Stewed cabbage: benefits and harms. Boil, stew or fry? Where is there more benefit and where is there more harm? Stewed cabbage benefits and harms

Since ancient times, white cabbage has been revered as an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, as well as a healing product that can be used to prevent a wide variety of diseases. The vegetable can be stored for a long time. Although it is best to eat the plant fresh, the benefits of stewed cabbage are not much different from raw cabbage.

If discovered contraindications prevent you from eating cabbage salads, you can stew the vegetable and enjoy its delicate taste after heat treatment. So, for pancreatic ulcers, fresh cabbage juice is contraindicated, but when stewed, this plant is harmless to the patient. Is stewed cabbage healthy? Nutritionists answer positively and provide a lot of evidence in defense of this dish.

What are the benefits of stewed cabbage?

First of all, stewed cabbage is indispensable for those who are planning to lose weight. There are only 30 kcal per 100 g of the finished product, while 200 g of the dish is enough to satisfy your hunger.

The benefits of stewed white cabbage for children and adults are due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition of the vegetable. Even after heat treatment, most microelements (up to 60-70%) are preserved and continue to work for the benefit of our health:

  • B vitamins - normalize energy processes, restore the healthy appearance of the skin;
  • vitamin PP - strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • vitamin C - 200 g of the dish contains the daily requirement of this vitamin (removes cholesterol, strengthens the immune system);
  • fiber - eliminates constipation, normalizes digestion;
  • vitamins E and A - 1 serving of cabbage contains their daily requirement (powerful antioxidants with anti-sclerotic effects);
  • indole-tri-carbinol - good prevention of cancer;
  • potassium - necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • phosphorus - participates in brain function;
  • calcium - promotes the growth of bones, teeth and hair.

Due to the presence of antioxidants, stewed cabbage and its beneficial properties are vital for older people to prevent multiple sclerosis. In addition, regular consumption of the dish can relieve constipation, which most often makes itself felt in old age.

Knowing the benefits of stewed cabbage for humans, doctors often recommend it as one of the components of a diet for the following diseases and problems:

  • diabetes;
  • regular constipation and digestive problems;
  • cancer diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • decreased immunity and frequent colds.

If you include dishes with stewed cabbage in your diet at least 2-3 times a week, these health problems will bother you less often or avoid them altogether.

Cooking methods

The calorie content and health effectiveness of a dish will depend on how it is prepared.

  • You can finely chop the head of cabbage and simmer with a little water. This is the healthiest and lowest calorie dish.
  • Cabbage, first fried in oil, will be more satisfying, but it is not suitable for those losing weight or diabetics.
  • If you are not too careful about your figure, cabbage can be combined with other products: meat, mushrooms, vegetables, legumes. They will make the dish more nutritious and at the same time preserve the vitamin composition.

Familiar to everyone. Our ancestors grew this product and used it in food and medicine long before our era. Its benefits for the functioning of the body are simply invaluable. Cabbage is a leader in the content of ascorbic acid, which is so necessary for us to fight viruses; it contains B vitamins and minerals.

What can you cook

You can cook anything from cabbage. In addition to being used in all kinds of salads, it is subjected to heat treatment. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber, which helps prevent atherosclerosis. Stewed cabbage, whose calorie content is negligible, fits perfectly into the diet. If you are a fan of a healthy lifestyle or follow a vegetable diet, know that you can eat stewed cabbage as much as you want. However, if you cook it with the addition of large amounts of vegetable oil or high-calorie ingredients, the nutritional value of the dish can change dramatically.

Simple recipes

The classic recipe for the “Stewed Cabbage” dish, whose calorie content is minimal, is available to everyone. The chopped vegetable should be placed in a deep frying pan, add a small amount of water and cover with a lid. Lightly salt at the end. This stewed cabbage, whose calorie content is approximately 29 kcal per 100 g, is extremely healthy. This side dish is perfectly filling, easily digestible and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Eat this product more often and you will begin to lose pounds with ease. After all, almost all modern diets are based on the consumption of cabbage and dishes made from it.

What if you fry it?

If you use vegetable oil during cooking, the calorie content increases. Cabbage stewed in butter with vegetables immediately loses its status as a dietary dish. Adding tomato paste will also affect the composition and energy value of the dish. You can stew sauerkraut - it contains much more minerals than regular cabbage. The taste is completely different - sharper and sour. Remember that fried cabbage has quite a high calorie content due to the oil used during processing. Many people prefer to cook solyanka from stewed cabbage with smoked sausages. It is first fried and then the rest of the ingredients are added. Of course, it is very tasty and satisfying. This dish is loved by adults and children. Nevertheless, the amount of fats and carbohydrates do their job, and such stewed cabbage acquires a colossal calorie content.

Benefit or harm

Despite all the advantages and an endless list of beneficial properties, cabbage, like any product, has some contraindications. You should not eat stewed cabbage with dairy products, as this can cause increased gas formation. It is also not recommended to use it for diseases of the pancreas. In any case, the benefits of cabbage are much greater than the harm. And you need to use it as often as possible. And stewed cabbage is one of the lowest calorie dishes.

Cabbage is a large leafy vegetable in the Brassicaoleracea family of cruciferous (cabbage) plants that is round or oval in shape and consists of layers of leaves. Representatives of this group of vegetables include broccoli, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, Savoy cabbage, etc. One of the most delicious and popular dishes made from this vegetable is stewed cabbage, which goes well with other products.

Cabbage is a famous vegetable

Cabbage is one of the world's oldest vegetables and is still a staple food today. Even in ancient Rome, it was called “healing food” due to its high nutrient composition. Cabbage was first grown in Europe in 1100 BC. e.

There are hundreds of varieties of cabbage in the world, but the color of the leaves is the most common way to divide this vegetable into types: green and red. Some light-colored varieties of green cabbage are called "white cabbage."

People have been eating both raw and cooked cabbage for a long time. There are different ways to prepare this vegetable - steamed, boiled, stewed, fried, stuffed, etc. Traditional green (“white cabbage”) cabbage is usually used for stewing.

Nutrients of Braised Cabbage

Stewed cabbage is considered a healthy food and is famous for its nutrients. This cruciferous vegetable, even when cooked, has a high content of vitamins A, B, C, K, iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, and folic acid. It is also a rare source of phytonutrients that act as powerful antioxidants. The overall antioxidant activity of cabbage is largely due to its phenol and polyphenol content. Cabbage is also unique in that it is rich in glucosinolates. These nutrients are converted by the body into isothiocyanates, which have detoxifying and anti-cancer properties.

Benefits of Antioxidants in Stewed Cabbage

Cabbage is extremely rich in vitamin C. It contains more of this substance necessary for the body than oranges, which are leaders in this regard. Vitamin C, as the best antioxidant, destroys free radicals in the body that cause premature aging. Therefore, the antioxidants present in stewed cabbage protect the body, maintain good health and keep the skin youthful.

Stewed cabbage contains about 20 flavonoids and 15 phenols, which exhibit antioxidant effects. This impressive list of antioxidant phytonutrients is one of the main reasons why consuming this dish reduces the risk of developing various diseases. In addition, stewed cabbage contains significant amounts of antioxidant polyphenols, nutrients that provide anti-inflammatory properties.

Help of stewed cabbage in losing weight

Stewed cabbage is often recommended to be included in the diet of people who want to lose weight. This product is considered a dietary food because, while high in minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, it is a low-calorie product with virtually no fat. Per 100 g of stewed cabbage there are only 20 calories, 5 g of carbohydrates (including about 3 grams of fiber and 2 g of sugar), 1 g of protein.

Consumption of 100 g of stewed cabbage provides 30-35% of the daily requirement of vitamin C. A serving also provides: 81.5 mcg of vitamin K, 11 mg of magnesium, 22 mcg of folate. It also includes vitamin B, potassium, calcium.

Health benefits of stewed cabbage

Some lovers of stewed cabbage do not even realize what great health benefits this dish brings. The factors for the beneficial effects of this food on the body include:

– reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Polyphenols in stewed cabbage reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing low blood pressure and platelet accumulation. Potassium dilates blood vessels and improves circulation, while cellulose prevents the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries and helps maintain heart health;

– improvement of the digestive system. Stewed cabbage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and digestive tract as a whole. Thanks to its high concentration of vitamin C and sulfur, it is a good detoxifier: it cleanses the blood and removes harmful toxins, primarily free radicals and uric acid, which cause rheumatism, gout, arthritis, kidney stones, skin diseases, and eczema. Water and fiber ensure proper regulation of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach and improve digestion. Therefore, consuming cabbage helps you lose weight;

– reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis. Stewed cabbage is one of the best sources of vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, calcium, which are necessary for bone health and reducing the risk of musculoskeletal diseases. This dish helps prevent the development of osteoporosis, a disease in which bones become brittle and subject to fractures;

– strengthening the immune system. Cabbage foods contain large amounts of beta-carotene (an oxidizing agent that turns into vitamin A), which is necessary for strengthening the immune system, including eliminating bacteria and viruses. Beta carotene present in cabbage improves vision. Cabbage, rich in iodine, also helps in the proper functioning of the brain, nervous system along with maintaining the glands of the endocrine system in a healthy state. The benefits of stewed cabbage for brain function include helping in the treatment of depression, nervous disorders, dementia, Alzheimer's disease;

– cancer prevention. Phytonutrients glucosinolates (sulforaphane, sinigrin, glucobrassicin, etc.) - organic substances from sulfur that perform an anti-carcinogenic function - accumulate in cabbage tissues. In the body, glucosinolates are converted into isothiocyanates, which have anti-inflammatory, detoxifying properties and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

This is not all the health benefits of stewed cabbage, but only the main effects of the positive influence of this food on the body.

Harm from consuming stewed cabbage

Cabbage, valuable for its health benefits, can also cause harm to the body if consumed in excess. Negative effects that can be caused by eating excessive amounts of stewed cabbage (more than 300-400 g per day) include:

– diarrhea. Stewed cabbage contains a lot of fiber, which speeds up processes in the digestive tract. Therefore, consuming this product in excess may lead to stomach upset and diarrhea symptoms;

– hypothyroidism. Excessive consumption of stewed cabbage may interfere with the thyroid gland's ability to absorb iodine, which is used to produce thyroid hormone. This happens because the vegetable contains in abundance substances containing sulfur and nitrogen - glucosinolates. Chemical reactions with these substances can interfere with the production of thyroid hormone or cause the release of a certain ion that interferes with the body's ability to absorb iodine. Processes that limit the amount of iodine cause the development of hypothyroidism. However, this consequence is rare;

– incompatibility with drugs. Stewed cabbage is characterized by a large amount of vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting. However, eating too much of this food may interfere with the effects of blood thinner medications. But even a double portion of the dish provides vitamin K without causing a negative effect or causing harm. The daily recommended intake of vitamin K is 90 mcg for men and 120 mcg for men.

The harm of stewed cabbage is not limited to these consequences, however, in most cases, side effects are associated with excessive consumption of this food.

Preservation of beneficial properties in stewed cabbage

Cooking cabbage has little effect on its nutritional content, especially if it is cooked for a short period of time. However, with prolonged cooking, it loses some of its beneficial qualities, since heat destroys the chemicals that provide medicinal properties and a special taste. Therefore, to maximize the health benefits of stewed cabbage, it is advisable to cook it until it is tender, retaining color and flavor.

Thus, stewed cabbage, being a popular dish in many countries of the world, reduces the risk of a number of diseases and brings great health benefits. Harm from stewed cabbage can occur as a result of excess consumption, but when taking a moderate amount of this food, side effects usually do not occur.

Today you can find many connoisseurs of healthy methods of culinary processing of foods, and nutritionists have long given them the palm. Yes, and rightfully so! After all, practice has already proven that this is not a tribute to fashion, but a benefit for the body. We are talking about boiling and stewing food.

But what to do with such a favorite method as frying? Professionals say that most types of cooking have a number of nuances that are worth talking about again.

Important criteria for choosing wisely

    All cooking methods are different in a number of ways. But the best one will be the one where the loss of useful elements and the accumulation of harmful substances is minimal.

    If you look at the relationship between methods, many products can be prepared in different ways, and this is a significant plus. For example, meat is boiled, stewed, and steamed. The same vegetables can be stewed, boiled, or eaten raw. In a situation where you have a choice, it's worth fiddling with the oven instead of frying in oil!

    To be fair, it should be noted that there is no ideal cooking method, since cooking always takes away some of the nutrients. Studies have shown that heat treatment of vegetables, for example, can destroy 1/5 of their vitamin C, potassium and folic acid.

    But there is another side to the coin: heat treatment of tomatoes helps to release antioxidants through the destroyed cell walls, and this ensures easy passage of valuable substances into the body.

Therefore, knowledge and consideration of subtleties and nuances will make your food truly healthy.

Boiled food

Cooking is a method that is simple, affordable and not labor-intensive. A boiling point of more than one hundred degrees makes carbohydrates and proteins accessible to the body. In addition, boiling does not require fat, which reduces the calorie content of food.

When it comes to therapeutic or dietary nutrition, there is no better way! The products are boiled in water, which is non-toxic and sugar-free.

A word from nutritionists

The digestibility of cooked products is ideal, which means that the body will receive the maximum amount of nutrients. It would be correct, for example, to boil the meat for a long time, be sure to drain the first broth, because metal salts and toxic elements are released into it.

Yes, in this case, extractive substances go into the water, and they can irritate the gastric mucosa. Also, such heat treatment destroys the bonds between amino acids. And this is a significant help for the body in parsing protein into building material. In addition, it’s easier to take everything useful from it.

Tips for future use

1. It’s better not to overcook vermicelli, and you shouldn’t make mush out of cereals. Allow them to simply swell in a small amount of water, then you won’t have to drain the liquid where the B vitamins go.

2. Vegetables should not be cut finely; it is better to cook them until half cooked with the lid closed. Pour a minimum amount of water and create the maximum temperature. This minimizes the removal of vitamins into the water and does not significantly increase the glycemic index. If the vegetables seem a little tough, process them in a blender. This will not harm the fiber.


However, it is difficult to call this method unconditionally good:

There is a destruction (almost 70 percent) of vitamin C and almost 40 percent of B vitamins

The amount of glucose increases in vegetables and root vegetables

But remember that many people benefit from boiled soups, especially onion ones. The liquid saturates without overloading the digestive tract and stimulates metabolic processes. Boiled food is indicated for diseases of the stomach and intestines. You just need to apply this method correctly.

Stewing a dish

In principle, stewing is cooking food in a gentle way in a small amount of water, slightly below the boiling point. It must be carried out under a lid. Thick-walled dishes are suitable for this. Products are usually stewed over medium and low heat. If it is an oven, then the indicators are adjusted to 170 degrees. This way the dish will be cooked using steam, being in its own juice and boiling water.

What's so good about stewed food?

The fact that food is stewed slowly and without boiling protects inorganic substances and vitamins from destruction. Protein products in this case are easily digested and also well absorbed.

There are fruits that, when stewed, increase their beneficial properties, for example, prunes. It secretes enzymes that help in digesting food. Also, this method does not require adding fat, which does not overload the body.

Stewed meat has excellent digestibility, and vegetables completely retain fiber, vitamins A and B, and calcium. Of course, most of vitamin C will die, because it is very capricious.

The main thing is that stewing preserves nutrients more, because they remain in the food, and do not pass into the water and do not merge with it.

Disadvantages of extinguishing

As a rule, food is stewed for quite a long time, and at the same time destruction of fibers and loss of micronutrients cannot be avoided. When vegetables are stewed, they increase in calories, and most of the vitamins are lost from them. This is especially unsatisfactory for those who are losing excess weight.

During this processing, cereals are destroyed into glucose, which means that satiety will quickly leave you.

But, there is a way to somewhat reduce the harm from stewing: if you add oil, then put it to a minimum, and herbs, spices and herbs to the maximum.

And remember that this method is gentle on the products, preserving their delicate taste.

To fry or not?

If you rely on the opinion of cardiologists from the USA, they generally advise throwing out frying pans. Indeed, fried food is high in calories and contains a huge number of carcinogens and trans fats. Why is that? This is caused by the use of oil.

Nutritionists explain

If the oil is thermally treated for longer than 4 minutes, then it will no longer be fat, but trans fat, which is very dangerous for the heart and blood vessels. Hence early sclerosis, primarily of the brain. Tests show that fried eggs, for example, contain half as much fat as poached eggs.

Of course, traditional frying in oil in a frying pan is really not good. So potatoes, vegetables, and meat absorb a lot of oil, which, when heated strongly, smokes and the food burns. And with repeated frying in the same oil, the harmful effect increases significantly.


When vegetable oil is overcooked, it changes its structure and becomes hydrogenated margarine, which increases bad cholesterol in the body. If you can’t do without oil, then take refined one. There is no benefit from it, but there is no soot.

Let's fry differently!

We are talking about cooking vegetables, omelettes or meat in a hot, dry frying pan, preferably cast iron, or on a wire rack. This way you can reduce calories and get rid of trans fats. It is important to ensure that food does not char.

However, such measures will not be able to neutralize the harm at all. Especially avoid dishes with golden brown crusts. They definitely spend more than 10 minutes in the pan.

There are still advantages

Fried foods, of course, emit a pleasant aroma, they are tasty and appetizing. Fans of the fried menu truly enjoy their food.

If you need to increase the secretion of gastric juice with reduced acidity, as an option you can sometimes allow a small portion of fried food.

The disadvantages are obvious!

    Frying takes away a significant portion of vitamins: among fat-soluble vitamins these are D, E, K and A, among water-soluble vitamins - C and B

    Fats oxidize and create free radicals.

    The glycemic index of carbohydrates increases significantly

    Food prepared by frying brings extra pounds and poses a health hazard

But it's not all negative! Numerous analyzes show:

Fried foods can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular stomach ulcers or diverticulitis.

Fried foods are contraindicated for patients with cardiovascular diseases, because such fat increases blockage of blood vessels.

If you regularly eat fried foods, your risk of cancer increases significantly

Advice for those who can’t immediately stop eating fried foods

    Fry over high heat for 3-4 minutes, no more. This way most of the substances will remain inside the dish.

    Use monounsaturated olive oil or ghee, which is believed to speed up the digestive process.

    Frying in lard is allowed, but its use will not harm the body only if the fat is not overcooked. Overheating certainly produces carcinogenic compounds. As you can see, for a happy and long life you need to either not fry, or not exceed the permissible limit, both for oils and animal fat.

    Supplement fried vegetables or fruits, they neutralize the harm.

    If you eat a lot of fried foods, don't forget to drink kefir. It promotes the removal of mutagenic substances.

    Use rosemary, it slightly reduces the level of carcinogens.

And best of all, change your diet! Moreover, it is completely possible to do this. And remember that this is not a loss, but a gain!

Let's sum it up

    So, of the options considered, the undoubted leader in terms of usefulness is boiling, followed by stewing. Frying in oil is a culinary evil, no matter how much we resist it.

    Obviously, the amount of nutrients in finished food depends on how it is prepared. Follow food preparation standards to retain more vitamins and valuable substances.

    You always have plenty to choose from, just make your decision consciously. Do not reject the concept of healthy eating and eat food to strengthen the body. It will definitely bring you pleasure and joy.

    And one more thing: take good care of yourself. It never hurts to listen to your inner voice in order to understand what is actually dearer and more useful to you.

For simple and delicious recipes, visit the Yum-yum-yum website.



One of the brightest representatives of cruciferous plants is white cabbage. For many centuries, this vegetable has been considered a healing meal. The first plant was planted and grown in Europe in 1100 BC. Today, a common vegetable is consumed in different forms. White cabbage is usually stuffed, fried, stewed or steamed.

What is stewed cabbage?

Stewed cabbage is a tasty and nutritious product, ready to eat. The process of stewing cabbage itself is an intermediate action. In other words - secondary. Stewing a cruciferous plant is often preceded by roasting. Sometimes, instead of frying, the vegetable is thoroughly boiled.

When stewing cabbage, oil, water and the necessary acids are used. The finished product can serve as a separate dish on the table or serve as an addition to other mouth-watering delicacies.

This stew has its own effects on people's health.

The benefits of white vegetables

The low-calorie dish contains vitamins, minerals and chemical elements. Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, fiber, proteins, pectins and fats - all of these substances in one way or another improve the functioning of the human body.

Stewed cabbage contains high percentage of vitamin C. The mentioned antioxidant slows down the aging process of the skin and removes free radicals from the body. Flavonoids and phenols have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the risk of developing serious diseases. The beneficial effects of the stew on the body are confirmed by the following conclusions:

  • Stewed product reduces the likelihood of cancer. Its tissues contain special organic substances. For example, sinigrin and sulforaphane. These components perform an anticarcinogenic function. Glucosinolates gradually become isothiocyanates. The resulting substance prevents the development and further growth of cancer cells.
  • Cooked dish has a positive effect on the digestive system. Sulfur and the equally famous vitamin C remove toxins and uric acid from the body. Such negative elements give rise to eczema, rheumatism, arthritis and other serious diseases. The stew purifies the blood. The functioning of the entire digestive tract improves. Fiber regulates the amount of chylactobacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Prevents constipation.
  • Calcium, magnesium and other vitamins contained in the stew strengthen bones. The dish reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis. This serious and dangerous disease softens bone tissue. Brittle bones are susceptible to fractures.
  • Renders beneficial effect on human vision. For example, it protects the retina from harmful ultraviolet rays.
  • Vitamin A (known as carotene) strengthens the immune system. Protects the body from various viruses and bacteria.
  • Potassium, polyphenols and cellulose improve heart function, lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. Prevents excessive accumulation of platelets and cholesterol in the body. Reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Iodine supports the endocrine and nervous systems. Stewed vegetable is good for Alzheimer's disease, depression, nervous disorder or dementia.

Stewed vegetables perfectly satisfy hunger. There is a special diet for weight loss based on this nutritious product. The low-calorie dish has virtually no fat, so it can fight excess weight.

During the diet, the stewed product is consumed several times a day. Used as breakfast and lunch. Along with cabbage in the morning, you can enjoy low-fat cottage cheese and drink unsweetened tea. In addition to cabbage, dietary dishes contain potatoes, lean meat and other low-calorie vegetables.

The duration of the diet is no more than one week. It is recommended to use stewed vegetables in reasonable quantities.

The harm of stewed cabbage

Excessive consumption of vegetables is harmful to health. The negative effects of stewed cabbage on the body are manifested as follows:

  • Hypothyroidism. A real pathology that interferes with the production and further functioning of the thyroid hormone.
  • Diarrhea. Excessive consumption of stewed cabbage causes indigestion. Diarrhea occurs.
  • The vegetable is harmful to the body with high acidity and stomach ulcers. The product irritates the mucous membrane of not only the stomach, but also the intestines.
  • The low-calorie vegetable should be consumed with caution by people with high blood pressure and kidney disease.
  • Contraindicated in patients who have had chest surgery.

The stewed product is incompatible with some medications. For example, with blood thinners. Vitamin K contained in cabbage will prevent these processes, as it is involved in blood clotting. Excessive ingestion of salts into the body causes edema syndrome and hypertensive crisis.

Stages of preparing homemade delicacies

There are several methods or recipes for preparing the stew. Let's highlight the simplest method of creating homemade delicacies.

To stew, in addition to cabbage, you need to stock up on other ingredients, for example, vegetable oil, one glass of hot water, several onions, spices (pepper or salt) and tomato paste.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  1. Shredding and slicing food.
  2. Frying onions in a heated cauldron. Frying cabbage in tomato paste.
  3. Adding hot water ( about 200 ml).
  4. The boiled vegetable should be simmered over low heat for at least half an hour.

At the end of the stewing, the necessary spices are added. Other recipes use additional spices, fruits or vegetables.

Stewed cabbage is a truly universal dish that can be eaten all year round. The cabbage plant not only improves health, but also helps women successfully fight extra pounds.