There should be pancake batter. How to make pancakes: with water and milk

Hello! I, as a lover of baking in all its forms, offer for consideration the original Russian pastry - pancakes. Kneading the pancake dough is as easy as shelling pears, and the pleasure of eating this dish is great! Moreover, there are many options for filling pancakes with different fillings, from simple butter and sugar to black caviar.

It is doubtful that we thought about it, but there are different types of pancake recipes; they differ not only in fillers, but also in ingredients, such as kefir, milk or water. The composition may even include different types of flour. Moreover, there is a type of pancakes whose dough includes chicken liver.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which type of pancakes is better, because this has been the custom since ancient times and we often prepare them as a ritual dish. So, for example, it is customary to cook pancakes for Maslenitsa, it is no secret that this holiday came to us from pre-Christian times, and on Maslenitsa our ancestors burned an effigy symbolizing winter, and ate pancakes as a symbol of the sun and the beginning of a new cycle (new year, new life).

Since those times, already on a subconscious level, through the memory of our ancestors, we have strongly associated pancakes with something bright and festive. I hope the pancake recipes below will help you please your family and friends.

Preparatory stage

Flour 2 cups, milk 3 cups. 3 eggs, half tsp. salt and a tablespoon of sugar.

Let's start preparing our workplace for preparing pancakes, because this directly determines whether you will suffer or everything will go like clockwork.

The main thing is to set up correctly from the very beginning and observe all the nuances, and so:

  1. When preparing the dough, use only fresh ingredients.
  2. The products should be warm, no lower than 180C, and the water or milk should generally be slightly warmed up; this will facilitate easier mixing of the products and prevent the dough from forming lumps.
  3. It is better to take a cast iron frying pan with thick walls or use a special one with a non-stick coating.
  4. Before frying pancakes, grease a cast-iron frying pan with margarine, just grease it, not melt it - there should be a little bit of it. 5 It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: the first pancake is lumpy. Often the first pancake doesn’t work out, because either the frying pan is not warm enough, or there is too much oil, or the batter was not poured into the frying pan in the optimal ratio. Don't be alarmed.

Recipe 1

The first version of pancake dough is classic, it allows you to prepare quite different pancakes, so by adding more eggs to the pancake dough, we will get denser pancakes, and if we increase the amount of flour and slaked soda, we will get pancakes. In general, this option has amazing flexibility.

milk and water - a glass, a couple of glasses of flour, a couple of eggs, sugar and salt to taste, 3 tbsp. refined oil.

Let's start preparing the pancake dough:

  1. Beat eggs with salt and sugar.
  2. Add water with milk and refined oil, mix.
  3. Stirring constantly, gradually add flour to the milk-egg mixture.
  4. Knead the dough until completely homogeneous, there should be no lumps.

Recipe 2: kefir dough

To get thin pancakes, there are two secrets: kefir mixed with mineral water, and the amount of dough poured into the pan. In this recipe, you can also change the proportions of ingredients, for example, my friend does not use mineral water, but prefers the dough to be less thick, she says that this makes the pancakes thinner.

In general, do what you think is best, and choose the most convenient ratio of ingredients for the dough.

Pancake dough contains:

1.5 cups of kefir, 0.5 cups of mineral water, 2 eggs, 2 cups of wheat flour, 3 tablespoons of starch, sugar and salt to taste, 3 tablespoons of refined oil.

  1. Beat kefir with starch and sugar with a whisk or blender at low speed.
  2. Add salt with eggs. Whisk.
  3. Beat until completely homogeneous.
  4. Add mineral water with refined oil and mix the dough.
  5. Let the dough rest for 7 minutes.

Recipe 3: milk dough

In this pancake batter recipe, you can vary the thickness of the pancakes depending on the number of eggs used.

To prepare thin pancakes, use 1-2 eggs (preferably with baking powder), and for thick pancakes, use 4 eggs. In both cases, the use of baking powder is encouraged, but in the second, it is still less mandatory.

Contains the following products:

2 cups milk, 3 eggs, 2 cups wheat flour, sugar and salt to taste, 3 tablespoons refined oil.

Let's start preparing the pancake dough:

  1. We take the milk at a temperature no lower than 24 degrees, and it is better to heat it until slightly hot, but do not overheat so that the eggs do not boil.
  2. Using a blender or mixer at high speed, beat the eggs with salt and sugar. An airy foam should form, which will give the pancakes airiness.
  3. In a deep container, mix the egg mass with warm milk.
  4. The flour is poured in gradually with constant stirring, otherwise lumps will form, which should not exist under any circumstances.
  5. Let the dough rest for 7 minutes.

Recipe 4: water dough

If you ask housewives who still remember old pancake batter recipes, it turns out that most of them do not use milk and eggs, but plain water. After all, if you mix flour and water correctly, you will get pancakes even in the complete absence of eggs.

But in fact, eggs are added to make the pancakes more tender and airy. But it is imperative that the flour is thoroughly winnowed before preparing the pancakes. If you don’t have sparkling water, then take plain water and add slaked soda with vinegar to the dough.

Pancake batter contains:

2 glasses of sparkling water, 2 eggs, 2 glasses of wheat flour, sugar and salt to taste, 3 tablespoons of refined oil.

Let's start preparing the dough:

  1. Let's heat the water to 38-400C, but no more, so as not to release the gas and cook the eggs.
  2. We begin to beat eggs with sugar and salt with a mixer or a whisk, add some water.
  3. The flour is poured in gradually with constant stirring with a mixer or blender, otherwise lumps will form, which should not exist under any circumstances.
  4. If the dough becomes thick, then add water, stirring vigorously all the time, until the flour is completely added and water is added.
  5. At the end, add oil and mix thoroughly.
  6. Let the dough rest for 7 minutes.

Recipe 5: Cornmeal Dough

Do you want something out of the ordinary? Are you missing summer? Little sun? There is a way out - cook pancakes with cornmeal! The pancakes turn out to be a bright sunny color, and if you add orange or lemon zest to the dough, and even with vanilla or apple or banana puree, then when you eat these pancakes you will be transported to the world of eternal summer and the azure sea.

But this dough also has its own nuances, so due to the use of zest and puree, we will use a single egg, since otherwise the pancakes will turn out too fluffy and may tear during cooking.

Pancake recipe contains:

egg, a glass of water, milk, corn flour and wheat flour, sugar with vanilla and salt to taste, 3 tablespoons refined butter, ½ teaspoon baking powder.

Let's start preparing the dough:

  1. Prepare water with milk, they should be 220C.
  2. Corn flour is poured with water and infused for 6 minutes.
  3. In a deep container, beat the egg with milk with a mixer or blender.
  4. Add salt and sugar and stir until completely dissolved.
  5. Wheat flour is poured in gradually with constant stirring with a mixer or blender, otherwise lumps will form, which should not exist under any circumstances.
  6. Add the swollen corn flour and baking powder.
  7. Wrap the dough in a terry towel and place in a warm place.
  8. Add oil and mix thoroughly.
  • I remind you once again that all products must be fresh, and it is better to use homemade eggs, not farm eggs.
  • To add new flavor notes to the dough, use vegetable or fruit puree or citrus zest. And simply adding a little onion and carrot frying to the dough will significantly enhance the flavor range of your pancakes.
  • In this case, sifting flour is necessary not so much to clean the flour from specks, but to saturate it with air, which in turn makes the process of kneading the dough much easier.
  • Excessive amounts of sugar in the batter will make the pancakes tough, and too much salt will result in the pancakes not being golden brown.

Thank you for your attention! See other recipes in the relevant sections of my website!

Be sure to watch our VIDEO RECIPE for thin and delicious milk pancakes with the addition of boiling water, which we carefully filmed for you to make the cooking process simpler and more understandable!

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Today we’ll talk about pancakes, and I’ll tell you all the subtleties and secrets of their successful preparation
Firstly, you need a good, proven recipe, without which you can experiment with the dough for a long time and still not come to a good result. And I’m glad to announce good news for you - the recipe for perfect pancakes, proven over the years, is right in front of you!))

This is my favorite recipe, which I never change))) The pancakes turn out very tasty, thin, tender and elastic. You can easily wrap any filling in them or serve them with sour cream, jam, preserves, condensed milk, or anything else. Or dip a hot pancake in melted butter... bliss!)))

The main secret of thin and elastic pancakes, which I discovered a long time ago, is adding a small amount of boiling water to the dough. Due to the fact that the pancakes are cooked in milk, they taste creamy, and due to the boiling water they are elastic, therefore, this recipe can also be called pancakes with boiling water or pancakes with the addition of boiling water :)

Have a delicious breakfast and bon appetit!


For pancakes with milk and boiling water
eggs 3 pcs
sugar 1-2 tbsp.
salt 1 tsp (without slide)
milk 500 ml
flour 280 g
vegetable oil (for dough) 2-3 tbsp.
boiling water 0,5 cups (to desired consistency)
vegetable oil for frying
butter (for greasing prepared pancakes)

You will need basic ingredients: wheat (or any other) flour, sugar and salt, eggs, as well as kefir, milk, sour cream or water. Depending on the composition and cooking technology, the pancake dough will need to be cooled before frying or, conversely, allowed to stand at room temperature. But most often, simple pancake dough is used immediately after preparation, without cooling or heating. Grandma's secret to delicious pancakes is adding one or two tablespoons of vegetable oil directly to the dough and frying them in melted butter.

Five of the fastest pancake dough recipes:

What dough should I choose for spring rolls?

If a festive feast with an abundance of snacks and hearty dishes awaits you ahead and you want something simple and light (for “zarguz”), opt for a simple recipe for pancake dough without yeast and eggs. It uses milk for the base, which can be replaced with whey or water. The dough is suitable for frying pancakes for filling with a variety of fillings, sweet and savory, therefore it is considered universal. It is also suitable for different types of dietary restrictions.

Universal pancake dough recipe

Ingredients: milk, flour, soda, salt, a little sugar and softened butter.

  1. Add the mixed dry mixtures to the heated milk and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add softened butter and beat the dough with a whisk.
  3. The result is a dough similar in consistency to liquid sour cream. You can let it sit for about twenty minutes and then start frying.

The five most commonly used ingredients in dough recipes are:

Pancake batter tips:

  • add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the dough so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan
  • if there are eggs in the dough, beat the whites separately from the yolks and add them last - the pancakes will turn out more delicate and airy
  • optimal thickness of pancake dough - consistency of thick cream
  • To make the pancakes more bubbly, add a little water to the dough
  • Be sure to add salt to the dough, even if you are going to fry savory pancakes
  • Be sure to sift the flour before adding it to the dough.
  • Instead of wheat flour, you can use any other flour: rye, buckwheat, corn

Everyone has eaten pancakes with sour cream or jam at least once on Sunday morning or on Maslenitsa. But why not eat this delicacy more often? How to make delicious pancakes? Find the answer in this article. We will tell you how to cook delicious pancakes not only with water and milk, but also with kefir.

Just a few decades ago, no Russian dish could compare in popularity with pancakes. They accompanied a person throughout his life. They fed women in labor with pancakes and used them to remember a person.

However, pancakes are loved not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The French, for example, are famous masters of thin pancakes; Americans prefer thicker ones and build towers out of pancakes, serve them with bacon and top with maple syrup.

How to make pancakes with milk?

For the pancake test you will need:
- 2.5 tbsp. milk
- 250 g flour (1 cup)
- 1-3 eggs
- 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of salt
- vegetable oil or fat for frying

How many eggs to put in the dough is up to everyone to decide for themselves. They change both the taste and properties of the dough. This is a binding ingredient that turns it into a homogeneous mass without lumps, and also provides a golden brown crust. However, the pancakes will not fall apart even without eggs. Remember, the more eggs, the denser the dough, otherwise the pancakes will be “spongy” and soft.

How to make pancakes?

The dough must be made according to all the rules. First, pour the sifted flour into a heap, make a well in it, beat the eggs in a separate bowl, then pour them into the well, then add half the liquid (milk), and then knead with a whisk or fork, mixing all the ingredients. If you knead the dough with a spoon, it is almost impossible to avoid lumps. After the dough has become homogeneous, you need to gradually add the butter and the remaining milk. Ideally, you should leave the dough for at least half an hour so that it rises a little, and only then start frying.

If you have kitchen utensils at hand, the cooking process can be made easier. In this case, it is still better to sift the flour. This way the dough will be saturated with oxygen. Beat the sugar, salt, and half of the liquid in a bowl with a hand blender or mixer, then add the flour. After the dough is whipped until smooth, add the butter and the rest of the liquid. The last step is necessary in order to control the consistency of the dough. How to make thin pancakes? Just. When preparing the dough, you need to remember that it should look like very liquid sour cream. To make the baked goods thicker, the dough should be similar to the consistency of just sour cream.

The first pancake is cooked on a hot frying pan. In this case, it is better to use dishes with a heavy, thick bottom. After the first pancake, we reduce the heat and find the optimal temperature, as they say, experimentally. Our dough already contains oil, so there is no need to grease the pan.

However, for the first pancake, as practice shows, this is necessary. In addition, if you use a frying pan without a special coating, you will still have to use oil. And you don’t need to pour oil directly from the bottle, otherwise you’ll have to pour the excess out of the pan later - the pancake in excess can simply slide to the side. You can use a special spray bottle or a piece of frozen animal fat, which is dipped in oil and rubbed into the pan.

Pour a little batter and spread it over the entire surface of the pan, using your hand to control the batter in the pan. At the same time, do not let the edges stick with a spatula.

Note that if you add a teaspoon of soda, quenched with lemon juice or vinegar, to the dough, and add enough flour so that the dough has the consistency of thick sour cream, then you can bake delicious pancakes at lower heat. They should be poured into the pan with a spoon. If you bake completely without oil, the pancakes will turn out flat and dry, but if you fry in oil, they will be rosy and fluffy.

How to cook pancakes with water?

This method of preparing pancakes is rightfully considered the simplest. It does not require special skills or craftsmanship. In addition, you can always please yourself and your loved ones with such pancakes, especially if you have run out of milk and really want something tasty.

To prepare these pancakes we will need:
- half a liter of water
- two or three eggs
- two tablespoons of vegetable oil
- a pinch of salt
- two tablespoons of granulated sugar
- two glasses of flour

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk first. Mix flour, eggs, sugar and salt, knead the dough. It is important to ensure that the flour dissolves and the consistency becomes uniform. The dough should be quite liquid, a little thinner than sour cream. There should be no lumps left.
  2. Heat a large frying pan. Then, reducing the heat to medium, start baking pancakes, pouring the batter using a ladle.
  3. After pouring the dough into the pan, let it spread evenly by tilting the pan in different directions. Fry pancakes on both sides.
  4. When the first pancake is ready, you need to try it. If necessary, add missing ingredients: water, salt, sugar.
  5. Before each new portion of dough, it is better to grease the pan with oil so that the pancake does not stick to its surface.

How were pancakes prepared in Rus'?

The recipe is surprisingly simple, and this makes it especially attractive. If you really want something more substantial, bake pancakes with milk.

Kefir pancake recipe

This version of pancakes is good because kefir, being a fermented milk product, gives the dough a special softness and airiness. In addition, kefir is easier to digest and is a dietary product, while milk is not suitable for everyone.

To bake pancakes with kefir, you will need:
- one glass of flour
- one glass of kefir
- one glass of boiling water
- two chicken eggs
- soda - on the tip of a knife
- salt - about 1/2 teaspoon
- sugar - 1 tablespoon
- two to three tablespoons of vegetable oil

First of all, you need to beat the eggs with a mixer until foam appears. Add salt before whisking. It is better that the eggs are cold, then they will beat better.

Then pour a glass of boiling water into the resulting mass and continue whisking. After a while, pour kefir in there. Mix the sifted flour with soda and add a tablespoon at a time to the resulting mass. Mix thoroughly and make sure that no lumps form.

Sweet pancakes: recipe from the chef

Then add vegetable oil and sugar. After this, mix thoroughly again and bake in a hot frying pan.

Yeast pancake recipe

For the dish you will need: 280-300 g flour, 750 ml. milk, 2-3 eggs, 3-4 tbsp. l. butter, 1-2 tbsp. sugar, 20-25 gr. yeast, 250 ml. water, 1 tsp. salt.

First, you need to pour warm water into a bowl and add 1 tsp to it. sugar, mix. Next, crumble the yeast into it and mix thoroughly. The yeast should be completely dissolved. And then gradually add a glass of sifted flour and mix thoroughly again.

Place the bowl with the resulting dough in a warm place, after covering it with a towel or napkin. While the dough is rising, melt the margarine or butter and cool (if the butter is hot, it can burn the yeast). Grind the egg yolks with sugar.

Add the yolks, ground with sugar, butter (either vegetable oil or margarine), salt to the finished dough and mix well.

Next, add flour and milk alternately into the dough in small portions. Add half a glass of flour and half a glass of milk. And stir the dough thoroughly every time so that there are no lumps in it. As a result, it turns out that you put 2 cups of flour and 3 cups of milk into the dough.

Cover the dough again with a napkin or towel and place in a warm place to rise. When it rises, stir it and leave it again for a while. After the next approach, add the egg whites, beaten with salt, to the dough, mix and let the dough rise further.

The dough has risen and you no longer need to stir it; bake the pancakes right away. In this case, use a ladle to lift the dough from the bottom to the very top.

Pancakes with seasoning

When baking, pour some dough into the middle of the pan and rotate it so that the dough spreads. After the pancake is browned on the bottom, turn it over with a spatula and fry the other side.

Grease the finished pancakes with butter and place them aside. To keep the pancakes hot and delicious, place them in a warm oven until you finish baking the rest.

What to do if pancakes stick?

Experienced cooks advise that to prevent pancakes from sticking, you need to use a special pancake frying pan for cooking. It’s better if you cook only pancakes on it and nothing but pancakes. By the way, “sour” pancakes, that is, those cooked with yeast, rarely stick.

You should start frying in a hot frying pan, and then reduce the heat. A regular frying pan can be treated as follows: drop some vegetable oil on it, heat it up, remove from heat, add salt and rub it over the frying pan with a piece of cloth (by the way, it should not be Teflon). After this, the vessel should be washed.

What to do if pancakes burn? A very common question that housewives ask. The answer is simple - a lot depends on the frying pan. You should treat it with salt or buy a special pancake pan. Remember that over time, any utensils will wear out.

If the pancakes tear, then you most likely did not maintain the proportions. If we planned thick ones, we added baking powder; thin ones, we added flour.

Pancakes with filling

Everyone knows pancakes with meat, pancakes with cottage cheese too. These are the most popular fillings. However, amateurs recommend making baked goods with fish, such as salmon, and gourmets recommend making baked goods with red caviar.

Stuffed pancakes “Sacks”

The recipe for making such pancakes is banal. First you need to prepare the right pancakes and pack them in an envelope with the filling inside. Almost all products are suitable for the filling: cottage cheese, mushrooms, berries and fruits, mashed potatoes, herbs.

The editors of the site wish you bon appetit and new culinary successes in preparing the original Russian dish.

Secrets of experienced housewives for baking pancakes

To make your pancakes even more delicious and pleasing to the eye, take note of the following secrets.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


There is no exact answer to the question of how to knead the dough for pancakes so that it turns out perfect, because there are a lot of options. Learn universal recipes for preparing the base.

How to make pancake dough: 3 quick recipes

The main treat for Maslenitsa in Old Russian cuisine was pancakes. Golden, thick products were considered a symbol of the passing of the cold, hungry winter and the beginning of warm working days that would bring people a new harvest. In Rus', the classic dough was made on the basis of buckwheat flour, full-fat homemade milk or sour cream - the pancakes turned out to be thick, dense, generally ideal to become not even a dessert, but a main dish.

Fashion and tastes change over the years, therefore, today most housewives try to bake light pancakes with a lacy holey structure. Such products can be made using different methods, like making dough for pancakes. You can learn more about each of them by reading the material in the presented article.

Moreover, many people prefer to eat pancakes, adding condensed milk, sour cream, sugary-sweet jam or honey for taste. The above-mentioned products in combination with very fatty dough are incredibly difficult food for the stomach, which, in addition, turns out to be quite high in calories. If you don’t want extra wrinkles to appear on your figure after eating a portion, try to prepare the base from low-calorie ingredients. With such a base, pancakes will also turn out very tasty.

Pancake dough with milk

To reproduce the recipe described below, you can use either store-bought milk or homemade milk, which will be richer. Check out one of the most popular recipes among housewives, and step-by-step recommendations will help you understand how to make pancake dough the first time.

Take the following products:

  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 200 g;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the eggs and milk on the table in advance so that the ingredients have time to warm up to room temperature.
  2. Place the eggs in a bowl, add the specified amount of salt and sugar. It is worth noting that sugar should be added only if you plan to make pancakes with stewed cabbage, liver or any other unsweetened filling - this will make the dough tastier.
  3. Pour milk into the ingredients, mix everything carefully.
  4. Place a sieve on a bowl to sift the flour. Carrying out this procedure will allow you to get rid of lumps and get dough with a delicate airy structure. Add flour to the dough for thin pancakes gradually, dividing the total amount into several portions. Stir the mixture constantly. It will be easier to bake pancakes with milk if you bring the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream: the dough will spread well over the frying surface and will not wrinkle when turning.
  5. Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into the prepared pancake base, stir and begin the baking process.

Pancake dough with kefir

Thrifty housewives have long known how to make pancake dough at minimal cost. Using kefir, you don’t have to worry about whether to make and then store (and for how long) sour milk. In addition, you can bake pancakes with kefir and use them as a base for both a dish with a sweet filling (with berries, cottage cheese) and savory filling (with vegetables, fish or meat).

You need to take:

  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • flour – 200 g;
  • kefir 3% fat – 0.5 l;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt, soda, sugar - 0.5 tsp each.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep heat-resistant bowl, pour kefir into it, mix everything well.
  2. Warm up the workpiece, bringing it to 60 degrees over low heat - this is necessary so that the salt and sugar dissolve faster.
  3. Remove the container from the stove, add bulk ingredients (except soda), stir.
  4. Add sifted flour to pancake base.
  5. Dissolve the required amount of soda in one tablespoon of boiling water, immediately add the mixture to the kefir mixture.
  6. Pour the vegetable oil into the kefir base, leave the mixture warm for 1 hour, then start preparing the dish.

Pancake batter with water

The recipe for pancake dough is not particularly popular among housewives, compared to other options, but nutritionists recommend preparing products on this basis. The mixture turns out to be less high in calories, but it goes well with fruits and berries, so it can be used to make pancakes for breakfast, lunch or an afternoon snack. This pancake base is easy and quick to prepare.

Take the following ingredients:

  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour – 320 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • water – 0.5 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar, salt, and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add water to the ingredients, stirring the mixture constantly.
  3. While stirring the future base with a whisk (or use a mixer for this purpose), add sifted flour little by little. Bring the ingredients until smooth and you can bake pancakes.

Baking delicious pancakes

You have already learned how to prepare pancake dough by reading the material presented above. When the base is ready, it’s time to move on to the next step - directly to baking the products. You need to do it like this:

  1. Place the frying pan on the fire and wait until it gets hot.
  2. Grease the frying surface with vegetable oil. You will literally need a drop - use a brush to spread it all over the pan.
  3. Turn down the heat a little, bringing it to medium, because pancakes are usually baked, not fried.
  4. Take 2/3 of a ladle of the workpiece, quickly pour the mixture into the frying pan, holding it at a slight angle so that the dough spreads in a circle. It sets very quickly, but it is better to bake the bottom side for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Turn the product over to the other side by prying it with a wooden spatula. Bake for a couple more minutes until fully cooked.
  6. Place the finished pancake on a plate. If desired, brush one side with butter. If you want to get a less calorie dish, leave the surface dry. Covered with a lid, the pancakes will become soft. You can crunch the delicious “lace”, but to do this you need to leave the dish open.

The process of preparing the dough and actually baking the pancakes takes several hours, it’s a pity, but they are eaten instantly! To diversify the usual taste of the products, make them with a new filling each time. If you have children, serve your little ones with a sweet tooth pancakes with their favorite jam or preserves, they will definitely appreciate it!

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How to knead pancake dough correctly