degrees.

Which formula is best for a newborn?

The best formula for newborns in terms of composition

All milk formulas can be divided into two large groups: those made from goat milk and those made from cow’s milk. Experts believe that goat milk formulas are better suited for a baby, since its proteins are more similar to those of breast milk.

Most the best food for a newborn there are adapted milk formulas. They are the most suitable for replacing breast milk, since they are completely absorbed by the baby’s body. But it is advisable to choose milk formulas for a newborn without palm oil. Consumption of this oil in large quantities is fraught with weakening of the child’s growth, poor formation skeletal system and the occurrence of dental problems.

Modern manufacturers offer milk formulas without sugar, but enriched with various minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper development of the child. In addition, prebiotics and probiotics are added to the mixtures. Adapted milk formulas with prebiotics help create an environment for “good” microflora in the baby’s digestive system, and mixtures with probiotics are responsible for the health of the organs involved in digestion. Research shows that the presence of pre- and probiotics in infant formula helps reduce the risk of food allergies and even diseases such as asthma.

What is the best baby formula for newborns by age?

Children's bodies have different nutritional needs at different ages. And this is an absolutely natural process. After all, the composition of breast milk changes as the baby grows. Therefore, the formula of the infant formula also depends on the age of the child. It is believed that formula for an older child should be more filling and high-calorie than for a newborn. Their composition increases the amount of unadapted cow's milk proteins, as well as the content of minerals and vitamins, since the need child's body increases in these substances.

For each age group, manufacturers offer a separate product, created taking into account the needs of the child’s body at a certain age. For children in the first six months of life, the so-called “initial” or first stage milk formulas are intended. The composition of “subsequent” mixtures is designed taking into account the needs of older children. Adapted milk formulas from 0 to 12 months can be used throughout the entire first year of a newborn’s life.

Which formula is better to choose for a newborn: milk and fermented milk formulations

Malyutka milk formulas without preservatives are very popular among mothers today, due to their low cost and composition that includes everything healthy ingredients, promoting the active development of the toddler. These mixtures can be fed to both infants and older children. Dry fermented milk mixture Malyutka normalizes the composition of intestinal microflora, improves digestion, strengthens immune system child, reduces the risk of developing intestinal infections.

The following manufacturers were included in our review:

  • Abbott is a diversified international company engaged in the production wide range products, including baby food. It produces products that are essential for optimal human development, growth and health at all stages of life;
  • BIBIKOL– this company has been on the market for almost two decades baby food unique products which are made from goat milk;
  • Nestle is a company that has been producing infant formula for many years. Every year its products are improved, so completely new mixtures appear on the market, intended for certain categories of children and taking into account their needs;
  • Kabrita– under this brand the most modern mixtures for children based on goat milk. They combine all the benefits of goat's milk and modern ingredients for the development, growth, protection and nutrition of babies;
  • Nutricia is a Dutch commercial organization specializing in scientific research in the field healthy eating and production food products with special needs. It is now part of the Danone group of food companies.

The best baby formulas without palm oil

Similac (Abbott) formula without palm oil or sugar

Similac milk formula (Abbott) according to its composition is as close as possible to mother's milk and contains nutrients ensuring the full development of the child. This is, first of all, a unique IQ Intelli-Pro complex, which includes docosahexaenoic (DHA) and arachidonic (ARA) acids, present in breast milk and ensuring proper development of the brain and vision. Prebiotics help the intestines form their own healthy microflora and soft stools, and probiotics (live bifidobacteria) support this microflora.

The mixture also includes substances that are indispensable for the healthy development of the child’s body, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, ascorbic and folic acid, riboflavin, lactose, coconut, soy and sunflower oil, vitamins B12, D3, K1 and other vitamins and minerals, with the help of which the child will grow and develop properly. Price – from 900 rubles per 900 g.


  • live bifidobacteria have a beneficial effect on the child’s intestinal microflora;
  • prebiotics help normalize stool and microflora, reduce colic and the frequency of regurgitation;
  • The presence of an antioxidant such as lutein in the mixture is very important for eye health. Lutein is not produced in the body, so it can only be obtained through diet;
  • the fatty acids DHA and ARA (Omega-3 and Omega-6) included in the mixture help the proper development of the brain;
  • The absence of palm oil in the composition provides the child with healthy and strong bones and teeth in the future.

No significant disadvantages were found.

BIBIKOL Nenny 1 mixture with goat milk

BIBIKOL Nenny 1 – adapted milk powder mixture for artificial feeding children from the first days of birth to six months. It is made from whole goat milk obtained from New Zealand goats. New Zealand is considered one of the most environmentally friendly countries. That is why goat milk it is so natural and rich in various nutrients, and baby formulas made on its basis contain all the components necessary for the full development and growth of the baby.

Nanny 1 mixture is recommended for feeding healthy children or those who are intolerant to cow's milk and soy proteins. Goat's milk proteins contain lower amounts of beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-S1-casein compared to cow's milk, so they are better absorbed by the child's body. In addition, goat milk contains such biologically active ingredients, such as phospholipids, nucleotides and oligosaccharides, which have a positive effect on the immune system of children.

Minerals, vitamins and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids contribute to the proper development of the brain and visual organs. The Nanny 1 mixture also contains a complex of plant prebiotics that normalize digestion.


  • the mixture does not contain sucrose, glucose, demineralized whey, modified proteins, dyes and flavoring additives;
  • all components of the mixture are made from natural products plant origin with unchanged gene structure;
  • the possibility of feeding children who are at risk of developing food allergies or intolerance to cow's milk proteins.


  • low dissolution rate at a recommended water temperature of 35-40 degrees. This may make the mother want to use more hot water, but in this case vitamins will be lost;
  • somewhat overpriced.

Infant formula NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro

NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro mixture is intended for feeding healthy babies from birth, if breastfeeding is not possible. It is made from high quality raw materials, does not contain genetically modified ingredients, flavors, dyes and preservatives. NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro is a milk formula that contains all the nutrients necessary for the harmonious mental and physiological development of the child.

Optipro is a quality and quantity optimized protein complex found exclusively in NAN blends. Thanks to him, the baby receives exactly the amount of protein that is necessary for his proper growth and development. Price – from 700 rubles per 400 g.


  • the product does not contain palm oil, dyes, preservatives, flavors, or genetically modified substances;
  • optimized protein complex;
  • the presence of bifidobacteria BL, which help normalize intestinal motility and increase the child’s body’s ability to fight various infections;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids present in the mixture contribute to the proper formation of the brain and visual organs;
  • the required amount of vitamins and microelements for the child’s development at this stage.

Among the disadvantages are the higher cost compared to domestic mixtures.

The best adapted formulas for newborns

Infant formula BIBIKOL Nanny Classic

BIBIKOL Nanny Classic milk formula can be used for artificial feeding of healthy children, as well as those who are at risk of developing an allergy to cow's milk protein. It is produced on the basis whole milk New Zealand goats, which in protein structure is much closer to mother’s milk than cow’s milk.

The mixture contains all nutritional components which are necessary for the full development and growth of the child. These are goat milk proteins, which, compared to cow milk, contain less alpha-S1-casein and beta-lactoglobulin, as well as high-quality vegetable oils, natural milk fat, as well as nucleotides, phospholipids, oligosaccharides that are naturally present in goat milk.

Nanny Classic mixture is additionally enriched with DHA and ARA fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6), which are especially important for the development of the child’s brain and visual organs. No sweeteners are added to this mixture. The only carbohydrate present in Nanny Classic is lactose, which is a natural milk sugar and helps maintain healthy intestinal microflora. Price – from 1200 rubles per 400 g.


  • naturalness. The mixture is made from natural goat milk and has a soft, creamy taste;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • Possibility of use for feeding children suffering from cow's milk intolerance and at risk of developing food allergies.


  • low dissolution rate;
  • high price.

Kabrita 1 GOLD infant formula with prebiotics

The Kabrita 1 GOLD formula, made from goat milk, contains nutrients that are essential for the proper mental and physiological development of the child, as well as for strengthening his immunity. Goat milk, unlike cow milk, has a higher degree of digestibility, so mixtures based on it can be a godsend for those parents whose babies suffer from intolerance to cow's milk proteins. This problem is quite common and can cause difficulty digestion, skin problems and complaints related to the respiratory system.

Kabrita 1 GOLD mixture also features a unique combination of prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics (fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides) in combination with bifidobacteria BB-12 (live probiotics) ensure proper digestion, strengthen the child’s immune system and contribute to the development of the protective functions of the child’s body. The presence of arachidonic (ARA), docosacexaenoic (DHA), linoleic and linolenic fatty acids in the mixture ensures the proper development of the child’s brain. Price – from 1800 rubles per 800 g.


  • the mixture in terms of the ratio of casein and whey proteins is as close as possible to mother’s milk;
  • the optimal ratio of prebiotics and probiotics improves the child’s digestion;
  • The mixture has a natural sweetness. It is made without the addition of fructose, glucose, maltodexin, crystalline sugar;
  • the mixture does not contain soy lecithin, flavorings, flavor enhancers and preservatives.


  • contains palm oil;
  • high price.

Fermented milk formulas for newborns Malyutka

Dry fermented milk mixture Malyutka (Nutricia) 1

Fermented milk products significantly improve digestion, but they are quite complex foods for the delicate tummy of a newborn baby. Nutricia has created Baby 1 - special adapted fermented milk mixture for children early age , which combines the benefits fermented milk products and good nutrition. The secret to the formula of this mixture lies in the special manufacturing technology of Lactofidus using a special starter culture that provides support for natural digestion and promotes a healthy tummy.

The mixture also contains essential amino acid L-tryptophan, used by the brain to produce serotonin, which is called the hormone of good mood, as well as free sulfonic acid taurine, necessary for the formation of brain tissue and has an anticonvulsant effect. The mixture contains a vitamin complex, promoting the harmonious physiological and mental development of the little man.

Malyutka 1 fermented milk mixture can be used to feed healthy babies with a sensitive digestive system (restless tummy, tendency to colic) and babies with decreased appetite, including during the period of prevention after an intestinal infection. The mixture can be used as a main meal or combined with breast milk.


  • balanced composition of the mixture, providing infant good nutrition;
  • the presence in the mixture of demineralized whey, maximally adapted to the characteristics and needs of the newborn’s body;
  • prebiotics that improve intestinal function and reduce the manifestations of dysbiosis;
  • presence of various vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids.


  • the presence of palm oil in the mixture. The possibility of its significant harm has not been proven, but it is known that it is quite difficult to digest;
  • presence of soy lecithin. There is an opinion among consumers that genetically modified soybeans may be used in its production.

Fermented milk infant formula Malyutka (Nutricia) 2

Malyutka (Nutricia) 2 formula is recommended for feeding children over six months of age if impossible breastfeeding. The mixture contains the entire spectrum useful elements and vitamins that ensure normal digestion and maintain the baby’s immunity.

Malyutka 2 fermented milk mixture is produced using a special technology using a special starter culture that promotes the health of the baby’s tummy and supports natural digestion. She is completely balanced product, therefore can be used as the main food. The Malyutka 2 mixture, unlike Malyutka 1, contains “smart iron” - an optimal combination of the amount of iron, zinc and vitamin C. This ensures better absorption of iron, which is especially important for the prevention of iron deficiency. Price – from 330 rubles for 350 g.


  • provides the child with balanced nutrition;
  • nutrients, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals are selected taking into account the age of a six-month-old child, therefore ensuring healthy growth and development;

13/02/2016 17:19

Formula is of particular importance in the life of a child in the first six months of life, when it is the main source of nutrition for him.

Of the dozens of names of this product that the retail chain offers, the ones closest in composition to human milk are premium class mixtures.

Highly adapted mixtures that do not contain palm oil include: NENNY, NAN, Similak, Humana, Heinz, Nutrilon, Kabrita. Let’s take a closer look at three of them that have earned the largest number of positive reviews.

Among them distinctive features the following can be mentioned:

  1. They do not contain palm oil, which makes it difficult for the body to absorb calcium.
  2. They do not contain dyes or GMOs.
  3. They are saturated with microorganisms (prebiotics and probiotics) that form and maintain normal intestinal microflora.
  4. They include all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the child.

This is a highly adapted food produced by the New Zealand company Bibikol. It is intended for babies in the first six months of life, even before the introduction. “Nenny” promotes the harmonious development of the child’s body and strengthens its defenses.

The mixture is made from environmentally friendly milk of a special breed of goats, which in its composition resembles human milk. “Nenny” tastes good, has a characteristic “milky” smell and does not contain sugar.


  • Syrup.
  • Goat milk (42%).
  • Lactose.
  • Fish oil.
  • Prebiotics: oligofructose, inulin.
  • Sunflower, coconut, rapeseed oil.
  • Taurine.
  • Minerals: potassium, iodine, selenium, iron, calcium, copper, zinc, manganese.
  • Vitamins: E, K1, A, C, D3, group B (B12, B1, B6, B5, B2, B4, H).
  • Arachidonic acid.
  • Lecithin.


  1. Does not cause regurgitation.
  2. Relieves constipation.
  3. Eliminates the appearance of bloating and colic.
  4. Prevents the occurrence of allergies.
  5. Suitable for children with allergies to formulas with cow's milk.
  6. It is prepared by diluting it in warm water, without requiring boiling.

The Nenny formula is recognized as one of the best, both by experts in the field of baby nutrition and by consumers. . She received many positive reviews. Parents whose children suffered from constipation and allergies were especially pleased with the mixture.

The production of Nenny requires large financial investments from the company, so this mixture has a high price. It ranges in Moscow stores from 1200 to 1400 rubles for a jar weighing 400 g .

Mixture high class, which ensures optimal physical and mental development of the newborn. The food is produced by the famous Swiss company Nestlé, which has been producing products for children for more than half a century.


  • Nucleotides.
  • Whey protein (70%).
  • Lactose.
  • Bifidobacteria.
  • Minerals: potassium, chlorides, zinc, selenium, iodine, manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium.
  • Probiotics.
  • Vitamins: groups B (B2, B4, B12, B1, B3, B6, B9, B5, H), C, A, E, D, K.


  1. Contains live BL bacteria, which form and maintain the microflora of the digestive system.
  2. Enriched with iron, which prevents the development of anemia.
  3. Does not contain molasses (maltodextrin).
  4. It has a special, two-section packaging.

Experts and parents of babies believe that the Nan 1 Premium mixture is completely safe for the baby’s health and has good . At the same time, the disadvantages of this mixture were also noted. First of all, the taste is not very pleasant.

"NAS 1 Premium" belongs to the middle price category. The cost of the mixture in the retail chain ranges from 345-570 rubles per package weighing 400 g .

Cow's milk formula designed for children up to 6 months. It has all the advantages of high-class baby food. The mixture is balanced in composition and contains a set of elements that help the brain and vision develop correctly. In addition, it contains both probiotics, which are beneficial for digestion, and prebiotics, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lower intestine. Manufacturers of this product are Denmark and Spain.


  • Casein.
  • Lactose.
  • Soybean, sunflower and coconut oil.
  • Prebiotics.
  • Probiotics.
  • Lutein.
  • Vitamins: beta-carotene, A, C, E, K1, D3, group B (B1, B9, B2, B12, B6, B3, B5, H, B4).
  • Nucleotides.
  • Carnitine.
  • Taurine.
  • Inositol.
  • Minerals: calcium, chlorides, manganese, potassium, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper.



  1. The IQ Intelli-Pro complex, included in the diet, improves brain activity.
  2. The mixture contains a tummy protection system that eliminates colic and regurgitation.
  3. Does not cause allergies.
  4. Relieves constipation.

“Similac Premium 1” fully lives up to its name. Most users noted that after taking it, babies did not experience any digestive problems . In addition, its satiety was especially noted. The children ate well during the day and slept peacefully at night.

For its class, Similak Premium 1 has a very reasonable price. In metropolitan stores, 400 g of the mixture costs customers 394-489 rubles .

Of course, mother’s milk is better and healthier for the baby there is nothing.

But for various reasons, some mothers forced to refuse from breastfeeding.

What to feed babies? How to choose substitutes breast milk?

Came to the rescue food industry with her baby formulas.

Everything would be fine.

But when I was forced to interrupt the natural feeding process, my baby flatly refused eat those that included “palm oil”.

Benefits and harms for the child

Before blaming manufacturers for they are poisoning our children, I studied all the properties of the supplement. has a natural origin. It's the same useful, as well as corn, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, sunflower and others.

In him large amount of vitamins groups A and E. There are Omega 3, saturated and fatty acids. It would seem Everything is fine. True, the same ones fatty acid(at least some of them) increase cholesterol levels.

Moreover, if the oil is not indicated in the composition, or is disguised as "vegetable fats" etc., then we will not be able to determine its taste. Especially in . It has a pleasant creamy taste.

Where can I find mixtures without it?

Are there mixtures without it and what kind? Find baby food, including formula, palm oil free very easy - study it. Conscientious Manufacturers always indicate all incoming components in full and in Russian.

Take food to specialized children's goods or large retail chains. There are less chances to buy fake.


Mixtures should help children develop, grow and remain healthy correctly.

Therefore they must contain:

  • nucleotides;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • amino acids, in particular taurine.

Which milk formula does not contain structured palm oil, and which contains it?

  1. Bellakt. In addition to vegetable oil, it also contains. Therefore, it is not suitable for all children and may cause allergies. But it contains everything important components for the baby.
  2. Hipp. Very small quantity iodine and there is potato in the ingredients starch. A newborn baby does not need it.
  3. Agusha. Rich taurine And nucleotides, but contains little iodine.
  4. Baby. The components include soybeans– a child under one year old does not need it. But the content useful substances very high.
  5. Nan. Eat soybeans and vitamin D, which prevents rickets.
  6. Nutrilon. High content useful substances.
  7. Baby. Eat soybeans, but the remaining components are very useful.

Mixtures, without palm and coconut oils:

  1. Semilak. Contains soy and powdered milk, but very high content iodine.
  2. Nestozhen. There is little iodine, there is soy and milk powder. But there is also pribiotics, have a great effect on digestion.
  3. Nanny. Little iodine and taurine, but there is vitamin D, lactose and prebiotics.

Another important point. If you manage to find whey, Necessarily demineralized, then instead of other formulas, buy it better - the composition is very similar to breast milk. AND preference give to those mixtures whose components include it.

Is an alternative needed?

If a woman deliberately refuses from breastfeeding from birth is stupid.

And if this type of nutrition for the baby is impossible, the mother opponent of artificial mixtures, then, of course, it is possible to replace the mixtures.

The question is different; if necessary?

Our grandmothers and mothers cooked us porridge on cow's or goat's milk with cereals, such as semolina or rice.

The children grew up healthy and without developmental delays. Although the parents were not allowed to sleep peacefully - their stomachs probably hurt.

In my opinion, it's better to choose a mixture. Their choice is very wide: not causing allergies(hypoallergenic), fortified with vitamins, minerals or iron, dairy, dairy-free... If the mixture walks hard and the baby is suffering with his tummy, then it makes sense to help him medicinally. For example, give “smecta”. The only caveat: choose your diet only together with your pediatrician.

My own experience makes me ardent opponent introduction of palm oil into the diet of newborns. But kids preschool and school age perfectly absorb products containing it. The choice of certain foods for their children falls on the shoulders of parents. She must be quality.

remember, that cheapness can also become an enemy of children's health. Avoid long composition on dairy products and beware of adding dyes, flavors, GMOs and other chemicals.

And when you find “Palm oil” in the list of ingredients, follow the knowledge: vegetable fats can affect the body harmful, and maybe positively, depending on the age of the person.

Hello, dear readers.

Did you know that palm oil in baby food negatively affects the digestive system and impairs the absorption of calcium by the body? Vegetable oils added to obtain a fat percentage as close as possible to the composition of breast milk. Is there any baby formula without palm oil? Yes, sure. Manufacturers who care about the health of young consumers offer safe options for baby food.

It is the cheapest, therefore it is very popular among companies involved in the production of food products. An important fact for companies that produce infant formula is that thanks to it it is possible to increase the shelf life of the product.

Palm oil in infant formula is characterized by high content fatty acids and cholesterol. This has an impact on work digestive tract, causing constipation and colic in the baby. Cholesterol settles on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing the lumens, which leads to additional stress on the heart muscle. But the most important thing that experts warn against is that these components do not allow the body to fully absorb calcium. And it is very important for the full growth and development of the child.

The addition of this oil to infant formula is approved by the Nutrition Research Institute. Compliance with the exact dosages in the product, according to experts, cannot cause significant harm to the child’s health. Each parent has the right to decide for himself which formula his baby will consume. But pediatricians advise mothers and fathers to purchase infant formula without palm oil.

Benefits of Palm Oil Free Blend

Most of them have hypoallergenic properties and are suitable for babies who are prone to allergic reactions. The benefits also include:

  • normalization of digestion in an infant;
  • rapid weight gain in premature babies;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • the child’s body easily digests such food;
  • better absorption of calcium;
  • mixtures with prebiotics and probiotics contribute to the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • complete saturation of the body useful vitamins and valuable acids.

Among the disadvantages are the high cost of products, as well as a limited list of companies involved in their production.

How to choose safe food

Before you go shopping, consult your pediatrician. He will offer the most suitable product, taking into account the development and health of the child.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the package for preparing baby food. Sometimes parents add large quantity mixture than it should be, which leads to constipation in the baby. On the contrary, reducing the amount of food provided does not provide full saturation for the child.

Mixtures are:

  • anti-reflux - help reduce the frequency of regurgitation in a child after feeding;
  • lactose-free and low-lactose - if the baby cannot tolerate milk sugar;
  • hypoallergenic – for babies who are prone to allergic reactions;
  • with prebiotics – for the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • soy - if the baby cannot tolerate cow protein;
  • fermented milk - for children with pathologies in the stomach or intestines.

The formula for newborns without palm oil allows for better absorption of beneficial microelements, does not irritate the delicate walls of the stomach and contains necessary substances and vitamin supplements.

Palm oil-free baby formula: list

We would like to present you with an overview and brief description the most popular brands of baby food that do not contain this component:


The base is goat's milk. New Zealand is famous for having many environmentally friendly regions, and the product is manufactured in this country. The composition does not contain sucrose and glucose, but it does contain lactose, an important carbohydrate for infants. The components included in the composition help strengthen the baby’s digestive tract and have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Adapted nutrition is suitable for newborns.


Danish experts present to moms and dads various compositions. Does your baby suffer from colic and bloating, is prone to allergic reactions, and is light? In the line of this manufacturer you will find nutritional options for your child and solutions to these problems.


Specialists from the Netherlands took goat's milk as the basis for their products. Among the advantages of this brand are the normalization of the child’s digestion and the unhindered absorption of calcium. The quality of the nutrition is as close as possible to the composition of breast milk of nursing women.


A manufacturing company from Holland supplies infant formula to the grocery market: for children with good health, weakened and premature babies, babies with allergies and those who have digestive problems. In this line, parents can find perfect product for your baby.


The Swiss brand offers infant formula, taking into account the needs of a growing body. The only drawback is that the manufacturing company has not yet developed formulas for premature and weakened children.


The American manufacturer makes it possible to choose food from a wide range of its products for different ages. There are also mixtures, both dairy and non-dairy. The products contain no dyes, GMOs, or preservatives. A quality product from a reliable manufacturer.


The product from Denmark meets all WHO standards. The line includes lactose-free, nutritional compositions from birth to one year. The product is enriched with vitamin complexes and useful microelements necessary for infants.


Fermented milk mixtures are easily digestible and do not irritate the delicate digestive system baby. Recommended for both very young and older children.

This review can be supplemented with brands that contain modified palm oil. Special treatment ensures that calcium is fully absorbed and does not have a negative effect on the baby’s digestion. Among the companies producing mixtures with modified palm oil: Matryona, Hipp Comfort, Humana Anticolic.

Well-known brands also have lines of baby food that contain modified palm oil. These include: “Heinz Infanta 1”, “Nutrilon Comfort 1”, “Carbita Gold 1”. It must be said that modified palm oil differs significantly in quality characteristics from ordinary palm oil and does not harm the health of children.


Despite all the arguments of experts, they still admit that palm oil in infant formula has negative impact on the body. Let it be unnoticeable and insignificant, but harmful for the little person. After all, the main negative effect of this component is the disruption of the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for a growing body.

Another option is mixtures with modified palm oil. It's more quality product, which does not interfere with the body’s absorption of calcium and does not affect the functioning of the digestive tract. Many famous brands baby food companies refuse pure palm oil in their products and give preference to the modified component.

Infant formulas without palm oil are distinguished by their quality and high content of nutrients and vitamins. To select the most suitable product for your baby, seek advice from your pediatrician. He will recommend a mixture, taking into account the individual health characteristics of the child.

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