Tatar cuisine, national dishes and recipes. Tatar cuisine - features with a centuries-old history

The cuisine of the Tatar people is known for its special cultural traditions, the roots of which go back centuries. The national cuisine reflects the richness of the Tatar ethnic culture and the living conditions of the people.

First courses of Tatar national cuisine

Noodle soup

Ingredients Quantity
chicken (fat) - 2 kg
filtered water - 3 l
bulb (large head) - 1 PC.
spices and seasonings - optional
homemade noodles - 120-150 g
potatoes - 6 pcs.
spread, margarine or butter - 5 g
chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
parsley, dill, cilantro - bunch
flour - 1 glass
Cooking time: 60 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 460 Kcal

Cooking recipe step by step:

  1. Wash the chicken carcass to remove any blood, cook over heat, select a large pan, and fill with the specified volume of water.
  2. Wait until the meat boils, reduce the heat and cook the carcass for about 20 minutes.
  3. Peel the onion and put the whole one in the broth, add salt. Continue cooking for an hour.
  4. Remove the chicken, add salt and pepper to the broth, add the noodles, cook for about five minutes until the noodles float to the surface, and let the soup simmer.
  5. Noodles can be prepared according to the following recipe: take the specified amount of flour, break two eggs into it, add salt and knead the dough, then put it in a plastic bag for 20 minutes. Then roll out two flat cakes from the dough, so thin that you can see the table. Place the cakes on a board for a while and let them dry, then cut them into strips. Place the cut noodles in the sun or in a warm, dry place.
  6. Cut the chicken into portions, let it cool, then brush with egg and heat in the oven at medium temperature for 15 minutes.
  7. Place the potatoes on a dish, add butter, sprinkle everything with herbs and add meat. Serve the soup separately.

Shulpa in a pot

Required ingredients:

  • meat with bones (beef, horse meat, lamb) - 150-200 g;
  • potatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • carrots - half a root vegetable;
  • onion - half a head;
  • ghee or butter – 30 g;
  • meat broth - 300 g;
  • seasonings - optional.

Calorie content: 520 kcal per 100 g.

Description of preparation:

  1. For the soup, take a small clay pot and heat it in the microwave or oven.
  2. Boil the meat, remove and cut into pieces, place in a pot.
  3. Strain the broth well.
  4. Chop the vegetables coarsely and place them in a pot in layers, alternating.
  5. Add pepper and salt to taste. Pour broth over the mixture.
  6. Place in the oven at 180 degrees and cook until done.
  7. Finely chop the greens, sprinkle on the finished dish,
  8. Pour the soup into a deep plate or leave it in a clay pot. The latter will look great together with a beautiful wooden spoon.

Main course recipes

Azu in Tatar

Required ingredients:

  • meat - beef or lamb tenderloin - about 1 kg;
  • onion – 3 heads;
  • potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 6 pcs. medium size, or tomato paste – 500 g;
  • broth - 1 l;
  • garlic – 7 cloves;
  • pickled cucumbers – 7 pcs.;
  • greens – any, about 150 g;
  • melted butter – 100 g;
  • seasonings - to taste.

Time spent on cooking: 2-2.5 hours.

Calorie content: 390 kcal per 100 g.

Description of preparation:

  1. Cut the tenderloin into small pieces, approximately 2*3 cm, about 2 cm thick.
  2. Heat the oil in a thick-walled pan or cauldron, fry the meat until crusty and reduce the heat. Stew.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings, fry it in melted butter until golden.
  4. Place onions in a cauldron with meat and pour in tomato paste, or mash peeled tomatoes.
  5. Pour the resulting mass with broth and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes.
  6. Cut the cucumbers into small strips, peel them, add to the total mass and simmer for about 10 minutes.
  7. Cut the potatoes into cubes and fry in a separate frying pan in the same melted butter, but do not bring them to full readiness.
  8. Transfer the potatoes to the meat and simmer for about half an hour.
  9. Add finely chopped garlic and herbs to the finished dish.

Kazylyk – Tatar-style dried sausage

Required ingredients:

  • meat – 1-2 kg of peritoneal part of beef or horse meat;
  • intestines or special film for sausage;
  • seasonings to taste.

Time spent on cooking: up to 3 months.

Calorie content: 300-350 kcal per 100 g.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Twist the meat or cut it into pieces 3 cm wide, 6 cm long, 2 cm thick, add a lot of pepper and salt, leave in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  2. Treat the intestines - rinse with water, then turn them inside out and get rid of mucus, wash, and tie the other end with coarse thread.
  3. Fill the intestines, alternating meat with pieces of fat.
  4. Use a toothpick or fork to make small holes in the intestine so that the fat can drain out.
  5. Hang the sausage for 2-3 days in the sun.
  6. For 2-2.5 months, put the kazylyk in a cellar or other dark, cool place.
  7. The finished sausage is cut into small circles like any other sausage and served as a second course along with fried potatoes.

Tatar pastries

Kystyby – flatbread with potatoes

Required ingredients:

  • milk – 2.5 cups;
  • head of garlic – 1 pc.;
  • bulb - large head;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • collection of seasonings for potatoes - to taste;
  • potatoes – 7-8 pcs.;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
  • margarine – 50 g;
  • flour - about 500 g.

Time spent cooking: about an hour.

Calorie content: 450 kcal per 100 g.

Description of preparation:

  1. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, put in a saucepan, add water and salt, bay leaf, garlic and cook until tender.
  2. Meanwhile, bring milk (200 ml) to a boil, stirring.
  3. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter until golden brown;
  4. Remove the garlic and leaves from the potatoes, beat the potatoes until pureed and add the fried onions. Wrap the pan with towels.
  5. Beat the egg in a bowl and add margarine, salt, milk (100 ml), sugar, mix.
  6. Add flour to the mixture and knead the dough. Leave it in the cold for 20 minutes.
  7. Make a small “sausage” from the dough, divide it into 16 equal parts, roll each piece a little in flour.
  8. Dip the dough ball into flour and roll it into a flatbread, sprinkle it with flour so that it does not stick to the flatbread, then fry it in a frying pan with butter, put it on a plate and let it cool.
  9. Coat half of the resulting tortilla with mashed potatoes, about 2 tbsp. spoons.
  10. Cover with the unsmeared half of the puree and place the kystyby on a plate.

Baursak - Tatar bread

Required ingredients:

  • flour - about a kilogram;
  • eggs - a dozen;
  • salt – 2 tbsp;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • sunflower or olive oil – 1.5 cups;
  • melted butter – 10 g;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • baker's yeast – 10 g;
  • powdered sugar or condensed milk - optional.

Calorie content: 440 kcal per 100 g.

Description of preparation:

Dishes of Crimean Tatar cuisine

Lamb on the bone with vegetables

Required ingredients:

  • lamb - about 500 g, back;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes – 4-5 pcs.;
  • spices (coriander, cumin and others) - optional.

Cooking time: 1.5-2 hours.

Calorie content per 100 g: 500 kcal.

Description of preparation:

  1. Chop the meat into small cubes (3 by 4 cm), add a little salt and fry in oil until nicely crusted, but not completely cooked.
  2. Place the meat in a thick-walled pan or cauldron, cover the meat with water, add spices and chopped garlic.
  3. Simmer the meat for about 2 hours, covering it with a lid.
  4. Cut the potatoes and carrots into small cubes and add to the pan.
  5. Bring the lamb and side dish to readiness.


Required ingredients:

  • lamb (tenderloin) - 450 g;
  • medium-sized eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • potatoes - 2 small tubers;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • tail fat – 70 g
  • cabbage - 150 g;
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • lamb broth - 1 glass;
  • butter – 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - half a head;
  • tomato – 1-2 pcs.;
  • herbs and seasonings - to taste.

Time spent cooking: 2 hours.

Calorie content: 470 kcal per 100 g.

Description of preparation:

  1. Cut the lamb into cubes and the fat into small slices. Fry the lamb in a small amount of butter. Place everything in a thick-walled pan or cauldron.
  2. Chop the onions and carrots into thin half rings, and the tomatoes into small pieces.
  3. Peel the garlic heads and trim the roots.
  4. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into rings.
  5. Peel the eggplant and potatoes and cut into slices; remove thick veins from the cabbage and chop coarsely.
  6. First put the fat tail fat into a cauldron or pan, then the lamb, salt and add seasonings (it is better to choose cumin or a special mixture for lamb). Place vegetables (except potatoes) with herbs on top of the lamb, add salt and simmer for an hour.
  7. Place the potatoes on top of the vegetables and continue cooking over low heat for another 30-40 minutes.
  8. Serve the dish on the table, laying out the layers in reverse order. Garnish with cilantro.

Pita - round bread

Required ingredients:

  • kefir or warmed milk – 1 glass;
  • baker's yeast – 20 g;
  • onion – 2 pcs.;
  • ghee or butter – 50 g;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
  • sweet bell pepper – 2-3 pcs.;
  • chicken - 2 thighs;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 50 g;
  • mushrooms – 150 g;
  • seasonings (turmeric), spices - to taste

Time spent cooking: about 2 hours.

Calorie content: 550 kcal per 100 g.

Description of preparation:

  1. To make the dough, heat the milk without bringing it to a boil. Prepare the dough by adding yeast to the milk. Let the mixture stand for about 20-25 minutes in a warm place.
  2. Pass the flour through a sieve to make the dough more airy.
  3. Beat the egg with a whisk, add sugar and salt, bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, pour into the milk and add melted butter.
  4. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands, then send it to a warm place, covering it with a towel. The dough should rise to double size, which will take about an hour, then beat it again and leave for a while. While the dough is standing, remove the lamb from the bone and chop finely. Then chop the vegetables and mushrooms. Fry the meat first and then add the vegetables to the pan. Then let the filling simmer for about 30 minutes.
  5. Divide the dough into two small “pancakes”, thick enough to support the filling. Lay out the mixture of vegetables and meat, wrap the edges, you can first brush them with egg. You can sprinkle the product with sesame seeds. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes.

Preparing Tatar traditional dishes is a long process. High calorie content is simply necessary for a nomadic lifestyle. In the presented recipes, instead of the usual butter, Tatars, as a rule, use fat tail fat.

In Tatar cuisine you can find a wide variety of dishes. This is due to the fact that it is inextricably linked with the culture, traditions of the people and their way of life. Tatar dishes are hearty and based on an interesting combination of ingredients. They are easy to prepare and delicious in taste. In this article we will look at the best Tatar dishes (recipes with photos will be included).

The formation of cooking in Tatarstan

Culinary traditions have evolved over centuries. Most of the dishes are borrowed from nearby neighboring countries. The Tatars inherited recipes for preparing foods from flour and dairy products (for example, kabartma) from the Turkic tribes. Pilaf, sherbet, and halva were borrowed from; from Chinese - dumplings, as well as methods of brewing tea; from Tajik - baklava.

The Tatars have long been engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, which contributed to the predominance of flour, meat, dairy products, grains, legumes and various cereals in national dishes.

Tatars have their own food prohibitions. For example, according to Sharia it is forbidden to eat pork. The most commonly used meat in cooking is lamb. You can also eat young beef. The Tatars also breed horses, not only for agricultural needs, but also for making sausages (kazylyk). Horse meat is consumed dried, boiled and salted.

The most common Tatar broths and soups (ashlar, shurpa), meat, lean and dairy dishes. Their names are determined by the name of the seasoned products (vegetables, flour products, cereals).

Drinks include katyk, ayran and tea. In the national culture of the Tatars, there is the following tradition: when a person comes to visit, to show his respect, he is offered hot, strong black tea with sweets and fresh pastries.

It is worth noting this feature of this cuisine - all dishes can be divided into hot liquid and dough products and delicacies that are served with tea. Hot soups or broths are of primary importance. They are a mandatory part of meals at home. Depending on the broth in which these Tatar dishes are prepared, soups are divided into meat, dairy and vegetarian, and also according to the products with which they are seasoned, into vegetable, flour, and cereal.

Soup with flour dressing, namely noodles (tokmach), is very famous in Tatarstan.

Azu in Tatar


Wash and dry the beef. Cut into cubes two centimeters wide and four centimeters long. Fry in a well-heated frying pan. Then put the meat in a pan, add salt and pepper. Add fried onions and tomato paste (you can use fresh tomatoes). Pour in the broth and boil for thirty minutes. Cut the potatoes into large cubes. Fry until half cooked. Place in a saucepan with meat, add finely chopped pickles. Simmer everything until fully cooked. Serve this first dish sprinkled with finely chopped garlic and fresh herbs.

Kazan pilaf

This dish is served during dinner parties.


Sort the rice and rinse with water several times. Pour into a saucepan and fill with tap water. Cook until half cooked. Melt lard in a cauldron, add boiled meat cut into small pieces. Use lamb, beef or young horse meat, at your discretion. Then place carrots cut into slices and finely chopped onions on the meat. Place half-cooked rice on the vegetables, add a little broth and, without stirring, place on low heat. Simmer for no more than two hours. Before serving, add raisins to the pilaf, which must first be steamed in boiling water.

Tatar dough dishes (cooking recipes)

Tatarstan is famous for its baked goods made from yeast, sweet, butter and sour). The most famous Tatar dishes are kystyby, balesh, echpochmak, gubadia, dumplings, baursak and much more.

Not a single wedding, reception or holiday among the Tatars is complete without a national delicacy called chak-chak. This sweet dish is prepared from small strips made from butter dough. They are molded with honey. This dish is the “calling card” of Tatarstan.

Among the Tatars, bread is considered a sacred product; not a single festive or everyday meal is complete without it.

Also on the table you can see a huge variety of unleavened dough products. It is used to bake buns, flatbreads, pies, tea treats and other Tatar dishes.

Kystyby - fragrant flatbreads


Peel the potatoes well and cut into large cubes. Place in a saucepan, add water and add salt. Cook until the potatoes are fully cooked. Then drain the water and mash with a masher. Peel the onion and chop finely. Heat a frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown. Add hot milk, remaining butter and fried onions to the potatoes. Mix everything well.

Dust the counter with flour and turn out the dough. Roll into a sausage and cut into thick slices with a knife, which you then roll out into large flat cakes. Fry them in a hot frying pan on both sides (about three minutes).

Place potato filling on one half of the tortilla and cover with the other half. They should be filled while still hot. Be careful not to get burned! Before serving, brush the surface of the dish with butter.

Preparing the dough

You will need:

  • kefir - half a glass;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • baking powder - one tsp;
  • margarine - 50 grams;
  • sugar - one tsp;
  • flour - five hundred grams.

Start kneading the dough. Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl except flour. Sift it. Then add flour gradually. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Cover with a towel and let stand for twenty minutes.

How to cook the oldest dish of Tatarstan - balish

The main ingredient is meat. As described above, Muslims do not add pork to Tatar dishes. Balish is prepared with lamb.


Cooking method

First, knead the dough and separate a quarter of it. Roll out the remaining piece (thickness - no more than five millimeters). Prepare the meat: rinse, remove from the bone and cut into medium cubes. Peel the potatoes and cut them into the same pieces. Mix meat and potatoes, add finely chopped onion, salt and pepper according to your taste. Add the oil and mix everything. Place the prepared filling into the pan on top of the dough. Form into a mound and gather the edges of the dough. Roll out a smaller piece of dough and cover the balish with it. Seal the edges, make a hole in the middle of the pie and plug it with a dough plug. Brush the top of the balish with oil. Bake for an hour and a half in a preheated oven. After the time has passed, remove the pie, open the cork, and pour in the broth. Plug the cork and place the balish in the oven to bake for another half hour. After the time is up, remove and serve with strong tea.

Treat yourself and your loved ones with dishes of Tatar cuisine. Bon appetit!

Tatar cuisine, perhaps one of the most delicious and famous in the whole world.


The Tatars, who are descendants of Turkic-speaking tribes, took a lot from them: culture, traditions and customs.
It is from the times of the Volga Bulgaria - the ancestor of Kazan, that Tatar cuisine begins its history. Even then, in the 15th century. this state was a highly developed commercial, cultural and educational city, where peoples of different cultures and religions lived together. In addition, it was through it that the great trade route connecting the West and the East passed.
All this, undoubtedly, affected the modern traditions of the Tatars, including Tatar cuisine, which is distinguished by its variety of dishes, satiety, at the same time ease of preparation and elegance, and, of course, extraordinary taste.
Basically, traditional Tatar cuisine is based on dishes made from dough and various fillings.
Well, let's start getting acquainted?

Tatar hot dishes

Translated from Tatar “bish” is the number 5, “barmak” is a finger. It turns out 5 fingers - this dish is eaten with fingers, all five. This tradition dates back to the times when Turkic nomads did not use cutlery while eating and took meat with their hands. This is a hot dish consisting of finely chopped boiled meat, lamb or beef, with onions cut into rings, and unleavened boiled dough in the form of noodles, all of which is strongly peppered. It is served on the table in a cauldron or cast iron, and from there everyone takes with their hands as much as they want. Along with it, they usually drink hot, rich meat broth, lightly salted and peppered.

Traditional chicken noodle soup, which includes potatoes, chicken meat and finely chopped homemade noodles. This dish has a special taste thanks to the combination of these products. Yes, the soup is really incredibly tasty and rich.
Already in the plate, the soup is usually sprinkled with a small amount of herbs (dill or green onions).
This is a fairly light dish that does not cause any heaviness in the stomach.

Azu in Tatar
It is a stew of meat (beef or veal) with potatoes and pickles, with the addition of tomato paste, bay leaf, garlic, onion, and, of course, salt and pepper. Prepared in a cauldron or other cast iron cookware. A delicious, very filling dish!

A traditional roast consisting of horse meat (less commonly lamb, beef or chicken). The meat is fried in a frying pan very hot with fat. Fried meat, as a rule, is placed in a casserole dish or other elongated form, onions, potatoes, salt, pepper, bay leaf are added, and the whole thing is stewed in the oven. The dish has a very beautiful appearance, and most importantly, an incredible smell and taste!

Steamed meat rolls. In addition to minced meat, the dish includes potatoes, onions, flour, and eggs. Katlama is Tatar manti, so it is prepared in a mantyshnitsa. After cooking, it is cut into pieces 3 cm thick, poured with melted butter and served. The dish is usually eaten with hands.

Tatar pastries

Translated from Tatar “ech” means the number 3, “pochmak” means angle. It turns out 3 angles, or a triangle. This is the generally accepted name for this dish.
They are juicy, very tasty pies with finely chopped meat (lamb is best), onions and potatoes. Sometimes a little fat tail fat is added to the filling. Echpochmak is prepared from unleavened or yeast dough.
The peculiarity of this dish is that the filling is placed in the dough raw. Salt and pepper must be added to it.
The triangles are baked in the oven for about 30 minutes. Served with salted and peppered rich meat broth.

Pies fried in a frying pan with a lot of oil or special fat. They are prepared from unleavened or yeast dough with meat filling (usually minced beef with finely chopped onion and ground pepper). They have a round shape. A very filling and tasty dish! Served with sweet tea.

They are flatbreads with potatoes. Flatbreads are prepared from unleavened dough in a very hot frying pan, without oil. Mashed potatoes are prepared separately, which is then placed in small portions into each flatbread. Kystybyki turn out to be very soft, tender, filling and incredibly tasty! They are usually consumed with sweet tea.

A delicious, hearty pie made from potatoes and duck or chicken meat.
It is prepared mainly from unleavened dough. The filling is added in large quantities. Fatty meat juice is periodically added to the small hole on top during cooking.
Varieties of pie: vak-balesh (or elesh) - “small” and zur-balesh - “big”.
Whatever the size of the balesh, it is always a real holiday!

Tatar snacks

Another name is horse meat in Tatar. This is raw smoked horse meat (in the form of sausage), dried using a special technology, with the addition of spices and salt. It is believed to have a beneficial effect on men's health, giving strength and energy.

One of the popular types of traditional snacks, consisting of lamb meat (beef or horse meat), sprinkled with spices, garlic, salt, pepper and vinegar. Then the meat is wrapped, turning it into a roll, and fried in a frying pan. After cooking, the roll is divided into parts. The dish is served chilled.

Tatar tenderloin
The tenderloin is fried in animal fat, then stewed, adding onions, carrots, and sour cream cut into rings. The finished dish is laid out in a special elongated dish, boiled potatoes are placed next to it, and the whole thing is sprinkled with herbs. If desired, you can add more cucumbers and tomatoes.

Tatar sweets

A sweet treat made from dough with honey. The dough resembles brushwood, consists of small balls, sausages, flagella, cut into noodles, fried in a large amount of oil. After preparing them, everything is poured with honey (with sugar). Usually chak-chak is decorated with nuts, grated chocolate, candies, and raisins. Cut into pieces and drink with tea or coffee. As they say - you'll lick your fingers!

A sweet cake with several layers. Its filling consists of boiled rice, eggs, kort (dried cottage cheese), raisins, dried apricots and prunes. To make Gubadiya, yeast or unleavened dough is used. This dish is one of the most delicious in Tatar cuisine. Prepared for holidays and major celebrations. Tea is usually served with the pie.

A very tender, tasty pie consisting of yeast dough and sour cream, beaten with eggs and sugar. It is usually served for dessert, with tea. Sour cream literally melts in your mouth, so sometimes you don’t even notice how you eat it.

Talkysh Kelyave
In appearance they can be compared to cotton candy, but they are made from honey. These are small dense pyramids, homogeneous in mass, with an extraordinary honey aroma. Sweet, melt in your mouth - pure pleasure. A very original dish!

Tatar pancakes made from yeast or unleavened dough. Koymak can be made from any type of flour: wheat, oat, pea, buckwheat. Serve it with butter, sour cream, honey or jam.

Tatar bread

A dish prepared from yeast dough, fried in a frying pan or in the oven under an open fire. Usually eaten hot, with sour cream or jam.

Rye bread prepared with hop sourdough with the addition of bran and honey. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes. Eat it with sour cream or butter.

Tatar drinks

a drink made from horse milk, whitish in color. Pleasant to the taste, sweetish-sour, very refreshing.
Koumiss can turn out differently - depending on the production conditions, the fermentation process and the cooking time. It can be strong, having a slightly intoxicating effect, and it can be weaker, with a calming effect.
It is a general tonic. It has a number of useful properties:
- has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
- has bactericidal properties;
- effective for stomach ulcers;
- preserves youthful skin;
- promotes rapid healing of purulent wounds, etc.

A product made from cow, goat or sheep milk, obtained on the basis of lactic acid bacteria. It is a type of kefir. It looks like liquid sour cream. A light, but at the same time satisfying drink that quenches thirst very well.

Translated from Turkic “kat” means food. It is a type of curdled milk. It is made from milk by fermenting it with special bacterial cultures. It has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other types of fermented milk drinks, which consist in preparing it from boiled milk, which makes it fattier. Yes, katyk is a truly satisfying drink, and at the same time very healthy!

Traditional milk tea
At the same time, tea can be either black or green, the main thing is that it is strong. A little more than half of the tea is poured into the cup, the rest is filled with milk (preferably cold). It was believed that nomadic Turkic tribes used this tea as food. It's really very filling!

You can try all of the above dishes:
- in the Bilyar restaurant chain;
- in the cafe "Tea House";
- in the bakeries "Katyk";
- in the chain of stores "Bakhetle".


The culinary traditions of Tatar cuisine have evolved over many centuries. The people carefully keep the secrets of national dishes, passing them on from generation to generation.
Liquid hot dishes - soups and broths - are of primary importance in Tatar cuisine. Depending on the broth (shulpa) in which they are prepared, soups can be divided into meat, dairy and lean, vegetarian, and according to the products with which they are seasoned, into flour, cereal, flour-vegetable, cereal-vegetable, vegetable. The most common first course is noodle soup (tokmach). For the second course, serve meat or chicken boiled in broth, cut into large pieces, and boiled potatoes. During dinner parties, especially among city residents, pilaf and traditional meat and cereal belish are served. In Tatar cuisine, all kinds of porridges are often prepared - millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, peas, etc. Products made from sour (yeast) dough are highly valued. These primarily include bread (ikmek). Not a single dinner (regular or festive) can pass without bread; it is considered sacred food. In the past, the Tatars even had a custom of swearing with ip-der bread.


Unleavened flatbread with mashed potatoes. Sometimes kystybyi is made with porridge or vegetable stew. But this is the exception rather than the rule.


Cutlet in dough.


Unleavened dough pie with various fillings.


Pies with chicken and potatoes.

flour 600 g.
chicken egg 2 pcs.
sunflower oil 5 tsp
butter 5 tbsp.
baking powder 1 tsp.
legs 3 pcs.
potatoes 4 pcs.
onion 1 pc.
To create the dough you will need to mix a little water, sour cream, vegetable and butter, sugar and salt. In a large container, you also need to sift the flour and combine it with baking powder. After this, a small depression is made in the center, the oil mixture is poured into it and 2 chicken eggs are broken. Using a fork, mix the yolks and whites well and begin mixing in the flour. After this, it is recommended to knead the dough by hand. Thus, it will acquire a homogeneous and elastic mass. When the dough is ready, it must be wrapped in a bag and placed in a cold place.
Next you will have to start preparing the legs. To do this, you need to rinse them well and remove all the white veins. It is also necessary to cut the meat from the bones and dry it. After this, the chicken meat will need to be cut into small pieces.
Onions and potatoes are also peeled and cut into small cubes. Then the meat is mixed with finely chopped onions and potatoes. At the same time, salt, pepper and spices are added to taste. For an improved rich taste of the filling, you can add a little mustard. You won’t have to let the filling sit for a long time; you can immediately start preparing the elesh.
The dough is divided into 8 equal parts. A little dough is pinched off from each. This should result in 8 large and 8 miniature balls. It is recommended to roll out large balls and place a small piece of butter and a few spoons of filling in the center. A small ball of dough is also rolled out, but it needs to be placed on top of the filling. After this, the edges of the large ball rise up and connect to the top layer of dough.
At the next stage of cooking, it is important to heat the oven to 190 degrees. The elesh preparations, which are laid out on a baking sheet, will need to be greased with thick cream or butter. This will make the baked goods crispier. This dish is baked for 45 minutes until golden brown. When the eles are completely ready, it is recommended to cover them with something and let them cool.

Triangle, echpochmak

A triangular-shaped pastry with potatoes and meat, usually lamb.


Bekkens are slightly larger in size than regular pies and are slightly curved. Most often they are prepared with cabbage and eggs, although there are also options with pumpkin and rice.

Toche koymak

Traditional Tatar pancakes made from yeast dough. Not to be confused with "kaimak". Kaymak is sour cream in Tatar.


Steamed meatloaf.

Azu in Tatar

Azu is a favorite dish of many, consisting of fried pieces of meat (beef, lamb or young horse meat), stewed with tomatoes (or tomato sauce), onions, potatoes (often with slices of pickled cucumber) in a spicy sauce.


Horse meat sausage.


A multi-layer pie, which is most often prepared from rice, eggs and raisins (prunes or dried apricots) with the addition of kyrt.
A mini version of Gubadiya is called uenchek.


Tatar cottage cheese with a caramel-creamy taste and pleasant aroma.


Product made from dough with honey.

Talkysh Kaleve

Tatar national sweet. It is somewhat reminiscent of cotton candy, but cotton candy is made from granulated sugar, and talkysh kaleve is made from natural honey. And cotton candy is large and fluffy, and Talysh Kaleve is small dense pyramids of a homogeneous mass with the fragrant aroma of honey and melted butter. Very sweet, melting in your mouth and delivering incomparable pleasure.

Tatar cuisine it means not just a banal list of dishes that have been prepared from time immemorial, but a real treasure of Tatar culture, because it has reached us almost unchanged to this day. Throughout the history of its existence, the cuisine of this eastern people has been subject to the influence of many nationalities: Arabs, Chinese, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kazakhs, and in some ways even Russians. However, despite this, the Tatar national cuisine was able to maintain its originality.

How does Tatar cuisine stand out from other cuisines of the world? The answer is quite simple. The thing is that the majority of Tatars profess Islam, which means that it is forbidden for them to eat pork, some game (for example, falcons and swans), as well as alcohol. However, this did not impoverish Tatar cooking at all!

Tatars love meat and use it in many recipes. The most popular is lamb, followed by beef, horse meat and chicken. For example, it is simply impossible to imagine the traditional cuisine of the Tatar people without a thick and satisfying soup made with strong meat broth. An example of such a dish is Shurpa or Lagman, which you will see in both the festive and everyday diet of the Tatars.

Traditional main courses are quite varied. Among them are the following most notable dishes:

As you can see, baking occupies a central place in the Tatar diet. In addition, we would like to note that side dishes are also common, which are most often prepared from all kinds of cereals and legumes. Salads are also very popular, which, however, you most likely will not see on the menu of a national restaurant, because, as a rule, the dishes are homemade.

By the way, a characteristic feature of the national cuisine of the Tatar people is the constant use of large amounts of animal fat in cooking. This “culinary secret” makes them very, very tasty. There is no need to talk about the satiety of such dishes!

Speaking about Tatar cuisine, one cannot fail to note the great passion of this people for milk and dairy products. The milk itself, as a rule, was intended for children, and adults made all kinds of fermented milk products: ayran, katyk, eremchek (cottage cheese), kort (Tatar cheese) and many others.

By the way, Tatar cuisine is most famous for its desserts. It is probably impossible to find a person who has not heard of such a dish as “Chak Chuck”. It consists of balls or strips made from butter dough, which are generously poured with honey. Another traditional Tatar dessert is baursak. It consists of donuts, which are usually served with tea. Another very tasty dessert of Tatar cuisine is Kosh tele, which literally means the tongues of birds. In our understanding, this sweet dish is nothing more than Brushwood, which you are probably familiar with.

And to top it off, we would like to draw your attention to one interesting feature. The cuisine of the Crimean Tatars, and especially those who live near the coast, is somewhat different from the cuisine of the steppe Tatars. So, for example, the former introduce more fruits and vegetables into their diet, while the latter more often feast on meat in a variety of culinary preparations and dairy products. Although the list of dishes traditional for this eastern people is almost identical, that is, it does not undergo any special changes depending on the particular area where the Tatars live.

Recipes for preparing traditional Tatar dishes are not so complicated, although, of course, they have their secrets. We will tell you about them on the pages of this section. All the recipes given here can be safely called full-fledged master classes, because they not only contain detailed instructions, but also step-by-step photos. We hope that thanks to them you will easily master Tatar cuisine and delight your loved ones with culinary masterpieces that are completely unusual for them!