Carbohydrates in cheese. Composition, vitamins, minerals

Cheese is considered one of the healthiest and most nutritious dairy products. Each variety differs not only in texture, aroma and taste, but also in its composition.

How much protein is in cheese?

The milk delicacy is a source of easily digestible protein, which helps to stay in good shape and restore muscle tissue. Most of the protein composition is represented by essential amino acids such as tryptophan, methionine, and lysine. The most protein is found in hard and semi-hard varieties. The most famous of them are “Russian” (23 g), “Cheddar” (24 g), “Emmental” (28 g), “Parmesan” (30 g).

There is slightly less protein in brine cheeses, for example, in “Adygei” - 20 g, in “Suluguni” - 20.5 g, in “Feta” - 14 g. The least amount of protein is in a home-made product - no more than 15% of the total masses.

To replenish protein reserves, it is useful for vegetarians to eat tofu. 300 g of this product contains the same amount of protein as 150 g of lean meat.

Essential amino acids play an important role in the proper functioning of the human body. For example, tryptophan improves metabolism, quickly restores strength after grueling workouts, and lysine helps strengthen the immune system and collagen synthesis.

Carbohydrate content in 100 grams of cheese

Hard and some soft varieties have a minimal carbohydrate content. For some cheeses the indicator is almost zero. These are “Russian”, “Dutch”, “Lambert”, “Parmesan”. Such products can be consumed in moderation on fasting days. A higher carbohydrate content was observed in brine, processed, curd, and smoked varieties. For “Adygeisky” the indicator is 1.5 g, for “Hochland” - 5 g, for “Kolbasny” - 4 g.

The maximum amount of carbohydrates is contained in sweet glazed cheese curds (more than 30%).

This solid and semi-solid dairy product is ideal for those following a low-carbohydrate diet. However, for athletes, carbohydrates in moderation are no less important than proteins. They replenish the body's energy reserves and reduce protein consumption.

Mass fraction of fat in cheese

The mass fraction of fat in a popular fermented milk product, on average, is about 30% of the total mass. One standard serving of cheese (100 g) can satisfy one third of the daily requirement for this nutrient.

The calorie content of a product is determined mainly by fats, mostly represented by saturated fatty acids.

There has been a direct relationship between the amount of lipids in cheese and the milk used to make it. The higher the fat content of the milk, the greater the energy value. The least amount of lipids is in very hard varieties, for example, “Parmesan” - less than 27%, in the semi-hard “Russian” - 30%, in “Adygei” - 20%. The latter refers to brine varieties, which are distinguished by a small amount of fat compared to the others. Read more about it in our publication.

Table of nutritional composition of cheeses of different brands

To choose the most suitable product in terms of chemical composition, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the BZHU table, which presents several varieties of cheeses.

Cheese brand Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Water, g
Adyghe 20 20 1,5 56
Curd 6 26 3 50
Creamy 6 20 2,5 45
Russian 23 30 0,3 41
Lambert 24 30 0 40
Hochland 12 22 5 50
Sausage 21 19 4 51
Mozzarella 20 16 1 50
Dutch 26 26 0 40
Tofu 11 4 3 More than 70
Philadelphia 6 25 3 45
Parmesan 30 27 Less than 1 25
Amber 13 26 3 55
Friendship 23 19 2 52

BZHU table - nutritional composition of Adygei cheese (per 100 g of product)

Knowing the indicators of BZHU, you can include the most healthy product in your daily diet. Each of them is of great value to the body, as it saturates it with a large amount of proteins and fatty acids.

Russian cheese is a well-known domestic product. It has a delicate taste and a pronounced, unique pattern called “fine lace.” It is prepared from pasteurized milk, which is coagulated and then pressed using rennet and mesophilic lactic acid bacteria. The variety of varieties depends on the fat content of the milk and the method of preparation.


Russian cheese has an elastic consistency, a beautiful creamy, slightly yellow color and small holes of different shapes. The taste is pronounced, sour, traditional for semi-hard and hard varieties. After 70 days of aging from the moment of production, the dairy product goes on sale. Its cost is not too high, which makes the cheese even more popular.

This variety first appeared on the shelves in the early 60s. During the manufacturing process we used milk from the Uglichesky State Farm. The variety has found wide application in cooking: it is used for making sandwiches, salads and snacks, grated and added to hot dishes.

Russian cheese is used to bake meat, fish and vegetables, and prepare pizza, pastries and casseroles.

Nutritional and energy value

Calorie content andBJUper 100 grams:

55% fat content is often found in processed Russian cheese, which is highly not recommended when following a diet.

Composition and benefits

Natural, high-quality cheese contains:

  • pasteurized cow's milk;
  • salt;
  • calcium chloride;
  • annatto extract;
  • rennet extract.

The product contains vitamins A, B, D, E, PP and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body. A large amount of calcium contributes to the normal functioning of the myocardium, improves the health of teeth, nails, and the musculoskeletal system.

Russian cheese is the most nutritious because it contains a large amount of calories. It contains a lot of high-quality protein that the human body needs. Most of the protein is in soluble form, making it easy to digest.

The increased fat content and calorie content do not allow consuming the product in large quantities, as this can lead to undesirable consequences and excess weight gain. It is recommended to eat a daily portion not exceeding 80 g. You can only eat fresh product.

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Russian cheese is the most popular type of cheese among our compatriots. It is a semi-hard rennet cheese made from premium pasteurized milk with the addition of lactic acid bacteria and rennet. Russian cheese is usually yellow in color, its cut is strewn with small eyes. The fat content of the product is about 50%, and the calorie content is 364 kcal per 100 grams of cheese.

The history of Russian cheese begins in the USSR, since then the demand for this cheese not only does not fall, but also increases every year. The cheese owes its popularity to its taste, including sourness. You can compare this cheese in taste to Edam or Gouda, only it is a little more dry and bland.

Cheese is rich in the presence of B vitamins. It also contains vitamins, vitamin D and vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E.

Russian cheese contains many minerals, including: zinc, iron, copper, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, sodium. Most of all, cheese contains calcium. This product contains saturated fatty and organic acids, fat, water and cholesterol. Russian cheese is one of the most nutritious and high-calorie foods.

Beneficial features

Russian cheese has more than enough beneficial properties. The predominant calcium in cheese is indispensable for strengthening bones and joints, improving the condition of hair, nails and tooth enamel. B vitamins help metabolic processes in the body and speed up metabolism. Vitamin B12 helps with anemia, anemia and hepatitis.

Russian cheese contains more amino acids and protein than meat or fish. These components are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Protein is a building material for cells, and due to the fact that it is in a soluble form in the product, protein is easily absorbed by the body.

Russian cheese is useful to include in the diet of people of different age categories, especially children and the elderly.


Russian cheese is widely used in cooking. It is often used to prepare various dishes, such as salads, main courses, various casseroles, and pizza. This product is ideal for breakfast; it is suitable for both a sandwich and scrambled eggs. Cheese looks great on a cheese plate paired with fruit. It bakes perfectly in the oven, which gives free rein to the cook’s imagination.

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One of the most popular types of dairy products is Rossiysky cheese. Its calorie content is very high, but universal love and affection is due not only to this, but also to a large number of other reasons. I would like to note the fact that this variety is one of the most basic and constantly existing on store shelves. But it’s true that as long as you can remember, you’ve been seeing this cheese on the market for as long as you can. Starting from the times of the USSR and ending with our days. Also worth attention is a large assortment of this type, depending on its manufacturer (of which there is currently no shortage).

Product Features

“Russian” cheese, whose calorie content is quite high, has some taste difference from other types that can be aimed exclusively at a narrow circle of consumers (for example, with mold). It has a fairly noticeable sourish, but traditionally recognizable taste. Plus, its cost is at an affordable level, thanks to which everyone can afford to pamper themselves, which is quite relevant lately.

This type of dairy product is produced in Russia and some CIS countries. Pasteurized milk is used as the initial raw material for its preparation. It is classified as a semi-hard rennet cheese. This enzyme is added to cow's milk along with a special starter that contains lactic acid bacteria. Rossiysky cheese, the calorie content of which increases several times after production, is also distinguished by its yellowish color, and on the cut you can see small eyes and white lace.

Despite the high level of fat content, this product is in no way inferior in taste to other varieties. As for cooking and preparing various dishes, it is even more popular than other cheeses. Particular relevance can be emphasized for the preparation of casseroles, salads, pizza, hot dishes and snacks.

Composition, vitamins, minerals

One of the healthiest products can be called Russian cheese. Its calorie content is very high, since a third of this product is pure protein. On the other hand, due to this, it can be used instead of meat products in some vegetarian dishes. This cheese contains one essential element called milk fat, which is very well accepted by the body. Despite the fact that this product contains practically no carbohydrates, it has a fairly large and impressive list of vitamins B 12, B 6, B9, C, PP, A. And due to the fact that cheese contains vitamin B 12, it helps during the treatment of diseases, associated with hepatitis, anemia and anemia. It is impossible not to note the positive effect of the product on men's health due to the zinc content. Naturally, calcium and phosphorus are present, as in other dairy products, which is important for bone structure. Therefore, cheese is recommended for those patients who have had joint diseases. Thus, the product has become not only tasty, but also healthy, having a sufficiently large mineral and vitamin composition, due to which it is recommended for inclusion in the diet.

Useful properties of “Russian” cheese

Many doctors and nutritionists claim that one of the healthiest is “Russian” cheese 50%. Calorie content may indicate its satiety, but at the same time it contributes to:

  1. Strengthening teeth, bones, hair and nails.
  2. Increasing energy balance.
  3. Improving metabolism.
  4. Activates brain function.
  5. Quickly restores strength not only after mental, but also after physical exertion.
  6. Promotes proportional development and growth of the body.

Cheese "Russian": calorie content per 100 grams

  • Proteins: 23.2 g.
  • Fat: 29.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.

Rossiysky cheese is incredibly nutritious (calories / proteins / fats / carbohydrates: 364 kcal / 25% / 73% / 0%), so you need to watch the amount you eat. Since everything is good in moderation and you shouldn’t abuse it. Naturally, for true connoisseurs these words mean nothing.

Harm of cheese

With all the positive qualities of this product, there are still a few negative points that need to be mentioned, because this can cause problems in the future. Due to the fact that this cheese has a very high percentage of fat and calorie content, it is still worth avoiding its consumption by those category of people who have some problems with excess weight and obesity, and those who have been prescribed a low-fat light diet. If you follow all the recommendations and common sense, and do not overeat it, then the product will only be beneficial.

Naturally, improper storage of cheese can cause a lot of harm, in which case diarrhea is not the worst option. Some consumers continue to use the product even after mold appears on it, thinking that there is nothing wrong with it, but in fact it can create many problems.

Also, due to the diuretic effect inherent in cheese, people who suffer from urolithiasis may experience discomfort.


It is difficult to argue with the fact that the high calorie content of Rossiiskiy cheese (50% fat content) comes to the fore. This makes us cautious about adding it to various dishes. This is due to the fact that any salad or snack in which it is used becomes one third higher in calories. At the same time, there is a certain circle of nutritionists who still oppose the mass production of cheeses, which are based on pasteurized milk. The type described is, in fact, produced in this way. This is due to the fact that such a product does not contain even a small fraction of what such cheeses should actually contain (we are talking about beneficial properties). Due to the maximum amount of saturated fatty acids, coconut and palm oil are so harmful to the body that they are quite capable of causing Alzheimer's disease. This only applies to those species in which traces of vegetable fats were found. As for the rest, this issue is not even discussed; only reasonable use leads only to a positive effect.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Russian cheese is a semi-hard rennet cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk of the highest quality. During the cheese making process, sourdough, rennet and sometimes a natural dye - annatto extract - are added to the milk if the cheese is produced during the cold season, when cows cannot get grass and dandelions to naturally color the milk. Russian cheese is produced in the form of low cylinders or rectangular bars weighing from 8 to 18 kg.

Russian cheese has a uniform light yellow color, a medium-hard, dense and plastic structure, the cheese cuts well, without the appearance of “pellets” and does not stick to the knife. To taste, Russian cheese is slightly sour, creamy, with a bright aroma. An openwork pattern of heterogeneous eyes is located throughout the cheese. The head of the cheese has a dense crust, on which interlacing threads are sometimes visible, this is a sign that the cheese was laid out on linen cloth.

Calorie content of Russian cheese

The calorie content of Russian cheese is 363 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of Russian cheese

Product contains: pasteurized cow's milk, rennet. Russian cheese contains vitamins, as well as minerals necessary for the body: , . Russian cheese is useful for children and adults; its consumption helps strengthen bones and teeth, stimulates the normal activity of the heart muscle (calorizator). The product contains a sufficient amount of high-quality protein, which is needed for the construction of cells of all systems of the human body.

Harm of Russian cheese

We should not forget that Russian cheese contains beef fat - hard and one of the heaviest, so those who have high blood cholesterol levels should consume Russian cheese in small quantities. Excessive consumption of the product may cause problems with the digestive system - heaviness in the stomach, constipation.

When purchasing Russian cheese, you should pay attention to the cut of the product; it should be smooth, even, without droplets of liquid (tears), cracks and crumbs. The slit-like eyes have an irregular shape and penetrate the entire cheese; if they are concentrated in one place, it means that the cheese was produced with violations of technology. A slippery surface and uneven color are not acceptable; if the cheese crumbles, this is a sign of immaturity.

Russian cheese should be stored in the refrigerator; if it is vacuum-packed, then the shelf life is three months; opened or purchased cheese in a piece is stored for no longer than seven days in a special cheese pan or in a glass/plastic container.

Russian cheese in cooking

Russian cheese is a universal product, suitable for independent use as an appetizer or snack, ideal for sandwiches and canapés, melts perfectly and is therefore suitable for making hot sandwiches, juliennes, pizza, pasta, baked vegetables, meat and poultry. Cheese is added to salads with canned beans and croutons, fried in breading and batter.

For more information about Russian cheese and its production, watch the video “Russian Cheese” from the TV program “Expertise of Goods”.

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