Cake with condensed milk is a simple recipe for a delicious cake. Quick cake with condensed milk

A quick cake with condensed milk really helped me out today: my daughters needed some baked goods for school for a class holiday tea party (in honor of February 23rd). I don’t like baking cakes (because I don’t know how): I was looking for a recipe for something simple, easy and quick to make. And I found it. I decided to try it - and I didn’t regret it. The home-baked cake turned out much tastier than the store-bought counterpart: soft, tender, and simply melted in your mouth. True, I had to bake another one - they ate the first one right away)))


For the test:

  • flour - 160 grams;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
  • condensed milk - 400 grams;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon (without top);
  • vinegar (9%) - 1 tablespoon.
For cream:
  • 400 grams of boiled condensed milk;
  • 400 grams of sour cream.

Quick cake in a frying pan with condensed milk. Step by step recipe

Preparing dough for homemade cake.

  1. Add eggs to condensed milk and mix with a whisk.
  2. Pour flour and cocoa into the resulting mixture and mix again.
  3. Add soda slaked with vinegar to the condensed milk dough (for 1 teaspoon of soda - 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar).
  4. Mix well again - the dough is ready.
  5. Line the pan with parchment paper, greasing it and the sides of the pan with butter. Pour our dough into it (the consistency is similar to thick sour cream).
  6. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes: check readiness with a dry wooden toothpick or skewer.
  7. To soak the cake, mix in a small bowl (I use a small ladle) 100 grams of water and 100 grams of sugar, put on fire until the sugar is completely dissolved. Turn off as soon as the sugar has completely dissolved and cool.
  8. Let the finished cake first cool for 5-10 minutes in the mold, then remove it from it and wait until it cools completely (this is a prerequisite, otherwise our filling will “float”).
  9. For the cream: beat with a mixer (at low speed) 400 grams of boiled condensed milk and the same amount of sour cream.
  10. Cut the finished chilled sponge cake into three equal parts (if the top is too convex, cut it off and set it aside).
Making a homemade condensed milk cake.
  1. Place the first cake layer on a serving plate and soak it (especially carefully along the rim). Apply the boiled condensed milk cream, carefully spreading it over the surface.
  2. We repeat the same procedure with the remaining two cakes.
  3. For decoration we will use the cut off top: break it into small pieces and dry it in the oven. Place in a bag and crush into crumbs using a rolling pin. Sprinkle the sides of our cake with condensed milk with this crumb.
  4. Sprinkle the top of the cake with chopped walnuts (if you like nuts, I would recommend sprinkling them on each cake - it will be much tastier) and draw a pattern using a pastry syringe (with the remains of the cream).
  5. Let the finished cake brew and soak for 2-3 hours (at room temperature).

Good afternoon, regular readers of the culinary blog! On the pages of our website there are many recipes for simple and quick baking. Continuing this theme, a simple cake recipe with condensed milk and milk will not leave you indifferent.

Although it’s already as simple as possible: you don’t need to turn on the oven, because the cakes are baked in a frying pan in just a couple of minutes.

And the cream is prepared in a matter of minutes. Our version describes the procedure for preparing a custard cake step by step, but you can use alternative ones:

- sour cream with orange zest;
- cream based on cream with dried apricots;
- toffee with butter and chocolate.

By the way, this cake recipe is quite popular among students, as it is not only quick, but also budget-friendly, and will suit any family tea party! After all, it turns out no worse than fresh “Napoleon” from the counter of a candy store.


For the cakes:

1. Condensed milk - 130 ml;

2. Egg - 1 pc.;

3. Vinegar - 1 tsp;

4. Soda - a pinch;

5. Flour - 200 gr.

For cream:

1. Milk - 250 ml;

2. Butter - 100 g;

3. Flour - 1 tbsp;

4. Egg - 1 pc.;

5. Sugar - half a glass;

6. Vanilla sugar - 20 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Pour condensed milk into a deep container.

2. Beat the egg into it and mix everything until smooth.

3. It's time to introduce flour. Pour in the flour and knead into a stiff, but at the same time elastic, dough.

4. Place the dough on the work surface and form it into a “sausage”.

5. Divide it into 8 equal pieces.

6. Roll out each piece thinly with a rolling pin. To prevent the dough from sticking to the work surface, sprinkle it with a little flour.

7. The prepared shortcakes are fried in a hot frying pan for several minutes until the characteristic brown spots appear.

8. Give the toasted cakes a round shape using a sharp knife and a round plate with a diameter of 14 cm.

9. Grind the remaining cakes into fine crumbs.

10. Now let's prepare the cream. Pour milk into a saucepan.

11. Add egg, flour, sugar and vanilla to it.

Stir well with a whisk and bring the custard to a boil.

12. Stir continuously.

13. Add oil and cook for another 30 seconds.

14. The cakes should be generously coated with hot cream.

15. Sprinkle the top of the cake with fine crumbs. Before serving, place the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Finally, let’s highlight some of the tricks of the “Easy as Easy” cake:

— The pan for baking cakes must be thoroughly cleaned of soot and dirt and heated thoroughly.
— Do not use oil during frying. The cakes will not stick to the surface.
— You can choose the shape for the future cake at your own discretion, but it is most convenient to use a round plate or lid.
— If you don’t have condensed milk, you can use sour cream, cream, kefir or milk as a base.
— While frying the cakes, pierce them with a fork so that there are no bubbles on the surface of the cake.
— Baking time for each cake is no more than 2 minutes.
— Leave the cake completely coated with cream at room temperature until it cools completely, and only then put it in the refrigerator. This way it will remain soft longer.
— To make the cakes soak in the cream faster, you can additionally coat them with freshly brewed sweet coffee or sugar syrup.
— Experiment with cake decoration and fillings! In addition to the crumbs, you can add coconut flakes, grated chocolate, and crushed nuts.

Enjoy your tea! This cake with condensed milk is very easy to prepare. Everyone should get it right the first time. Leave comments, subscribe and wait for new recipes on the pages of the culinary blog.

It would seem that it is impossible to prepare a full-fledged cake with condensed milk in 30 minutes. But I have a simple recipe for a delicious cake that will make you bake it really quickly. It is easy to perform; even a young housewife can cope with the task. Cakes with condensed milk will appeal to both adults and children. A wonderful dessert for a family tea party.


  • flour – 140 g;
  • condensed milk – 1 can;
  • sour cream – 400 ml;
  • cocoa – 20 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • soda – 5 g;
  • lemon juice or apple cider vinegar – 10 g;
  • sugar – 200 g.

How to make a cake with condensed milk in 30 minutes

First of all, prepare the dough. Melt the butter.

In one container, combine melted butter and condensed milk.

Add eggs to the total mass and mix everything together. It is best to use a whisk, this will make the mixture more homogeneous.

Add sifted flour to the mixture.

Simmer the soda in juice or vinegar. Add to the rest of the ingredients. Mix the dough.

Prepare a baking pan and line it with parchment paper. Pour 2/3 of the dough into the mold.

Add cocoa to the other part and mix thoroughly.

We also pour the second part onto a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake the dish for 10 minutes.

Divide the finished cake into 3 parts. We don’t throw away the rest of the cake; they will still be useful for decoration.

To prepare the cream, beat sour cream with sugar.

Place the white cake on a plate and coat with cream. Place the chocolate cake on top and coat it as well.

We spread the white cake again. Coat the cake with cream on all sides.

Cakes, biscuits, cookies and pastries with condensed milk have always been the subject of special adoration among lovers of sweets, and a real homemade shortcake cake with boiled condensed milk is the dream of any sweet tooth! But baking a real cake from high-quality products is not within the capabilities of everyone: a lack of practical skills and a lack of time negates all desires. All these are little things; making a shortbread cake is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. In addition, nowadays, such cakes are increasingly being made from ready-made wafer or sponge cakes purchased at the supermarket, saving preparation time and effort.

Let's not look for easy ways and make a delicious cake with condensed milk with our own hands, which will unspeakably please our loved ones.


  • 200 grams of fresh butter
  • 110 grams of thick fat sour cream
  • 1 can of condensed milk (not boiled)
  • 1 teaspoon of soda, quenched with vinegar or citric acid (ratio three to one), you can take ready-made baking powder
  • 4 heaped tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 200 grams of premium wheat flour
  • 800 grams of low-fat sour cream for cream, you can also use cream
  • 130-140 grams of powdered sugar
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar


Condensed milk cakes are prepared quite simply: mix melted butter, full-fat sour cream and condensed milk thoroughly and lightly beat with a mixer at low speed until smooth.

Then add cocoa powder, slaked soda or other baking powder and sifted flour through a fine sieve. Why sift flour? The cakes will become even more airy during baking, so do not neglect this action. The dough will be approximately the same as thick pancakes or charlotte, medium rich.

The cakes are baked in the oven at a temperature of about 200-210 degrees quite quickly, about 10-15 minutes, you just need to grease the springform pan with oil, or even better, cover it with parchment so that the dough does not burn or stick. Pour about a third of the entire dough into the mold, bake until done, carefully remove from the mold and bake two more cakes in the same way.

Some skillful housewives take the path of less resistance and bake one large cake, after complete cooling it is cut into three smaller ones. But for this you need to have a special skill - so we won’t take risks and will cook according to the classical method.

Preparing the cream

While the condensed milk cakes are cooling, prepare the cream for the layer.
Using a mixer, beat 800 g of low-fat sour cream until fluffy and snow-white, at the end of whipping, add powdered sugar and vanillin and immediately spread on the cooled pieces for a delicious cake.

To give the product a finished look, you need to spread the first layer of cream, lay the second one evenly on top, pressing down lightly, coat it again with sour cream and put the third layer on top, acting very gently so as not to break the integrity.

Then carefully coat all sides of the cake, level the surface with a long knife or a special spatula. You can decorate it in different ways, sprinkle it with biscuit crumbs, chocolate shavings, place fruit or pieces of marmalade, give free rein to your creative imagination, but don’t overdo it, because everything has its own measure. Keep in the refrigerator for about three to four hours and you can serve tea by cutting into beautiful portioned pieces.

With store-bought cakes

If you don’t want to spend a long time with preparation, or guests are already on the doorstep, you can prepare the simplest version of the cake with condensed milk and ready-made waffle cakes, although you can also buy sponge cakes.


1 regular can of condensed milk, a bag of vanilla sugar and 220 grams of butter are whipped with a mixer until smooth, if desired, you can add 1 cup chopped walnuts, you get an even more elegant delicacy.

The finished mass is a cream for combining ready-made waffle cakes, which can be bought at any supermarket. The amount of cream is just enough for one package of such layers. Coat it, layer upon layer. Sprinkle the top and sides with the remaining crumbs and nuts, put them in the refrigerator until guests arrive. Before serving, cut into small portions.


There is another recipe for a cake with boiled condensed milk. It was so nicknamed because it is very easy to prepare and quite high in calories, so do not indulge in it too often to avoid problems with excess weight.


For the dough, take 4 chicken eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 2/3 of slaked soda and about 1 cup of flour.

Beat the eggs with sugar into a strong foam, add soda, sifted flour and mix quickly but carefully so that the dough does not settle. Pour into a parchment-lined pan and bake in the oven until done, without opening the door for the first twenty minutes. You will get a classic sponge cake, which needs to be cut into two parts after cooling, coated with cream and left for several hours in the refrigerator so that the cake becomes juicy and fragrant from the cream.

Preparing the cream

Beat 200-210 grams of soft butter with 1 can of boiled condensed milk and 1 packet of vanilla sugar. This type of cream is considered one of the most popular among novice cooks due to its ease of preparation and the number of ingredients, although lovers of slim figures avoid it due to its high calorie content.


Condensed milk is often used to create confectionery products, as it greatly simplifies their preparation and makes baked goods delicious. We offer 10 quick and delicious recipes for cake with condensed milk, even a beginner can prepare them.

A cake cooked in a frying pan may seem something unusual and strange to some housewives. However, many positive reviews say otherwise. Cake with condensed milk in a frying pan is popular; housewives choose it for its simplicity of recipes and excellent results.

For the test:

  • 470 g flour;
  • egg;
  • 2 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 340 g condensed milk.

For cream:

  • 10 g vanilla;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 215 g granulated sugar;
  • 480 ml milk;
  • 2 dessert spoons of flour.
  1. Mix all the ingredients for the base with a mixer, divide into 6 parts and bring to the required size with a rolling pin. Fry the cakes in a dry frying pan. Cut off any irregularities.
  2. Mix the ingredients for the cream, except oil, and heat.
  3. Next, add the butter and beat until thick.
  4. Grease the cakes with cream, sprinkle the sides and top with crumbs.

A simple and quick treat is ready. Preparation will take no more than 20 minutes.

Napoleon cake with condensed milk

The popular Napoleon cake has a delicate and delicate taste that will be remembered for a long time by those who try it at least once. And to give the dessert a delicate milky taste, you need to make it with condensed milk.


  • 180 g margarine;
  • 180 g flour;
  • 80 ml water;
  • 2 g salt;
  • 3 ml vinegar;
  • 110 g butter;
  • can of condensed milk.
  1. Cut the margarine into squares. Add flour and salt to it. Mix with your hands until crumbly.
  2. Pour water and vinegar into the flour, knead the dough. Form it into a ball, place it in the freezer for 15 minutes, wrap it in a bag.
  3. Roll the dough into 8 balls, roll out the cakes, bake at 170°C.
  4. Use a mixer to turn soft butter with cold condensed milk into a fluffy dense cream.
  5. Before work, put it in the cold for 15 minutes.
  6. Cover the cakes with cream.

In order not to disturb the natural crunch of the cakes, it is better to serve the cake immediately after cooking. This way they will not absorb the cream and will remain crispy.

Dessert in Leningrad style

For many, the recipe for the Leningrad-style dessert seems complicated. This “yummy” dish can be prepared quickly and easily. And the condensed milk in the composition will make the dessert even tastier and more aromatic.

  • 470 g flour;
  • 185 g sugar;
  • 290 g margarine;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 3 g vanillin;
  • 8 g baking powder.

For cream:

  • 280 g butter;
  • 330 g condensed milk;
  • 180 g powdered sugar;
  • 30 g cocoa.
  1. Combine margarine, sand and vanillin. Add eggs. Pass flour and baking powder through a sieve. Leave the homogeneous mass in the cold for 100-120 minutes.
  2. Form the dough into 2 balls, roll out and bake at 175° C. Then cut each cake in half. Makes only 4 pieces.
  3. Beat warm butter with condensed milk, powdered sugar and cocoa. Place the lush cream in the cold for a few minutes.
  4. Grease the cakes with cream. If desired, make layers of apricot jam.

It is impossible to imagine the “Leningrad style” cake without fondant. It is easy to prepare and ready in 5 minutes.


  • 15 g cocoa;
  • 35 g butter;
  • 35 g sugar;
  • 270 ml milk.
  1. Mix sugar, cocoa and milk and cook for 4 minutes.
  2. Add oil. Cover the cake with cooled fondant.

This recipe has more ingredients and steps to prepare the cake. But if you manage your time correctly and prepare the necessary ingredients in advance, then creating a dessert will not take much time.

No baked corn sticks

Recipes for cakes without baking allow the housewife to please her family and friends with something unusual, spending a minimum of time on it. Cookies or gingerbread are often used as the basis for such cakes. But a more interesting component will be corn sticks.


  • 220 g corn sticks;
  • 350 g condensed milk;
  • 120 g walnuts;
  • 80 g milk chocolate.
  1. Place corn sticks in a bowl, add chopped walnuts to them.
  2. Pour condensed milk over everything. Mix carefully. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 50 minutes.
  3. Take them out of the refrigerator and form the cake into the desired shape.
  4. Drizzle a thin stream of melted chocolate on top.

This dessert is fun to make with your kids. For them it will be a small discovery and an interesting game. After all, their favorite delicacy makes a big and beautiful cake! The activity will bring a lot of positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time.

“Anthill” with condensed milk

It’s hard to imagine Anthill cake without condensed milk. This recipe uses boiled condensed milk, which makes the dessert very tasty and nutritious.


  1. 275 g butter;
  2. 95 g sugar;
  3. 750 g flour;
  4. 130 g sour cream;
  5. 2 g soda;
  6. 360 g boiled condensed milk.
  1. Mix 210 g of melted butter with sugar. Add sour cream, flour and soda, mix everything.
  2. Scroll the dough in a meat grinder and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment. "Ground meat". Bake at 200°C.
  3. Beat the remaining butter with condensed milk.
  4. Break the cooled pastries with your hands and mix with the cream.

Create an “Anthill” from the resulting mass on a serving plate.

From sponge cakes

Cream for cake with condensed milk is very popular, as it does not require special skills. The cream is simple, quick to prepare and versatile - it can be used to decorate and fill baked goods.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 175 g sugar;
  • 230 g flour;
  • 6 g baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt.
  • 360 g condensed milk;
  • 175 g butter.
  1. Beat eggs, salt and sugar until foamy.
  2. Gently sift the flour and baking powder into the egg mixture. Mix with a spatula from top to bottom. Bake the cakes at 170°C for 30 minutes.
  3. For the cream, beat warm butter with condensed milk into a fluffy mass. After cooling completely, brush the cakes with it.

If desired, the cakes can be soaked in syrup or your favorite juice. But it is advisable to give them time to “rest” for 4-5 hours, and only after that should you start shaping the cake.

Cooking with pancakes

Once again it’s worth returning to the recipe in a frying pan, but only the cakes will be made from pancakes. The cake turns out to be interesting and unusual.

For the base:

  • 20 g vegetable oil;
  • 1 egg;
  • 510 ml milk;
  • 2 g salt;
  • 35 g granulated sugar;
  • 580 g flour.

For the filling:

  • 240 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 80 g cookies;
  • 120 g walnuts.


  1. Mix the egg, sand and milk and bring to 40°C.
  2. Add salt, flour and vegetable oil to this mixture and mix. The dough should be semi-thick.
  3. Fry thin pancakes.
  4. Wash and dry the nuts. Turn the cookies into crumbs.
  5. Place the pancake on the surface, grease with condensed milk on top, add crushed cookies and nuts. Place the second pancake and filling on top. And so on until the food runs out. Decorate the cake in any way (chocolate shavings, icing, berries).

As I was convinced, pancakes can not only be stuffed, but also a full-fledged cake that will surprise and delight guests.

Quick waffle cake

For those whose time is scheduled in minutes, but want to prepare dessert with their own hands, ready-made waffle cakes will help out. In stores you can choose them in any flavor - vanilla, honey, chocolate.


  • 1 package of waffle cakes;
  • 280 g butter;
  • 350 g condensed milk;
  • 20 g cocoa;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 55 g white chocolate;
  • 6 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  1. Beat 260 g of warm butter with condensed milk. Grease the cake layers, create a cake and place in the refrigerator for 30-50 minutes.
  2. Mix sugar, milk and cocoa in a saucepan and boil for 2 minutes. Add butter to the glaze and stir, pour over the cake and refrigerate for 25 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle with white chocolate chips before serving.

The dessert is simple and unusual. You can make it even tastier by adding your favorite fruits and berries.

"Log" made from puff pastry

Another quick option for making dessert is a cake made from ready-made puff pastry. Preparation does not take much time and requires a minimum of ingredients.


  • 400 g puff pastry;
  • 330 g butter;
  • 340 g condensed milk;
  • 20 g ground coffee.
  1. Roll out the finished defrosted dough and cut into strips. Place on baking paper and bake at 180°C for 8-13 minutes.
  2. Beat butter, condensed milk and coffee into a fluffy mass.
  3. Spread the film in 2 layers on a flat surface. Place a layer of sticks on it and cover with cream.
  4. Do these manipulations with the remaining sticks. Leave 3 pieces for decoration. Wrap the finished cake in film and form it into a log. Refrigerate for at least 11 hours.

The cake can be prepared a few days before the holiday and stored in the freezer, without deteriorating its taste. In cross-section, it turns out to be interesting and unusual.

Quick cookie treat


  • 340 g shortbread cookies;
  • 360 g condensed milk;
  • 190 g butter;
  • 110 g dark chocolate.


  1. Turn cookies into crumbs in any way. Mix it with 90 g of soft butter and place in a mold. Place in the freezer for 7 minutes.
  2. Beat the remaining butter and condensed milk with a mixer and place on the crust.
  3. Pour chocolate melted in a water bath over the top of the cake. Place it in the cold for half an hour.

For any of the desserts listed to be a success, you need a good mood and a little time. It is, of course, worth paying attention to the choice of the main ingredient - condensed milk. It must be fresh and meet quality standards. If you follow all the recommendations, the dessert will turn out at the highest level.

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