Eating papaya. Nutritional and vitamin value

The history of exotic papaya

Papaya is native to southern Mexico, northern South America and Central America. Now it is cultivated in all countries of tropical latitudes. But we are not far behind them; in the southern part of Russia they are trying to grow an exotic beauty. Papaya trees grow quite quickly, and you can harvest your first harvest after six months. When ripe, the skin changes color from green to orange-red.

Papaya, like other fruits, is eaten. It is peeled from skin and seeds and only the pulp is eaten. Fruits that are not ripe are used in salads, added to curries, and also stewed. In addition, it is baked, and its aroma is reminiscent of bread. That is why the second name of papaya is breadfruit. Residents of the tropics eat it as bread.

In terms of its taste and composition, it is very similar to melon. And because of this, it has a second name - melon tree.

Papaya seeds are used for savory spices and as an additive in seasonings. They are ground and mixed with other peppers, which subsequently give dishes a special piquancy and aroma.

Like all plants, papaya trees can be either “boys” or “girls”. Naturally, the “boys” pollinate the “girls”, and they bear fruit. But sometimes, boy papayas also bear fruit. Scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon.

How to choose the right papaya

When choosing papaya, you need to pay attention to its color and skin. It should be yellow-orange and dense, the peel, in turn, should be soft and smooth. If the fruit is not ripe, then leave it in a dark and dry place. It should be stored for 5-7 days in the refrigerator.

Benefits of tropical beauty

Papaya is not only very beautiful and tasty, but also healthy. For example, in Sri Lanka and India, the fair sex uses unripe fruits as a folk remedy for abortion and contraception. And also, according to virologist Montagnier, medicines made from it prevent the development of viral infections. In America, tablets against herpes, burns and purulent wounds are made from orange-red fruits.

Now let’s take a closer look at the beneficial qualities of vitamins and minerals contained in papaya:

  • Potassium (regulates acid-base and water balances)
  • Magnesium (promotes stable functioning of the nervous system and heart muscles)
  • Phosphorus (strengthens tooth enamel and bones)
  • Calcium (normalizes blood clotting and muscle contraction)
  • Iron (increases hemoglobin)
  • Sodium (maintains water and acid-base balances)
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B5 (help the thyroid gland, heart and immunity)
  • Beta-carotene (improves vision, participates in cell renewal)
  • Vitamin D (boosts brain function)
  • Vitamin C (antioxidant, promotes rapid metabolism)
  • Vitamin E (reduces the risk of skin diseases and infections)

But the most valuable plant enzyme in papaya is papain. In its actions it is similar to gastric juice. Papain contains pepsin. It is found in large quantities in gastric juice and promotes the breakdown of proteins. The more of this enzyme is contained in the human body, the faster food is digested in the stomach.

First of all, ripe fruits are used in diets. The enzyme breaks down fats and removes them from the human body. Papaya pulp promotes digestion and helps with ulcers and gastritis. Papaya also improves potency in men.

The juice of this tropical fruit is used to expel worms from the human body. But you should not overdo it in consuming papaya, since due to the high content of enzymes, you can get very serious and severe poisoning.

In turn, papain-based medicines are made from green and unripe fruits. They treat osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints and back. The milky juice also helps eliminate blood clots.

But that's not all! Papain is used not only internally, but also for external use, it is excellent, especially for eliminating burns and wounds. And he succeeded in cosmetology. It is used to eliminate unwanted hair and freckles.

Due to the high amount of magnesium in papaya pulp, it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and the aging process.

Harmful characteristics of sun-loving papaya

When harvesting papaya fruits, you should be very careful, as it releases latex, which in turn causes severe irritation and allergies.

Pregnant women should not eat papaya. Even in ancient times, it was used as a contraceptive, so the fruits can cause miscarriage.

Despite all its delights, papaya can significantly damage your liver, so you should not consume it in large quantities.

Papaya is one of the most delicious and healthy fruits in Thailand. Papaya tastes like a cross between a sweet melon and a ripe pumpkin. If you haven't tried this one yet, I recommend it! For me, papaya was a real discovery! Now this is one of my favorite fruits, like Thai mango.

When I first tried papaya, I didn’t like it, because as it turned out later, I tried overripe papaya, which had an unpleasant specific smell. Ripe papaya has no unpleasant odor, tastes very sweet and is juicy. Unripe papaya fruit is not sweet and hard.
There are several varieties of papaya in Thailand, but I have seen mainly two types: large and small. Small papaya is denser in consistency, almost without seeds, and has a brighter, more pronounced taste. Larger papaya has more tender flesh, seeds and a slight fruity smell.

Prices for papaya in Phuket per 1 kg. - from 35 to 80 baht. (maybe somewhere cheaper, and I bought papaya at these prices from September to November)

Papaya at BIG C supermarket, Jungceylon shopping center

Papaya peeled

Useful properties of papaya

Papaya is used for medicinal purposes for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammatory processes. It improves digestion, helps assimilate food, and is a preventative against viral infections. Papaya also has anthelmintic, antiviral and antimicrobial effects.

One of the valuable preventive effects of papaya is the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Papaya contains vitamins A, B, C, E, minerals (potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, selenium, manganese), enzymes and antioxidants.

Papaya is eaten without the seeds and skin, but there are people who like to eat papaya with the skin (not recommended). Divide the clean fruit into two halves, remove seeds and peel, and cut into convenient slices, like melon or watermelon. Sometimes we eat papaya with a spoon. We just divide it in half, remove the seeds and eat it with a spoon, it’s very convenient. Tasty!!!

Papaya in section

Locals use green papaya to make salads with various vegetables.
There is the famous Thai Som Tam salad made from green papaya. It is spicy and very tasty.

Som Tam papaya salad

How to choose papaya

The ripe fruit has a pleasant orange peel, without dark spots or damage. The fruit is firm to the touch, but not hard. The smell of ripe fruit is light, not pungent. If papaya gives off a specific pungent odor, it is better not to take it. She's most likely overripe. If the fruit is still unripe, then it should be left for 1-2 days in a dark place. I wish you a pleasant acquaintance with this fruit, but if you have already tried it, then you most likely have already appreciated all the benefits of papaya. I would be glad if you leave a comment about your impressions of this fruit.

Papaya (lat. Carica papaya) is also known as melon tree or breadfruit - a tree from the Carica family, genus Carica.

This exotic fruit has many different fancy names in different countries. Papaya, papaya baum, pawpaw, melon tree, figure des iles and even mamao. The Thais call it ma-la-koo. Residents of Cuba - Fruta de bomba - papaya really resembles a bomb in shape. Mexicans and Costa Ricans rightly call papaya the “tree of good health.” The word “ababai” – papaya in the language of the Caribbean islanders – has a similar sound to ours.

Origin of papaya.

Information about papaya has been preserved since the time of the Mayans and Aztecs. They cultivated it as a food crop. Therefore, Southern Mexico and Guatemala are considered the birthplace of papaya. Europeans first learned about papaya in the 15th century. And at the beginning of the 16th century, explorers of the islands of the Atlantic Ocean, mistakenly believing that the islands of Central America belonged to India, called papaya the “golden tree of India.”

Where does papaya grow?

Papaya began to be grown in Thailand around the 16th century. Today it grows in literally all tropical countries. Major producers are Mexico, Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Nigeria. The harvest in most countries is harvested from October to December. As for Thailand, papaya season is all year round!

At one time in the USSR there were attempts to grow papaya on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, but our climate did not suit this exotic fruit.

The papaya tree is completely different from other fruit plants. Its trunk resembles a palm tree, and the leaves are very large, lobed, dissected - 50-70 cm in diameter! Flowers are formed at the base of the petiole. The bark of the tree is very strong, consisting of fibers that are used to make ropes. Papaya is called the "impatient gardener's tree" because it grows quickly and begins to bear fruit the same year it is sown. Papaya fruits are oblong cylindrical berries covered with green or yellow skin and reach a weight of 3 to 7 kg. Inside the ripe fruit there is a cavity with seeds. Each seed is surrounded by a jelly-like transparent shell. The pulp of ripe papaya makes up 70-80% of the weight of the fruit. In unripe papaya, it is formed by microscopic tubes containing a very poisonous milky juice - latex - which over time turns into clear water. Therefore, only ripe papaya is harmless.

Due to such a wide geography of papaya cultivation, there are more than a thousand varieties of this exotic fruit. Each country has its own variety. And in most cases, the variety has the name of its country (Madagascar, Philippines, Singapore, West Indies, Hawaii, etc.) For example, Hawaii is a relatively small fruit with orange sweet flesh.

Papaya taste.

Papaya berries resemble melons in shape, taste and even composition (it is no coincidence that one of the names is “melon tree”). The pulp of ripe papaya is soft, pleasantly sweet, yellow or bright orange in color with a raspberry aroma. The taste of green fruits resembles the taste of zucchini.

How to choose papaya.

You should choose papaya by touch - the berry (for most varieties imported to Russia) should be slightly soft, even yellow in color with an orange blush and not have dark spots. The smell should be sweet, but not pungent.

Basically, papaya is eaten raw, just like other exotic fruits. It is better to do this before or at least in connection with a meal, since it has a beneficial effect on the absorption of food. You should cut the fruit lengthwise into two parts and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. The pulp itself can be cut into pieces or slices (just like a melon, isn’t it?). It is much tastier to eat it with lemon or orange juice. The seeds, by the way, can come in handy. When they dry, they are covered with a film. They can be washed, dried and used like black pepper (only papaya seeds are much healthier than pepper, and they taste very much like nasturtium leaves - if anyone has tried it).

You can also bake papaya fruits over a fire. At the same time, papaya gives off a delicious aroma of bread (it’s not for nothing that the corresponding name appeared - “breadfruit”).

Fruits for export are collected at the beginning of ripening and placed at a temperature of 5-10˚C so that they do not spoil within a few weeks. They ripen already at room temperature. But ripe fruits will be stored in such conditions for no more than three days. In the refrigerator a little longer - 6-7 days. For impatient tasters, we advise you to put the fruit in a paper bag along with a banana - it ripens right before your eyes! It’s just not recommended to freeze papaya.

Useful properties of papaya.

100 g of papaya pulp contains 40-60 kcal.

Of the organic substances, papaya contains glucose, fructose, proteins, organic acids, and fiber. It also contains vitamins (A and beta-carotene, C, D of group B) and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and iron). Papaya contains a lot of bioflavonoids. It is more alkaline than other fruits.

Here are some of the “medicinal” properties that papaya has:
– cardiotonic (helps stabilize the rhythm and heart rate);
– diuretic (together with the activation of the cytochrome 450 enzyme, which neutralizes the effects of toxins and removes toxins from the body);
– choleretic (if there are problems with the excretion and formation of bile);
– antipyretic (due to the content of organic acid – salicylic);
– astringent (for inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes, gastric ulcer);
– anti-inflammatory, restorative and regenerating (this is facilitated by vitamins A and C and microelements);
– antitumor (the alkaloid of green fruits and leaves inhibits the development of tumor cells);
– normalizing digestion (in case of insufficient pancreatic function, protease and pectin contribute to the absorption of “heavy” food);
– antidepressant (eating papaya by the fair half of humanity significantly reduces the manifestations of PMS, and the people of Thailand believe that papaya can save you from unhappy love; papaya also normalizes sleep and gives vital energy);
– as well as anthelmintic, anticoagulant, antimicrobial, antiviral and antiallergic.

Medicinal uses of papaya.

For medicinal purposes, the pulp of papaya fruits, bark and leaves of the plant are used. Today, special medicinal papaya teas have appeared.

The properties described above help in the treatment of the following diseases:
– gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholelithiasis, colitis, enteritis, hernia, tendency to constipation, helps eliminate the symptom of heartburn with high acidity, dyspepsia, as well as dysbacteriosis and helminthic infestations, amebiasis, giardiasis, nematodes, etc.);
- diseases and damage to the skin (poorly healing wounds, ulcers, burns, calluses, insect bites, eczema, fungal infections; bandages soaked in papaya juice or leaves are applied to problem areas, and the effect is achieved very quickly), papaya enzymes stimulate the elimination of toxins through skin and intestines, thereby preventing exacerbations of systemic dermatitis;
- oncological diseases;
- thrombosis;
- allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma;
- diabetes mellitus type I (stimulation of pancreatic cells occurs, thereby increasing the sensitivity of insulin receptors to insulin);
— there is evidence that preparations based on fermented papaya can be used as a prophylaxis for influenza A/H1N1; and in the USA they produce papaya-based tablets for the treatment of herpes;
— for diseases of the spine, papaya juice is used (it promotes the regeneration of connective tissue of intervertebral discs);
– treatment of uncomplicated bacterial infections is carried out with papaya milky juice (latex);
- In Africa, beriberi fever is successfully treated with an infusion of papaya leaves.
- Indian women could use the juice of unripe fruits to terminate a pregnancy and used it as a contraceptive (but what is interesting is that ripe papaya fruits contain phytosteroids, which are similar in action to estrogens, which makes it possible to use papaya for the treatment of infertility, oligomenorrhea and menopausal neuroses );
- and the most interesting thing is that papaya leaf extract breaks down fats and removes “bad” cholesterol from the body - and this is an excellent remedy for weight loss and weight loss. There is also a diet that combines papaya and pineapple (if this diet is not to your taste, you can try the mango milk diet).
- and finally, ripe papaya can be used to make puree for infants.

In order to achieve tangible results, you need to eat one papaya fruit daily for 4 weeks. A noticeable improvement in overall well-being occurs after just one week.

It must be remembered that unripe papaya juice in its pure form is poisonous to the human body (causes severe abdominal pain). Therefore, if you do not want to get this effect, then you should carefully choose the fruit and eat it only when ripe. By the way, in Southeast Asia they prepared a potion for their enemies, which they mixed with food. So, let's be peaceful!

Cosmetology. Papaya for beauty.

Papaya is used topically to eliminate acne, freckles and warts. Papaya enzymes normalize skin elasticity, promote the separation of dead cells, and smooth the skin surface. Grated papaya pulp is used as a rejuvenating face mask.

Also, papaya extract (due to the content of papain, which slows down hair growth) is added to gels used after depilation and products for removing unwanted hair. Papain itself is used in perfumery to make soap. Residents of Central America use papaya leaves instead of laundry soap.

Cooking. How to cook papaya.

Today there are quite a few original and tasty dishes using this exotic berry.

Unripe fruits can be stewed and also used in salads and curries. Thais love to eat green papaya. From it they prepare chutney and the national salad Som tarn: chopped fruits are mixed with dried shrimp, garlic and chili pepper. Also, unripe fruits are served as an appetizer with seafood, cheese and ham. They can be baked in the oven, stuffed with meat, rice and spices, or they can be boiled briefly, cut into thin pieces and served with nam phrik (the main ingredients of nam phrik are garlic, chili, fish sauce, lime juice and shrimp paste). In eastern Thailand, papaya is eaten with sticky rice. A Thai dish with papaya, kiwi and onions is called "salsa".

Ripe papaya is included in various salads. One of the fruit salads, for example, contains papaya, mango, passion fruit and lime juice. A puree is prepared from the pulp of the fruit, which can be eaten even by small children. The filling for pies is also made from it. Adding papaya to meat (be it stew or meat soup) will soften the meat. (This is due to the ability of papain to dissolve proteins; this property is also used in the food industry, treating steaks and other meat products with this enzyme). Papaya complements grilled fish perfectly.

Papaya juice is added to smoothies and salads as a dressing. You can make jelly with papaya. But to do this, you need to take a fairly ripe fruit and boil it a little first. Dried papaya is a wonderful dried fruit full of many useful substances, which also does not spoil.

In Thailand, papaya is carved into table decorations, for example, in the shape of leaves or flowers.

Papain is used in many industries today. In the food industry, in addition to processing meat, it is used to flavor cheeses, prepare confectionery products, as well as to clarify alcoholic beverages, to give young wine the taste of aged old wine.

The papaya tree resembles a cross between a small palm tree and a regular tree. It comes from Central America and therefore thrives in tropical climates with plenty of heat, sun and moisture.

Papaya fruits are round and resemble a medium yellow melon in appearance. They reach up to 20-30 centimeters in diameter and can weigh up to 9 kilograms. The fruit has a thin green and shiny skin, and turns yellow when ripe. Inside the fruit there are numerous small black seeds that taste bitter. One of the most beneficial qualities of papaya is its antioxidant characteristics. Extracts from this fruit are components of many elixirs of youth and anti-aging products.

How to choose the right papaya

It is very important to learn how to correctly determine the degree of ripeness of a fruit. It should not be green or overripe. The peel of the fruit will tell you about this. Well-ripened fruit has a beautiful, uniform yellow color. If the peel is green in most places, this means that the papaya is not yet ready for consumption and it is better to put it in a paper bag in a dark, cool place for ripening. Most likely this will take 2-3 days. Its hardness also indicates the maturity of the fruit. It is soft to the touch and ready to eat.

Avoid buying fruit that is too soft and has dark spots. This suggests that she is overripe. But in any case, it is better to store the papaya fruit in the refrigerator and eat it within 2-3 days.

How to cook papaya

  1. Choose a ripe fruit.
  2. Cut the papaya in half and remove the seeds. You can discard the seeds or dry them on a baking sheet for later use as a spicy seasoning for salads or meat. Use a knife to peel off the skin. Cut the pulp into slices and place in a beautiful bowl. Eat fruits with or without lemon juice.
  3. Use a large spoon to core the papaya along with all its seeds. Fill the cavity with a salad of chopped fruit. You can use bananas, kiwis, oranges and berries of your choice. Add honey, yogurt or cream.
  4. Take a large papaya fruit and cut several pieces. Insert a wooden popsicle stick into each one. Place in the refrigerator for several hours. This will make a great treat for hot summer weather.
  5. Place finely chopped pieces of fruit in your favorite chicken, tuna or shrimp lard. It will exquisitely sweeten it and add exoticism not only in taste, but also in appearance.
  6. You can cook papaya on the grill by cutting it into thin strips. Determine readiness by the appearance of ruddy stripes. Turn the pieces over and keep on the fire on the other side. You will have a great healthy and low calorie snack.


Fresh fruits contain a significant amount of water with very low calorie content (about 25-30 kcal/100 g), low fat content (0.1/100 g), low protein content (0.6 g/100 g) and consist of approximately 10 percent carbohydrates. Papaya is very rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. Vitamins A, C and beta carotene. It is important to note that papaya contains more vitamin C than lemon, orange and kiwi. The fruit is also rich in carotenoids. The value ranges from 3.2 mg/100 g to 4.2/100 g.

Antioxidant properties

Papaya has a high content of molecules with antioxidant activity. This is a very important property for the human body in the fight against many chronic diseases associated with oxidative processes (Alzheimer's disease, cancer, heart attack, etc.). Papaya also provides the amount of beta-carotene, flavonoids, papain, and niacin necessary for a person.

Unripe papaya fruit contains large amounts of latex. This substance is extracted by extraction made
from a cut of an unripe fruit. The contents are then dried, cleaned and sold in local markets the very next day.

Papin, as it is called, increases digestive activity and also has high antimicrobial properties. It is considered very similar in composition to pepsin, an enzyme produced by the human stomach to digest protein. Papain is also used in the treatment of ulcers, against edema, for fever, and also in the prevention of agglomeration after operations. Papin is also widely used in cooking, textile industry, cosmetics and household chemicals. It is important to remember that during pregnancy, the use of drugs with a high content of papain can lead to miscarriage.

For 20 years we have been using a complex technological process of biofermentation of fresh papaya fruits. The substance obtained in this way is rich in valuable amino acids, has a low content of oligosaccharides, vitamin B6 and beta-carotene. The drug is widely used in pharmacology as very effective in the fight against various diseases.

  • In order to make the most of its benefits, it is advisable to eat the fruit during meals, and not after it. This is because it is perfectly absorbed in combination with fats.
  • If you eat fermented papaya, you should do it half an hour before or an hour after meals.

So, papaya fruits improve digestion, remove toxins from the body, and speed up metabolism. They also increase vitality and stimulate the nervous system, reduce the risk of tumors and prevent premature aging. Large amounts of vitamin C help the immune system fight stress. And the fruits are also very tasty.

Papaya is native to America and Southern Mexico. The fruit appeared in the countries of Southeast Asia in the 16th century. It is believed that traders from the Philippines brought it here.
Papaya is popularly called melon or breadfruit tree. She received the first comparison for the similarity in shape and consistency with melon, and the second for the aroma of bread emanating from it when baking over a fire.
The fruits grow on very unusual palm-like trees, the height of which is from 5 to 10 m. Their trunks stretch very quickly and produce fruits already in the first year of development. For this reason, papaya was called “the tree of the impatient gardener.” But the lifespan of the plant is only about 5 years.

The fruit is oblong, oval or pear-shaped, its skin comes in green and yellow-red shades, inside there is pinkish flesh and a cavity with many seeds. One papaya weighs about 3–7 kg. It has a lot of varieties, more than 1000 are already known. Its shape and color depend on the variety of the fruit. For example, the Kek-Dam variety is oblong with yellow-green skin and sweet orange flesh. And the Coco variety is a large, orange, almost round fruit with red flesh.

Taste and smell of papaya

It’s not for nothing that papaya is compared to melon; the pulp is very similar in taste. And the smell is similar to the aroma of raspberries.
Of course, there are as many opinions as there are people. For some, taste associations of this fruit are associated with carrots, pumpkin, apricot and even various flowers.

How to choose papaya

You can buy papaya at the market all year round, but it tastes best in spring and autumn. When choosing a fruit, first of all you need to pay attention to its appearance. The fruit must be whole, without cuts or cracks. Even if there is slight damage, you should not take such papaya - this can lead to rapid spoilage. The richer the color of the peel, the sweeter the fruit. And at the same time, it should be smooth, without dark spots. They indicate overripe fruit. The smell of fresh papaya is sweetish, but not overpowering. The ripe fruit is slightly soft to the touch. When choosing yellow-orange varieties, it is better to choose fruits with pinkish sides.

How to eat fruit

It is better to try the fruit raw for the first time. The easiest way is to split the papaya in half with a knife, remove the seeds and eat with a spoon. In this case, the peel does not need to be peeled. The second option is to cut into slices like a melon. It is best to consume it before meals or even with them, because papaya has a beneficial effect on the absorption of food. The fruit has a very tasty combination with orange, lemon and lime juice. Papaya seeds, dried and ground, can replace black pepper. They are very healthy and have a very unusual taste. You can also eat papaya fruits dried or roasted.

How to store papaya

In order for the fruit to be stored longer, it needs a cool temperature. It is best to put papaya in the refrigerator, this will help extend its freshness for a week. But it is strictly not recommended to freeze the fruit and keep it at room temperature for more than three days.
And if, on the contrary, it is necessary for the papaya to ripen faster, you should place it in a paper bag in which the banana will lie. Its maturation time will accelerate several times.

Composition and beneficial properties

Per 100 grams of fruit there are about 40–60 kcal (depending on the variety). The organic substances contained in papaya are glucose, proteins, fiber and fructose. Minerals - iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sodium. The fruit is also rich in the composition of its constituent vitamins (C, A, D and B).
The main benefit of papaya lies in its antiviral, antimicrobial, antipyretic (due to the salicylic acid included in it), anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties. The fruit can cure many skin damage (wounds, burns, eczema, fungi).

The enzyme contained in papaya, papain (protease), helps digest food and cleanses the body of toxins and waste. Its action is similar to that of gastric juice. Papain has the ability to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates until they are easily digestible. Papain is used for diseases of the stomach and intestines (ulcers, gastritis, heartburn). A large amount of the enzyme is concentrated in unripe fruits. Papaya is one of the best anthelmintics that is suitable even for small children.
And the substances that the fruit bark extract is rich in have the ability to destroy cancer cells and fight various tumors.
Fruits are recommended for anyone who has liver problems, high acidity, or asthma.

An extract made from papaya leaves removes cholesterol from the body, perfectly breaks down fats and promotes weight loss. For those who want to lose weight, they should definitely include this fruit in their diet.
Papaya is the best antidepressant; it is especially good at helping girls cope with bad moods during PMS.
Almost all components of the fruit have been used in medicine - fruits, seeds, leaves, bark. They are used to make medicinal tea, medications, extracts, make decoctions, and extract juice.

Uses of papaya

Cosmetology. The role of papaya in cosmetology is very significant. Papaya and its papain are used all over the world for the production of cosmetics. These include creams, ointments, medicated soaps, hair masks and shampoos, various scrubs and lotions. It is used to combat acne, warts, age spots and freckles. Papaya is able to heal wounds and cracks, relieve inflammation and swelling, eliminate calluses and warts. Fruit extract is the best remedy for oily skin, as it is able to regulate sebaceous metabolism, tighten pores, and improve metabolic processes.
The enzymes contained in papaya normalize the elasticity of the skin and smooth its surface. The pulp of the fruit is used as masks for rejuvenation. It has whitening and exfoliating properties. Papaya extract, containing papain, has the ability to slow down hair growth, so it is often included in depilatory creams and gels.
The fruit can also help fight dandruff and whiten teeth.

Cooking. Ice cream and fruit salads are made from papaya. Juices made from it energize and refresh well. The fruit is added to various cocktails. Papaya, thanks to its papain content, has the ability to soften the toughness of meat. Therefore, if you prepare a meat dish and wrap it in papaya leaves, the taste and aroma will be magical. The fruit goes very well with any seafood. And green papaya is used as a vegetable and added to soups. Very often in eastern countries, the fruit is used to decorate the table. Various figures are cut out of it, in the form of exotic flowers and leaves.
And the Thais prepare the national salad “Sam Torn” from the green fruit (they mix papaya fruits with shrimp, chili pepper and garlic). Bake with meat and vegetables. And, of course, they eat it with rice (salsa dish).
Papaya is dried and eaten as dried fruit. At the same time, it does not lose its beneficial properties.

Contraindications and harms of papaya

First of all, the harm of the fruit lies in individual intolerance. People who have allergic reactions to the fruit should also use papaya with caution. An unripe fruit is very dangerous, since the alkaloids it contains can cause serious poisoning of the body. If you consume papaya in large quantities, you can cause changes in skin color, and in particular, yellowing.

Interesting facts about papaya

In ancient times, Asian women used green papaya fruits as a contraceptive and as a method of getting rid of pregnancy.
People believed that papaya fruits could cure unrequited love and reduce pain from emotional distress.
In 202, the International Journal of Nutrition published the top 20 best foods. Dried papaya was included in it.
Harrison Ford, while participating in the filming of Indiana Jones, suffered from attacks of intervertebral hernia. Relief from this disease came after the injection of papain, obtained from papaya.
The papaya trunk does not have the ability to become woody, which is why the tree grows very quickly. Inside, the core of the trunk is loose in a young plant, but completely empty in an old one.
The tree is supported only by its strong bark, from which strong ropes and cords are made in the east.
Papaya has a male and a female tree. The task of the former is to pollinate, and the latter to produce fruit. But in nature there are known cases when a male individual produces fruits, and they grow in a special way - in a long chain. People consider this to be something magical and people use these chains in their rituals to scare away evil spirits.
Another feature of the papaya tree is the so-called cauliflory. This flowering does not occur on the branches, as it usually occurs, but directly on the tree trunk. Accordingly, papaya fruits grow in the same way.

Papaya fruit puree can be eaten even by infants. This fruit is considered very important for the development and growth of children.

The juice contained in unripe fruit is poisonous to the human body. It causes sharp pain in the abdomen. It is very simple to determine whether papaya juice is dangerous or not: in green fruits it is white in color and thick in consistency, and when the fruits ripen the juice becomes watery and transparent, losing all harmful substances. There is a legend that in ancient times in Southeast Asia, this juice of unripe papaya was used to make a potion for enemies and mix it with food.