Interpretation on coffee grounds of a bride with a bouquet. Fortune telling on coffee grounds, the most accurate interpretations of symbols

A little background: fortune telling on coffee grounds was popular in Italy. The Italians claim that it was they who became the founders of this fortune-telling in the 18th century, all the symbols and answers come from there. A list has been compiled that many have heard of. It was believed that not a single correct answer could do without the participation of the devil himself.

Fortune telling using brewed coffee is the most accessible and easiest way to look into fate. Everyone has heard about this procedure, but not everyone can decipher what the symbols mean during coffee fortune-telling. Also, not everyone knows how to correctly predict the future using coffee.

How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds

Process, fortune telling on coffee grounds hasn't changed at all. True, not everyone knows that when we start brewing coffee, while we bring it to a boil, we say the words: “Aqua boraxit vinias carajos.” We stir boiling coffee, saying: “Fexitur et “Fexitur et patricam explina”

The coffee had to be drunk or drained. The grounds remaining at the bottom of the cup were shaken, twisting the cup in the hands, then tipped onto a saucer (necessarily white). They always said: “Nahverticaline, pax Fantas marobum, max destinatus, veida porol.” If the fortune teller accidentally, or for some reason, forgot to say this, then she could get up and leave. They thought there was no point in expecting the truth from her.

For coffee fortune telling required: porcelain coffee cup - light, plain; and natural coffee. As you can see, there are a minimum of components. The best drink for fortune telling is obtained by brewing two tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee and one spoon of finely ground coffee per cup. The answer will be told to you by the sediment that forms at the bottom of the cup after the coffee is drunk by a person who wants to know his fate.

The procedure for drinking the coffee drink itself plays an important role. To begin with, the fortuneteller needs to focus on the question, formulate it clearly and think about it, pour in freshly brewed coffee, and let it sit for three to five minutes. Drink, leaving about a tablespoon of liquid at the bottom.

Then with your left hand, we take the cup by the handle, continue to think about the question, and rotate it vigorously. The coffee residue should reach the rim of the cup.

We tip the cup onto the saucer, naturally upside down. Then, count to seven. Turn the cup over and carefully look at what has formed on the walls of the cup. We take a closer look. For fortune telling, it is important how the coffee stains are located on the walls, from top to bottom, from left to right, or from right to left, as well as on the bottom of the cup.

Coffee signs on the sides of the cup represent the future, on the bottom - the past. The farther from the edge the signs. The more distant the future.

We can tell a more complete result by considering more than five signs. Associations that will come immediately, intuitively and will be the most faithful.

The meaning of coffee stains will explain the meaning of the figures below. Of course, it's worth taking with a certain amount of skepticism. Because only the universe knows everything. You need to gain experience, a certain amount of experience in fortune telling, in order to be confident in the results. It also matters which signs are located nearby; they also play a significant role in fortune telling. Once again, I want to say. That only practice and accumulated experience will give you knowledge and understanding of fortune telling.
If you need the help of a real fortune teller, you can always use it online, where you can ask a question to a fortune teller or clairvoyant in a chat or from a mobile phone

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation and meaning of signs

  • Eyes are pleasant changes on the threshold, they are waiting for you.
  • Head - a young man in your life will bring positive and beneficial changes. Your life will shine with new facets.
  • Head in profile - you don’t have to worry, you have reliable protection.
  • A woman's head indicates the presence of feelings. Love.
  • A man’s head - alas, nothing good, separation and severance of relations with a loved one.
  • A head turned up can indicate that you have an influential and strong patron.
  • A head turned down is a call for caution, danger awaits along the way.
  • Two heads, as if in the center of a circle - you will soon hear Mendelssohn's march, a wedding is on the threshold.
  • Two heads facing each other - promises you stable relationships, understanding, love, reciprocity.
  • Two heads, as if separated vertically, means that your partner is not faithful, a major quarrel, separation, or even divorce is possible.
  • Several goals - don’t worry, even if you have bad and terrible luck. In your difficult situation, your loved ones will help you.
  • Lips - if the pattern at the bottom of the cup is a messenger of good news, but closer to the edge of the cup - you can hope for the support and understanding of friends.
  • An elderly woman - despite the not very pleasant image, you can rejoice: a stable, happy family life; if there is a lover, then a strong connection and a more stable relationship with the prospect is possible.
  • Hand - unrealistic plans, destruction of illusions, collapse of hopes.
  • A person with an animal - look around, look carefully around you, you will definitely see a person who cares about you, who is ready to do anything for you. This person is nearby.

Animals, birds, insects.

  • Butterfly is a message full of confessions and pleasant words, a message of love.
  • Bull - a warning about danger, trouble. Be careful in your actions and deeds.
  • Bull on the hill - expect pleasant changes, financial improvements.
  • A bull in the lowland is a wonderful sign, which means that your health in the near future will not cause worries and fears, and naturally problems with your health will not bother you.
  • A camel is a thrifty animal that will bring a full thicket to your home, wealth will delight you, further prosperity will inspire hope, financial success will also, having entered your home for a minute, remain there forever.
  • Raven is a messenger of misfortune. Be careful. But everything is in the hands of Fate.
  • Dove - wonderful people in your environment. A pure soul and a loving heart are nearby. You're very lucky.
  • The hare is a master of empty words and drumming. Cowardice and external brilliance. To make forecasts for the future, you need to analyze the present, but that’s not possible. There is no such talent.
  • Snake - you shouldn’t let a snake into your house and warm your heart. He will punish you with evil and deceit, lies with poison from the lips of such a “friend” with whom you don’t even need enemies. Unkindness is the most harmless thing from such people.
  • Cow - it’s a shame if they call it that in life, but the sign for fortune telling is simply superb, it brings good luck and happiness just on the doorstep.
  • Cat - God forbid. This is the collapse of all plans and hopes, poverty, ruin.
  • Chicken - be ready to help, while you don’t know this person yet.
  • Swan - sometimes you don’t expect it, but you get manna from heaven, unexpected financial income.
  • Leo is the king of beasts; in life, this sign also speaks of the nobility of the heart, the breadth of the soul, power and a certain authority.
  • Fox - naturally, you don’t have to wait for the positive. Deceit in person, deception right there. There is no animal more cunning than a fox. Fraud is also waiting in the wings.
  • Frog - wait for news that will please you. Success will come with luck, happiness will not be slow to appear.
  • A bear is forewarned and therefore forearmed. You will be able to avoid danger. Under good circumstances.
  • Ant - expect troubles, empty and tedious, anxiety will not leave you, anxiety will surge, vanity - vanity.
  • A fly - it will not always please you to receive an inheritance, but there is also financial success, a companion - material well-being, hand in hand with wealth.
  • Deer is no wiser animal, no nobler. Honesty is nearby and openness is not far away.
  • Eagle - we only dream of peace. Our life is a struggle. Fortunately, it will end in your victory.
  • A spider is always a surprise. A gift or surprise will delight you.
  • The rooster is a full house, heaven. Only positive news. Happiness at home is great. But, if it is closer to the lower edge of the wall of the cup, there is a person very close in your house who will plot intrigues, and perhaps successfully. Keep in mind.
  • Fish - good news, a pleasant journey is possible.
  • The elephant is the personification of strength and power. The elephant's power is undeniable, its influence, even its authority. Wealth and financial success come next.
  • A dog is a more loyal animal than friends, loyal and reliable. Which becomes reality.
  • Owl - there is nothing worse than losing someone, even if we say that we went to the rainbow. Maybe not so sad, but a long, protracted illness, at least.
  • The tiger is a beast and a beast in Africa. Anger and rage.
  • The lizard is such a nimble one. So, expect a surprise, or something unexpected, this is any event.

Trees, flowers.

  • Oak is a symbol of a triumphant, a sign of a well-deserved victory.
  • Willow - well, tears, a weeping willow. A sea of ​​tears, depression.
  • Clover is a lucky ticket, problems will be resolved, the time will come, don’t be sad, adversity will break against the walls of positivity.
  • Bush - the business started will be unsuccessful, the collapse of plans and hopes.
  • Forest - no one is guaranteed against mistakes; you chose the wrong path or the wrong person.
  • Lily - if on the wall of a cup - it means stability, constancy. Love, devoted and real. Strong friendship. If the sign is at the bottom of the cup - a quarrel, conflict.
  • Rose - well, that means loneliness is going away, engagement at least. And also marriage, and marriage, it’s about the wedding.
  • Violet - just as we dreamed. Marriage. Moreover, with a wealthy person, not a poor one.
  • Chrysanthemum is an autumn flower, the brightest. So is love, the last and very strong.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds. The meaning of objects

  • A car - well, that's a journey, a trip.
  • There is nothing more precious than a diamond, and so it is in life. Mutual love will visit you. In love - happiness and luck.
  • Angel -0 only joy can be expected from the hands of an angel. Only good news, joy, so unexpected. Or another surprise.
  • Fork - a full house, enjoyment of the financial side, an inexhaustible fountain of wealth, luxury and prosperity.
  • The coffin is, of course, only grief, sad news, misfortune.
  • A coffin with a cross is nothing less than death.
  • A coffin next to the bed is a serious and long illness, without a clearing.
  • The door is open to success, to achieving a goal. If you think about something, then go ahead and everything will work out.
  • Home is a hearth where people wait. Happiness in life, good luck in family life, success and prosperity.
  • Dagger - beware of enmity, loss, anger awaits. Envy is their sister.
  • The key is luck for starting any business, since all doors are open, any undertaking is a success.
  • Wheel - we can’t sit still, we are looking for adventure. In a good way.
  • The ring is much clearer - the wedding is on the doorstep, starting with the engagement. The union promises to be beneficial.
  • Hammer - we begin to act on a whim, like a blind man. You can't avoid trouble, but it's worth it, no matter what the outcome of the case, you will end up with success.
  • The knife is the need to sacrifice oneself. Losses. damage cannot be avoided.
  • Scissors - you cannot run away from luck, success will be your friend, prosperity will remain with you.
  • Weapons - get ready for quarrels and scandals, this will probably be followed by a break.
  • Shoes - be careful, there is a possibility of danger.
  • Folder - finished the job, go for a walk safely. Successful completion.
  • The noose is a more terrible and sinister symbol. Beware of big troubles, there is a possibility of death.
  • Glove - nostalgia, the likelihood of the return of old feelings, love.
  • Horseshoe - for good luck. And with this comes happiness and success.
  • Dishes are an unexpected encounter, rather a pleasant one.
  • Candle - let's fly in fantasies, dreams, dreams.
  • The chair is the path to financial success, climbing the career ladder.
  • Flag - beware of rash actions, a warning of danger. Be wiser.
  • A hat - a laurel wreath is guaranteed to you, fame and of course success.
  • Anchor - if there is a clear pattern, then success is coming, luck and happiness are nearby. As a gift. Blurred - problems, but they are temporary. Personal life will improve. It's a question of time.

Coffee fortune telling: Shapes and lines

  • Arc - beware, the enemy is dangerous and insidious. Don't underestimate him.
  • The star is light, freedom. Leaving a difficult situation or an unnecessary, annoying and unpleasant person.
  • Square - your life will be happy and prosperous.
  • St. Andrew's Cross - get ready, marriage is just around the corner. Marriage awaits. Wedding.
  • Cross - if the sign is solid, the news is not the best. The outline of the cross, white inside - happiness in family life.
  • Circle - you have a vicious circle, this is mutual understanding and harmony with the people around you, broken - a new acquaintance, new people in your life.
  • The line - if it zigzags, adventures await you. The line is crossed by broken lines. Then straight lines of grievances and problems in your personal life are guaranteed. If the line is straight and long - happiness and absence of problems, carefree. Intermittent means illness. Losses, lack of stability and certainty.
  • Oblique lines - forewarned is forearmed. Danger is coming.
  • Broken lines - close your financial trouser, difficulties.
  • Oval is a sign of a ring, wait for the wedding. Marriage or marriage.
  • Dots or strokes - everything is going well, success, luck, happiness.
  • Triangle - if it is closed, you are lucky and the favorite of fate. Luck and unexpected success, good luck is with you. Unclosed - there is a patron, a strong protector.
  • Dashes - advice for changing jobs.
  • Quadrangle - lucky in love, definitely. Luck.

Coffee fortune telling. What do the numbers mean?

  • Unit - relax, you are loved.
  • Two - get ready, failure, an unpleasant event awaits. Illness cannot be ruled out.
  • Three - you are lucky in finance, a successful deal and profit are possible.
  • Four - fortune has turned its face, luck, success.
  • Five - don’t believe empty talk, more gossip, rancor. Five means rumors
  • Schesterka - you can hear Mendelssohn's march, a wedding. Hence marriage, marriage. Number six for marriage
  • Number seven - reciprocity is a rare travel companion, but you are lucky. There is harmony and peace in the family. Happiness.
  • Number eight - be more tolerant of your loved ones. There may be a disagreement.
  • Number nine - it wouldn’t hurt to meet a new, soulful person.
  • The meaning of the number 10 is your lucky star, good luck and success.

Letters on coffee grounds

It is not possible to decipher all the symbols when fortune telling by coffee. Very often in a cup of brewed coffee we see clear letters that have their own meaning. To know

Of the huge number of fortune-telling, fortune-telling on coffee grounds is considered the most relevant. The interpretation of the symbols that are formed from the coffee sediment is a great mystery. It helps reveal turning points in life. The demand for this category of fortune telling is due to the fact that this method uses an unusual, but at the same time everyone’s favorite ingredient - coffee.

And the process of obtaining the necessary information itself attracts a huge number of people. Many people take this fortune-telling seriously, and some people perceive the ritual as some kind of fun. But such fortune-telling, in spite of everything, is capable of telling a person important information that is embedded in every ornament and sign. Let's lift the curtain of mystery and find out what coffee images mean.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation of symbols

Fortune telling using coffee grounds is one of the simple and universal methods that allows you to get answers to many questions of interest. The difficulty of this fortune-telling lies only in the interpretation of drawings and symbols. To do this, you need to use your own imagination and imagination, and focus on the clearest images that can be seen at the bottom of the cup.

If you decide to tell fortunes, and using this method, then you will need to take the following attributes:

  • A light cup
  • Coffee that is brewing
  • Turku
  • Small saucer

More information about dishes:

  • Take the fortune telling cup, not the first one you come across. Give preference to a beautiful medium-sized vessel, preferably porcelain. It’s more pleasant to drink a drink from such a cup, and the positive emotions you receive will quickly put you in the right state.
  • There should be no foreign stains, dirt, ornaments, or cracks inside the cup.
  • As for the saucer, you should also choose it without ornament. An ornament on a saucer or inside a cup can distort the design and you will misjudge the result.

If you want to get the right results and understand the essence of the whole process, you need to remember the main rules:

  • Focus well
  • Make sure there are no distractions at all
  • Before fortune telling, calm down, feel your inner feelings
  • Give this process an hour, or it may take even longer.

The preparatory process for fortune telling occurs as follows:

  • Before fortune telling, prepare yourself coffee in the following proportion: 1 tsp. coffee: 1 tbsp. boiling water Boil the drink over low heat. Focus, tune in, calm down. Turn off your phone.
  • Take the prepared equipment: a round, plain mug, without patterns, the same saucer.
  • Make sure that all your actions are performed correctly. When you pour the drink into the mug, make a mental wish for what you want to know. While drinking a drink, try to concentrate on the topic that worries you.
  • You also need to drink coffee properly. Do this slowly, in small sips. Leave a couple of teaspoons of the drink at the bottom of the mug to perform this fortune telling.
  • In order to get accurate drawings, simple movements will come to your aid. After you finish the entire drink, take the mug with the grounds in your left palm. Spin it clockwise, ask a question, and then turn the mug upside down on the saucer. Don't pick it up right away. Let the ritual be completed.
  • After a few minutes you can open the mug. Do not rush to immediately interpret the symbols. First, consider them carefully.

Now let's study with you how to interpret the symbols themselves. To do this, you need to remember some features:

  • Pay attention from the very beginning to the edges and central part of the mug.
  • Study carefully the location of each figure - start with the left side and end with the right.
  • You should pay special attention to the bottom of the mug and its center.

The main points of interpretation of signs are:

  • Those signs that are on the walls of the cup may differ in shape, location and size. Remember that the larger the symbol, the greater its value. A set with symbols that are located next to each other has the same meaning, therefore, they need to be interpreted together.
  • The signs that are located near the handle of the container relate to the fortuneteller himself and show the events that are currently taking place.
  • It is also worth highlighting the number of dark spots.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: online interpretation

Historians claim that the very first people to tell fortunes using coffee grounds were residents of eastern countries in the 14th century. A little later, the inhabitants of Europe learned about such mystical possibilities of coffee.

As a rule, all people wondered, regardless of their own status. And the knowledge and experience that they had collected over a long time were brought together. After this, a special encyclopedia was published, which included the wisdom of people, their secrets, experiences that help tell about the future, past and present.

Since technology is rapidly developing every year, methods of fortune telling via the Internet have emerged. If you look at one of the online projects, you can brew coffee in virtual time and carry out the entire ritual. After completing the process, you will be given the opportunity to find out a description of each figure that will appear on the inner surface of the cup.

All these manipulations, of course, simplify fortune telling. However, the result in terms of correct interpretation and accuracy is undoubtedly inferior to fortune telling in the real world. It is more effective to learn this process at home, without trusting computer algorithms. Only real coffee will tell you what to expect in the future. And also, how to act better and more correctly to achieve the goal.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation, meaning

You can find out the meaning of the interpretation thanks to the location of a particular symbol:

  • At the top of the cup you can find out the near future or what is happening at the moment
  • At the bottom of the cup you can find out in more detail the distant future
  • The bottom of the cup shows unlucky omens
  • Looking from left to right, you will learn about what is approaching or what will very soon become a part of your life
  • Looking from right to left, you will recognize something that will soon leave you or move away from you

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation - pictures

During fortune telling on coffee grounds, you will be able to see a huge number of pictures. Among them there are figures that are associated with nature:

  • Clover. This symbol means that your life will most likely stabilize soon. All failures will be left behind, you will have a life full of luck and success. If you are single, then you can meet your betrothed very soon. If you saw only this symbol on the cup, then you should expect great happiness. But the clover flower means the following: you will become a famous and popular person.
  • Bush. This picture symbolizes a dream, an idea, a goal. However, your plans will not come true, therefore, you should not waste your own effort and money. If there are thorns on the bush, this means that you will doubt something. And if there are flowers, then you will lose your cherished dream. If the branches of a bush are bare, this means experience, loss, suffering.

  • Willow. This tree means separation, defeat, fall. For men, this sign means trouble and difficulty, a problem that is associated with the law. A willow twig represents life's problems that can cleanse your soul.
  • Oak. The tree represents the winner. You will always come first.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation of symbols - drawings

  • Star. You will be freed from a painful person, event, matter. You will be able to breathe freely, throw off the yoke, and take a little rest from difficult situations. If the star is very big, then happiness awaits you. A star with six wedges means vacation.
  • Cross. A bad symbol if it is dark in color. If the cross is a light shade, then an idyll awaits you.
  • Arc. Warns you that there is a traitor or envious person next to you.
  • Figure in the form square- stability or smooth resolution of cases.
  • broken line- journey.

  • Straight line- good events.
  • Two curves intersecting lines- instability of affairs, their collapse. Possible loss of your soulmate.
  • Dotted line- difficulties or troubles. Possible severe illness.
  • Circle- a great symbol. You will communicate well with loved ones and employees at work.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation of letters

If during fortune telling you notice a clear letter on a cup or saucer, then you should look at the following interpretations


  • B – sadness, troubles, grief;
  • D - you need to visit the Temple very soon and light a candle to St. George;
  • D – financial difficulties await you;
  • F - a conspiracy awaits you;
  • Z - a symbol of pleasure, joy, fun;
  • K - buy a cross in the Temple, because serious difficulties await you in the future;
  • L is a symbol of luck, love, personal happiness;
  • M – welfare, good deeds in the financial sector;
  • N - anxiety, excitement, worries await you;
  • P - take a close look at your own close people, perhaps among them there is a person who behaves insincerely towards you;
  • P – letter denoting a lover of alcoholic beverages;
  • S - in the near future you will have a strong quarrel with someone;
  • T - a new pleasant acquaintance awaits you;
  • F – hope that can support you in difficult times;
  • X - you will get married soon;
  • C – rapid rise up the career ladder;
  • H – possible loss of a loved one;
  • Ш - reconciliation with someone with whom you quarreled;
  • b – flirting;
  • Kommersant – arrival of imminent guests.


  • A – victory in all matters
  • E – bright and pure soul
  • And - you can take a rash action that will lead to a certain consequence
  • O – journey or journey
  • U - quarrel in the future
  • E – theft of your personal belongings or their loss
  • Yu – long-term illness
  • I - your life will improve

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation of numbers

  • 0 – a star of happiness that illuminates you, is considered a protective talisman, brings success and great happiness into your life
  • 1 – there is a person very close to you who loves and adores you
  • 2 – be careful, you may get sick
  • 3 – financial profit awaits you, sign important contracts and agreements without fear
  • 4 – you shouldn’t implement your own plans right now

  • 5 – someone close to you may discuss you
  • 6 – you shouldn’t have a wedding celebration in the near future
  • 7 – you will be surrounded by family love, happiness, care
  • 8 – scandals may arise in the family, which will quickly pass
  • 9 – take walks more often, an unexpected acquaintance awaits you

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation - person

  • 2 faces, a rose between them - marriage and a happy family life await you in the near future
  • 2 faces, a line between them - divorce awaits you
  • 2 people in a circle - marriage in the future
  • 2 people look at each other - mutual feelings
  • 2 heads without bodies - your close friend will change your life for the better

  • Profile of a human head - you have a protector
  • Human head - you know someone loves you
  • A human head looking down is a slight danger
  • A human head that looks up - wait for help from the protector
  • More than one head - your loved ones will come to your aid

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation of figures

Very often, during coffee fortune-telling, people come across all sorts of figures. For example, images of animals. Let's look at the most common among them:

  • Bear. Considered a protector from dangers
  • Horse. Your wishes will soon come true. Perhaps you will receive news from someone close to you
  • Gender of the horse. Your wish will come true, but not completely
  • Dog. you have a good friend
  • cat. Financial difficulties and poverty await you
  • Elephant. Many people will respect you in the future
  • Dolphin. There is a person who can give you an interesting hint
  • Monkey. You are surrounded by enemies and scammers
  • Wolf. Become stronger, overcome misfortune and illness

  • Hare. Means fear
  • Giraffe. Use foresight to resolve any lingering issues.
  • a lion. In the future you will become a powerful and powerful person
  • Eagle. Victory awaits you
  • Chicken. Help a loved one
  • Cow. Good luck is already waiting for you
  • Rat. Someone might betray you
  • Pig. Good luck with discord - it awaits you
  • Kangaroo. Be careful. Someone close to you wants to use you

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation - woman

The symbol depicting a woman can be interpreted in completely different ways. After all, it will depend on who is near this symbol.

  • If you see a good figure next to a woman, for example, a dog, then you can expect strong friendship from the woman or support from her.
  • If the figures located next to the female image have bad meanings, then you should beware of the envious person.
  • A woman who has a crown on her head means protection from an influential person or from a relative.

  • If a woman is talking, then you need to take a closer look at your close friends. There is a chance that one of them will betray you or reveal your secret to someone.
  • If you notice a pregnant woman on the coffee grounds, expect various omens: minor difficulties, financial well-being, and so on. If you are expecting a child yourself, then your birth will take place without complications.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation - man

  • If during fortune telling you notice the image of a man on the coffee grounds, this is a good sign indicating serious intentions.
  • If you are married, then you have a suitor who passionately wants to achieve your feelings.
  • The male image at the bottom of the cup denotes the appearance of some kind of mentor. This man will help you develop along the career ladder.
  • The male image on the edge of the dish is a love affair, flirting, an adventure with that man who does not want to associate his fate with you in the future.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation - dragon

  • If during fortune telling you notice the image of a dragon, it means that all the work you have started will be successfully completed. But if at the same time your affairs are connected with dubious offers, then you should refuse them.
  • If you are single, then a man with strong influence is waiting for you at work. Perhaps this will be your director.
  • The image of a dragon on the grounds of coffee for a woman in a stable relationship means the appearance of a rival or troubles in family life. This, of course, can lead to discord.

Try to look at the figures located near the dragon. This way you can find out its exact value. The dragon always signifies strong changes, long-term processes, influential personalities, patrons, and opponents. In some situations, a ring near a dragon or a dove means pregnancy.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: interpretation - heart

The heart, as a rule, denotes success in love affairs, strong feelings, attention from men, flirting, and so on.

  • The heart at the bottom of the cup means that you are ready for love trials and very soon you will definitely meet that person who will completely change your life and worldview.
  • A heart located on the edge of the dish is a romantic adventure, fun, joy of love, traveling with a man. If on the inner surface of the cup you notice a heart that is broken, then you will experience betrayal of a loved one, a break in all relationships with him, a long-term conflict and quarrel, destroyed illusions and plans.

Also pay attention if you notice an upside down heart. As a rule, this symbolizes empty illusions and hopes. Very soon you will face trials, after which you will completely change your attitude towards true love.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you should not blindly believe only fortune-telling. You can look at the overall coffee picture, but make a decision and move only in the direction that your mind and heart tell you, because your destiny depends only on you, and it is you who can influence it in one way or another.

Video: Coffee prediction

Hello, dear readers. In this article, you will learn how to use freshly brewed natural coffee to predict turning events that can be expected in the near and distant future.

Also, knowledge about the present will be revealed to you, you will see echoes of the past and will be able to connect them with the future. Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a special sacrament that carries a powerful information charge. It requires special preparation. In order for predictions to be as accurate as possible, a number of rules must be followed. So.

What will you need?

For fortune telling, prepare the following attributes:

  • Turk for making coffee;
  • Natural coffe. If you use whole grains, you must first grind them using a coffee grinder. The finer the grind, the more information can be obtained during the fortune telling process;
  • A cup. The inside of the cup should be light. The ideal option would be to use a white cup, because the figures that need to be interpreted will be clearly visible. This will create a contrast between the dark brown coffee and the white surface of the cup, so the shapes can be easily seen. A clear glass cup would be a bad choice. The glass will reflect coffee particles, and the symbols will simply visually merge with each other. The shape of the cup should be round, there should be no sharp corners. In other words, square, triangular, angular cups will not work;
  • Saucer. You can choose any color, since this attribute will only be needed as a stand for an inverted cup;
  • A candle (one or more). You can use any, but it is advisable that they be made of natural wax. As for the color scheme, there are also no clear restrictions. The only caveat is that you should not use black candles. They are used for "black rituals".


If you are doing fortune telling in order to get an answer to a specific question, using the color of the candle can increase the chances of receiving the most accurate answer. To do this, follow the traditional rules, which are relevant not only for fortune telling on coffee grounds, but also for many other types of predictions.

So, for fortune telling about health, candles of white, blue or light blue colors are suitable. To shed light on the state of affairs of the heart, use red (pink, raspberry, burgundy, terracotta) candles.

For fortune telling for money and career Candles in green and all its shades are ideal. For fortune telling about the future in general (without having a specific question), candles of classic mustard (yellow, orange) color are used.

General rules of fortune telling


Make sure that no one interferes with your fortune telling. After all, the information field concentrated in coffee grounds is a clot of fragile information matter that needs to be tuned into in a certain way. Turn off your phone, turn off the TV and radio. It is better to be alone in the room where the sacrament will take place. Get rid of extraneous thoughts, because any emotions not related to fortune telling can interfere with the task at hand.


During fortune telling, it is important to concentrate your attention only on the process itself, without being distracted by extraneous noises and thoughts. Focusing as much as possible on the questions you want to find out through coffee grounds will give you the most accurate results.

Calm and relaxation

Calmness is also important. Nervousness is not the best assistant for fortune telling. You need to try to bring your emotional background back to normal and relax. Then you will be able to tune in to the wave of your inner sensations, which will certainly be transmitted to the coffee grounds, which will provide you with complete information available in the Universe.


Another important aspect is time, or rather, enough of it. If you are in a hurry somewhere, you should not start fortune-telling on coffee grounds. You should have at least a couple of hours of free time. This sacrament cannot be rushed.


When preparing coffee for fortune telling, you should not use sugar. If you are used to drinking this drink sweet, you will have to drink a cup of coffee without sugar to get accurate results. The proportions of ingredients (water and coffee) are also important. Their correct combination is one of the main conditions for obtaining accurate predictions.

How to guess correctly?

Stage No. 1 Making coffee

Grind the coffee beans. The grind should be as fine as possible. Pour it into the Turk at the rate of 5 g (1 heaped tsp) per 200 ml of cold water. It is desirable that the water be spring or distilled. But, if there is none, you can get by with plain water. Brew the coffee over low heat, stirring occasionally with a spoon. While brewing coffee, you need to completely calm down, putting your thoughts in order.

When the coffee begins to boil (bubble), remove the Turk from the heat and pour the coffee into the prepared cup. As you do this, focus on the question you want to ask the Universe. Say the question in your mind. Leave the drink to cool to the optimal drinking temperature.

Stage No. 2 Drinking coffee

After the coffee has cooled, start drinking it. Hold the cup exclusively in your right hand. Pay attention to the location of the handle, which should also be on the right. You should drink slowly, in small sips, thinking about the situations in which you want to bring clarity.

While drinking the drink, imagine your future the way you want to see it. For example, you can imagine that you win some competition, become the owner of a luxurious country house and an expensive car, and receive universal recognition, respect and honor. You should not drink the coffee until the very end; there should be a little liquid left at the bottom (about a tablespoon).

Stage No. 3 Turning the cup over

After finishing the coffee and leaving a little liquid in the cup, as well as all the coffee grounds, place the cup on the saucer. Continue to think about pressing issues and situations, the circumstances of which you want to find out in the process of fortune telling on coffee grounds. With your left hand, wrap the cup three times around its axis clockwise, then with the same hand turn it over, lowering it onto the saucer.

Thus, all excess liquid will drain onto the saucer, and thick matter will remain on the walls of the cup, which will subsequently be transformed into certain shapes. After a minute, the cup can be removed from the saucer and placed in the same position on a napkin so that excess liquid is absorbed into the paper. Wait another 2-3 minutes for the coffee grounds to dry.

Stage No. 4 Evaluation of results

Carefully turn the cup over and evaluate what happened. Do not rush to begin interpreting the symbols. First, it is recommended to pay attention to which parts of the cup specific figures are located. The classic scheme followed by coffee fortune tellers is as follows:

  • First, the symbols located on the edges (the rim that the lips touch when drinking the drink) of the cup are evaluated;
  • then the figures seen in the central part of the cup are characterized;
  • then you need to start evaluating the symbols located closer to the bottom of the cup;
  • and only now should we characterize the images seen at the bottom of the cup;
  • The final process of symbol interpretation is to evaluate the left thumb print on the bottom of the cup. After completely deciphering the figures, you need to firmly attach the indicated finger to the bottom of the cup and study the images that are imprinted on its bottom as a result of this action.

Remember that absolutely all symbols, regardless of their location, can be deciphered from right to left and vice versa. It is not customary to characterize figures from top to bottom or bottom to top.

It is not advisable to guess on the coffee grounds too often. This is evidence of a frivolous attitude towards the sacrament, as well as disrespect for the entities living in the subtle world. They may become angry and resentful, leading to them receiving false information.

Don't anger fate! using coffee only in the most urgent cases, when a lot is at stake, when you need to make a fateful decision, when the question you want to find out is of great importance.

Principles to be followed when interpreting figures

Experts in the field of magic assure that the more coffee grounds left on the bottom and walls of the cup, the more difficult the situation they are guessing about will be. There will be many obstacles and problems ahead related to resolving pressing issues. If, on the contrary, there is a small amount of airy translucent images on the walls and bottom of the cup, it means that many joyful events await the person ahead, and his problems can be resolved easily and quickly.

Rarely, but still situations arise when absolutely all the grounds are poured onto a saucer. This suggests that today the Universe does not want to reveal secrets when answering questions. In this case, the fortune telling must be repeated another day.

Symbols that are grouped next to each other are united by a common semantic load. They should be interpreted together. When interpreting symbols, their size also matters. The larger it is, the more significant its significance for a fortuneteller. Consequently, very small figures play a less important role and carry only additional information about the symbol they are located near.

Characteristics of symbols depending on their localization

From the images that are located near the handle of the cup, you can assess what is happening to the fortuneteller in the present time. These symbols will tell you how he lives, what he strives for, what he dreams and worries about.

The figures on the rim and top of the cup will predict the near future of the questioner, in the middle part they will reveal secrets about people and situations that interfere and/or help cope with problems. Symbols located closer to the bottom of the cup will tell about the distant future (within a year). And the images seen on the bottom speak of the most important things that the Universe recommends a person pay close attention to in order to achieve the goal (resolving the situation).

Interpretation of symbols

Animals, fish, arthropods, molluscs

Cow Prosperity
Dog Devoted friend (girlfriend)
Cat Someone is plotting treachery against you
Bull A sign of perseverance
Rhinoceros Evil rumor
Rabbit) A timid and indecisive person
Goat Good health
Porcupine Dreams are not destined to come true
Monkey A boastful, deceitful and hypocritical person
Fox You have to be smart
a lion Sign of nobility
Tiger Just action
Donkey Foolish man
Hippopotamus Fertility, large family
Pig There's a traitor nearby
Wolf Defender
Bear Wealth, satiety, multiple sources of income
Elephant Joy, abundance
Sheep Relatives will help
Crocodile Beware of enemies
Turtle Wisdom to help you overcome adversity
Whale Authority in society, fame, universal recognition
Shark Meeting a stranger who turns out to be a criminal
Sea Horse There's a pleasant surprise ahead from your other half.
Jellyfish Unclear situation, better to let things take their course
Starfish Limited, lack of independence
Seal Skin problems, risk of developing dermatological diseases
Fish (common) Pregnancy
sawfish Pathological (complicated, ectopic, severe) pregnancy
Dolphin Friends won't leave you in trouble
Frog Unexpected turn of events
Mouse You need to be bolder, more assertive
Rat Beware of theft
Lizard Sign of high intelligence, literacy
Squirrel Thrifty and thrifty person
Bat Threat of accident
Horse You will emerge victorious from a dangerous battle with the enemy
Ferret There are many overly curious and envious people around you.
Antelope Meeting with a noble representative of the opposite sex
Dinosaur You have a rare talent
Deer A calm life, devoid of troubles and troubles
Giraffe Foresight, thoroughness
Badger Don't jump to conclusions
Marmot Don't be lazy, fight for personal happiness
Zebra Fate is kind to you
Raccoon Gatherings with friends, fun party
Buffalo Undeserved accusation
Kangaroo Love, tenderness and care of a partner
Hamster Watch your diet. Possible gain of extra pounds
Ram Take time for spiritual development
Snake 1. With a closed mouth - wisdom 2. With an open mouth - an insidious, smart and dexterous enemy
Scorpion Stroke of fate
Camel Endurance, success in sports
Hedgehog Expensive gift
Mole Learn to see the obvious, drawing the right conclusions
Buffalo Promotion or new job
Koala An interesting journey ahead
Leopard High society
Snail Good news related to finances
Squid A loved one needs your help
lobster Difficult job, money comes from hard work
Shrimp Minor troubles
Crab Changing of the living place
Chipmunk frivolous man
Mussel The desired meeting with your life partner is ahead
Cancer A situation that will require a difficult decision to be made
Octopus You will fall into a trap set by the enemy
Corals Like-minded people, proteges, followers


Penguin Dream come true
Pigeon Symbol of hope, pure thoughts
Sparrow You will need financial support
Eagle Glory, honors
Heron Well-deserved rest
Gull Love adventure
Pelican News from afar
Crane Quarrel with a friend
Peacock Meeting a polite, gallant, handsome person
Chicken Unexpected Profit
Rooster Enemies will turn into friends
Chick Joy associated with children (younger brothers or sisters)
Turkey Proud and wayward man
Duck Do housework and home improvement
Swan Mutual love
Falcon Influential patron, sponsor
Stork Happy Event
Canary Love letter
Parrot News from distant relatives
Eagle owl (owl) Illness, deterioration of health
Toucan A hopeless situation
Woodpecker Headache
Goose Dapper suitor
Crow Bad news
Hawk Secret admirer
Martin Strong relationship with your loved one


Grasshopper a kind person
Dragonfly Trouble due to a frivolous attitude to work (study)
(ordinary) Uninvited guests
Colorado potato beetle Quarrel over a trifle
Ladybug Carnal pleasures
Horn beetle Groom (bride) who is much older
Spider Danger
Butterfly Dizzying success with the opposite sex
Worm Base desires
Locust High probability of robbery
Mite Household chores
Louse Stability in material terms
Fly Annoying man
Wasp (bee) Evil talk around your name
Cockroach Betrayal
Caterpillar Show mercy to a loved one
Ant An unbearable burden
Mosquito Someone is trying to live at your expense
Scolopendra Unpleasant meeting

Geometric figures

Circle Lack of joy, a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out
Square Stability
Triangle The right decisions
Rectangle Luck in matters of the heart
Arc (arch) Rival (rival)
Rhombus Fate will force you to choose
Oval Boring life
Parallelogram There is a person nearby with a distorted perception of the surrounding reality
Semicircle A streak of bad luck, but things will get better soon
Cylinder Respiratory system diseases
Cone They are trying to control you

Dashes, dots, lines, patterns

Wavy line 1. Horizontal - there will be ups and downs 2. Vertical - an unpleasant date
Dotted line 1. Vertically - you are putting too many problems on your shoulders 2. Horizontally - you are being closely watched, perhaps literally watched
Straight line 1. Vertical – good luck on the road 2. Horizontal – happiness, carefree existence
Short dashes 1. Vertical – a large number of opportunities 2. Horizontal – financial difficulties
Comma-shaped dashes Understatement in relationships with a partner
Points Minor troubles
Curls There is a brilliant prospect ahead, don’t miss your chance!
Zigzags Someone is trying to change your destiny for the worse
Intertwined lines Lying friends
Oblique lines Fortune won't smile soon


Most often, the letters mean the initials of people who were, are, or will be significant in the life of a fortuneteller. But sometimes letters carry common symbolism.

"A" Success depends on your efforts
"B" Reliable partner
"IN" Happy fate
"G" Big ambitions
"D" Your home will be a “full cup”
"E" Single-parent family
"Yo" Interference
"AND" Loss of life guidelines
"Z" A strong family
"AND" Predisposition to the humanities
"Y" Lack of spiritual growth
"TO" Incompetence at work
"L" Many talents
"M" thoughtfulness
"N" Poor health
"ABOUT" Increased nervousness
"P" Constriction, isolation
"R" Strength of character
"WITH" Anger
"T" In life you have to achieve everything on your own
"U" Trouble
"F" Old grievances
"X" Insufficient blood circulation
"C" Malice
"H" Hearing problems
"SH" Boasting
"SCH" Physical weakness, infirmity
"Kommersant" Loser sign
"Y" Neurological diseases
"b" Psychic abilities
"E" Indecisiveness
"YU" Trouble
"I" Selfishness


Basically, numbers in fortune telling on coffee grounds indicate a time period (day, month or year) after which some significant event in life is expected. The figures located nearby will tell you which one it is.


Face Soon you will have the opportunity to see the true face of your loved one
Head Meeting a new contender for the role of your soulmate
Full length man Symbol of relationships with a life partner (see nearby figures)
Horrifying grimace Danger comes from someone you trust
Woman Be careful in work matters
Man Luck
Child Defend your honor and moral values
Old man Loneliness
Old woman Quarrel with several people
A lot of children Fluke
Couple in love Joy, great love


Tree Life success
Flower Date
Bush Successful career
Rose Pleasant chores
Bell Flirting
Chamomile Unrequited feeling
Lily of the valley Mental callousness
Fern They will trust you with a secret
Spruce Bogatyrsky health
Lily unrequited love
Acorn Ingratitude
Maple leaf Family celebration
Oak Leaf Strength, power, longevity
Reed Platonic love
Willow Shy man
Mushroom Obstacles to achieving your goal
Cactus There is a lot of negative energy in your home
Fir cone Monogamous man
Palm A stormy but short romance
Clover Happy lot sign


Bow Flirty man
Cross Rock, predestination
heart Mutual love
Balloon You are the cause of your own troubles
The secret will become clear
Sun Happy times ahead
Star Drastic changes in your personal life
Lattice Treacherous enemies never sleep
Palm You have a protector
Fist Anger
Key You will achieve your goal
Lock Obstacles
Lock You're too dreamy
Envelope News
Cloud Love adventure
Lightning Bad news
Candle Everything will be as you planned
Bell Quick wedding
Horseshoe Symbol of great luck
Wheel Responsible business ahead
Scull Change of world view
Horns There are many temptations around, be careful!
Scales Make decisions wisely
Eye Evil eye, damage
Lips Bliss, pleasure, romantic dates
Coach An unexpected gift of fate
Ear Listen to yourself
Anchor Stagnation in business
Steering wheel You are the head of the family
Hourglass There is a deep and understanding person next to you
Fan Idle pastime
Egg Update, pregnancy
Embryo New perspectives
Ring An offer of marriage
Box Honor family traditions
Tower Bad luck
Flashlight Meeting with the betrothed
Door Good prospects
Keyhole You will be drawn into other people's relationships
Chariot Happiness
Skeleton Let go of the past, live in the present!
Saddle Take action, don't be lazy
Coffin Serious illness, death
Temple domes Freeing yourself from something painful
Angel Strong Guardian Angel
Dagger Hit on the sly
Mountains Difficulties


Umbrella You are under reliable protection
Gloves Invitation to a date
Table Successful business negotiations
Barrel Big win
Bed Idyll in the family
Bottle You yourself are ruining your personal happiness
Door There will be a way out of a difficult situation
Chair It wouldn't hurt for you to take a break
Window Vain expectations
Syringe Ridicule
House Family happiness
Telephone Patience and wisdom will help you become successful
Knife Quarrel, fight
Fork A blow from someone you don't expect
Spoon Well-fed life
Scissors Affair on the side
Armchair Your secret will be known to the public
Watch Hopes will be justified
Bucket Thoughtless spending of money
Yula Prostration
Harmonic Receiving an inheritance
Comb New novel
Iron A person with a difficult character
Button Symbol of a powerful biofield
Jug Emotional lift
Broom Sign of the minion of fate
Axe Grief
Hammer Humiliation, suffering
Nail The wrong path has been chosen, reconsider your attitude towards moral aspects
Shovel Evil Rock
Hat Respect, fame
Kettle Nobility
Tie A complicated matter
Weight There will be a solution to other people's problems
Saw Energy vampire nearby
Russian stove The older you get, the happier your destiny will be
Broom Real estate issues
Suitcase Forced long journey
Funnel You don't finish anything, be consistent.
Guitar Undiscovered talents
Swing Carelessness
Brush Fun
Cup A new friend will appear
Binoculars Be careful, fraud is possible
Gun Troubled life
A gun Mourning, sad news
Shoe Jealousy
Boot Rude man
Trumpet (musical instrument) Unlucky omen, evil magical effect
Basket Refined and vulnerable nature
Samovar Stable position
Chandelier Passionate romance
Tower crane A desperate act

Means of transport

Airplane Wishes will come true
Helicopter The hard road
Rocket Rapid developments
Bike Many worries
Automobile White streak in life
Trolleybus Plight
Bus You are the master of your own destiny
Train Intrusive communication
Sled Sentimentality
Balloon Strong spiritual connection with your partner
Boat A life full of excess
Ship Only ambition, diligence and determination can guarantee your happiness.
Yacht Fan from afar
sailboat Noble intentions
Boat Damage to property as a result of a natural disaster
Catamaran A life without financial stability
Raft Poverty, lack of material resources


Banana Increased income, winnings
Pear Prosperity and comfort in the family
Apple Wisdom, good health
Melon An unpleasant event in the near future
Carrot Prosperity, life satisfaction
Cheese Some kind of impetus is required to mobilize the spirit, to boost energy
Nut You have a difficult task to solve, but everything will end well
Sausage A symbol of a simple, sweet and modest house, under the roof of which a friendly family lives
Candy Pleasure, flirting, fun
Ice cream Someone is really waiting for your help
Pod (peas, beans) Improving your financial situation
Sausage Your position in life is unshakable, you stand firmly on your feet
Cucumber Success in business, reconciliation with the enemy, recovery
Raspberries There is a “sweet” time ahead - romantic dates, declarations of love, gifts
Corn A sharp turn in life for the better
Pepper Beware of insidious enemies

When drinking aromatic natural coffee, do not rush to throw the used cup into the sink to wash dishes. Perhaps, looking at the bizarre figures, symbols and intricate patterns formed by the coffee grounds on the walls of the cup, secret knowledge about your destiny will be revealed to you.

We hope that after reading the article, you were able to obtain new and useful information for yourself, as well as draw the right conclusions. Recommend the article to your friends on social networks. Goodbye, dear readers, we will be glad to see you again on our website!

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is an ancient ritual used by magicians and wise men of all countries. Its homeland is the Middle East, where they know how to prepare an invigorating, scalding drink. The dark substance remaining at the bottom of the bowl was not poured out, but the resulting patterns were thoughtfully examined.

In this article

Where to start fortune telling: first look at the cup

Fortune telling by grounds begins with a simple action: first brew coffee from ground beans, then:

  • drink some of the resulting drink;
  • Distribute the rest over the walls of the bowl;
  • women rotate the vessel with their left hand, counterclockwise;
  • men do the opposite;
  • Having completed three circles, tilt the bowl away from you;
  • count to seven while the grounds flow down the sides.

On the one hand, there is nothing complicated in fortune telling. On the other hand, the symbols are vague and figurative. Not every person can discover the world of secret knowledge. Coffee grounds will not reveal themselves to skeptics; to decipher mystical signs, you need imagination and imagination.

The first glance into the cup is the most important. Take a close look at the symbols and visually evaluate the quality.

  1. If the pattern on the walls of the cup is light, transparent and openwork, this is a good sign.
  2. Dense, contains clots and is not clearly defined - problems await you. The number and nature are determined by the shape of the spots. Location is the time of appearance in life.
  3. Each large and dense cluster indicates certain problems. The first glance into the cup will show how many of them there will be in the fortuneteller’s life path.

Enjoy aromatic coffee and meditate

Seeing the picture of fate at the bottom of the cup is not easy. The process of fortune telling on coffee grounds is meditation. Magicians say that at this moment one should let reason and logic go free. You need to act and feel guided by your inner vision and intuition. Interpret symbols based not on life experience, but on the subconscious. It is the best advisor in this type of divination.

The video contains instructions for telling fortunes using coffee grounds:

In the popular Brazilian TV series “Clone,” the main character asks her friend to tell her fortune using coffee grounds. Zoraide predicts strange things to Zhadi, which both frighten the girl and give her hope. Women keep a cup with leftover coffee to watch how the heroine’s fate changes and an important moment in life approaches.

What a novice sorceress needs to know: features of the ritual

There are no clear rules and dogmas that should be followed when guessing on coffee grounds. Over time, each sorceress develops her own ritual of divination. But there are general recommendations.

  1. For fortune telling, take a light bowl and a plain saucer, without drawings or patterns.
  2. There are two types of natural coffee – coarse and fine grind. This is necessary so that the resulting pattern is in relief.
  3. Water for one drink.
  4. Turku. Coffee is prepared there for divination.

The drink is brewed either by the questioner (magician) or by the assistant. The coffee is poured into a cup, allowed to cool, and the question they want answered is loudly and clearly formulated.

A tasty, aromatic drink should be drunk, and the grounds should be left at the bottom.

Fortune tellers say that three to five clearly defined symbols are enough for divination. Then the result will be reliable, and fortune telling will be effective.

Everything you need for fortune telling using coffee grounds

It is better to practice fortune telling on coffee grounds in solitude. Try not to let anything distract you and the questioner from the process. Do not tell fortunes in a cafe or in a large and noisy company. You cannot reduce the ritual to a game or a joke - the answer to the question will be incorrect, the information will be distorted, and the meaning of working with the magic drink will be lost.

How to correctly interpret drawings in a cup

The main thing is to see the entire pattern. Isolate the main one from the many details, geometric shapes and symbols and work with it. The second stage is to understand that this particular figure is yours. She will tell you about the future, reveal prospects and warn about upcoming problems:

  • spots and symbols in the middle of the walls of the cup are events relating to the present time;
  • if the pattern is located along the bottom and on the lower wall of the vessel, this is not a very good sign;
  • the pattern that stretches to the handle will tell about the inner world, aspirations and desires of the fortuneteller;
  • the image located counterclockwise is something that will forever leave the life of the questioner;
  • the thicket swirling clockwise is the near future.

Familiar symbols: the most common patterns

It is easiest to work with simple and understandable symbols - numerical designations, objects, plant or animal patterns.

It happens that coffee sediment is intricately woven into letters of the alphabet. The task of the soothsayer is to see the sign and, at the level of associations and intuition, understand how it will affect fate.

The question should be asked clearly and clearly. Vague and vague formulations mislead magical instruments and the fortuneteller. The answer will be as vague as the question.

The video is dedicated to the meaning of the main symbols when telling fortunes using coffee grounds:

Letter designations

The letters of the alphabet that appear in the coffee grounds carry different meanings.

  1. “A” means that the fortuneteller will soon win an important victory. Depending on the issue, this may include a promotion, resolution of a controversial court case, or a salary increase.
  2. “B” indicates that the questioner will receive unlimited power, which he has long dreamed of.
  3. "B" is not a good sign. Perhaps sad news, troubles and sorrows await you.
  4. "G" indicates health problems. Go to church and light a candle for good health. If you were interested in the fate of close relatives or friends, you should pray for their well-being and health.
  5. “D” predicts problems with money, delayed salaries, demotion and other financial troubles.
  6. “E” advises to calm down and relax. The problems you will encounter will not be your fault.
  7. “F” recommends being attentive and careful in family relationships. Conflicts between spouses are possible.
  8. “Z” represents worries that are associated with everyday life and household chores.
  9. “I” advises keeping secrets to yourself and not sharing even with your best friends.
  10. “K” warns against wrong steps and advises to think about the soul. Buy a new pectoral cross - it will protect you from the influence of dark forces.
  11. “L” says that a loved one will appear soon. Love, mutual understanding, pleasant long-term relationships await you.
  12. “M” predicts the collapse of dreams, financial instability, debts. The old way of life will be disrupted. You won't be able to influence the situation, accept it.
  13. “N” signals sadness and anxiety.
  14. “O” warns that the questioner will be left alone. Through no fault of my own.
  15. “P” warns the fortuneteller that he will have to experience betrayal and insincerity on the part of friends.
  16. “P” indicates that the fortuneteller will have problems with alcohol in the future. Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. There is a high likelihood of addiction.
  17. “S” is a good sign, indicating a gift or surprise.
  18. “T” says that difficult choices await you.
  19. “U” portends new acquaintances and good luck.
  20. “F” says that there are unexpected guests on the horizon who will burden you with problems.
  21. “X” indicates an imminent wedding, a strong and long-term relationship.
  22. “C” recommends holding off on new endeavors and projects.
  23. “Ch” predicts that your loved ones will soon find themselves in a difficult situation.
  24. “W” portends bad news, which can easily make you feel sad, melancholy and depressed.
  25. “SH” warns of the need to repay old debts. Depending on the question, it may not be about money.
  26. “Yu” is a bad state of mind, apathy.
  27. “I” is a good omen: you are guaranteed a good mood and cheerful company.

Digital symbols

Numbers surround a person everywhere. Everyone has their favorite or unlucky numbers. In fortune telling on coffee grounds, the following interpretations are accepted.

  • Zero is an absolutely lucky number. If it falls out, have no doubt - you were born to be lucky and strong. Difficulties are temporary.
  • A unit predicts a quick acquaintance with a pleasant person, a new relationship.
  • Two - pay attention to your health.
  • Three – financial well-being. Winning the lottery, a salary increase, an inheritance.
  • Four – don’t despair and don’t give up. The dark streak is about to end.
  • Five - beware of gossip.
  • Six means a quick wedding, but unforeseen difficulties may arise.
  • Seven symbolizes love, warmth of the hearth, comfort and prosperity.
  • Eight warns that quarrels and disagreements with loved ones are possible.
  • Nine - expect new acquaintances and meetings.
  • Ten is good luck and a happy life.

Relax your eyes while looking at the symbols at the bottom of the vessel. Look at the signs not with external, but with internal vision. Practice until you achieve a lasting result, when the key motive appears in the intricacy of patterns.

If the grounds formed a heart symbol

The symbolism of most types of fortune telling is similar. Thus, arrows or peaks usually mean blows of fate or problems, and hearts - love relationships and new acquaintances.

Depending on the wording of the question, the age and gender of the questioner, a heart at the bottom of a coffee cup can mean several things.

  • easy, non-committal flirting;
  • the beginning of new romantic relationships;
  • confession of feelings and proposal to enter into legal marriage;
  • new relationships outside the family (lover or mistress).

These predictions are only true if the heart resulting from the coffee grounds is clearly defined and clearly visible.

If it is divided into two halves, foggy, vague and unclear, this can mean problems in your personal life, resentment, betrayal and disappointment.

Pay attention to the position of the heart in relation to the bottom and walls of the bowl. If it's written straight, you don't have to worry. Reversed - trouble awaits you. In some cases, the changed position of the sign symbolizes empty dreams, daydreams and fantasies that have no basis in reality.

In this video, the clairvoyant talks in detail about the meaning of the heart symbol when telling fortunes using coffee grounds:

If the grounds have formed the outline of a tree

Plant motifs and patterns are a separate topic in fortune telling on coffee grounds. In general, the sign of a tree with a clearly drawn crown and roots is a good omen. It all depends on what the question was and what the questioner puts into the symbol, its associations, aspirations and aspirations.

If you see a tree at the bottom of a cup, pay attention to the details surrounding it:

  1. A large, beautiful tree with a gorgeous crown is a choice. The person asking will be offered different options, but only he can decide what to do.
  2. A flowering tree or a tree strewn with fruits - you will soon make a lot of money.
  3. Broken is a symbol of broken hopes.
  4. The roots are bigger than the crown - the questioner is an insecure, timid person with many complexes.

Pay attention to the location of the sign. If a tree is visible at the bottom of the vessel, then you will have to fight for happiness. There will be obstacles on the way of the questioner.

If the tree is located on the walls of the bowl, think about family. This is a sign that when choosing a path, you should consult with your immediate environment and not make a decision alone.

Coffee grounds in the shape of a dragon

The intricate patterns sometimes resemble the outline of a mythical creature popular in European and Chinese culture, the dragon. On the one hand, this is a good sign, which says that the problems will soon be resolved. On the other hand, the dragon is a multi-valued image. It all depends on who is being told the fortune and what question is asked.

If the person asking is a business person, then the appearance of the symbol promises profit and good dividends. But if the dragon appears in a crisis situation, then you need to be wary: perhaps the offer your partners came to you with is dubious.

When the fortuneteller is a lonely woman, the symbol foreshadows an imminent meeting with a loving man. If the girl is married, problems may arise with her significant other due to cheating or flirting.

The mythical creature should be considered together with other signs - it will indicate what you must pay attention to.

Coffee grounds in the shape of dolphins

Dolphin is a positive sign. He says the time for change is just around the corner. A symbol of good luck, control over oneself and the situation, achievements and progress.

Depending on other patterns, a coffee grounds dolphin can represent support for a strong and influential person.

Another meaning of the symbol is a quick journey.

When mythological creatures appear in the coffee grounds, this is a sign that life is guided by Higher Powers. Rely on their will, and fate will be favorable.

Other signs and their interpretation

Each magician has his own glossary of images and symbols, which has been compiled over the years. More practice is the main advice given to beginning fortune tellers.

There are many signs that appear in the coffee grounds. They should be interpreted based on experience and intuition.

From this video you will learn how to use coffee grounds to determine whether a person has the evil eye or damage:

What do body parts mean?

  1. The head symbolizes the questioner. Dramatic changes will soon occur in your life.
  2. Eyes. The questioner should see something that he had not paid attention to before. Perhaps fate will give you a second chance.
  3. Hand or hands. Unpleasant events.
  4. Leg or legs. A journey awaits you.
  5. Lips are a symbol of good news.
  6. Male or female silhouettes - an unexpected meeting, romance or even marriage. It all depends on what question was posed to the coffee grounds.

Animal world

  • to see a cow or a bull at the bottom of a cup - to receive a reward for positive character traits: kind-heartedness, honesty, decency;
  • the buffalo symbolizes obstacles and dangers - be careful and careful;
  • deer - your friends will share secrets and plans;
  • elephant means good news, luck or winnings;
  • a bear is a symbol of danger, but don’t be afraid, it will pass by;
  • a camel is a good sign, indicating that you will soon be lucky in life;
  • lion is a symbol of power;
  • the tiger advises the fortuneteller to be more restrained; emotions will spoil the work begun and lead to problems;
  • the appearance of a unicorn - to amazing and mystical incidents;
  • pegasus is a symbol of inspiration, listen to your intuition, it will tell you how to act;
  • a dog is a good sign, its appearance indicates that you have true friends who will support you in difficult times;
  • the wolf, on the contrary, is a symbol of hostility and mistrust;
  • the fox is the personification of cunning, take a closer look at people, they can deceive you;
  • cat - failures in your personal life;
  • a kitten is a symbol of betrayal of loved ones;
  • the squirrel suggests that you will have to achieve your goals alone, relying only on your own strengths and capabilities;
  • hare - complexes that interfere with the implementation of plans;
  • the eagle represents victory in all endeavors;
  • owl - show wisdom and patience;
  • the swan is a symbol of love and fidelity;
  • a rooster or chicken is a sign of family well-being and strong relationships between spouses;
  • goose - a meeting with an unpleasant, pompous and overly proud person;
  • a fly means money;
  • the snake, on the one hand, symbolizes betrayal and deceit, on the other, it is the standard of wisdom;
  • caterpillar - you are moving towards your goal too slowly, but you will achieve it;
  • the appearance of a beetle in the coffee grounds is a sign of gossip;
  • toad - dream come true;
  • a hedgehog is a symbol of a secret threat; it is urgent to take protective measures;
  • the butterfly represents frivolity and empty dreams;
  • the snail advises the fortuneteller to talk less about himself to unfamiliar people;
  • bird - for news.

The interpretation of symbols in the form of fauna representatives is simple. It is enough to remember what qualities this or that animal has, and by association apply them to the situation about which you are asking coffee grounds.

Flora and nature

  • low trees and bushes are harbingers of serious disappointments;
  • clover is a symbol of successful completion of the work started;
  • flowers - someone really misses the questioner;
  • mountains are obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • a waterfall is an irresistible force that is difficult to resist;
  • the appearance of mushrooms in coffee grounds, on the one hand, is a profit, on the other, a reminder of the need to repay debts;
  • road - travel;
  • the moon is melancholy, sadness, loneliness and sadness;
  • a star is a good sign, you are on the right path, and good luck accompanies you in your endeavors;
  • a month means that the situation will get out of control;
  • the sun is a symbol of happiness;
  • the flames tell the fortuneteller that he should be calmer;
  • volcano - be careful: unexpected changes in fate await you;
  • a comet is a symbol of a new relationship that can seriously captivate.

Biblical symbols

  1. An angel denotes protection from above. Someone is trying to annoy you, but Heaven will not allow this.
  2. The cross has a dual interpretation. On the one hand, this is a symbol of marriage, on the other, a heavy burden that will fall to the lot of the questioner.
  3. Church domes are a consolation in grief. Hope for a successful resolution of the situation.


  1. Zodiac sign symbol - a person born under this star will appear in life.
  2. Circle - problems that are difficult to cope with.
  3. The ring is a symbol of marriage, if the issue concerns marriage.
  4. The crown is an unexpected inheritance.

Wardrobe items

  1. A dress or other outerwear is good luck.
  2. Boots, other shoes - travel.
  3. Hat, cap, other headwear - your efforts will be rewarded.

Geometric shapes made from coffee grounds

Coffee grounds take any form. Geometric shapes are easiest to see in a plexus of patterns. They are also clear for interpretation.

  1. The square is a symbol of stability, happiness and prosperity.
  2. The triangle is a figure denoting unity and the divine. A harmonious combination of intelligence, intuition and fortitude. Luck will accompany the fortuneteller.
  3. An oval (circle) symbolizes a happy married couple.
  4. A straight line means the questioner’s life path will be easy.
  5. Parallel lines - long life.
  6. Zigzags are a sign of a winding, thorny, but interesting fate.
  7. Waves are a symbol of peace and tranquility.

Every point matters

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a fascinating process. It is not enough to learn the meaning of the signs and consult a cheat sheet. The picture that emerges at the bottom of the bowl is diverse: every detail and point is important in it.

  • Thus, the sign and the following ellipsis from the thicket greatly enhances its quality and meaning;
  • two and three points - the development and end of the situation;
  • many, many small dots - to monetary profit.

The above meanings of symbols in different editions and esoteric schools may be supplemented and varied. Each fortune teller brings something different to the process of deciphering patterns, based on personal mystical experience. The main advice is to look at the bottom of the cup, guided not by your mind, but by your heart, intuition; trust your inner voice, develop clairvoyance and divination abilities.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

It is extremely important to brew coffee correctly. Well-ground coffee is mixed with sugar, poured with cold water and brought to a boil over low heat, but do not boil. In this case, a layer of thick foam forms on top.

Swirl the coffee grounds around the bottom until it coats the bottom. Tip the cup onto the saucer, allowing the coffee to spread and tell your fortune. After a few minutes, when the water has drained and only semi-dry grounds remain on the walls, fortune telling can begin.

Patterns « To to myself" - this is what it was; at the bottom of the cup - today; “from myself” - what will happen. If you look closely at the abstract line drawing, you will see images. But keep in mind that the symbolic interpretation of drawings is an extremely individual matter, and each advisor who tells fortunes for another may have his own interpretation of the patterns.

The choice of cup is also important. On white, coffee residues are better visible.

The prediction must be directed mentally at the person who is awaiting his fate. The drawing may not always be recognizable; it is enough for the sediment to hint at it.

Intuition and imagination play an important role in prediction. When reading a cup, there is no need to rush; study the full picture, giving greater importance to those symbols that are more clearly visible.

Often the outlines in the cup are blurred and have no shape, perhaps this is the influence of the state of the person.

Time- this is the place of sediment. If the pattern is formed close to the edge of the cup, you are given the opportunity to see the events of the near future.

Cup handle- this is the house where you live. The proximity and distance from home depends on the position of the sediment in relation to the handle of the cup. The pattern to the left of the handle represents past events or unused opportunities. To the right is the future or present, usually good, except when this side is covered with an unclear thick layer.

In what order to look into the cup:

1. First of all, look along the edge of the cup towards the bottom towards the center.

2. From left to right horizontally.

3. From right to left horizontally.

4. Bottom and center.

The meaning of the symbols seen


The head of a man without a body - a young friend who has a beneficial influence on your destiny.

Face in profile- strong protection.

Two faces in a circle- imminent marriage.

Face in a circle- someone loves you.

Two faces separated by a line- divorce, betrayal in love.

Male head in a crown- assistance from high-ranking people. Success awaits you in the circle where you communicate. Cheerfulness, activity, perseverance in business. Favorable changes.

A man's head with a beard and mustache in the center of the cup - profit in the house. Pleasant leisure time, entertainment. Profitable acquaintances.

Female head with high hairstyle- desire to advance. One of your friends will help you with money and introduce you to useful people.

Head with long hair- long road, long journey.

Head drooping or hanging down- serious illness.

Head with protruding ears - you are at a crossroads and must make a decision, but fate favors you.

Two heads facing each other- you love and are loved; a flower between two heads - a happy marriage.

Face with a long nose- your affairs and lifestyle will attract the attention of some envious person. He will try to harm you.

Face with a hooked nose- don’t let your guard down, they want to set you up.

A person with a damaged nose- beware, troubles await you, serious financial losses are possible.


Man with animal- someone is trying to help you.

young man- to separation.

Old woman- a strong and reliable love connection.

Angel- speedy recovery, relief from misfortunes. You are under the protection of higher powers.

Mother of God- a favorable sign. Happy, serene times are coming. You are ready to help your friends both financially and mentally; the disadvantaged and weak will find protection in you.

Rider- unexpected news, news, meeting. Receiving long-awaited information. Fluke. A horseman holding a rod in his hand - illnesses will bypass you, a surge of fresh strength awaits you. A horseman with a sword - risky actions, an attempt to play roulette with fate. People around you will try to hinder you, unreliable friends will try to trip you up, but the desire to win will help you succeed. A horseman with a gun - quarrels, squabbles, provocations.

For the military- promotion in rank. A horseman with a flag means a successful career, a wonderful future, good luck.

Devil- all kinds of troubles, illnesses, fate tests you, attraction to the forbidden, betrayal.

Girl- declaration of love, sincere love.

Female figure wearing a crown, sitting in a chair (royal personage)- changes for the better, profit, new profitable projects, profit, bargain purchases.

Woman in a black scarf- funeral of loved ones, tears. There is a quarrel between two human figures.

Woman holding a vessel in her hand- promotions, lucrative contracts, connections. For people of art and creativity- success in endeavors.

Woman holding a baton- you gain a true friend.

Priestess- characterizes the feminine principle, bringing peace and harmony. Guardian of family happiness, protecting the warmth of the family hearth. Intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, internal energy that attracts people, the ability to influence and control them. Achievements at work. For doctors - success in medicine. A priestess holding a bright moon in her hand is a symbol of motherhood, the birth of a child. Priestess on a dark background holding a dark moon - for young women - difficult childbirth; for older people - illness; for men - troubles with relatives.

Court lady- gossip, struggle for power.

Female statue with a wreath on her head- freedom, salvation, peace.

Man in prison- imprisonment in a government house, but friends and influential people will help you gain freedom.

Man wearing a robe- justice, moral principles. If you are principled in your judgments, then your actions will be appreciated. Excellent career, material well-being. You will gain contacts with a rich partner. A good lawyer will help you in matters related to the law.

Viking or any other warrior- success with someone’s help, perhaps for the sake of success you will sacrifice a friend, commit treason. You will take the initiative and try to outshine someone. The threatening figure of the Viking is painful pride, outbursts of rage. Open enemies, quarrels, revenge.

Sage- you are bursting with new original ideas; agility, dexterity and intelligence will help you achieve success. Extraordinary abilities will be put to use and will help you make profitable contacts. Soon your intellectual endeavors will pay off and begin to generate income, and success in trading is possible. Sage on a dark background - “Don’t be too strict and don’t show yourself to be too wise: why should you ruin yourself?”

Man in a dark mask- news of a serious illness or death of loved ones.

The man with long arms - practical, mercantile attitude to life. Reasonableness, hard work, frugality. A strong position and good earnings await you.

Man with short arms- lazy, careless attitude towards life. You try to live at someone else's expense and lead an idle lifestyle. Ill-gotten money.

Body parts

Mouth- modesty, hard work; on the walls of the cup - good friends; in the middle there is good news.

Hand- disappointment.

Eyes- change in life. Be careful in business matters, research it very carefully before accepting offers. Sad eyes - despondency, sadness, loneliness. Unpleasant news. You are deprived of the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities and capabilities.

Big eyes- patronage of the powers that be. Good energy distribution. Ingenuity, dexterity.

Almond-shaped, elongated eyes- you are restrained in your actions, conservative, secretive, and do not like to reveal your secrets to others.


Stork- a lucky sign. Successful changes, peace in the family. Success in business and profitable acquisitions await you. The image at the bottom of the cup represents imminent motherhood. Stork on the roof of a house - exchange of living space, purchase of an apartment, house, estate. Stork in the nest - success at work. Stork in flight - moving.

Crow- unhappiness in the house.

Crow- rash actions, despondency, troubles, illnesses. Problems due to recklessly spoken words. A crow sitting on a tree devoid of leaves - serious illnesses of relatives. A crow with open wings means trouble due to slander.

Sparrow- deals, negotiations, intense mental activity. A happy solution to many problems.

Pigeon- peace, harmony, a messenger of love, meeting a future marriage partner. Two cooing doves - marriage, happy marital relationship.

Goose- good news from relatives and friends. A goose with open wings means receiving a gift. A flock of geese - voluntary losses, obstacles to the fulfillment of desires. But soon your losses will be compensated a hundredfold.

Thrush- cheerful debates, intimate conversations, promising proposals. New acquaintances.

Woodpecker- persistence in business, critical self-analysis. Promotion, promotion in ranks. A woodpecker hollowing out a hollow means perseverance in overcoming difficulties. Endurance, success thanks to personal qualities.

Crane- you are destined to live to old age, achieve a high position, many will envy you, but in your soul you will be alone.

Canary- lover, if this sign is at the edge of the cup, it means the lover is very close; a canary in a clean place - a love affair in the near future; at the bottom of the cup is a loved one in sadness.

Chicken- a service to a stranger. Trouble, desire for home comfort.

Martin- peace in the family, prosperity in the home. All your wishes will come true.

Swan- favorable changes, luck, lover, do not forget to see if there is a letter nearby - the beginning of his name.

Eagle- victory after a hard struggle, good health, a surge of strength. High position in the intellectual and spiritual spheres, elevation through money, fame through talent and professionalism. This sign at the bottom of the cup predicts achieving great heights, on your own, without the help of friends.

Peacock- luxury, vanity, splendor. A peacock with an open tail in a clean place means the acquisition of an estate; a sign surrounded by dots promises a luxurious life. If there is a ring next to him, a rich marriage awaits you. The peacock symbol at the bottom of the cup, in a blurry environment, speaks of vanity, you pay too much attention to ostentatious luxury, which will sooner or later lead to trouble. The sign at the edge of the cup promises celebration and success.

Parrot - scandal, quarrel, this sign brings trouble.

Rooster- family harmony, well-being, new news. Rooster on the hill - happiness, marriage.

Rooster at the top of the cup- amazing, very good news. A rooster at the bottom of the cup - someone is trying to harm you. A rooster upside down is a dramatic change for the better.

Owl- a bad sign. If you are about to enter into a new venture, then you will face failure, big losses and problems in business if you do not take precautions. An owl at the bottom of a cup - illness and poverty; at the edge of the cup - deception in love.

Duck- increase in income, trade by water; duckling - your spouse is faithful to you.

Heron- unexpected support. Do not reject the help of influential people, your future may depend on it.


Butterfly- indicates frivolity and innocent pleasures. A sign in the center of the cup - be careful and do not fall into excessive fun; a butterfly at the edge of the cup indicates pleasure, and if you are sincere and open, you will become a useful person in society. This symbol surrounded by dots foreshadows careless extravagance and, as a result, problems.

Ant- ingenuity, work, insight, frugality; anthill - you will have loyal and reliable friends.

Fly- great wealth, receiving an inheritance.

Wasp- enmity, hostility, insult, humiliating position.

Bug- troubles, illnesses.

Spider- cunning, secrecy, diplomacy, subterfuge. A spider in a clean place suggests that favor can be achieved through diplomacy and caution. At the bottom of the cup - you are too secretive, and it would be wise to ask for advice from a trusted person and not listen to the promises of a subtle flatterer. On the handle of the cup - there is someone secretly trying to undermine the honor of your family; at the edge of the cup - a sign of protection from those who are trying to set traps for careless and reckless people.

Scorpion- a period of struggle, disagreement. There may be trouble because of friends. You will be more sensitive and irritable than ever. Don't be discouraged. This period is short, a streak of good fortune will come soon. A dark scorpion next to a tree means disagreements with relatives.

Bee- hard work, ingenuity, frugality. If a bee is visible on the handle of a cup, expect excitement in the house, social gatherings are possible; at the bottom of the cup - domestic troubles, a lot of work and disorder. At the edge of the cup - relaxation or social entertainment.


When deciphering the capabilities of an animal, one must take into account its capabilities and inherent qualities.

Squirrel- cunning, intelligence, desire to elevate oneself among others. The instinct of self-preservation. A squirrel on a tree is a manifestation of creativity, receiving a reward.

Bull- the appearance of profit, acquaintance with the opposite sex. Angry tank - incompatibility with a partner, minor grievances, jealousy, an accident caused by quarrels. Complications in relationships with a person born in the year of the Ox. A bull at the top means profit, a well-paid job, at the bottom means good health.

Wolf- intrigue. The wolf means enmity and greed of envious people in business, the danger of robbery.

Camel- wealth, thanks to endurance and endurance, overcomes life's obstacles and achieves great success. You will visit many countries. Exciting and interesting journeys await you.

The Dragon- pleasant changes, career advancement, improvement of affairs, rise in emotional and living standards.

Hare- timidity, myopia, cowardice, melancholy. A hare in a clean place indicates that your interlocutor must have courage, since his modesty will lead to a fall. The sign at the bottom of the cup is a warning that your absent friend is worried and needs help.

Kangaroo- be careful, people from your close circle seek to use your name for selfish purposes. Kangaroo with a baby - guardianship, the desire to provide a future for their children. Self-sacrifice for loved ones.

Goat- well-being, improvement of material life, perseverance in achieving goals. Unexpected success, good luck in business. Surrounded by small curved lines - a restless life, constant dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction.

Cat- deception, poverty and dirt, betrayal, but if a cat in a state of rest is visible next to the handle at the edge of the cup - home comfort. Your conservative friends are silent about their affairs and plans, and are trying to find out yours. They are cunning, envious, and try to gain trust. You should take a closer look at your surroundings, otherwise troubles will happen in the near future and big losses are possible.

Crocodile- danger, violence, serious illnesses.

Rat- gossip, nervousness, conflicts, interference in your life. A rat near a man in a robe - troubles with the law, bullying, long unresolved court cases, loss in court.

a lion- energetic activity, the opportunity to rise above the vicissitudes of fate, reasonable organization of business, patronage of influential and high-ranking persons. A lion with its head held high in the middle of the cup means victory over oneself, achieving popularity, fame, and high position. Life in comfort, material well-being.

Horse- you will engage in work that will bring moral and intellectual satisfaction. Success in sports. Financial profit.

Fox- losses, theft, treachery, selfish friends, lies, robbery, cunning, deceit. A cup-length fox, someone wants to insult you, but he fails. A fox surrounded by human figures or faces - you are surrounded by envious, greedy people, do not trust them.

Bear- difficult life; danger that can be eliminated. The bear below is great happiness; at the top - beware of failure. A trip to foreign countries, unrealistic projects, danger due to stupidity, encountering obstacles created by some brute force.

Monkey- in the center of the cup - deception, boasting on the part of a partner, friends. The threat of a major scandal. Revenge, struggle, fits of rage. Job dissatisfaction, careerism. The whims and grievances of the opposite sex. Problems in marital relationships.

Deer- honesty and intelligence, you will enjoy success, are proud but good-natured, and overcome all obstacles that stand in your way. Caring for a marriage partner, a loved one, a secure family life.

Donkey- patience, satisfaction. Near the edge of the cup is a good sign of success and happiness. In the middle of the cup is satisfaction. At the bottom of the cup - patience, perseverance, perseverance overcoming all difficulties.

Elephant- strength and condition, power, recognition of personality, reward for work, long life.

Dog- unexpected happiness and success will come to you. You will have a friend you can rely on. Attachment to craft, profession. You will devote a lot of time to your work. Several dots in the shape of a dog's head are a good friend; if there is a letter next to the head, this means news from a friend with a name starting with that letter.


Snake- secret enemies, deceit, malicious attacks, meanness. A snake coiled in a ring means no freedom of action, dependence on people who suppress any aspirations.

Several snakes- secret enemies become obvious. Envy and hatred turn friends into enemies. You should not be frank and trust anyone. Rely only on your own strength.

Frog- they are watching you, following you, collecting information about your personal life. The big dark frog is a natural disaster. A croaking frog is a sign of happiness, good luck and great love, good news. Frog on top - fall in love with a rich widow or widower; near the road - someone will come from afar and will be useful to you; near the cage - relief from a serious illness.

Lizard- surprise, speed and agility in carrying out necessary tasks. Luck and success will accompany you. You will live the rest of your life communing with nature and the earth.

Turtle- long journey, long, prosperous life.

Sea inhabitants

Shark- a dangerous enemy, illness, misfortune.

Cancer- excessive, sensitive perception of surrounding events. A successful trip, but with some worries.

Fish- material well-being, profit, winnings. Big fish - important events, big deal.

Trees and shrubs

Tree- a symbol of good health, prosperity, exaltation. The power of creative thought, public recognition, support.

Tree with branches down- loss of strength, headaches, weakness. Delay in business.

Tree without leaves, dry- troubles with relatives, illnesses, failures.

broken tree- losses, mental suffering.

Oak- victory over the enemy, your health will improve, vitality will appear, a surge of strength will appear, your wishes will come true.

Spruce- disposition to longevity. Knowledge and experience acquired over the years. Achieving what you want.

Willow- sadness, tears, melancholy.

Bush- failure in business, unpleasant surprises, unforeseen obstacles.

Forest- a mistake on the path of life.

Leaves- good luck in business, help from others, profit.

Walnut- the person will enjoy authority and respect, although he will not always be loved.

Apple tree- life will be in full swing, many interesting events and adventures.


Lily- hope, passion.

Rose- love, passion, engagement. A wreath of roses - glory, honor.

Tulip- good news, joy.

Violet- rich marriage.

Chrysanthemum - late love.

Lines and circles

Two parallel straight lines- trip for a long time.

Two parallel short lines- trip for a short period of time.

Straight long line- happiness, carefree life, longevity, good health.

Lots of straight lines- health and longevity.

Oblique line- disease.

Lots of curved lines- you are surrounded by enemies who want you harm.

Lots of short lines- difficulties in matters that do not depend on the person himself.

Wavy or continuous line, located circumferentially throughout the cup - a long trip abroad.

Lots of oblique lines- your affairs are unimportant, be vigilant and careful.

Broken, broken lines- obstacles, financial problems.

Mugs- engagement, children.

Points- a good omen, monetary profit, a successful deal.

Dark circle- illness, troubles.

Many circles connected to each other, large family, birth of a child.

Straight lines with a dot between them- the beginning of new things, the opportunity to choose will present itself.


Automobile- to the road.

Harp- important events in life, ceremonies, receptions.

Tower with dome- luck, success in business, stability.

Dish- surprise, amazing discovery.

Bottle- collapse, alcoholism, troubles.

Vase- regret, sadness.

Mitten- old love.

Bike- a difficult journey.

Scales- balance, harmony in family relationships, restoration of justice. Prevalence of scales - loss of strength, financial troubles.

Fork- wealth, life in luxury.

Coffin- sadness, sadness, grief. A coffin with a cross is news of death. The coffin below the bed is a serious illness.

Door- success in a new venture.

House- with a beautiful roof - family happiness. A house next to the circle means purchasing your own home. A house on top means a change in things for the better. Little house- need, cramped conditions. There are black dots around the house - for money, profit, security.

Toy- disappointment, empty promises, frivolous approaches to solving important issues.

Lock- bad luck, obstacles, delay in implementing plans.

Star- a favorable period in life, good luck in business, love, longevity.

Kalach- joy, luck, unexpected profit.

Hood- sea voyage, illness. A man in a hood near or in a boat is a danger of a storm, a sea voyage.

Coach- a carriage with horses - a successful journey, manifestation of activity, breakthrough, overcoming obstacles. A carriage without horses means a streak of bad luck, stagnation, obstacles in business, an unsuccessful journey.

Trap- troubles, losses, violence, accidents, imprisonment.

Bell- unpleasant news, disturbing events.

Stroller- long-awaited pregnancy, birth of a child. An overturned stroller means empty hopes and troubles for children.

Ship- the expanses of the unknown, new chances, and the creation of favorable conditions open up before a person. Characterizes movement, change, movement.

Ship with mast- promotion, improvement, achieving goals, receiving awards. In bad designations - symbolizes anger, disappointment, empty hopes, promises. There is no constancy, stability, or obstacles due to reasons independent of the person.

Key- disappointment.

Wheel- adventure.

Box- joy, success.

Cross- symbolizes fate, relationships with other people, a sign of karma, debts.

Grand Cross on the Mountain- a person will engage in self-realization, self-improvement, and development of abilities. Get satisfaction from your own business and creativity. Firm service to ideals and ideas. Achieving goals, elevation. The correct cross, similar to the Orthodox one, means a happy fate, unexpected help, social elevation. Two winding lines parallel to each other leading to an elevation on which a regular cross stands - some obstacles await a person in his achievements, but fate will not leave him, he will reach heights and be happy. Cross near the face- you will meet a person with whom you will be connected for the rest of your life.

Oblique cross- defenselessness, vulnerability, restriction of freedom, a person himself is not able to come to the right decision, to arrange his life the way he wants. An oblique cross near a kite - failures, dangerous enemies, violence, danger of injury.

Doll- refusal of responsibility, desire for a carefree life, desire to arrange things with someone else’s hands.

Lamp- perseverance, perseverance, a person will prove himself in some area. A lamp with a lampshade - the desire to retire, to hide from other people.

Ladder- new life, all kinds of changes, global processes, the ability to transform situations, overcoming obstacles.

Boat- travel, the opportunity to escape, change place of residence, work.

With bad performance- doom, loss of home, wandering, emigration.

Shovel- at the top of the cup - finding the lost. A shovel in the hands of a woman is an inheritance. Shovel near a cross or square- news of the loss of a loved one.

Spoon- gastrointestinal diseases, danger of poisoning.

Bow and arrow- sure success with recognition, social rise. Fate develops for a person in such a way that he can change his situation, correct mistakes, restore health, and start a family. This sign symbolizes restoration, balance, achievement of a high position, a person finds himself in life.

Mask - false friends, deception, hypocrisy, pretense, superficial friendship.

Pendulum- manifestation of inconstancy, negligence. Looking for new adventures. Having not completed one task, you take on another. Enmity, jealousy, intrigue. A restless life.

Medallion- affection, love for many years, worship of an idol. Family comfort.

Broom- conflict, quarrel with friends, discord in the family. Bad publicity, slander.

Sword- manifestation of willpower, power, victory. With poor performance there is danger.

Bag- restoration of health and strength. Prosperity, successful business, well-paid work.

Bridge- life’s failures and troubles are left behind, help and support from friends are ahead. For the sick - a return to life. The person will follow the intended path and achieve the desired goal.

Handcuffs- conflicts with the law, danger of imprisonment.

Knife- decisive action, enterprise, a person takes the initiative into his own hands. Exerting pressure, insistent demands. Finding ways to implement plans. With poor performance - danger, surgical interventions. The desire to suppress, subjugate, blackmail.

Scissors- practicality, doing useful, necessary things. Dexterity in work, independent development of life paths. With poor performance - a break in relationships, all kinds of obstacles.

Shoes- meeting, danger.

Weapon- to a quarrel.

Island- change of residence. An island with trees is a favorable change that accompanies material wealth and success in business.

Glasses- suspicion, increased interest in the lives and affairs of other people.

Monument- maintaining traditions, receiving an inheritance.

Folder with papers- good, successful plans.

A loop- danger of violent death, secret obstacles.

Pyramid- advancement, victory over oneself, overcoming fears, difficulties, a way out of any dangerous situation will be found.

Dishes- sudden meeting.

Airplane- recovery, new projects. In a clean place - elevation, promotion.

Near the handle of the cup- new projects. At the bottom are unsuccessful projects.

Crashed plane- to trouble. Blurred outlines surrounded by spots mean danger, loss of position, many obstacles. If there is one nearby Auspicious sign- an anchor or a horseshoe - a chance to overcome obstacles with perseverance and perseverance.

Candle- a happy accident that changes your life. Material well-being, marriage, union.

Table- intellectual activity. Success in writing and scientific work. Release of a long-awaited book and magazine.

Chair- greatness and a sign of success, promotion, obtaining a profitable position, inheritance.

Axe- danger, injury, illness.

Trident- manifestation of activity, strong will, strength of character. The desire to create, to create. You will resist life's problems, achieve honors and power.

Pipe- rallies, gatherings, news of military operations, disasters.

Lattice- obstacles, disasters, illnesses, danger of imprisonment.

Torch- news of death.

Flag- a symbol of victory, fulfillment of desire, achievement of a goal.

Church- improvement in family life, creation of a family. A period of renaissance, a good start. Spiritual and material satisfaction. Meeting a clergyman. Connection with religion, purification, consolation, way out of difficulties.

Suitcase- good luck in business, very soon you will receive financial profit. Have a good trip, rest. Near your face - be careful, you may be robbed on the road.

Hat- a huge honor.

Shield- protection, deliverance from strong and hating enemies. Rescue from disasters.

Anchor- travel, vacation. At the bottom of the cup is success on the water. At the edge of the cup is constant love.

In the middle of the cup, surrounded by dots, is a journey that brings success, successful business and commerce, money on the water. An anchor with links at the top - well-deserved rest, abundance. A sign in a blurry environment, incomprehensible lines around it - dangerous enterprises, distant success.

Geometric figures

Triangle- unexpected luck.

Open triangle- you are safe.

Two tangent triangles- your position is unstable.

Three intersecting triangles- good luck in love, success with women.

Quadrangle- unexpected luck, success in love.

Regular quadrilateral (square)- the best sign. Your life will be happy and well-off financially, and large profits are expected.

Star- freedom, liberation from unnecessary attachments.

Circle- pleasant environment.

Oval- to marriage. Many oval mounds - good luck in business.


1 - they love you.

2 - failure, illness.

3 - a successful trade deal.

4 - hope for luck.

5 - gossip, empty talk.

6 - marriage.

7 - family happiness, success in love.

8 - quarrel with a loved one.

9 - Meeting new people.

10 - good luck, you will be lucky.

100 - happy life.


A- to victory over enemies.

B- to power.

IN- Unfortunately.

G- light a candle to St. George.

D- to a loss.

E- you feel remorse.

TO- buy a cross.

N- to worry, anxiety.

P- to deception.

R- to drink.

WITH- to get acquainted.

X- to marriage.

YU- anxieties and fears.

I- change for the better.