White sesame urbech how to use. Superfood: what is urbech and how to eat it

Urbech (urba) This is a nutritious paste made from ground plant seeds or nuts.

The product appeared in Dagestan in the 18th century. The resourceful wives of the mountaineers ground flax seeds, put the mixture in small jars and gave them to their husbands on long hikes. The container did not take up much space, and just a spoonful of tasty pasta in the harsh mountain climate quickly restored energy, gave strength and allowed men to go without food for a long time.

Residents of Dagestan know the secrets of preparing unique nutritious dishes, because they live in a mountainous country that does not have a mild climate. Nutritious urbech can saturate a person for a period of many days of mountain climbing and help overcome the harsh conditions of mountainous regions.

Initially, Urbech was made only from flax, because the literal translation of Urbech paste from Dagestan is “flax”. The paste has a chocolate tint and a pleasant taste, although it does not contain cocoa or additional additives. The dark color is obtained by grinding several types of seeds, and now Urbech can be found from the following components:

  • Pumpkin and sunflower seeds
  • Sesame
  • Apricot kernels
  • Flax seeds, hemp
  • Nutritious nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, pistachios, coconut)

Urbech comes in different tastes. To prepare a sweet paste as a dessert, add honey and maple syrup. You can also buy salty or spicy urbech with the addition of cheese, seasonings, and garlic.

How is Urbech useful? No heat treatment is used in its preparation, so all the components included in the paste bring great benefits to the body and the product is highly nutritious.

Calorie content of Urbech

The paste is famous for its high nutritional value - 100 g of thick urbech contains 520-600 kcal, depending on the components.

The paste also includes a whole complex of vitamins and nutrients in its composition. Flax-based Urbech is rich in Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. Apricot kernel paste has antioxidant properties and enriches the body with iron, zinc, and iodine. Sesame urbech replenishes calcium reserves, and nutritious hazelnut paste supplies the body with magnesium and phosphorus.

Urbech is useful for a weakened body, for restoring the immune system, and can harm a person in rare cases. The paste can be consumed with tea, fruit, as an independent dish, spread on bread and used as a filling for pancakes or buns.


Urbech: harm

Despite the obvious benefits of urbech, in some cases you will have to stop taking this nutritional paste so as not to harm the body. Basically, the warnings relate to the high calorie content and saturation of the paste with various plant components, which do not always have a positive effect on the body.

Harm from Urbech cannot be ruled out in the following cases:

  • If you have an individual intolerance to at least one component of the paste
  • For obesity (due to the high nutritional value of the product)
  • People suffering from allergic reactions when consuming seeds and nuts

Since the paste contains many components, it is not recommended to use it for disorders of the gallbladder, hormonal disorders and blood diseases.


Why is Urbech useful?

Dagestan nutrient paste Urbech is a valuable natural product, rich in the rarest and most valuable components for the human body.

The secret of the medicinal effect of urbech is a balanced combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Depending on its components, urbech has the following effects on the body:

Flaxseed – rich in amino acids, estrogens, fiber. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Slows down the aging process, improves cellular metabolism, fights cancer pathologies, and improves women's health. Clears toxins, relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract, helps in the treatment of cough. Helps with gastritis and skin diseases. Urbech made from flax seeds is one of the healthiest products in a raw food diet.

Walnut – contains a full complex of fatty acids, which has a positive effect on the brain, heart, and blood vessels. When consuming the paste, you can cope with the manifestations of hypertension, migraines, diabetes, cleanse the body of toxins and cure anemia. Well suited for athletes looking to build muscle mass.

Hemp – strengthens blood vessels, supports heart function, reduces the likelihood of thrombosis. The beneficial fatty acids of Urbech paste remove excess cholesterol, help with lung diseases, and saturate the body with energy.

Sesame – produces a rejuvenating effect, supplies calcium to the body, strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism. It also contains a large amount of magnesium, potassium, iron, and phosphorus.

How to use Urbech

Natural urbech is a storehouse of nutrients, vitamins, protein and antioxidants. It should be introduced into the diet of people engaged in heavy physical work, mental stress, and during the period of recovery of the body after serious illnesses or operations.


In its pure form, the paste is most often mixed with honey and consumed as a dessert or as a nutritious breakfast. Urbech can be served with ripe fruits, toast, berries and whole grain bread. This paste will be in perfect harmony as an impregnation (cream) for cakes or a topping for buns, cheesecakes or pancakes. Urbech with curd mixtures, chocolate and natural cheeses is also very tasty.

Urbech can also be eaten in its pure form, as a biological additive.

How to prepare and store urbech

The Urbech production process follows ancient technology:

  1. The seeds are ground in stone millstones. In the center of the stone circle there is a hole where they are poured in portions.
  2. High pressure grinds the seeds to a smooth consistency until the mixture turns into a paste.

It is problematic to make urbech at home - modern blenders or coffee grinders will not cope with the task. The only option is to grind the grains in a stone mortar, but cooking will require a lot of time.

The product should be stored in the refrigerator. After opening the jar, the natural mixture is usable for two weeks. If upon purchase it is indicated on the jar that the paste can be stored from 6 months to a year, it must contain preservatives, which means that in this case Urbech can be harmful to the body

Urbech for weight loss

For weight loss purposes, use urbech made from flax seeds in its natural form, unsweetened. Due to its high nutritional value, the paste saturates and tones the body, promotes good metabolism and saturates the body with useful substances.

The harm of Urbech for those losing weight is excluded. It helps the body cope with hunger, gives a surge of energy when going without food for several hours and loses extra pounds.

Urbech is included in weight loss programs and consumed in the morning during breakfast. A small amount (1-2 teaspoons) of the paste is taken as a dressing for cereal porridges, or consumed on its own. You simply won’t want to eat a lot of urbech – it’s very high in calories. A small portion of urbech can satiate you for a long time and give the body energy and strength. It tastes a little astringent and envelops the mouth.

Urbech during pregnancy and breastfeeding

While pregnant, mothers should use this nutritional paste with caution. The harm of urbech may be hidden in its allergic properties, and women suffering from nut intolerance should exclude it from their diet. In other cases, urbech will only benefit the woman’s body, as it is a natural supplier of amino acids, vitamins and nutrients necessary for the healthy development of the child.

During lactation, urbech is consumed in minimal quantities to avoid allergies in the child. After the baby reaches the age of 4-6 months, a woman can increase the portions of tasty pasta - its introduction into the diet will have a positive effect on milk production and saturate the body with valuable plant components.

Urbech is a 100% natural paste, which is obtained using traditional technology by manually grinding raw seeds or nuts between stone millstones until the oil base is released. This national Dagestan product is included in the list of superfoods.

Nuts and seeds are not processed at high temperatures, which means they retain all their beneficial properties. This product is useful not only for vegans and raw foodists, but also for everyone who cares about their own health and longevity.

Urbech is almost impossible to prepare on your own at home. If you grind seeds and nuts with a coffee grinder or blender, they do not produce the oil consistency necessary for the paste. The easiest way to purchase urbech is in stores selling organic products or raw food stores. For example, almost all types of this product can be purchased at the “Syroedov” natural products store.

There are many options for this paste: it can be flaxseed, hemp, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, apricot, cashew or almond.

The benefits of natural urbech

Urbech is recommended to be consumed to increase the body's resistance and improve immune status, to replenish the need for protein in the body. It helps with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, weight problems, vision, arthritis and rheumatism. Such an amount of microelements and vitamins needed by the body is probably not found in any other traditional product. Any urbech contains several times more protein than meat, and the level of calcium is higher than in curd products.

Healthy fatty acids, phosphorus, zinc, glutamic acid, tyrosine, cystine, folic acid, arginine, thiamine - this is not a complete list of the useful things this paste contains. Urbech nourishes brain cells, activates mental activity, cleanses of toxins, removes toxins, energizes, supports the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, reduces cholesterol, normalizes hemoglobin.

It is recommended to be included in the daily diet for people with serious stress on the body, people with diabetes, diseases of the immune system, heart and vascular problems, those suffering from rheumatoid diseases, and those with weight problems. It is not only possible, but very useful for pregnant and lactating women to eat regularly. Urbech can easily replace chocolate and nut butters, especially since it does not contain any preservatives or harmful additives, unlike store-bought dessert products. Each type of pasta has its own useful features; we will introduce you to some of the most common ones in more detail.

Linen urbech

This product improves cellular metabolism, restores nervous status, copes with skin problems, and lowers cholesterol. It is recommended even for stomach ulcers.

Sesame Urbech

Sesame urbech contains a record amount of calcium. It is recommended to be used for diseases of the oral cavity, cough, constipation, and hemorrhoids. It strengthens hair and nails, reduces the concentration of gastric juice, reducing acidity. Under severe stress and after illness, this type of urbech helps to quickly restore strength, thereby helping the exhausted body cope, in addition, it is recommended for those who need to increase muscle mass.

Urbech from hazelnuts

Urbech made from these nuts has a high protein content and also contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus. It helps strengthen bones and tooth enamel. Thanks to the magnesium it contains, it helps improve heart function, and zinc leads to normal immune status. The beneficial elements of this paste can quickly cleanse the liver and remove toxins from the body as a whole. Urbech made from hazelnuts has proven its anti-cancer properties. If you regularly give your body physical activity, then this paste quickly restores muscle tissue.

Walnut Urbech

The increased content of polyunsaturated acids in this paste makes the product beneficial for the functioning of the brain. Vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP, C, iron, cobalt, zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iodine and phosphorus are contained in this urbech in large quantities. This paste is recommended for people with hypertension and anemia. It is useful for the elderly, pregnant women and anyone who decides to improve their immunity.

Urbech from pumpkin seeds

This paste is a storehouse of zinc. In terms of zinc content, it ranks second after oysters. If there is not enough zinc in the body, then it ages faster, it is more difficult to recover, developmental delays may occur in children, and all immune processes slow down. With a lack of this element, chronic fatigue and apathy, and loss of vision are not uncommon. This urbech helps to cope with such problems and replenish zinc reserves in the body.

Urbech from almonds

The paste contains monosaturated fats; it completely replaces animal proteins, so it is suitable for vegetarians. Helps with problems with the digestive and excretory systems. Due to the high level of amygdalin in it, this urbech increases the body's resistance, improves blood, drives bile, helps with stone disease, and improves potency. It even has an analgesic effect.

Apricot Urbech

The apricot kernel product contains zinc, iodine, iron, calcium and potassium. The paste can be used as an ambulance for bronchitis, laryngitis and any other forms of colds. This urbech gives strength and improves immune status, helps eliminate constipation and restores the body as a whole.

Urbech peanut

This paste can be recommended for overweight people. It enhances the feeling of fullness and is quite capable of replacing a full-fledged snack. It is the best remedy for strengthening the cardiovascular system due to the polyphenols it contains. Peanut urbech improves blood condition and is a good prevention of diabetes.

In most cases, sweets have virtually no benefit to the body. Store-bought treats contain harmful ingredients. Therefore, natural products are the best alternative to sweet products. You should give preference to dried fruits and similar homemade delicacies, one of which is urbech.

What is Urbech

  1. Urbech is considered a national Dagestan delicacy. The product is prepared from natural products; subject to consumption standards, the composition is beneficial to humans. Urba is a nutritious paste made from ground nuts or plant seeds.
  2. History says that the delicacy appeared in Dagestan in the 18th century. Skillful wives of local highlanders turned the seeds into a homogeneous composition and placed the mass in small containers. Men took the product on hikes. In harsh climates, urba instantly helped restore wasted strength.
  3. Pasta allows you to go without your usual food for a long time. Local residents of Dagestan know all the intricacies and secrets of preparing real urba. The nutritional mass can provide the body with a feeling of satiety for several days, for example, while climbing mountains.
  4. The first recipe for urbech included only flax seeds. The literal translation of the delicacy from the Dagestan language is flax. Classic Urbech has a pleasant chocolate hue and a delicate, unforgettable taste. At the same time, no components or cocoa are added to the paste.
  5. The dark color of Urbech is achieved by mixing several types of plant seeds. Currently, the delicacy can be found with different compositions. Urba includes sesame, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, apricot kernels, almost all types of nuts, caraway seeds and poppy seeds.
  6. Depending on the components, the product may have different flavor notes. To make the dessert sweet, you need to include honey and maple syrup. In addition, urbech can be spicy and salty.
  7. Seasonings, cheese and garlic are added to the raw material. The benefits of the paste are achieved through natural ingredients that are not subject to heat treatment. Therefore, urba has a positive effect on a person.

Calorie content, properties and composition of urbech

Pasta is a product with high nutritional value. Calorie content of the product per 100 g. is about 556 Kcal. depending on the ingredients. In addition, urba has a rich chemical composition.

Flaxseed paste contains Omega acids necessary for humans. The apricot composition is famous for the presence of powerful antioxidant enzymes that cleanse the body of all kinds of accumulated nastiness. This urbech contains a sufficient amount of iodine, iron and zinc.

Sesame seed paste is rich in calcium. Hazelnut urba will provide the body with phosphorus and magnesium. The product is recommended to be eaten when the body is weakened after illnesses and operations. The composition restores vitality and protective functions.

Pasta goes well with hot drinks and fruits. Urba is often eaten as an independent delicacy. The paste can be spread on various flour products. The product is included in the filling for various baked goods.

Dagestan pasta can be considered a unique product. The composition contains rare components necessary for the human body. The secret to the benefits of the delicacy is achieved through a balanced list of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Depending on the composition, the paste has different effects on the body.

Urbech from flax
Flax paste is rich in fiber, amino acids and estrogens. The components have a positive effect on the activity of the central nervous system. Active enzymes resist the development of free radicals and the formation of tumors.

The valuable composition improves vital signs, slows down the aging process and improves metabolic processes at the cellular level. Urba effectively cleanses organs of sludge. The paste is recommended for inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract.

The product eliminates severe cough and removes mucus from the bronchi. The paste has shown itself well in the treatment of gastritis and skin ailments. Flaxseed urbech is rightfully considered one of the useful products of a raw food diet.

Urbech with nuts
Paste made from plant kernels has a complex of fatty acids. Such components have a beneficial effect on brain activity, blood vessels and heart muscle.

If you regularly eat urbech, you can avoid the development of hypertension, diabetes and migraines. The paste relieves anemia and removes toxins from the body.

Pumpkin Urbech
Pumpkin paste cleanses the digestive system. Urbech has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Urbech from hemp
Hemp paste strengthens blood vessels and the activity of the heart muscle. The product is an excellent preventative against the development of thrombosis.

The presence of essential fatty acids allows the body to easily get rid of bad cholesterol. The product treats respiratory diseases and improves vitality.

Sesame Urbech
Sesame paste is recommended to be included in the diet of the fair sex. The product has an amazing rejuvenating effect.

The paste significantly increases the body's defense against viral diseases. The composition normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the body is saturated with phosphorus, potassium, iron and magnesium.

Urbech from apricot kernels
The paste is an excellent way to replenish the body's deficiency of calcium, iron, B vitamins, iodine and zinc. Urbech contains an impressive amount of natural protein.

  1. Treats should be included in the diet of the expectant mother with caution. Harm to the paste can manifest itself in an allergic reaction of the body to its constituent components. Please note that this product should not be eaten if you suffer from nut intolerance.
  2. In other cases, the benefits of raw materials for the fair sex during gestation will be invaluable. Urbech has a storehouse of useful substances. The active components will help the fetus to develop correctly without deviations.
  3. During breastfeeding, pasta can be eaten in minimal quantities. If necessary, consult your doctor. If you neglect the daily norm, the child may develop allergies.
  4. As soon as the baby turns six months old, the amount of product consumed can be slightly increased. As a result, your milk quantity will increase, which will additionally be saturated with useful minerals.

The benefits of urbech for children

  1. In the absence of contraindications, paste should become an integral part of the children's diet. The presence of a huge amount of useful substances cannot but benefit the growing body.
  2. During periods of active development and various loads, the paste will help the baby develop properly without damage or severe fatigue. In addition, you can completely replace unhealthy sweets with natural treats. Urbech is a natural product without carcinogens or similar additives.
  3. Many people know that the human brain expends a colossal amount of energy, which constantly needs to be replenished. Therefore, the product should be given to school-age children. Urbech will provide a boost of energy. Make your child sandwiches with natural nut butter more often.
  4. With an increased amount of energy, the child can attend sports clubs without harm to his health. In addition, the child’s body will be less susceptible to viral infections and seasonal diseases. Children's immunity will be resistant to the effects of the outside world.
  5. During the treatment period, Urbech will help quickly get rid of cough and mucus in the respiratory tract. In addition, the paste prevents the development of rheumatism and pathologies of the nervous system and heart. Harm from the product can only occur if the child is allergic to honey or nuts. Remember the daily allowance.

Harm of Urbech

  1. The paste can be harmful to allergy sufferers and people who are obese. Urbech contains nuts and honey, which provoke an unpredictable reaction in the body.
  2. If you are allergic to one of the components, a spoonful of the product will give you a rash all over your body, in addition to severe itching. Also, do not forget about the high calorie content of the product. Otherwise, you may gain a lot of weight.

Urbech is a useful product with a minimal list of contraindications. The paste is recommended for all healthy people and children. It is important to comply with the daily allowance of raw materials. The product will significantly improve your health and relieve some complex diseases.

Video: beneficial properties of urbech

In this article I will tell you in detail about sesame urbech. Benefits and harms, how to take the product, what are the features and contraindications.

A small spoon of sesame urbech will provide a daily supply of copper (75%), magnesium (30%), calcium (35%), and the presence of folic acid, vitamins A, E, B will serve as the basis for renewing metabolic processes, increasing immunity and strengthening blood vessels.

Urbech made from sesame contains phytin, thanks to which you can normalize blood pressure and the ratio of minerals in the body, and cope with exhaustion of the nervous system. By consuming sesame paste, you can be sure that your skin will be healthy, and the presence of vitamin E will prolong your youth. Thiamine contained in urbech stimulates metabolic processes in the body and harmonizes the functioning of the nervous system.

By consuming sesame urbech, you can count on the following:

  • the level of bad cholesterol will decrease;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and the intestines are cleared of slagging;
  • the energy balance in the body will change for the better;
  • immunity will be strengthened;
  • strength will appear for intellectual and physical activity;
  • lipid metabolism will change and weight will decrease;
  • skin and hair will radiate health;
  • damaged tissues will begin to recover faster;
  • vision will improve;
  • the work of the lymphatic system will increase;
  • the vascular pattern of the lungs will change for the better.

Sesame urbech is a useful product for those who are actively involved in sports and an active lifestyle. Sweet lovers, consuming urbech, can rest assured that they will be slim. Although the product is still high in calories and should be taken in moderation.

Urbech can be made from both white and black sesame seeds. There is no significant difference in the effect on the body. But by consuming white sesame urbech, you can remain young and healthy for many years without problems from the nervous, endocrine, pulmonary, and metabolic systems of the body. By the way, please note that urbech made from white sesame is a little bitter.

The product has no disadvantages, but there are some points that you need to pay attention to:

  • too much urbech will complicate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • large portions of the product will increase the total daily calorie intake;
  • Some people are allergic to sesame;
  • Children under 7 years of age should be given Urbech with great caution.

How to eat it?

There are no strict rules for consuming urbech, but I would still recommend eating it in the first half of the day. But in general, you can use the product regardless of meal time for pleasure, it can be used as a snack, or it can be added to main dishes.

I offer the most common options:

  1. Morning sandwich with Urbech pasta, to which vegetable puree of pumpkin with tomato and garlic or finely chopped parsley and cucumber is added. It should be noted that the taste of the sandwich will change noticeably if Urbech is mixed with stewed vegetables.
  2. An unusual salad dressing is obtained by mixing urbech with freshly stewed tomatoes in a small amount of olive or sesame oil, although any vegetable oil will also come in handy.
  3. Fruit salad of apples, grapes, peaches, seasoned with urbech, is a wonderful dessert.
  4. Millet, rice and even buckwheat porridge with sesame urbech.
  5. Royal snack of hummus with sesame urbech - these two products provide an amazing combination of benefits and taste.

If there are no health restrictions, then Urba should definitely eat:

  • raw foodists;
  • vegetarians;
  • fasting;
  • leading an active lifestyle;
  • athletes;
  • looking after their health;
  • losing weight;
  • To old people;
  • during the recovery period after illness;
  • in the off-season to maintain immunity.

Please note: sesame urbech is an absolutely natural product, so an oil film on its surface, which may appear after 3 to 4 weeks, only indicates that the paste does not contain thickeners or other harmful substances.

Now you know what sesame urbech is, its benefits and harms, and how to take such a product. If you still have questions or feedback, write in the comments. I will be happy to answer. 😉

Sesame has been familiar since ancient times, but it is still used today. Due to its many useful substances, it is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. But it is mainly grown to make oil.

The main advantage of sesame is the antioxidant sesamin. It is used to treat many diseases, such as cancer and high cholesterol. The seeds also contain beta-sitosterol. It helps lower cholesterol levels. It is because of this that the shelf life of oil and seeds is very long.

In addition, sesame contains many amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates, including vitamins A, B, C, E, magnesium, iron, lecithin and many others.

Another component that deserves attention is phytin. It helps restore mineral balance in the body. And phytosterol helps strengthen the immune system and helps reduce the risk of getting the flu. This element also helps to lose weight and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Thiamine supports normal metabolism and regulates the functioning of the nervous system. And vitamin PP contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The energy value of sesame seeds is about 560-580 kcal. The oil content in sesame is 45%.

Benefits of sesame: white and black

It is better to consume the seeds fresh, warmed, or soaked.

With any processing, sesame loses almost all of its beneficial substances and turns into a seasoning without any benefit.

To get the maximum benefit from the seeds, it must be chewed thoroughly. The easiest way to do this is soaked. In addition, in this form it is easier to digest.

The positive aspects of sesame include:

  1. As mentioned earlier, the seeds contain a lot of oil. Which include acids and esters. They have a positive impact on overall health;
  2. The seeds contain a huge amount of calcium. It helps strengthen bones and reduces the chance of osteoporosis. It also helps build muscle mass;
  3. Strengthens nails and hair. Improves the appearance of the skin;
  4. Riboflavin accelerates growth and improves blood composition;
  5. Phytoestrogen is a substitute for female sex hormones, so the seeds are recommended for use by women after 45 years of age.

Sesame seeds: harm and contraindications

There are practically no negative effects from the seeds. But sometimes they can still cause harm to health:

  1. It is not recommended for use by people with high blood clotting, as the seeds contribute to this process;
  2. Since the composition contains a large amount of oil, it is not recommended for children. Their body is not yet able to release fats;
  3. You should not overuse the seeds, the dose is three teaspoons;
  4. For people who suffer from urolithiasis, sesame is contraindicated.

Sesame oil: benefits and harms

Many studies prove that the oil is a healing source:

No matter how useful the oil is, it carries hidden harm. Namely:

  1. Do not use together with aspirin and products with oxalic acid. Such products include cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach and many other products. Otherwise, urolithiasis may appear;
  2. In some cases, allergies appear.

How to take sesame seeds and oil

Sesame and its oil are used in cosmetology, medicine, and cooking.

Application in cosmetology:

Application in medicine:

  1. The oil is recommended to be used in its pure form;
  2. Can be used as a salad dressing;
  3. Dose of oil for adults: one teaspoon several times a day with meals;
  4. Dose of seeds for adults: minimum - one tablespoon per day, maximum - three tablespoons. It's better to start with a minimal amount;
  5. For children, oil and seeds are allowed to be consumed from the age of three;
  6. Children aged 3 - 14 years can take from 5 drops to a teaspoon;
  7. Seeds - up to one tablespoon.

Use in cooking:

  1. As mentioned earlier, in order to preserve all the beneficial substances, the product does not need to be thermally processed;
  2. The seeds make a good decoration for baked goods;
  3. Gives an exquisite aroma to every dish;
  4. You can use sesame oil for frying;
  5. It is also used for salad dressing.

Flaxseed porridge with sesame seeds: recipe, benefits and harm

This porridge saturates the body with many useful substances. Allows you to fight many diseases, even in a neglected state.

Main useful properties:

  1. Balances blood pressure. Improves metabolism;
  2. Helps to expectorate mucus during coughs and even pneumonia;
  3. Helps with allergies;
  4. Has laxative properties;
  5. Normalizes sugar levels;
  6. Recommended for use for any housing and communal services diseases;
  7. Helps with impotence;
  8. Reduces the level of toxins in the body.

There are no contraindications to eating this dish. Many studies prove this.

Porridge is sold in stores, but can also be prepared at home. To prepare you will need:

  1. Flax seeds - 3 tbsp. l.;
  2. Sesame seeds - 3 tbsp. l.;
  3. Additives - to taste.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 560 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Unroasted seeds are ground to flour;
  2. Fill with water at room temperature;
  3. Mix well, add more water if necessary;
  4. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes;
  5. Various additives are introduced - honey, nuts, sugar, fruits and so on.

Kozinaki from sesame seeds: recipe, benefits and harm

Kozinaki is undoubtedly a healthy product. It can be made even more healthy by adding sesame seeds. What beneficial properties does this product have:

  1. Honey in the composition enhances the beneficial effect of the product;
  2. There is more calcium in this product than in dairy products;
  3. Kozinaki bought in a store are in many ways inferior to those prepared at home;
  4. This product is recommended for use by people with heavy physical activity or those who are constantly in stressful situations. Since the chemical elements have a positive effect on the nervous system, and the energy value of the product allows you to quickly renew your strength.

Kozinaki only harm , if you consume them in large quantities. Because the product contains a lot of sugar.

Naturally, it’s easier to just buy sweets. But they will be much healthier if you prepare them at home. To prepare you need:

  1. Sesame - 100 g;
  2. Sunflower seeds - 150 g;
  3. Honey - 200 g;
  4. Powdered sugar – 50 g;
  5. Lemon juice - 1 tsp..

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content: 495 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. The seeds are fried in a dry frying pan;
  2. Heat honey, sugar and lemon juice in a frying pan over low heat;
  3. Combine honey mixture and seeds;
  4. Pour the mixture into the mold and allow to cool for 3-4 hours.

Urbech from sesame: recipe, benefits and harm

The Dagestan mountaineers took this sweetness with them on hikes; it gave them strength in difficult conditions. In addition, this dish has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Quickly quenches hunger and thirst;
  2. Improves immunity;
  3. Fills the body with protein;
  4. Helps treat diabetes and lower cholesterol levels;
  5. Helps the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  6. Improves vision;
  7. Helps when trying to lose weight;
  8. The composition includes many useful substances that are necessary for normal human life;
  9. Easy to digest;
  10. It has a special interesting taste, both sweet and tart.

There are practically no downsides to sweetness. Those who are allergic to nuts and seeds should avoid this product. In addition, a large amount of urbech can harm your figure.

There are many recipes with this paste. Or you can simply eat it, spreading it on bread. How to prepare sweets?

  1. Sesame - 200 g;
  2. Honey - 100 g;
  3. Powdered sugar - 50g;
  4. Lemon juice - 1 tsp..

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content: 592 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Sesame seeds are dried in a dry frying pan;
  2. For this recipe, it is better to use white sesame seeds, as they are without husks. But black seeds are also quite suitable;
  3. Honey is combined with powdered sugar and heated in a water bath, the mixture should turn out liquid. Depending on personal preference, the amount of sweeteners can be adjusted;
  4. The finished sesame seeds are ground in a blender to a paste form;
  5. Combine the two mixtures and mix until smooth; this can be done in a blender;
  6. The paste is transferred to a jar and stored in the refrigerator.

How to choose and store sesame correctly

Storage rules:

  1. The seeds should remain dry and crumbly. Moreover, they must have the same color and not have a bitter aftertaste;
  2. For long-term storage, buy unpeeled sesame. In addition, it contains more nutrients;
  3. It is stored in a container, in a dry and dark place;
  4. Store peeled sesame seeds in the refrigerator or freezer. Thus, the taste of the product will not change, and the beneficial properties will be preserved;
  5. Seeds are stored in a dark place for three months, in the refrigerator for six months, in the freezer for a year;
  6. The oil can be stored for several years without changing its beneficial qualities.

Eat sesame seeds, prepare delicious sweets from them and be healthy!

You can learn some more information about sesame seeds from this video.