Tkemali and other fruit sauces. Sweet sauces - the best recipes

Sweet sauces are prepared from Antonov apples, pears, quinces, peaches, plums, apricots, dried apricots, pineapples, oranges, tangerines and other fruits and berries (currants, cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, cherries, etc.). To prepare sweet fruit and berry sauces, products such as vanillin or vanilla sugar, chocolate, sugar, honey, potato starch, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, orange, lemon, tangerine zest, various fruit and berry juices industrial production, grape wines (Madeira, Muscat, dry white and red), cognac and some liqueurs.

Sweet sauces are used as gravy for various puddings, casseroles, pasta, cereal cutlets and meatballs, and for flour culinary products(pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, cereals), cereals, jellies, mousses, creams, fresh berries, baked fruits.

Fruit and berry sauces can be served both hot and cold. In the latter case, they are cooled with frequent, quiet stirring with a spatula so that a film does not form.

650 g thick sour cream, 300 g strawberries, 1-2 lemons, 100 g sugar, 100 ml Madeira, 1 g nutmeg.

Rub the washed strawberries through a fine sieve, add lemon juice, finely grated lemon zest, Madeira, sugar, chopped nutmeg and mix. Combine the resulting mixture with sour cream, stirring continuously until a homogeneous mass is formed. Store the sauce in the refrigerator at above-zero temperatures.

Serve strawberries, raspberries, sliced ​​oranges, tangerines, apples and other fruits and berries under this sauce.

400 g apples (preferably Antonov), 200 g sugar, 1 limonili 1 g citric acid, 600 ml water, 30-35 g potato starch, cinnamon, cloves to taste.

Wash the apples, remove peels and seeds, and cook the peels separately. Place the prepared apples in a bowl and pour in a decoction of the peel, add sugar, lemon juice or citric acid, cinnamon, cloves and cook in a sealed container until tender. After this, rub the apple mixture, bring to a boil, stirring continuously with a whisk, gradually pour into the starch diluted in cold water and bring to a boil again.

Serve with a variety of sweet culinary cereals and flour products.

This sauce can be served hot with roasted goose, duck, meat, but only without starch and boiled to the consistency of thick cream.

During production large quantity For this sauce, you don’t have to peel the apples, just remove the core and seeds.

600 g apples, 800 ml water, 150 g sugar, 30 g potato starch.

Wash the apples. Without peeling the apples, remove the core with seeds, chop, put in a saucepan, pour in 2/3 of the required water), cover with a lid, simmer until tender and rub through a sieve or a pulper. In received applesauce put sugar, pour in the remaining (1/3 of the norm) water and boil. After 5-7 minutes, add potato starch, previously diluted with boiled cooled water, while quickly stirring with a spatula, and bring to a boil.

This sauce can also be made from dried apples.

Serve the sauce hot or cold with porridge, rice, millet, pasta casseroles, puddings, pancakes, etc.

500 g strawberries or raspberries (without stems), 600 g sugar, 250 ml water.

Add sugar to water and cook syrup. Ready hot syrup Place the washed berries in and let stand for 6-7 hours, then cook them until tender, like jam. When cooking, remove any foam that has formed.

Serve cold with ice cream.

400 g strawberries, 200 g sugar, 600 ml water, 30-35 g potato starch.

Boil sugar syrup. Sort the strawberries, remove the stems, rinse and wipe. Pour the syrup into the strawberry puree and bring to a boil, then gradually pour in the starch diluted with cold water while continuously stirring and bring to a boil again.

The same sauce can be prepared from raspberries and strawberries.

Serve hot or cold with puddings, casseroles, pancakes, pancakes.

250 g strawberries, 500 ml water, 50 g sugar, 1 teaspoon potato starch, lemon juice.

Peel the berries, rinse, add water with added sugar and boil, then separate the berries from the broth, rub through a sieve, combine with the broth again, add diluted starch cold water, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Season the finished sauce with lemon juice.

Serve with puddings, porridges, cottage cheese casseroles.

150 g currants, 100 g raspberries, 80 g sugar, 130 g cream, 10 g potato starch.

Sort out the currants and raspberries, rinse and add a small amount of water, boil. Rub through a fine sieve. Cool part of the liquid, mix with potato starch, pour into the remaining liquid, add sugar, and bring to a boil. Stir in cream. Can add raw yolk.

200 g gooseberries, 10 g potato starch, 60 - 80 g sugar, 50 ml grape wine(white if the gooseberries are yellow or green varieties, or red if the gooseberries are red varieties).

Wash the gooseberries, pour a small amount of boiling water over them, cook, grate, add potato starch (diluted in 3 tablespoons of water), sugar and wine, and boil. You can add the yolk to the chilled sauce.

Lingonberry sauce

500 g lingonberries, 1 liter of water, 250 g sugar, 1 teaspoon potato starch, 100 ml wine (riesling), cinnamon to taste.

Sort out the lingonberries, rinse them, add cold water and cook (the lingonberries should be soft). Drain the broth, strain, rub the lingonberries through a sieve and combine with the broth. Add sugar, wine, a little cinnamon to the lingonberry broth and boil everything (no more than 5-7 minutes). Then add starch diluted with cold water into the mixture and bring it to a boil.

Serve with fried game, game meat dishes, chickens, chickens, and turkey.

60 g rose hips or 30 g rose hip powder, 900 ml water, 160 g sugar, 40 g potato starch, 2 g citric acid or 2 cm. spoons of lemon juice.

Sort the rosehips, rinse in cold water, put in a bowl, pour boiling water over them, cover the bowl and leave for 20-25 minutes to swell. After this, pour the infusion into another bowl, and mash the fruits with a wooden pestle. Pour the infusion into the resulting puree, stir, add citric acid and boil for 10-12 minutes, then stop heating. After 30 minutes, when the broth has infused, strain it through gauze folded 2-3 times, add sugar and bring to a boil. After this, pour potato starch diluted with chilled water into it and let it boil.

To improve the taste, you can add a little lemon, tangerine or orange zest to the broth. If you use lemon juice instead of citric acid, it is added to the finished sauce.

Serve with cereal and pasta dishes.

600 g fresh apricots, 110 g dried apricots, 250 g sugar, 400 ml water.

Remove pits from fresh apricots. Pour water over the seeds, add sugar and cook syrup. Strain the syrup, pour apricot pulp or well-washed dried apricots into it and cook until tender. After this, rub the apricots (dried apricots) through a sieve. Add wine or liqueur to the resulting mass and bring to a boil again.

Serve hot or cold with a variety of sweet dishes.

200 g dried apricots, 90-100 g sugar, 100 g wine (nutmeg or nutmeg).

Rinse dried apricots in warm water, place in a saucepan, add 2 cups of water and cook until soft. Rub the cooked dried apricots through a fine sieve, put back into the pan, add sugar and 1/2 cup of hot water, stir it all, put on the fire and boil for 5 minutes. After this, remove the sauce from the heat, add wine and stir.

You can also make apricot sauce by replacing dried apricots apricot puree(400 g).

150 g almonds, 700 ml milk, 200 g sugar, 5 eggs.

Scald the almonds with boiling water and peel them. Crush the peeled almonds, mix with a small amount of sugar and pass through a meat grinder or grind in a mortar. If the almonds are not crushed first, then when passing through a meat grinder or when grinding in a mortar, oil will be released from the almonds, which will contribute to the darkening of the mass and loss of its elasticity. When grinding almonds, you need to add cold boiled milk in small portions. Dilute the mashed mass with the remaining milk and rub through a sieve. The almonds remaining after this can be ground again or used to prepare the filling. Then mix the eggs with the remaining sugar and grind until white. Dilute the resulting mass with hot almond milk and boil at a temperature of 75-80° C.

Serve with sweet puddings and casseroles.

800 ml milk, 80 g sweet almonds, 10 g bitter almonds, 5 eggs, 250 g sugar.

Place sweet and bitter almonds in a saucepan, add boiling water and cover the dish with a lid. After 10-15 minutes, peel the almonds and put them in cold water for 2-3 hours, then pass through a meat grinder with a fine grid, adding milk little by little so that the almonds do not become oily.

Grind the chopped almonds thoroughly with a pestle in a mortar, gradually adding milk. Dilute the almonds ground into a puree with the remaining milk, strain through a thin napkin or gauze and squeeze. Use leftover almonds (squeeze) for filling baked apples, pancakes.

Eggs or egg yolks Grind thoroughly with sugar so that the mixture turns white, and then dilute with prepared hot almond milk and boil, stirring with a spatula until a temperature of 75-80 ° C, but do not boil.

Serve cold or hot with puddings, casseroles, etc.

700 ml almond milk, 250 g sugar, 100 g sweet almonds, 25 g butter, 5 eggs (yolks), 20 g wheat flour, 2 lemons.

Grind butter, raw egg yolks, flour and sugar thoroughly. Add grated zest and lemon juice, finely chopped almonds to the resulting mixture and stir. Then gradually (in three or four additions) pour in hot almond milk, stirring quickly, after which boil the sauce, but do not boil.

Serve with puddings and casseroles.

300 ml milk, 2 eggs, 90 g sugar, 1/2 vanilla sugar powder, 1 teaspoon wheat flour.

Grind the sugar well with egg yolks and flour. Dilute this mixture with hot milk and, stirring continuously, cook the sauce until it boils. As soon as the sauce thickens, remove it from the heat, strain through a sieve and add vanilla sugar.

Serve with puddings and creams.

400 ml milk, 3 eggs (yolks), 90 g sugar, 1 teaspoon wheat flour or potato starch, vanillin or vanilla sugar to taste.

Dilute a spoonful of flour or starch with cold milk (1/2 cup). Grind the yolks with sugar. Combine with diluted flour and gradually pour in 1.5 cups of hot milk. Flavor the mixture with vanilla and cook from the thickening over low heat, stirring continuously. Then remove the sauce from the heat and continue stirring until completely cooled.

Serve to various creams, puddings, dough products soaked in syrup.

300 ml milk, 2 eggs (yolks), 90 g sugar, 1 cm. spoon of cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon of wheat flour.

Grind the egg yolks with sugar, add cocoa and flour, stir, dilute with hot milk and put on fire. Stirring continuously, bring the sauce to a boil (but do not boil). As soon as the sauce thickens, remove it from the heat and strain through a strainer.

Serve with puddings, creams and casseroles.

800 ml milk, 6 eggs (yolks), 150 g sugar, 50 g chocolate.

Grind the yolks with sugar and, heating over low heat, beat until the volume of the mass increases 2-3 times. With continuous stirring, pour in hot milk with grated chocolate dissolved in it. After this, boil the mixture at 75-80° C, remove from the stove and strain.

Serve hot to rice pudding or soufflé and other cereal or flour sweet dishes.

950 ml milk, 50 g cocoa (powder) or 30 g chocolate, 4 eggs (yolks), 40 g wheat flour, 30 g butter.

Lightly saute the flour in butter; dilute with hot milk and boil. Grind the cocoa powder with sugar, combine with the yolks and grind well again. Then gradually pour in the hot (75-80° C) milk liquid sauce, cook with continuous stirring, bringing it to the consistency of thick cream. Ready sauce strain.

When using chocolate, grind the yolks with sugar, heat the chocolate with part of the milk and add milk sauce.

Serve with puddings, casseroles, soufflés and creams.

200 ml of white grape wine, 1 lemon, 4 eggs (yolks), 4 teaspoons of sugar, 1 glass of rum.

Mix a glass of white natural wine, 1/2 cup water, lemon juice. Heat the mixture to a boil, cool to 75-80°C, pour this liquid into the yolks and grind with sugar. Whisk over heat until the whole mixture thickens. At the end, before removing, add one glass of rum and mix.

Serve hot with pudding.

250 ml white grape wine, 125 ml water, 150 g sugar, 4 eggs (yolks), 2 vanilla sugar powder, 1 cm. spoon of lemon juice.

Pour wine and water into an enamel or heat-resistant glass bowl, add sugar, yolks, vanilla sugar and a spoonful of lemon juice. Cook in a water bath over moderate heat, stirring continuously with a whisk, until a thick foam forms.

Serve the sauce immediately with hot sweet dishes (pudding, etc.).

500 ml milk, 90 g sugar, 3-4 eggs (yolks), 1-2 vanilla sugar powder.

Grind the egg yolks and sugar well. Pour in the milk, put the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring continuously with a whisk. Then remove from heat and cool without stopping stirring. Flavor the sauce with vanilla sugar.

Serve with cream or pudding.

1/2 l red wine, 500 g sugar, 1 lemon, 200 ml water, 35-40 g potato starch.

Boil sugar syrup with the addition of zest and lemon juice, at the end of cooking, pour in red wine, bring to a boil, while stirring with a paddle, pour in the starch diluted in cold water and bring to a boil again.

Serve with sweet hot dishes, fruit products, soufflés.

150 g plum jam, 10 g potato starch, 250 ml milk, cinnamon, lemon zest to taste. To contents

Who among you doesn't like sweets? It’s hard to find such a person, no, no, but you’ll want something juicy, aromatic, cold or a fiery sweet treat. Ice cream, cakes, crumpets, cookies, cheesecakes, etc. - there are so many great desserts to choose from. Most of them are served in restaurants garnished with aromatic sweet sauces. And what’s worse than homemade delicacies, why not please your loved ones original gravy from fresh fruit, nuts or honey for your favorite pancakes or homemade cookies. We invite you to prepare the most delicious sweet sauces from our collection yourself.

Caramel sauce "Cajeta"

This sweet sauce very popular in Mexico (it is also called “Cajeta”), it tastes like ours boiled condensed milk, but in reality, there are differences: it is not so sweet and has delicate taste milk caramel. This gravy is ideal for all homemade desserts, including golden pancakes, flavored waffles. In addition, by slightly digesting this sauce, you can get perfect cream for cake or baked nuts.

We will need:

  • Milk 3.5% fat – 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 1/3 cup;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
  • Soda – 4 g (1/5 tablespoon);
  • Cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • Salt – 1 pinch.


  1. To prepare, we need a thick-bottomed pan, a wooden spatula and a little patience. Pour milk into a saucepan and set it on medium heat While the milk is heating up, add sugar, salt, cinnamon and vanillin, stirring continuously (to prevent the sugar from burning, we will have to stir all the time);
  2. Heat to a boil, and when the milk starts to “run away,” remove from heat and add soda. The liquid will increase in volume again, but then settle. Then we put it on low heat, continuing to stir with a wooden spatula;
  3. So we cook our future sauce for 20 minutes, after which we remove the cinnamon from the pan. She gave all her taste and aroma to the sauce, so she won’t need it anymore. The sauce itself gradually thickens and acquires a golden hue;
  4. Continue cooking, stirring, for another 40 minutes;
  5. After the specified time has passed, remove the sauce from the heat and leave to cool. Our milk has thickened and acquired color. boiled condensed milk. The resulting gravy can be safely eaten immediately, or can also be poured into jars to put in the refrigerator. Such delicious sauces can be stored for a week (if they last, of course).

Bon appetit!

Tip: It is better to take homemade milk for this recipe rather than store-bought milk - it has a higher fat content. Also cow's milk If desired, you can replace it with goat if you like this healthy and valuable product.

Vanilla sauce for pancakes

This delicious sauce is great for pancakes, pancakes and other hot homemade baked goods.

We will need:

  • Cream – 250 ml;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
  • Starch – 2 tablespoons;
  • Egg - 4 pieces;
  • Salt – 1 pinch.


  1. To prepare the sauce we will need the most fresh eggs. We break them, carefully separate the yolks from the whites;
  2. Mix the yolks with sugar, beat them until smooth, add starch, vanillin, and salt. Continue beating until it turns white;
  3. Pour the cream into the resulting mixture, mix everything again;
  4. Pour the milk into a saucepan, put it on medium heat, and heat it up. As soon as it begins to boil and increase in volume, quickly remove from heat;
  5. Pour the hot milk into the creamy yolk mixture in a thin stream, stirring continuously. We can do it thick sauce golden cream color, let it cool. Ready! Hot pancakes with such tender and sweet gravy they fly off with a bang.

Strawberry custard sauce

Do you have frozen strawberries at home, but you still can’t decide what to cook with them? Then this recipe is waiting for you! Delicious berry sauces are perfect for cheesecakes, tiramisu and others. airy desserts. In addition, they can be used with any homemade baked goods (pancakes, pancakes, cookies) or instead of jam with tea. However, such dessert additives are not stored for too long, even in the refrigerator, due to the fact that the berries in milk quickly fade.

We will need:

  • Any milk - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - a third of a glass;
  • Frozen strawberries (you can use fresh if in season) – 1.5 cups (300 g);
  • Butter – 60 g;
  • Egg – 1 piece;
  • Flour – 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt – 1 pinch.


  1. Thaw frozen strawberries, wash them, and remove the stems. Let it dry and throw the whole thing into the blender bowl. Then we grind it into a delicate airy pulp, which we then pass through a sieve to remove the seeds;
  2. Break the egg into a saucepan, add sugar, flour, whisk until smooth;
  3. Pour milk into the sugar-egg mixture, stir, and place over medium heat. Cook, stirring continuously with a wooden spatula, until thickened (this will take about 5-10 minutes). We get a delicate custard;
  4. Remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.
  5. Add softened butter and strawberry puree to the cooled cream, and then mix thoroughly. Sweet strawberry sauce ready!

Berry honey

A very simple recipe, but how much children love it – you won’t be able to pull it off by the ears! You can use any berries in it - strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, Michurin currants, and when it’s not in season, cook from frozen ones. The sweet sauce is sour, not cloying, and goes well with cheesecakes, pancakes and other homemade baked goods.

We will need:

  • Any berries - 1 cup (200 g);
  • Honey – 3/4 cup (250 g);
  • Lemon zest (to taste);
  • Water – 50 – 100 g.


  1. Favorites fresh berries we sort through forest debris, leaves and twigs. Then we wash and remove the stalks. If the berries are frozen, they can be cooked immediately according to the recipe without defrosting;
  2. Place everything in one pan, adding water. How more liquid(50-100 g) pour in, the more liquid the syrup will be.
  3. Place the pan over medium heat and bring to a boil;
  4. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes;
  5. After this time, add honey and lemon zest, stirring continuously, and bring to a boil again. As soon as it starts to boil, immediately remove it from the heat and then set it to cool;
  6. Grind the cooled sweet sauce with a blender, and then pass it through a sieve to remove grains and skins. Sweet sauce for your favorite homemade baking ready!

Sauce for fruit salad with tangerines and almonds

In addition to baking, there are many different desserts - ice cream, as well as fruit salads. Most of them are topped with yogurt or whipped cream, but you can add a little originality to your favorite products and make an unusual one. sweet dressing. This sauce is based on sweet tangerines, pine nuts, almonds and tender cream. It is perfect not only for fruit desserts, but also for mixed salads, where such dishes are combined in one dish. different products like: cheese and pineapples, oranges and Korean carrots etc., as well as ice cream. If you are against this method of preparation, do not rush to give up without trying it. Perhaps this particular dressing recipe will become one of your favorites.

We will need:

  • Sweet tangerines – 3 fruits;
  • Chicken yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Pine nuts -1/3 cup;
  • Corn oil (olive oil is possible) – 2 tbsp;
  • Cream 35% fat – 150 ml;
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • Almonds – 30 grams;
  • Salt - to your taste.


  1. Peel the tangerines and carefully remove the white layers between the segments. Chop them as finely as possible. You can also lightly chop them with a blender (into uneven pieces, not a homogeneous mass);
  2. Chop the almonds with a knife into small pieces small pieces or grind in a mortar (you can also use a blender or coffee grinder);
  3. The cream must be cooled in advance and then whipped with a pinch of salt. When they become thick enough, add a little sugar and beat until stiff;
  4. Let's assemble our sauce. Add to chopped tangerines corn oil, add raw yolk from one chicken egg, as well as heavy whipping cream. Add chopped almonds here too. pine nuts. Beat a little with a whisk or mixer. An original, aromatic and juicy dressing for sweet salads and ice cream is ready!

Chocolate sauce “Like Nutella”

This easy-to-prepare sauce is indeed very reminiscent of the sauce of the same name. chocolate spread with one small difference - from inexpensive ingredients you can prepare a large quantity delicious gravy, whereas a small jar of the original in the store is very expensive. Since chocolate sweet sauces are made from natural milk, their shelf life is relatively short - about 3-4 days in the refrigerator.

We will need:

  • Milk -3 glasses;
  • Sugar (sand) – 1.5 cups;
  • Flour – 4 tbsp. without slide;
  • Natural cocoa without sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • Butter - 60 grams;
  • Peeled walnuts – 60 grams.


  1. First, mix the bulk ingredients - mix cocoa and sugar well, add flour. This is done so that the volatile ingredients are easily mixed with the liquid;
  2. Heat the milk in a saucepan and add it sweet mixture from flour, sugar and cocoa, mix;
  3. Place the pan on water bath, cook until the sauce begins to thicken. Stir often, as it quickly burns to the bottom;
  4. When the gravy thickens to the desired consistency, send it to cool;
  5. Chop the walnuts into smaller pieces and add to the sauce;
  6. When the mass has cooled to a warm state, add soft butter, and then mix everything with a spoon. Sweet sauce is ready!

The story of the milk sauce recipe for me began when a reader named Alla asked me if I knew what they put on casserole in kindergartens. The question has been asked, all that remains is to find the answer. My child goes to kindergarten, I went and asked. It turned out that they were pouring milk sauce over the casserole. I was given its composition and an approximate recipe. Now I myself have prepared a sweet milk sauce, which is used to pour over the casserole and more, but read on about that.

Ingredients for milk sauce:

One glass of milk
about 15 gr. butter (visually divide the stick of butter into 10 parts and take a little less)
tablespoon flour (a small heap is allowed)
tablespoon sugar
a pinch of salt
crystalline vanillin on the tip of a knife

Preparation of milk sauce:

Boil the milk. Melt butter.

Fry the flour in butter over low heat for literally 2 minutes. No color change. Pour hot milk into the flour with butter, add sugar, salt and vanillin. Mix everything thoroughly.

Bring the milk to a boil and simmer over low heat until thickened (about 10-12 minutes). The readiness of the milk sauce can be determined by the fact that the butter is evenly distributed throughout the sauce and stops floating. This can be seen from the photograph.

Cool the finished milk sauce and serve cottage cheese casserole, pancakes or pancakes. This milk sauce is also known as sweet milk sauce, vanilla milk sauce, etc. Bon appetit!!!


I won’t say that tkemali sauce is the most popular in our area. Many people don’t cook it, don’t like it, and certainly don’t start it for the winter! However, this sauce is very popular in our family, especially since all the main ingredients for it are available. Tkemali sauce comes in green and red. Red is made from yellow or red cherry plum or from green cherry plum with the addition of sloe. This kind of tkemali is sweeter. If you use the small sour plum of the same name, the taste of the sauce will be more piquant and sour.
If we are preparing the sauce not for future use, but just for the table, it is worth making it a day or two before use, then the sauce is infused and completely saturated with all the smells and tastes. As for the mysterious ombalo - an indispensable companion of the present Georgian tkemali, then this variety of mint (Menta pulegium), which is distinguished by small rounded leaves, those who do not have it, replace it with a sprig of lemon balm.

For the recipe you will need:
- tkemali (cherry plum) - 1 kg
- water - 1/4 cup
- ombalo - garlic - 1 head
- dill (dry) - 2 tbsp.
- coriander - 3 tsp.
- red pepper (ground) - 1.5 tsp.
- mint (dry) - 2 tsp.
Place tkemali plums (or cherry plums) in enamel pan, pour in water and simmer over low heat until the peel comes off and the seeds separate, which must be removed from the entire mass.
Drain the resulting clear juice, grind the mixture into puree or rub through a sieve and cook again until the sour cream thickens, continuously stirring the sauce with a wooden spatula and gradually adding clear juice. Grind all the spices into powder, add to the hot mixture, add salt to taste and heat for another 5 minutes.
Use the sauce cold when preparing a large amount of sauce, seal it hot in jars or bottles.

Donskoy Tkemali "Noble". Ingredients:
cherry plum and sour sloe, or the most sour plums that you find.
cilantro, ombalo or lemon balm
You can also use other greens - as you like

Cooking method:
Place the whole plums to cook without adding water (there will be a lot of liquid) under a closed lid. Cook for a long time on a divider or very low heat, stirring from time to time so as not to burn. When the plums are boiled so that the seeds separate, when everything has boiled down to the consistency of liquid jam, grind the whole mass through a colander so that the seeds remain. Add garlic and herbs - cilantro and basil are required, the rest of the herbs are optional, minced. Garlic to taste - but ideally there should be a lot and a little hot pepper.
Very delicious sauce for both fish and meat. OTHER GRAPE SAUCE Mash unripe grapes and squeeze out the juice, gradually adding water (1 tbsp.). Add crushed walnuts and crushed with salt Bell pepper, cilantro, garlic, ombalo and mix well. Bring to a boil. 500 g unripe grapes, ½ tbsp. peeled walnuts, 1 clove of garlic, 3-4 sprigs of green cilantro, 1 ombalo, capsicum and salt to taste.

0.5 kg apricots
1 kg apples
0.5 kg onions
a few cloves of garlic
1 tsp salt
700 g sugar
ground black pepper
0.7 l 5 percent wine vinegar.

Wash apricots and apples, remove skins and seeds, chop finely.
Cut the onion into cubes.
Squeeze the garlic with a garlic press.
Place everything in a saucepan, add sugar, salt, vinegar and pepper.
Cook after boiling over low heat until thickened.
Place hot into jars and roll up.

PLUM 5 kg pitted plums, 2 kg tomatoes, 10 pcs. sweet pepper, 1.5 cups sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 200 gr. garlic, 1 pc. hot pepper, 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar.

Finely chop the plums, tomatoes, sweet peppers, cook for 35-40 minutes. Then add garlic, hot peppers, salt, sugar, vinegar and cook for another 5 minutes. Rub the mass through a sieve and cook for 5 minutes. Pour the sauce into sterilized jars, roll up .