Cane syrup recipe. How to make sugar syrup

For 1 kg of sugar you need to take 1.5 liters of water. Approximately a third of the total amount of sugar should be poured into the pan. Place the pan with the sugar over low heat and do not stir until the sugar begins to caramelize. After all the sugar turns light brown, you will need to fill it with water, add the remaining sugar and add a few grams of vanilla. Boil the syrup until all the sugar has dissolved.

How to make caramel syrup

To prepare 1 liter of caramel syrup, you will need 1 kilogram of sugar, 1.5 liters of water and 3 grams of vanilla.

How to make caramel syrup
1. Place a third of the sugar in a saucepan, bring to a light brown color, stirring.
2. Pour water over sugar, add the rest of the sugar and vanilla.
3. Boil the caramel syrup to the required thickness for 10-15 minutes.
4. Then the caramel syrup must be processed.

How to make syrup for jam

for 1 liter of syrup
Sugar - 1 kilogram
Water - 1 liter
Vanilla - 3 grams

How to make caramel syrup
1. Pour water over sugar and put on fire.
2. Bring the mixture to a boil and, without reducing the heat, cook for 2-3 minutes.
3. To dissolve the sugar evenly, the syrup must be constantly stirred and the foam removed.
4. Some of the sugar can be replaced with honey, adding it to a slightly cooled liquid and not boiling anymore.
5. The cloudy syrup must be filtered through cheesecloth.


- Syrup is a concentrated solution obtained by dissolving sugar in water or fruit juice. Most often, syrups are brewed in which the sugar content ranges from 30 to 80%. If the sugar concentration is below 60%, the syrup may ferment. Citric acid added at the end of cooking will help avoid souring of the syrup.

Syrups are used in the manufacture of canned fruits and berries, making compotes, making jam, and preparing confectionery. Fruit syrups are added to cocktails and carbonated drinks.

If necessary, invert syrup is boiled, which prevents sweet products from becoming candied. Thick, honey-like syrup is used in the production of products that must remain marketable for a long time. Invert syrup is prepared by adding baking soda and citric acid to regular syrup. Replaces molasses in recipes where it is called for.

Syrup sample levels
The degree of syrup density can be determined using a special thermometer, or by focusing on samples, each of which has its own characteristic external features and purpose.
1. Liquid syrup. Contains a little sugar, not thick or sticky. Used for preparing compotes.
2. Thin thread. Sticks to your hands. By squeezing and unclenching a drop of such syrup with your fingers, you can get a thin thread that breaks easily. Used to make jam from dense fruits and berries.
3. Middle thread. A sticky syrup, a drop of which, when squeezed with your fingers, produces a thin but strong thread. Suitable for canning berries and fruits.
4. Thick thread. The syrup is much thicker, it holds your fingers tightly, and when you unclench it, a strong thick thread is formed that quickly hardens. Designed for canning berries and fruits, including soft varieties.
5. Weak fondant. By dropping this syrup into cold water, you can see how it turns into a thick, loose mass. This test indicates that the sugar is ready to thicken before the next stage.
6. Fudge. A small amount of syrup placed in cold water forms a plastic ball resembling butter. The syrup of this sample is used in making sweets.
7. Weak or semi-hard ball. A drop of syrup dropped into cold water has a consistency similar to bread crumb, from which you can mold soft balls. The syrup is used in making jam from candied fruits and sweets.
8. Hard or strong ball. A drop of syrup in cold water hardens into a hard, dense ball. Used in making toffee.
9. Crackling. The syrup hardens into a thin film.
10. Caramel. A drop of syrup dropped into cold water hardens and breaks into small crystals.
11. Bypass. In addition to its caramel strength, the syrup acquires a yellowish-brown color.
12. Zhenka. The sugar in the syrup turns brown and a characteristic burnt smell appears.

Syrups 1 to 8 are intended for canning and making jam.

Sugar syrup is in great demand when preparing various baked goods and cocktails, but it can be quickly made at home and all you need is regular sugar and water. In this article, we will take a closer look at how long and how to properly cook sugar syrup for jam.

How long to cook sugar syrup

The cooking time for sugar syrup is not long and depends on what consistency you want to get at the end. Let's consider how long it takes to cook sugar syrup for jam:

  • How long does it take to cook sugar syrup for jam? Sugar in water is boiled for an average of 3-5 minutes after the water boils in the pan. Caramel syrup is boiled on average for 15 minutes after boiling water in a saucepan over low heat.

Having found out how many minutes the syrup is cooked, we will further consider the features of its preparation, and also learn how to cook syrup from sugar and water for jam and other purposes.

How to make sugar syrup for jam

The most commonly used syrup base is regular sugar and water, and depending on the purpose of preparing the syrup, sugar can be partially replaced with natural honey or cane sugar. Let's look step by step at how to cook syrup from sugar and water for jam in a saucepan:

  • To prepare the syrup, use the following proportion: 1:1 (for example, 1 glass of sugar and 1 glass of water).
  • Mix the ingredients for the sugar syrup in a saucepan and bring the water to a boil on the stove.
  • If liquid syrup is needed, then after boiling the water, if all the sugar has dissolved, you can put the pan off the heat and wait until the syrup cools down, but if you need a thicker syrup, after boiling, cook it for 3 to 15 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam and stirring occasionally. For a more pleasant aroma, when cooking, you can add vanilla (3 grams per 1 liter of water), citrus zest and other components to the syrup.

Note: there is also a quick way to prepare syrup in small quantities (for example, for breakfast with pancakes). To do this, just mix a few tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of water in a deep plate and put it in the microwave for 30-40 seconds.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that it is very easy to make syrup from sugar at home, the main thing is to monitor it during preparation and take into account the proportions of sugar and water. We leave our reviews and useful tips on how to cook sugar syrup for jam and other purposes in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Sugar syrup is an excellent preparation that is useful in any kitchen. Today we will prepare caramel sugar syrup, there are a lot of options for using it. Caramel syrup goes well with pancakes, pancakes, coffee and cocktails; it can be added to meat to create a varnish crust or used instead of honey if you have allergies. But I think the greatest advantage of caramel syrup is that it has the taste of homemade lollipops, unforgettable from childhood.

To prepare caramel sugar syrup, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Place sugar in a heavy saucepan or ladle. Place on low heat.

Gradually the sugar will begin to melt. Periodically rock the ladle from side to side to ensure even heating until the contents of the ladle turn golden brown. At this stage, do not stir the caramel.

When the caramel reaches the desired color, add water and vanilla.

Continue cooking at a low simmer, using a damp brush to scrape off any sugar crystals from the sides of the pan.

Cook the syrup until it reaches your desired thickness. To check the thickness of the syrup, scoop it with a teaspoon and pour it into a well-chilled ladle or cold metal bowl; you will immediately determine whether to cook it more or remove it from the heat. I usually boil the syrup until it becomes thick like liquid honey.

Pour the finished caramel sugar syrup into a clean jar and cool. You can store it in a cool, dry place and use it at your discretion.

Properly cooked syrup for jam should be transparent and viscous - this recipe for preparing sugar syrup intended for making jam indicates the exact proportions of water and describes in detail how to cook high-quality syrup, and what sugar is best to make it from.

Having learned all the necessary details about preparing sweet filling from sugar and water, you will be able to save time during the harvesting season and avoid mistakes when preparing jam, and not spoil the berries with the wrong syrup.

What should you pay attention to when preparing sweet syrup? The sugar content of berries and fruits varies.

Therefore, the sugar concentration for sweet fruits should be adjusted depending on the product chosen.

For example, to make jam from strawberries or apricots, you do not need to cook syrup with a high sugar content, but for sour cherries or plums, the proportion of granulated sugar in the syrup must be increased.

To make homemade jam, sweet syrups of various strengths made from white sugar are used, so we offer a classic recipe for jam syrup for berries of medium juiciness and sugar content per 1 kg of fruit.

Preparation – 15 minutes

Cooking time– 6 minutes

Calorie content – 280 kcal per 100 grams

Recipe ingredients

  • water – 1-2 glasses depending on the juiciness of the berries and fruits;
  • granulated white sugar – 1 kg;
  • citric acid – 0.5 tsp.

Classic jam syrup recipe

Utensils for preparing a sweet, transparent liquid - sugar syrup - must be made of stainless steel.

Enameled pots and basins are not suitable in this case. It is advisable to have a pan for cooking sugar syrup and making jam that is wide, but not too high.

  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan and add boiling water. With constant stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. As soon as the sugar dissolves in the water, stop stirring.
  2. After boiling, remove the foam from the surface into a separate bowl. Cook the syrup over medium heat. Cooking time – 3 minutes.
  3. Then remove the pan with the syrup from the heat and strain through cheesecloth. Place it on the stove again and simmer for about 2-3 minutes. At the end we add citric acid, it is necessary to prevent the jam from becoming sugary in winter. If we use syrup to pour fruit, then we don’t need to add acid.

We use the finished syrup for its intended purpose for making jam, and whether to cool the prepared mass or pour hot syrup - this entirely depends on the instructions from the recipe for a particular jam.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. Meanwhile, if the syrup still turns out to be an unsightly dark shade, cloudy, then it can be easily lightened. To do this, pour a whipped mixture of 1 teaspoon of raw egg white and 2 tablespoons of cold water into the hot syrup. Place the syrup on the stove and heat, but do not boil. Then filter the syrup again through several layers of gauze.

To prevent the jam from becoming moldy in winter and to make it thick and tasty, follow the correct proportions when preparing the syrup and do not skimp on sugar.

Sugar syrup for jam - proportions of sugar and water

- plums - 1.5 kg of sugar and 1 glass of water;

- pitted cherries - 1.2 kg of sugar without liquid;

- cherries with pits - 1.5 kg of sugar and 0.5 tbsp. water;

- pear slices - 1 kg of granulated sugar and 0.75 tbsp. liquids;

- quince slices - 1 kg of sand and a glass of water;

- peaches in pieces - 1.3 kg of granulated sugar and a glass of liquid;

- gooseberries - 1.5 cups of sugar and 2 cups of water;

- apple slices - 1 kg of granulated sugar and 1 glass of liquid;

- strawberries - 1 kg of sugar without water.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. Instead of water, you can use fruit or berry juices as a liquid. The proportions of syrup for jam from cherries and apricots are the same as for peaches and pitted cherries, so use these data as a guide.

Sweet sugar syrups are often used when making jam, confitures, and candied fruits, nuts, etc. are also soaked with them. In addition, syrups are widely used in the alcohol industry in the production of wines, liqueurs, liqueurs, etc.

Homemade wine, for example, made with sugar syrup, begins to ferment much faster and more actively.

I hope our recipes and proportions of sugar and water with recommendations will help you prepare the right syrup for homemade jam, tasty and thick.

No one will argue that homemade alcohol is safer than store-bought alcohol. And if it has a pleasant aroma and color, then it is also pleasant to drink. But the taste can be made much more pleasant. And all you need to do is add syrup to the moonshine.

Almost all those who like to prepare alcoholic drinks at home and based on it encounter sugar syrup. Those who do not understand its preparation can say that it is all extremely simple. But in reality, everything is not as it seems at first glance. And if you prepare sugar syrup incorrectly, it will not improve the taste of the drink, but will completely ruin it.

Therefore, before you start cooking, you need to understand it properly. Namely:

  • what varieties it comes in;
  • how to make sugar syrup at home;
  • how to prepare invert syrup;
  • how to make syrup for cocktails and infusions with caramel flavor.

How to make basic syrup

It is not customary to use granulated sugar in preparing cocktails with alcohol. Its crystals may not

Sugar syrup

only spoil the texture of the drink, but also the taste. This is why bartenders replace sugar with sugar syrup.

Cooking basic, or also called simple, sugar syrup is quite simple. For this you will need:

  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml hot water.

The ingredients must be mixed until they are completely dissolved. After cooling, the mixture must be strained.

But for preparation, sweeter sugar syrup is usually used. To prepare it, you need to take 200 g of sugar per 100 ml of water. And the cooking technology will be slightly different. Since a large amount of sugar is less soluble in a smaller amount of water, it is necessary to make a water bath. Bring to readiness over low heat.

How to determine a sample

In recipes you can often find the phrases: “boil the sugar syrup until it tastes like a hard ball” or
“Take a test on a thin thread.” Don't be scared and put the recipe aside.

What types of syrup are there:

  1. basic, which is not thick and not sticky in texture.
  2. "Thin thread." It is determined very easily. You need to take a little mixture and drop it on your index finger soaked in water. Cover it with a large one and release it. In this case, this thin thread should form, which will break literally after one or two centimeters.
  3. "Ball". To determine the sample, you need to drop the syrup into a glass of cold, or even ice, water and quickly remove it. Once prepared for this test, you can easily roll it into a ball.

Cooking rules

And yet, no matter how simple the recipe may seem, when preparing it, some rules must be followed:

  1. When cooking, it is necessary to remove the foam. It is worth noting that when using refined sugar, less foam is formed.
  2. In order for the sugar to dissolve, it must be stirred continuously. Otherwise, it may simply settle to the bottom and burn. But after dissolution, you can no longer stir it.
  3. You need to cook it at a low temperature, when it barely gurgles.
  4. It is advisable to take a pan with a thick bottom. You can use a cauldron.
  5. Sugar can always be replaced with powdered sugar. But it is necessary to measure not by volume, but by weight.

Making caramel syrup

To prepare homemade alcoholic drinks, caramel rather than sugar syrup is often used. Winemakers use it to sweeten, color, and add a unique aroma to homemade alcoholic beverages.

And making caramel is also very simple. It must be cooked until it begins to acquire a dark color. After this, it must be diluted with water or a small amount of basic syrup.

Sugar caramel syrup can be of three types:

  1. light caramel. It is thick and has a light honey color. If you drop still hot caramel into a glass of cold water, you will get a hard drop that crumbles on your teeth.
  2. Dark. It has a consistency similar to the previous type. But its color is closer to brown and its aroma is more intense. It is used to infuse alcohol with a rich caramel aroma and characteristic color.
  3. Zhenka. Also used to color alcohol. But not everyone likes its strong aroma with light smoky notes.

Preparation of invert syrup

When inverted, sucrose breaks down into two components: fructose and glucose. Invert sugar
present naturally in honey. Prepared independently, it is very similar to honey. This is an ideal option for those who are allergic to natural beekeeping products. And in winemaking it is used to give drinks a taste with a slight sourness.

But it is most often used for making moonshine mash. With this ingredient, it ferments much faster, and the drink comes out with a more noble taste. Even the heads and tails have a less pungent odor. And the taste of moonshine from such mash is more pleasant than from ordinary sugar.

Mash recipe with invert syrup

You will need the following ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 liter (a little more is possible);
  • citric acid - 15 g.

In a thick-walled saucepan, combine sugar and water. You can use enamel dishes. Bring to a boil over low heat.

When it boils, you need to remove the foam and add citric acid. Remove the foam that will stand out again with a slotted spoon.

Once there is no more foam, close the pan tightly with a lid. If there is a hole in the lid for steam to escape, it must be sealed with bread crumb.

Cook on the lowest heat for 25 minutes to 1.5 hours. Cooking time depends on readiness. And it is determined by a test on a thick thread. When the mixture reaches the desired consistency, remove from heat and let it cool.

You can start preparing excellent moonshine based on the resulting mash.

Moonshine also needs to be sweetened correctly

To give the finished moonshine a sweet taste, basic sugar syrup is used. But before When using it, let it sit for two weeks. During this time, the so-called “silt” will settle and settle. It can negatively affect the taste of the drink.

When mixing moonshine with sugar syrup, carbon dioxide is released. The mixing process is completed when gas evolution stops.

Then you need to put several tablets into the resulting drink and mix thoroughly. Let the mixture sit for another couple of hours. After that, it remains to strain through a cloth or gauze folded in several layers.

The resulting drink must be bottled and left for at least three days in a dark place with a temperature of 3-4 degrees.

All these manipulations will not be in vain. Thus, moonshine acquires a pleasant, soft taste. And even the specific aroma of alcohol almost completely disappears.

To diversify your collection of homemade alcohol, you just need to learn how to properly prepare sugar syrups. After all, they open up a huge scope for searching for new tastes.

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